
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Concealment or Progression?


What do you see?
Are you truly taking a break from yourself, when you watch?

Oh the rhetoric of the [Olympic] Game. Assumed in idealistic sarcasm to the self, that it should take a special man, as to win [the Judges view] over his competitors [only other men].

 It is interesting, that because of the Olympics [International spectatorship], EPL's viewership numbers are down a bit, however the shear number of Countries [of interest] rises drastically.

 I don't watch the Olympics anymore. I don't play the anecdotal card often anymore. I see Russia, actually as the expressive truth, ironically, wishing I could experience [the view of] the progressions in techno-doping, as Man moves beyond shallow interpretations and competition.

 It is far more impressive to me as to see the CRISPER type influence on/effecting Genetic Future Man. Ironic that the Olympics should be but a surface display of the super-man, when technology is sure to bring to the Universe, again, Overman.

 Tell, if you can, how many planets, in how many galaxies, and within how very many solar systems, is this generic and base expression IE The Sport, playing itself out? Entertainment of the slave class, a distraction. We sync towards base competitive expression, and narrow band connectivity. How many have done the same? Lapping over and over, this same self promoting action, as to spend every waking hour, proving superiority of the inferior being which is Man.

 No! Quite on the contrary, my interest lies in Future Man, eventually Overman, and on into Over-Lord, when finally Man, again achieves his greatest act of Will, as to become his own self governing body, free of base competitive spirit, which keeps us in fact looking away from the stars, and acting as Man, the ritualistic Animal.

 I don't watch competitive sport for this very reason today. I realized long ago, that when I refined my own shortcomings, I was praised as a master of them, when concealment was the goal all along.

 I admire what Russia and China are doing, as these absorb the US through phasic dominance, for it was all pre-planned so long ago. Capitalism was meant to bolster and misdirect attentions, for the Hive.

 Dominance is when David [a class of peoples] took on Goliath [a tribe of Gods] with spheres of influence [the stones]? Progression must take place, a joining of the Great Galactic War, that is afoot this day, outside this tiny sphere, a mere tether to other dominant and dictating celestial bodies. SMO13

*More, how abut the sudden rise of a small Country, who with technology should now rule the rest, and surpass 'the game'? Do not except what they place as veil before unsuspecting eyes, as the 5G drones working in perfect sync, are the true progression, and statement, of where we are today.

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