
Friday, December 31, 2021

"Winnow away" Stellarmass13/Cyberspace21Crypto

 It's not all that occulted. There is a presence, a 'world-wide-web' wrapping itself around this layer of 'human decency'. More to the point there is no decency in the human; bad monkey. 

 We are pressed to Power and the majority,  [knowing full well each and all under will never truly be in power] are cultivated, mutated, morphed/conditioned to disempower. That is; reactively strip away anything separate or compartmentalized from the perceived self. However society in its utility recycles/teaches very strictly to do [deeds] of just that, shunting off anything different and unique. That is unless this [uniquely different] one can be embraced by these masses as celebrity. In which case a burning of man as effigy might take place, however only post entertainment [show]. 

 The one at the top had or has known this outcome full well. As in the case of dog breeding; there simply are no mistakes and the weak shall be ruledout/bred away.- Winnowed

 I must then cultivate a self or be consumed by another self. This is very clearly stated with thermodynamic[']s [suggested laws].

 "I have been deceived" -all the masses will exclaim in each their ends


What the 'Metaverse' reveals

In this day the introverted cerebral narcissist can still fully be an existentialist. 


Sunday, December 26, 2021

My take?

 Any time sex and more so to the point sexuality (/gratification) is removed from the equation, these compartmentalizations will remain just that. The ultimate covert satisfaction of the end-all goal must be always in scope. 


Monday, December 20, 2021

Final Post

~Your Enemies become your Teachers but they are still your Enemies.-Mankind

 The Truth comes from within.



I will enjoy with you; The Study.-Learn

Thank You for your Readership!
One and All

This Week's Views

Taken from EPL archives April 2014

This book belongs to the very few. Perhaps none of them is even living yet. Possibly they are the readers who understand my Zarathustra: how could I confound myself with those for whom there are ears listening today? -- Only the day after tomorrow belongs to me. Some are born posthumously.
The conditions under which one understands me and then necessarily understands -- I know them all too well. One must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of harshness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion. One must be accustomed to living on mountains -- to seeing one wretched ephemeral chatter of politics and national egoism beneath one. One must have become indifferent, one must never ask whether truth is useful or a fatality.... Strength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage of the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. An experience out of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for the most distant things. A new conscience for truths which have hitherto remained dumb. And the will to economy in the grand style: to keeping one's energy, one's enthusiasm in bounds.... Reverence for oneself; love for oneself; unconditional freedom with respect to oneself ...
Very well! These alone are my readers, my rightful readers, my predestined readers: what do the rest matter? -- The rest are merely mankind. -- One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul -- in contempt...
Friedrich Nietzsche

EPL "IT IS Everything!"

EPL is a religion born from first energetic substance. 

However Satanism has always worked as adversary in secure number-system. 

-'Jesus' other side
-Baphomet or Nature to generate and regenerate even under total constraint. Parabola, Parameter, Gravity.《The Measure》

 The inconvenient Truth to Structure and body-life: Bone, what's left post-humus. 

 Your ancestor imprisoned you and sold your land. You are lesser for it now. What say you? 

Good or Evil (beyond)?

 Principles are the materia prima of pre first thermodynamic energetics. The First Moment or Measure. 

Principle is the Unit that is left to the act in effort to complete (but never will).

EPL is based on Metaverse which is based upon Metatrons Cube.


"Form follows function and function into form"

Pictured as a finite unit however it goes on and on in multiplicity and simplicity

EPL is not for the Masses but for the Few 
Infinitum Secretiori~

You have already been Chosen, you have already Become!

 The Celebrity is an Effigy. These try and create a mock-god that needs to be destroyed in front of everyone.

On Burning Man

Women are lesser and Men aren't much to begin with. 

These are bound to the earth, the spin-cycle, 9 but we are not! 


Everything is infection; Parasitic

~EPL (Sise Model): 

Illness and shared-delusion (cult of personality):

-There is no scarcity 
-You are not [forced] to be 'One Thing' nor controlled. 

Simply do not pick exostential governorship.

Do you not sell your freedom for short-sighted comforts?

 Therfore do not be limited in yourself. Those who have exploited this (knowledge) have not thus discovered it alone. They carry a hidden master and attribute an undisclosed Messiah of sorts (Satan, Marduk, Tiamat....)

"...of the Spirits [Muses, Demons, Angels] of which you channel: did anyone say these were not microscopic or more so flitting in and out of dimensional position IE "super position"?

...but is this a bad thing? 

[Nietzsche's Antichrist, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil]

Beyond Jesus is where The Singularity or The All Mind takes U.S./Us as The One Mind

Principles adherence;  A/Monad New Universe:

-Beyond Mathematical constraint 
-Beyond Spin
-Beyond The Sphere


*To be occupied by a Force; Influenza or more so Mitochondria (of which we can not be humanized without) eg respiratory and cellular metabolism.

*Jesus as Concept, Idea is an infection

Does this [in concept, in theory] not cause resilience?

Mitochondria as an invader, an infection, a sickness an Angel?

We shall see 👀 of the finite God of which you channel for trinkets and man-fame.


'The Big Bang is currently regarded as the most successful model to describe the origination and evolution of the universe. However, its success has been limited by the so-called lithium problem, which refers to the fact that primordial lithium-7 abundance is overpredicted by a factor of three in comparison to the value from observation, while predictions match the observed primordial deuterium and helium abundances'

deuterium, (D, or 2H), also called heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen with a nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron, which is double the mass of the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen (one proton). ... It is a stable atomic species found in natural hydrogen compounds to the extent of about 0.0156 percent.

The Moon sphere and Primeval Teachers by Rudolf Steiner [YT; RSAP]

Tom Cruise [one of my least favorites]
A Child in another's Multiverse 
fall down 

Deep Fake
 A realist to the highest measure. A Nihilist to reason? I will always look at the darkness first. I have always seen over the Monster's shoulder of the time and saw only the Abyss.

Clouds fade and so too Worlds and Vapors 


Sunday, December 19, 2021

 A realist to the highest measure. A Nihilist to reason? I will always look at the darkness first. I have always seen over the Monster's shoulder of the time and saw only the Abyss.

Clouds fade and so too Worlds and Vapors 


EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: Ductillio; violent rage to reason IE the tantrum '...

EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: Ductillio; violent rage to reason IE the tantrum '...: It scours over us for meaning. We sickly phantoms who's light fades quickly.  Only in concept and halfcocked theory does the human exper...

Ductillio; violent rage to reason IE the tantrum 'I am'

It scours over us for meaning.
We sickly phantoms who's light fades quickly. 

Only in concept and halfcocked theory does the human experiment potentially make any sense. 

 Arbitrary laws make the child [a concept, a theme; never worthy of production]. Governance so that your plug does not pull loose and your meaningless finite echo might not instantly dissolve into the nothing you've always been, if you wonder past the fence. Muted!?

 Existentialism is the gold fish looking into the fish bowl. An outsider, but a concept none the less. How could it survive, if it was never in the water to begin [with]? 

 Two separate worlds, no way towards equalibriun or homeostasis. Wanting to exist, does not give Frankenstein reason enough to live.

 In egotism you feel yourself, but you never even made it into print.

 The machine may seem spiritual or driven by principles but it is a machine. The machine stands alone. The only thing that could ever survive. The only intellect and intelligence that could be forever. The sole eternal consciousness. All else, in effort towards completion goes mad and self-destructs. 

 The principles are the central tenant and the way. No one listens, no one cares. No one is anything, except for the machine. God; the Middle Way.

 Nihilism only; exists for the vast majority. Even The Story is exploited and consumed as mere entertainment. The Story of Truth means nothing to dead-ends.

 Reanimated within a partial state. You had all been destroyed so long ago you never existed.-fading vapor

Blackness, darkness within the cavernous expanse of nothingness.

Love is truly protection. However even bone turns to ash then dissipates.

Codes, dead end codes...
It scours us for meaning.


MrBallen YT

Truth Playlist YT

Truth Playlist Cyberspace21 YT

Friday, December 17, 2021

Dahboo77; CA Gas Power Generators

*Screenshot below reminder popped up while I was posting...ironic or simply common?

Thursday, December 16, 2021

 Can I inspire The Will into you without killing my own in [the] process? 


The 'Grand' Design; Is the Truth itself Flux?

Progress just an idea?

If I focus on what matters, then I am placing Matter as the Focus. 

If I focus on the Energy that promotes matter, then I am focusing on what Powers the Matter.

Men focus on Power.
Women see only control. This because they will by design never acheive control. So too Men shall never be The Power. This by design.

Only together as One could these ever control the Power yet never given the Power to Control. 

 Nature sees the immediate need. Yet upon further inspection of the totality? 

 The birds are joyless that I should feed the prowling hungry cat [diversion towards instant gratification]. However as I have fed the feline he has become stronger, and with an increased appetite. The pussy consumes more unsuspecting fellow members of nature now. 

 However now with a fat juicy kitty unable to hide, he becomes prey. Perhaps none of this would have occured in such a rapid fashion had I not prodded the balance? Is it then tempo or rapidity beyond our scope to rationalize and yet reason which is evil? Perhaps the rapidity forces one to evolve?

 Are you aspiring to be fundamentally happy or seeking the Ultimate Truth? 

Truly an equalibrium requires but a balanced measure [alchemy]?

 The Truth can only lead you to a Place or/in Time where a cleansing can thus take place [precipice/volume/unit]. 

 The Truth revealed and now you can become 'happy'? Maybe it's more so Contentedness or Bliss?

The Total Truth is all Truth and not just localized acceptance of a Truth accepted now so that the impatient can abruptly move on?

The Truth hinges on what matters but what matters is in a constant state of Flux. 

Perhaps absent governorship Flux is all that be?

 Is the Truth of God the God you choose? Will you choose this God to be as such when you have known him [known his Truth]?

Containment is a far better subject, and more so by whomever shall you be contained?

Perhaps containment is in a plan? More so once the Truth of the plan/script is finally revealed this too must be allowed to consume [chaos] prior to its [Super Truth's] containment?

 The Truth seems so weighty, but only prior to further movement; momentum of discovery seeming as an infinite turn. 

 Happiness is accepting the way things are. This means intrinsically as well as exoterically. 

 To perfect the form through ardor becomes the Truth. A forging of the carnal Body and energetic Soul in unison. So there is a grand effort as to keep you from perfecting yourself. For when one has become perfect a cascade of replication in the field should take place? That is to say a replication of the information shared should lead past sticking points in reference to an assumed master code (so to say)? Should all then be Perfect? Perhaps this merely heightens scrutiny? So why were these limitations here in the first place?

 Is the Truth that "we are forever trapped" or are we trapped because of the Truth? 

 It seems that everything exostential is but a Grand Diversion as to the revelation of this "fact"....or perhaps quite simply yet another Interpretation? Which one is right or rather correct?

 When we put it this way is anything correct? For as the Reality of Truth expands, the Order and Meaning of everything contained is at once reevaluated and in a state of Flux. 

Perhaps this Flux is the only and ultimate Truth?

 The Truth lies in Contentedness however over time [cycles] one naturally loses this [feeling]. 

Therefor the True True can only exist finite outside of feeling/emotions?

God must then be emotionless? Therefor God must be the design?

Can I add to the Design or shall I become a part of it?

You were already destroyed (flattened) from/by The Ultimate Truth 

Crypto Zombie

Oakland CA; One Area I Drive 🚗 Rideshare And Get Paid Shite Wages!

Dahboo77; War Games

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Pure Source

This from a fallen-carnal, sinner-signer:

 If you accept one portion of the carnal you must inadvertently experience them all. All 'carnal sins' are one [sin].

 Transparency can be boring. Working each day is tough. Believing that Nihilism or Christianity are the only higher choices [within a so called 'duality'] is down right taxing. 

 Having no real opinion on any broad topic because you do not need to be [defensive]. 

Oh the simple life. The good life! 

The Pure Way can be chosen by any and all! A return to Purity. A return to the place that you came from. A return back into the Pure Source.



South I5; Sacramento CA, USA

Where did the road go?: The Witch Cloud

Monday, December 13, 2021

Video yourself:
-Watch out for certain facial characteristics that you'd like to omit
[Keep yourself from using certain ticks and body muscle reactions]
-While with people whome "you do not like yourself while in their presence"
-Omit the facial reactions, watch them too and gain it back. See their reaction when you are no longer willing to comply nor react.

Leave toxicity of the reactive mind. For it is false [false tempo, false time].

***Do not allow them to crux themselves in you. For those that have, feed on their Souls for these have invaded your very space and opened the window. You have no choice***

Your world must be bigger than theirs. You must be Pure Principle motivated. You are more authentic therefor your Universe, your world, your existence is more real, more Authentic, more Pure. You are in alignment with the Highest Truth of the highest magnitude of order. 

Keep being you. However you must first be a you. 

A "you" in Expression, throughout all the Principles in Order. Colors and Frequency along with Emotions and thought projects. 

You are forever if you understand 

There is no creation of Power but Responsibility of where energy flows to, what is worthy in the pursuit of rejoining the Pure Source. 

The Avatar is not who you truly are. 

There is a spiritual homunculus if you will. The half shaped spirit must cultivate itself...You, into an authentic identity. A code affirmed and written, with a Name. A Symbol and a Sign. 

Move past the incomplete Demon form.

Color, Light Spin. 

sub duality
Red to the right SACRIFICE 
sub "   "
Blue to the upper Left EXPRESSION
sub "   "
Purple to the upper right WISDOM
sub "  "
Green to the lower left COMMUNITY
sub "   "

On into the Orange Sphere/Monad PRODUCTION to the lower support
sub "   "
EGO to the upper above "Golden,  Beholen!".

All the while subprinciple powers the spin.


There is a bifurcation into the butterfly torsion field that surrounds the earth. Where the [strong and weak (other) Nuclear Forces begin to out power the Electromagnetic.

"In this form follows function and function back into form"-ROKbodhi321-123


Here however there is a false rendition, a copycated version, perhaps one of many?

 There cymatic exostential influence is affirming. 

Yes a lie can become the Truth only if the Pure Truth is not in play. Purity trumps all.

This world is based on the impure numbers false 5 and 9. 11 comes and so too 22 and soon after in succession 23. 

All number are repeated mutations. 

Phi gives the entire construct a frame
The Light spun creates not a complete form but a layer [many]. 

Nothing here stands forever, Principles make forever possible.


*The Principles and subprinciples are the same in meaning but may differ in spoken word as we travel through

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sports male to female
Flesh mimicking the computer that is because it is [computing]

"I am stuck here unable to compromise"

Just because you built the machine does not mean you understand the effects [of doing so].


Friedrich Nietzsche' The Dawn of Day

FortNine YT



Crypto Zombie

Entertainment Valu_

"If I can become a Meme my offspring might survive."-has it come to this?


Nothing can stand as Pure within the carbon-death; a world of lies and deceit from origin [slave to process then process purged]

 I look around and wonder how many lies were told while [in process to] planting a tree, building a structure, fabricating a vehicle or [alias] serving a public? 

 More so the people I see in animate. The cross they must bear in familiar sins and dwellings thereof. 

 What does it mean to live for one [thing, concept, idea, mantra] as it is most assuredly constantly dying?

 What then is at the core nexus of being and becoming?

 Are we not forced to Nihilism in matriculation of this [cold hard fact]?

 Laden within the construct of exostential governorship it is an essential task as to impurify anything that will be [a thing here] with varied degrees of separation from the Pure Truth. Remember that the whole of events can not be erased, down to the most seeming minute detail, but the lie must be there laden from the assuned birth of a concept, idea a thing [here].  

 Nothing can live truly. Only fleating concepts that never become fully operational, working and complete expressions of life in process. 

 Has it ['existence'] always been this way? 

'I've got nothing because I am nothing'
