
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULYou may ask how do I know so much why is it I’m still or if I do know so much about the drug? As I said I am the curator to the mystic almond for I have seen it afar as well as understanding it’s multifarious detail intrinsic with all of its majestic and mind bending internal details. The Origin does have a force that is to say that the source of force does have a definite persona a personality if you will. Does the Sun know it shines? Or rather is the Sun experiencing and shine, the solar flares and eruptions working more as appendage? It could easily be argued that the Sun was just made that as you are not in constant monitor of all your physiologic goings on each passing moment. However we have learned (as to amend my prior sentence here) the moment is always and nothing seems to pass. Rather the moment like a tree with leaves gone parabolic reflector infinite projection of itself should now fold into themselves and with the adjacency of their like and kind. Nothing can hack the mystic almond and all of us are but daydreams within its field. Concurring dilemmas and figuring out how to break free. Just as soon as the physics and properties in sequence are becoming reliable and known another wave comes along and wipes the slate clean. This seems to happen in one form or another infinitely within the mystic almond field. I have learned to liken this entire phenomenon like a secondary plant metabolite. Somewhere there surely is an old and sacred tree within the nexus of its true core. Maybe this however was the past and what we are all experiencing with it is transcendence. I have drawn its basic form here and formulated as best I can the flux as it’s energy transfers as it rotates for another turn. One thing I can surely say is don’t become its exhaust.

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