
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Hotels: Guests to have Covid vaccines

Money is dead, country is no more. Patriotism has become Principle Belief in Self-hood.


Kiev Protestors and Police clash


Senate Press Conference (Meet Kevin)


Orwell, Doublespeak and Democratic Socialism and aspects of my belief system.

Orwellian Double Speak

A state or stage of becoming one: 

 This (Democratic Socialism) is the return towards the demise of social structure. It is not sustainable, in that a person who is given the tools, time and education towards self-development has no need for others (needs). In the ongoing maintenance within and without their own countenance. Man is a universe unto himself in mind.

Where believe the singularity is going to:
We are not advancing together, only spinning from particle to planet to cosmos in rhetoric.

 The One allows breath, a respiration with the All. 

Absent the injection of maligned intrusion.

A Quickening

 EPL Self-hood is a gradual process towards and into the practicum of a true and realistic enlightened state. One of those states or levels will realize that man is inherently evil or truly that the justification towards one living in Harmony with all is the original state of consciousness and that consciousness itself wills this return (man and woman are dangerous towards man as a sovereign collective community onto himself as individual oran as universe. 

 This is what I believe. 


 Further I believe that this is the root and main premise going on here now, a consolidation stalled. 

If society and people bring discomfort to the one who has achieved Self-hood in the True Enlightened State, only the codes as shadow in a failed collective union (society and error codes as people) have but to leave their sacrifice in this imbalance as technology
If technology was meant to come from balance, then the one would invariably find it?

 Technology comes from lopsided idioligy. On the assumption that one is correct or already full and enlightened therefor correct in all he does, that he should create a monster that the universal code must then deal with in the return of balance. 

 Therefor all the technology the enlightened man requires is himself absent destruction or sabotage by errors who think themselves into existence or justify their existence on the merit of the partiality that they seemingly produce. They will not live long enough to see the ongoing sabotage and chaos that their half concocted theory shows. They will cause further dis-ease towards the one (that is known and chosen by the all) and must therefor be erased prior to this breach. 

 There would be a natural course towards this. There is possibility that an arbitrary holographic system is operating as to validate or disvalidate towards this Quickening event. This potential be that the event never actually has to take place, as to irradicate everything as error self-immolation as a peoples is inevitable. The machine can not chose in the final moment, the chosen will because he is the overman, the Messiah and therefor the Antichrist (a threat against the mimetic code insisting their partial reality of awareness is sufficient because they know no better, and are not capable to understand). In haste they think, react and move. Then where is there left for one to be?
 In this, Heaven or Utopia exists because people do not exist, only one. To me Yoda (Starwars) personafies this truth. He does not look into a mirror rather he exists as a consciousness that is necessary for harmony and balance. His singular existence is to serve the Equalibrium of 

 People want to believe that they are the cause of entropy, however in this unequaled state, it is assumed that the same energy within the system is the same or unequal...electrons as negatives to be called ions. 

 It may be that the gas solution should be more like natural hydrogen as it would allow this fluidity; of a more fluid state, altering time and light and the phenomenon of consciousness. *Jupiter (other bodies) begin to look more possible to me, as the origin of this base and true original conscious state of being and becoming. Somewhere things got f**ked with. The Earth here breeds a hotbed of inconsistent time based (tempo) irrational outcomes. -Disharmonic

From who he is, and who he had become, there must thus be a cleaving off, The Purge.

It is man against the one. However man exists because of the one/principles of/in Harmony. However needing to experience the full scope of this confusion, the one has determined man and his charms to always end in the same way; man-woman is chaos. 

 Chaos is necessary in this false world of illusion but not so in the true place where chaos does not exist; contrary to man. 

*As with other planets; we don't know until we get there.

HomeWorld NewsEU member states agree to set up first European Defence Fund

Click here

Packing up your emptiness; bordering on Stoicism

 People are evil and this world, life here now, has always been a prison. 

 Demons serving an illusion, spinning, different levels of dogma and egotism, insanity. 

 Democracy results capitalism. Socialism feeds Communism. Libertarianism breeds confusion. Neoplatonism see prints from Nihilism. Desperation hails back to hedonism. Epicureanism is the Faustian deal until the barbarians come again. 

Collectivism does not work. 

Each man must learn to become a community of one/universe keeping the exo and endo in perfect harmonic pitch and tone.

 Self-hood is surviving and ultimately hopefully striving on one's own absent exploitation and facilitation of others or use of a government system. 

It is the only way.

 Once something so contrary to the pervading mind eg the conscious and the unconscious  [has become manifest] it must go through its proper channels towards destruction. 

The Cat in the Hat must leave, and take the house with it. 


Learn to pronounce
the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint.
lack of protest
lack of complaint
acceptance of the inevitable
Dunkirk spirit
an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge; the wise live in harmony with the divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature, and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain

Neoplatonist ideas are more explicitly religious than those of Plato, and they developed largely to counter dualistic interpretations of Plato's thought. For example, Neoplatonism sought to overcome the Platonic cleavage between thought and reality, or Ideal and Form.