"Strange how One can not just simply be here.
The mere fact that movement must be made shows the complete Falsity of Thermodynamic albeit Electron Ionized Generation [The Generator]."
and so you do not know-
Much more to the point is that no one here can.
The essence is all that is left and ever shall remain.
Back into its own roots alone can this ever be accomplished.
There is no movement or deed but a return to what One was prior to this Prison birth.
The effigy as the Straw Man. Dead, gone, burned away. Never a clear sign nor indication that he ever truly [existed here/] was.
Have you always felt out of place?
Despite your abilities have you never found a cause to stand behind completely, no matter how hard you applied yourself?
Big bang?
Heaven is that state of Pure Source Contained as a constant.
Hell is all variant Principles that come after .
Of course the embracement of impurity is of another [antiprinciple] step further still. The back side or Dark Side [of the Moon]. The thick-black and dark density of the life death cycle; Matter[!].
Eventually the separation and processes vary so greatly that there can be no alliance. Only those who seek a neutral middle path are the true tenants in the corporeal.
Pure Principle
To ME Phi represents this Pleroma; Monad or True Steady State as emitting this Pure Source.
We practice these highest Principles outside Pleroma however all Principles are Shift Light Onion Layer Degrees digressing and pulling away from the Pure Source Contained Pleroma.
We can practice
We can yearn
However only in the shunting off, and away from Principle [back unto Purity] can a redemption ever take place; my Personal Walk.
Each Pure One will be stalked here by Psychopathic Demonic Minions
Immutable laws, that of polarity in specific only apply outside the True Pure Principle State of Being. Meaning [golden] to disprove you as their main point of interest.
The Psychopathic Agents can not exist outside this Prison Held Field; alchemically kept this way as the solution/environment.
The ripoff by the Thermodynamic Arbitrators.
"Look back 9 years [EPL] and you will clearly see fully that this [above] is no new concept I have come to understand!"
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