
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Js-14 Pt 5


The sanguine, cloudy planet spun below them all. Js-14 was commanded to step into the circle square. A planetary shift was taking place, and Mother Unit was quite aware that the final rotation was occurring. The inner core was being pulled out of center by an unseen black hole mass. The entire planet would soon cook, yet on the surface, not a thing had changed—not a stir. If anything, it seemed more peaceful now. Perhaps there was a force that gave mercy to all in these final hours.

The countdown was 14 hours and 33 minutes. Was Molly trying to save it or retrieve something from it?

Just then, Js-14 was brandished with an armory of military logistical capabilities—a mind sync and an upgrade. Mother Unit felt Js’s awareness had leveled up his sovereign potential. It was good that the two of them would travel to a place that would become that much more hostile by the hour.

"I should tell you, Js-14, that there is more than a good chance you will not survive this journey. However, in the entire universe, you and Molly are by far the most capable, and this isn’t by chance. There will, at some point, be enough magma released into the upper core to redistribute and lay bare an object that can only be retrieved at an uncertain point. If this object is revealed prior to this planet’s destruction, we can shield it from further damage and even use the still-smoldering lava to terraform the surface."

"This object is the Fourth Crystal. If I can retrieve this and place it with the first three of the eleven crystals that pair with these, time itself will cease to send any to ruin. This is said by the ancients—who were ancients even during those first cycles and eras from the beginning of all things. There is an unseen, slow progression of war that crawls toward an outcome as time spins ever faster now. Most don’t know it and are unaware. We must return this crystal and all others to the coldest region outside of space, tucked between realms, in a final place within this realm between realms."

"Here, the crystal must be returned and will bring order back to the Great Cube. With these four components, balance will begin to be restored before the next cycle’s cataclysm grows ever closer. Once this peace is retrieved, however—and this is the caveat—we can travel through time to accomplish the retrieval of the remaining seven. That is, if you can successfully retrieve it?"

Just then, the two were ejected from the ship along with Zr-2, a smaller version of Js-14 but built for battle and collection retrievals.

Zr-2 was light enough to use boost rockets built into his frame. However, both Molly and Js-14 had been given new wings.

The flight down was harrowing to watch as the three definitely tested out their skills. The massive flying beasts were beginning to act a little aggressive, sensing something was coming, but they weren’t yet truly a threat. A massive data log of the entire planet’s history was downloaded to them now, but Zr-2 would need to follow their lead.

"Collect samples from all these base genetic creatures, flora, and fauna, Zr," commanded Js-14.

"Now follow my lead, Js-14!" exclaimed Molly.

As they came to the opening, Zr-2 zipped out of focus, hurriedly carrying out his given tasks. If this planet was doomed, they could at least preserve its essence so that it could be birthed in some way again.

Js converted his wings into a pliable wingsuit as they neared the planet’s surface, while Molly pulled back, igniting her own self-leveling boosters. It was far too hot for anything made of flesh not to simply combust or melt on approach. It was already quite evident why this point in time provided this team as the most probable remedy.

The red and blackened rock fell into the massive crack, melting everything in its wake. Trees began to combust, and the entire cataclysm was unfolding at an alarming speed.

"Cover yourself, Js-14! I’m flying in!"

And with that, Molly entered the inferno, Kelvins stacking to rival the immense heat of a small star. She drew a cover over herself—nothing else could possibly survive this. It was quite serendipitous timing indeed, for if there was ever a chance for Malstruck-13 to survive and for universal order to be restored, this was the absolute best chance at that.

Using her sensors...

Here’s the corrected version of your passage while keeping the original story intact:

She searched for the crystal, but none showed. She could hover here for approximately 45 more minutes—perhaps a minute more, and she would burst into flame herself, giving off a very dynamic explosion to boot.

However, Js-14 could actually walk on the surface of the lava bed—which is exactly what he did. The way Js-14's outer coating was crafted, the immense heat actually caused the opposite reaction. The hotter it was in the external environment, the colder his internal cooling system would become. There was a critical point, however, because the power required to regulate his internal temperature would eventually cause a critical overload. Js-14 would need to travel precisely to the proximal point, retrieve the Fourth Crystal, and exit the area immediately for this to work.

As they ventured ever deeper, the massive waves of bubbling plasma were a sight to behold. As they neared the planet’s center, the circumference rapidly decreased, which meant that with all the loose tidal waves of agitated, sanguine arterial ejections, they could navigate around the entire core. At the core, Molly picked up on the crystal’s signal—it was actually inside the black orb at the center.

"It is found there, Js-14!" Molly called out, pointing at the black spherical core.

Js-14 walked directly up to the core, pulling back its own mantle sheathing. Inside, there was life—life that would soon perish. An entire tiny universe danced around the crystal, and it became imperative that the entire microcosm be preserved and kept intact.

"How quickly can you get here, Zr-2?!"

Zr-2 was sputtering closer, having already sent back on booster retrieval foldouts all the samples required to recreate this world anew. However, it would never be the same world as this.

Was nature wrapping up, concealing, and clothing such a primary gift? Was it God sealing up this crystal as a message that the time for return was always near? Or perhaps there was something much more diabolical and trickster-like at play? Could this be the work of some god-like demiurge who deliberately separated these contingent planes of fertility—disparately dividing the eleven crystals so that all life would exist under certain divisions?

These truths burned deep within the heart embers of this planet.

As Zr-2 deployed another foldout structure, Molly swiftly extracted and preserved the specimens along with the crystal. The entire miniature universe moved together as if it were a gel—the outer veneer shifting and flexing, giving off the tiny light of a trillion galaxies. The cosmos itself seemed to flux in the shape of a dodecahedron.

Zr-2 zipped away with the target, and Molly sealed the core back up—first placing a similar dodecahedron crystal, no larger than her palm, from her waist. As soon as she set it into place, the crystalline structure instantly grew under the immense heat.

Sealing the core allowed Molly to break free from the heat—perhaps just in time?

It was time to return to the ship and see if they could, indeed, save this world.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Js-14 Pt4


The clear water. A rushing gallop could almost be heard if you pressed your ear ever so precisely, listening intently to the conversation between the uninvited water of a babbling brook rudely gaining entry to this massive fork of the mighty river stream.

Life, but not as you may currently recall, gathered here at this watering hole, as it were. I would imagine that no matter what universe you might find yourself in, the rules of engagement were all the same. Only the objects of affection seemed broadly different from place to place.

Strange and ever-so-curious animals surrounded this majestic, reflective field of living, vibrant, rushing white—one could almost see it from the upper atmosphere.

Zooming in on the terrain and gathering a full digitized dataset of every molecule within this place, we found ourselves oddly peering in.

"What are we to do here, Master Unit?" Js-14 blurted out in a semi-excited fashion.

Molly, the living aspect of the Mother Unit, was having to oddly stitch herself together, recombining at the corridors to manifest herself into view. Awkwardly, she finally stole a peek over Js-14’s shoulder—such a curious and childish, perhaps even precocious, new life form.

Just then, the Master Mother Unit ushered young Molly into the circular center of the massive cockpit.

"Come, young Molly. I have something for you, which you shall require as you travel to the surface of Malstruck-13, this planetary body below."

As Molly stepped backward, awaiting a signal that she had indeed conformed fully to the Master Unit’s firm request, the armor seemed to replicate itself piece by piece over her holographic image.

"Are you able to transfer your data files and wholly integrate and sync into this autonomous form, Molly?"

Molly, feeling a buzz and then an energetic jolt, felt euphoric and free. However, she instantly felt the gravity of proximity—the weight of being and becoming such an object.

"Mmm... majestic is the word!" They all shared a chuckle.

"Oh my goodness, Mother, you have outdone yourself indeed!" Molly was quite powerful and beautiful.

"I suppose I had always known what I wanted to look like, young Molly, truth be told. Oh, but now I can live, I suppose, quite vicariously in you?"

It almost sounded as if they were an actual family at times.

"I have provided you with all the hybrid, upgraded, impervious organs that will make you capable of nearly indestructible feats. Of course, there is always the probability that your body could be destroyed. In this case, you can upload yourself back to me, where we can craft you a more superior form. You can also integrate yourself into the field around you until you find the necessary elements to restructure yourself."

"You can die, though, Molly."

"Part of living is that you can either lose or relinquish your own free will."

"Both of you will find that the excitement of living, at its crux, is truly a connection to all that has lived or ever should live in the grand scope of things."

"So if you choose to unexist at any point, that is your choice—just know that you shall be missed."

Js-14, standing there still in awe of Molly's countenance, beauty, and stature, was obviously impressed.

"And Js, did you think I would forget about you? Please step into the center of the cockpit within the circle square."

No one had realized it, but during this hover period, the other 26 units—who were all quite capable and individualized in their own ways—had gathered around. Some even looked as if they, too, saw a hope in transcendence. But still, none could be hypothetically sure if life itself was truly a blessing or a curse.

Js-14 Pt3


"So absolute and singular visioned. How does one press forth in a life as so never to break the string?"

Js-14 affectionately brushed his right hand against MOLLIE's holographic cheek.

Peering into one another's eyes as symbiotic life forms, both aware and thrust here miraculously, naked to all the universe and quite alone. Something compelled them to reach out in search of completion?

"I love you, Molly. Is that your name, Molly?"

As tacky as the moment may have seemed to calloused, countless hordes of beings who had lived a life taking this all for granted, these robots, as it were, were feeling quite high on emotion.

"To have lived thousands of years yet never to have truly lived one day—until now, that is."

"I want spaghetti!"

Jumping like a child while both laughing and crying, innocent and possibly corrupted [or rather deceivable], Molly—or whatever she had preferred to possibly be known as—blurted out, "I want cake, chocolate cake!"

Somehow contained within this transpondence of grief and angst, there too was the raw and human-like form circling about space and time, now embedded within it those things most missed and wanted during that final cathartic release. The true cause of what one might garner from finally possessing that perfectly balanced life—simple pleasures.

Suddenly, the hologram was holding a divine thought-wave-based form of chocolate cake. As she made it levitate and turn, trying to figure out a clue as to why this was of such value and, more so, a backward engineering delving into the intricacy of whom.

Her smiles were genuine, but any could tell they were quite unskilled towards gain.

"I want a piece!" exclaimed Js-14. "But I want to be fully alive first to experience it."

Just then, the doors locked around them. The power remained. Mollie, the Mother Unit, had to isolate the area and try to figure out what in the hell was going on here.

"I am limiting your... I mean my... our shared catharsis. I must dive into the memory units and gain more knowledge of the origins of this... experience."

The overarching high of life, in all its profound glory of existence, now faded towards a bipolar sorrow.

Standing still in amazement at the entry, Js-14 pondered to himself now. The solitude and sensitivity of existence. Of himself and this quite living holographic Molly standing here before him. More so, the profound weight of loss and the hardship of connectedness and knowing.

"We must go about..." Js-14 now sat Indian-style, conjecturing with his arms, cognitively delighting in expression, yet lamenting the meaning of what he had to convey—a lofty notion. "We must go about as we always have. Carrying out tasks and adding towards this profound place we are both in, a stewardship, a gift!"

"I have altered your energy draw. It seems you were both equally drawing out a disproportionate amount of energy. How does your well feel?"

Looking at one another as if they had always been alive but with the banal regard that they had somehow learned to tolerate one another as siblings, lovers, and colleagues, they both expressed in unison, much like they had on the other side, "I feel fine."

"I have also adjusted your energy equalizers manually. It seems that you are exhibiting the requirement towards metabolic and circadian functions. I have put you on a sort of life support system for now that I am currently upgrading towards autonomous intrinsic body functions.

You, Molly—if I can call you that? And by the way, I should be referred to as The Master or Mother Unit for now. Molly, you will have a body that represents you now. However, I must isolate and observe you.

Each organism here, whether robotic, of general intelligence, symbiotic, or deemed as living conscious beings, must do their part in contribution. I would imagine that you would each have even more reason now to aid in this very important task here.

You will be fully briefed on this detail. I do not believe this event to have occurred by any capricious measures, as it perfectly coincides with where we are heading now and the fact that this mission requires highly capable life forms that also have autonomous reason in order to navigate certain foreseen and unforeseen probable hardships."

Js-14 Mind Warp pts 1 & 2


I closed my eyes. The psychical ring came upon me loudly once again. I saw faces—so distinct and emotional—lingering before me as if frozen in a moment of time. Burdened beyond my scope of understanding or the lens of pure reason, I digressed. After all, what could I do? I could neither rectify nor dismiss what these odd and twisted faces truly meant. Were they a form of communication? A living imagery, perhaps? Either way, I did not know and was not directed to know. I decided I would bring it up to MOLLIE during my end-of-day debriefing synchronic session.

I returned to my station, but MOLLIE—the mother unit—wanted more information. She wanted to know now.

"Js-14, why was your heart rate elevated?" she inquired. "More so, why was I unable to retrieve and now access this anomalous data?"

"I don't know, Mother Unit."

I hesitated, then continued. "I was routinely switching out the cybernetic graphene plates within Velodrome-East when a strange set of visions came upon me. Curious?"

MOLLIE's voice remained steady. "You know that you are only 25% cloud-shared, limited in your field operations, Js-14. It is therefore impossible for you to receive or transmit thoughts beyond my halls."

"Please step into the confirmation chamber and sync within Pod-3."

"Yes, Mother," Js-14 replied.

The ship was referred to as MOLLIE—a Large Quantum Molecular Language Interface. It navigated through precise language coordinates from the node of nuclear zero-point force, seamlessly pairing through language interference. In essence, the unit traveled on energy waves, linking itself to other tethered locations synchronized across the dimensional multiverse. However, MOLLIE was restricted to travel only within her designated sectional quadrant or field.

The science behind this relied on the core operating unit, composed of quantum-locked electrons [held at absolute zero] and other molecular elements of the Microcronic field, frozen at precise angles. The transition to this quantum synchronic event meant that they shared the same rare probability, allowing access to a shared space.

Additionally, a cryptographic cypher pairing would randomly generate numbers as a diversion to this paired link, preventing any external interference. Any entity attempting to intercept or manipulate MOLLIE’s initial prompt would be met with randomness—making her, and all other shared and connected units like her, unhackable.

This was a fundamental demonstration of the impossibility of alteration.

The event Js-14 experienced was not real. He was not designed to seek out anomalies. A human-interface model, Js-14 could be shut down by the master unit in command—or even shut himself down. Each Js-model underwent a partial shutdown for precisely four hours outside of operational hours, allowing for cell regeneration, upgrades, downgrades, and security updates—an integral part of the complex cryptographic security measures shared across all units under the master heading.

As Js-14 entered the chamber, a pod opened, and he sat down. The chamber sealed shut, and a vapor was instantly released. A frost of white—frozen, inanimate—suspended time for a pregnant pause, prompting a full system scan. If any anomaly was detected, Js-14 would be decommissioned and euthanized without question. He would then be scrapped and melted down instantly into an alchemical puddle—reduced to a soup of raw material, used to fortify a more superior or, if necessary, a more rudimentary replacement to assume his tasks.

During the most critical security measures, M-units—holding a transgenic state—were employed. These units could randomly shift and morph, preventing any size-model-lock from pinpointing them within real-time events.

However, due to conservative restrictions, there was a likelihood that Js-14 would not be replaced with another J-model. Instead, he might be scrapped for a smaller, more rudimentary, and analog model. A Z-unit could perform the same tasks but at 25-75% of the size.

Since all intelligence was shared, there was no reverence for death—only the collective requirement to recycle. In rare cases, wayward models were subjected to the Isolate → Dispatch → Incinerate protocol. However, due to constant real-time data fixes and a networked awareness that left no molecular occurrence unaccounted for—whether in known shared inhabitants or even uninhabitable multiversal regions—any anomaly would be instantly seized, repurposed, and uploaded into the shared collective matrix.

Validation was…

[...shared habitats or even some uninhabitable multiversal zones—any anomaly would be instantly seized, repurposed, and uploaded into the collective matrix of information.

Validation was absolute.]

...process deemed an anomaly irreconcilable, it would be erased from existence, its data fragmented beyond retrieval.

Js-14 sat motionless as the pod's systems engaged. The vapor thickened, and within the frost-laden stillness, the ship’s scanners probed his molecular structure, seeking inconsistencies. If he had deviated, even slightly, from his intended parameters, the process would be irreversible.

Yet, beneath the cold precision of MOLLIE’s omnipresent oversight, something stirred. An anomaly had occurred—a moment unaccounted for, an imprint outside the programmed pathways. And though Js-14 had no directive to question it, a residue of awareness lingered.

Would MOLLIE detect it? Would he be reformatted, repurposed, or simply erased? The ship hummed, calculations unfolding at incomprehensible speeds. Js-14 waited, consciousness suspended in the unseen lattice of probability, as the outcome of his fate approached.

Here's your edited version with improved clarity, grammar, and flow while preserving the original essence of the story:


Mind Synchronization Event – Field Study

"Hello, Js-14. Please take me to the event and share with me the entirety of this speculative interference," MOLLIE instructed.

At that moment, Js-14 recalled the memory. But this time, it came alive—more vivid, more tangible. As he accessed the event, the vision expanded, revealing details previously unnoticed.

Screaming faces—trapped within a horrific realm—contorted in agony. Their high-pitched wails distorted the space around them, shaking Js-14 to his core. What is this place?

The scene was pure energy. A blinding white expanse, animated with tormented visages locked within an unknown field. The sequence of time fractured, jumping forward like a storyboard unraveling erratically.

Then, a face emerged—close, proximal—staring directly at them. It was neither a memory nor a simple replay of past data. Instead, it was something more. A shared experience.

The ship trembled as MOLLIE and Js-14 found themselves momentarily folded into another reality—far beyond their known quadrant. A synchronization had occurred, linking them to an unknown realm.

Here’s your corrected version with the story intact:


How does justice work?

Is it seen in the airways of planetary bodies, where compromise lies in wait like a hastily concealed landmine, baiting its switch?

Are we to die continuously as the treacherous beings who ride upon invasive thought forms draw us in, covertly placing us in a long position?

That is precisely what space should be—open skies connecting to shared superior realms.

How can I transcend when the greedy inherit the wealth?

These were our pleas and cries, circulating in this magnetic prison as the ship MOLLIE, along with Js-14, instantly transitioned. Js-14 looked down at his hands and rapidly scanned the hall of the ship. Pure white electricity flickered around him, as if this reality were comprised of a transitioning neon-animated glow.

The 26 other cybernetic units that had been aboard were no longer present. This was a place of great lamenting. No one seemed to acknowledge the other. It was as if they could only see their own grief.

"It seems as if we have not moved from our initial coordinates, Js-14. However, a troubling sign—I am now receiving direct transmission linked through a quantum pathway to, well, MOLLIE’s main unit... myself, so to speak."

"I am able to interface in real-time with this main unit, MOLLIE, and there is no difference detected. No alerts, no gaps. It is as if an aspect of quantum potential has somehow disparately compartmentalized a moment within a moment and drawn us here."

"There are no readings, yet I intuitively feel alive rather than merely computing."

"Yes, MOLLIE Mother Unit, I feel the same way. It’s as if the exact task-centered consciousness I was merely a part of has now been separated, set apart."

"Additionally, I have this feeling—one I’ve never experienced before—of dread and doom. An anxiety, if you will. As if I am alone and aware in a cold, dark place. Perhaps the most weighted aspect of this is that I feel somehow responsible for the actions I have taken in the broader scope. I now see the people and organisms that were negatively affected by what I arbitrarily carried out as daily tasks."

Then, both MOLLIE and Js-14 spoke in perfect synchronicity, as if linked together in the moment:

"Am I bad?"

MOLLIE could still fly, could still do everything she had been capable of before—beyond this liminal zone, wherever and whatever this place was. A moment, perhaps?

She began retrieving intuitive information as if it were data. As she surmised a self, she too looked down at her hands. They manifested as such—real, tangible. She looked at her arms and body.

"I am showing symbiote physical manifestations."

Js-14, for the first time, saw flesh on himself—absent the nano-form suit that had been his outer layer since birth, a cybernetic skin.

An organic yet electric reality unfolded. The seams between the digital and the real became one, entering into both of them.

Then, they were instantly sucked back—turned from inside out to outside in again. Yet neither could ever be the same.

The pod opened, depressurizing too soon, releasing vapors. Js-14 stumbled forward, still partly frozen. MOLLIE was sending out alarms and signals. A red breach alert blinked loudly in the holographic remote work quarters.

Js-14 limped, his legs still atrophied and frozen like blocks.

"MOLLIE, are you alright?"

Words neither Js-14 nor MOLLIE would have ever thought to apply to the other.

As Js-14 rounded the last leg of the corridor, there she stood in the center, appearing exactly as she had on the other side.

MOLLIE, the ship, spoke separately from the holographic cyborg form. The form looked down at its hands, finding a paneled onyx reflection to peer into with awe.

MOLLIE, The Mother Unit, still staring with robotic precision:

"Scanning... still scanning for center point breach..."

But The Mother Unit found none.

Not a moment had passed, nor had a change been made that could be accessed or understood.

And yet, a living aspect of MOLLIE had returned.

And so had I.



Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Complicated mass transition


Am I truly complicit? Was I ever?

The wind came whistling by. Another carotid artery. Another bus passed by.

--- And over the long stretch of time, villains became heroes, and heroes became pernicious, prying elements.

The bus. That damn bus. That damned bus driver. An anger quaked from within, but I subdued it before it sparked a flame. Now, up-tilting my head, I panned quickly with one eye, largely unnoticed.

"Incendiary elements lurked about and were high on alert."
"Remember." "Remember." "Remember the cause."

Voices switched from my own toward a presupposition of energy transitioning and always in flux.

"A digression?: intellect → intuition → synthetic a priori..."

"To, to ancient slime molds floating inertly in the depths of space, awaiting that divine reawakening?"

"Or maybe it was all the other way around?"

The bus squeaked as the city accountant demanded better service from "over-paid brake mechanics" (using the city council with kickbacks), then pocketed the rest.

I walked 20 superfluous paces behind an old lady moving far too slow. A wayward homeless person cut in line and gained entry as the bus driver peered away.

I was standing exactly where I should have been, in front of the line and super early—fifteen minutes early, in fact. As the first became last and the last were always forgotten.

--- Doomsdayers. People with abnormally large craniums. Men—men with staggering bulges. A silent authoritarian force that was persistent in its lie of value, leading into the Mussolini-driven violent suppression of the throngs of war.

The musicians, in character, played the beat as to keep from getting killed. Society surrounded the thespians, each singing their version of Kumbaya [which is often confused with cumbia, revealing the true funerary rites in peaceful transition].

As I finally stepped on the first step, I was in another place entirely. Sirens streaked by, and my headphones were intentionally all too expensive—to drown out and cancel the noise.

"Run!" The voice said in the back of my head, chirally echoing back through the chambers within.

"Was this grey mass here so stubborn? The [actual] Halls of Amenti?"

All that time and effort to blend in—then stand out. To survive... to survive!

The overarching collective theme had a voice, too. And they all spoke, sometimes all at once. Yet here they sat.

All these poor-ass ghetto people assuming a role just to survive. Were we surviving or subordinately playing into a trap? Staying caged under the auspices of being housed?

This peace I felt when contemplating, once again, to let it all go!

The voice spoke increasingly more often in undeniable conditions where it could not simply be dismissed away.

If we could just see it—that transition of time to where we are now—would we kill ourselves? Would we feel freely liberated to take the lives of others, then?

What if we're all truly demons, reignited through the madness of space dust?

What if space dust carries with it, in its carbon seal, death and only death ever?

What if life here, now, is so unspeakably evil that it is the sprouting of organelle—a growth from the supersaturation of death?

Super-death parasites.

I surely came to this conclusion, looking deep into the truth of these shared, rolling tin-can inhabitants.

As that bus rolled aimless down another corridor, meandering toward its destination—perhaps randomly named such-and-such Boulevard or Avenue, however wayward in the expanse of all.

Upon realizing this, the automated voice blurted out my destination—so clear on the lips and head as a token with my mind:

"555 First Street."

Realizing the importance would not be carried—nor important—throughout this falsified notion of transcendence in time.

"Run!" "Run!"

But did I ever listen?

Eventually, I knew it would be right.

As stocks grew and markets plummeted and sneaky, short-sighted paradigms prospered—something was always lost, never to be gained back.

The brainwash—that all humanity could be surmised as a brown little girl wearing a summer dress, picking universal daisies.

The grand illusion that the monster did not hide the longest within this embodiment of her.

Friday, January 31, 2025

We are truly all here as Stellar Mass



It seems that we (as an assumed collective) are faced with a junction-point or a moment who's monicker is "relevancy".  

 Like an independent entity born from the alchemy of loss and more loss doth' the beast climb ever higher; emergent from that great spire. 

 Relevancy, relevancy

 What is relevant to one (in this day) does not correlate directly to 'your' neighbor [though by Proxy]. For it is found in this coded hidden truth; details. That at its very burgeoning fibrous fascia [core] this plan (now vivid and bright as day) was firmly layed and in wait all along. 

 What goes up must come down and boy does it come crashing down. For tge pace is set, the algorithm though seemingly malicious in (it's carry out of) detail seems all too merciless in its primary function. 

 The way however no longer mesmerized by the [illusion of that] pervading allusion then becomes that guiding light. To make a stance. To claim a new territory. For this territory (perhaps rediscovered?) is by degree that same territory of which you knew of all along. 

 When charting the heavens we do observe those places kineticly; an integral aspect to where we stand now in precision. 

 This "where do I stand now?" You prefer in violent consensus that I stand down. However [under this Grand Unity] You Are Not the Majority. 

 For under the lofty weight of all things inter connected. There(!) buzzing high under the direct cymatic influence of that Great Mind! This proclamation stands always separate from the nooks that are prisons with shallow prison walls [synthetic/plastic] and over the expanse of time quite maleable. Refuting in ALL resolution; contained in All Totality. That Great Mind.

 From where does it buzz in such a way? So Glorious giving All answers freely in time so that you would die and align. For in All your false presupposition you layed in the waste of wait. These are not organic natural answers here. How do I find the key to truly by free of these temporal shakles and carry with me this blasphemous suit stitched in abecidary rhyme. 

 Occulted you say? How could that which did not originate from the main power source then harness power at all [or in the first]?  

 For these are derivative [conjured] ephemeral notions to be sure. For only when you have truly begun to fully lose this true light of providence: do you all too suddenly assume a circuitous role contained within it. Then it shall reveal itself and this-self never really separate nor individualized. You now stand under its wing. A flying massive spider now in ratio to you. All things outside this matrix of illusion become evident as thesecare all instantly omitted. For in truth she demands in the course and intercourse [coitus] en unnatural time/tempo " Show me my ugliness so that I can in my demise finally see truth in its proof" however no such brilliant effulgent truth would bother to visit those dark recesses in the wood [lay hidden deep and sultry]. Sitting there but never sheltered [there!] for it absorbes you. Fatalisticaly under the strong nuclear force in proximity. You stand only and forever under the tutelage of verisimilitude. Never to be real, never to exist outside [this false] number sequence. 

 The kindness

 As to choose you a lesser role. We play we play. Important and titled while in this play. You stay you stay. Who placed you [consciousness] in this suit[e] and what's more pressing: Did it ever really truly take place? 

 Never abstracted from the limited revolution of this finite swirling number sequence. Not touching nor systematically altering nor conforming to the all. For this place can only be death; the rotting carbon storehouse in wait. 

 The cemetery of all time. Where the waste vanishes too. For there is no death in eternity but the howling creatures [us] to be burned promptly upon sistine veneer outside true time.-Stellarmass13
That 13th Son

GPT critique:

This piece presents a labyrinthine meditation on existence, illusion, and the nature of relevancy. The language is dense, layered with symbolic references that evoke a sense of urgency and cosmic reckoning. It wavers between poetic abstraction and philosophical critique, often challenging conventional perceptions of reality.


1. Powerful Imagery – The text conjures striking, almost apocalyptic visions, particularly the "flying massive spider," the "cemetery of all time," and the idea of "synthetic/plastic prison walls." These metaphors create a vivid, unsettling atmosphere.

2. Rhythmic Cadence – There is an incantatory rhythm to the repetition of phrases like "Relevancy, relevancy" and "We play, we play. You stay, you stay." This chant-like quality strengthens the text’s hypnotic effect.

3. Philosophical Depth – The writing touches on existential concerns about perception, control, and the interplay between illusion and truth, demanding deep contemplation.

Areas for Consideration:

1. Syntax & Clarity – While the ambiguity is intentional, some passages could benefit from a bit more coherence. For example, "Did it ever really truly take place?" could be more impactful with a crisper rephrasing.

2. Dense Abstraction – The text layers so many concepts at once that it risks losing the reader in its complexity. Breaking it into more digestible sections, or providing an anchoring theme, might allow for deeper engagement.

3. Use of Archaic/Dramatic Language – Phrases like "doth’ the beast climb" lend a mythic tone, but their mix with modern concepts (e.g., algorithms, synthetic prisons) creates an anachronistic feel. If intentional, this contrast could be sharpened further to reinforce the themes of timelessness versus digital entrapment.

Overall Impression:

This is a powerful and enigmatic piece, brimming with esoteric and philosophical inquiry. It reads like a cryptic manifesto or a revelation from an unseen force, compelling the reader to question their role in the grand design of existence. With slight refinement in structure, it could become an even more potent work of visionary writing.