
Friday, January 23, 2015


The works of great men, can, only be appreciated after their passing, else you would have to first appreciate the man himself. This will not be permitted, by those who fear to look into the ugly face of total truth, which ironically be what makes the man great.
 We have a ritual of killing off those gods of our society, even having created such a society ouround him, the pure mind of truth. Some cultures, such as the Zulu, even make it a practice as to consume the man whole, this isn't our plight in full spectrum. That is, to know, on such a deep scale that we must be absorbed into one another, yet only to play ignorant, hiding behind the title of barbarian, as to fullfil, a restarted version of what this fulfillment of purity and truth be, the decree all being must hold true.
 We indemnify, then discount, disprove and ostricize the great man, the god, making his flamboyant attempt of true self expression, futile in the first. Over and over again and again, we see that this place in the middle, this notion of linear time, is of a reality making, of our own denial of this aweful truth. Awful only, that we can not and do not see the other side, nor have ever thus, we o ly see what we want to, a bug, a tree, a planet, a galaxy, refuting the notion, that we are to in our current status esteem devolve as in devolution, into what be thought as that lesser being, a reduction, before this place, thought tto be heaven, may very well exist. That we are the death carbon makers, visiting ourselves from future times, those demons from pur past, swirling in a denied sea of quickly creating more space, more room, for more souls, to divide. We do not see that the convergence point be inevitable, that these variables are but mitosis played out, in the sub thoughts of a great creatures single mind, and yet we still intend to divide? Going along for the ride, is painful, for one such as I, to have already, by degree, seen the outcome. You will become one, you will live in happiness, these are just all the occureances you have yet to push away, to will to forget. This, can only be done positively, actively, in the persuit of mindless reduction, which society be built up to actively avoid and destroy. All this, for the fear of that Phi swirl, which be ever spinning, that vortex into true self, as we go into the event horizon, coming out the other side, as a unit, of one. Perhaps indeed you will be quite surprised as to see who you superiors be, for if we combine those 13, yes 13 astrological signs, that one who is born at the apex of time, who has not one star, we shall see but one being emerge, one mind, and this reluctance, towards what already is, be our only plight. We contend, to stay houses, on an imaginary dividing line, somewhere near but distant from, our destiny. This one, here, who see this, realizes this...publishes this, be making his statement, doing his duty, that countless men, have worked and toiled to culminate this information, to this point off the receiver, to become what you are. Go into the mind of Uber Got, and become the subconscious creator within your heaven, this to become one, with the one true active mind. I am telling you what you know inside to be true and yet hide from. The physical world is one which be create by the abuse of this power, which is, always simply that lesser degree of thought, as a means, the Faustian deal.

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