
Friday, December 18, 2020

EPL; parabolic leads to hyperbolic non-euclidean original offset of cohesion OR 1:00 PM/AM

The great reset on one side; left hand path
The singularity to the right.

 Thermodynamic seeming constant derived from inconsistencies borrowing from a seeming dualism. The third state of cotangency. Equilibrium. Entropy or energy from the offset agitation. Enthalpy the total energy refracted and bled off into redundant adjacent systems. Held within a solution only kept an equilibrium by Purge and cleaving off. -The Sacrifices

 Take two spheres. These spheres are what has become. They are each the same? One actually came along a minute fraction prior to and after the other. These seem to be eachother. They are so closely entwined, that these pass into one another creating a bond and a repulsion appearing nearly as one, nearly as ring. These are the parabolic ways, leading into the hyperbolic and on to the non-euclidean optics of distance and time, the held partial state reality that you think that you see, and experience in " 'real time' " and also 'x', the crossing over. 

Both variant and invariant

 Two separate and yet seeming simple number systems emerge. One to the left, crossing, where numbers seem rational. Such as; 1, 2, 3. This seems simple enough? However in it's ejection, in haste it has forgotten or not come at all (other than it's affiliation to the first) O. 
 "O" represents Sphere. However in Left's retracing, it looks back in a conundrum, an identity jam as it reflects back on zero or 0.

 Well the problem bring, is that there is no zero/0. Not in concept or in theory. The current Fiat money system proves this in it's inequity. 
 More to the point what is thought of as theory, Bitcoin, which is largely based on Fibonacci proves that Phi is the sustaining and only true number system. Wd see this in the Fibonacci charting, we see this with its total units in/of supply which is 21 million.

 There are 21 million BTC ever (mined, ever create). 

 Of these two spheres one is but a misrepresentation of the first. We see this in the dualism in math and Philosophy. 

Gauss sequence; 101 on the way up, 101 on the way down. However like the statement 4:13 or 5:12 [the number system to the left, here is total cycle count, to your right is the sequence at play]. The number borrows or truly culminates into a full cycle count IE the procession or process and the time/unit.

Here the Sacred Geometrical codes derive back to 9 (which is 4 and 5 [4:5 the incomplete cycle of borrow]). The 3rd flipping of 6, from the first 3 main principle (statement; O, 1, 1 is 3 but it is also 2 [argument of left & right]).

3, 6, 9 
69 yin and yang (coming together 8; 7th number of Phi in accruence)

There is only a held necessary Evil here because of pluroma or environmental solution. 

4 or dualistic 8 or '88' [four main Principles]
Because of rotation or procession there is 6 or truly 8. However the 8 here is left incomplete, 7 gives directive. "Do you spin out or in?"

Left Brain,
Right Brain,
The concepts of good and evil, a division based on usury or of sacrificing oneself for the good of all? But this dynamic was manufactured once. And the correction is not so much the backwards engineered method but the process and steps within _____(what) solution?

6 (maximal cycles): 21 maximal processes 
Phi [13]
O sphere, 1, 1 varient and invariant (left/right)
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 invariant 
34 [10:7], 55, 89, 144 [144 first true redundant #] (derivatives) varient

Borrowing takes place (contangent)

Zero/0 being fictional?

Where as Left hand math 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 invariant varient
6 conditional
7 directive 
8 coincidental
9 redundant 
[Approaches 13, contains 5 and 9: resets to 1:00]


 In Philosophy we see the same occur in 'I think therefor I am' a right path notion. To the left 'the end justifies the means' 

 Since Phi does not begin with zero/0 and zero does not exist, which is proven with each fall of civilization; children placing their trust in the illusion of none or minimal accruence 'I want it and I want it now' the lessons that Phi offers are not understood, by most if not all. 

 Phi begins with O/sphere. If it did not, it would not be so. Each successive count or number represents the prior/last in validation of the first "O".

 This makes number theory quite simple in fact, in point of fact. 

 Going back to the spheres discussed prior; the center of wobble or balance is offset by it's combined interaction [26 degrees]. While a seeming cotangency is taking place, a generation of life, an Agitation or repulsion is manifesting a state. This stage rellies upon this seeming offset center of mass and distribution. From this an echo of replication. A transient borrowing of energy, a Dualistic battle of validation and control, a schizophrenic bifurcation of identity crises. A madness in individualism brought on by a codependency. 
 However it does not need to be this way, because an Equalibrium should come shortly after [this]. The reflective aspects of movement or rotation, where ather phantom principles also emerge, the beauty and simplicity, as to fill in the gaps. We have.thus the emergence if this Sacrid Geometrical structure, however the spheres are perfectly offset in comprehensible size and thus mass/density to one another (truly the original or origin. I believe Monad comes from this design? Represented as the free standing "A" however more like a year drop, as there is no static state. It, we, exist or are being held in a stretched out theoretical held existence that is both a prison and a gift of release. 

 This is all fine and we'll. However I believe there has either been a great synthetic machinations done here or a grand mistake? This, because the outcome or event is entirely reliant upon the environmental substance, a gas solution that this cohesion be taking place. It has more to do with how the process/project began. 

 We are all working on the same problem at hand. Some are coming from a Mathematical perspective while others come from a Philosophical theory/filter. Science is that bridge in between, the middle place.

  The midpoint is 13, where two pyramidical structures show the convexity as well as concavity of this over lapping. This is displayed with the left pointing hypotenuse and the right triangle. There is however an offset (in-equalateral), they are not the same perceivable measure or perfect replication of one another of distance in/and time/Time.

 There is however a compromise and there has to be, where the measure of total scalable distance of the entire original unit (looking at parallel lines) as 13. 

 There is a cleaving and borrowing however total synthesis can not take place within the gas solution provided here in reference to cohesion. 

 I think that the final or bear final state of steady state true existent balance can theoretically (what I've seen/witness or been exposed to) with hydrogen (offset by a helium event). I am neither a philosopher, a mathematician or scientist. Just weird oddball who thinks too much and works too little. But I ask you, what indeed is a unit of work/measure?

No Nobel prizes for this uneducated idiot!


 The events most likely to place at or below absolute zero. Where hydrogen behaves much differently. I believe this false notion IE this world was brought about through hydrolysis or nuclear fission or fusion.

 One thing is for sure steady state cannot be achieved without constant maintenance in sacrifice and cleaving.

"It's not that they think you're stupid; point in fact is that they don't want you to realize that you are smart/unit"

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