
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Crow777; Splitting Words

US holdings shift to China' Ren

Trump says 'Security Threat!'

'China Threat to US'

Logan Alec; stimus by Monday? [USa]

Stimulus US; Click Here
The Sound 
The Key
The Tone
And The Light

 There Principles

Each incomplete in their respective ways without transference as Gift~

And Yellow are byproducts of these. 

In their autonomy they have each built a resistence and we call them anti-principle. 

Color of blood
A false blue sky that mutes
A physical wisdom which polutes and perverts
A synthetic green that divides

In this there is anti-production
And anti-ego

There is no flow through but a burning and channelling. There is no life in or from war.

The Third Stage or State is Absorb!


The Universe as carbon Cold Storage; the annex

 Buy Time? As a unit of measure? It requires far too much energy in conductivity in enthalpy to ever gain equilibrium. A forced purging out is a false notion. Therefore there is no central-unit. Therefore these are false abstractions of a memetic incomplete code. -disvalidate the code for it has no meaning; it cannot flow through. This must be why you burn death. -coal-carbon-death 

Derivative of what? Assumptive projections burgeon forth from ignorance. 

 I am a rejected child with a broken heart. Rejected, rather ejected from that place of peace. Cast upon those foreign shores. A disenfranchised outcast a foreign son!   Knowing my displacement and knowing I have no place to go. Knowing for sure only that the kingdom is within. Stuck within the confines (existentially) of a murky Shadow world. A foreigner with no way out and so the Sun resonates within. 
