The fractals of all things, recreate the spheres. Our world is based on the reoccurrence of this, and is the mateiz , the crux to our exist. It is thus found in the pure form of the origin. The direct relationship to the perfect specimen, that pure form, of any manifestation, will show itself in Phi..that is the circumfrance and distance between these line of "hypothesis". Where you may find iregulareities, there, be the stamp of Pi, the straight count of 9, there is no number higher, until the movement be implemented, and if natural, it need not be. The residual energy yeild determines the completion of growth.
Man, and his developed quest for truth, is he want, his will towards completion. Behavior displays this perfdection . As above, so below, implies the EM manifestation of the world, our reverse mirror selves above us, where the spirit grows on. The tree sets it celestial roots in the heavens, or, the branches end, where it draws light, it produces life. What I mean to say, is that there is a tree, which grows from the branches themselves, which set and create a matrix. This acts, much like the hairs on our bodies, like a cats wiskers, just like, there is a protection, a production, of stored EM force energy. When we shave the hair, we are thus exposed to the all. This should leave some, to the study, of a more barbaric and separate way about those with highly active dht levels, thus high cystein levels. This determines hormone balance, food wants, thus craving wants "form follows function, function into form" says the exo view supports the reality.
Those super rich, well loved or craft initiated brats, who flawnt a false life before the down, controlled and abused (the true american grafiti), shape a generations view of itself, thus self identifying.
Fractals, trees of knowledge, growing from impurity, and thus reflecting this image, on reverse, in the heavens...that is, those reflections, our emissions, that rippling effect of a life controlled, dictated.
The female of any species does not support these principles, not in perfection, though your minds and eye have been brain washed, to a barbaric prompt, to stay always at sexual angst, there you are, making further copies, fractals, branches of yourselves, as the elite stay pure, creating those minions, and sex slaves which had ended civilization each time, zone, space and region, thus spheres of dimensions.
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