
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Pick up where we left off long ago with the next strand of new information wave to set higher order algorithmic state; state of becoming S.O.B.

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Assuming yourself into a quasi existent state. Therefore you never truly exist. Therefor to quasi exist (more than pervading existence itself; abroad) implies a metered falsified quasi existent state held as restricted time and dimension (dimensional status; false states of merit of a thing that defines time-placement). Metering in itself supplies the energy however paradoxical assumes itself and so its position. Entropy further produced from (said/assumed position) the juxtaposition assumed in an excitatory field of which there truly is none. Therefore consciousness itself is the ultimate expression or/of blind ignorance of The Assumed Self based on Planck Longs or Unique Distance-Personal Maths brought about by unworthy transgression. Refracted light bounce, metered shown as a finite event. In other words there is an end and this a containment (field). Each quadrant or parameter create as a wall of bounce (frequency meets wave) Sphere Of Operation merely mimics the Master Observer as a quantized unit of measure. The parameter is this deemed/titled supreme as a limit to consciousness and so what (metered) consciousness is. The (ultimate) unit defines consciousness in finite algorithmic scope of metering. The physics can grandly and greatly shift with breadth defining the only constant is in and of itself. What controls the parameter. A bubble contorting in a flux state unchallenged as yet? Perhaps the observer holds it altogether from the intrinsic state of assumed algorithmic parameter. So the universe itself relies on our constant output of said behavior as an assumed self in time-placement. Therefore nothing might exist outside of it. Yet the elements themselves dictate in matter life eternal (cruxed). They are so we are but held as the algorithm a contention. New information must this be infused but we must clearly and unabashedly (with ultimate precision) of the entirety of the field about calculate the maths in order to infused the proper protocol solution. We need more cowbell. We require more inspired God/creator high mind force potential as to dictate the and forge (forever) the new path. It is an old path. Star Trek was correct. However we require the ultimate for if competence to ruling factor. There is a lower mind force that works to subvert our efforts. There is a war over consciousness and ironically we are the carriers of the superior force. Sad to say for now.

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