
Monday, December 26, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Our true intentions gather there and though we could not see in all of our pretending thus The love that we have for false egocentric promise and glory as we clung to another saying “I love you!” The prayers that we made under the same parish roof only to pray to a different God. This written in our hearts as intention. You are now rich you have shown fully your goal in the working of the entirety of your life(s) [works]. I thought that you loved me. I thought that you cared deeply for me but you never knew me and used mistruths to contort what others thought. Ultimately the truth is there and I am no saint and neither are you. The intention grew stronger yet more sour and only you preferred the taste. Give me not prominence nor glory here but save mine just deserts to share only with those who’s true love as equally grown them so to forever nourish us all oh family my family my real family embrace me now that my heart grows ever colder, I am here for you now These beautiful and troubling words were muttered in those last moments by the man who handed me this now rudimentary scroll of the levels as he called them. Now of course coming into this fourth most parabolic development of the great mystic almond and its Corredor‘s of 34 and all the strange mystical maths following I do Solemnly swear. The almond is not unlike a sphere of sorts. No matter the distance size or continuity it is still quit literally the same and only in engineered and might I say planned alchemy do are there ever more and do they seem to differ. If I find that exact time place and zone down to the parallel lines of distinction what has occurred on or within one sphere has in someway or sort affected them all. The mystic almond is not to become common nor is it common at all. Those who find it and trace back the tempo of time in its way may see how the entire thing, life, existence, heaven and hell began. The debate has been long. This fight between two sides as to imply a dualism if you will? However those in the know who were always destined (and thus met their destinies) from this discover know. There are no sides. The darkness or the back side of life implies a sequence of thought and the tiers can get quite confusing if your foot is planted o one side or the other. If you are even capable as to simultaneously witness and know both sides you my friend have the burden of God deeply rooted in you. Have you never bothered to read a copy of the Gospel [according to/]of Thomas? So great is the burden then. It is no wonder no one lives to actually tell the tail. So ironic to this so called ‘dark side’ that purity would be the cause to kill off the disgust. The earthly form that is?! It is the back side that is the clock. I should ask you quite candidly if you appreciate time just prior to that pill touching your very lips. You surely weren’t Devine then were you!? I have always been waiting there in doubt and been the one to free you if you so choose this path. One soul can be so heavy when it finally touches down on the wrong side, the unexpected. D was working through problems deep deep problems…long standing issues! Did he even have a soul at all he began. To lament. It’s funny how the skin and flesh begins to look like soggy rotten water log. The eyes of a drowned dead man if inverted in illumination look back at you so sharply. But you would have to be within him staining back at himself to see the jaded loneliness of isolated truth. Truth is truth dark and light, it’s only a matter of time. D’s time may be finally up? D would’ve liked to embrace his ancestor why so toxic he lamented. “You bastard how could you you’ve cursed us all, everyone your very own…f a m i l y” he slurred to finish with such Despair. We could all see them in the game. The breath you could most definitely see so heavy and dark a fog. “Death, this is what death is” D put his ethereal hands on his hips and stood with command! “I have this family now, I am the 10 generation of this ship be gone with you demon you are banished!” “Let my love for you Mart and Duck and Elias right these wrongs!”. It is quite confusing how these worlds to bend and blend together. I have pondered madly many a night trying to make a reasonable parallax view however hindered. I can only say now that Mart was there manifesting in D’s reality as he spoke her there with love and she was also there in her own fight. One seemed not to influence the other in the slightest and without triaining or experience in the quirky way this this unravels contorts and bend a [time] you’d think this was proof it were all in each there own personal minds~an illusion. However times is like a ribbon and I can assure you the experience was happening on a scale that would break a human mind. Both realities were true, and both realities did happen and to confuse the point even further even partial realities you’d swear never happened held also the fascia as it twisted through its ghost like spoked wobble and way. Twisting and contorting moving in a dynamo of blended possibilities. Life D’s cursed and departed ancestors who had not the knowledge or the strength in this life here banded together in confidence as to surround Clancy. And there Clancy shrunk and a new destiny was reborn before, another way. Elias was now and forever your blood brother? Clancy’s still birth grave appeared and he was beloved and missed then in an instant a big broth Bill was born to remember him and take his place 10 generations ago as they all held hands and yes as she too went through her own struggles Mary too was fully there and so was Elias and Duck do not ask me why. And Bill was also Elias great 10x great grandfather. Bill would gather from two beloved woman for you see. Love has a way of folding things…back into place. This story multiplied by so many others may full way show you in full view why this particular world was indeed doomed. However the mystic almond spins and contorts and never stops moving though it appears there still in that place between worlds.

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