
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

EPL Not a vampire


I am not a vampire. I was drained of my superior spherical energy for years. I was kept ignorant, by a constructed system, of magnetic grid energy. The grids made, electromagnetic walls, buildings and people power, and are not just a force, or current of consistent energy, but force as in, we are being forced to play roles. By way of genetic manipulation, genome altering, synthetic a priori in the real sense, by first establishing "itself" a posteriori, by way of acute cellular alterations or changes. The roles are made clear, and there must a sufficient energy available, which as a genetic suit, that is truly an energy producing machine. The division is in the respect of those tribes of peoples, that split the world into 8 possible units, or quadrants of energy force regulation, a natural reaction, then occurrence, in relation to the grid energy pre-produced products of distribution and designation, now run with the efficiency that new mars colonies, as well as moons on a few planets, will benefit from. A world of pure perfection, as a mechanical unit has already been established and has been in good relative working order.
 The ubermensch had been create long ago, and is only a reintroduction to the first unholy sight, the man without inherent principle understanding, until the understanding of Abraxis, of antithesis be re-applied, then the docile superman, will be prodded  into reaction, towards being the aggressive, the meek superior, in all ways, will be the abused, the capable, the sensitive and rage filled. This is the machination, against those who were created, as well as fated, manipulating a will, that was destined for greatness, to a sad pile of over qualified waste. We are talking about a society that runs off the Sun power, and intensity, of one who is a beacon, who's stars are in linear alliance with him always, drawing on the source of power, that constantly puts him in the seat of a god (lower case).
 On this planet, and all others, within this contained grid of pre-planned culture, peoples, creatures and establishments, there is a Lord, and above that, sanctioned, there is yet another, and another. Through Phi, and into Phi, Lords, Lord Gods, and all those under the main power, which exists outside of space/time, in a place we may not even be able to comprehend, that does not work on law, which was established by they, which needs respect gravity, fermion spin, or other craft based ways, which must be used as all our "self-generating" techniques, of not being absorbed by all our enemies, which are, one another.

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