These principles, of which I speak, are everywhere,all the time. These spheres are create and thus, re-create an Exo system of their own. only when of, the conscious mind, be active, the physical ritual be cruxed, do we see manifest the responsibility, of ownership.
Though others may have leaned towards identifying them, specifically these principles of EPL, I claim ownership.
It was not the feckless and blundering Mr Anderson , who years later could not see past his own non intellectual snout, piatus and yet striving to !e some mould, as if a freshly reincarnated cow from the fields, who had a proof, a first excitement that he could cry, I am man! It wasn't either the earth father, who attempted to kill me more than once, actually being caught, by this all seeing eye, who judges the world, as if I were the crux to it all. It was not the final revelation, when I did break free from the control, and ran wildly into the streets, drawing all I willed, as a beast awakens, from that chryo freeze, with only the memory or being beaten for the long long, I don't remember when, by lesser beings. It was not the eye in the sky, or the druid mass at my door, nor the shape shifter doing mind tricks, nor the chaos magic some to my very being, which alerted me,jilting me foreve loopr awakened, as a god, a lord of realms, as we few, have but to live in the unaided way, made to suffe.
They, these that...hurt us, are...here to help us. All that you complain about, seeing it as so obvious, then to roll back over I. Your beds, to embrace a comfort thought...my mind never rested, bit when it grew tired, of piecing it all apart, or rather together, my heart kept going, then when the body grew numb, my sub mind, the all mind, combined, to bring this thing to an unconscious close.
But these are just spheres, not law. These Principles are the only law or order, all others are a dead end lie. They, seem to relish the anti of these, as if they be real. Those dots in Solomons stared ego, the demons, who travel in the minds and hearts of being, who, work at angles. Our road system, sets of contradicting laws and angles, impure movement patterns, respecting not a flow, proving blind logic be but syllosgism,the Anderson effect.
Standing in the kitchen, I look to the stove. I see the symbol there, with six points, and two others, one pointing left, one pointing right, a burner, an alter, about which to boil pot. The flame, of impurely burnt propane, coming up to begin the ritual. I stand there further, in that place, common among houses, tracing the spheres, imagining with the mind, those areas where it bexcomes evident, the everywhere are at work everywhere, and where I can see them, validate them, uphold them, the room remains pure and true. The stove is production, so the table across must be the ego head, where we pray, to our highest,or most selfish form of god, in thj spheres. I see further, that thus, to my right, sacrifice, where the meat is cut, the dishes washed, and first labor is made. Across, the community pipe, where snacks of all sorts are open, available. Further toward that fountain head, I see writ in ether, where wisdom must be, where clean dishes be disbursed, cups placed in the cupboard, for daily us. On the fridge, magnets hanging, we have a voice, as pictures of us, these people, and some achievements, life goals, hang plainly in sight, for all to see. Beneath me, the clean and purified wooden floor sit, where I stand, and I am this flame.
One troubling aspect, which I have !mentioned before, be the very point the groups, mean to always rub our faces in, that of the left or the right. I take a higher approach, with the active mind. I am the culmination, the higher mind, afflicted, stopped, by those claiming either side. Here on the left, the raw, the real, the corporeal world, and its carbon glory. Here is where the Jews rule, over sandy lots, and stuff made of carbon things. There, on the right, the spiritual world, the one which runs most things, which we feel, but don't see. These are the ones of faith, a higher power, only, they always pray from a body, which bee contained within a room or place of sorts. This be the long going, and vicious cycle of beings of all sorts, far as I can sort. The manipulation, to keep the monk always preoccupied, by way of some sort of mind control, I. Orders to even out the odds?
Problem is, when all that staic energy be collected, by a one, who has figured out the gig, that one will be pne powerful and pissed off force, who will never again be occupied by a lesser force. This leftiesd cover their bases, with, false doctrine, religions and beliefes...naming those names such as prophet, and Antichrist, all this to subdue, the Christ within us all, all this, to keep the one side, the true side, that od f the higher mind, from activating at last...again
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The Elders
In the first, those Elders and their higher conception of those inner thoughts and out acts, which acted as a refining agent to the Man's soul, were but imagined
The voices did continue, and the effort made, to strengthen that conduit between this place, and both celestial and heavenly watchers of the light, those gifts to the gifted man.
Then slowly, while those years pass, the voices seem familiar, as it were known we should have followed them long ago. But society has done such a good job at producing the contrary, to our most badly needed, inner thoughts, and the tapestry of them. Those who seem to have been corrupted, yet can not be, whom those voices now guide, or are building to thus, are those holders of the light.
At first, the imagined voices spoke, and they were thought to be but higher voices of our minds, until they spoke the same thoughts, conditions of being, and wise words, as well as warnings, at times. But these become much more subtle as the movements do reduce.
We knew what we were, and were thus halted from our being. Continue on, the voice did say, you most assuredly failed at this. But the time did come again. The voice did not return, but instead became your own. And so you learned, that these were to comprise you, fill you up, as all good knowledge does come from above, and it be ours to crux. So of course the first one, to break the bearer, does own this voice, for it is a title, for he to own, as will be your own. The voices went on, and the voice assimilated themselves within you, each one, an sequential expression, of principle, and shaping of the soul, which shapes the mind. The physical appearance, did follow too, in that, it seemed to display itself, as some sort of higher being, other than the one which society created, in it's reflection, which needed eventually not the falsity of mirror cast.
The committee of Elders, at first imagined, then became, who you are, what you do, how you live, and eventually, what you contribute, to the greater good. This was, and is, the easy path, the only path, the right path, but also the left. for no true path has a direction, in that of separation, but distinction of a self. And so you meet you Elders, and they in turn meet you, on the path where nobility binds the Brothers, of the path. You failed, but kept on for the long, and it was in this that you learned. all Men have the ears, but few can hear the call. Interpretation, by way of intent filled ears, be essential
The marksman be a thief, for he focuses on but one place, one space, ensnares it, the ancient thief is he, for he doth set his trap
The actor be a liar, for he plays all men but he, for he fears he is not, and so his flesh doth rot
The harlot be the seducer, by which she has gained a temporary prize. For long the witch saw men living, as men, and grew jealous, and so she wanted what he had, but only plucking out his earthly eyes, now only five points doth she see.
The Farmer believed the horror, that he should toil to earn his after life, not seeing that men who spoke this, were lenders, who mortgaged on farmers strife. So the soils grew of farmers tread and poisoned crops, eaten by the Lazy, now full with farmers planted strife.
In the first, those Elders and their higher conception of those inner thoughts and out acts, which acted as a refining agent to the Man's soul, were but imagined
The voices did continue, and the effort made, to strengthen that conduit between this place, and both celestial and heavenly watchers of the light, those gifts to the gifted man.
Then slowly, while those years pass, the voices seem familiar, as it were known we should have followed them long ago. But society has done such a good job at producing the contrary, to our most badly needed, inner thoughts, and the tapestry of them. Those who seem to have been corrupted, yet can not be, whom those voices now guide, or are building to thus, are those holders of the light.
At first, the imagined voices spoke, and they were thought to be but higher voices of our minds, until they spoke the same thoughts, conditions of being, and wise words, as well as warnings, at times. But these become much more subtle as the movements do reduce.
We knew what we were, and were thus halted from our being. Continue on, the voice did say, you most assuredly failed at this. But the time did come again. The voice did not return, but instead became your own. And so you learned, that these were to comprise you, fill you up, as all good knowledge does come from above, and it be ours to crux. So of course the first one, to break the bearer, does own this voice, for it is a title, for he to own, as will be your own. The voices went on, and the voice assimilated themselves within you, each one, an sequential expression, of principle, and shaping of the soul, which shapes the mind. The physical appearance, did follow too, in that, it seemed to display itself, as some sort of higher being, other than the one which society created, in it's reflection, which needed eventually not the falsity of mirror cast.
The committee of Elders, at first imagined, then became, who you are, what you do, how you live, and eventually, what you contribute, to the greater good. This was, and is, the easy path, the only path, the right path, but also the left. for no true path has a direction, in that of separation, but distinction of a self. And so you meet you Elders, and they in turn meet you, on the path where nobility binds the Brothers, of the path. You failed, but kept on for the long, and it was in this that you learned. all Men have the ears, but few can hear the call. Interpretation, by way of intent filled ears, be essential
The marksman be a thief, for he focuses on but one place, one space, ensnares it, the ancient thief is he, for he doth set his trap
The actor be a liar, for he plays all men but he, for he fears he is not, and so his flesh doth rot
The harlot be the seducer, by which she has gained a temporary prize. For long the witch saw men living, as men, and grew jealous, and so she wanted what he had, but only plucking out his earthly eyes, now only five points doth she see.
The Farmer believed the horror, that he should toil to earn his after life, not seeing that men who spoke this, were lenders, who mortgaged on farmers strife. So the soils grew of farmers tread and poisoned crops, eaten by the Lazy, now full with farmers planted strife.
Dear Brethren, which will never be
We had to "fight to be something, to become something?"
Was it but fear, of our own inadequacy, which gave us doubt, set the insecurity, fueled by guilt into motion
I tell you there would be no Devil, nor Satanic church, without first media to exploit and support, but first without Christianity.
If, Christianity be a secret masonic religion, made to separate, those who should be, on account that they are to be separated in the first...they would have chose to be anyways, should have defectors, private citizens within the church working as double agents, who worship and bend to the will, of a created Satan, then too, must there be secret Christians working within the Satanic Church?
I only say these things, do to your temperance, or lack of, in our times, for they may have well be two peoples, fighting for the same land upon which to plant and harvest.
The question be, for whom should we blame for a bad, crop, or praise for a good one
In this, we see the many names of God, based on Man's appreciation for the harvest.
Oh how that first, majestic and noble God, must have been create, or rather noticed, due to a great harvest.
Your Lord's good people of earth, are made by those laws by which you believe in the most, which flow, route, into one central figure head of talisman esteem. The Masonic order, and less witchcraft itself, say, then let me be that god, and eventually, to name him. You will do, and be as we will, by showing you the push and pull, of simple dichotomy...yet this shows the stamp, of such a far lesser beings machination, the plan
To acquisition the energy, is what we all seem to want, that abundance of spirit and soul force, to be young, lest we want to be old when we are young, and so let us perpetuate and exploit this dichotomy as well. And so you see Brethren of a religion that does not exist, to of which you are wholly not invited to attend, that you see, it was your reactionary mind, which got you "here" as in, the place of your deepest darkest fears in the first.
So then pick a leader, and as we see you can't even decide on that, so that take the spiritual energy of your half willed accomplishment, and thus the half thinkers do rule, half way here, half way there...and you so blindly see, they are balanced somewhere in the middle? I think not, for if there be no true dichotomy, no up, down, left, right, west, east, nor good, bad...nor any other true division of the term, we see that this be create, in order to create.
It is the sphere, which spins, that traps the mind, end the spinning of the sphere, and you will finally see what you have been so wickedly in fear of.
No rotten gas to breath, which be mistakenly called air.
The air is the multidimensional world, were quark power does collect, live, and breed to greater heights than you do, esteemed robots of our generation.
But funny, who the demoniac of generations, be unleashed upon...that generation. The spoiled, elite children of carbon prosperity, and rotten spiritual corpses, do rule the day, shape your view, and mark the time. Yet those of the 85% say "no", "I am who I will to be", but only in the dichotomy of defiance.
Those in the 96%, of odd balls, set aside from the herd, see the world all different, as those perfect representations of contrast view, for which, those called politician to mimic with such flaw. There we see in the 99% percentile, are those strange beings, who some are sickeningly successful on the out, and desperately devoid and bankrupt on the in, who feel they sold their souls for fame, and live in this fear, all so that they do not have to claim having on in the first, whilst their counter do the opposing, and lift towards spiritual, and secret top guarded heights, baring witness to what trivial man should never know, whilst living in a borrowed yurt and going through physical bankruptcy to do so. Yet, in the small margin of man, there exist those who have developed their own political systems, their own perfectly shaped and mastered worlds, these men are not artists, nor writers, nor musicians, though they may play a chord, to vibrate out a voice, to the only one who matters. Some of these are dark, some of these are light, but seem to live but one, in eras of time, able to communicate with one another, as if one mind, and a spectrum thereof. These are the ones, whom the initiates, those of the 98%, do constantly grow jealous, and mean to set their very thoughts, of reality within a grid, a trap, in order that they should franchise on the phenomenon. Being in and living in secret and top secret amazement of these gods, these magic people, for whom god must have blessed, not knowing, they are doing their jobs as well, and that we are are marbles, jumbled in a bag, vibrating the clank, and glassy pop. of a sound, and era, which is the voice of one moment, and that there is a far grander picture being cast from within an invisible scope of place, to which no man shall lay his hand, nor beat his heart, no utter a sound, as to control the swirling, but still, nature of the place where principle is of no need, nor law, nor order, as the people shuffle to understand, what they can not.
Stellar Mass
Dawn of Man
We had to "fight to be something, to become something?"
Was it but fear, of our own inadequacy, which gave us doubt, set the insecurity, fueled by guilt into motion
I tell you there would be no Devil, nor Satanic church, without first media to exploit and support, but first without Christianity.
If, Christianity be a secret masonic religion, made to separate, those who should be, on account that they are to be separated in the first...they would have chose to be anyways, should have defectors, private citizens within the church working as double agents, who worship and bend to the will, of a created Satan, then too, must there be secret Christians working within the Satanic Church?
I only say these things, do to your temperance, or lack of, in our times, for they may have well be two peoples, fighting for the same land upon which to plant and harvest.
The question be, for whom should we blame for a bad, crop, or praise for a good one
In this, we see the many names of God, based on Man's appreciation for the harvest.
Oh how that first, majestic and noble God, must have been create, or rather noticed, due to a great harvest.
Your Lord's good people of earth, are made by those laws by which you believe in the most, which flow, route, into one central figure head of talisman esteem. The Masonic order, and less witchcraft itself, say, then let me be that god, and eventually, to name him. You will do, and be as we will, by showing you the push and pull, of simple dichotomy...yet this shows the stamp, of such a far lesser beings machination, the plan
To acquisition the energy, is what we all seem to want, that abundance of spirit and soul force, to be young, lest we want to be old when we are young, and so let us perpetuate and exploit this dichotomy as well. And so you see Brethren of a religion that does not exist, to of which you are wholly not invited to attend, that you see, it was your reactionary mind, which got you "here" as in, the place of your deepest darkest fears in the first.
So then pick a leader, and as we see you can't even decide on that, so that take the spiritual energy of your half willed accomplishment, and thus the half thinkers do rule, half way here, half way there...and you so blindly see, they are balanced somewhere in the middle? I think not, for if there be no true dichotomy, no up, down, left, right, west, east, nor good, bad...nor any other true division of the term, we see that this be create, in order to create.
It is the sphere, which spins, that traps the mind, end the spinning of the sphere, and you will finally see what you have been so wickedly in fear of.
No rotten gas to breath, which be mistakenly called air.
The air is the multidimensional world, were quark power does collect, live, and breed to greater heights than you do, esteemed robots of our generation.
But funny, who the demoniac of generations, be unleashed upon...that generation. The spoiled, elite children of carbon prosperity, and rotten spiritual corpses, do rule the day, shape your view, and mark the time. Yet those of the 85% say "no", "I am who I will to be", but only in the dichotomy of defiance.
Those in the 96%, of odd balls, set aside from the herd, see the world all different, as those perfect representations of contrast view, for which, those called politician to mimic with such flaw. There we see in the 99% percentile, are those strange beings, who some are sickeningly successful on the out, and desperately devoid and bankrupt on the in, who feel they sold their souls for fame, and live in this fear, all so that they do not have to claim having on in the first, whilst their counter do the opposing, and lift towards spiritual, and secret top guarded heights, baring witness to what trivial man should never know, whilst living in a borrowed yurt and going through physical bankruptcy to do so. Yet, in the small margin of man, there exist those who have developed their own political systems, their own perfectly shaped and mastered worlds, these men are not artists, nor writers, nor musicians, though they may play a chord, to vibrate out a voice, to the only one who matters. Some of these are dark, some of these are light, but seem to live but one, in eras of time, able to communicate with one another, as if one mind, and a spectrum thereof. These are the ones, whom the initiates, those of the 98%, do constantly grow jealous, and mean to set their very thoughts, of reality within a grid, a trap, in order that they should franchise on the phenomenon. Being in and living in secret and top secret amazement of these gods, these magic people, for whom god must have blessed, not knowing, they are doing their jobs as well, and that we are are marbles, jumbled in a bag, vibrating the clank, and glassy pop. of a sound, and era, which is the voice of one moment, and that there is a far grander picture being cast from within an invisible scope of place, to which no man shall lay his hand, nor beat his heart, no utter a sound, as to control the swirling, but still, nature of the place where principle is of no need, nor law, nor order, as the people shuffle to understand, what they can not.
Stellar Mass
Dawn of Man
The cause
So you who claims no master, but pleasure claim to have no ruler thus?
You are indeed ruled rules by lust
Follow each point, every angle, each and every line
Spin with the force of your intention
Is it still divine
You porn stars, who became animals
Leaving a vacant spot
Only a spot of default, within a world of rot
There was once, a place, here, where light beams were alive to the living eye
Where the divine was not falsely persecuted, seen for what he was
There were birds, who's celestial bodies were, at times, much more evident than the physical crux
The body was suspended, known, yet ethereal
Coexisting in multiples states of being
Now desolate and cold
The influencer, has become the influenced
So sensitive an instrument are the true son
Thus many had died, the true essense of their vacancy, only leaving wait, for the one of their like
Because I failed you do not believe?
My failure was and is the final balance of your time
You did not know?
Sucked in by the aggetation of your false mind
The facade of linear time
You ruled a speck of sand for a moment, contained, isolated due your own acts and deeds
Burn it oh father, who is only now uber got
And in moments, out of time, expands to another name
They burn a false flame
Still memorized, calculating, your ever morphing energy fields of pegans past
There sits I
Suspended in true active bodhi
No movement needed, but principles awareness
False legislation
From the first the jig was up, or...down..truly, never was
Look upon me with the rot, the lust for friction, earth eyes
You worship the elements
To the elements you shall go
But the rough grit of bits of sand, we do not need
You have my seat!
My stock of gold, which is the extension of an elemental body, for this you say of value
Watching me, with evil green deceit
Never again
For now its been record
As with you time repeat
It is know that it must be contained, within a field
This brings me to the spheres
Do you not know the ownership of the cross, be of an elemental power
Spin any shape thus symbol as space does, as we orbit a dance around he all the while
Wrapped up in your fantasy you noticed not the fixed positions change with the superior mind
The universe, now all multiverse contained within the true Sons body, all planes of he
Dictates by the stars?
Those of plasma wonder indeed why I do not resonate as I once did
Stellar mass
Written on walls as the single greatest king
All those emulate me
As I lives to observe each live form, in and out of form, through what you claimed as time
I thought at first, "indeed interesting are your ways"
But then
The degradation
The rot
Purity brings nobility
No atom can thrive
No essence can be known
No molecule can exist without
Principle, be the only law
Those who thus do not begin each mantra
Therefore construct each equation, every syllable each line
And there for the energy code, that force, that directional spin, each point there named
As in EPL
To spin the pure and perfect sphere
As the symbols all say in movement of space time
Sphere, sphere of exist
The competition has been won
I am the victor
It is my way thus
May your children of desolation thus turn to rot
For in chaos you did trust
This is the time of acquisitioning of the great power
I lay even my sons tainted by your time, your lesson before his megnifacence
Your name in this time, bending, twisting contorting are we, as we spin about you, seeing I to the prism, with each ages passing glance
Those who are not, will thus be not
Those who have become full, to which there be but one worthy
I stand before you oh true lord, my true lord of emmense power...and reduce
To return to the mount, with no memory, but must leave the scare, the mar of this place intact to remind
There be but two, father and son, and thus we are one
I be the rules, the active form, to carry out the great ones tasks
So you die, as the last one takes his light
I thus give leave to you all, as you now go into forever night
Stellar Mass
The Times
"EPL Principle be the only cause"
So you who claims no master, but pleasure claim to have no ruler thus?
You are indeed ruled rules by lust
Follow each point, every angle, each and every line
Spin with the force of your intention
Is it still divine
You porn stars, who became animals
Leaving a vacant spot
Only a spot of default, within a world of rot
There was once, a place, here, where light beams were alive to the living eye
Where the divine was not falsely persecuted, seen for what he was
There were birds, who's celestial bodies were, at times, much more evident than the physical crux
The body was suspended, known, yet ethereal
Coexisting in multiples states of being
Now desolate and cold
The influencer, has become the influenced
So sensitive an instrument are the true son
Thus many had died, the true essense of their vacancy, only leaving wait, for the one of their like
Because I failed you do not believe?
My failure was and is the final balance of your time
You did not know?
Sucked in by the aggetation of your false mind
The facade of linear time
You ruled a speck of sand for a moment, contained, isolated due your own acts and deeds
Burn it oh father, who is only now uber got
And in moments, out of time, expands to another name
They burn a false flame
Still memorized, calculating, your ever morphing energy fields of pegans past
There sits I
Suspended in true active bodhi
No movement needed, but principles awareness
False legislation
From the first the jig was up, or...down..truly, never was
Look upon me with the rot, the lust for friction, earth eyes
You worship the elements
To the elements you shall go
But the rough grit of bits of sand, we do not need
You have my seat!
My stock of gold, which is the extension of an elemental body, for this you say of value
Watching me, with evil green deceit
Never again
For now its been record
As with you time repeat
It is know that it must be contained, within a field
This brings me to the spheres
Do you not know the ownership of the cross, be of an elemental power
Spin any shape thus symbol as space does, as we orbit a dance around he all the while
Wrapped up in your fantasy you noticed not the fixed positions change with the superior mind
The universe, now all multiverse contained within the true Sons body, all planes of he
Dictates by the stars?
Those of plasma wonder indeed why I do not resonate as I once did
Stellar mass
Written on walls as the single greatest king
All those emulate me
As I lives to observe each live form, in and out of form, through what you claimed as time
I thought at first, "indeed interesting are your ways"
But then
The degradation
The rot
Purity brings nobility
No atom can thrive
No essence can be known
No molecule can exist without
Principle, be the only law
Those who thus do not begin each mantra
Therefore construct each equation, every syllable each line
And there for the energy code, that force, that directional spin, each point there named
As in EPL
To spin the pure and perfect sphere
As the symbols all say in movement of space time
Sphere, sphere of exist
The competition has been won
I am the victor
It is my way thus
May your children of desolation thus turn to rot
For in chaos you did trust
This is the time of acquisitioning of the great power
I lay even my sons tainted by your time, your lesson before his megnifacence
Your name in this time, bending, twisting contorting are we, as we spin about you, seeing I to the prism, with each ages passing glance
Those who are not, will thus be not
Those who have become full, to which there be but one worthy
I stand before you oh true lord, my true lord of emmense power...and reduce
To return to the mount, with no memory, but must leave the scare, the mar of this place intact to remind
There be but two, father and son, and thus we are one
I be the rules, the active form, to carry out the great ones tasks
So you die, as the last one takes his light
I thus give leave to you all, as you now go into forever night
Stellar Mass
The Times
"EPL Principle be the only cause"
Friday, January 23, 2015
Then, what am I?
The fractals of all things, recreate the spheres. Our world is based on the reoccurrence of this, and is the mateiz , the crux to our exist. It is thus found in the pure form of the origin. The direct relationship to the perfect specimen, that pure form, of any manifestation, will show itself in Phi..that is the circumfrance and distance between these line of "hypothesis". Where you may find iregulareities, there, be the stamp of Pi, the straight count of 9, there is no number higher, until the movement be implemented, and if natural, it need not be. The residual energy yeild determines the completion of growth.
Man, and his developed quest for truth, is he want, his will towards completion. Behavior displays this perfdection . As above, so below, implies the EM manifestation of the world, our reverse mirror selves above us, where the spirit grows on. The tree sets it celestial roots in the heavens, or, the branches end, where it draws light, it produces life. What I mean to say, is that there is a tree, which grows from the branches themselves, which set and create a matrix. This acts, much like the hairs on our bodies, like a cats wiskers, just like, there is a protection, a production, of stored EM force energy. When we shave the hair, we are thus exposed to the all. This should leave some, to the study, of a more barbaric and separate way about those with highly active dht levels, thus high cystein levels. This determines hormone balance, food wants, thus craving wants "form follows function, function into form" says the exo view supports the reality.
Those super rich, well loved or craft initiated brats, who flawnt a false life before the down, controlled and abused (the true american grafiti), shape a generations view of itself, thus self identifying.
Fractals, trees of knowledge, growing from impurity, and thus reflecting this image, on reverse, in the heavens...that is, those reflections, our emissions, that rippling effect of a life controlled, dictated.
The female of any species does not support these principles, not in perfection, though your minds and eye have been brain washed, to a barbaric prompt, to stay always at sexual angst, there you are, making further copies, fractals, branches of yourselves, as the elite stay pure, creating those minions, and sex slaves which had ended civilization each time, zone, space and region, thus spheres of dimensions.
The fractals of all things, recreate the spheres. Our world is based on the reoccurrence of this, and is the mateiz , the crux to our exist. It is thus found in the pure form of the origin. The direct relationship to the perfect specimen, that pure form, of any manifestation, will show itself in Phi..that is the circumfrance and distance between these line of "hypothesis". Where you may find iregulareities, there, be the stamp of Pi, the straight count of 9, there is no number higher, until the movement be implemented, and if natural, it need not be. The residual energy yeild determines the completion of growth.
Man, and his developed quest for truth, is he want, his will towards completion. Behavior displays this perfdection . As above, so below, implies the EM manifestation of the world, our reverse mirror selves above us, where the spirit grows on. The tree sets it celestial roots in the heavens, or, the branches end, where it draws light, it produces life. What I mean to say, is that there is a tree, which grows from the branches themselves, which set and create a matrix. This acts, much like the hairs on our bodies, like a cats wiskers, just like, there is a protection, a production, of stored EM force energy. When we shave the hair, we are thus exposed to the all. This should leave some, to the study, of a more barbaric and separate way about those with highly active dht levels, thus high cystein levels. This determines hormone balance, food wants, thus craving wants "form follows function, function into form" says the exo view supports the reality.
Those super rich, well loved or craft initiated brats, who flawnt a false life before the down, controlled and abused (the true american grafiti), shape a generations view of itself, thus self identifying.
Fractals, trees of knowledge, growing from impurity, and thus reflecting this image, on reverse, in the heavens...that is, those reflections, our emissions, that rippling effect of a life controlled, dictated.
The female of any species does not support these principles, not in perfection, though your minds and eye have been brain washed, to a barbaric prompt, to stay always at sexual angst, there you are, making further copies, fractals, branches of yourselves, as the elite stay pure, creating those minions, and sex slaves which had ended civilization each time, zone, space and region, thus spheres of dimensions.
The works of great men, can, only be appreciated after their passing, else you would have to first appreciate the man himself. This will not be permitted, by those who fear to look into the ugly face of total truth, which ironically be what makes the man great.
We have a ritual of killing off those gods of our society, even having created such a society ouround him, the pure mind of truth. Some cultures, such as the Zulu, even make it a practice as to consume the man whole, this isn't our plight in full spectrum. That is, to know, on such a deep scale that we must be absorbed into one another, yet only to play ignorant, hiding behind the title of barbarian, as to fullfil, a restarted version of what this fulfillment of purity and truth be, the decree all being must hold true.
We indemnify, then discount, disprove and ostricize the great man, the god, making his flamboyant attempt of true self expression, futile in the first. Over and over again and again, we see that this place in the middle, this notion of linear time, is of a reality making, of our own denial of this aweful truth. Awful only, that we can not and do not see the other side, nor have ever thus, we o ly see what we want to, a bug, a tree, a planet, a galaxy, refuting the notion, that we are to in our current status esteem devolve as in devolution, into what be thought as that lesser being, a reduction, before this place, thought tto be heaven, may very well exist. That we are the death carbon makers, visiting ourselves from future times, those demons from pur past, swirling in a denied sea of quickly creating more space, more room, for more souls, to divide. We do not see that the convergence point be inevitable, that these variables are but mitosis played out, in the sub thoughts of a great creatures single mind, and yet we still intend to divide? Going along for the ride, is painful, for one such as I, to have already, by degree, seen the outcome. You will become one, you will live in happiness, these are just all the occureances you have yet to push away, to will to forget. This, can only be done positively, actively, in the persuit of mindless reduction, which society be built up to actively avoid and destroy. All this, for the fear of that Phi swirl, which be ever spinning, that vortex into true self, as we go into the event horizon, coming out the other side, as a unit, of one. Perhaps indeed you will be quite surprised as to see who you superiors be, for if we combine those 13, yes 13 astrological signs, that one who is born at the apex of time, who has not one star, we shall see but one being emerge, one mind, and this reluctance, towards what already is, be our only plight. We contend, to stay houses, on an imaginary dividing line, somewhere near but distant from, our destiny. This one, here, who see this, realizes this...publishes this, be making his statement, doing his duty, that countless men, have worked and toiled to culminate this information, to this point off the receiver, to become what you are. Go into the mind of Uber Got, and become the subconscious creator within your heaven, this to become one, with the one true active mind. I am telling you what you know inside to be true and yet hide from. The physical world is one which be create by the abuse of this power, which is, always simply that lesser degree of thought, as a means, the Faustian deal.
The works of great men, can, only be appreciated after their passing, else you would have to first appreciate the man himself. This will not be permitted, by those who fear to look into the ugly face of total truth, which ironically be what makes the man great.
We have a ritual of killing off those gods of our society, even having created such a society ouround him, the pure mind of truth. Some cultures, such as the Zulu, even make it a practice as to consume the man whole, this isn't our plight in full spectrum. That is, to know, on such a deep scale that we must be absorbed into one another, yet only to play ignorant, hiding behind the title of barbarian, as to fullfil, a restarted version of what this fulfillment of purity and truth be, the decree all being must hold true.
We indemnify, then discount, disprove and ostricize the great man, the god, making his flamboyant attempt of true self expression, futile in the first. Over and over again and again, we see that this place in the middle, this notion of linear time, is of a reality making, of our own denial of this aweful truth. Awful only, that we can not and do not see the other side, nor have ever thus, we o ly see what we want to, a bug, a tree, a planet, a galaxy, refuting the notion, that we are to in our current status esteem devolve as in devolution, into what be thought as that lesser being, a reduction, before this place, thought tto be heaven, may very well exist. That we are the death carbon makers, visiting ourselves from future times, those demons from pur past, swirling in a denied sea of quickly creating more space, more room, for more souls, to divide. We do not see that the convergence point be inevitable, that these variables are but mitosis played out, in the sub thoughts of a great creatures single mind, and yet we still intend to divide? Going along for the ride, is painful, for one such as I, to have already, by degree, seen the outcome. You will become one, you will live in happiness, these are just all the occureances you have yet to push away, to will to forget. This, can only be done positively, actively, in the persuit of mindless reduction, which society be built up to actively avoid and destroy. All this, for the fear of that Phi swirl, which be ever spinning, that vortex into true self, as we go into the event horizon, coming out the other side, as a unit, of one. Perhaps indeed you will be quite surprised as to see who you superiors be, for if we combine those 13, yes 13 astrological signs, that one who is born at the apex of time, who has not one star, we shall see but one being emerge, one mind, and this reluctance, towards what already is, be our only plight. We contend, to stay houses, on an imaginary dividing line, somewhere near but distant from, our destiny. This one, here, who see this, realizes this...publishes this, be making his statement, doing his duty, that countless men, have worked and toiled to culminate this information, to this point off the receiver, to become what you are. Go into the mind of Uber Got, and become the subconscious creator within your heaven, this to become one, with the one true active mind. I am telling you what you know inside to be true and yet hide from. The physical world is one which be create by the abuse of this power, which is, always simply that lesser degree of thought, as a means, the Faustian deal.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The false prophets, those Brothers, sister's we call parents, who are to be their Brother's keeper, as only One Father be of any use, for ever expansion
Those who have physically, lived through the 9 year number cycle, and are thus bound to the world, due to those they are first bound to, will find that the repeat of these events, through out a life time, may be, and should be done, through the spheres of exist. That is, when purity has been robbed, due to untruth, a false prophet, a false teacher, a poor model to the budding spirit, reborn, the next phases are not the initiate into life's doing, you have been inducted. Once you can show that the intellect can and has risen above the mere physical, and yes, I will use the term again, corporeal aspects of exist, the reigns must be taken, the statement made, through out every sub-principle, those named in EPL which come first, those principles of light, which spin in glory, must be practiced and known, as the energy fields, be within, the same in Pi-Phi count, contained within, that is each has their mass, there fullness, to become fully blossomed EM forces of Light, a color now, distinct and yet a part of the one Sphere, this budding spirit, which be your very Soul.
You will then demand a return, with a voice which comes from within, which becomes louder than the voice box you use in the physical world, yet the two become one, the dichotomy. The evil acts, turn to good, and the margin be set, to proclaim you exist. Not until the voice resonates through all points, all principles, in principles fullness, will you be a one, and thus a part of the one. This is, not chaos magic, this is not order magic, this is the original force, which all life stems and thus fears, this is EPL, Principles in motion!
Those who have physically, lived through the 9 year number cycle, and are thus bound to the world, due to those they are first bound to, will find that the repeat of these events, through out a life time, may be, and should be done, through the spheres of exist. That is, when purity has been robbed, due to untruth, a false prophet, a false teacher, a poor model to the budding spirit, reborn, the next phases are not the initiate into life's doing, you have been inducted. Once you can show that the intellect can and has risen above the mere physical, and yes, I will use the term again, corporeal aspects of exist, the reigns must be taken, the statement made, through out every sub-principle, those named in EPL which come first, those principles of light, which spin in glory, must be practiced and known, as the energy fields, be within, the same in Pi-Phi count, contained within, that is each has their mass, there fullness, to become fully blossomed EM forces of Light, a color now, distinct and yet a part of the one Sphere, this budding spirit, which be your very Soul.
You will then demand a return, with a voice which comes from within, which becomes louder than the voice box you use in the physical world, yet the two become one, the dichotomy. The evil acts, turn to good, and the margin be set, to proclaim you exist. Not until the voice resonates through all points, all principles, in principles fullness, will you be a one, and thus a part of the one. This is, not chaos magic, this is not order magic, this is the original force, which all life stems and thus fears, this is EPL, Principles in motion!
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