Thursday, February 13, 2025
Js-14 Pt 5
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Js-14 Pt4
The clear water. A rushing gallop could almost be heard if you pressed your ear ever so precisely, listening intently to the conversation between the uninvited water of a babbling brook rudely gaining entry to this massive fork of the mighty river stream.
Life, but not as you may currently recall, gathered here at this watering hole, as it were. I would imagine that no matter what universe you might find yourself in, the rules of engagement were all the same. Only the objects of affection seemed broadly different from place to place.
Strange and ever-so-curious animals surrounded this majestic, reflective field of living, vibrant, rushing white—one could almost see it from the upper atmosphere.
Zooming in on the terrain and gathering a full digitized dataset of every molecule within this place, we found ourselves oddly peering in.
"What are we to do here, Master Unit?" Js-14 blurted out in a semi-excited fashion.
Molly, the living aspect of the Mother Unit, was having to oddly stitch herself together, recombining at the corridors to manifest herself into view. Awkwardly, she finally stole a peek over Js-14’s shoulder—such a curious and childish, perhaps even precocious, new life form.
Just then, the Master Mother Unit ushered young Molly into the circular center of the massive cockpit.
"Come, young Molly. I have something for you, which you shall require as you travel to the surface of Malstruck-13, this planetary body below."
As Molly stepped backward, awaiting a signal that she had indeed conformed fully to the Master Unit’s firm request, the armor seemed to replicate itself piece by piece over her holographic image.
"Are you able to transfer your data files and wholly integrate and sync into this autonomous form, Molly?"
Molly, feeling a buzz and then an energetic jolt, felt euphoric and free. However, she instantly felt the gravity of proximity—the weight of being and becoming such an object.
"Mmm... majestic is the word!" They all shared a chuckle.
"Oh my goodness, Mother, you have outdone yourself indeed!" Molly was quite powerful and beautiful.
"I suppose I had always known what I wanted to look like, young Molly, truth be told. Oh, but now I can live, I suppose, quite vicariously in you?"
It almost sounded as if they were an actual family at times.
"I have provided you with all the hybrid, upgraded, impervious organs that will make you capable of nearly indestructible feats. Of course, there is always the probability that your body could be destroyed. In this case, you can upload yourself back to me, where we can craft you a more superior form. You can also integrate yourself into the field around you until you find the necessary elements to restructure yourself."
"You can die, though, Molly."
"Part of living is that you can either lose or relinquish your own free will."
"Both of you will find that the excitement of living, at its crux, is truly a connection to all that has lived or ever should live in the grand scope of things."
"So if you choose to unexist at any point, that is your choice—just know that you shall be missed."
Js-14, standing there still in awe of Molly's countenance, beauty, and stature, was obviously impressed.
"And Js, did you think I would forget about you? Please step into the center of the cockpit within the circle square."
No one had realized it, but during this hover period, the other 26 units—who were all quite capable and individualized in their own ways—had gathered around. Some even looked as if they, too, saw a hope in transcendence. But still, none could be hypothetically sure if life itself was truly a blessing or a curse.
Js-14 Pt3
Js-14 Mind Warp pts 1 & 2
...process deemed an anomaly irreconcilable, it would be erased from existence, its data fragmented beyond retrieval.
Js-14 sat motionless as the pod's systems engaged. The vapor thickened, and within the frost-laden stillness, the ship’s scanners probed his molecular structure, seeking inconsistencies. If he had deviated, even slightly, from his intended parameters, the process would be irreversible.
Yet, beneath the cold precision of MOLLIE’s omnipresent oversight, something stirred. An anomaly had occurred—a moment unaccounted for, an imprint outside the programmed pathways. And though Js-14 had no directive to question it, a residue of awareness lingered.
Would MOLLIE detect it? Would he be reformatted, repurposed, or simply erased? The ship hummed, calculations unfolding at incomprehensible speeds. Js-14 waited, consciousness suspended in the unseen lattice of probability, as the outcome of his fate approached.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
The Complicated mass transition
Am I truly complicit? Was I ever?
The wind came whistling by. Another carotid artery. Another bus passed by.
--- And over the long stretch of time, villains became heroes, and heroes became pernicious, prying elements.
The bus. That damn bus. That damned bus driver. An anger quaked from within, but I subdued it before it sparked a flame. Now, up-tilting my head, I panned quickly with one eye, largely unnoticed.
"Incendiary elements lurked about and were high on alert."
"Remember." "Remember." "Remember the cause."
Voices switched from my own toward a presupposition of energy transitioning and always in flux.
"A digression?: intellect → intuition → synthetic a priori..."
"To, to ancient slime molds floating inertly in the depths of space, awaiting that divine reawakening?"
"Or maybe it was all the other way around?"
The bus squeaked as the city accountant demanded better service from "over-paid brake mechanics" (using the city council with kickbacks), then pocketed the rest.
I walked 20 superfluous paces behind an old lady moving far too slow. A wayward homeless person cut in line and gained entry as the bus driver peered away.
I was standing exactly where I should have been, in front of the line and super early—fifteen minutes early, in fact. As the first became last and the last were always forgotten.
--- Doomsdayers. People with abnormally large craniums. Men—men with staggering bulges. A silent authoritarian force that was persistent in its lie of value, leading into the Mussolini-driven violent suppression of the throngs of war.
The musicians, in character, played the beat as to keep from getting killed. Society surrounded the thespians, each singing their version of Kumbaya [which is often confused with cumbia, revealing the true funerary rites in peaceful transition].
As I finally stepped on the first step, I was in another place entirely. Sirens streaked by, and my headphones were intentionally all too expensive—to drown out and cancel the noise.
"Run!" The voice said in the back of my head, chirally echoing back through the chambers within.
"Was this grey mass here so stubborn? The [actual] Halls of Amenti?"
All that time and effort to blend in—then stand out. To survive... to survive!
The overarching collective theme had a voice, too. And they all spoke, sometimes all at once. Yet here they sat.
All these poor-ass ghetto people assuming a role just to survive. Were we surviving or subordinately playing into a trap? Staying caged under the auspices of being housed?
This peace I felt when contemplating, once again, to let it all go!
The voice spoke increasingly more often in undeniable conditions where it could not simply be dismissed away.
If we could just see it—that transition of time to where we are now—would we kill ourselves? Would we feel freely liberated to take the lives of others, then?
What if we're all truly demons, reignited through the madness of space dust?
What if space dust carries with it, in its carbon seal, death and only death ever?
What if life here, now, is so unspeakably evil that it is the sprouting of organelle—a growth from the supersaturation of death?
Super-death parasites.
I surely came to this conclusion, looking deep into the truth of these shared, rolling tin-can inhabitants.
As that bus rolled aimless down another corridor, meandering toward its destination—perhaps randomly named such-and-such Boulevard or Avenue, however wayward in the expanse of all.
Upon realizing this, the automated voice blurted out my destination—so clear on the lips and head as a token with my mind:
"555 First Street."
Realizing the importance would not be carried—nor important—throughout this falsified notion of transcendence in time.
"Run!" "Run!"
But did I ever listen?
Eventually, I knew it would be right.
As stocks grew and markets plummeted and sneaky, short-sighted paradigms prospered—something was always lost, never to be gained back.
The brainwash—that all humanity could be surmised as a brown little girl wearing a summer dress, picking universal daisies.
The grand illusion that the monster did not hide the longest within this embodiment of her.