
Friday, June 12, 2015


 All one ever truly has to do, in order to raise the common field, a standard, is seek Purity. It becomes evident when people are on a power trip. They soon forget how they got where they are. I think of Alex Jones, can't help it. He seems conflicted, false and on the verge of breaking down. He one thing, which separated him from those Youtube News Station Amateurs. When he was young, he broke into the Bohemian Grove, as a sensationalistic effort. The video shows him, over confident, clogging around in his big boots, with an over sized belt buckle. I was looking at the body language between him and Lee Ann Macadoo, then to see a write up on it later. I don't like to talk mess, about peeps. for real, however when someone claims to be Christian, and I see them as Capitalists, I wonder, what the difference?

That's about all I have to say about such corporeal deed based items.

 I find it odd how people can attempt this balance, whilst playing the fringe. Alex wants to help, he wants to assist, but he honestly doesn't know how. These chicks are evil Man, trust me, I know, I am thinking about writing a confession myself. I began to write a book called "Manorexic", which were to be my chronicles with perfection. I burned all my tapes, videos, and pictures. The ones you see, are not me in my height, but rather, at a lower level of development. I took it to another level, and was actually weeks away from being competition ready. After going through such a confusing trial, I freaked, I was being attacked from all angles. It only seems to have subsided, when you back off.

 I was sitting there, in that coffee shop, playing with fucking gravity, slowing time down with my mind. I honestly am far to tired, and brain dead to do anything about it now. I don't have a power to bring in UFO's, I actually tried to do one of those C5 Greer mind melds, but it begins to feel quite dark. The darkness is something that make me feel desperate, lost and alone. There are worlds, which I have seen glimpses of. I had the suspicion in 2013, February, that if I kept going, it would be to far. I swear I stepped toward the very gates of hell.

 It freaks me out, that absolutely NOTHING IS REAL. Are you following me, when I say this? I can hear you say, "yea I can!"

 Some of us are more interested in this world from the time of birth. We become happy, and excited, the prospect of a new world. For me, the world felt as a prison, I was pissed and disappointed, as I knew I had been sent here, against my will. I remember, as I have stated, cussing at my parents. What I didn't say, is that the voices were there, with images, as well as the ability to see into the future. I was pissed.

 When I go on a walk, I know 10 minutes before hand, how many cars and from what direction they will come. I know if the temperament is such, that I need to brace Little Bear, doggie.

 This is minor, and I tend to smoke more weed these days, knowing it dulls me. I am frankly afraid of whats next, what I am working so hard towards, absent knowing why?

 Whey has my life been such a blessing and curse? Why the chrono-time cut off points? Why are these winged reptiles masquerading as Men? What is Man? Are we all from somewhere else, on a mission?

 My Son thinks he is the Anti-Christ, they knew how close he was to me, still is. My ex-wife began to get on the payroll, and thought the CIA were in her attack. She has destroyed my life, intentionally. She called the Police, filed false charged against me, I got fines and work hours. She hurt my kids, and she is a shell of a person, we have not been together for 12 years.

 My Life came to a push shove, where I had to literally take what I wanted. I had to want the flesh, and frankly absent weed, I simply, quickly, no longer see myself as human. I am serious, I don't feel human, never have, but the jig is up.

 Since 2012 going into 2013, I begin to amass a power. I have become more lenient with religions. I saw through Christian eyes, yet was Pure, and showed Purity. They plan these events, with specific People. I wish I was crazy sometimes, but I don't break, I can't. I want the weird goings on with people, and how they each work their craft, out in the open, daily.

 As long as no one hurts another, was the treatise, long ago, This was broken, or assumed from the first. The treacherous female, would never be trusted, and never will again, not by the Pure Ones. The Druids and Witches have a hatred and alliance, and that was the name of the gas station, Tim worked at.

 I thought about it for a moment, "did I have some sort of DMT trip?" One things for certain, nothing mattered to me, after 2013. I was searching my whole life, and learned how to uncover traces, and turn over those stones no one else noticed. I realized what true intellect IS.

 I truly saw in flashes of colors. I walked for days, on into the night, 20miles per day, for years, never stopping. People thought of me as a loser, but I kept my journals, and later my posts on this site. Many of you don't know the life stories, which centered around the writings. That is, where I was in my life, and what was going on. There is something like a fishing line, lowered, but more like a web. When you do get high, you are not to be worried about. The localized Demons, or Aliens, whatever, stick to a geographical zone. There was a time, when demonic peoples, greeted me, as if I were the Prince of Darkness, or Jesus. I begin to realize, how this whole this is random. That there are most likely hundreds of thousands of people out there right now, who hear the same messages, and are pressed in the same directions. Rare is it, that people make the choices I did. However, I am the most powerful of them all, I am not Ego centered, and so I know somehow today, that I am number 3 or 4 of the ones who are being orchestrated to bring the whole thing down.

 See, these things want to be able to blame someone, humanity, for the purge. This world is not at all as it seems, and I have been running a campaign since childhood, to prove it, at least to myself, definitely now.

 I don't like people anymore. I have learned to notice such revealing things about people. I know what is in them, I can feel them, see them if I choose. Any where.

 Weed destroys the All Mind, though I still emit a strong presence, it is not my full self. I want to be pure, and to be who I am, but I am afraid of floating away. They wait for me. My will impresses upon the World, despite what the mediocre little people may think or do, chasing their dollars and so forth.

 I want to settle, begin to train people again, but I am now capable of shaping them with my mind, changing, altering and bettering or cursing. My Soul is a powerful force, that does not require the body to live. As I become more pure, the DNA signature and the improvements I have made to the self, resonate as the god, it scares me.

 I know everything is a lie, their is nothing that can be trusted, so don't trust them. I however, live by a code, at least to the living. Most think of themselves as living, but they are not, they are just code written into the scenery.

 There is this anticipation, which takes place, but it is training. We chase money, pussy, cars and soon realize ourselves as well trained beasts. Killing, Rape, and Concur is the way of the world, this will be happening quite a bit, payback to those witches, not my doing, but the do deserve it. There will be strange dark craft, I feel, emerging soon. We are under the illusion that happy times are upon us, due to the fact that we seem to want this moment to come. As I type this, I feel dark, powerful, and my hatred for human  beings, is not something I can mask over anymore. Corrupt, backwards, even retarded. The very plan is insulting.

 There is an entirely different intelligence , of which I am aware, something quite superior, to anything else. There has been an unstoppable surge from within me, when I just allow it to be. Females are usually quite aware, and they seem awestruck that I do not use this to it's full capacity, perhaps they do not understand how immense this power is, and what it will ultimately do to the likes of them

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