
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Works

-Fast daily
-Toil and Suffer in the equities of sweat and the pumping blood of cyclical time cycles
-Reject always the Falsity before you
-Embrace the reality of this; as those you   Love can oneday be Free from this bondage
-Think, live and rationalize in True Principle
-Arm yourself always Spiritually as the   imagination focused is The Most Powerful   Tool Here Now
-Display utter Faith in the Principle Truth;   infusing Principle where there is none with   Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul Force

Follow the intrinsic knowing; which involves more senses that are present here. 

Soon a True Eternal Intellect shall guide The Way~

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Pessimist

 The Money Exchange is more so based upon suffering and the dividend charge for proposed existence. We see this in all arms of the matrix; from the Vatican to the Military to the right towards occupation (housing, job, tools). These invariably lead to more suffering. 

 "It seems the parable of a crucified christ figure has more to do with self inflicted suffering. Truly our only freedom in will and becoming."

To call myself a realist would be evading the fact; reality ain't what it seems (in fact the seams are busted). 
 The fact that always there must be effort and not just being (determines a person's worth), to me proves a manufacture. A demand for blood and sweat. I don't believe in God or devil, though I do believe these are built-in (for the long) as a constant invariant looming principle protocol. No divine manifestation. Perhaps our origins are the closest to this concept? Our very lives founded apon debt reappropriations. 

 "It's as if we were charged interest on our very birth and are commanded a lifetime of servitude of which we can never repay (for even our money is worthless to they)."

 I believe that a figure like Jesus, in fact too many to count existed (exist) ...more than I believe in a central God figure. That, as an organic machine man is capable of overcoming nearly every potential obstacle. Unfortunate for we his future in overcoming death is strongly included (in the pre-machination of a life. The full implications of what that means. To me this existence and maybe existence itself is Hell. 

 More Hell in origin is Hel; a female to which we are bound to the carnal. 

 We are repaying the debt of pleasure as an easement from The Struggle. However just like interest on tax the debt has been placed far too high to repay for most if not all. 


What works for me

 13 steps to freedom

I am a big proponent of fasting. I believe that with careful fasting, there will be a scientifically proven rapid Uptake of nutrients after a 24 hour period. I am not recommending this to anyone, simply talking about my own personal views. 
 I think fasting would be first the the list of any profound supernatural elevation, experienced by the subject. Suffering brings about intense latent abilities. A honing in of personal profound being. 
 The brain works different, blood flows accutly and chronically in an entirely new way, as experienced with the basic body rhythms of a subject in the fasted state.
 Chronically the experience of stretching a person's will to such lengths compounds greatly the connectivity of phenomenon.   Personally, in reference to myself be that this intense controlled type of fasting gave me a deep sense of self I have not experienced since, many years ago now. 
  Recently I have done this (no protein either, not even water) for three days now. I will commit to sticking with this lifestyle. As this lifestyle brings out a new yet familiar meaning. So profound that I would say I have been in pause since last I did this fasting with any conviction. This, I will do for the rest of my life here now. It brings me meaning and personal challenge. Back to the basics of utilizing what and who we are in terms with pressing a will when there is absolutely nothing else. 


 Yesterday I got to the place of my 24-hour meal and was not hungry. Thus exercising my will and making it over 32 hours with only water. 
 If I don't eat this way I am literally a zombie. I will spend months only able to barely sustain looking at my own finger throughout a day.  
 I believe it has to do with a certain pH balance that allows specifically (to me) neurotransmitters as to dock with receptors. Either way the excitatory response becomes one of substantial contribution and expressing the self. 
 However have not gotten to the place yet where this motivation should only allow the best and highest qualitative foods as to supercompensate. In short I have not again began to practice what I have laid out so many years ago with the 3-day cycle but I am close.


Pandemic threatens to crush dollar & plunge US economy into double-dip recession, top economist warns

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