If a clock be round, and so to thought a zero (Babylonian "discovery"), and the world not be in 2 dimensions, but multiple existing spheres, the circle is truly orb, and the orb an undeveloped sphere. Frequency is the medium, the charge, not unlike our own nervous systems, with respect to saltatory conduction, more so the circadian Q rhythm of the heart muscle (polarization, repolarization, depolarization ETC...). We may find even deeper, that the heart, and it's fractal fibers, delay (AV Node and it's numbers via wikipedia; The AV node is quite compact (~1 x 3 x 5 mm), The atrioventricular node delays impulses by approximately 0.12s).
The numbers stay consistent with all other numbers, furthering the notion of these consistent base number, also prime number repeats, that this spin into, and of exist, be not separate in any way from it's origin ("life") but a progressive and balanced fractal branch of predicted math. This can be a fresh knowledge to some, others a cold and callus predictability, with no capricious or whimsical outlet, in truth?
Through my observation, I believe the spherical phenomenon of at least this world, and like true, what is true here and now, show evidence of total truth, validated by the INNER KNOWING (IK or Gnosis). We see validated my inclination that what is thought to be up, universally (common) to all zones (understood and know) is actually tilted to the right. Below the recurring 6 (chambers of the heart), 6/7/8 as in the existent form of the Q wave pattern (perspective, even 9 true points, including "neutral"). The behavior, or rather, the hormone base to all behavior fits perfectly into the EPL MODEL (EPLM) at bottom, to the circadian behavior/chronobiology pattern borrowed form wikipedia, links also included).
Look at the EPLM below, and also ask, if this model makes the solar system also look as if it be tilted to the right, and following the perfect planetary balance, like quarks, according to their "Mass" ...more than likely following Phi again (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)? That is, the Ego representing the Sun/center, and all other spheres being true planets, guided by that Solar Ego.
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