
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Avatar Form

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Becoming the Form It is said within the fields of more exact sciences ‘form follows function’. On a fuller more graduated scale of adjacency the addition may often follow ‘….and function into form’? Point being that when we attempt to truly take on a form and all of that forms ancient and arcane histories we are delving into a quest and a challenge. With a child’s eyes we saw the cabin (an existential form) yet we couldn’t have possibly imagined what may reside within it. As we have become an active portion of this metaphysical pursuit of wonders our existence expounds, we are no longer us and they can no longer be them. We have entered into a matriculation of sorts among mostly unseen consorts. A direction becomes a way. The way must be thought about and we’ll considered. There would too be a time as to begin any function. When we have acknowledged a function we risk jumping to far ahead in a declarative way. One action with enough force produced an effect so then I was the cause? The energies swung like a heavy wrecking ball and more subtle ways would be necessary to adopt and learn. In the application (of learning) a sort of contemplative ritualistic Kata began to take root. We must go it alone so that one does not pollute others toward another half thought sect into fanatical religiosity. The Avatar An invitation is sent. The fingers that reach out cosmically are from the depths of our Sacrifice, Pain and Will. This Expression transcends our current form and displays the falsity of a quasi-imposteral organism not far removed from a parasite. The avatar is not the body we were stuck within but the energy that manifests as we are going away (from the body ‘host’). We become more or less. This ‘plane’ then is seen more as a playground however it is not neutral by any means. The Dynamic struggle It is thus essential to struggle (in order) to know. The pain reaches out. The contrasting and contrary is isolation of the false self assumes the true self as the parasite. The human body form uses black sciences from a (thelemic) archaic and taboo erogenous lineage. It sees purity as the saboteur of knowledge it should rightfully posses. The steps down the shady slopes of the left hand path can only lead to some reduction of hell, though many willfully relent and follow. You must be more! and do it goes that you shall be. However your space suit, your human body still lies within this contrasting space. The struggle is a fight that this true inner light can depart from this anchor and gather to its like. The form we take From the core of purity we must practice this principle based Kata. Each movement has a direction and an applied force, don’t just say them mean them as you spin!

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