What ever we do, as code, that which we have utter faith in, if you indeed do have any, becomes you. This code, be expressed always on a higher plane, a higher degree of thought, and thus being.
I often think, then analyze, then judge, as to what makes a person do a thing. I of course, learned this in the critical judgement of self. It seemed I had so accurately judged myself, that I then laid persecution on my, well person. I then saw that this was not a curse, but my own early mastery, which, by way of my intent, placed me in league with but few, compared to the hoards that is, the multitudes of opinions, a swarm of voices, calling out in different and varied languages, in a stew of there own broth, the same...I am, but thus, they indeed are, as their hearts do not fail the true judge, mortar for the true stones of support. These are not, the pillars of a common society, no, this is but a test, of "what would you do, if you had all that power?" and as soon as achievement, true achievement be made, you be...swept away, washed away, to the place, where you have become, your like.
The hall has many doors, the hall is contained within a divine place, which has no geography, but the gate is your very death. All must die, shed of the skin. Many will panic, knowing, this is the body which they became, the lust, the deeds, cruxed, so too, you will be trapped? Those who cruxed themselves to the mummy, by way of ritual, I believe thus have a place, of return, a clean body, though seemingly in rot, it is preserved, the place is pronounced, and the shrine, the alter, the temple is protected by others, of the like. A place to return, for the forces which culminated and grew within the fresh and active form, now, no longer needing the form as flesh, but as the home, which they claimed to own, and thus to return to. A crux, then a body, then the repeat of such, is how those earthly kings are made. So just must be their rule, that they are massive, powerful, transparent, and have nothing to hide. Fierce is their fury, as they had passed through sins of their own, in order that they may find such a balance.
For tens of thousands of years, rulers became masters, beyond what you could ever know of in this time, place, zone, region...dimension. For such a being, which held the universe already within them, the answers already displayed, they had thus to figure out, and make their offering. What can I contribute, from my current form? For us, it be ascension, as AscenTion beings (EPL). We are taken to the beginning stages, by I think fabrication, of synthetic means, in order that we as active enough beings, have something to say. But how many, over the course of degree, will to become an active principle?
These principles, I have laid out before you. They are each spheres of thought, and have a completion. This completion is seen numerically in Pi, and Phi count, and shows an instant dichotomy, in the two sides or zones...that is sound, and light. From these principles come sound and Light, and all agitated, that is, vibration and thus frequency that follows.
Philosophically, the language be symbols, and the symbols made letters, and the letters did display an active form of a number system, with yield.
The sun of man
The sun of solar system
Like is to like
There are, and can be no added principles, these seeming additions, such as the rare valor, become something from the principles themselves. You would find, when looking at one word, one term, and so to investigate the term, will lead you to understand the principles in motion. Meditate on the word, and fill each principle, spun you in your mind, and you will find, others, the few, did the same. You are in league or at least in concert with those few. These teachers shall show you, but more, that are awakened to the time here, from their perspective, like frozen in concrete, as to wonder how life, like a tree, can be supported or thrive there. The carbon slows the movement, and the form, so that we may learn. One blip of moment on their end, is as a 1,000 years hear. To connect, the person must will, a connection of intent, that which they are, and thus are to be, in other dimensional zones. Begin the sequence, as you begin the trail, in the heavens, it will be connected to it's like. You will be faced with this faced, that this who you are, because it is how you esteem yourself, at your height.
Never stop seeking never stop wanting to be more. Yet when this leads to statement of self, to others, of superiority, then please, you have proclaimed yourself teacher, as I have not, then teach me...Tom Cruise, Bill Gates, Ted Turner...teach me something, is this not why you exalted yourself in the first, as Kings, Priests and Pharaoh's do. We see that the people must receive something which makes them all greater, is this not what the Pyramid was for? Or at least the attempt of. Now, if we are corrected, we must then learn principles, and all those ways which our ill steps are void of them.
This is not a word, Principles, it is the true pyramid, the cross. all symbols can be broken with this very code. Place any letter before this code, then ask yourself, do the principles spin with me, or am I looking upon them? This changes everything, and shows you have perspective can be, that is, how projected the imagination can be. If you will to fill another, with the principles, with the true and forged love that it renders, then of course they are in your heart, and are granted sovereignty without. So to would you need to be of the mind of antithesis, where the two side seems to occupy two spaces, yet are the one, the same. Do you see, the gate way? Do you see how all spheres create a balance, together, and that without that super charged center, by which to suspend them, as a unit of Fermion, they are but one spinning, layered sphere, long before mitosis was invent.
When we look into principles, we look to our very origins. What then caused a repeat of them, if they were all that were, and all that have ever been? Why the cycles of course, time. The true time, that it takes for one complete revolution to take place, there by transferring the residual energy for yield to the next, of course to is angular as well as opposing like, as complement, as to suspend the principle. None came before Purity, true purity, which is the truth. That a pure unobstructed omniscience came before sound, before light, and the emanations thus. The variable played out, and began to generate, making what you see as possibly a pentagram, a hexagram, a polygon, a nonagram?
These are thus the dynamic force, of all signs, seals, and symbols of man and his register
That is, how many points of focus can you live within, for this is who you are, your meditation, your communication, your house, your statement to the Lords of Domain.
I who deliver this code breaking information, spent the pain, and loneliness which would drive a mad Arab much madder than he was. I AM, the transmitter, the transponder, which should save the few, and separate them from the many. Infinitum Secretiore, the infinite separation.
And so you may ask, of 1000 points of light? A being which took on the burden of the bad, guy, to say, none of us understand or are worthy, not matter the massive intellect, or super powers, one may have. It is within each man, a universe, to bend to his will. Again, the Beaumont and Fletcher Quote is ever a statement of enlightenment, but even they had not ascertained the knowledge I lay before you, and which is there day to day.
Only in the absence of the greater mind, within a sphere, does the lesser star of chaos, take control. Shine on, as one, and you will know that all religions, all prophets, all events, point to this, as in that point of a star.
I believe that any who want to be complete, full, perfect, can achieve this. It is not a static state, but the exhaustion, like your physical adaptation to stress, no different, and the corporeal teaching of the same in like, shows you this. Become what you are, be sure to make a statement that is your purity, your truth. Sin, only widens the margin of the Good, you must do. Those who sin the most, have also the greatest capacity for it's opposing...that is, the tree of knowledge, the tree of life.
But it may be reduced to the spinning triangle, which is the flipping, and contorting of these fields, this, with great spin velocity, is the secret to all spherical phenomenon, flight, portals, and unlimited power source, until at the greatest degree, a sun...a black whole, then nothing exist...these are the revolutions of space and time, and why those of the "elite" mean to slow the thing down, it was, the greatest error, to then pronounce oneself as god or gott, when the slowing did occur, for the zone you control, are you ever trapped.
A true ruler, shows the capacity for original thought, brought forth from not he, but the elders, and the voice of elders which lead him, to spin, far beyond, and thus far less than, 1,000 points of light, this can be surmised in one word in it's final
Control be the exploitation of this first and greatest principle (sacrifice, slavery, chaos)
The maintenance of this, produces it's like, a dissolving into the One Mind, the imagination, controls the true substance, which is spiritual, the materia prima, The One Mind, you will find, be incorruptible.
To pray to the principles, and you pray to God, for his face must be something which you prepare yourself for, with celestial eyes, not bound by death carbon, nor the plasma of protein code, these are but fractals, which occur, and are exploited by the JPM.
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