
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Archon's to Angel's as Heaven to Hell


The problem was, we simply were not interested in what was mainstream or popular. Philosophy is always the seemingly less acquisition able way to solve a problem, we must rely on the syllogist of our day for that. Value, as I spoke of prior, is based on perceived necessity or need. When one goes into intellectual interlude if one could be so lucky, in a lifetime, it seems somewhat different that one of a purely physical nature, or is it?
 Even when two seemingly higher functioning beings living aboard space ship planet earth, of the opposite sex be in coutus, each perceives the event or situation rather, in a far different fashion. The male, or how Male's are produced, in our day, are brought to erection, as Virginia Wolf points out, as a measure of conquest, as to penetrate. The more power a man "feels" he is taking, the more power a woman feels she be enveloping. The man thinks he has her, that due to this orgasmic take over, eyes rolling, moisture revealing, screams of desire yielding, she indeed is mine, thinks he. Little does he know, she too, is enjoying a rather undeveloped perception of what human connectedness be, that it is not a love making act at all, but a craft to control, to acquisition and take over. Only after the love making, and oxytocine kicks in, does the true craft come out. She wishes now, to exalt herself above the man, as if she has drawn on his very vital force, wishing now to be given directions now as to what to do with it?
 Needless to say, Men of our day, are often surprised, when the one who drank of his very excretions, and worn of his clothes, is now further attempting to disseminate and chop shop any value this weaker sex feels fit to do. It is a craft, no different than when a lesser powerful animal is cornered, and wishes to last another day, yet women place themselves in the situation, no less look for it and dream of it, at all waking hours of a day, at least within the time space window, of reproductive years, which of course now, are the very barter system of value in our day (to extend the youth experience, as to keep capitalism, which be largely based on the exuberance of youthful folly, churning it's Karmic cycle.
 We, as a people seem to become rational beings, even writing books on subjects about rationality, poplar opposite of our expression to live, to be free, and to be again youthful or youth filled. To be truly youth filled, we know in youths extreme a child before sex is know, innocents is youths true and pure mark. This also being a staple of the Great Jesus, being seen as a child often, and often making references of becoming like a child again both in recognized theological text, as well as original codex, of course with complete accuracy ;).
 The cult be based around the fact, that our leader of purity was killed by the perceived all, and thus, we must have to be bad, or contrary to Jesus pure and true ways, in order that we may survive the day, as a sinner. The religion let us all of the hook but only eludes to the master mind construction of the religion, as to control a massive population, with fear of hell.
 As I observed prior too, Heaven and Hell be both made of Light, so leaves the question of purity, for they could be in the same place, but not observed by the quality of witness. Who can crack the code? Who is worthy? Secret organizations only protect the division, as to say, if you can understand the clues and sacrifice the cost of entry, you may very well be invited to join, but it will be done telepathically, never cruxed into the physical reality, for if it be, then there be no diversionary method of control kept sacred.
The hormones, by which we seem largely controlled, create a state of mind, specific to a cause of work, and build. Work and build are simply to take the carbon dust and put it through the Jewish Plato machine (TJPM), to make matter based stuff, which have no authenticity or crux to truth, in fact machinated to avoid it. Karma, and it's capitalistic wheel rely whole heatedly on the stupidity and "passion"of youth to mechanically and laboriously turn it, like a donkey fastened about a wheel.
 Yet Hormones are just proteins, and proteins are agents, building blocks, that are not unlike keys, to the information which also be embedded in proteins within the gnome. All the quantities, type, and quality are also of predetermined "nature", this author believes it is all manufactured (and that Scientology only answers a small portion of mysteries).
 The Spirit world is indeed alive, and can be seen brimming above your head, in the form of clouds, felt as rushing wind, do not doubt that these are very much beings, and more a force of beings, that when in frenzy, are in attempt to ingesting their like. It is all the same, little Lego type components, as molecules, first Fermion Particles, only carbon (matter) which be painted with pigment (proteins) be a differentiating factor. Are we not bored with a grey world, and imagining the carbon, in contrast to blackness of space, in attempt to view beauty by way of color and form, when in this, we see Phi as the only constant towards an order to this madness. Our eyes, projecting color, truly only seeing the beginnings of a  messenger code, which in fact simply tells us what to think, feel, see and thus experience.
 The revelation, when one realizes the madness of repeat. That we are in an atomized grid world of Phi's 21, which utilizes 9 (see other EPL posts), and that this true math maps out months, molecules, particles and structures to everything you see as exist. Onion layers overlapping materia prima spiritual exist and function into form of what we perceive as matter. I understood everything I point out, everything, tapping three times to keep a tempo, as a ritual, as a child of 3. I contemplated the relevance of protons, neutrons and electrons as solar systems, then understood this must too repeat, on and forever?
 No! Because Phi's final number be 21, only gathering orbs or spheres as the Phi sequence seems to go on, while using acquisition able math. 21 is it, the outside of the in. Realms then are all that separate us from thus spheres, seen as UP, DOWN, BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, CHARM and STRANGE. Six very different spinning, different colored, and varied mass Quarks, each with their own behavior. The EPL Sphere are in truth the focus of our base structure, and how we assert to place are intent in the form of will towards the best use of this pre-matter, in the form of color, light, spin and of course there must be sound as frequency. We do not praise the science, nor the being that constructed it, but the originator, who provided the original stuff and knowledge on which EPL be based.


Supposing Truth is a Woman?
The force which inhabits the form, are no more than Archon energy/force, which is also grossly misrepresented and misunderstood, for anti principle is the stuff by which anti matter be comprised, and she is a magnet to frustrations cause, for she will never be complete, not truly. We will all be fine, true, bored hermaphrodites, with no will but to the Father, by which we know him to be, if not for the sickness of the swelling sea. Thus those of higher intellectual prowess must have thought, whilst constructing the method and mode, over so many generations of work in space/time (Care)  "there must be a way to let them know, without expecting them to think?"

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