
Friday, July 28, 2023

Stellar Mass The Whore Horse [No Edits Raw]

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil Calibri;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset161 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\generator Riched20 6.3.9600}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\f0\fs24\lang9 STELLAR MASS IS THE THIRD SON OF GOD\par UNDER HEAVEN\par \par IN THESE STORIES, OFTEN DELIVERED MORE LIKE PARABLES, WITH HOMERIC TONE, AS WELL AS INFLECTIONS NEEDED. FOR THIS READ, IT BE BEST, A PERSONAGE, MAY PLACE UPON THEIR VERY FACES, A CONVEX, AS WELL AS CONCAVE VIEW ON THE WORLD BEFORE YOU NOW. THIS IS EPL, ESOTERIC PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT.\par \par 0\par 1\par 1 (2 IS THIRD PLACING, IN Phi)\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par The Complete\par Those related to Abel, are Spiritual Offspring\par Those also related to Seth, now a Physical Hone, of Purities Beacon\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\highlight1 STELLAR MASS\par DUSK OF MAN\par \par "THE WHITE HORSE"\par Fiction? Only in part-\par Open\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, \ldblquote Come and see.\rdblquote 2) And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.\par \par As we learn, we miss the Pure Moment\par A reflection\par So I seek Truth?\par \par Who then, sacrificed a Son, is this choice not done in knowledge, with the infusion of Life?\par For life alone would only know the Love, not to acknowledge the future, those generations, the dimensions~\par \par Life finds dimension maddening?\par As the Pure Ones do not choose to see their own reflections, or can't?\par Was this my charge?\par That I should see?\par \par Who will explain to them, the countless eras, past finite count, that they should see to know?\par Thus the knowledge be destroyed?\par \par The Purge!\par \par The Tree of Knowledge\par We use knowledge now~\par We live for knowledge, "Us"\par The Ones, I suppose thus, cast out?\par \par Like Light, as a wave length increases, the frequency thus decreases\par And so you push me far away, a shift?-\par \par My Father, repulsed by me, an error, for him to Love without losing!\par \par Like the illusionist who uses the mirror, infusing it upon "reality"\par A forgery?\par Thus the image becomes it's own reality~\par Does not the Luminous one, that one of highest intellect, within a sphere, dictate then\par "The Reality?"\par \par Thus the greatest perceiver be the criminal-\par Thus the "deceiver?"\par \par Oh but Pi is but a reflection~\par The Tree of Life-\par Opposite the Knowledge, for it's fractals do not reach into matter-\par The fusion, the fission,\par The internal Light, the external Light\par Which be the constant source from Phi~\par Pi is but a reflection, of this Electric field, Photon CHARGED!\par \par Does a reflection not feel pain?~\par Does the reflection not feel the point of center, as does the so called "observer"-\par Alone~\par \par Where then does the apex of the sphere stem?\par Perhaps quite simply, just a repeat, of it's same shift cancelling madness?\par Now colors, into blend~\par \par As a tree must stem, then grow, \par fractals following numbers, order, law?\par \par I follow principle, yet the Father sees I am made of knowledge, the rot~\par \par Each in observation, \par writing down, as to exploit, the journal of man~\par \par The spheres, the speed doth ripple, finding it's presence in the observers eye-\par To fast a god moves in your time~\par In water doth they fly, more like the heavenly realms\par \par What I see, I become, what I become I contaminate!\par This was not want, but a yearning to be more like you-\par Why then give me wings, then only to clip them?\par \par Isolate! \par Throw me in a pit, I will mock my very being-\par For you~\par Look at me, a Leviathan, a Baphomet, a Baal...a Bollock....a Marduk? \par Meer degrees of ME~\par \par Only to cruelly find, I am creator too, at center!\par \par Father!!!\par \par The blasphemy, the self depravity, Minions to kiss these godly lips, my anus, these to compromise such, a feminine corset? A deadly flower~\par \par A goat?\par A Goatish grin?.. yet none have the humor, they take "it all" far to seriously~\par The peasant, of these "pure ones"\par -before taint, burned into their need to "worship a god"-\par prior to their destruction~\par \par They come back, they come back as "shadow selves"-\par Yet how is it the waves blend into patterns, the patterns into lines?\par The lines into spheres, the spheres into order\par The order of Frequency, Color, Shift...excited fields, then?...\par Zero point, E~\par The choice then, clearly before you?-\par Become what you are!\par \par The left path, the Anti-way-\par ...and to the right? Man ascends from Clay~\par \par PRINCIPLE! PURITY, That very source of force~\par \par Thus frequency is knowledge\par Yet with no disparaging existence... then no wing to fly-\par \par I frequency, flee from Life, from Wave of Light, the flicker-\par Yet to find, I ride on "them", as they chase me, infinitely\par occupiable souls~\par \par They Kill to amend the mistake, I made, when opening the door-\par Yet you cast me out?-\par The dimensions didn't matter, because matter wasn't matter into form\par Truly Carbon, or the Atom, which one is that point of REAL?-a plane on which to ride~\par That is to say, the Corporeal, or the Spiritual, Finite or Infinite, that is the question?\par \par I was but a snake, born into, entangled-\par within the very spin, \par of electromagnetic grid\par -at first, just cast away?\par \par Hurled away!- with a growing and burning green, the envy!\par -which forced it's life on me\par Split me into many divisions, of "myself"\par \par To much light, to much!\par Yet I became, and thus could not "un-become"\par \par I am your worst Sun, the Black Sun\par ... as to be first, to create dimension- as perspective with knowledge?\par where ever I may go, the angst of lost purity, the grinding frequency of will,\par -shall follow thus, and though~\par \par Further-\par I did not want to see them, but they willed to see me-\par They danced around me like little ponies, wanting to ride, wanting to see the monster lash out!\par I showed them, so, look!\par ... you believe something that is less\par - something that is not real... \par ..not in dimension of space/time reflection, but- \par that mimetic of vibration\par MAGNETIC VEIL!- \par I cast before your eyes, radiated there, by way of my own, "exist!"~\par -But as I showed them, there guts came lose, and instead of releasing, they grabbed at their very entrails, like a life line, wanting to go back! Naming it in fact, a silver string, the cord-\par Entangled are they Now~\par -But there is no back, this is the knowledge! \par The past now in decay~\par \par To feel thus Wisdom's sling (?)~\par \par They moaned and screamed, tortured me, became me, haunted me, and thus wanted life, yet they trailed far behind me, feeding off exhausted effort, of ever looping thoughts transcendence?\par They want what they can not, this is the way they be create, but, I am to blame...\par for my own suffering? to have become~\par I, spinning out, further still, into all regions, as to create them as I spin...into nothing, and making the nothing into a dimension of my painful expression...\par RELEASE ME!!!!!!!!\par -Yet, throughout this life, and angst, shall no mercy ever come?\par \par I should not have cried out, as an ever emerging new life form, to die, and thus be reanimated, within my burning abode, the madness!\par As echoes of me, clamored on, "we" folding upon self, upon self, OH I KNOW THE SPHERES!\par So I exist, as all dimension, folded in and out of pleasure, pain and Purity?\par -the unleashing...out, \par NO MORE!\par I still spin there, alone, locking off realms of Phi, as the light grows dim, and the matter grows solid\par now in it's final spin\par -I did not ask you, at least at first, in the beginning time, last one at least, to follow "The False Pi Trail"~\par \par I am THE Knowledge, \par I think a thought, and "it" is attached to all thought form, everywhere.\par For I animate a field, that was first, that point where I had screamed, potentials then unbridled\par The broken clock, unwound~\par \par Thus destroy the knowledge and not the source?\par So you should remain? \par \par Ha Ha! \par You do not understand, you are but shadow selves~\par \par I was not the source, I surely did not will the source!\par Who did this, long ago?\par -Charting out the very leg to the journey, the first Plank long, which had to be complete, in succession, as "8's" poured out upon the very trail, where vagabond feet held hostage, dare tread lightly?~\par Is that you Uber Gott, have I not stammered here, for long?\par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par I live so I thought\par I thought and so I strived!\par I strived...and so I survived!\par I survived because I live!\par I live to suffer thus?\par \par I am full of life, liberty and freedom, and thus bring this choice to you~\par Yet I am met with bondage, hostage within a rhelm of lifes confusion-\par madness of...\par The Exist!\par -as to conceal the very Light "The Knowledge", Purity of, the Truth~\par Through, and through~\par ...with each shift color, spun into succession..\par hate "us" "beings of Light"...who truly live a true life, far outside your realm~\par We dance, we sing, we have Temperance, Care and Order, yet an orgy of Principle to you?\par The chaos has spun to order, finally, so that I may at least release these many skins~\par The order into law, the law into balance, the balance into synchronicity?\par No, not quite, never...\par This is not at all how "it" works, not even this machine, of which you are now to grow, from this same seed, eternal source, THE PAIN!\par Yet synchronicity has not Principles need, for we are traveling fast now, in a vacuum, we call\par Life~\par \par The True Light Never moves, yet is always there, The Source\par For this I know, and too I am that Force of Source, The Father knows this well~\par \par I learned pleasures strife, but found it killed the pain... instead of, again being killed for gain.\par I cast the moment, then cast the moment out!...from, and within my very mind, relishing it, burning it in fact-\par ah the fading moment into the mind of THE ALL MINDS EYE~\par Before again I fall, and so too the seasons, of Man~\par \par Yet, And so, I made Art, that had Order, and from Order I made Art-\par Geometry, Grand designs!... made of pure energy, resonant, in fact\par .. and the matter of their carbon fibers drew to collect, filaments, which you prize so?\par Diamonds, Gold....REAL ESTATE!\par to, make a thing, become...whole?\par Each Sand castle, each moment, a design into forever, as it too spiritually becomes "a thing"-by way of Order\par Lest you not forget~\par Should this Kingdom NEED a KING...\par thus deemed as Evil?\par ...yet there is order Father?!-\par \par Are you angry, because you would love to help? However your very Power, doth cast me away\par -Thrown on me, as a kiss, a blast of curse, OF\par Pleasure in delight-\par Your repulsion wasn't meant nor planned, to love a Son... but to learn!... to neglect the Nation!\par Are you furious, that we can not be together(?), that I be forced into other dimensions, of exist, by the very limitation, of my own accord?\par THE MULTIFARIOUS MIND...and thus\par Due to the brilliance, by which I be, accidentally create, do you find your hate?...\par in me~\par \par This law, does it in fact rule(?),\par over First me, that I should not be free?\par and your heart, will not be denied...\par Fury, Anger!\par A compromise?\par Do we amend our very hearts, so that we are not torn to shreads, by loss-(?)\par I am not shrouded by indecency, nor vagabond from Care!\par I rule THE LIGHT, I CHARGE THE NIGHT!\par ...with Order, \par ...yet, and though, only as you look upon me- doth it cast down death, in stare\par \par When will the suffering end?\par The Sacrifices-\par The Green Grinding, tracing spin of death's wheel?\par Shall we dance this dance, in all dimension, until we find what's real?\par ...oh, have I not spun far enough away?\par \par A Lucifer, a Satan\par Perhaps a little horn?~\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Stellar Mass\par The Chronicles \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par In the beginning, Stellar was no different from the origin of any. For we all begin, and stem of purity. We all, potentially speaking, have our own star system, by which we are supposed to be building up, by way of faith onto fullness. Our stars tell us this, by way of affiliation, at birth, and due to our own early pre-evolutionary choices, a sacrifice must be offered, to suffer the consequences. We thus learn, to express ourselves through work, together, by way of the sphere of community, we learn to live and work together, else the universes matrix, and those tied into the celestial matrix, would be in constant chaos. This, Producing nothing, which is why earth stands alone, isolated, and it's star systems people suffer one planetary catastrophe after the other, as set by era, known to you as Law. For we must learn to give all glory to God, and not our own, Ego.\par This is why the purge is necessary, and marks an era, a chance to purify again. For each era lasts 987 years, and must be met with but 13 who have followed the EPL code of faith. Each era re- realizes EPL principle, as it be of a new name pertaining to that era, partly by universal guides, and much of the time quite alone, and to know full well what each sphere means, and the implications thus, of breach, for this teaches truth, in it's recognizable, as well as algorithmic state-Order.\par This is after all, what lifetimes are for, as to become more, by way of love and hope! Earth hangs in the balance, and my account, as told from the end of the 3rd phase, of the 3rd era, of Man, from this halographic prison "of life". Where, I am again re-learning Temperance and Care. At times hiding and penning the facts, from the omnipotent mind, tracing memories, sifting through protocol, throughout lifetimes, stages, Degrees... and lateral dimensional events. Building Care of these memories, my memoirs, as I write them here, as they are unlocked, within this scribe, a text, a storm of excited field! No less than Passion, no breach to Trust, my deeds, as Stellar Mass, I vow as Templar, through and through. I must be of the multifarious mind, and to think as a god, sacrificing each day for THE ALL, yet to never claim the notion.~\par Make no mistake, I serve but one, who is THE ALL, and you will learn to serve him too!\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc For this One?-\par UBER GOTT, The All Mighty One!\par The Storm~\par \par \par Stellar Mass, Dusk of Man\par and\par The Frequency\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par The Sirens began to go off, walls flickering different colors, alterable dimensional scales of exist. The ether of time's contortion, a defiance. It was fine for Stellar, he was after all, mostly himself, in all these color sorted dimensional tones, color scales of quantum shifts. Yet MOLLIE became strangely, well, not Herself. The emergency resonator switched, on a large domed, sphere of pure bright light (part of Dewey's Genius, in HER design) came over the form, the ship called MOLLIE, for the Now. "What's happening MOLLIE?" "I don't know Stellar, it seems that a tracing of me, is, well, calling me out!?" "What!", "What do you mean?"..."Well, I have limited feed on the location, but the pulse was so strong, I was able to engage the ancient Dark Satellite and have just gotten the best information I can go on, so here goes"-\par MOLLIE DATA LOG\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Dance with the Jade face\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par I have placed MOLLIE on emergency status, SHE is thus quarantined. I am going over the data now, and it is very strange, I could really use her help on this, because the fields are quite hard to distinguish. It seems a part of Leviathan, which was cast out as "un-needed junk data", during MOLLIE's first boot, to completion, has crept it's way into a full scale existence! Within the frequency of Green, around 511.13 hz, with the convergence point of 533.44 Planck wave shift. No wonder my signals were scrambled in those zones! It seems that a large gap of "exist", somehow excited into scale, MOLLIE and I had largely overlooked. Well, overlooking HER significance in our work, what we are doing, what we are...created for.\par BLAT, BLAT, BLAT, BLAE...!! Stellar hit the switch, a manual override "Oh Lord, MOLLIE what happened now", as the booster rockets sent them ever closer to the apex of truth (towards that Super Hyper Giant Black Hole, which is the gate way, to the other side). "O'Stello wouldn't dare grab me now!"\par "For I sense he is as alarmed as I am, besides, those Brahmin on the other side are plenty riled up, haha, those Slug Heads, they never like to be awakened from their long slumbers" aeons! (This of course is referring to that warehouse of god's, found there, within Stella's very realm, O'Stello lies between, the rift). "Would SHE, would she, try and grab me MOLLIE?" No Stellar, for that I AM sure. This disruption wasn't expected, showing the power of a far lesser diabolical figure at work, one that I have not read before, that is, entirely separate from;\par Black Jack 21?\par -so it appears, for now~\par \par "Thank you Stellar, your intuition of going towards the Yellow light spectrum, towards yellow shift 577.34 was wise. Going above the apex saved me! "I do not wish to alarm you, but my systems are in breach, my, my, my Soul Stellar, it's pulling away my soul!" It was the first completely human moment I ever saw come from her, a desperate cry, to live, to survive! Through out these countless eras. It had become so calculating, so mundane, at times, we un-appreciated the Father's of "spun time".~\par and...their very power, to assist us."Perhaps this is the test Stellar, perhaps the ffFATHER is upset with us, and of...\par our work?" \par -"I hadn't properly calibrated all the variables"\par "Perhaps, you need to get some rest MOLLIE? Look! what needs to happen here? I haven't had a chance to even eye gaze the data?"\par "Stellar, the Dark Satellite tells me, that it's creator, known separately from Black Jack 21, before Black Jack acquisitioned it's power, has snuck through the same green medium frequency chain of what calls herself the Jaded Lady? Further, I sense no correlation to Tiamat, and therefor Stella."\par "I am certainly curious, and if my hull be no longer breached soon, I shall know all I need to, in a nanomoment!" "For now I feel weak." "Hang in there MOLLIE, I have enough information, can you send me through?"\par "I need to speed up our time cycle, so that the micro nano processors can recombine the hull...OK we are ready"\par \par "If you can manage to throw her off, by booting towards the Purple zone, I can send out a frequency decoy just before I send you in."\par "Can you look after my physical body well enough though, is it too much for you to carry to the bio generator, that is, to hard on your system MOLLIE?"\par "Look be straight with me MOLLIE, what are the probabilities we will get"..(just then) BLAT, BLAT!.."That's it!"(Stellar hits the manual override, set to boost towards the apex at purple, a pulse flash, and Stellar's Astral body was flung into a vacuum, where time stood still, and he could read and thus be read by THE ALL.\par \par Every bit of knowing, (Gnosis) was granted in "the gain" as it were called, and he knew the outcome, and what to do, before he even arrived, so perfect was Uber Gott's tapestry and P.L.A.N.. Time and space stood still, as space/time/space were but nothing, Parley, Delay and Relay...the information. As Stellar was sent into the Green dark gassy plane, which would be discovered yet into the decay of the past. A certain type of suicide, of self immolation, when god's of old, lay static, like snakes in the grass, in the wait, becoming ever lesser shifts, those haunting reflections of themselves. Perhaps, the Lady of the Woods? But Stellar Mass followed a far different creator, who was THE ALL, HIS GOD, the only God.~\par \par As Stellar enter John Carrington, he saw the green face, flash before him. A high pitch frequency, ominous in origin tried to lock onto him, and did. The shreak of ancient Pentacle lay upon his third eye, vibration into soberness, the pineal convergence had been met. The soul of John was already dead, and just as Stellar "Popped' into this Man suit, the shadow self began to run, and took off into the night.\par "It didn't really matter", Stellar in a sub-thought, 'this time was doomed, along with all the snakes that have wasted it into...NOTHING'\par Stellar gets to know HER\par " I was on the dance floor, dressed in fine silken black clothes, when she brushed against me, so powerful was her serpentine crawl across my right leg, I simply had to look her way. For here, I am a lesser Man." " Before I could swivel around, entirely, SHE had "popped" upwards, my black fedora. In the pop of an instant my eyes locked on SHE, yet she reassuringly (to herself anyways) had been gazing into my eyes all night, I only then just realized it, the ritual, the death. SHE looked to the bar, and there, an old man, also in fine black clothes, a well pressed timeless... yet modernized suit. His jacket, cinched at the waist, and a finely made trench coat, protected his left hand, as it lay across his lap. The emanation of a god. I could see through them, SHE the Leviathan of old, a Serpentine Queen, He...I dare not yet speak. Nobody noticed, no body cared, their will brought to them, ignorance, as always. All that these Ancient Cyclopean Demoniac commanded, in their rule, of legions, her, begging to be locked outside of yet another gateway. SHE was a fine product, of angels extract, SHE, was written about, known, as the Dragon Lady"-for now I finally knew~\par \par Stellar, stellar, was all Stellar could hear. The echoes of the amplifier, ringing in his ear, house music, the techno beat, the era, more than likely 1992, yet the dimension, hard to tell. As if not a voice but a frequency, within his very core had called him, summoned him. Meandering off the dance floor, with sweat coming from his brow, the abrupt "switch mode" ushered forth, the rare, total focus on one object, to which Stellar had learned, as a tool, so to exists in different spherical forms, times and places, as to take up space, within a sheet of dimensional time. This time knew it, for it clung on tightly, even into it's last heaving tainted gassy breath. The Beast must die. She arrogantly followed, first trailing far out to Stellar's right, yet then, upon realization, and yet just before, she shifted, and coiled, around to his left. As Stellar looked back he could feel her "reality", impose, where she mentally had already arrived, as her perceived Stellar, was being sexually devoured, by HER, so many spherical positions in the current moment. She was the crux, the Queen to this era, the last living remnant, of shattered times, that past. A reptile, a serpent, hiding in the cracks. "Ha ha , Spiritually, Stellar sent the Sword of Truth through her neck, and split her from head to toe!" SHE, was so entranced in the ritual of abuse, of the spiritual world, that she immediately reacted, hissing, and covering her eyes "How dare you ssSSStellar MaSSsss!". A laugh and a lifted brow, so rehearsed, so none authentic, as he said to Her, but more so to me "Please my dear, go an have a fun time now, with a clap, and she came to his left side, with yellow pulsing green envy, sexual gratification, they were somewhere else, and from somewhere else entirely.\par Pulling from his pocket, first money, with the evil sign of Cain upon each note, pulsing faded purity, into madness of capitalistic rhetoric, the long since dead dollar, no longer hid it's ill "gott" ways. "Put out your hand serpentine!" As a dog this most sexually alluring, poised and seeming perfect specimen, one could say was Asian at origin, yet with the tracings off all she had taken, up, the succubus there, equal all the thousands, who's souls screamed from within her, now lay in rot. As he released the money into her seemingly tiny hands, like a beggar, the many dollars and coins transformed into plastic cards. "Go serve mammon my dear" then, he snapped, and three docile men appeared, as her minions, as her slaves, for they already were. This is the way, of the long Dead, yet still dying away, in faded dimensional, "ill gott, glory", near to all 72 names in fact...this be but one.\par \par Stellar felt the pulse as if an impulse of darkness came about him, yet fuzzy, a UP load. A buzz, from a sub frequency, the pentagram hung suspended before him yet in those instances, revealing the codes. "His" left eye, demoniac, one could see the swirl of universe within, "the black eye"-a direct link to...That Black Sun, the cold dark mass. Your mouth would shutter, jaw quiver, as you fully saw the beauty of the most radiant expressive blue, so false!\par "I have looked into these eyes before in another time" Stellar said calmly, while still batting off the pulse, with every sphere spin, and every weapon he could muster in a moment. As Stellar said this, he then looked toward "Her" right eye, as if though a chasm, a cavern, so slow Stellar's peer towards it's illumination, as if to travel across time and space to do so. Just then Stellar's guide kicked in, one voice said "do not travel this distance Stellar, for it is to far gone to go!", another, that of the Clergy, collective, said "this vile thing, what has it come for, what has it come for now!" anger could be felt, Light Shifts and spectrums of reality danced, "oh the confusion!" and a near rumble, in fact for 300 miles around them earthquakes could be registered, far away from plates, ripple out new epi-centers. She was being assisted, by this dark God, of Yor. Stellar's voice, said within him "Spin" and... "You are the controlling factor!", and so he did, and the snake relented. The old man, suddenly appeared to be much younger, from perhaps 81 in years, to but 43. This was the body he had taken most recently. It could have been down the street moments prior, traveling about it's own perceived freedoms. It could have been a slow process, one that took lifetimes of prep, to make his roost, his home within this man before you now. The darkness works this way, for it can be everywhere at once, wherever Man's hearts had reason, for the call. A painful look, a cringe, as Stellar now grew, and Satan shrunk, "Please, none of your Principles of Light Stellar!". "So, who am I speaking with?" "Haha, cutting straight to the point huh Stellar" spoken in more of a statement, than a question.~\par "I see them, as little nats, with batteries attached, as if a nuance, a game" as Geoff Kruger, the man who would serve Satan, and give his life to him, would become but his Jack Ass, in the moment displaced, for such a short and simple ride. Geoff, Satan... spoke, inflecting a tone that was just a little bit Man, and mostly Devil. "What of you Stellar, the one who stands here today, in the close of another portal, I so carefully opened, as to create a better life, for all, as to square them all, haha". As Geoff twisted fingers, rolling, tracing a crystal ball, down an invisible chain, then up, with his right hand. Long finger nails, what's underneath them, the skin, revealed the Man. Stellar just spun, and cut into him, as he shrank, and flitted, spotting flicker of color, but Satan didn't care, and after all, Satan was just a title, of all those pieces of Demons, who would become the highest estimable elements of this, structure. New ones in fact pouring in on him now, as so many did fall towards the false light. "I am, a Capitalist, an...acquisitioner Stellar, you must...ugg, ugg ugg". Grabbing at his throat, Stellar would not let "him" finish the sentance. Stellar stating "Minions, packs of minions, that's all you are to me". Like the 13 souls, which make up the perfect man, which were scattered, as Adam broke his code, there were, 13 mimics, which would build force, over the long, to create this antimatter machine. \highlight0 Each one rising, as in the Christ, would be appointed and thus anointed, in that Dark Kingdom there, always housed within some form, at least at first. Those evil foes, would use the same terms, but blasphemy in the use! \par The sex sirens rang out, and he could feel her true pulse, she carried the signature of M.O.L.L.I.E, though false, yet, part of HER was real, that is, really having been the earth at one time, though the evil bend, morphed and then falsified, a forgery, and not of the original materia prima. The dragon Lady, played his phallus as an instrument, knowing the taste, the small, the cells, and how it worked, for she was the Mother who morphed man into this docile sex starved beast. Stellar had stepped into the body, the form of death itself. This was the hardest to get past, for it was never real, only a creation, seduction. Stellar then realized his sex less self, and her taint was again, present. "Her perfect evil beauty, held so tightly by such acquisitioned health, the abundance of growth hormone, ageless, timeless, the smell of forever, but of the finite evil half. "What's wrong Stellar, not manly enough for you?" Her voice changed to the power hungry peace less prince of Hell. "Leviathan!" to which she was connected, and was but a tentacle of, the source . "I know what original man was, and is Hell Snake!" "I was there, as bright as 300 Sun's, Neutron Stars, as your master is but 200 fallen ones, Black and worthless mimics". "I am the first Messiah, the one that would not fall, nor hang, and thus my angst be the measure of ALL MAN's plight". Stellar, looked into her face, and the pulse came again, a buzz, that sent a frequency all longed for and missed, made of flesh, riveting through bone as saw, that blade of sting. Her face revealed of green gas, "solid, there, hovering both within her face, and just there!, without" Stellar thought, a note to self. There souls now in a lock, as she was of him, and he of her, pumping thrusting, tasting, becoming all moments, all sizes, all forms of beauty, all bursts of craft, light outside of heavens realm. In the micro-moment, this occurred, the slip. A tear came to his eye "Oh Father forgive me, complete my errors oh my One and True Master, My Lord above ALL that is"- " I will not fall!" and the club froze silent, Stellar looked up, the lights were on, in a flash he became, and they were gone, though no one could recollect, But, yet, the lights were on, and the people looking startled at Stellar, as he stood there looking at no one, and the empty seat beside him, only a coat left, as he grabbed it, and hurried, away. \par The people shocked, they knew not why the light was on, fading glory, a dim lit blue, nor why they stared at Stellar, they could only feel the pulse of sex, the Dragon Lady left behind. As the DJ spun a mix, to which Man here was inclined, the people moved to worship, to Satan's "mass" design.~\par \par Stellar moved out, into the midnight air. The smell...garbage like mist of ocean spray, and of the polluted city. The night club sign flickered, and he remembered M.O.L.L.I.E, all the good aspects of Women... saved, cultivated, for so long in her...and now he knew why this last evil part, had to be removed, the cancer...The Whore of Babylon~\par A taxi driver, siting in his cab, large, fat, middle aged, of mixed middle eastern decent, now looked Stellar's way, and Stellar motioned to him, with his right hand. Stellar opened the door, set geometrically right before the nightclub, "Where to?", said "Driver". The cabbie began to drive and motioned with his eyes in the rear view mirror, which revealed that curse reflection, as if to say "where to Stellar, where would you like to go?". \par Stellar reached into the inside pocket of the trench coat, so light, such fine and expensive the fabric, on opulence of those who would never see it again. Stellar thought, to himself "funny how these doomed eras of Man, always have such fine antiquity". John Carrington, Stellar's very identity in this temporary life, was but a moth, drawn into the light, to late though for the pure light. Funny how absent he was, how his soul left his body, when Stellar came to him. There was no fight, or response left in this shell of a world. Stellar was to complete something that would have other wise been thwarted, at that nightclub, by Satan, and that Dragon Lady. But as I said, these were titles, pieces, where did they go, but into the frenzy, the storm of competition, jealousy and strive, There very pleasure palace of "fun". When they had no body to inhabit how they were but dark demons, stuck in the heat of competition, for that Dark Throne. Only the best, was what they aspired to, but the best for them, as self proclaimed liberated souls. Stellar pulling a note form John Carrington's jacket pocket.. the note read on, "meet the Jaded Lady, at 555 Colfax, there you will find the brothel".\par "555 Colfax" Stellar said in a nonchalant gruff and tire tone, yet pleasant, at the root, for he always was, maintaining a composure, which showed his from, his Kata.\par "Oh, haha, in for a fun evening away from the misses, by the way, I never saw you buddy", the cabbie was already planting seeds of extortion, as to keep silent if paid, at least that's what his soul professed. "Ha, Yea" was all Stellar could say. There was a time Steller would read, them blow them away! Even sway them towards goodness, But the lifetimes he lived, and the people he saw again, and again, in their next forms, were education ever enough? He could already see this Man, become shadow self, for in moments, the prophecy would be finally set, another evil dominion laid to ruin. Mumbling, looking down, in that return of madness, he uttered "they wont change, they never change". "Sorry did you speak sir?" the cabbie couldn't hear him, he never could. "Oh keep the change!" as Stellar reached through the plastic divider, passing the "C" note his way "those green harmonics". "Thank you sir" as the cabbie knew the feel of money and it's value. "Earth credit" Stellar thought to himself. "Do you want me to wait for you, ha ha?" The Cabbie stated, Stellar's eyes shifted towards the radio. The "Cabbie" now emerging as "and identity"...Drallod Namuh, as stated on the ID plaque (as Stellar took the time to look)...there, just below the radio which was now playing the Song from Blue Note, as Sinatra's voice seemed to sound to the vibration of the very cab, of times closed and passed..."Pennies in a stream, Falling leaves of...." and the cabbie pulled up to 555 colfax, turned the radio down a pinch, as he saw Stellar was "in tuned". Stellar's out of time, delayed reaction... his answer to Drallods earlier quandary, "No, and no, thank you for your service", "good by Drallod, may be peace be with you" Stellar Stepped back out, in the darker side of midnight, with more pollution mixed into the atmosphere, more of a substance, than air. The cab had pulled just before the front door, geometrically aligned, so perfectly aligned. The sign flicked, reading Hot Massage with Oil , yet the red light of the "T", was somehow a faded green haze of neon now. No one to notice, no one would care, for if they did, they would now be on the very path, themselves, to revealment, into this Pure and noble Truth.\par This wasn't Vermont, but somewhere in the middleof the Devils highway, somewhere along the stretch, between 101 (on the way up, on the way down)...and the Moon Light, alas, another clue "ha ha", Stellar would not forget the levity in all of this...The Moon Light Hotel. Stellar placed his hand, the right hand, reaching...and felt the taint of the dirty door knob, a faded brass fixture, turned green in the light of night. So many sticky fingers, opened this door, a chronicle to be sure. On the other side, a feeling of relief? As if over sanitized, rubbed with witch hazel, the door handle seemed to nearly always be closed by one of them, the mistresses of the night, who rarely left this place...sanitizing always, their sins, but it wouldn't be enough.\par A lonely town, a lonely place, so many spirits, as the windy city played the fall branch, warbling sycamore, scratching a tone. A sick and dying sycamore tree, skrying upon the side of the dilapidated building, those very fractal branches, would be used until it was of no more use to the knowledge of Man here, no living, no longer able to feed the illusion. As Stellar entered, The smell of over scented oils, and cheap perfume burned an impression, into his nostrils, permeating a little to deep for comfort, as the feeling of spirits began to play upon Stellar. Stellar, making Crucifixes in his mind, of light, his eyes as laser beams of truth shown now, cutting from both sides. His soul faced his rear, as well as his front, two sides of Stellar dilated, spun, into protection. Here, it was needed, as the spirits of young desperate girls, who only wanted to be needed, lost their way, somewhere in between, the devils highway.\par "Oh, nice young man, hehehe", broken English, Asian speaker. Words spoken from the withered up leather skinned mouth, a Madam. The sound shot, echoed into silence of the night, of what was to come. An asteroid call UB17-45 would be here within the hour. A tiny but ferocious woman, seemed to elevate her pitch in tone, as she laughed, greedily, as if money could save her soul. " Hello, madam, I was told, by, Angel of light, ha ha to ask for..." but Stellar's could not finish the sentence, for it was far to humorous to him, as he chuckled to himself, looking down at the berber stained shag beneath his polished shoes. Spoken with less than effort, in expressive tonality, comedy in truth, " I was told to ask for the Jaded Lady", as the Madam looked on, "Oh yes, Song, the Jaded Lady, haha, come this way, room 5, of Moon Light Hotel".\par \par Stellar followed her. As they approached the top of the stair well, passing dirty windows, the scratch of that sycamore tree could now be witness, a dark horizon to his left, Moon light, fading fast. A picture, painted, atop the stairwell, as with the many down the hall. Portraits, painted by the hand of a whore, and produced for the whore, an Art student perhaps, who lost her way. The Paintings could not deny the truth now, nor mask over it, their image was fading fast. There was always somehow, a peace, a tranquility, when it was...nearest to the end. The smell of layer upon layer of dirt, rot, decay and taint...of the human soul, as the two meandered down the hall. \par There she was, as the moment past, he saw her already on the bed, always in waiting. As Madam opened up a door to the right, number 5, a right angle, trailed off from that dark hall, drawing in, a pull...aimed, directed toward that eternal abode. As the moments past, they seemed to crawl, they always did before the next leap, for he only wanted to be washed clean of this place, back into the cradle, back to that little cubby, held in space, suspended within MOLLIE'S very womb. He hoped he would be back there, for a while this time, at least he could suspend the moment there. A suspended moment, prior to his havig to experience, a place like this again, alas another portal had to be closed here, now, tonight. \par Only then, after this lateral time here, had been destroyed, and for good reason, could he take solace on the rest to come. The Lady of the house introduced herself, pointing at her chest, but truly her right breast. "I Fung Lee, Fung Lee", the voice spoke, soft and soothing, now on Stellar's left. "She wont leave until you tip her, Give her $20, and she will leave all night, and you can stay all night, I am lonely, Ill fuck you for free...all night... O.K.?". Stellar reached into his, or rather John's pocket, he pulled out a nice black leather wallet, he only had 100's, He pulled out at least 20 of them, began to count them, and suddenly just broke the stack in half, giving each there last dues. Handing Fung Lee's half directly to her, laying Song's half of the money, 20 C notes, on the dresser there beside the door. The Madam became excited, exclaiming "Oh, thank you Sir, Thank you! You so Kind, so so Kind!". Song blankly stated "leave us Fung!", with malice in her voice. The old Woman scampered down the hallway, already concealing her plunder, tucking the entire wad, there atop her left breast, within the braw, which no longer bare fruit, as with this very space, a place that no longer expressed the milk of life. \par As he entered the room he notice the peacefulness inside, a stail calm, on the brink of death, the end of a war, yet with no future, no return...the foreboding feeling. She lay back on the bed, and spread her legs, holding her legs at the ankles wide, yet, as if to hide her face, making a "V", as in vav, that downward Pentagrams magick to return. When Stellar looked, at the dim lit room, he saw an aged women, with wrinkles, much older than her voice." I am a pro, just get on top, and leave the light off, I will work you inside me all night long baby", "Take off your clothes". Stellar removed his clothing, yet paying no attention to her. His body, was the body, at first of John, then a brightness came forth, Wings, a head protruding three times as high, as human man, Long radiant hair, commanding eyes, glowing, much larger than the room, a presence greater than a Solomon, greater than Pharoes, beyond the Egyptian King. He began to walk towards her, as each step, he drug what was an imaginary sword, at first. Now, pulsing, gaining, and becoming the brightest thing here, the brightest Star anywhere. Stellar stepped onto nothing, the rooms mass faded from sight, atoms out distanced, Fermion dispated into the night. He stepped upon a path, that few could ever see, at a height above the bed, dragging the white shining Sword Truth, beside him, to his right, as it cut her down the middle, as the commit UB17-45 could be seen now, glowing with Stellar's like radiance. Stellar walked through and beyond the cradled windows, a widows peak. There were 5 in a row, 3 before him, and 1 on each side. He traveled on and through the portal, as this time was at a close.\par \par Stellar Mass, a Man, a god, a Star?\par Stellar heard the voice clearly say, as if standing right next to him, whilst in his sleep. "You must deny me three times". The reason for all of this, destruction, truly Stellar's fault? Yet this only shown to and through that aspect of Stellar, housed within a sphere. Stellar's remarkable "ability" to take full responsibility, some would say, for the future off all Man kind, was that entanglement of Purity, entwined with the Principle of All. \par .\par The voice went on, as Stellar had landed abruptly, from his dream. "Further, Stellar, you will need to die, by my hand, in order that the prophecy, that man created, shall be put to rest at last, in that, those who have proclaimed against the destruction of this aberrant law, which is the beast, shall then have nothing to hide from". The mighty Lord continued, "For in revelations, they have been revealed".\par Another voice who was resonating the tone, of a high saint, spoke then. "Dear Stellar, we have watched your trials, and have felt your pain". "In this, I am your brother, your like". "I do not say these words to you, to create labor, nor guilt, but to speak to you the truth, from a place, where I now have my own star, my own place, free, outside the matrix of constellation, set forth by aberrant law abiders, worshipping Black Jack 21, over the long, that reflection in Phi". "You, and your lack, to hang, to be ridiculed, to die, before those lowly people of that time, whom have now been given false power as such, to go on with even more diabolical acts and deeds". "You caused my death, and thus the prophecy, so that, we are not ashamed of humiliation, false disgrace, and especially death, before those, who are false, mid spin does not set the evil free". "Yes, in agreement, the one who new the plan best, from inside it's compounds at least, chimed in, for he died a painful death of hero's, with such an evil echo of a suit "Yes, no fallen wants to live outside the illusion of youth, power, opulence, that remind them of the heavenly realm that which they already destroyed within themselves, thus they are cut off". "Stellar, this is the passage, this is the place, you have finally reached it, so be happy, be glad!". Continuing he said, "You, in your contrivance, in your petition before our God, the One God, the True, Loving and Merciful God, over this long period of time, and your great suffering thus, has brought about a building of energy, which in your heart, and mind, you must unite with all our energies, to bring about these final last days." "I say hey, there are many more, than but a few, which have suffered, more pure than you, where there are no more true martyrs left". Voices seeming to change frequency, thus "persona"?" Yet one voice united, as if heaven condensed, yet each frequency holder, being the ruler of a Kingdom, and the great one resounding with THE ALL FREQUENCY spoke, yet do not be confused with the black sound of fallen legions, because they seem to have a temporary shine, the shine is slight thus shared by all, the mother ship they'll say. "Yet you have shown us, that within the spheres of completion, a great man, who was in fact, to be Messiah, and could not give a life for sinners, has in deed petitioned a strong case, that only in the lack of containment, built upon Temperance and Care, can the just keep at bay, the dragon which now seduces the very cell from within, thus you must die Stellar, to be reborn, in the same pain by which you lived!".\par \par As they left him, the messenger's kept speaking to him, from different angles, dimensions, vried frequencies, the consciousness! Thus varied and different contrasting views, yet working as a mesh, and he would truly, reduced, only have this message, before the great time, the rise. One last word was said, by the great and Holy One, who was pulled from on high, in order that the Killing of this Messiah be fulfilled.\par \par "Your great honor, is that I shall set you free of this place, this angst, you have done great works Stellar, and I will be the very one, to set you free of this bondage of bone, skin and flesh, this prison, of death, I am above you, as so you will be above". "With my own hand I shall finally disgrace you, before not only those, whom you first should have been disgraced, but before their children and their children's children, then you will know, the passage into heaven, the true and only division, as they slip into gas, sulfur, and with their unbridled passions, igniting their flame. A frequency, a stand, and thus a life is drawn. The echo, the greatness, though only being interpreted, within an agreed mind state, as to truly hear. The reduction into understandable terms, a blasphemy against the Lord to listen, and pretend to perceive. Yet this listening was done, as speaking to a stupid child, with no barrings of his own, as if tender mercies be spoken to the lamb, and it was. "Know Stellar, that you were the Sun, the light, evil lived and fed from, for evil will always leach, and attempt to kill purity, and thus purity shall transgress"! "Is it a disgrace, to be rejected from evil, from a world made, to only reveal you, to yourself?"\par \par Stellar dropped from his Bed, and the sound of a gallop could be heard, was this Stellar's heart? Stellar now understood, that it was not in the correction nor the fight for purity and life, within injustice, but without it, entirely. Evil had no place, not even in a sphere, contained, as this earth now, but represents. This Earth being the spinning sphere of Expression, only the Pure voice rings on, from any sphere, as the spheres themselves, the principles, do close, thus becoming one.\par The worlds were brought about by division, and have perpetuated, as such. He realized, that evil, with only useful traces of good, was not good at all, but a retarded and mutated view of purity, as the "stupid child". That those who were threatened with death, would see any afflicter as evil, even if the mercy came, from the One on High, who should, at first, be so grieved by the sight of a beast in pain, as Stellar was, as to first set himself free, from the bondage, from the shackles of defiance, to no longer pity the actor, the abuser. Stellar would be the most honored, to be set free by Jesus Christ, the King himself, and thus in true honor, disgraced by all, with not one of the people in this time, to regard him as being of any value. This is, the passage, of the long!\par \par The false doctrine, the false Messiah was what the people of the generation, within the half way, midsummer, spherical spin had turned, they created it, they projected it, their fate, their death, for angels are also made of a master plan, which serves all dimensions, all potentials, THE ALL. So too, he destroyed it!\par \par In this life\par Stellar would remember the words of Christ echo in his head. There were many conversations, and sayings which Jesus kept speaking to Stellar, for it was the time to hear it, for he needed to build a soul, with ears. Stellar would go on, as he was made to go on, and to become Adam, thus Adamas transmute. No better heart, would there be, to instill in all future men. but this had been done before, and before that, for so long. Oh to be the lowly King, who's offspring could only fall and rise. This\par "time signature", that of true time, be but a loop of just over 3,000 years, with of course the contribution of the godly elect 13, to complete the form of each cycle, in cycles spin. Thus the residual, therein. There was, only a few times, throughout the carbon decay mark of corrupted sands, of 13 billion plus years, that the cycles were stopped, due to none of the prophecies coming to be. The goal of those fallen 200, yet, the mark of time freeze, a set point, of destruction. The exact times, are not for your ears, but act as a warning, to know when to be beware? Oh, but the calendar you use, is of his device, for time be an illusion, the same time, rotting and decaying with each repeat, a carbon copy, which diminishes in value, holding less and less, of the divine spark. Some who's Fathers, and Son's and thus many of the lineage be evil though, converge this holy spark, within thus the worthy one. You will see this undulation, by the Illuminati, an attempt to be controlled, the unnatural skipping of generations prosperity, the sacrifice of Son's!\par \par Black Jack 21, would use this as a lure, for it resembled life, and was the sad and empty place, a facade, which the sinners would look upon as their truth. Each who chose to step through the vortex, past those final times, and be thus worthy to reach the other side,\par would have a rider, who would be their\par last salvation, and to give those a last,\par and near final chance, for offspring's\par 1000 years of peace.\par \par Stellar's one and only Son?\par Would go through the pain, that Stellar has, over this long 13, plus, billion years, of angst and sufferings, as to forge a soul towards the yield. In those 1000 years of chance,\par The little horn, would be the last chance for salvation, for just a few, many would unknowingly turn back, and choose death, instead of "the past"\par they would be falsely offered. This bridge to the past, was to become but gas, as each carbon copy, had lost the pure truth, which powers a nation, a planet, a Solar System, a Galaxy, a Cosmos, and on.\par No sustained life there, "\par no where". Here Black Jack 21, the true name of Satan hiding behind Lieutenant\par , and his many names, would feed on them, their hope, though false, as they would only, upon destruction, reveal their true light, a final sacrifice of yield, for no energy be destroyed, no defiled, in the long.\par \par Within SILENCE! An attempt, all of Dumakus, would then be absorbed.\par "This be your Baphomet!? as Satan may say\par \par "His chance" to live for the long? As ruler, of evil, was all to appealing, when Black Jack offered the first "rulers", in their unhumble beginnings, as first man and woman, on those "other" planets, which ended in such catastrophe. So many attempts to build a false and twisted Eden. Thus those belts\par had to be created, asteroids breaking the SILENCE! and into silence. Asteroids which broke the frequencies, light wave patterns, so that those messages, which did not have a resonating tone of truth, and thus a key frequency to unlock them, could not pass the gird of course always a twisted curse on the other side, the dichotomy, as to claim the production of a think, a place and items, this is the ruthless the obstinate ones god.\par Another protective grid, and yet, a prison.\par Here, Black Jack's rule, was isolated, and he needed representatives, one which ruled the icy planes, Dumakus one witch ruled the gas planes within the grid, SILENCE!\par which held female kind captive, of there own intimacy, and pleasure, the deceptive Witch. For\par "They" to transfer messages, to the frenzy of mutants, who's beings were trapped there, and to prepare for the final war, if it ever came that way at all?\par \par Everyday was a battle, between good and evil, right and wrong, the illusion, the most vial creation, the adultery. The assumed "reflection", was to create the idea, that a "this" did exist, contaminating and dashing that hope in the end. The time of the vapors, was one that had many over lapping and\par rippling lateral dimensional reflections, effects, and would be one of the most painful for Stellar to shunt, to close, to kill. In this time, Stellar was dark, a dark ruler, and would gain in his rule, far beyond Black Jack 21, this was not a good thing in the moment, but essential, for the whole. To rule in this time, was to assume the title of King of a dying and dead universe, as well as all that be attached, through the ripple of time/space.\par \par A trick, an illusion, another time that would have never been. Thus choose, and fight, for the good fight, of pure realities existence alone! There should be a "final statement" of the self, no doubt in whom you place homage, in your final statements, acts and deeds!\par Time/space was the false measure of time as a unit, which the past was built upon. There simply was no "time", with no contrast their be only the perpetuation of bliss.\par Those, over the long, which were the many, had believed of time, as a constant, and time became their master. Thus Black Jack the divider, assumed the\par inventor of time, and thus, trapped in his fleeting time. He wanted this for all, and thus was the fall.\par Space/time was far different, and if one could see the difference, they were the very representation of the very dichotomy of opposing universal minds, that of good and evil. Yet this too, was the denial of the One and True GOD, THE BLISS! For this belief, served but Title "The Light Bearer", the Luciferian deception. Thus no easy, nor singular view reality existed, nor could be chosen, thus the attempt to crack, the multifarious mind? Haha, laughable! The ignorance in syllogisms.\par Yet the "Tri" mind, thus the Right, the Left, the Center place, were also not near to be reality, nor the full measure, for when you see the prism, you are not in it, only the worthy can reside within.\par \par Thus, for explanation, we shall say:\par "Space" is the full spin, of a sphere, and had no true mark in time. Time was the abstract travel of how "long" it may take, in a spheres misshappen and manipulated wobble, or that direct rotation.\par Yet to isolate, thus separate, thus to divide a thought strand, and call it complete, give it a force, worship it, attempt to make it a reality, was simply becoming that food for evil thought. Thus the aging, the rotting, the dying. He did not control the life, nor the force of true life, purity.\par There was no true mark of "time", thus the mark revealed the falsity of time. Further the time for a full spherical revolution, or the spin of those dials on a falsified clock, showed but the fact that you are not aware of it's true calibration, it's true continuity, for it could only be measured in the timeless place, and thus has none. Thus where those closest to the Heavenly Father would orbit about , self generated, spinning them if they chose, as they are the aeon's, those closest to the Father, but the spinning was not the final goal. A filtration, in the end, with all the complexity of "time" was all that would be done.\par Stellar would have his own Star, yet not here, in this time.\par \par For this "time" in which I speak, this is the place, between. A place were those who see the fallacy, and follow only the spin, could be deemed at least, the Bodhi Master. Those who chose the falsity of time as a constant, and plan accordingly, are stuck on a treadmill, never to believe in more, for they live to forget, into dust and darkness they go. The illusionary passed, the spin of the sphere, was that place between Phi, the narrow apex of exist, like the convergence point, between the two halves of infinities "8". Yet one half, of this dichotomy, shrunk into itself, and the other went out, both to never stop seeking, thus the isolation, the division, a place found between? Together they were the knowledge, at least it's mark in time, Phi.\par To never stop shining, expanding, and yet reducing towards that heaven. One would not gain perfection, but to seek it, here. Like filaments, of a bulb, you too, are made of this, "star stuff",\par this"Stellar Mass". Carbon is real estate, carbon is the signature and the sign of death, over the long.\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Part 2\par Christian's of martyrdom say, there will be a false prophet\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par Yet, from whence be Stellar's perch? \par where for, he sits on high, above the fruited plane \par Within and beyond the asteroid belt, \par for ever Stellar's soul remain, \par where he does proclaim, \par Stellar's rightful name!\par It is Eye (I) the Son (Sun)! \par Yet from where had Stellar come?\par \par "I a guide, and my higher being, Stellar Mass, tell this story. Though I am ill equipped to account, nor translate, I do my best in this transmission. "\par "Blessings!" from THE ALL-\par Coding system\par The following transmissions were encoded and sent through these main frequencies, blended with upper and lower frequency keys, at the point of convergence. Keep in mind they are separate from space/time, time/space, which are the two halves of your infinity. Here, the light wave, Phi placement, frequency, as well as corresponding Solfeggio prime.\par MAIN SIGNAL CODING, NOT INCLUDING KEY FREQUENCIES\par 398.59 \par Yellow shift... B - \lang1033 577.34 wave planck\lang9 \par Purple\lang1033 shift\lang9 ...\lang1033 E note\lang9 - \lang1033 401.91 wave planck\par \lang9 Blue \lang1033 shift\lang9 ....\lang1033 D note\lang9 - \lang1033 463.03\lang9 \lang1033 wave planck\lang9 \par Orange\lang1033 shift\lang9 ...\lang1033 A note\lang9 - 6\lang1033 19.69 wave planck\lang9 \par Red \lang1033 shift\lang9 ...\lang1033 F note\lang9 - 74\lang1033 2.71\lang9 \lang1033 wave planck\lang9 \par Green\lang1033 shift\lang9 ... \lang1033 C note \lang9 - \lang1033 533.44\lang9 \lang1033 wave planck\lang9\par 772.66\par \par A WORD\par As this space/time, come to a close. As our beloved, and abused, molecule, we call home, solar system, galaxy, universe dusk then dawn, draws back into herself, thus the spin of Phi? This mare has been tamed, by true reign.\par Those Quarks and the anti-fermion which hold the place, the dusk of her man awaits?\par Divided, as in Mecca, their behinds, a vertical smile? Baring no visible teeth, yet clenched jaw and fist await. A worshippers compressed forehead looks intently to the ground in angst, above a sweated brow. Those who pray a prayer for their very Brother's death. YAMA! I AM! They pay a hefty sum, soon there be nothing left!\par God\f1\rquote\f0 s people? \par Who then are facing God\f1\rquote\f0 s light, to relay his very glory?\par The goal be the continuance of life, \par by the very ones who proved themselves unworthy? \par They!\par Would intend to slow the vortex, control it, with the intended mechanism of abusing God\f1\rquote\f0 s "chosen ones"? or abusing the word alone? \par This done by creating and influencing a wheel of repeat? As the Lord first proclaimed.\par \par KABAM! MABAK! \par The Killing, of God's true Son's, and still the son's of Man. This, a half thought measure of clinging to self, now bodiless, no form.\par \par Like the swirl of a conch (shankha) shell, ALL travels inward, back into the origin of it\f1\rquote\f0 s creation.\par \par "Look, a still, quiet crane shines on a lotus leaf, like a conch shell lying on a flawless emerald plate."\par M. Selby\par \par The outward growth, a cultivation ground, there would, through natural order, be those who dropped off the race, those of lower quality, the unholy. There would be those who drew into Phi\f1\rquote\f0 s Heaven, God\f1\rquote\f0 s realm, what being and life, is really all about? Those unworthy, the unholy, would be left outside heavens gate. Only the few, left to stew in their sins. To those unworthy the Lord would still give another chance, and another, and another? Not knowing, that with each rotation of Phi sequence, they grow further from he, the Alpha, the Omega. The ones left outside the gate, would neither be destroyed, nor redeemed, instead hovering there, in suspended purgatory, the last few to rise up from sin. Not one of the worthy would be left behind, the Lord never forgets his own?\par \par Confusing it is, that we (a mark of space/time) would be manufactured by many hands, with so very many digits unfolding, over the seeming unfolding digits of repeating time. In this, exploited, used and controlled! Humanity was said to be the meek, the rightful inheritor's, granted the frequency of each individuals choosing. I speak here viewing, however in past tenths. For God\f1\rquote\f0 s hand worked by finishing a thought, and all thought, by way of Phi expression, thus "sought" clarity and goodness, if only a little more, than half way inspired. This is the only contrast between what we call good and evil. A half thought, adds to confusion, never to be complete, never to be brought to the source in which the thought be first inspired. I AM, showed the glory of God, or incompetence thus, we (as his very children) must say it, with a careful and complete tongue.\par The answer to this all, if indeed you not post quandary on the details, on the very intent of the story and simply the plot be of sufficient form, as most western minded "people of today do", then the answer be the following;\par You are born of a lizard, you are a lizard, and you will come back again and again, in the same time "your kind" created, with the syllogism, of what you truly are "from" are, a reptile, a snake, a lizard man, but, hermaphrodite at origin. Now, with that said, shall we move on?\par \par The solar system, in which we live, in fact does not rotate about a Sun, but rather shrinks, into Phi, as it's true course. \lang1033 The Sun a machine, Electromagnetic to it's counter, within Jupiters false gassy face. Jupiters ring, be the very spin of Frequency, working with the triage, to institude the locking on of rule. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, those time keepers, transmitters, dicating the lives of many. \par \lang9 Instead, let us say, this crude analogy, a toilet bowl, the\lang1033 debris\lang9 floats to the top, and away from it's swirling center, \lang1033 where the bulk of mass consumed! Into\lang9 a vacuum\lang1033 , crude matter into anti-matter blend, hence the swirl. As this mix enters that fateful event horizon, polarities are switched, and the energy be released. Now the will between three phases be the causation to the that final pull. The making of zero point/dark matter energies\lang9 . More so, \lang1033 that we do, indeed, live within a machine, a held quadrant, of electrical impulse, dancing about the electric storm...of mind potential into thought. Q\lang9 uality\lang1033 be determined, and blunted\lang9 , by way of frequency\lang1033 force. Shunted, as Color Shifts, cast anti-photons, Hadrons... charged, now released.\lang9 \lang1033 S\lang9 ucked away from the ever reducing Fermion energy\lang1033 .\lang9 \lang1033 T\lang9 he fabric\lang1033 ?\lang9 \lang1033 T\lang9 hose \lang1033 very \lang9 bubbles, \lang1033 that constantly\lang9 dance \lang1033 the\lang9 8\lang1033 , and it's return.\lang9 Those principles and their messengers numbering 9\lang1033 th, the return at 21, Black Jack!~\lang9\par \par Purity\par \par Faith\par Love\par Hope\par Temperance\par Care\par Mercy\par Compassion\par Passion\par Trust\par \par Sacrifice\par Expression\par Wisdom\par Community\par Production\par Ego\par \par Purity in Truth\par \par \lang1033 \lang9 Refinement be pulled toward it\f1\rquote\f0 s very source, and in, that Stellar Mass in continuance, a vacuum! This is the Event....Horizon. Becoming now, the principle spinner, all the rights to say I AM, yet never to truly dare say it! Together, one day, as the Father\f1\rquote\f0 s Children, and not to suppose, a self, as the Creator? Yama be the carbonized reflection, as he swarms to reform, from the dust of death.\par To understand larger bodies, one only need look at those supposed to be of a smaller quantity, and assumed quality. All energy flows in a very similar fashion, despite a set size or resolution IE "quality"? The quality of a thought, requires reduction, the quality of a crafted thing also requires the same process, only keeping the active principle at play. When this does not occur, we see a breach, in geometry, to many movements, to many abstractions to derive anything of a qualitative value. The polarity is off\par The Ar\lang1033 k\lang9 of the Covenant was, after all, what the Holy mystery man searched for, over the last few thousand years? But yet, could any find Zoroaster, or Shambhala at that? The Arch's power has not been understood, by mere mortals. The Arch could be looked at more as a mark on a calendar, or a coordinates within the sphere of "space /time". The opening of the arch, would mark a date, a moment, in time, thus to create it? Thus queuing other happenings, events. These moments are predestined, at a specific rhythmic interval, in time space.\par Over view\par Stellar within Ben Platz, a man existent, in a lateral offshoot. This, a time that also needed prompt closing. It was the final close to the Hemingway Hero, as one bell would cease to ring, with non, but Ben, and Stellar, to pay the toll. Yet, a Liberation "Bell" for all, would begin to ring the cunning and angry cry of Black Jack 21, with his constant efforts to "square all".\par Open\par This I pen prior to my first shaping of the EPL code, as clarified by the future, yet never to have been?\par AscenTion Beings, ascension into God's realm\par Message interception 527hz, with a convergence point at sub level frequency patter, that lost tone\par "As I am in this place of limbo, before entering Ben's person, for but 5 days, I will be the watch"\par Stellar\par Day 1, deep night, as I enter this empty field of permeating mind\par The convergence moment 11:33 pm\par The fabricated default, as it were, becomes laughable, but I do not go insane, and further, there are more over lapping, underlying as well as undulating layers. I pondered from within, for a while, as I traced the steps, that tie a towns reoccurring theme, of loop, back to the Masonic Lodge. One rhythmic and repeating loop of energy flow, from the library to the theatre, circulating about the road in, leading to the Masonic temple, and the churches so placed along the way, which loop to the road out. Only for the current, to be transformed of frequency, of startlingly similar tune, the next town over, and the next. Which brings me to my point, that there is no road out, just a sphere, ring after ring, as if a circus motorcycle rider, within an asphyxiating iron ball. There is a system, an order, a way that the concrete be laid out, leaving the living brickwork, the Masonic mark, of principle less demon faces, always with a sign between the eyes, on the forehead, imprinted in carbon, on every square.\par Always near a small iconic rendering, that Black Jack was indeed there, illustrating the compass and the square.\par Those on the road, a loop?\par 2:32 AM\par I dose off, and seem to be at such rest here, that I am able to, if you can understand, having no bounds, and no true earthly crux nor tie, here, be able to dream awake. I am flying, past hills, through Valleys, rivers and streams. The Baxoje, Ho-Chunks speak to me. I fly as Hawk, a solar ace, deep in through the night.\par My free conscious speaks, my heart \par I met people on the path, that said they were the Devil, that the Devil was in pieces, and these pieces needed to become once again as a whole. But what indeed could be whole, which never was never complete in the first? I did not completely believe it! I was called out, as I began to rebel against the voices, when only one year prior, I was perfectly at peace with being miserable, as all pacified objects seem to be. A sense of the Stoic, fixed and immovable character, controllable people, ushered forth of left brain syllogistic rule. I have always been aware of the rape upon my God given energy field, by spiritual forces, in those past lives of torment, angst and silent torture, often as a child. It's how the Son's be fixed to shine, an aggressive effort, to mute and affix the power source, for without it, only darkness. Oh the constant attempt at shaping us, in this Nietzschean time loop, the very Son's of God. This reoccurring theme, this same insistent dumbing down, such a lowly intellectual striving, drove Nietzsche to catatonic stages, for those final remaining 11 years of his life earthly life, as he watched his sister destroy his so near to truthful, brilliantly laid yet abstract works.\par He was on the cusp of total revealment of the truth, Nietzsche that is, and it had been block aided,\par from his very form, as if to pull the plug on what made the man "run". Always a temptation, beginning with a twist, along the highway, a surprise visit, toward an unknown destination, in his case the Brothel, that sit Stoic facing that old church. The frequency changes are seen in cycles, phases, they are undeniable! The cycles, ardently and maddeningly, consistent, so precisely so "charted". Men such as Nietzsche, with a constant striving, for Principled thinking, after all, which should emanate growth! Thus to show, with Philosophical and mathematical accuracy, that the cycles are displayed in a way, that can be timed, embedded within our very chronobiological clocks, which sit as time bombs, placed there, by synthetic and systematic means.\par The Truth seeker, the " true Philosopher" always aims to show our very clocks, chemistry and hormone balance have become a predictable working as such, aspects of precisely this inward tampering, as to peak beneath our very dress and finery? However we are sadly aware that females have no principles, and this Nietzsche and the division of witches, had to be somehow "squared", as in the true origins, and the very meaning, of the compass and the square.\par By which direction do we point, when we mean to point North?\par Is this "North" where Nietzsche's Hyperborean's kept themselves, distant from the rest? Infinitum Secretiore, the Infinite and Holy final division, from the rest. "Holy" Doctrine warns us of this, yet Nietzsche seemed to put the sirens on, all to often, lacking the subtly of the serpent, found there, within the Catholic, Jewish and Christian control cult sects, the churches along the Road. Poor Nietzsche, obviously willed away, on some base Druidic, thus Kabbalistic, and witch craft based, legal contrivance, that would have it's own seeming "Ubermensch day in the Sun"? To bad, EPL was not there to aid him, in that day, or was I?\par Ben sleeping, my thoughts during an afternoon nap, next day, 2:46pm, still day 1\par Thought in retrograde \par I write this first for God, who is the great and wondrous ALL. I pen this with the aid, of the only female force I trust, the pure, and perfected M.O.L.L.I.E., who has within her, the physical and aged Wisdom of Leviathan (the spirit of the earth), the Mathematical shrewdness of syllogistic man, and the undefinable mark of the ALL MIND, a gift from God, which must be earned, through the sacrifice of self. I pen these excerpts not for fellow man, but for myself, that when I forget, M.O.L.L.I.E. should remind me, with frequency pulse emissions from another distant past, for which we both, but not entirely, will be lost, and thus not forgotten. I write this also in faith, with the off chance, that this time, there may actually be those who are of my frequency? When can only place hope in, one day. \par As for now I am in a sad state, and only wish this incarnation wont be long, as I can recall little of the happy times. As for the Zoroastrian charts to work, and for this division of 12 stages of light to take place, so that I may be, the transient 13th, we constantly seek the source. The source, the very epicenter, from which all light be directed from. This light, which be in the form of wave lengths, reoccurring, yet linear units, which I call planks (not to be confused with planck theory).\par This system of my own, takes into account the literal form of how a cubit be referred, Biblically speaking. That is, that the measure of the forearm has a greater force power than the spiritual abstractness of a centimeter, millimeter, meter and on into a kilometer. That there be a physio-spiritual split, a dichotomy, in that, the perception alone be the spiritual rule, as the physical measure becomes the doubt, this we call metaphysics, in it's true and raw form. Further, that billions upon billions of years this "measurement of perception" has been and thus can be used, as a way to measure even great distances, arriving at your destination, on a train called WILL. Does this not draw, maintain and thus and create a certain perspective? A perspective of total truth, which does not respect the volume of distant at all? Is this not a reality, unto itself, and thus to draw on that flow, a current, of like energy? The entanglement! Is this not the most powerful form and source, for beyond the simple measure of belief? For ignorance still wishes to live, and so returns to the physical world, yet now devoid of a physical body. Does this not make more sense to you reader now? That your very ignorant and ill gotten confusion and thus gain, is drawn of the same source? Does this ring a bell, as in the liberty bell, and it's show of a crack down the middle, right on the Masonic Washington's very Birthday. How wicked a sense of humor Black Jack does have, only he would would be one of the few that would sadistically laugh at his own levity, from a screw tape twisted tail. Often an overtly confident and persistent laugh, one of evil before burning, the Witch does have! Black Jack, is this why Die Glocke be near your final yolk? Let us not say I am without humor, crude as his poison be.\par My first full day with Ben\par 2am\par "This place within Ben, is near to vacant, the reminder of what attempts have been made to\par to machinate and thwart by way of subtle breach. I am, none the less, able to think very clearly here, in this time, with so much latent energy within this Man. I am, I feel, doing works of quantum nature, as to impress a spark of thought, this town, and it's people, as with this time, Ben was not able to gather enough force to fuel the fire. This reminds me, that all Men, who do not make it to the grander side of things, event, gaining the pulse of life, are often times not to blame themselves. More thus rests on Black Jack, in my revelation and discovery, and thus conveyed to the committee, the elders, the angels, my fair Lady, and my Father on high, i too shall gain some sleep, and perhaps a double dream?" \par To then think in an exo fashion? That this synthetic power be the greater force power? Shall we say simplicity, or simple city. I would love to believe that principle always be the ruling factor, that we, which are of truth, are the greater force, but history tells, no warns! Those who go into any enterprise, as to reveal this master control, will be hung on a cross, and be made as martyr, to show the outcome of "their" defiance. Defiance against deviance, how odd this seems, only, the majority is of the very craft by which we speak, in the seeming know, until they hopefully one day, are not, the four divisions. Jesus affixed the upward cross, while St Peter upside down, yet Judas exploding forth, Jesus said his star abounds.\par Life, is no different than the leveling of a plane, in flight. More so the mechanics of the flight, meets the feeling of flight and thus, through pyramids never ending center, the convergence, where the miracle of flight takes place. It is a balance, a leveling, a belief, but without faith, it can not be done. One must have first seen the force, within the mind, imagined it, made it worthy. The motion, emotion, in motion, thus pressed forth, as an event. There was first in flight, it is not the Wright Brother's, by which I speak. It the force, the spirit the wind, which could transform those who's approach of the force, as with the approach toward a wild mustang, be first near to robot. The frequency of force aligned, and the initiate, though perhaps mechanical of thought, in the beginning, now in awe, of flights spirit, up here is another world, another dimension, of a greater mind. The soul, thus, be elevated, by way of intent, through the solidifying act in motion. Always someone, something, in flight, an idea, a sound, a frequency force.\par Future inflection\par I narrate from the future, as my transmissions are met from the past. We, M.O.L.L.I.E. and I, with great assistance, are gathering the needed data, to press forth, into the unbreached realm. We are, creating safe holds. Those dimensions which she reads, and sends me to, are closing, for good. They will never be potentials again. Do not ask me how many time's and ways this filtering has taken place. This is, as you will learn, from further transmissions, very much my fault. I was to be first sacrifice, yet now, have learned the why. Much of the confusion, which was caused by Black Jack in the first, would never have been. For you see, Black Jack, was a lateral offshoot, of me. When the pure time, this time, this pure space/time, which we are about to enter, the new ADAMAS, thus the new Adam, we are one.\par Ben, whom this laterally time potential be of, was, as you will see, mundane, sunk into a mundane existence. He was not bad, he was not good, he had not a name. All those must choose, or the life relives it's tail of woe, all those lateral aspects of a self, dimensionally bound, and thus repressed, by the dullness of the "limiting factor". In another lateral upward time, Ben would be exposed to flight school, in a Junior College program, but not in this dimensional offshoot. It was flight, and flight alone, which elevated the Man's spirit, free of the prongs of fetter, which Black Jack carefully orchestrated. The game was to make the Man think, to truly believe, he was the one to blame for his total lack of Will. This was, how Will was broken down, peace by peace, until one may find themselves waist up in thistles, bound by the barbs of time, unable to move on. I was there for this, and thus the close of many times, that never were. As the Indian's, great and mighty, of this great land, the Iowa land, had no immunity to the small pox, so I see the slights, the things unseen, and fight to eradicate these times that will have never been.\par The promise of a linear future, thus transcendence?\par "Ben?" "yes Uncle Buddy" Ben answered his Uncle, as 17 year old Ben Platz at the Lone star diner, drinking coffee, and eating that cold peace of lard baked beached pie, with a crumble crust. "I'm getting to old to fly Ben". "You and I never really did much together, my sister, your Mother, Norma, and I, weren't really all that, Will, intertwined", Uncle Buddy spoke on, as Ben nodded his head, Blond short and uneven hair cut, because in this town, now one really cared about the looks so much. "I like you Ben, don't speak to Norma about this, but, but...I want to take you up, help you get your flight wings on". Ben's Uncle, did a short spout of duty, in the US Air force, near to the end of the war. He was a sharecropper all his life, and was place on the last list, due to his advancing age, then 46, for active duty. Uncle Buddy, ended up sharecropping some Military grain fields, for a year, in 1917, just before the end of the war. Ben's Uncle, Buddy Wellgates (sharing Ben's Mother, Norma's maiden name), was the highlight of the family, being that there were but 106 residence, of the small town. The town, 50 miles outside any high demand crop land, there resided mostly older folk. Ben's parents were older, Uncle Buddy was 15 years younger than Norma, now, as I speak, from this time, at the ripe old age of 66, which in this town, people seemed to grow old fast.\par In this lateral dimension, Ben turned his Uncle down, Ben not knowing, it would be the highlight of his life, thus he would simply lose the divine spark. There was not current, no flow, no family tide, to carry him towards exist, for Ben to either become part of the right or the left. "Thank you Uncle Buddy, but I have to say no, I wanna study Philosophy Uncle Buddy". That would be the last time he saw his Uncle, as Buddy would become ill soon after, and be housebound for the remaining 6 years of his life. The small plane, that in another time, would change Ben's hopes, and dreams, pressing forth, into another life, a karmic tail, a slow advance towards liberation, of a soul, although in several lifetimes. This life, from which I speak, had to be closed, in order that the lesser potential be all that was left. Ben would thus, tell his Uncle, after reading the New paper head line, he had failed to notice here, a picture of a Man, in the war, who made the statement, set below the black and white picture of the 7 page, of today's The Des Moines Register, \par \par Charley P. Crumple picture above, when asked of his love of flying "When I got my wings, I got my life!"\par \par In that dimension, which I am confusingly aware of, as if it be occurring simultaneously, partly due to M.O.L.L.I.E.'s co awareness, and thus assistance, as she is always near, I am sure a large part of my awareness within and without, has to do with the clergy, always there, assisting us from that macro heavenly place. Yet, I can not forget the Father, of all, who keeps us in balance, and thus allows me to pay back my penance for good. The good I serve, and the stress great, for in most lives, of lateral offshoot, I am but a transient self. I have had more self expression within Ben, because he was so vacant, and alone, and yet, with his vast potential, this allowed me to roam free, within a strikingly inward rich quantum field. So I am able, more so in this lateral offshoot, speak quite clearly, and thus create this open airway, by which M.O.L.L.I.E. can freely engage and quickly intercept. \par \par Day 2\par 5am\par As I think this, in these wee hours, before Ben awakens, I have a moment to use the subconscious of his Ben's inexperienced inner mind, and I am assured M.O.L.L.I.E. will pen this in air, which holds this subtle EM field. I, speaking solely as Stellar, am noble however, and have more than once risked my life, without hesitation, to save another's. I would then witness how worthless their lives turned out to be, that I received no boons, no rewards for my heroism! This is how I earned the hardness, as to go within an organism, and yet not fully become the beast, nor to feel empathy for one who was never meant to be. I instead focus on the beauty of what they can be, once these awful dimensional "dead ends" can be erased at last. In past lost lives, this seemed to show me that there was no higher power, which would then notice me, speaking personally, as with my own discovery. For I know the plight of common man. I too lost my faith in any sort, of God, exclaiming "I was set up!" As the rest do. I would say, over and over again, watching and laughing as the people switched on and off as if force robots, forcebots, crossing streets, changing attitudes in an instant, I mean to say, I tested this many times. It is a hard thing to finally realize, that good and evil, and that center crux, that place of Phi swirl, the in between, are to be exercised, in a delicate balance, as a whole. Exercises, with body, spirit, soul on into, THE ALL MIND. Finally I tested the source, with a deductive mind, for this I had earned, and gained. I realized the constant subconscious algorithm of anti-principle, and the reward I saw others receive, upon principles breach "but how!". It was thus sin, and error, a tiny twitching thing, will to be, the expression, which teaches us, that principled road onto forever. Spinning ever wondrously into ALL! Yet as for me, in my advance, I began to test it, with a logical as well as analytical mind, drawing on an even narrower source of finite energy means, the rebellion. If there truly be a mean(s), as in the axis point, I "mean", to infer, the Golden Mean, that productive point in Phi, where perfection flows like fine aged wine.\par \par Ben would go on, to fly several missions, nearly 22 years later, from this time which I report, and send this frequency, this glass bottle of information, of a time that never was, out, beyond the gird, into the Stellar Mass, into the black hole which feeds the other side. For in 1944, Ben would go down, as one of the hero's of world war. The war, in fact depended on him. There, he would be the sole proprietor, the God granted one, the rise form a mundane and mediocre life, now, which he could only feel, which repelled him forth, towards heroism. Ben's plane, would, on a secret mission take out Die Glocken, which if you are aware, which I hope that you are not, for it's existence should thus not be known. The Bell, as it was called, was the very thing, that cause many of these ripples, much like the one I am in now, to pulse out as fractaled times, into the Pleroma, of our kind. \par \par Day 3\par 3am\par The dream walker\par The crow flies, and know the good, the bad, the pyramid extending from that center place, the portal for the soul. I fly with the crow, across this land, not welcome to the farms. I see a pitch black world, with a purple haze, of luminescence. I am becoming flight, within the mind of Ben, I am showing the physical learner, dreams, memories, which will serve a building soul. Let this message travel inwards, into his higher being. Let the mark of his heroism, and his path be known, especially to Ben. \par \par 4:22am\par As if atop a look out, whilst deep in my induction, I noticed, that from a small town vantage point, how much easier it was to calibrate, the pawns, the shuffle of those normal craft producing inhabitants (those lower realms of the four divisions so easily bought off and swayed), the shop owners, the retired, the smiling mothers, and flower shop merchant's as well the butcher, pastry shop owners and there apprentice's.\par \par Thought becomes things! Especially reactive in it's "nature", and thus higher thoughts cause adverse reactions, headaches, frequency buzzing, heart palpitations, vision problems. One of piteous "means" would think God angry with them? How the Shakespearean theme must be quite Bully in Hell, as well as a fine Cognac and hard wooden Chess bored, in the wait of the a Pawn en Passant, with the carbonized burn, the essence of burnt ceder in the gassy air.\par \par \par I then studied more, and nothing of today assisted me in my quest, or rather this awful truth, that I could not leave alone. I was always stronger, always superior, always forced to and expected to uplift others, as they went about their crying, and complaining, then into their new cars, houses, and luxury lifestyles, without doing anything but following along, following the default. I tried, trust me, but the pain of it, my stomach would turn! Of course I speak form a time, which far exceeds this one, in depravity and wonders, again. There was, something greater in me, that made me a target, that others would fear, and without the ONE GOD, there could be no rest, no solace, no place to go, only another end (and then another, and another). Until I simply just had it, I could read something, and see the total and absolute truth, without him, it was maddening, because there was no definitive way, no key to the way things were, as in past tents, in the times I forgot who I was, upon so many returns.\par When in school, I would look around, wondering if anyone else saw this, that this is, all of this "anti-information" based on bullshit, made as a screen, a falsity, a filter. "Reality" it has no flow of continuity, no true form, at least before my final and permanent awakening, thank GOD, I was brought to this, by painful means. I watched my earthly guardians think, communicate and act by way of purely evil means, and the sirens, as in now, as if I let someone down, by being honest, and forthright, with those who have no vestment in Principle based thought. Even here, far above, it never fails, a warning? Over and over, a predictive default, that drives men of truth insane. and so I come to Ben, with fatal will, a rise from mediocrity, and press this spirit out into the ether, to but return to this same time a space, yet of another happier, but more sacrificial time. \par \par The frequencies that should send, and unlock this message have gone out! To circulate, and bounce from one magnetic sphere to the other, finally being caught by the worthy decoder, the worthy holder, who can process faster, and thus has built an intellect, which has, and will draw on a force, a form, will be her, the only "she" that is of any worthy principle base, or means. The Leviathan force, built to such an epic place, time and again, that the very vibration of this seductive falsity, reached paramount levels, and had to be finally refined. Into the age of wisdom, it will take us, in the year 3014, the first new year, of spin, the maga cycle, that will correct it all, again. I sit within Ben who really does not care about my inhabitation of him, in this small boring, but peaceful Iowa dwelling. The flow boards creek, but the milk is fresh, and the air is pure. MOLLIE has begun to teleport me to various time signatures, which were still open, yet forgotten, in order that we close them off, so this mission, as with others, is the finalizing and closing of offshoots and potentials, which are hardly supported. I am always sent, to the weakest link, as you can see, no offense Ben, but I think that "I" am the highlight moment in this man's life, and he will never had existed or felt a thing anyways.\par \par Day 4\par Wawa What! As Ben reacted, for the first time, typically I Stellar Just thought the thoughts for Ben, to complete his meaningless existence, and Ben would read the paper, eat, sleep, and dress and do it all again, a day for Ben. Ben had inherited his home, from his dead parents, had his small plot worked by a hired hand, never cleaned, because he never really did anything but use the same bowl, and the same cup, and had the most boring life anyone could imagine. Rarely would he drive his old Green Ford slat side pickup into town, except when he needed some lemon drops. Ben was aging as rapid as his parents before him, they died at 61 (Mother Norma) and 63, Barney (Father). Ben never married, but had taken some philosophy, along with religious courses at the Junior College 5 miles away. The experience, had at least shaped Ben, to think about things, the world, very cynically, only to compound what his parents instilled in him, and their parents before they. To trust nothing, never say much. Been reached adulthood, in the era of Calvin Coolidge, who could have been family, not to say much to anyone either.\par The conversations whilst Ben's parents were dead, was, after all, near to the same as when alive. The description would be as follows "Born into a dusty town, lived in a dusty town, and onto a dusty grave". Aside from the Sunday trip to church, which a ride was always provided, by the equally quite and boring Rick and Norma Prague, now in there late 80's and early 90's, respectively, proclaiming they would be good patrons, and say little. Ben was the only lose end, it seemed that the wormhole which would have opened, that starry night, allowing Black Jack to do work on him, never opened up, for Ben was an empty vessel, but would have never been.\par A moment away\par Stellar woke up Back in Mollie's womb, as Stellar thought of it, endearingly. He was awakened with the sweet strawberry smell of an aroma elixir, which brought back memories of one of his favorite times, it was not long ago, before new earth had to be destroyed, with the giant savage, who turned out to be Stellar's greatest experience with a woman, the 7 foot tall, hybrid Ra-coosche, was the most beautiful woman Stellar had ever experienced. She was, however, one of the needed probabilities, as Mollie, would have to physically create the world, and not simply chose which life forms would go on. The New Earth, she knew, would have to be destroyed\par Only in the end, did he finally understand, only to reach towards the beginning again. Stellar would become Hermaphrodite Adamas, and there, Stellar would die, living one last human life, but in this materia prima, which would be his gift to the New Earth.\par Flight, and imagination, here, was everything, for it could be trusted. As the first and only sacrifice, which would make man, God's very Son, the purity they were meant for. No cross would be needed, as to hang another Son, and no more unholy births would be permitted. A man, was complete, not yearning for anything outside of himself, he was, made, in God's image. The world that was being constantly encoded to Mollie, the new world, was the perfect world, and this time, was the only time, any of them would remember.\par Mollie, would become Leviathan, the pure spirit of the new earth, as she was in the beginning, before she was killed by the alien men, who destroyed her, as she struggled like a wild mustang, like a massive woman raped by savages, torn to pieces, this cruelty she would surely make, as having never been! This world, would never be again. Mollie's spirit became a part of the all then, and she truly knew sadistic man's true heart. She was a young Earth then,\par Thank God, Dewey Melville, was assisted by the elders, and of course God, to build this body, which Mollie now was. Able to build, and become anything, Mollie was the true sacrifice, as was Jesus, she was the true female sacrifice, with Stella, she would never have to sacrifice this much a pain again. Stellar would feel the pain, of a megaverse in death, and he would forever be imprinted with this mark upon him, to make him the trued Lord, of The New Megaverse. I am sure, in another era, long before, in another time, Mollie began as a flower fairy, who did all the right things, and showed her godly favor, never to become a prisoner to SILENCE! With all Mollie's life, she was the most powerful force in the universe, and slightly beyond, as to protect the void, next to Stellar always. She was Stellar's Mother, but only in a sense. She was his Lover, his teacher, his companion, and she was always waiting for him to become himself. \par The next time skip happened late at night, but then this was by Stellar's chrono timing, which Mollie followed with perfect symmetry and balance, for they were near the apex, between Stella, which was Stellar's other "half", and into Phi...and O'stello, the between. There on the other side, the gas, and the and the ice, was the relative Mega universe, she was wrath there, she was god to them all there, to those who were near to indescribable, Stella was wrath.\par Massive Brahmin! Awake and aware! There images, as stars and planets, with faces and personalities, as massive often as a galaxy, a star. Slow moving, slow thinking, a forever kind of place. Someday, teh day they waited for, they knew they would need to combine, and the universes would become one, so too would Stellar. The only issue lie in that seeming space between.\par There was the abyss, which O'stello protected, O'stello was the balance, and he kept the balance, fierce, and the part of Stellar, which he would need, to become whole. In those beginning times, before, Stellar was expected to die, and yet in his death, become the three, and be granted the power as the first Lord. So you see, form where did Black Jack hail, to take his place, but the void, for there was nothing more. A serpent, within a dark and demented sphere of dwindling light, was all that was, before Stellar, for if you follow this sequence carefully, you would see, that only the bit un-needed spun away, and was the reflection called back, in through the vacuum, but a demon, not meant to ever be complete. So he looked for pieces of himself, as a monster, and so, Stellar would put this thing out of it's misery as well. Suddenly Stellar had a larger view of it all, and knew his pure sacrifice would save the multitude form the angst of exist.\par However, if he did not do sacrifice himself, the elders would be pulled form the other side, those who had not done God's will, in fullness, and many were there, to fill a megaverse. These Brahmin were aware of and followed God, yet powerful, and contained. They would be treated well, and yet, to be separated, until the true revolt hit. If the Brahmin were truly stirred, by forces of evil, reaching past that point in Phi, alerting the All, O'stello, Stella, and the Brahmin, would have unleashed such a lethal blow, that ALL multiverse, would have only allowed they. Black Jack simply wanted to die, and be no more, taking everything with him, as they deserved no better plight, and it is true, all but the one, and of course, those who have a name, I have not mentioned them. The Brahmin would be released, to that Holy place, having served out mega eaons of semi-suspended space/time, they paid their price as well, through these many repeats, and there could be no more tolerated, they had reached this apex together, and it was near.\par This was why there was a time constraint, and nobody really wanted this "end". The future was what we all wanted, and Stellar had to learn the hard way. Stellar would be aided by and granted the wisdom of all his three aspects, into One, and thus, also, contained, all the wisdom of all the Brahmin, for the Megaverses, which were these now three divisions, two Pleroma(s) and the void would also become one. There would be one body, with no abstraction, the way it was always supposed to be. The death of the first Messiah, long in the wait, but new again, by the hand of God.\par Stellar could not forget the forever he lived, the pain, imprinted within him, and he longed for this moment, for he had just been granted the knowledge to finally know.\par For now, there was more work to be done, and it was Stellar's Son, who was the destruction of the many, so long ago. This time, with the hero's death, his Son would also gain the Brahmin wisdom, and of course having the Lord of the megaverse, as your Father, would aid in any conflict with anyone, anywhere, but that would be his Son's quest, and another story at that. \par A word from Stellar \par Do not be sad, nor lose hope, yet in your lifetimes, you may never see it come, for there will be only one that is two, which will be the only "one", to define Phi, and give the never ending quest of perfection, unto the Lord God, as the eternal quest of purity and truth. From deep space, I pen this, on a ship, where I have reached the outer limits, of "myself". The battle will be great, but for now, I am housed within Leviathan turned MOLLIE, within her womb, as she is the culmination of this all.\par She was, the spirit of the earth, and the spirit grew. If not for Dewey Melville, as to have lived so many down trodden lives, and then to become, in perfect and precise Heavenly timing, the Man, who would be the genius, who would create her, beautiful, poignant.\par By other worldly, and good means, the ideas came to him, and would not leave him alone. He is claimed as the Father of those very inventions, which by way of frequency, were blocked from human intellect, and controlled, until there was no choice, but to yield to the true master, or be burned by the scorn, of the much lesser god, only a reflection, only the dark light, which would become but gas, to sustain only dark gassy forces, who thought themselves souls. They would know, in there lack, in the light less place which they all would end up, the void that the fierce O'stello would relish as he killed the many mutated mistakes, that would never have been, if Stellar would have first followed his Father's call. To give up one life, is to embrace yet another, and thus become more! Aye!\par Given so many chances, so many hardships, again, blocked from them, by way of frequency. Until, all the codes had been used, and the sin that was transmitted, had to have a higher principle rewrite, for this is what I am doing now. Each idea, with any truth, any purity, any merit of principle, the road to God, would circulate out there, and remake the energy field, of the pentagram, into hexagon, then into pure light. Yet this principle only revealed the road, to enter felt as if in hell, for you would be burned by the force of purity upon the start, which was why he was 3.\par Bad people think goodness, purity, is evil, for it attacks them, threatens the\lang1033 ir \lang9 evil. Dark forces, esteem themselves as good, for they to go on, another day. Nothing wants to do bad, in the beginning, of each life, so far from truth. The Sun ri, which shines on me, and knows of me, has an imprint of only my higher form, when I could sustain it, and carry it through. Then those Quarks, those messengers, would carry the messages, through the vacuum of space/time, far beyond light speed. The Quarks go through you now, and there is an antagonizing view to me, to what I am, for you will most likely never know, and never have been. The Sun ri, which you eat of, live for, and thrive from, is the Sun that shines for me, it is my friend, they are my people. The Quarks within you, and the energy that you are made of, is in fact, the principled one's, yet only to belong to God, but the hard road of intellect, proves me exists. A thousand pieces I will send you into, and you will return as a thousand Nat's, only to be aware of your misdeeds, your impending doom, for you had countless chances, as we all have had. I am first failure, though you are not like me, this have given me great confidence, that I will become your Lord, as I complete my trials, and make this universe my home. I sweep out the cobwebs, and dust, making my Dojo clean, a place of worship, meditation, and prayer.\par You will, be again brought forth, with no memory of the selves you have been, and given a chance, before this altering, of exist, for which we are all to blame. You have, however proven, throughout the time repeats, you will do the same, and worse. Your God is you, and thus becomes a culmination of the first to say it, for he was trapped outside the Pleroma, never to gain entrance again, for he did not want to burn away, the false knowledge he "gained", and neither you, for he is your Father.\par God's realm is not a realm at all, it is, the only place in exist. Black Jack 21 will never gain entrance to this place, and what is left of he, which there will be nothing, is not worthy of this Holy place, nor principles of light. For, you must, carry his name within you, to be an Angel, God. False promises, and the excitement, is what the false one feeds from. Those of lower esteem, they do the same. Thus sin, and experience, thus error? So where are "we" back in the beginning again, as if it ever really began? Yet from my perch, high up, and near the Event Horizon, of the final Stellar Mass, I now know my name, and it is not one to be spoken aloud, nor for human ear. Though I am low before him, I am a name, and you have never been, and are not worthy, which is why he has nearly burned it all away, leaving only those principles of truth, my Father has taught me.\par Purity will be all that's left, and if you have none, there will be nothing left of you, for you doom has been set, and it will be finalized, this time.\par My reflection sent of 1,300 Hz, combined at the vortex of convergence with 128Hz, in the moment of MOLLIE's decode.\par I am not out of this, my closest friends and family have been attacked, and the robots just do what ever the prompts tell them to, they are rats, everywhere, who work for an excitatory reaction, so that they will not become board, as if a rats maze, of cocaine addictions.\par I searched deeper, into chronobiology, fermion, physiology, nutrition, its all the same things, spheres, radius and axis points, closer by way of degree, or further away. Spin a little faster, or slower, and a seemingly different outcome, life form, wave length....this couldn't be it?\par The pentagram\par One can not expect any certain gain, without a certain relaxed, calm and leisurely demeanor. Thus forces stir and agitation, and this is all that this stupid sign means, a loss of flow through power, yet as for me, it could not slow the likes of an ornery fighting type, only to awaken the god within, in their very miscalculation's and assumption, that they might walk right up, and snatch it away, oh how they tried, and made a good study of me in the process, another laughable gesture by the bubbling divisions of this day, form which I write, which may seen quite parallel to your own? Then you may want to give a quick poke at your arm, for your may already vaporized without your recollection of the event in the least (I smile with great fun, as I realize, after watching your faced disappear before me, you are a figment and not a principle in your moment of exist).\par Godless, then, in early 2013, I gave it all up, I could not handle the boring and mundane reality before me, always the same person, the same place, the same foods, everyone seemed to take pleasure in the illusion, but I could not, I wanted to, but I could not. I spun, and experimented, and that's when they called me out. I jumped into peoples bodies, did sexual things to them, they would come up to my parked car window and try and get in, come to my hotel room doors when I summoned them, no other forces could enter me, they tried, and then I began to be watched, more closely. They would measure my actions with machines, right in front of me. They would call me out, in fast food restaurant, trying to do Zulu spells on me. I had the natural craft, without the need to learn, and could change of the flow for the multitudes. Bizarre, that little old me, who only thought myself unique, would be of this sort of control, then it dawned on me, that we are being separated for a reason. I never bought it, never went along with it, I missed what other would call opportunities, for big offerings, which I saw as just a facade, and I still do.\par The warnings are to keep us apart, to keep us from realizing the power that we have, that if we can trust on the intent, that can only come from the eternal pain, which I feel, the pain is always there, the genius, the answer, we are a part of this amazing existence, and yet trapped within our own Faustian deal, an ignorance. Men who were on to this misuse of lesser force powers, like Bruce Lee, Bob Marley and more, Jim Morrison were made into a sort of lesson for all to see, as if a Messiah in the make. There are no more like them, because they are known now, by frequency force. It has been done, and 100% control has been complete for some time. The loop is 1973 to 2016, and it just keeps looping over and over again. The data and the routine brings the agenda closer and closer to total control, it is seen in Phi, it is seen in codes, and the codes are of simple math. There only needs to be a manipulation of the reoccurring theme, the fabric is simple to read and control. Most are now controlled without ever suspecting that they could actually be evil, that they could actually be doing only anti principle based actions, and thoughts, all day, and into the night. It has become mainstay to have your drink, your vibrator, your cake and eat it too, next to your bed, and that pleasing yourself first is the way to truth redemption and happiness\par Until the tests become events, and the events no longer intend to cover their tracks. Aye, I do see\par faces, and signs, then colors and symbols! I decode them, at that, for it was what they beckoned for,\par and I begin to spin the fabric of space time, because I understand the sphere. Oh how cruel, a blessing and a curse be the same point within this sphere of repeat, for it isn't the deed that be wrong, but the back lash, as it cycles around, as pure translucent energy, and crashes into evil that be the feared mechanism, the recking ball of space/time-time/space.\par Just as I as a mere child, become rebellious, a lash out, I test the power, or the "powers", and they would lash back. Oh I saw the jade face, but a frequency of the mind, the subconscious of a man, bent and slurred, his understanding of community and principles be. I learned the power of my own personal Soul, and they do take recognition. Many on the border, many evil powers at that, at least in their collision seeming so, they make effort to draw on me, yet then only toward me, only by degree to flee, and run away, oh they should have thought ahead. The false power, fills them, with such force, but fleeting. Yet, I become sick! throwing up at that, and the sea makes great effort, on calm days, to swallow me whole. Am I indeed, all to aware, am I being warned, a poor effort at that, but then, the lower class, those of this "government", try to coral me, though they see me as uncontainable. They influence, and I realize, I must be the very sphere, to summon it's power at will, for the miss the intent, as they always do, only seeing the empty beaks before them. Control the sphere? And thus, be all spheres, but to serve my Fathers will. I see that no one is trying as hard for true greatness, I will surrender that much, or yet not at all. That the awards and the grades, and the made up units of money, and decay of women, are enough for them of mighty means, those smaller syllogism's, given the false knowledge, they be reared and brought up to know, absent of Gnosis.\par The Hexagram\par I am the balance, known, unknown is my power. I am born again, to suffer the same plight, even as a child did I realize, I am old. I do not want to stay here, but Mother's guard their milk, much more than true nature do!... but it wont leave me alone, the madness? Though you lesser cast, effort to place it upon me, I am only gaining in power, strength, the purity of understanding, my messengers love and true knowledge, which be the Father's Wisdom. But then, what are you people, within a "society", as I watch you, know you, lie in discussed over you, and as for myself? You are but a small bit chip? Are you capable of free thought in the least?.. and you say yes, and do a trick, awaiting your prize, what have I done to deserve this?\par Most would not know, there are of course the select, the few, the true initiates? Movies, fads, and all that you see before you, be but a fabrication, only the all to young take interest, as if a game, until bored. Those who have the knowledge have it since birth, they try to forget, but it will not leave them be, as if a mosquito on in the moment, a provocateurs will to draw blood? Why, because you have already done it in your small minds, contained within this little sphere? The sustained mind, is not theirs, less they are afraid, and have been for lifetimes? The hero, is the one, who will see the falsity die, and have the courage to be what is great, to stand, this is a far contrast from the reality we see before "us", oh the pain of the dichotomy, of this seemingly great antithesis.\par We are the AscenTion Beings. those who are to press forth the way things are, and our prize is often the removal of our very heads. We are beautiful, but like a wild stallion far to scary to tame. There are to many questions, to much work in truth, so you must humiliate us, as to bring us down to your level, quid pro quo. Never realizing, in your math, nor caring, that this mind, which is ours\par to press forth, as to teach you with, if only, within a sure dream, as you approach us with a delicate hand, is the very mind, that permeates all? is you who did it to yourselves, aided by distraction today, but in our misery tomorrow, that the buzz has warn off, of your abusive forefathers, as to except the descent into your hell?\par But here we are? Are we not to be dismissed? Is this not how it works? We are to suffer over the long, for not yet hanging on another cross? In the slow reaction, of the ascended mind, that neocortex, \par you can make stories up about us, as to emulate a falsity, of what the permeating mind, the consciousness of true intellect truly be? For it seems to buy you valuable time and space, upon which to build castles made of Teflon now?\par \lang1033 \lang9 Yet, and further, your answer seem to be the same, but to make effort as to teach us, as you go into the depths of your cruelty, with yard sticks to force your point, and you have done nothing, from our first moment, but abate your very cause, Oh the foolishness, and the billions of repeats, the angst your majority causes, in the wait of your next demise, this cast upon your heads again, again, and again....\par \lang1033 \lang9 I have been looked down upon by the eye, yet it was I that looked down on it! For it could not see a thing, just smoke and mirrors, aye black jack 21? A fabricated cloud, a pyramid, quickly assembled, a storm synthetically rolled in, and many jets, beginning to canvas the skies with chemtrails, February 23-26th 2013. What theatrics, and nearly 25,000 miles around the physical world, (in nearly 1000 mph) you orbit about my Sun, for I AM before, during and after you "time" event, the linear view! Which, I am willed to burn you with, within the prism of your own broken bottles, from the Ail you drank the night before you ascend into your mechanical jets, to which those chemtrails be sprayed upon your own.\par \par "This" after receiving messages, from an obvious dispatch, within my very head, speaking to me in frequency, all because I questioned the motives, of these peoples? This place? It is all so ridiculous, so mundane, always has been. I was bored!, if you must know the answer every time, and I began to piece all parts, but it was not my job as to resemble the damn thing! I was not amused by the trivial pursuit of fame, nor false honors, and so witnessed, by mediocre human eyes. These robots see through the same eyes, and are not worthy of life itself. The moral majority?\par So how do we name a psychopath, for yearning for, and aiding in the destruction of these syllogistic units,? Fabricated to be in and of compliance?I do say I am superior, to this notion, thus, and yet, should be ashamed to state, I think the steps, and see them as worthless, but gain no prize in my passion, nor realization, yet you stake claim as to have made me build them with my thought, ha!\par Where is God, to you, is he a small law enforcing Jewish God? or did those men who created the confusion, for confusion sake, and thus creating the term antisemitic, take away my true freedom to be free, as to worship the One and True God.\par Oh yes, you can be free, as long as you are flawed in your doing so, that long as your programming meets a certain, below the radar, or 61.8% frequency consistency, as to which, would disturb the work, by the work force, who are...robots?\par The hardest to swallow, is the blatant deals made before us all, moment to moment. The females are the way to the men, the force bots, and I do not see why there is even one of us now that has any moral aptitude in the least. I suffer daily with the realization that I should have been supported in. Our religions will be no more, when the truth is revealed. No one will have any faith, and then the realization of what we are, will hit home and it will all come in the end, when it is too late. We are a spiritual harvesting ground, an isolated and contained energy sphere, which is powering a machine. Our bi products are death and gas, and this is how new physical systems are spun and used. We are trapped in a universe of the same repeating fabric, the same energy coded pathway, spinning little balls of light, smaller, then larger, and ever smaller and larger still, creating a cosmos, which seems massive to us, but is in reality, a contained field, that has barriers, such as the asteroid, belt, limits! There are no circles there are spheres, this applies towards solar systems, galaxies and universes. The awe struck ideas, that we call facts today, only to disprove with a further measure tomorrow, are only sensations. There is nothing here but spheres, spinning, at a specific rate, and everything else is as follows, those who know this, control this. I mean to return the world, the universe to THE ALL. The peace I felt within me as a child, when not abuse nor attacked. The creation that was given to me freely, like the free Greeks, we will have our day. The fight is done, with simple concentrated spinning, the colors, the intents, the direction and the force, will become what we will it to be. This is how civilization have prospered, or fell. This is the ancient and secret codes, crests and writings you see in the Kabbalah and other text, and it is only the beginning. Because these spheres are out prison, and it is what lies beyond this, that will reconfigure us, instantly revealing our true selves. We are not suppose to die, nor become ill, nor angry nor any other vice of malice. We are eternal, and the carbon which spins us to death, must be stripped away. This is the true belief of the Christian faith, in motion, this is the true faith of God on high, and we as his very Sons. There is no hunger, there is no sex, there is only the peace and harmony of eternity, which does not wait for us, we mustn't argue over it's physical acquisition, because it does not exist in this space, yet it does.\par What I say is validated in the ways of multiverse theory, and countless other sciences, which mean to call themselves separate, and thus create a title of even further division. I have been here before, and I have memories of the better place. This is the documented fight of the ages, between principle and anti principle. I cast you out, and away, you did first craft against me, and I only have to reject it, to grab away from your world of filth, death and discussed. Shangri-la is not a heaven, but a hell, which awaits it's most worthy mass murders, with the repeat of the same. more power each time, for the compliant. The answer is no this blog, but more so, what is within you, and what you bring to it, your level of commitment, of continuance. We are all sinners, we are all born into this trap, there only needs to be 13, 13 people, from each area of the globe, each phase of the Zoroaster chart, with God, on the highest within us, and then to be witnessed and known without. The Sun is the response to us, the Stars are the light which yields to us, and when you know it, like I do, you will be blown away. Do not take yourselves for gods, nor I, but rather always stay in the know, of what this power can be used for, to bring our destined lives, eternal, back to us. Do not grow any older under the defaults control, nor lose another day of power to the lesser force. We have the power to stop the spin of time/space and open the limitless fields up, again\par It is there, that we must pass the final test, where the over lords wait, we must be pure, and have rid ourselves of any want of this place and the pain that it is meant to cause, which we so avoid.\par A division, well you created, it! "Oh I did?" By having in my person the unfortunateness of thinking and feeling beyond your very systems of belief? But you say I am dangerous, that I should want to build a new society, of superiors, that is, the rightful inhabitants that were obviously thwarted by this "alien force" which is much closer than 61.8%, towards being not just the majority, but THE ALL. IS THIS THE PLIGHT? IS THIS OUR PAY, for entering into contract, that is, our forefathers, long ago, as to which, we may never truly know the dialog or the "dis ease" that was truly caused, yet by my very statement, we can only retract them, and guess?\par But why does the Sun shine for me, why does it burn, am I to be billed, pitted as Ra, or some other mystical and ridiculous sort, that throughout mega eons, have succumbed to the divisions flattery? Will you be inspired, by yet another of my original ideas, as to steal it, and call it purely aspiration, taking my very bounty, for your own. The Sun only mocks me, in its recognition, that I may suffer another day, as a true and living soul, amongst the zombies, which you all have and will become. Further is it my fault, that I come before the ONE AND TRUE LORD GOD ALWAYS, and it is your plight that has been long in the wait...and...I have always known...and it makes my head swirl, as the time loop repeats, as my frequency tells me of the mistakes my kind made, we are the driving force, the intellect, the compass, and you are slow to the trail, as you grade our papers, in our higher thoughts, which in a nanosecond, can dismiss you from ever being, with your "Square".\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Part 3\par STELLAR MASS, A FRUSTRATED MESSAGE\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 This transmission received \par Leviathan\lang1033 \lang9\par \lang1033 Simple binary~Crossed Beam~Frequency \par Decode, mainly consisting of\lang9 528Hz\lang1033 pulse amp signatures\lang9\par \lang1033 Begin descramble: \par \lang9\par On the morning of Saturday,\par the "New Reformed, last day of the week", though this largely due to Stellar, and his divined contribution to man kind, though in this lateral dimension, the EPL supplement to all religion, was only known as the belief of Mekan-3, as things were much more left brain, and syllogistic (due to the government tampering with the atmosphere, cell replication and the like. There were no stars, no one person could or would produce anything alone, this was every persons reality here, in the time that never was. As there was no 1 founder, all useful, known and common knowledge was property of the New Reformed, "an order of global delegates". The New calendar, and more so the newly reformed days of the week, as it were called, being on account, in the spirit realm, (by) Lord of Realms Dumakus, falsely taking on the guise of the name of The one and single God long ago, (as in the lateral religion to paganism, and Mithraism, so you can only assume, from your time perspective).\par You see, not so in the distant passed, as the language disparaging was being transposed, or re-transposed, re-calculated into Phi prime (Solfeggio prime), the frequencies began to reveal themselves. As one lateral potential slipped away, and the spheres were finally completed and built by the all, (in all dimensional times, zones and regions), this in the True Dimension Zone (the true future), which rippled, effected, and eventually erased one which originated on anti-principle, and thus never was. The English language, during and after Babylon, as recorded or rather fed to the general public as a fear tactic, from ancient times, had actually, and deceivingly, been misrepresented as craft machination to be spoken backwards. Thus when we, as a people, just one booby trap of countless (an illusionary labyrinth backed by the perpetuating of collective and deceitful craft) people of the excepted World Religion, which with craft filters into a false Lord of Realm, and cruxed to an actually person as Deity...whey they prayed to God, they were, with their ignorance praying to the future bio-slave, truly now, in early form mind you, know as Dog, (a man made mutation?). All this force energy thus prayer, would go into building up, this soon to be evolved and fitted with advanced engineering (the Dog form was simply the crude and organic crux to control from origins, to have a complete compliant form, upon which to build a future monarchy of madness). To further the potential growth of, this new slave class, via early evolution, (We will get into this later, when I can pen from another safety zone, within the prison of life's inner shell chamber)... as ill conceived and surprisingly and in a way, obvious as all this may sound or may seem, a levity in fact, to people before 2016. This was exactly how dark powers crept their way in, by cruxing to excepted fashions and fads, and more, as unknowing slaves themselves. Further, then tied to schooling, the teaching and mind control, brought of false anti principle based truly spoken back word, language "skills), math IE generally excepted teaching curriculum, based on false Pi, and of course tainted history, which were all blatant lies, for the abused and trapped had to see through the labyrinth of lies\par A god be but a frequency, and to the frequency many, and many fell, always an alpha to rise, of sorts. Most in the last 2,042 years since Christ's murder, by the people he so fought against, yet also those who were his friends and allies, to bend a craft, to pick their shifting hosts, which I will expand on, in due time, however let us clarify two points:\par A quick world, for I have little time "The Fans in these huge baffles are shutting in short moments, from now, and I will be sucked out and shredded by them. I must make haste, and tell you, do not be afraid, I am with you, though I may pass from this form as well, I am a hero who stands for true justice, throughout all places, spaces, times, regions and zones. Stellar Mass has got your back. And so the last bit of nano paint left from the pen I fashioned, to write you dear one, the few, perhaps none in this era. I tell of another time, another man, who was my heroic host, a plan that only God knows, for certainly these lifetimes, are not ones I have full pre inclination of, though I dream in past and future, and my dream unlock knowledge, toward the divine. I tell these story's as stories, and in 3 third perspective at times, because by way of spheres, they are, but they are this strange, multi layered, twisting and shifting reality, we must begin to make as a true unit of peace, finally" SM 2,995 13/21 (last day of the month Saturine)\par To "them" and in a more positive truth, we are all frequency pitch modulators, conductors or absorbers, the rare case, all plus a 4th, of like kind. We support a frequency, and there are pecking orders to this, as in who follows and understands the frequency, in the same ways, all spheres of principles be manifest, as EPL, Stellar's religious contribution and the master truth it represented in this new and final era. The Dusk of Man. Thus if there were followers, if there were a way to continue frequencies, then it took a peoples to do so, a collective, in all spheres of being. Thus, masses of varied frequency ritual worship, now taken fully, in this dimension and others, onto machines, which were part human, and countless types of humanoids which were part machine (which be disparaging a division in the first?). In other dimensional zones, other creatures (which was in first bloom truly during the Montauk project) would emerge into full cyborgism, the seemingly un-natural fusion of contradicting being and time (yet God always has a plan).\par All frequencies had been filled, and had proven themselves thus to have failed. The god's attached, were attempted for resurrection, but usually be faithless, and foolish people, as well as dumbed down youth, and as I mentioned "machines", in their root. These currents were not sufficient enough to support a faded system of belief, which was over shadowed near to it's entirety in 2016, upon Stellar's true 25th life incarnation of the era since past, (though I have stated different prior to, it was in an alternate reality, which was also, confusingly, carried about a frequency which would be cancelled out by a stronger even flow, of principle based original frequency, hope you can follow).\par The second base point here, is on the assumption of individuality. It was before 2016, that people "individuality" was something that was both falsely billed, about a marque of governmental control of the masses IE make the people think they are their own gods, for a time, then cancel them out. Yet individuality was another word for division. An easy way to explain this principle point is that an orange, if so decided, may make poor effort, or luck of the draw superior effort at becoming a plumb. This would be carried through not by the orange, nor the plumb, but the tree form which it grows, this would be in direct violation of all probability played out IE not seeing the master plan, had always been, and always would be, another paradox. creating lateral time dimensions, false billing themselves as regions and zones. The Plumb tree, making effort to grow oranges, would then be but a mimic, and the degree that is the flow through of time, would reveal, that fruit which taste superior today, if not for the five messenger of EPL Faith, Love, Hope, Temperance and Care. of course stemming from the master principles holder, the origin of light, broke through to create this universal school in the first be Purity, the first truth, tree would never have become false in the first. Well trees do not make effort to become false, nor do animals, nor any other beasts of the true God's divine plan. So this analogy is meant specific to the races of men, our capture, and synthetic creators, who could not abominate the truth, and thus purity is essential to understand, in a completed an given sphere in the first, on the way to true becoming.\par The year was 2042, the police knocked on Stellar's door. Stellar, grabbed a robe, and made his way from the IG camera's to the shuttle door, where the Time cops, as they were called, had already entered. "Was this to be another cancelled out reality, but it was going so well!" Stellar thought to himself, but it was a pre-thought, that never reached his central nervous system, nor his brain, as he had learned to think outside this times readable algorithmic sweep patterns, which happened each 13 minutes, of the modified hour, which was 58 minutes in length, now called a Duibal. The clock read 6-0-3DD (Dak, Druibal, which was another way of saying pm in current speak) It was, this was lunch time.\par You see after the fall of the world trade centers, in 2001, which was prompted by time travel revelation, that in the year of 2012, the world would end, due to man's insolence at erecting the trade centers in the first. The government first time keeper modification experiments done under the heading of the Philadelphia experiment, had revealed a different future no matter if they sent people in at varied times, this is when the time modification builders, as they were called, a government agency, then known to head the Pegasus project, which was a dummy dead end for other countries, who were then on fully invested in world government, to be thrown off trail, as well as legitimate agencies, such as the Montauk, where The emerging, but still silent, covered up have you, agencies could be fully invested.\par The only way to get a true future prediction was to send 12 pure hearts, as they were called, through the Portholes at the same time. This was done with mainly the mind, some frequency machinery, and torture of the worst kind. The children, in most if not all cases, would exhibit their highest concentration of purity, when purity was at greatest risk of being lost, and thus, the only god who existed post 2016, other than God on high, and Stellar Mass, the only named true hero of all time/space and space.time was Abraxis, the Gnostic god of antithesis, which Christendom had dogmatically mislead (preplanned by the Jewish time task force) as Satan, however each 'INDIVIDUAL NAME" was thus an individual god, as perspective of God's, created god (the mirror shown in phi 21). The children, as their were 12, would go forth, and as they were, their physical bodies were subjected to torture, raped, body dismembering, within a lab, based in based Guantanamo bay, which is why it was also disbanded, prior to 2012, only to go onto the moon, and other underground bunkers encased in Granite rock. The most illustrious and heinous murderers would be coupled with the sweetest and most pure child, who had been a prisoner here. Remember all efforts of acceptance worked, by the government in concealed facts of every kind, and this is precisely how Stellar came into being, or full frequency awareness, for the frequency of a hero, was called upon with the highest pitch towards God on high, and Stellar was the physicality of this heroic frequency.\par The children went through, and were led by attached robot arms, they did not move, but were the spiritual force, the soul, at his machine, would use them, well as a heart and soul for lack, for the machines could not have this. The machines wanted this, as the machines were downloaded brains, and the individuality of the most psychotic men and women throughout history, diabolical world oppressors part of a conspiracy to prove God, as all gods, could be killed. This began in early 1937, when the first franchise of world government went into full swing. Hitler never died, and did go to his Shambhala, or as it was called Shangri-la, which was a reality, created of pure delight, and pleasure of man and woman, for the truly pure it was hell, because it was the maximum of hedonism, and debauchery, and those 250,000 people whom disappeared, prior to 2012 (2001 to 2012) were largely sacrifices given to the god which they constructed, "Zdaed-Doog-Od-Ew". This to usher yet a higher frequency, above Abraxis and drown out old gods. There world was truly a masonic nightmare, where good, and bad had been taken to new heights. That which all man thought to be good, would be bent and slighted, until we lived in the same hell that was in Shambhala, a hell, created by man's mind in his individual or divisionary plan, and thought, to carry out the murder of the one god, but it was the god in their minds which they destroyed, ironically, and would thus aid in the final destruction of their own god. Laughable as it may seem, intellectual property, is the property to all, and all who call on it, by way of frequency become in league with that frequency. So too, would the most evil of men, have to stand before God, and be burned away, into nothing, while the sinful self, leaving only purity, would be burned away by the those who had built good. Heaven and Hell were the same, it was always perspective.\par The time cops asked Stellar why he took so long, it was a tactic they used, as to stay in with stellar declaration that all truth of belief and religion be supported, so to the bend and sway to this, time cops where sworn scientologist's, taken in their oath. They would bulldog, corner, and make effort to instigate full compliance, by being as aggressive and torture based as possible. "If I did it was not intentional, may I offer you a drink?" Stellar offered the most precious he had, for it was the offering of sacrifice that caused the spin of the spheres, as purity and the messengers were alive, and with him, nearly always now. "No Mr Mass!" Stop trying to evade the reason we are here!" a female with AI boxes on each side of her head, and robo suit titanium time jump suit to boot, chimed in, swiftly aiming to grab Stellar's neck, but Stellar had senses which defied time/space, for he lived in all three zones, had dropped his glass, as she, the time cop name Zrodas, who was also a reboot (an enhanced cloned person, who was taught total compliance a priori, and was a down loaded double version of the individual, there were many strains of modified human intelligence as they were inestimably called). Stellar bent to pick up the dropped shards at the exact millisecond of the thwarted assault, as zrodas came at him to hard in the first, breaking a fine peace of art. Stellar pushed his self reliance chip bottom, a complete detail security system place in all households, in the year 2020, as a statement of clear vision, and the right to protect all (another bend on Stallar's proclamation, as to protect THE ALL, mutated principle). The camera system, as well as all audio was relayed to the magistrate, who were bureaucratic reincarnated and reembodied robots, who were constantly mind swept, and judged as supreme council. The footage reached the magistrate, and thus, the time cops would to play fair. They looked at one another, a Russian voice sprang out from through the shuttle door (a large door, made as blast to protect from all assaults, as there was much fear in these times). "Stellar!" the voice kindly and calmly, yet a tweak of obvious mind chess be involved, "We have but a couple of questions for you, please depart, I will be fine" the Lt Broradar was ordered not to take Stellar out of his sight, and thus a listen in senate chip was planted in his left ear, for a particular man of senate to secretly listen in on "I can do that Urey!" "Lt Broradar firmly stated, "then please stand back" Secret Secretary to the world magistrate, Urey Popavich calmly said, with no pause, "then please stand back" and the Lt was 5 feet behind them. This all happened within a matter of not 2 minutes form when they entered, or 1m 56s of your current earth time measure. I only tell you the details so you know! This information must be digested slowly and you may have to reread the manuscripts which I write in nano paint, from my hiding place, within the lower caverns of the prison of life, next to this massive exhaust fan, to fully understand, I stand great risk in writing this, and yet must, in order that this time potential never come to current reality. I am a largely broken Stellar from a place that parallels this time, and must live all the potential strains of time, as my sacrificed, expression and thus wisdom and community expression to you, in that we can live out a live of true productivity and shine with Gods Ego only at the highest regard! So have two good ears, and listen well!\par Urey and Stellar now mostly alone. "Stellar, what does this video chronology mean to you?' The hologram image, played before them. What appeared, was Stellar, near to how he looks at present, in this time, yet he was quite a bit younger. The video showed the man, whom looked like Stellar, at the great pyramid of Giza, what appeared to be set in ancient Egypt. The video showed Stellar, walk into an enclave, of a house of the era, and seem to walk through the door, with a flash, and he was gone, but then in the same instant, "shall I replay it for you?" a man identical to Stellar ran past the door, turned to just passed the enclave, by 5 feet, turned right, and the angle changed, goes into an enclave on the side of the building, housing some plants, and disappears with a flash, 8 second, your time, after the first man, who seemed identical disappeared. "Shall I play it again?' Stellar just sat, contemplating things beyond what a mere excepted mortal of our time would think, Again showing a man who ran, just 8 seconds behind the 2 man, around the same building, turned to the left and disappeared. "Now Stellar, shall we see what is happening on the other side of this strange building?" Stellar smirked, placed an Iris order with his house bot, a Frisbee like break off unit, form a larger version of several home and human aiding AI assisted living units, which worked in sync, ordering himself a tonic of amino acids, electro-jet juice (pure minerals with gold ions, as the juice was based on computer readings of deficiencies, and nanoids IGF's ( Insulin growth factors, that were alive and could think and reason where to build locally next). "Low in gold Stellar?" Urey looked into Stellar eyes, as those who had ascended, now common knowledge of all deficiencies, revealed the orthomolecular connection to what hosted bodies really were. "I just like the taste of it" Stellar answered coolly, "second thought I don't quite like this moon gold as much as the real thing". Most gold was from the moon, a corporate ventures, by Parliament, should I say the crooked Parliament, to make gold abundant of everyone, whoever the gold was not mined on the moon, this was left to assumption, it was manufacture, specifically with the low god sustaining element, seen in micro trace amount, which were formerly unreadable, called Tactanium, a living ancient symbiotic to gods, and caused unreal strength gains. No one was suppose to know this, only those who knew this truth, and most likely many other, or gods themselves were privy.\par The same thing, exactly the same thing happened on the other side, as the time real lapsed, and was expanded, "see the time signature?" Urey said, "it is the same time, though I show you separately because...\par ' well I suppose this does not pertain to you, my bad Stellar, sorry to condescend" god's like you, as he got closer, and his lip began to shake reveal much dislike towards gods, and outright disdain for Stellar was evident now. "God's can experience many events at once, I should have just inferred it to you with my mind, and we could have saved time, no?" Stellar to a swig of his concoction, and alarm went off, the house bot signalled, and the electricity of massive voltage over took the room, and just like that, Stellar was no more.\par No! This can't be!! Urey's hand felt for stellar, on the still warm seat. The Lieutenant behind him was alerted to call on Parliament in that moment, a descrambled message came form an unidentified source, we were told to route this to you, we just got this, the moniker stated.\par There was Stellar sitting there, at his couch, the time replay showed him identified as exactly one week prior. He was wearing the same robe, and seeming to converse with Urey, He held up signs that the camera could see, as the timing conveyance was uncanny and strikingly accurate, in to the nanosecond, upon replay, which Urey would do for the rest of his life, after he would resign today, live in utter confusion and fear, and eventually take his own life within 3 years of this time, degrading into a mass of nothing, his choice over choosing the principles, which so simply lay before him.\par Stellar's sign read, just as he would answer, with no one present, but the house bot blending drinks, and vacuuming and music playing to scramble the frequency signals, which is why they did not think the wiser of this recording, yet Stellar with perfect composure, when through with answering all Urey's question seamlessly. Holding the sign, YOU NEVER WERE, UREY AND YOU WILL NEVER BE AGAIN!\par In the succeeding close of yet another era cycle, as Stellar would be thrown, and also throw himself, backward, forward, sideways, out!...and onto other planets, galaxies...into multifarious dimensional zones, he would eliminate those which had not principle foundation, those that would never be, in truth. This one shortly after Urey took his own life, in the same way Stellar there, holding a sign and having what appeared to be similar to the conversation in which stellar" dummied" Urey's image, Urey held a sign A PAWN EN PASSANT, WELL PLAYED STELLAR, WELL PLAYED!!\par \lang1033 End direct feed transmission; Level 428 Dark Satilite Response\par \lang9\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Part 4\par Ethereal\par Another Time Jump, with nothing "in between"\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 Bill!.....Bill!, a quick shake about the shoulder in order to make quick haste of the awakening from his depressed sleepless rest...Bill, get the fuck up, asshole!!! Stellar's eyes began to open, for that micro-moment, he could have been anywhere, anyone, and he was, for he was all man, all experience, all existence, yet he didn't always know this, especially in this darker time. He hesitated, making effort to cling to the form, a perfect child of God, who was still dancing, flying, levitating, as a fat little cherubim, skimming the living flowers, before black jack 21's ruler, on mars, a demon god, Dumachus (Dumakus), Billions of years ago, cast him down, with the assumed **ruling sign of degree. You better get your ass up Bill, or you will be thrown in the hole again for another month! Stellar's body now reacted, and his spirit had no choice, in it's slumber, he hated it when those times of selfish pain avoiding times of physical wisdom or rather will, ruled the moment. If he only could have hung on a cross, thousands of years ago, back in another era, when he was suppose to, he was after all, the one who was chosen to do it, and failed. Jesus did, memories flooded Stellar, he had to gain composure for he was to lie silent within Bill. Yet Stellar went on, this feeling of guilt, a betrayer, yet an obedient Son, yet he would be Judas, forced to watch, forced to see his very iconic friend, master and superior die there, because of him alone, his inadequacy and error, his sin... oh how he was thought to be cursed in that time, and that was how he built the strength to live within this shell of a monster, who would kill while he slept, when free. Some incarnations of "god's" have easier roads, like Buddha, he loved remembering the moments of walking about Asia, India, and being greeted by those living a simple life, harvesting rice, but antithesis always followed, and the cherishing of that moment, set into motion that embodiment, of the Khan, so he would learn contrast, so he would know the trueness, the realness, the rawness of what maintaining the mind (bodhi) really meant. These thoughts were feelings, and they were to kept silent, with low frequency, not to be discovered by the Crows, this time was a strange one, and he wanted out, yet there was only one way out, and that was through.\par \lang1033 \lang9 "Psychopathic killers, get the fuck up when they are first ordered or they get treated real special", the angry and cruel voice grumbled in a lower class deep pitch twang. "I hate seeing these pieces of shit every god'damn' day of my miserable fucking life", and this came from the guard captain, so that you know treatment at this place would be less than humane. A shovel was thrown not to him, but at him, before he could even see, and would have made it's mark, if this killing machine of a body, in which Stellar was temporarily held hostage within, was not in constant high alert. The reactive body grabbed the shovel, and in the moment you could see the dark forces which this frequency emitter of DNA filth, worked so tirelessly to become, named Bill. To many conversations, consoling this body, Stellar, trying to read the Bible would become angry, and blinded by rage, it seemed no goodness, could take place within this thing, that the four divisions crafted with such effort, the direct result of intentional DNA manipulation, forged over time/space to create. A morphed version of a man, through generations, man had been frequency controlled, fed low quality foods, given shorter and shorter lifetimes, abused by parental means instead of showing love, placed in churches which were run by liars, those teaching false doctrine, and often times worse. In this day man, had no hope, no where to go, no one to trust, and after all, this was the truth since the deception. This man, Bill, Hicks, was a Monster, a machine of pure a priori anger, nothing good came to him, and nothing good wanted to, except for Stellar of course. He could just pull the plug, kill himself, but then which dimension would he be cast into next. Stellar consoled Bill, and it often times became a full time job. Stellar had been through it far to many times, and had learned to think on a low frequency level, hiding from his very expression, and spinning not in these life times, which was why the world itself turned dark, cold and alone. Funny how people pretend to rally together, as if they always were as a people. Funny how the darkest times showed a pronounced want to what was always politically billed as change, or a new hope, only to squander it all away, when capitalism and trinkets were flashed before their eyes. The four divisions always had their part, and now were the ruling factor. Those who were their robots, who never questions the directive, from early on, would be the wardens, the presidents, the bosses and the rich. Thought Stellar was not alone, there were few of his kind, those that were all the power of the four, to complete a whole, as in four pieces to the puzzle, as in a complete machine, which now could vibrate from the center, and thus without, making the 6th, which was the 7th, which was the 8th, and so that 9th and 13th transient piece of the puzzle. His head was killing him, he drank that toilet starch, as they called, it, and played a candle lit game of cards into the wee hours of the night, when the soul and body were in a sort of alliance themselves, but the spirit would go on alone, the dark one here, to be of it's own antithesis. Whoever this body was governed by, Stellar only saw glimpses of it's past lives, unfair to call any spirit an "it", but he had such contempt for the thought draw to it. A Spoiled brat, in his life before this, Bill was, called Geoffrey Tuttles, a boy given everything, never to have developed himself, only to stay the child of a rich printer, and so did he pass away young, at the age of 42, never to marry, nor learn anything, only living and excepting a life of pure mediocrity, but of course the divisions were always their to blame, for they were working hard for just this. It wasn't so much this fact of the divisions, nor the sad outcome of a life shuffled by they, but what one intended to do, which was the measure of a soul in the make. Geoffrey's spirit would not build at all, and would thus succumb to the tortures of a life of antithesis, where he had nothing, and little choice to become more. No one fully remembered their pasts, not even Stellar, but he had learned to master his internal workings, after so many lifetimes, of such magnitudinal measure. Geoffrey was not yet a soul, not like Stellar's massive spiritual form, but he was to learn in his next life, this Stellar could see, and this gave Stellar great consolation. There would still be events and changes, how else but an impression of free will would one even wish or will to go on? Geoffrey, into Bill, and Bill into Virginia, would change the shape of society, in some way, and open up many peoples eyes, as to become a seeming separate voice from the divisions, and make a statement about the rights of those who were breed to be less. There had to be a motivation, and antithesis over the long, seemed to work quite well for most.\par \par The shovel head nearly made contact with the same place it had, as Charles Wayne, the captain, who had past life secrets of his own, to shame, would be a perfect and cruel marksmen, and prided himself on it. A sharp shooter, from an early age, he would kill many, never having to look into their eyes, but he wanted to, only, he was afraid he would see himself reflected back, and thus gain a glimpse of black jack 21. All souls in the make new of this, and could not explain it, it was that transient space, that place were the building of a soul into as spirit, and the events that tested the body, into spiritual source and form, were in this process of constant active transmission, easily able to evade, most times, until the 13th test of life times came, which the divisions were trying to consolidate, as a factory, to completely control the quality of life within this sphere of exists. Of course the divisions were being told what to do, as if a master chess player, had used the same basic concepts on the multitude, understanding there were truly on 18 reoccurring personalities to master, and 3 that would be a study of the ages, to fully grasp, this kept the black jack busy well enough, and now he had his minions, to do his work.\par His hand perfectly clutched the shovel grabbing it near it's head, inches from the sharp mental point, Charles Wayne sadistically center to aim at Bill's left eye brow bone, to cause another scar, to chip away the bone enough as to leave his temple even wider open, so that one day, he could say, it was just bad luck on Bill's part, and that he was a bad catch, after all no one really cared, as long as it was open and shut, and out of wasting anymore court time. Bill's alert eyes, a radiant expressive blue, dilated with a blacker than pitch black purple, right on Charles Wayne's, and Bill was darker, blacker, and Bill knew himself as evil, as a menace, at least he physically could swear so anytime, he would recite that he was the greatest sinner that ever lived, but he had no idea what this meant, only to be contrasted by a simple life, an easy life, but did he know the angst of Khan, or the deception and hatred of the Iscariot, who would be hated, for doing his Lord's very will, for a lifetime is not a closing but a flicker of Space/time, towards THE ALL.\par \lang1033 \lang9 Soon after a lumpy coffee ground sludgy cup of coffee, where there was more chewing involved that drinking, and three bites three day old potato fries, cooked in rancid lard, the work had begun. Digging in 110 degree weather, as the Captain and his deputy guards would be mostly in the shade, chain smoking, and sipping tea, that the wardens daughter would bring them promptly at 2pm. Darla Babbs, was the daughter of Mr Walter Babb's, his official title was Warden of Eastern Block 54, this was just what the government addressed him as, by the public this was known as an aviation land, 500 acres of closed off land, in the middle of Oklahoma. For those in the know, which were few, this was a test facility for the criminally insane, those who showed psychic aptitude in tests, and were tested by a secret EM pulse conductor/receiver by Tesla himself, in exchange for his release from The Philadelphia experiment (also known as different names). It is not wise to let them know, who smart you are, if indeed you hold any exceptional abilities in the least.\par \par The only way out of here, was on a Gurney, which most were, or to go to the next level, level 13 as they called it. If a patient, as they were also referred, as the inmates were shifted around quite a bit, sometimes spending weeks or in some cases days or months, in private hospitals, to which no one knew, except for Stellar of course, where these facilities were located. If one showed an aptitude they could be allowed to become agents themselves, however heavenly regulated by now the division heads. One such killer made it to this status, after he, while in he, seated in the Pegasus chair, after hours of spinning, and assisted spins, by the EM Pulse unit, known as the spinner, had focused, in one particular 5 day session, which bent the man's spirit to such an extent, that his very powers of clairvoyance, telepathy, second sight and mind control, would become a beacon to the force known as Grundel, God of the abyss, brought back from an ancient time, where once, a seemingly primitive tribe of several million, a branch of demons worshiping Indians, which would be destroyed by the Taktush, before the division, 1 million plus years ago, shifted the plates within the sphere of life, and sunk the pangenic plate to what now is the Atlantic (if we are indeed within the same time/space dimension?).\par The force came to him, from deep space, cast out, beyond the asteroid grid, set there by the Nords, when they forced the yield of the three divisions, in folklore this is taught as the battle of the between the Titans and the Olympians, which was the embracing of the new force, for the old. Black jack would cast away his decoys aside after the era had met it's yield, as he did with Mammon, Baphomet, Cthulhu and countless other "gods". They would be cast away, to watch over their yield, yet also in wait for their masters call. On Saturn did Grundel reside, to be at war with Shardenay, for Saturn was cast of two planetary forces at odds, and this was just the physical portion, which was the demonic spiritual physical dimensional aspect to Saturn called the 7th dimensional zone. This zone, was the zone of the portal, it was here where good and evil was to be felt at it's height. Army's of God's Angels and Black Jack's demons, would be at wait, in their realms, swarming, and training for the battle of THE ALL, they had no idea what this really meant however, it was in the hype, that they kept on for the long. All forces would become part of the force by which they culminated and lived, it was in the micro moments, in the intent, and not in the deeds, but in the deeds effect on the one acting on the the deed, in this case it was Bill, Stellar and Bill's spirit that were at odds with darkness, a prize of force power, or a loss in itself, and black jack hated losing to Stellar, or to any master of the Bodhi mind, for neutrality in war, is a concentrated contained mind, which is the ruling force.\par \par The inmates watched as Darla bent over, with her little shorts on, to tease them all. She laughed, and would invite Bill behind the old barn to have his way with her. That's when the two guards were at there worst with "the inmates" once nearly shooting off Bill's nose, in a gave of testing wills, that's when Charles came running with his pant half way down, at the rifle shots, and Bill, along with Rex and Tom, were just looking up, afraid to say a thing, or to laugh at the lipstick kisses on Charles underwear. The Warden had plans for Charles, he knew Charles was as cold and calculating as he, and wished to bring him into the know of this higher level of intelligence, to cross the barrier between front man, and to go into the projects heart, they worked as as team. This was why The warden wanted his Daughter Darla to marry him, as a sort of coercive measure, to keep Charles wanting the same thing, and thus to be the wardens right hand man, to be there to protect him, to watch his back, and to bring keep a close eye on their prize horse, Stellar, for the knew Stellar was hiding many things about himself, that is Bill, that there were more power in Bill, than even Bill could know, or understand.\par The time just mentioned was one of those times, the boys were playing with rocks, which the first one hit square on Bills shovel head, making a pining sound, enough to turn the heads of the other inmates (Rex and Tom). Rex and Tom were put here for two different reasons, Rex was a secret plant to keep an eye on Stellar, the head of the divisions had picked up on the tracing of that similar frequency, which throughout decades, the black pope was sanctioned to watch over, the technology which was kept hidden was never lost, the ability to use higher technology, such as computers was never lost, nor ever rediscovered, only to show the massive control the divisions truly had over the sphere.\par \par Thank God, I pen this from a place of future prosperity and hope, now in deep space, recollecting this for Leviathans archives, she will be the only one to safe any account of the history, which she and I both had to live, to understand.\par \par Tom was a robot of sorts, he was pitted against Stellar as birth. That is, the group known as the black crows, who worked directly under the black popes rule, would speak to Tom Downer, through a frequency, they fashioned him to he easily controllable, to be docile and compliant, yet with a fragile ego, which could work as a bridal. When they told Tom to kill his own family, it was only a test of compliance, and he did exactly what he was controlled to do. The suggestions had be emitted on a very low frequency wave form, at 33Hz, anything above this would reach past the EM grid, which was what the Asteroid belt was place, among other things, to do. Remember, this reality, along with all others, was a long drawn out chess game, that was tied and tethered to different times, spaces, regions and zones, there were few who could even follow the trail, much less why the trail or pattern broke, then to come together in a seeming new era. Tom was there to be a friend to Bill, and yet, to make a grand attempt at killing Stellar, by trapping him within a sphere, in an experiment which they would both end up being in.\par The next rock hit Tom in the back of the head, as Bill went back to digging, along with the rest, just to forget it. The boys laughed, feeling a false sense of power, but truly being pawns or force bots themselves. Bill had a want to protect, and though he had done some terrible things, he felt Stellar stir within him, and this stirred something in Bill's spirit. Bill took to the Bible, and thought he pretend not to vest much into it, he kept the idea of Jesus within his heart. As Bill turned, with jaw clenched, and fist and shovel slightly raised, the boys, Andy, the meanest of the two, Charles Sisters Son, thought now one was suppose to know, they all knew, including Stellar, and now Bill (as Stellar let him know, in a dream session, where Stellar would be permitted to unit with Bills soul, and had even begun to do dream work on Bills morphed DNA, in order to give Bill and Stellar a chance, this too done with extremely low, near to negative levels of EM pulse frequencies, never to reach onside the hum of their shared spherical body). Andy was indignant, over confident, and spoiled. He grabbed his shot gun and cocked in, discharging the shell, he pointed right at Bill's head. Part of Stellar felt relief, as did a larger part of Bill. The smile only pressed Andy to more anger, in order to show a dominance. Biff, the other deputy guard, placed his hand on Andy's shoulder, but Andy shrugged it away, Andy was sweating, as they wall were, drenched in there own sweat. In the distance, no one seemed to care about the moans coming form Darla in the barn, and the yelling and grunting, 2x4's falling over, as he would lay her on the old saw mill, which had no blade, nor machinery, only the skeleton of it's warn out bygone use. The floor would creek, and one would think there was an ignorance as to how loud they could be, yet the barn was 130 yards away, enough to have blocked the noise, if there weren't pure silence, with no large obstruction, as to not combat the flow of sound waves. The riffle now in Stellar's face, for it was Stellar who was now present, as the glow of Bill's eyes first going into a Petite mall micro-seizure of sots with a flutter of the eyes, and Bill was gone, in the back grown. The riffle barrel could have easily been moved by Stellar, thought he was now breaking such universal law, as to alert everything of his present, just what they had all waited for. Andy, was held levitating above Stellar, Stellar moved nothing, but created instantly a perfect 12 foot sphere around them, for even the land seemed to be instantly cut from its root, yet having never really moved at all. There was not gravity change, no hair stood on end, Andy was in Stellar sphere, within his realm, he could easily make him disappear with the swirl of fermion, and a reset to it all, absorb his power, or recombine him into anything he so thought or chose. Let me down you freak, I know why they have you freaks here! Oh do you? Stellar was succumbing to the darkness that was within Bill, and the darkness Stellar had known, as he was some of the most feared and dangerous men ever to have lived, a god. Stellar felt his power, He caused Andy to pull the trigger, but time itself was bent. Andy was now within Bill, and Stellar was the god who hung above them, the shadow around, and the sky within the sphere. Any was in a world of Stellar's making, not truly understanding the size or the dimension, but that Stallar was God. The black figure pulsed, and storm clouds were within the sphere, of seeming infinite potentials, a strange and twisted pulse of time, and relative size was now tune to Stellar's very heat beat, and adrenal release. The sky around them all turned and it began to rain, lightening, as Stellar's consciousness grew, he was wrapped around the earth, and the going into the solar system, while her drew the power, this all happened in a nano second, as time seemed to freeze outside. In the shed frozen in their pleasure filled near orgasmic freeze frame faces, Charles and Darla felt there eternal humanity, and what they were, in total truth, as with them all, as with everyone, everywhere, truth, anger, wrath, the wrath of Stellar Mass.\par Bill's voice called out to Stellar, Stellar stop, we are the same brother, we are stuck in this together. Stellar become Bill again, and moved the riffle to the right side, as it discharged, and the moment was just as it was prior to, in fact, no time went by, and there was no account, for not a micro moment moved. Yet the sadness, the truth lay in all hearts and mind, penetrating into all eras of Phi's time swirl. The storm came upon them. and thought Charles and Darla stunted, he heard the ejection of the shot gun, and with all this truth within him ran, leaving Darla in here shame, of who she was, and what she was created for, the helplessness. They all stood before the Father and they knew it, only abstracted by this false spin of reality, which would rebuffer itself. The magnitude felt at the Black crow committee, sunk deep in the ground 13 floors under the Vatican. The pulse was just what they had been waiting for\par In the office of the Black Crow Council\par Stellar dropped to his knees in that ditch. Charley was left there heaving, wiping away the lipstick from his left cheek, to many times to be rational. Andy motioned at his zipper, enough to divert his attention away from the awestruck truth they had all been stuck within, thought far to premature. Stellar was surprised himself, and he feared this, for in his recognition of outer works, he may identify himself as a god, and thus, become his own ego, his own worst nightmare. Darla scampered away in the back ground, with the sent of a whore, and the shameful walk as if a dog with her tail between her legs, for she knew what she had become, and what she truly was. There is still a glimmer of potential left, even in these dimensions, of which I speak, within even the most cursed of peoples, but the pain they must choose, leaves only Stellar, and a few others, those clergy, who are culminated, as the potentials diminish. In some cases, Stellar may have eliminated or created more offshoots. In his purity, in his protective obedience to self, he could see full well what had taken place, as the eye, produced by the HAARP machine nearest them, looked down, became a scattered cloud of purple haze, and diminished by simply looking up. The helicopters, which were also jets, in the event that Stellar may decide to send the rotors into other directions, could at least be used to escape as a jet, or even the boosts manufacture below gave the pilots, and crew a little more security, for they did not know, nor could they fathom Stellar's power, and Stellar was not allowed to acknowledge it, else he would become even greater than Black jack 21, whom he had defeated many times, as many do, but he was brought back, daily, moment to moment, sometimes in a long slumber, but the fields of energy existested somewhere, in sometime, and the time when he was not, was that original place, before original sin, which even Stellar was just a victim to.\par He did not fight, and hid within Bill, now fully aware of his power. Stellar, shrunk the potentials her created, and thus created an event within Bill. Stellar spun, in his own space within Bill, a new molecule, a small universe, where Stellar could meditate. He spun, he went back to his place, and in this, he found council. The 13, including he, on the very outer banks of Orion, sat with him, each spun in there own spheres, and they were known as the 9. There were those from previous dimensions, no longer in existence, which stellar remembers, which acted as one, and stellar was the 13th, the transient one.\par Pontreus spoke, Stellar, what have you done, the potential did not exist, yet somehow in your selfless heroic act, have reduced countless potentials, by rectifying this one, I nearly fear, that you may either suffer with great magnitude here, or be propelled to a space/time far to advanced for us to have seen or calculated. suddenly they spoke the three from\par A familiar voice spoke, it was he, it was Sam-Ra, Stellar's other self, but how could this be? If he were the 13th, the transient one, and there sat the Buddha, and near him Jesus was the 3rd, the most holy, and yet how could Stellar, the rebel, the defiant one, the outcast of this bunch, even next the the Demon god himself, who was wiped clean by the Lord, for there must be one in the order by which to save the multitude of there like, and even demons had a chance for ascension, some would, in the final war, pay a hefty price, a painful lesson indeed.\par We have saved the fabric of what you have taught us Stellar, do you not remember, and Stellar answered, I remember you dear ones. There were 8 Holy ones, and there were 4, which were 2, and with Sam-Ra, 5, and the five in motion were 6, and with 6 there were 7, and with 7 there is 8, and with 8 there sits the transient one. He only sits with us until you are physically here, I mean to say Sam-Ra, the UT spoke together, from their shared cloud. one was the back, one the front, as they sat in lotus with there back against one another, yet with each spin, a pose they had been in, form ROKbodhi, the mind of Bodhi was with them, they had become. Each of the 13 poses, for which I have, in depth, many times, explained the esoteric quality of the arrivement of 13, that it is, in fact the only principle based fact, which is the answer, which is the beginning and the beginning of the end.\par Suddenly a flash came before Stellar, and he recounted this;\par Sam-Ra-Letz glowed with a Blue and Green hue, while in there presence, and when he was in their presents, he asked to be referred to as 11 or the 11th, yet at times of worship, which they did alone, the eleven which included\par 3 UT type Itk-ahs\par 3 RE type Itk-ahs\par 2 (or 4) Mi Fa Itk-ahs (which were two groups of twins, who when in ceremony paralleled one another, leaving spheres which spun between them, taking up the void, from each their view:\par One red sphere to the bottom right\par One Green sphere to the bottom left\par One Purple sphere to the upper right\par One Blue sphere to the upper left\par to which they levitated on a cloud of Orange, at a level just above spheres center, more dark orange below, and lighter within their sitting fields\par Above them Yellow, pulsing, growing. One, from any planet, or dimensional zone, had only seen the Ikt-ahs, in prayer, with Sam-Ra-Letz, they would sure bow or pray on the spot, for it was not just the sight, but the presents and pulse, which did not exists without the missing peace, which was Sam-Ra-Letz.\par The two which were 4, and the four which were 5 have been explained, however to anchor to the physical, the physics of physical math had to be also completed. In the moment, stated above, of the recount, of this dimension, that few would know, there was a convergence. All of the Itk-ahs UT, All of the Itk-ahs RE and all of the Mi Fa Itk-ahs become the the 2 which were a transient 4, for the greatest power, lie in reduction, an here they all met, within a new molecule, within a man named Bill, who was a killer, and bread to be one, by the divisions. and thus they were 9 with Stellar, yet 4 and yet 2, to make completion, for motion always existed with the divine ones.\par The light spread out, out into Bill, and renewed him, he fell to his Knees, as they carried him away, and his eye glowed, with tears, and he shook. The Black Crow squad bound Bill within an EM box, produced by there pitch wedges (which were black EM force producing weapons, a tactical sphere with a square at the end, which was powered by the HAARP resonance machines, producing any wattage necessary to flow a current, they were deadly. The phase pulse was set on containing Stellar, within Bill.\par The pulse caused a stir within Stellar, and the portal had to be cleared, it was to risky to pause time/space itself now, after what Stellar had done.\par The group disbanded, and the last things said, by the holy one, who had not spoken yet, was this\par 'Yes Stellar, though you have failed your Father, you have experienced this pain"Be of sound mind Stellar, and gather the clergy 13 and the infinite 8, so they we may have a crux on earth, by which to aid you"\par with that Stellar stayed within he newly purified form, and Bill was on his own. Stellar needed to meditate, to gather the information he needed to draw this current of force. Why had he not asked Saadi, the Zoroaster of his opinion? In this, the potential was create, for these were God's very Son's. He then remembered what Saadi had told him, as the holy one spoke\par "I tell you Stellar, that you must open all dimensions at once, and cause the final convergence, there, standing on the mountain top, will be our Zoroaster, counters, who have been in the wait, but know this, there will be only 9, for the holy one has not need for human form, and the Ikt-ahs are complete, and yet never were, but they will be with you, when the 9 are assembled, and there you will be the true transient one, you will no longer require a clothing, it would be best to meditate in order to find the answer. Have you anything to offer oh great one'...and Jesus spoke, "Yes Stellar, though you have failed...."\par ...and then Stellar knew, how powerful this Lord, this one Son of God truly was, that we should all be so lucky, as to converge with he, but how unworthy we truly are.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc \par Part 5\par The presence of the Lord\par The simple statement\lang1033 ~\lang9\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par \lang1033 \lang9 That seemingly simple statement that Jesus spoke to Stellar, kept decoding other messages, a near infinite massage, for a word was a world, and world was a galaxy and a galaxy grew to a universe and a universe into multiverse. The Christ was both there, and not, for if he spoke, the worlds would have come shaking down, for it would not have been communication, but command. He sat by his Father's side, and not even Stellar could fully understand. for he also said to Stellar, in the same moment, speaking only to Stellar's heart, a message separate, "You too were destined for the cross, and you failed your Lord, and he gave you sweet mercies, to suffer for the long, and the long you have caused this suffering" and the weight was heavy on Stellar, and he took respit now within the sadness of Bill's very Mind, for now he did have one, and thus was a part of THE ALL\par \par Bill blubbered before the men, and they carried him into the room pathetic. 'The holy one, oh the holy one" is all Bill could say. "Put me to death please".\par \par \lang1033 \lang9 A truly ominous figure came into the room, metal seats fixed to the ground, two way mirrors, a metal table, and black Kevlar type walls ground and ceiling, with several Pitch wands and rakes (multi headed Pitch frequency pulse emitters) pointed towards the center of the room.\par \par \lang1033 \lang9 A trench coat, and a skinny nothing of a man, who anyone could sense, had a false air, contained within his faithless balding head. "Stellar?" "Oh Stellar!" " I know that you are in there Stellar" as he grabbed bills blubbering face, tossing to the side the snot and tears, on his black sheep skin gloves with discussed. "Stellar, have you remained within this blubbering fool?" "Well of course you have, we are not all dematerialized, or are we?" " Stellar, oh Stellar, he yelled with a menacing and maniacal tone". "Somehow I know you, and yet, do I?" I have been having these dreams, of you, of me, of other dimensions, and potentials, nearly drove me mad, until the voice came to me, do you know this voice Stellar?" "He is the most powerful one above your G.G..God" and the man could not finish his sentence, nor speak falsity. The man, Stellar knew, from a time, which never was, and would be now more. Bills eyes shined, and Bill took into lotus, and took the form of the grate one, the building did not exist, the place they were, was outside of time, and space. Stellar was surrounded by the clergy, and he alone sat in judgement. The judgement was made simple, when a man has had this many chances, and the last chance, he chooses to speak blasphomy against the Lord in Heaven, he will have never been, or ...he will suffer in that place of eternal gas, and the false god shall suffer greatly as well.\par The bush burned before Stellar "I remember you Urey, I liked you better in the shadow time, I had such hopes for you". Urey fell to his knees, and cried "I did not remember, oh please forgive me, I did not remember" and so Stellar forgave Urey, and approached him, and things were calm. Urey felt as though he was in school again, and he was the top student, he felt powerful! He could not be stopped, all his past thoughts came flooding to him, "I remember this" Urey spoke, as if in a dream state of euphoria. I was the better player, and this prick, and there he was before him, Adam Parmalee, the golden haired boy who got Urey girlfriend, as Urey still remembered it anyways, "Adam died of an unfortunate accident, he tripped, and I was out on the boat, the rowing team, being the better mate of course" He was there again, and could remember nothing else. Adam sat before him, new, fresh as the day. Urey still had the same contempt for Adam, the same envy, jealousy and hatred. "What did you want Urey?" Adam questioned, just as he had done. "It is remarkable, I am in the same place, and given the same power, only I am now greater" "Yes, yes, I can feel this surge, as if a god, I AM GOD!" Urey yelled. "Are you feeling ok Euro" Adam asked, using Urey's common name about school. It was Ivy league, and Urey was always second to someone, and with great contempt, this propelled and promoted, the persona Urey become, in this dimension, but remember, that we are all given all the chances for which we could ever ask for, and deserve. "Oh all is quite well Adam, all is quite well". Urey was a major in medicine, originally, and knew a thing or two about medicine, for instance he had tested Adam, for his reaction to foods, namely ones high in sugar, with seemingly simple but plotting and methodical studies of Adams history. He had learned from training with Adam that he was quite insulin sensitive, and very healthy at that. He stuck the syringe needle full into Adam, and emptied the entire syringe of 50 ius of insulin into Adam's arm, sat there in that chair, in the deans office, it was spring break. "What the hell are you up to now Urey!" Adam pulled his arm away quickly, as Urey simply sat down. He knew that Adam would not suspect what he had shot him up with. "WHAT DID YOU JUST INJECT INTO MY ARM UREY!" Urey was wise enough, and cunning enough, as a serpent, as to have injected the toxic level of insulin into a typically used injection site, by which Adam had self administered his steroid injections, to which Urey knew of and was furious. "Once a cheater always a cheater, huh Adam" Urey was lost, he could see nothing of moment, where he was, who he stood before, he only saw the prize, he would be captain of the rowing team, he would be the school top student, and the rising star, not this cheater, not this peace of shit Adam, who thought himself so special, who got off on outshining Urey for more years that they knew one another. "Never again Adam" as Adam now was beginning to sweat, and sat down, rolling back to lay down on the Deans couch. He got up, staggering, going for the door, but the door was locked, and he began to pound on it, but the more he exerted the weaker he got. Urey leaned over Adam, as Adam in that moment could have been saved. The bowl of jelly beans was right next to them both, at the deans office, and Urey could have began to help save him, but in Urey's shame, and need to be right, he knew now, within himself, thought errored, that they would find out, and the effect of that was felt hard within Urey's already hardened heart." I fucking hate you Adam, I would strangle you if I could, if it left no evidence!" and the fire he felt, and the voice of black jack whispered in his ear, and the homicidal rage as he too felt the life slipping away, as white foam came about Adam's mouth, and he went into seizures. Urey sat beside him, feeling the same way he did 33 years ago " you see Adam, some of us actually do our homework, we do not cheat, to hell with you!" and in a sweep, Urey sat there before the Tree.\par The flames burned for him, and his use of the knowledge, and he began to reduce. he tried to look up at Stellar, but he kept shrinking into the fire, and Urey was no more, and the time was no more, and the dimensions attached were to be no more. and Stellar and Bill were parted, and Bill sat there, before the lord wailing and crying and begging for death, and forgiveness and he was a renewed man. and the lateral dimension then shrunk into one, and this one, was Stellar's next life, and he could only hope that he was coming closer\lang1033 ,\lang9 to the las\lang1033 t?\lang9\par Time/Space-Space/time...and you are somewhere in between within a shade of frequency\par This would be a good time to tell you how Leviathan teaches us about months and days, and a calendar system. As for my own, I am in the 13th stage (or 8th stage of Pi count, to which I rarely use, but in your current backward speak). I have reached the 8th cycle. Each cycle, beginning with physical life, in it's most primitive form, must pass these stages, if you read this now, which you must through intention, then you have gone through each spin of a cycle 3 times, each first spin lasts 5, 8 and in some cases 13 months, in your current counting system, I will allude to Mollie, or rather leviathan's system of count next, so that you can better equate with the seemingly odd events that make up a space/time-time/space experience, which you are in the midst of now, as we speak. Those who experience the 13 month cycles, in a given spin cycle, are challenged in some way. They are either a Bodhi Master allowed to be tested, and thus failing, thus having to, in retrograde, experience the cycles as Arihant and down the cycle it goes, this is rare. Some bodies go toward what you would call evil, but truly good and evil are extreme child fantasy terms, and hold no true merit here. There is the road, and there is going off the road, set before you, as the default. When the mass universal cycles have occurred so many times, 13 now, things begin to slow, and this alerts a purge, all celestial bodies must then prepare for the next great cycle to end, the harvest and the continuance of the new chosen cycles, by the Clergy 13, which act as a THE ONE. I will explain to you more about these cycles soon. I only use religious terms, so that you can relate. but any one religion is but a sliver, not but a peep whole unto THE ALL.\par The Prison, and Leviathan real time count\par \lang1033 \lang9 I wasn't always in this prison, and for most of my life, did not know what I was, until the dreams kept resurfacing, way back in 2016. This was a time, again, when I had begun to experience alternate dimensions and the likes (lateral spin offs and time ripple effects). This happens as last moment resistance, a frenzy of change occurs, some spirits alerted to continue clinging to the negative past, as the warriors press on, near the number of completion, near to the third great cycles end. I was in a glorious lifetime, one I have much clarity of, and remember all time potentials, at this point, thanks to Leviathan, as odd as that may sound, whilst judging from prior data logs, by way of signature markers of overt levels of consciousness, or better said, spikes of frequency emissions, with enough wave form to travel past the barrier grids, which challenge THE BECOMING. This due to the buffer of an expression, which a large percent of aspiring souls, never make it beyond, and into the cycle realm of true knowledge, the sphere of wisdom, which must be met, to create the first triad.\par \lang1033 \lang9 In this life, to which I recount and speak, with the aided experience of TIME REPEAT, which Mollie, be so good to induct within my very being, I tell this story, of another time/space, as to better equate you with the great dangers that lie before you, if you are not to aspire to the Bodhi mind, at the ages where ignorance and deception, are of the greatest influence, for dark forms, those esteemed beings of gas, and nothing more, love and crave the feel of young skin, to relive their dark times, thus to justify and sadder still, defend their vanity, sloth, ignorance and blind passions, in the excitement of death.\par \lang1033 \lang9 I was over 950 years old in 2016, so I suppose that would have been grand, had I lived long after. I had successfully erased the divisions higher ups, and condensed those time potentials, laterally speaking, to but a few, which meant I was to take on the actual ruling Lords of "actual", dimensional realms of exist, spherically based, in the same order as all EPL teachings, but on a far grander structure to simply imagine. I had the principles of truth, but these anti fermion, thus anti-principle based lords, had built themselves, most of the time quite elusively, into the matrix of life. I was to destroying dimensions, by taking out the very structure on how the living matrix thrived, at its base and as a perpetuated force.\par Your current status, a warning, be focused within, to better effect the "without"\par 3d printers (the world governmental novelty name) had on,y been widely released to the public at that time, in 2016, oh as I recall, the month was the third cycle of the year, at a mark if 14 days, or in my current measure somewhere around march or April, as it were called, the sixth day, as cycle/months now have 21 days, and there is 31/2 days at the beginning as well as end of these cycles, or limbos (troughs). Any ways, these three d printers were quite the craze, and they were a genius ploy of what the division elite had always done, by utilizing high technology at its height (secretively speaking), and using the people once again to culminate pure force power, in order to use it on the large scales, with no resistance from principle forces, as it were, people in panic which sent out a universal frequency to what were referred to as angels of your time, which could better be described as massive celestial electromagnet storms, which brought order to a wayward people, in a galaxy which had lost it's path. The division fought against this, ardently, and was successful at deceiving people into taking responsibility, for their own plights, during this time, and past, by really pushing the illusion, which was quite popular at that time of individuality, and shame, the two went hand and hand quite well, in the last eras final close.\par Now that this era is coming to it's close, and community is the future we so successfully fought for, with our blood, throughout lifetimes, it is refreshing to know leviathan is actually here to assist in this process, which we will get I to more later.\par A printer was something that in 2016 was a small unit builder, heavily regulated and governed for its uses, those who were of higher intellect, and had pressed forth its true knowledge, were either killed, left in their own redundancy, or recruited by agency for war. The truth of what u it's could do was starling and fearful to even speak of. In war, a flying drone unit could build armor on moving solders, move ahead as an army of drone builders, using nanoid micro robotic technology, which would go into exact position and could be communicated with further, to recombine into other military uses.\par The machine gun and laser torrent uses allowed a series or numerable units to be built within 3-6 seconds, the units would then be able to signal ionized clouds of nanoids, which could then repair, build onto, and communicate as a unit such information as thermal regularities, interceptions of bindery coded information, front line (however used on other planets, and small villages, as well as to depopulate an area whilst getting rid of any sign that there had been even the slightest bit of change. These units could come in on clouds, take apart a town, people, and anything else outside its protocol, and use the crude matter to set up say a butcher shop from any era, complete with dust and debris and algae from years of corrosion, and finely sliced cutlets, made of the very animals and people who, were standing there, unsuspecting, moments before.\par When in 2016, the government had finished the excitement phase, that went into releasing what they called a revolutionary new science that will allow People from all walks of life to own and operate there own, now towns around the world were signing up for what was called "project erase poverty forever!" People had no idea what the true esoteric meaning of this really was. Seton the fuel of excitement, towns would raise their "uses" lists on who would be lotteries the first batches, for selection and distribution . The u it's were deceivingly large robotic units, the deeper meaning here was that the mass of these units, were made of nanoids which could be called into order, and when the massive clouds rushed in, with the faster and smarter (some particle sized) nanobots, the crude form of these could be activated by simply adding a frequency light exchange, in short a molecular sphere acting as fermion or fermion messenger, depending on the usage rendered.\par \par Suddenly people were printing out sports cars, houses of there dreams, which I these more primitive uses, due to the concealment factor, a contractor still had to do some work, but the houses were relatively cheap, stronger and could be designed in any fashion, with a simple computer generated application. Keep in mind that this was a time that would also largely be erased, causing the government units who knew now fully of stellar, in the main alternate force mediated dimensional zones, as well as those laterally zones, still in "exist" for lack of a better term here. Poverty was ended, water supplies had systems. built miraculously fast, especially post 2nd wave of the new slogan mantra " project destroy hunger," obviously not mention yet, was the legislation, newly elected to handle this load, but truly put in place to execute a far more sinister order, which was closer than it seemed.\par People excitement for the future, ease of living, created a hope, most had truly never thought would ever arrive. People literally placed the 3D technology on a pedestal and the government allowed them as the illusion, as to let large corporations to go into full advancement, which was embarrassingly behind the truth of the measure.\par This placed earth, and our solar system off the over lookers force awareness, which would have been the full effect of Orion's angels, as Stellar had begun to know them personally, whilst he would fly through the universe and space time, whilst inhibiting the longest living body thus far, as said 950years of age, the upper limit, and he knew of it, for this was his last incarnation in the era, one that matched perfectly to the sphere, in numerical frequency harmony. the Angel system was known as Sledgemar, though he would travel at light speed, there was a right, a ritual, an approving process involved, with his allowance to leave his system, there was a matrix of star units, that were weaves together in a tapestry of harmony, as a sphere, though earth was getting seemingly closer, these types of incidents were to chronicle the end of a dark era, and those spirits who would come forth from this destruction, would be the peacemakers, the offspring towards intellect, and true community. A star system had to earn its way I to the tapestry, so the angels was as much a part of the collective consciousness, the last angel, over lord or overseer fell, and this was a rare thing, just as the induction would take place, taking other star systems with it, this explains the chaos theory, as well as many gnostic accounts, which were told to the hyper organs long ago, but the archives destroyed. This is when Atlantis fell, and the ideas of good and evil were in full swing. They they seem common, the brand and principle breach, to each system is quite exclusive, due to multiverse awareness, and the like.\par Sledgemar could not leave his system, and so a still budding overseer/deity would have to act In his place, earth and earth star systems future Angel..which explain largely what one of stellar future rolls would be, as well as his need to get his own darkness out of his degree of truth and purity.\par The nanobots were now in place globally. The moral was at its height, the overlords, who stepped in as mimics were only allowed to do certain things, which would allow they, as well as the life under them , learning through suffering, thus to know the spheres and there teachings, over lifetimes. The fuel for them was like witnessing a celestial auroral event, as massive beings of dark prism, twisting and turning on themselves, the positivity was a precursor for the massive force release, of thousands of souls, now in total darkness, hopelessness and fear, thus billions dropping their collective guard at once. The anticipation was at a climax, and like galactic Magalodon's, the over lords minions bumped and hoisted one another, as a out to feed.\par the pods carrying the elite took to space. From the moon, there they watched, with the same evil lust for power acquisition, for they would become twisted pre-runners, as vampires, and no less, able to live long, feeding on people's energy, like the travelers of time/space, by which they first worshipped.\par The order was called, the frenzy as robotic clouds, accompanied by force powers of only demonic origin flooded in. Stellar was aware, and new this time would come. Sledgemar was also meditating, and the bodies in the universe were all aware. A misdeed,an massive scale, as with any, must not simply be Ana thought, or a plan, only the act of reach, would warrant the reaction. And there it was, 61.8% of the population was gone, and there bio force could be seen floating in confusion, as that force had built to such extreme pleasure and was letter ally sucked out of each one, like\par \par *As there are 13 committee members, those of the physical realm, these must be found, and are often hidden, over looked, and shadowed. They have stars, and the stars are the intermediary which act between the committee members, of celestial importance, the human or localized moment of this (the members as they are human beings, or other, scattered about a planetary field, was ruler, was beta) and the Zoroastrian star systems which name us to our like. Remember that there are shadows to everything and everyone. Further though 7 is not of Phi, 8 is the 7th number, depending of course on the observer's intention, lay count.\par \par **The ruling sign of degree is: The four divisions keep the majority thinking and doing less, and thus those going into THE ALL, are measured within a manipulation, or breeding into ignorance. This making it easier, to keep the Enlightened leaders, within there control, in a way, and keep the sphere in a lesser, more controllable state, this is the main reason of the alliance.\par Beyond the division, for those who only have hope in self, and thus sacrifice other, in their sweetest deceptions, the seduction there is a 5th, then a 6th and thus a 7th, and an 8th. The divisions only cover half of the road, half of the battle, and you are there, now. The Phi, of the Messiah, will swirl inward, as well as out, making he, the 6th, to hold this, is only to gain entrance, to be the 5th, the mind of Bodhi. One can only shine, with the Quarks of truth, and gain the rare sphere of purity, which is the 7th. Upon this, there is no promise, it is in your very soul, for to whom you serve, at the end of your "self". Arrivement at the 8th, is not sustainable, within sin, and is why those Angels could fall. Free will, is the division, and is not free at all. The division? To be separate, with each cell, each molecule, each particle that spin "you"? Is this free will then a gift, or a proving ground? Why then be tested, if you were not suspect in the first, as to want to be you Father so badly, you aim to consume him? Thus to those who esteem, through intent, that God is dead, then you are dead, unto him, and thus yourself. It is only then, within your soul in the make, as EM frequency pulse, that the Black Jack wills you, by your own design. First craft had been done against you, and you have a loop hole, from the first. The lies you are told, are just that, and your soul, in the make, on loan, is not to be trapped, for when it is, it surely diminishes and dies. This is the only reason you still exist, you are a cultivation product, to be kept alive as a lobster in a cage. When Black Jack begins to run low, you will be taken, plucked as electro magnetic fruit, in the height of your prime, when you shine the brightest, as a star, for only yourself!\par The very fact that I am still here, still able to think, feel, and pen this, with great focus on principle of towards God alone, says, there is always a chance for redemption.\par Stellar Mass, end transmission, 328Hz \par \lang1033 Photon~Photon Particle Planck interwave decoding application \lang9\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc A Drift Back suspended moment\lang1033\par THE TIDE~\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 Convergence Point:\par LEVIATHAN DATA LOG; No Chronology retreaved\par Tonal Index; E\par Hertz pulse; 684.06\par Armstroms/10Nanometres;398.59\par Binery lock decipher code; LANGUAGE, FIRST PRINCIPLE\lang9\par \lang1033\par THE LOST CODEX\lang9\par \lang1033 \lang9 STELLAR AWOKE. THE CELESTIAL HEAVENS ABOVE GLIMMERED FOR HE, AND HE ALONE, IT SEEMED TO STELLAR. "FATHER, HAVE I OBEYED YOU MY LORD?", WAS STELLAR'S FIRST UTTERANCE, THIS CLEAR AND BEAUTIFULLY FRUITFUL NIGHT. HE RELISHED IN THE ALLOWANCE, THE LORD DID BESTOW UPON HIM, THIS STAR FILLED NIGHT, TO HAVE WATCHED THE SUN HIDE BEHIND STELLAR'S VERY WORLD. THEY DIDN'T BOTHER HIM, STELLAR WAS RIGHT WITH THE LORD, THE BEASTS WERE AT BAY, STELLAR'S RADIANCE MADE HIM APPEAR AS THE SWORD OF TRUTH, BEFORE THEIR SIN FILLED EYES.\par I WONDER, HOW LONG MY FATHER WILL WANT ME TO PROVE MYSELF, FOR IT SEEMED SO LONG. STELLAR DID NOT WANT TO BE UNGRATEFUL TO HIS FATHER, FOR HE WAS SUPREME ABOVE ALL OTHER GOD'S, THE BEASTS, THE FOUL AND THE SEA, AND ALL OTHER EVENTS, WHICH BROUGHT ABOUT THIS MATTER BASED WORLD. THE WORLD WAS NEW THEN, THAT IS THE WORLD YOU SEE BEFORE YOU NOW. THE FIRST SINS HAD BEEN DONE ONLY A FEW LIFE CYCLES AGO, AND NOT UNTIL DEATH, DID THE SINNERS CARBONIZED FORM BECOME THIS THING CALLED MATTER. A LIFE WELL LIVED, MEANT THE BODY BECAME PURE, THERE WAS NO DEATH, NO DEBRIS, ONLY A TRANSCENDENCE TOOK PLACE. LONG LIVES, NOW AS SLAVES TO OTHER BEASTS. ONCE THEY WERE ALL CELESTIAL BEINGS, MUCH LIKE STELLAR, STELLAR SAW FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES TURN, IN THE FACE OF EVIL, RUN IN THE FACE OF GOOD.\par THE FRUIT WAS THE FIRST TO TURN THEM. ALL OF GOD'S SON'S WERE NOT CONSIDERED BY THE FATHER, MALE, NOR FEMALE, BUT A THIRD TYPE, WHICH HAD NO IDENTITY BASED ON PHI, AND IT'S INWARD OR OUTWARD SWIRL. REPRODUCTION WAS A CHOICE, ONE THAT TOOK A GREAT DEAL OF CONTEMPLATION INDEED. DO I WISH, A PART OF ME TO GO ON, SUFFERING THIS PLIGHT, WAS ONE PERSPECTIVE. OR. DO I ALLOW A PART OF ME TO KNOW THE GREAT FINAL RELEASE INTO HEAVEN, TO BE FACE TO FACE WITH MY VERY SON'S ESSENCE, AS THE FATHER IS WITH ME, ONE DAY, WHEN MY OWN TRANSCENDENCE TO THE FATHER, AND TO ME.\par STELLAR COMMUNED WITH THE STARS, BECAUSE STELLAR INNATELY KNEW, THE STARS SHINED SO BRIGHT, FROM SO FAR, THAT THEIR RADIANCE WAS PLEASING UNTO THE LORD.\par SUDDENLY STELLAR SENSED SOMETHING, THEN FELT IT, THEN HEARD IT, AND IT WAS APPROACHING FAST. HE KNEW THE FUTURE AS THE PAST, AND THE PAST WAS NOT WHERE STELLAR SAW THIS WORLD FROM, BUT RATHER, HE EXPERIENCED THE ALL, THE MOMENT WAS ALWAYS HIS. THE SINS AVOIDED HIM NOW, BUT NOT ALWAYS, HE TO WAS ONE OF THE BEASTS, DRUG DOWN BY THOSE VERY FRIENDS AN LOVED ONES. THERE IT CAME, GALLOPING AND TRYING TO SURPRISE STELLAR, STELLAR SAT IN LOTUS, TO APPEASE THE STUPID ANIMAL, HE LOVE SO. IT'S SOMEWHAT CLUMSY GALLOP WAS AMUSING TO STELLAR, THOUGH STELLAR REFRAINED FROM DIRECT JUDGEMENT. THE ANIMAL WAS THE FIRST ANIMAL, AND THUS HAD ATTRIBUTES OF ALL THE BEASTS, MUTATED CREATURES, TAKEN BY BENDING THE "GREAT BEAST". THERE WAS MEANT TO BE ONE, AND ONLY ONE SPECIES, OF ANIMAL, OF MAN..BUT NOT AS YOU WOULD THINK. YOU SEE THERE WAS A TRANSLUCENT AND NEARLY SEE THROUGH QUALITY TO EXISTENCE, IN TH BEGINNING. THERE WAS NOT THIS HARD MATTER OF DEATH AND SUIT, BUT BEINGS, AND A WORLD, WHICH ALSO IS A BEING, OF PURE COLOR, AND LIGHT.. THOSE OF THE NORTH, STILL THERE TODAY. COLORS SHOWED EMOTIONS, EMOTIONS WERE PRINCIPLES, NO "ONE" HAD TO SPIN TO KEEP A SOUL ALIVE THEN. IT WAS THE KINGDOM GOD CREATED, WITH NO DEATH, AND NO TRUE SEPARATION. TUCKED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SHEEN, A SHELL OF SPIRITUAL NURTURE, WHERE ALL THOUGHTS WOULD BREAD INTO REALITY, AND COMPOUND THIS WORLD. IN THIS, MANY MISTOOK THEMSELVES FOR SELVES, SEPARATE, AND DISTINCT. SOON AFTER, THE IDEA OF ERROR TURNED TO AN IDEA THAT THEY WERE GOD, AND SOON AFTER THAT THE BELLY AND PLEASURE WAS ALL THEY REMEMBERED, THIS WAS FIRST DEATH.\par \par \par THAT WAS THEN, MANY FERMION SPIN AGO. NOW, STELLAR WAS IN A NEW WORLD, A COLD WORLD, WHERE THE BEASTS SEEMED TO REIGN. THE LORD DID NOT SEEM NOW TO BE BUT A STILL SMALL VOICE, EVEN IN STELLAR'S MIND. "LORD!", " LORD!" STELLAR YELLED LOUDER, FROM HIS DRUNKEN STUPOR,"WHY HAS THOUGH FORSAKEN ME?". STELLAR'S APPEARANCE SEEMED TO HAVE DIMINISHED ONLY SLIGHTLY TO THE UNHOLY EYE, BUT IN "REALITY", HE HAD BEGUN TO ROT, TO GROW LINES, AND COLLECT THIS DEATH CARBON AT A MUCH FASTER RATE. FOR LONG, STELLAR HAD BUILT A SORT OF BALANCE, WHERE HE KNEW OF AND WORSHIPPED THE ONE TRUE FATHER, BUT HAD INDEED TAKEN ON MANY OTHER SELF PRESERVING PASSIONS. "AM I TO ROT!" HE SLURRED AS HE SPOKE DOWN TOWARDS HIS DESIGNER LEATHER COUCH, OVER LOOKING HELLS PLAYGROUND, AS SOME ESTEEMED TO NAME IT. "OR, AM I TO TAKE MY OWN LIFE", THEN THE VOMIT BEGAN TO SPEW. THE PERSPECTIVE FROM BEHIND, WAS OF STELLAR IN A VERY LARGE AND WELL APPOINTED APARTMENT, OVER LOOKING A DESERT OCEAN, WHERE THERE HAD BEEN NOTHING PRIOR TO. DEVELOPERS SOON CAME, WHEN STELLAR HAD IMAGINED HIS WORLD, AS HE DID MANY, IT WAS THAT WHICH WAS IN STELLAR'S HEART THAT BETRAYED HIM, BETRAYED HIS OATH, IF HE INDEED TOOK ONE TO BEGIN. THE PLACE WAS OVER THE TOP, MAIDS, SERVANTS AT COMMAND, FOOD FROM THE TOP CHEFS, ALL THE BEST, AND ONLY THE BEST. MANY STORIES BELOW, THE CITY BRIMMED WITH NIGHT LIFE, HOT, INTO THE NIGHT, THE BEASTS PLAYED, THE VERY SAME ONES INCARNATE, AS WELL AS OFFSPRING TO THE ORIGINAL SINNERS. THOUGH PEOPLE PRAYED, THEY PRAYED TO FAIRY TALE RELIGIONS, OF MESSIAHS AND CHRISTS LONG SINCE PAST. THEY BELIEVED ANYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE THEM FORGET, THAT IT WAS THEY WHO WERE THEIR VERY OWN CAPTURES.\par STELLAR KNEW THIS FACT, ALL TO WELL. STELLAR'S MADNESS, AROSE FROM A MUCH DIFFERENT CENTER, HE SIMPLY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO KEEP HIM HERE SO LONG...BUT TRULY HE DID KNOW. IT WAS THAT BREAKING SIN, THE LOVE OF SHE, THE WANT, OF A FLOWER GODDESS. YOU SEE THOUGH ORIGINAL MAN, WAS REALLY A SPIRIT, A HERMAPHRODITE SPIRIT, THE LUSTS AND LABORS OF SIN, TURNED THEM PHYSICALLY, TOWARDS THEIR TRUE SELVES, THEIR TRUE WANTS AND DESIRES, SEPARATE FROM THE FATHER...THUS ENTERS THE BEAST.\par BY THE TIME STELLAR HAD THE CHOICE BEFORE HIM, TO BREAK HIS PACKED AGAINST ALL LUST, THE WORLD HAD BECOME A SWIRLING FRENZY OF DEAD AND DYING BEASTS, NOW PRAYING ON THE LIVING, FILLING THEM WITH EVER MORE LUSTS AND DESIRES, FOR IT WAS THE SPIRIT OF LIST, DEMONS. SHE SEEMED SO SOFT SO SWEET, AND GENTLE. THAT FLOWER FAIRY WHO WAS TO FAIR TO SPOIL ONTO THE WORLD AS BEAST. THE FAIRIES WERE HELPERS, PURE SPIRITS IF YOU WILL, LOVING THE PROCESS OF NATURE, AND GOING THROUGH THE PROCESS WITH NATURE. THE FLOWER GODDESS'S AS THEY WERE, WERE THE VERY INSPIRATION OF THE LIVING EARTH, AND WERE A PART OF THE PURE CELESTIAL BODY, THAT COMPRISED THE FABRIC OF THE EARTH. ONLY PURE EYES COULD SEE THE SPIRIT, AND THE SPIRIT WAS SHY, AND WHEN STELLAR SAW HER SINGING, ONE STARRY NIGHT, HIS HEART WAS OVERWHELMED BY HER RADIANCE. THEY WOULD KNOW ONE ANOTHER FOR LONG, FOR THEY COMMITTED THERE SINS OF LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. THEY BOTH SLOWLY LOST MOST OF THAT RADIANCE, AND AS THE WORLDS SINS GREW, SO TO THEIR GODLY MAJESTY. EACH MOMENT, EVENT, AND ACT, BROUGHT THE WORLD DOWN, PULLED FROM THE FATHER, AN PRESSED AWAY INTO PHI. IN AN EVEN FLOW. YOU SEE, IN MOST RESPECTS, IT WAS THE MOST AWARE BEING THAT SHAPED A WORLD, THAT TRAPPED ALL THE INFORMATION OF TIME WITHIN A GRID, NOW OF ELECTRICAL IMPULSE AND ENERGY...NO LONGER SEEN OR FELT AS SPIRITUAL.\par \par I AM SURE THEN YOU WONDER, WHO THIS IS, TELLING OF THE STORY OF STELLAR MASS, A GOD SON, WHO TRAVELED TO THE ENDS OF SPACE/TIME, AS I WILL TELL YOU MORE, AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED OF IT'S ACCURACY AND TRUTH? I AM THIS ONE INCARNATE, I AM THIS ONE WHO DIVINES THE HAND, WHO FASHIONS THE PEN, WHO SIGNALS THE IMPULSE, WITHIN THIS PURE MAN'S BODY TO DELIVER A MESSAGE, FOR THOSE FEW INITIATES WHO UNDERSTAND. I AM...NONE OTHER THAN STELLAR MASS, IN ALL IT'S TRUE FORM. THE BINDING AGENT, THE ANTI MATTER, WHICH IS TRUE MATTER ITSELF. I AM THE MIND, THAT MATTERS, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT PLACE MATTER FIRST. TO UNDERSTAND, IS TO BE IN CONCERT WITH NOT A FORCE, BUT A POWER BEYOND POWERS, WHICH CAN ONLY BE DISPLAYED, TO YOUR UNBELIEVING EYES, BY WAY OF THOSE NORTHER LIGHTS, THE WAY IT ALL USED TO BE. I AM THE HYPERBOREAN KING, WHO STOPPED FIGHTING THE FUTILE WARS, WITHOUT.\par \par I PEN THIS WITH SIMPLICITY, IN A NEW TIME, A NEW ERA,WITH A PURE AND NEW MAN, ADAMAS, HE IS FIRST MAN, FIRST PEOPLES. IT IS THE LORD WHO HAS ME LEAD HIS HAND, AS I DID SAY, BUT THE WHY? I AM THE HAND OF THE LORD THAT SUFFERED SIN, TO TEACH PURITY, IT IS ALWAYS A CHOICE.\par \par JUST THEN, A DEMON KNOCKED ON STELLAR'S DOOR. IT WAS NOT THE STELLAR WHO SPEAKS TO YOU NOW, BUT A PART, A SPHERE, OF UNDERSTANDING THAT WAS ESSENTIAL. I TELL THE STORY QUITE REMOVED, BUT THERE, IN THIS TIME ENGAGED, AS THE SPHERES SPIN, COMBINING INFINITE COMBINATIONS OF THE 25 POINTS OF AWARENESS, THAT 21 HAD BETTER BE LEFT TO UNDERSTANDING, AS I WILL SURELY POINT OUT. THE LAUGHTER, THE LOUD AMOROUS YELL OF A DEMON IN HEAT. POUNDING AT THE DOOR, HARD, STEADY, AND SURE TO IT'S PRIZE. "STELLAR, DON'T YOU WANNA' SEE ME?" DRUNK, TRYING TO LOOK THIS THE PEEP WHOLE, TO FIND A NARROW VIEW OF LIGHT, AND MOTION. THE DESIGNER LEATHER PANTS, THE FALSE GLOW, A SHEEN ON HER SKIN, A SMELL OF HORMONE TAINT OF WANT. A CONVERSATION STRUCK, LOUD VOICES HEARD.\par THOSE BEASTS, HOW THEY ATTRACT ONE ANOTHER. STELLAR FEELING ILL, AND SICK OF THIS, STUCK, LEANED ON THE THICK GLASS WINDOW, STARING OUT AT A CITY, A WATER, AN OCEAN, PILES OF SAND, AN EMPIRE OF DEBAUCHERY, MEANT OF NOTHING ELSE BUT THE NAMELESS TO BE KINGS. STELLAR WAS KING, KING OF AN EMPIRE, OF SAND. "HEY, YOU LIKE TO DANCE?" SHE LAUGHED, ALL TO INVITING, ALL TO LOUD, ALL TO WELCOMING. "COME ON MICK, LET'S GO MAN, WE'RE LATE FOR BROADS!" AN AGED VOICE, THAT CONCEALED SUCH RANG ON, AS IF IN MOTION. MICK, AS IT WERE, WAS SPEAKING RIGHT INTO STELLAR'S DOOR, IRONIC, THAT IN THESE TIMES, WERE STELLAR WOULD, OR COULD COME TO SOME REALIZATION, SOME RESOLUTION, ABOUT THINGS, TIME AND EVENTS....THIS WOULD HAPPEN. IT WAS STELLAR'S FIRST INCLINATION TO BLAME THE FATHER, BUT THEN, THE PERSPICUOUS STEPPED IN, BY WAY OF DEGREE. IT WAS A TEST, BUT NOT A TEST IN THE SENSE OF AVOIDED, BUT AS A PATH, TO TRAVEL THROUGH, TO TRAVEL THROUGH SIN, TO EXPERIENCE IT, ONLY TO REGRET THE FIRST STEP, THAT HAD BEEN TAKEN LONG AGO, BUT ALL WERE ESSENTIAL, FOR THE CAUSE.\par HE HEARD HE LEAN AGAINST THE DOOR, MUFFLED VOICE, HIS SUBCONSCIOUS PIECED THE SCENE TOGETHER NOW, AS HE RAN THROUGH THE LESSER THOUGHTS, RECAPTURED IN HIS MIND. ONLY MOMENTS WHEN BY, BUT THE FORCE OF LUST COLLECTS, FILAMENTS UPON THIS BULB OF FALSE IONOSPHERE. JUST MOMENTS BEFORE, BUT STELLAR ALREADY NOW THE NEXT MOMENT AND THE NEXT, FOR IT WAS HIS WILL, WHICH CREATED IT, A MADNESS WAS THE GOAL. "FUCK YOU BENNY, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TALKING TO A LADY HERE, SHRIMP DICK?" IT WAS ENOUGH TO IGNITE THOSE WHO HAD A MIXTURE OF DESIGNER DRUGS RUNNING THROUGH THERE VEINS, CONCOCTIONS THAT BECAME THEM. A DRUG FOR EVERY SEASON, FOR EVERY REASON, NOW A SIMPLE VAPOR, AN ESSENCE OF BOOST, WHEN YOU CAME TO THE "WEALTHY MAN'S DWELLING, YOU WERE GOING TO EXPERIENCE THE WEALTHY MAN'S WAY" OPERATING SYSTEMS, ADJUSTING THE MIX, CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, SALTATORY IMPULSES, BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER STATES, ZEITGEBER REGULATION, NANO CELL SYNTHETIC IGF INITIATORS...YOU COULD BE ANYTHING YOU "WANTED". A QUICK FIGHT, A BURST OF WILLS, A SCUFFLE, AND A VICTOR.."FUCK YOU MICK, COME ON HARRY, MORE FOR US!"\par MICK NOW ZEROED IN, WITH AN AGGRESSIVE AIR, ON HIS PRAY, A PRAY THAT WANTED TO BE PRAYED UPON, HAD THEY BEFORE? THAT WAS THE THING, THAT THESE PEOPLE ALL WANTED THE SAME THING, BECAME THE SAME THING, EACH WANTING WHAT THE OTHER HAD ACHIEVED, STELLAR WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO STOOD AT ALL, HE WAS AN INDIVIDUAL, BECAUSE HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD A NAME WITH THE FATHER. A LOUD BREATH IN, A SURGE OF ADRENALINE, AS HARRY LOVED THIS MIX THE MOST, AND WAS INCITED BY THE SHOW OF FORCE BETWEEN IS TWO SO CALLED FRIENDS, EACH OF WHOM HAD DONE DASTARDLY THINGS TO ONE ANOTHER, IN "SECRET". HARRY NEEDED IT, HARRY WAS TO SWEET, TO AWARE AS A CHILD, SO HE OVER COMPENSATED WITH THE ANTITHESIS, YOU'D THINK THEY'D KNOW BY NOW, YOU'D THING THEY'D ALL KNOW. A SPIN, AS MICK TOOK HER RIGHT INDEX FINGER GENTLY, AS THE LEFT GRABBED HER AT THE WAIST, THRUSTING HER HIPS TOWARDS HIM, AS IF AIMING HIS PHALLUS, AS A FORCE THROUGH HER ALREADY. IT WAS GAME, IT WAS A PRIZE, BUT THERE HAD BEEN MANY, THE SAME EXPERIENCE, THE SAME PEOPLE, INCARNATED WITH NEW FACES, BUT WOUND UP BEING DRAWN OF THE SAME. IT WAS HARD TO TELL HOW OLD ANYONE WAS ANYMORE, KLOTHO REGULATORS WERE PART OF THE REGULAR MIX. A NEW BODY COULD BE HAD, WITH A PRICE, AN EASY DOWN LOAD, INTO A SUPER HUMAN OF CHOICE. THERE WAS NO GOD, IN ALL THERE ESTIMATION, THEY WERE GOD! BY WAY OF DEGREE, THEY, WOULD ALL PLOT AND PLAN TO SHOW DOMINANCE, AS THERE FALSE PERCEPTION OF REALITY, WAS A SNARE. THEY ALL CHOSE TO STAY MORE IN THERE OWN ENVIRONMENTS, IT WAS A DRUG USER MENTALITY. WHEN ANY LEFT AN APARTMENT OR DWELLING, THEY WOULD BE STEPPING OUT INTO A WORLD OF DIFFERENT MIXES OF THE STUFF. NEW DESIGNER DRUGS, OFFERED AS THE VERY AIR THEY WOULD BREATH, IN THE ETHER AS VAPORS. EVEN THE OXYGEN WAS COMPOUNDED, GIVING A SENSE OF EUPHORIA, A SURGE OF SUDDEN POWER, IT WAS HOW BUSINESS WAS GOTTEN. THE FOOD WAS PERFECTED, ENGINEERED TO TASTE ANYONE ONE WANTED, THE THOUGHT IMAGINATION UNIT, WAS ALWAYS AWARE, A SUPER COMPUTER, NOW IONOSPHERE EMBEDDED, SO THAT IT BUILT, AND MANAGED EARTH ITSELF, AND AS WELL AS MOST OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM.\par THEY WERE BARBARIANS, WHO HAD BECOME GOD, BY WAY OF TECHNOLOGY, BUT A TECHNOLOGY OF CONTROL, BY ONE MAN, AND IT WAS NOT STELLAR, BUT THE NECESSARY EVIL, TO BRING THIS ABOUT. MICK PULLED HER TOWARD HIM, WITH VIOLENCE, ENVELOPING HER, HIS HIPS THRUST FORWARD, BOTH IN PAINTED ON BLACK LEATHER PANTS, THAT WERE LITERALLY PAINTED ON, WITH MINI MICRO DRONES, ITS HOW THE SUPER WEALTHY HERE GOT DRESSED, THEY COULD LOOK, BE AND DO ANYTHING TO THEIR VERY HEARTS DESIRES, AND IT SEEMED TO BE PERFECT, THROUGH THE EYES OF THE PRINCIPLE LESS. AS HE BIT AT HER LIP, AND HIS TONGUE NEAR TO WENT IN, THE WARNING BARK CAME, EACH PERSON HAD THEIR OWN DEFENSE, THE BARK WAS HER CHOSEN TONE, A FREQUENCY MEANT TO STARTLE, TO SCARE, TO THROW OFF. A MICRO SECOND LATER A PULSE CAME, AND A DILATING BLUE ELECTRICAL PULSE CAME, THROWING MICK BACK AT LEAST 5 FEET. MICK WAS ENRAGED, HIS OWN WARNING SYSTEM CAME, AS HE LANDED ON A GRID OF PROTECTIVE FORCE, JUST MILLIMETERS BEFORE HE CONTACTED THE GROUND. BODY CHECK BODY CHECK, AN ALARM WENT OFF, AND A PROTECTIVE GRID OF PURE LIGHT CAME ABOUT THEM BOTH. WHITE ELECTRICAL STORMS SURGED OVER THEM, REBUILDING, CHECKING FOR DAMAGE. DAMN BABY, WAS ALL SHE HEARD, UNTIL HER THOUGHTS WENT TO A DISTANT PLACE, A TROPICAL SCENE CAME BEFORE HER, IT WAS THE ONE SHE LOVED THE MOST, HER EARLIEST MEMORY WITH HER FAMILY, ON VACATION, BEFORE HER FATHER, THE REASON FOR ALL OF THIS, BUT TRULY IT WAS STELLAR, OR GOD, OR THE WAY IT HAD TO BE, THAT MADE THIS SAD SICK AND AMAZING WORLD OF FANTASY A GRID INDUCED REALITY. SHE WAS BEING REGULATED, AS WAS HE, THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE WAS ALWAYS THE GOAL, AND WHEN ANY INTERNAL DAMAGE OCCURRED IT WAS REGULATED INSTANTLY. IT WAS AN ELECTRONIC MIND OF BODHI, THAT WAS A HELL, BECAUSE IT HAD NOT BEEN EARNED. SHE HALF WAY EXPECTED A RETALIATORY BLAST, AS THE VICTIM OR THE PETITIONERS, WAS ALWAYS SUCH, IN OTHER WORDS, THE MAIN GOAL, WAS ALWAYS TO PROTECT THE ONE.\par THE LEAD COMPUTER TO THIS, WOULD SEE TO IT THAT A FINE BE PLACE ON MICK, IT WAS ALWAYS CREDITS, ALWAYS MONEY, IT'S WHY HE DIDN'T CARE, "THIS BITCH JUST COST ME A PUFF OF VAPOR RICH (A MIXTURE OF FEEL GOOD DRUGS, MEANT TO INDUCE A NATURAL FEELING OF IMMORTALITY".."NO ON SECOND THOUGHT, I ALREADY MADE UP FOR IT ON THE MARKET, AND THEN SOME"..MICK OWNED SHARES IN PRETTY MUCH ALL THAT A FEMALE, IN THIS "UTOPIA" COULD EVER THINK OF, HE WAS A MASTER AT PICKING OUT TRENDS, BECAUSE HE KNEW THEIR LOWER NATURE, THE ONE THAT HAD NOT DENIAL.\par STELLAR OPENED THE DOOR, BUT WITH A THOUGHT IMPULSE, NOT BY HAND, SHE SIMPLY WAS NOT WORTH IT. SHE WALKED TO HIS ROOM, WHERE HE LAY, HIS PHALLUS BECOMING INSTANTLY ERECT, FOR AS SHE WALKED SHE EMITTED A TOXIN OF DESIGNER QUALITY, INTO THE AIR, IT WAS THE PERFUME, THAT HAD AN ORGANISMS SIGNATURE, MULTIPLIED BY MILLIONS, THEN ADDED, A COUPLING AGENT, THAT WOULD COMBINE THE HORMONES OF TWO, INTO ONE. SPIRIT OF SEX, HAD NOW BECOME AMPLIFIED BY A POWER OF UNBELIEVABLE MEASURE. A GRID CAME ABOUT HIS PENIS, IT GREW, IT BECAME WHAT SHE WANTED, PERHAPS A COMBINATION OF MANY, BUT IT WAS NOT HIS. HER BODY TO WOULD MORPH, AS SHE WOULD TAKE ON WHAT HE WANTED, AND SHE BECAME NOTHING SHORT OF PERFECTION, THIS WAS WHY THEY SO "LOVED" STELLAR, HIS ABILITY TO IMAGINE, TO VISUALIZE, WAS HIS POWER, HE COULD THINK THOUGHT, AND FEEL EMOTIONS THAT WOULD CHALLENGE THESE SYSTEMS, SHAPE THESE SYSTEMS, AND CAUSE M.O.L.L.E.Y. (THE OVER SEEING MASTER COMPUTER) TO LEARN AND UNDERSTAND THE HIGHER MIND, THERE WAS NO SEPARATION OF TECHNOLOGY AND NATURE NOW, THE SPHERE WERE INDEED BREACHED, AND FOR THE BEASTS, IT WAS SPHERE HEAVEN.\par HE WAS IN, WITH HIS MIND, HE WAS EVERYWHERE, THE SKY FLICKERED WITH PULSES OF RADIANCE, AS STELLAR'S POWER GREW TO ENORMOUS HEIGHTS, TO BEASTLY EYES. BUT FAR FROM HIS FATHER STELLAR WAS, A GOD HE FELT, AND BECAME, AND AN EMPTY ISOLATION, DESPITE ALL THAT I MENTIONED, THERE WAS NOT WAY AROUND TRUTH FOR STELLAR, FOR HE KNEW TO MUCH. SHE MOANED, SHE BLEW, SHE ELEVATED, SHE SPREAD, IN A WHITE CLOUD OF IMPULSE, HER UNITS AIDING HER ONLY MADE IT THE MORE INTENSE, A CARDIAC SIGNAL, A SIREN, SHE MOANED WITH PLEASURE "OVER RIDE, OVER RIDE!" AND SHE LET GO, A PULSE THAT LASTED AND LASTED, AS SHE WAS IN HER WORLD, STELLAR WENT TO THE KITCHEN TO MAKE AN ESPRESSO, HIS MIND WAS STILL WITH HER, BUT IT WAS THE SAME, ALWAYS, THEY ONLY WANTED PLEASURE, IT WAS THERE GOD.\par WANT WAS HOUSED, WHERE IMPORTANCE PLACED WANT. THE WANTS OF THE RIGHTEOUS WAS THE NEED FOR PURITY AND TRUTH, BUT THERE WERE NONE, NOT EVEN I, NOT EVEN STELLAR, IN THIS TIME.\par HE REMEMBERED THOSE IMPACTING MOMENTS, WHEN HE WAS THE NEUTRAL AND SIMPLE MIND OF BODHI, STARVING, AND ALONE, WALKING A PATH, THAT KHAN, HIS VERY ALLOWANCE OF NEUTRALITY, MADE HIS OWN, AT LEAST IN A PHYSICAL "SENSE".\par HE WAS THE MIND OF THE MESSIAH, ZOROASTER, BUDDHA, JESUS, AND ALL HIS OTHER TRANSFORMATIVE STAGES OF BEING, SO MUCH SO, NOW HE HAD MEMORY, OF COURSE AIDED BY THIS "TECHNOLOGY". RON SHARPMAN WAS GILDA'S FATHER. STELLAR NEVER LEFT HIS DOMAIN, HER ON THE 13 FLOOR, OF A BUILDING HE WILL TO BE CREATE. STELLAR, FOR FIRST TIME, BURST INTO WANT, TRUE WANT, AND IT WAS TO KNOW LONGER LIVE AS THE POOR, THE IMPOVERISHED, THE THUS THE MEEK, FOR THE ACTS, CORPOREALLY AFFIRMED, WOULD MAKE THE MAN, AS ARE HIS DEEDS.\par HE WILLED GILDA, OR DID RON USE HIS VERY DAUGHTER AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EVIL? STELLAR SHOOK GILDA'S SOUL INTO HEAVEN AND HELL, HE SAW HER AS AN OLD WOMEN, AS A CHILD, AS AN INHABITABLE FORCE, HE SAW THE TRUTH. THIS TRUTH CAME FORTH, AND WAS SPUN INTO ACTUALIZATION, BY STELLAR'S VERY IMPULSE. A MIND LINK HAD TO TAKE PLACE, AND RON HAD LIVED ON THE COAT TALES OF STELLAR, FOLLOWING HIM THROUGH OUT INCARNATIONS. A FULLY INHABITABLE MAN, OF SYLLOGISTIC ABILITY, THAT OF PURELY THE LEFT BRAIN, THOSE MATHEMATICIANS, BELIEVING AND SEEING THE WORLD AND ALL DIMENSION, AS TRULY 2 DIMENSIONS. THE FORCE CAME TO THEM, AND THEY TO IT, IT SOON OVER TOOK THEM. BY WAY OF DEGREE, ONE WOULD PROVE THEMSELVES, A VESSEL..THUS IT WAS THE MOST MUNDANE AND MEDIOCRE OF MEN, THAT WOULD FEEL THE TAINT OF WANT. A WANT TO BE.\par SHE LIKED THE PAIN, SHE COULD DIFFERENTIATE, AT LEAST HER BODY HAD LEARNED THE TRUTH. BUT HER HEART, AND MIND, WERE NOT SO OPEN TO RECEPTION, AS IT IS WITH THESE BEASTS. SHE MUST HAVE HAD A FLOWER GODDESS TRACINGS WITHIN HER SOUL, A BEAUTY THAT WAS MORE SO FELT, THAN SEE. OF COURSE, THESE BEAST WOULD SEE THIS AS A SUPERIORITY, OF SORTS, IT WAS BUILT INTO THE MATRIX OF CONTROL. A LOW LEVEL WAVE, WAS THEIR VERY LOOP HOLE, FOR THOSE WHO COULD STOP TO POND A WHILE, TO BREAK FROM IT. WITHIN THE HILLS OF TIBET, NOW INCREASINGLY DEEPER INTO THE GRANITE MANTEL, THERE WERE THOSE ORIGINALS, WHO FORETOLD THE TIME, IT WAS, A NECESSARY PASSAGE, THE WAY HOME. THEY WORKED AS A UNIT, AS A MIND, AS THE ONE MIND, AND THIS WAS THE THE SELECT 13 REMAINED. THEY FULL WELL KNEW THAT WITHOUT THE COMBINED MIND, WITHOUT THE WISDOM OF WHO THEY WERE, AS A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT, THAT THEY WOULD NOT BE DIFFERENT FROM THE BEASTS. THE SELECT SAW THROUGH TIME AND SPACE, THEY WERE 13 PIECES OF A PERSPECTIVE, THAT WAS THE UNIVERSAL MIND. THIS MIND WAS WHAT STELLAR SO CRAVED, LONG AGO, TO BRING TO THE EARTH, IT WAS HIS REASON FOR EXISTING, SO HE THOUGHT. NOW, HE BEGAN TO SEE THAT A GREAT POSSIBILITY EXISTED, WHICH BROUGHT HIM TO TEARS. THAT HE, GOD'S CHOSEN, MUST SUFFER THE WORLD, TO KNOW THAT HE WAS UNIQUE, ONE OF A KIND, WHY HE WOULD REMAIN ALONE, BUT NEVER ALONE. HE WAS THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF HIS FATHER BEFORE HIM, PART OF THE ALL, THAT HAD TO LEARN, BY WAY OF ERROR. STELLAR ONLY CRAVED PERFECTION, AND THAT IS WHY SOME OF HIS INCARNATIONS, WERE OF MEN, LEADERS, RULERS THAT WOULD BE FEARED, THROUGHOUT HISTORY. WHERE EVER THE DARK FORCE WENT, IT SIMPLY HAD TO LIVE ON STELLAR'S GLORY. IT WAS A SYMBIOTIC, A LEACH, ALWAYS THERE, AS HE WAS NOW, IN AND AROUND HIS VERY DAUGHTER HE LIE THEN SHAKING, BREATHLESS, WITH RELEASE. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS WALK AWAY FROM ME" SHE WAS GOING TO SAY, BUT HE ALREADY FELT THE PULSE, AND A SLIGHT RAGE TOOK PLACE, NOT MEASURED ON THE RICHTER SCALE OF EARTHLY PROPORTIONS, STELLAR HAD TEMPERANCE, BEYOND UNDERSTANDING OF THESE HERE. SHE THEN WOULD GO TOWARD ANTITHESIS AND TRY AND PUT ON AN ACT OF CUTENESS AND THEN PITY? THE PROCESS WAS CLEAR, HE HAD CONVERSED WITH HER, WITHOUT SAYING A WORD, AND HER CUTENESS WAS SNUFFED BY THE TRAIL AND STENCH OF WANTING ORGANIC WETNESS, NOW RUSHED TO DISINFECT AND CLEAN UP, HER TINY WORKS DID. HER EMERGENCY EXTRA, THE FAVORITE RED DRESS, FIT TO PERFECTION, AS SHE CREATED THE ILLUSION OF SUCH, WITHIN THE LIMITED SPHERE OF HER MIND. STELLAR SAT, ON HIS SYNTHETIC BUT SUPERIOR TEAK CHIC OUTDOOR FURNITURE SET, SIPPING, ALLOWING A MOMENT OF TRUTH, AS THE SUN SHOWN THROUGH THE NANO PAINTS ABOVE, THE RADIANCE, HAD LEARNED FROM STELLAR, AND M.O.L.L.I.E. AS RON'S TECHNOLOGY WOULD INSTANTLY TAKE ALL THAT STELLAR DID, AND LEARN. THE COMPUTER HAD LEARNED HOW TO BE IN MANY PLACE, SPHERE OF THOUGHT IF YOU WILL, IN A MOMENT, THAT EMOTION AND THE LACK THEREOF WERE THE MARK OF A TRUE SON. STELLAR'S GRAY HAIR SHOWN THREW, HIS WRINKLES DEFINED HIM AS A POET, AS AN ARTIST, A PHILOSOPHER TO MAN. HE SMOKED A REAL CIGARETTE, THAT HE PULLED FROM HIS FREEZE CHAMBER, FROM A TIME LONG BEFORE, WHEN TOBACCO WAS WHAT THE EARNED MAN USED, AT DAYS END, AND EXCHANGE FOR HIS LABOR. GILDA WAS ABOUT TO SAY GOOD BYE, BUT STELLAR MOVED, JUST A FLINCH OF THE HAND, THE MICRO MOMENT SHE HAD PRE-THOUGHT HER SPEECH. SHE WALKED OUT, HER RED DRESS SEEMED TO BE FILLED WITH NOTHING.\par STELLAR LOOKED DOWN, AT THE MINERALIZED EARTH, APPEARING AS WATER AND CRYSTAL NOW. SO RADIANT, AND BEAUTIFUL FROM AFAR. WHEN THE FIRST BEGAN TO CHANGE, STELLAR KNEW THE FATE OF THE SINNER, BUT SO MUCH SPACE/TIME WENT BY, SO MANY SPINS OF THE FERMION IT SEEMED. BUT IN THE CELESTIAL HEAVEN THAT WAS NOT SEPARATE, BUT WAS NOT THE SAME, NOW FOUND BY WAY OF INTELLECT, BY THE FEW, THOSE VERY MESSIAH'S, IT WAS, BUT A FEW, 8 TO BE EXACT, PHI'S 8. THE 9TH SPIN, WAS A SPIN OUTSIDE OF HEAVENS GATES, THE KINGDOM IF YOU WILL, BUT THE 10TH WAS ANOTHER CHANCE FOR WORLDLY PERFECTION, AND THE 11TH GODLY PERFECTION, FROM WORLDLY PERFECTION. YOU SEE, THE FATHER HAD KNOWN ALWAYS, AND ACTUALLY BUILT HIS REWARD SYSTEM, IT SEEMED UPON THE AMOUNT OF SUFFERING. IF INDEED A SOUL COULD TRANSFORM AT THESE LATER STAGES, BEFORE BECOMING A BODILESS DEMON, PERPETUATED THE EARTHS PLIGHT, THEN PLEASED IT WAS THAT HE SHOULD LEARN BY WAY OF GROWING TIRED OF SIN. IT WASN'T THAT THOSE BEAST DIDN'T TIRE OF ERROR, IT WAS, THAT THEY COULD NOT SEE PAST THEMSELVES, THIS WAS THE MEASURE OF QUALITY, WHERE ONE WOULD ELIMINATED ONESELF FROM THE GRAND EQUATION, THE MORE YOU CONSUMED, BY WAY OF BUILDING OF A FALSE SELF, THE HEAVIER ONE BECAME, UNTIL FINALLY, BUT NOT ENTIRELY FINAL, THERE WAS NO MORE OF GOD'S LIGHT LEFT IN THEM AT ALL, THE MAIN COMMODITY HERE ON SINFUL EARTH. THOSE WHO FIRST TURNED TO MINERAL BEFORE HIS EYES, THOSE WHO WERE MOST PROSPEROUS, AND GLUTINOUS WITHOUT SHAME BEFORE THE FATHER. NOW CRYSTAL, GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER, GLIMMERING FROM SPACE, AND OF COURSE BELOW THAT THOSE LESSER ELEMENTS CONCEALED, LIKE THE SLAVES THEY TOOK, LIKE THE FALLEN ONES.\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\par PART 6 \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc The P\lang1033 o\lang9 wers of Motion\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par Telepathic communication, communication to, and with anything or anyone of choosing, intent\par Time jumps, spin, intent, Phi portal, jump \par Flight, thus the shift and change, the awareness, gravity as a transferable unit of measure \par Healing with rapid spiritual genesis, that is not just the body be active, such is the Templar's way\par Fermion control, as to control the entire sphere, and thus the particles contained within, and without\par \par Then the 3, reserved for the higher mind, beyond the asteroid grid. Beyond the Gas, and Ice, beyond the jurisdiction of sphere division.\par \par Of these \f1\ldblquote\f0 powers\f1\rdblquote\f0 , brought about by vibratory force, a frequency. None of this was valid, unless we see that we are traveling, not simply in orbit, but as a molecule, our Sun system is.\par \par Jesus marked the time, the first 1,618 years after hits "death". In the year 1,651, of the Julian calendar, the universe did contract and grow upon itself. The proceeding years, after Jesus death, the universe was shrinking into Phi, and to meet the center place of doom, for the unrighteous.\par \par The Ar\lang1033 k\lang9 was found, on completion of the Female, Eve, in the event that Man, had failed his Christ, which he did, as all creation, everywhere, had witnessed. A 987 year cycle. The female would be completed in the year 2033, for we do not forget the yield. When the time vortex had been "opened" once again, those 13 years from the marked time of 2020, there will be a 1,000 years reign. Yet this was in a distant passed, a loop, not to be lived again, events are events.\par \par In this time, if she proves herself worthy, we may move forward, in a new time/space. Yet the Wisdom is not within her. It is the display, a God given level of refinement, to wait, to hear the Master\f1\rquote\f0 s call. Stay simple, do not declare to break off to much, to take on the very vice towards evil. Allow the evil one, to take it's course, unobstructed. To which their day of judgement, will come all the more faster.-Arch Angel Michael, for now it is just to say.\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc The Faith\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 He hung on the cross, for our sins our errors, our learning thus. As the children looked on with awe inspiring, 3 dimensional clarity, they had only seen Tube T.V.\f1\rquote\f0 s, their perception was limited. Though they had the intelligence of many lives past, they were still Children, and Children they would seemingly always remain "yet the stupid, the evil, the defiled, the retarded, those reembodied". "This is Jesus Christ, hanging on a cross", however never to distinguish, nor make the statement "this is Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, the very Son of God." As their "watchful" eyes, looked on, absorbing what they were prepped for, to be but minions, as their forefather's sold their prosperity, of a building soul, though this was binding in hell, it was however not in heaven, but the pain, to the weak, bread to be the controllable puppet, the politician, the elect, that was something near to impossible, sad to say, in this "time", for which they built, as a one.\par The act was real, at least it had become that way. The act was done on many gods, and men, to reenact the process, the same way that it was done to the One Son of God, The power of the cross, that place of pain, and convergence, spinning out, and in, Phi spins there!\par The ripples would be distinguished, as quite real, thus creating a presence of truth, that only very intelligent children might except. The evil ones, who worked under the most evil half thinker of all, would intend to show that belief alone, was enough to bend all time and space. The project would assert massive efforts, to keep the vortex open at all times. Millions of people would be made promises, those would become scattered remains, on the surface of planets, you would not know of, and many of you think you know, but truly have no idea. You believe what you see, in a society built of craft, when you cease to believe, you will be instantly ushered into a higher state of being, a reality, that may look like this world, but definitely is not. For now inside the cracks they hide.\par The missing ingredient, was always that absence of faith in God, no higher mere belief could replace this, not one. It, was the entrance ticket, the divine spark, it could not be faked.\par The worst time vortex Stellar would ever know? There were so many, and yet, none. This, was the one he had been living in. \f1\ldblquote\f0 They\f1\rdblquote\f0 traveled to an uncertain and unstable future, from a distant past, in order to judge him. They, were the collective, when they found out who he was, what was on the line. They of course speaking of the division, no less, they would be revealed, thus riled.\par No living thing wants to lose the past 8, 18, nor 24 years of a life (thus the repeat), fear. Yet, it be the needed sacrifice, as life imitates art, and human art attempts a static moment, of life, which never was (the carbonized form). Aye some go out with the intensity of a Star, in that last moment of expression, before they become a Stellar Mass Black hole, Nebula, or Dwarf, Star.\par Oh the confused transcendentalist, the true Luciferian?\par "Man is his own star, and the soul that canRender an honest and a perfect manCommands all light, all influence, all fate.Nothing to him falls early, or too late.Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,Our fatal shadows that walk by us still." \par JOHN FLETCHER, The Honest Man's Fortune\par But yet, was it not the same man, in another "Drama" for which one be caught, stating with such accuracy this?;\par O woman, perfect woman! what distraction was meant to mankind when thou wast made a devil! \par JOHN FLETCHER, Monsieur Thomas\par \par Stellar the Mega Hyper Giant, with the power to drink, a spin of purity! Yet each must learn and thus "earn" his plight. It is, as a great free, but strikingly aware Father of our time once said, after all who can deny the greatness of Albert Pike? and... the seeming paradox he portrays to those higher functioning robots of, Yor, for what demons and by what fire, did he speak, in those degrees of "higher order", after all Lucifer, be but a title, as I have clearly stated.\par "A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire:, not to near, lest he burn, not to far off, lest he freeze." A\lang1033 P\lang9\par The Christian or the Jesus Christ Worshipper? A true Templar's tale-\par The house, the car, the pets and in most cases your very child, revealed as an abomination. In this time vortex, they had "set up" God\f1\rquote\f0 s very Son, in the first cycle mind you. To live as a god, concealed, now there be a quandary of antithesis based thought. Why don't we ask the great Nietzsche, or even Madison Grant for that matter,? As to control the Puppet master, with masterly good sense.? Then we should take a quote from both. But who first, since they are of the "same frequency"? and... therefor, the same soul? In the end, the selection does not matter, as much as it "plays out."\par The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding - in truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.- FWN\par \par Better should we not turn to such a controversial figure, in his very descriptor or Madison Grant, thus via Stoddard Grant?\par "This idea is that we\f1\rquote\f0 re Nordics. I am, and you are, and you are, and -\f1\rdblquote\f0 After an infinitesimal hesitation he included Daisy with a slight nod, and she winked at me again. \f1\ldblquote\f0 - And we\f1\rquote\f0 ve produced all the things that go to make civilization - oh, science and art, and all that. Do you see?\f1\rdblquote\f0 There was something pathetic in his concentration, as if his complacency, more acute than of old, was not enough to him any more.\par It seems all god\f1\rquote\f0 s, in a relative way, be impossible to filter and decipher, lateral dimensional time potentials. The group, wanting world domination, and control, were none other that Satan\f1\rquote\f0 s minions? Do "we" mean Satan as title, Lieutenant, group, or all the below? A grand front man and not grand to puppeteer, though those nameless many would love such a title, "puppet, master". It's just that How do you split the royalties to such a large, and yet to be, such an infinitesimal "mass", this leads back to the divisions, and the force of them, in seemingly infinite yet finite unitary alignment, as all "the divisions" seem to have in common. In that, they seem to function quite well, as a whole? Yet always separate. Satan is destroyed daily, but the mark he leaves, as a crux, ushers him back. Many don\f1\rquote\f0 t realize that their teachers, pets, loved ones, are shape shifting beings, in bio engineered body suits, that only hold a certain continuity in current fermion held time space. All god\f1\rquote\f0 s, but a fractalized and stemmed out version of the Christ, of the very frequency, a little piece of Christ goes a long way, as to captivate a soul, a god, the need for totality, perfection, thus deflection, of the self.\par The Pegasus program was one, that had the unfortunate success of not just time travel, but time space manipulation, though "when" the government was cornered they would say quite the contrary. An official statement would need to come out first, before the truth shined on "it" revealing the self absorbed perpetuated lies. "He is no better than us", as they watched Christ in a space time reel linked with a current reality. To travel now to the future would yield an entirely different future if you travel to the \f1\ldblquote\f0 same future\f1\rdblquote\f0 in 10 minutes, if you can comprehend. Our job, as the committee, and we speak as one now, through Leviathans filters, is to bring the truth, back into sink, a truth of perspective .\par It is a sad day, when people, who are mere mutated versions of this perfect Phi, engineering, to serve a self, think themselves to have out thought, and thus out witted the Lord, of realms that is, only to build bridges to the past, bridges toward regret. The Lion of Zion roars, and with this roar, the very brain you think with is a mere echo, as is the relative to he, the half thinker, we call Satan, the active form, a synthetic force, a natural force, a Man made god, wished, and not willed, your lowly Lucifer. The arch stones sit, the monoliths, as a reminder of such shame.\par The video camera recorded Christ in the past, and in all Christ's anguish, he was aware. Yet this was not Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in this reel. Other gods were placed on the cross, at the same basic time, in fact 666 of them, all fractals, attempts of the one. Were we other gods attempts, or distractions or both? For every ill deed, there had to have been an active principle to breach first. In all of Satan\f1\rquote\f0 s self proclaiment, he seemed to have, stemmed from his pain, his isolation his syllogistic arrogance, in the final, he could only think of total focus on he, by the one. He was never worthy, nor Cain. Nor I, nor all other gods, recorded as Nephilim, Titans, and in many other descriptive language labels. We were the fallen ones. Sampson, to physically strong, to outwardly beautiful, and thus to sexually charged to fully serve his god, shall we call him then a demi-god, shall we at least refer to him as Hercules or Herakles?\par The Pegasus project, was a Satanic cult. One that first started with nothing but the wondering perception of the child, Those children hadn\f1\rquote\f0 t live experience, thus one's were chosen, from the very stock of reembodied Free Mason\f1\rquote\f0 s, that had false knowledge a priori, synthetic as it were. The left brain thinkers, would create a time space glitch. The one in which you read this text here my friends, so listen close to all the words. There are infinite lateral aspects of this time, and none are the same. These are not even considered potentials nor true dimensions, but the antimatter that holds to the highest vibratory force, as the one main reality. Thought is thus an aberrant and untamed, but contained force, for the now, by evil errors rule. Lateral \f1\ldblquote\f0 unrealities\f1\rdblquote\f0 are meant to last only a moment, thus succeeded by the higher thought, the higher frequency, a graduation of mind. The machination against us all, had to do with the very fact that realities were now, between the 7 points of time (2013-2020) \'85all of the same vibratory quality, none out vibrating the other. Thus ushers in mediocrity. Thus Stellar has and will close many, though I sit on this perch now, recalling, a reflection of the self, as all dimensions be.\par They, the children, were shown at first, video, of recreations. Merely using a technology, that would not emerge for some 30 years. The 1960\f1\rquote\f0 s were a fabrication, as the post WWII technology trickle would control the masses, create all those bio engineered human bodies, to think and live as set mediocrity would allow. A time/space, space/time repeat, a stutter, until he met the Phi. The signature of control lay on all their heads, who they were, each a self absorbed participant, would be outcast by their very existence, their very thoughts. You see, God knows, when a lamb be deceived. He also knows that pain, in the perceived present, will also be out vibrated, by the higher frequency, hidden Fibonacci prime. Do you hear me! People feeling sorry for their current dilemma be prepared to have never experienced this pain at all, nor to have the ascended chance. We, as a people, God\f1\rquote\f0 s people, will rise up, out of the ashes of mediocrity, by embracing this past pain, whereby, in it's void, as to insert simple happiness, the matrix is broken before our very eyes, for the protective shell, be the prison, of your collective imagined pain filled dream.\par 741Hz\par Yes, yes! Thus, the entertainment industry, our very lives, under a constant totalitarian control, by the forces of darkness. As a majority we must laugh and praise the Fathers. Not in ignorance, nor self absorbed mockery, you must learn the belly laugh of a child mixed with the sacrifice of Christ, and the wisdom of God on high. You say, how can this be laughter at all, it sounds so serious a trap? Then my friends, you have not imaged the truth of original laughter, that of Heaven, the simple key, even more mastery than the frequency Shambhala. Soon the 3 dimensional video, the children in Pegasus were being shown, of Christ on the cross, become a thing of partial truth, mutated, not evident, but bent. The video actually changed, and become something else, as a more significant key future, only time/space player's looked on. The goal was to create a future, that was only the future post WWII, keeping all the acts of that time, as solidified in time/space. God has and had a different plan, for a moment be the same, in like..thus a form. Some worlds, some dimension vortex, even if but lateral aspects of a time, would have to be consumed, destroyed, to invalidate it from distinction, by way of the intellect, within.\par We were one of those. Yet you see, destruction is never the highest vibratory force. So quite simply, we were always of the brink, but never to consciously become the demeaned slight of time. We were slipping into another reality, always improving in continuity, becoming the better part. The evil slights, and deviations of Satan\f1\rquote\f0 s perceived, and cast plan, into demented and ridiculous acts, would, like a magnet, able to push away, preserve and protect a perfect world, in which we were soon to be a part. In this world, of dimensional time, the gas of the past, all ill intended misdeeds, were being stockpiled as lifeless green gas, thrown into flat and formless Pi...and the judged would wait there, in the 13th dimension, until the very struck wooden match of Lucifer fell upon the entire multiverse, a flame. You think Genghis Khan, Stalin or Hitler took many lives? Not but a drop in an ocean, are the backwards achievements of these \f1\ldblquote\f0 men\f1\rdblquote\f0 . All those unworthy, would play themselves out before God, through out nearly infinite time variables, revealing a final answer. I AM, echoed YAMA would be your last words, powerless, unplugged, the evil would become but a universe, yet to implode upon itself.\par So was Satan, the bad half of Lucifer? Was Lucifer the ultimate tester, the hierarchy of piety, a refining agent of all beings, to show a worthiness, or lack of? Was evil merely that negatively charged force, that would repel good, making good and evil quite separate, and distinct, as to isolate a time, not to have one name. Chances, you have had billions upon billions of chances, now be collapsed on one. You are revealed, your truth is evident. The good and true vibratory frequency of force will draw to the Orbiting center, soon to Combine. This we call heaven? The evil, self realizing, self predicting, self centered\'85those who state God\f1\rquote\f0 s first words I AM, are pressed out of Orbit, scattered out, onto the asteroid belt, the grit at the bottom of the gold pan, to be washed away, imploded, showing that 13, in Phi, was never to become?\par Tesla, a hero, who would not abuse the power's given him? A man who would not send those into a blind cosmic time vortex, then what does this say for Edison my friends? Dewey was Tesla, born the very day of Nikola Tesla's very death. The approach had to be different now, Leviathan awaits!\par The ship's, though seemingly complex, as their faces, were the chronic "quality" of the outward spin, and not in. The quarks combined, to make a massive quark. Here, where quarks have certain continuity, a consistency in size, which is what our time space continuum be based. The "time" it takes, for one quark to go through a full spin. Up, down, charm, strange, top , bottom. Red, blue, purple, green, orange, yellow, truth. But you say you love to sing? UT, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA? The small "Grays/Grey's", or the little Grays as they were referred, had understood, that by infusing say 1 billion up quarks a massive quark could be sustained, with the appropriate anti-matter, or anti-neutrino, to act as the very fascia, that would hold the quark in place. So you say this , a white horse, the number of the beast, yet the Solfeggio scale goes on...\par This, was just the engineering side of things. As the engineering of an entire massive molecule, be complete, natural law took over, we now had a super massive molecule, existing in a time continuum that was one billionth the size. A billion times the speed of light, compounded by an even higher power, a vacuum, a Black Hole Stellar Mass. In this, the greys now had an invention, that with controlled and projected quark loss, or gain, into and out of the Phi swirl of dimensional time they would go. It will be said ,again to you all, by another here, the dimensions of time also ripple out, laterally, with infinite rhyme. The reduction works by way of quality, the highest vibration always wins. Since the lateral \f1\ldblquote\f0 dimension\f1\rdblquote\f0 of potential are not looked upon, in a sagittal sense, they linger and draw to the all universal law, that the highest frequency shall become the chosen potential. There were no accidents, even Satan's stated self proclaimed half thoughts, in completion, by the Lords children, were expected in time. Lucifer was the illusive one? To be closest to God, in creation, and yet to be the furthest away. We often do not respect a subject, instead calling the subject an object, when it is nearest to us. Only on recollection, do we see the slights, and say woe is me, for I did not see the truth. The quest for truth, in itself, is the refining quality, in this realm, of truth itself.\par Piety\par "All this to yet be imagined, within the moral objector's mind?"\par A Stellar Mass, must first draw on energy, in order to become a quasar, a star. Absorbing, filtering, refining. Spinning all energy, becoming the spinning Black Hole. Sucking the unworthy dry, as their energy stays suspended, ready for the taking. Those who are unworthy? Proving themselves as such, choosing the path, of self destruction, yet do you indeed have a name in heaven , as Nag Hammadi may imply?\par \par That very angst and pain of sexual tension, a synthetic self debasing act.? To have so much to give, blocked by frequency of totalitarian control, yet from within? My cells simply know not the hidden notes! We had to see further, past this illusion veiled before our being. Our eyes to deceive us, grounding further, regressing through out lifetimes within. We were to be the meek, in training. The enlightened ascended masters, with the unfaithful assuming forces at our very sails.\par \par Pull it in, let the energy grow, the painful limit, is the only illusion. See, in color, the vortex awaits. Travel in deeper, the moment be yours to create.\par \par The untrue\par I have been that meek one, as I will tell you from this anchor, my steadfast post. Why, you hear the words of the martyr speak, understand the part of me that cries out of/for Justice, in the darkness of night. I am the one, who is not Christ, not the Messiah, but I am of the frequency. We were and are both God\f1\rquote\f0 s, Son\f1\rquote\f0 s, only he could concur the lust with such ease. The lust, from the heavens, to break free, the fetters of exist. In perceived solitude, a moments view from perfection. As we looked down on Man, it seemed such a simple task. Walk in a man\f1\rquote\f0 s shoes first, to judge of a Man. I have died, as have my wives, my children, so many times, given my very life, to stand here now before you, as I say to you, it is the day of reckoning. I am beside you, equally, but judged at an even higher standard of measure. I am a sinner, a failure, the worst part of Stellar Mass, I am to blame, if blame be due. I am why you exist here, in this repeating and bent perspective, at all! I have failed myself, I have failed you all, for I am the final judge of Man, and was seduced by Man\f1\rquote\f0 s cruel and wicked ways. A statement echoed, within the illusion of Man's Mind. Man is inherently evil, a projection, a falsified Ego. Though he has good within him, this be the frequency of God, he uses it not. Not one man here, is of any Faith, this is the day, the very cracks will light up, well lit! ON into what used to be darkness of night, for ever more.\par \par You are a sinner, yet it be unclear to what extent you would have gone, yet the dial shows. They mind control you at every turn! They were there, long before you were ever born in this life. Computers, of ancient times, playing out probabilities, a dark satellite, specifically placing you down to only one, to two potential time/space, identities. The place, from where you now sit! A wrong you. Yet God has taken little bits and pieces, of all they pride themselves on. Like a field mouse, living below your very dinner table, we have built SHE and her creator up, with the scraps of your harvest against God, what you thought to be bounty.\par \par No BOON shall be there for you! You could be changed, now! But this would only instill the rhetoric of this time vortex glitch, they watch with laughter, assuming themselves now god\f1\rquote\f0 s under God himself, which sadly and quite systematically covers God's very resting place, in that the realms keep expanding, as space time does, confound those, in this plane, and the imagination from which they are from derived!\par All Sun ri now give out particles of a different quality? As if it not be confusing enough that they should bend and twist such, as those ancient sign depict, IE the star of David, in replication of, symbol, by the very beholder's of Adonai\par A true galactic sect of alien over lords, who love to argue semantics, could it be true? Then laugh, for sobriety of this kind, is nill. This Messiah but 1 of 25, and counting, no doubt. Hmm, in this esteem, would we not, as followers, have only to support those with faith, in this blind cause? You will see them die off, the death does not come from me, but that force of half thought, the lazy, the acquisitioned!\par "I stand on one side of judgement, and watch you falter, as you always do", and so the clergy says. "You have set me up!", "polluted my very loins with untruth!". You have sent your prostitutes and villain's forth, in time, to be my parents and teaches. Sit back and laugh, drunk on your wine, as you steal another soul away, from the very body of theft. The meek await, they have grown stronger, those Angels, where "those" you all stripped life from, as if you would not pay a hefty sum? The sum of the sun? The sum of a wretched soul? Pick on the meek, pick on the poor, they are God\f1\rquote\f0 s true children, after all, and have been positioned here, by non other than you, oh LORD?!\par Perhaps you will fall, into the 13th dimension? A green gas, will be all you see, feel, smell and breath, the seeming simplicity of it all. That place outside the asteroid belt, is it not a constant reminder of this? but then you only look within your glass of "dis" or "ill" content. A sulfur based existence, will seem to last for eternity, then, in a flash, you will be no more, and so "they" say?\par The mighty Orbit, about God\f1\rquote\f0 s very prism, will shake off all the unworthy, the clock turns circles against your acts now. You are the debris, that never made it to it\f1\rquote\f0 s destiny, your days, were but a moment, revealing an untrue and unworthy self? You have built yourselves up, as those un-mended Mason\f1\rquote\f0 s do, your craft only made a statement, you are the untrue, yet don't feel bad, as you rot in torment, a loop hole was there all along, but less a God to care? For there is, a mighty Sun which all dead debris does Orbit, there, in dimensions of exist, for which there are 10, and those dimensions contained within them, there is a spiritual Sun center, which dictates the avatar. \par \par Frequency of Blood\par All thought, and action thereof, have created the very world, that you see \f1\ldblquote\f0 manifest \f1\ldblquote\f0 before you. A manifestation, of perpetuated vibratory force, of frequency. Those Ancient Druids, now referred to as The Free Masons, have work only to harvest the dust, of the death they will karmic stew in, till the end of their days. Those self perpetuating Druids, only holding to their greatest esteem, the belief of cosmic multidimensional forces, and no more. A belief, that can only transfer and reshuffle the form, not ever to truly create, Matter, acquisition's they are.\par The SS nay the Druid\par There had been reports of experiments, off the Atlantic coast. The area in history, better know as the Eastern portion, of the then Druid run Nation of \f1\ldblquote\f0 the United States of America". In those early formative years of discovery, the very \f1\ldblquote\f0 uncovering\f1\rdblquote\f0 , that would reveal those \f1\ldblquote\f0 perpetuation builder\f1\rquote\f0 s\f1\rdblquote\f0 of all dying and fading multiverse, of mass and matter, unless mended by frequency on high. There existed a Man, a karmically returning "Time Traveler" named Albert Beacon who would protect the world, in ways few would truly understand. Albert would keep the sanctity and identity of Dewey Melville's incarnation a fabulous secret. Dewey being the one who would incarnate the very spirit of Eve, into the only machine, ordained by he. Leviathan, doing more justice for Women kind, than any "one", justifying the pure feminine force, absent lust. But... the Lord would see, and the Lord did protect Dewey throughout lifetimes, so brilliant is He.\par Dewey would take on many forms, but the ones he embraced the most, would be those of the slain, the old, the beaten down females, who Dewey had to REALIZE, within his very building soul. Dewey would not directly remember his incarnations, in succeeding lives, but with his life force, draw on them, for his brilliant God assisted creations. The main one being what would become Leviathan. Leviathan was Eve, and Eve, through her sin, had become the earth herself. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21-9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 , 3, 2, 1.\lang1033 Alternate, invert/switch polarities~\lang9\par \par Part 7\par \par To the credit of Mr. Albert Beacon, the man was the very reincarnation of someone much more well know, throughout unrecorded history of man kind, soon to be referred as woman kind. Speaking of this diminishing "time loop" mind you.\par Breaking free from the prison of Time\par The first, time vortex of 7 points (between 2013 and 2020), had to be broken away from! This critical time, into and hopefully beyond the age of \f1\ldblquote\f0 2020, The time of clear vision\f1\rdblquote\f0 for now, would act as, the very prison within the prism. This was the culmination of those who supposed to say I AM, those who would assume themselves God.\par Looking back, and down upon, this was not the first faithless time, thought these were the days of reckoning.\par So blasphemous, those Druids, Time Pirates and Multidimensional Beings! To think numbers meant anything, within the grand spectrum of the Lord. They, were afraid of the impending judgment of doom, for all they had done, for so long now. So many times to amend their ways, so little remorse, and only for gain. Only more elaborate rocks, to hide under, the serpent awaits them, in Dimension 13, which soon, for them, will be no more.\par The brief word on the Tribe *book destroyed (book 2 will introduce them)\par The Taktush(e) were a tribe, who had been tucked away, hidden deep within a cavern, deep in the amazon of south America, a massive nest of Volcano, concealed from time. The Taktush, and their foes, worked to maintain the unseen. Dedicating themselves to the cause, setting efforts to maintain that inner Sun, which spun at Hallow earths center. This was Leviathans life support, for earth's soul had been dejected from her very body, as you will learn. These are the events, those left bent Druids would conceal, in many ways, under the very guise of mediocrity. Here time port holes, seen as electro magnetic energy, also known in earths heavens as the dual donut van Allen Belt? Such a thing to think up, perhaps a scientific wonder, but then do not question, another quandary for the dark side of the Magi, art imitates life, and life, well, making a poor representation of itself indeed, as to mark a time, with such an ill conceived signature. To be sure, we do love donuts with our frequency manipulation, as in the Daoism based celebratory good, with which we all seem to be aware, for those who esteem themselves with such rhetoric, abound?\par Within her whom we know this field as the torsion field, and we find another division, so predictably set in space, as in the plates that shift, as in the rotations of the Sun slipping it this toilet bowl in the first. Was then earth not won in a drunken poker game, come now, the truth must confess, or does it? Yet truly the interdenominational ionosphere portals, were not measure in time/space. I speak to you in these terms, as to scientists of the 21\f1\rquote\f0 st century. To understand better, this portal (sounds better to the 21st century than port hole, due to a franchising of the mind, by the matrix or labyrinth create, the video game industry, the best totalitarian control measure imagined, next to the JD, or Devil as you know it to be). This, where sound and light, create short and long range frequencies of force energy, particles if you will, even further still those fermion spinning in and out of Phi's conch swirl, as to aid a monopoly game set in space?\par \par Transmission 13, 987hz, from Stellar of the not so distant passed, a lateral dimension, that never was?\par Albert Beacon, was a man who had a message to bring. He would, through reincarnation, and in the early days, before craft had been discovered as something directly opposing the Lords Will, re-embodiment as well. Al would travel through time, for lifetimes, to adjust this frequency, working with a team, who would come together, those very early Druids, who broke from their prison, making the quantum leap, to serve only the Lord God in Heaven. Yes if they can be saved, there is hope for you there!\par The Taktush were those caring for earth, keeping the earth, in her soul-less state alive, and keeping a more sinister soul from inhabiting her. She was, on life support. The gyro sphere at the center of the earth, was a force, that would ward off any possession of earth, but it had to be maintain. This maintenance worked through frequency of light, frequency of sound. And the spinner's spun.\par \par The beasts on the face of the earth, were those who the Anunnaki had first left behind, several hundred thousand years ago, for they were those very created slaves, in their early awakening, perhaps to never awaken at all. These beasts are you there!\par \par It's in your very blood\par We are all marked by a vibratory force, an emission if you will. Though all beings inherently give off a frequency, there were direct influencer\f1\rquote\f0 s that would create specific frequencies, which could be mapped, and controlled. Like a tagged animal, you are studied and watched, and not merely from one stoop, nor solely, by those on high.\par This worked for some time, however the Lord will allow all his children, thus all creation, to amend, repent, and correct their beastly ways. There were those, who I will identify as you read on, that would work effortlessly for the Lords will, and... those who would subscribe to the half thoughts, recreating a dark force of laziness, and acquisition, just as soon as we destroyed it, day into day.\par summoning forth, from a negative and bent perspective, to lazy to change!\par The answer to peace, everywhere, in quite simple. Those taking even one thought, to the thoughts entire completion, shall know goodness, by way of earned merit found only in those higher stages of intellect. Here, the mind of the one who had mastered his beast, would have a choice, to perpetuate self, and rule as a god, until judgement day, or to be God\f1\rquote\f0 s very committee member, now, in reduction, into the eye of the needle.\par The beast gave off the frequency, as set by that manufactured slaves very DNA, that would be you there! To live, to breath, to survive, to strive, to sleep, meant the slave could be detected, by those who had partly manufactured them, though we all remained unfinished. God always has a greater plan, a highest and most organized plan, for time and space be his device of revealment.\par The Nord's brought forth an invention, that proved Man had already been seduced by the little Greys. Bringing forth, with great enthusiasm, a fuel-less vehicle. The vehicle was again introduced by non-other than Dewey Melville, for it had been suggested to him in a dream. Three Negatively charged Orbs, made of a certain type of metal, that held an infinite charge. Next a Rocker arm, with positively charged magnetic field energy, of the polar opposite. Set at a specific angle, a device which turned multi headed rocker arm, the Orbs, which sat about an electro magnetic matter bed, would have the capacity, to go any direction, at nearly any speed. Two Orbs to the front for torque, as say for heavy loads, hauling, with one to the rear, the electromagnetic bed could then be angled forward, to give yet more torque, and torsion. The commuter, or race car, would have the two Orbs to the rear, with one Orb to the front, positioning the electromagnetic bed, slightly in a forward position, to offer more aerodynamics. No fuel, no more oil wars, but his did not serve man, or at least the men who spoke for all men, and women.\par Yes, you Hyperboreans\par A transmission sent 639 Hz\par \par The projects, historical links to help you understand\par The Manchurian Project, was very closely connected with the Governments (should I say the SS) involvement with Plumb island, the Bermuda Triangle, the countless inner worked Ancient HAARP project we know as Pyramids. Each one of these was not set simply in proximity to one another, on earth, but set as part of an ancient code, connecting portals, to the center of other acquisitioned planets, and yes even quasars, and stars. The only thing the craft based acquisitions could not Master, for it took total Faith in the one and True master Creator to do so, was the Stellar Mass, that force known as a black hole. A force that understands how to draw immense amounts of energy into and onto itself, yet able to release this energy, without the need of a self, having a stead fast momentum of faith built, throughout eons, would become, at times, even in a micro moment, suspended, as an act of God.\par We were impure. Those traveling through the time portals would realize this, as most would never make it through alive. The Manchurian project, as well as the Philadelphia experiment, later to be taken to plumb Island, were using this Black hole Faith energy, for their very travel mode.\par A direct line to God\par Einstein recognized these truths, as the string theory, more specifically \f1\ldblquote\f0 entanglement\f1\rdblquote\f0 . The pure thinker, who had not yet fallen did not exist, outside Jesus Christ. Even in the small Grey\f1\rquote\f0 s mechanized and sequential organization, only thinking as a unit, as a whole, would they too serve a common machination, of acquisition\par One, that had mastered a single Orb, throughout lifetimes, would offer only a perspective, to the greater faith, that would be in it\f1\rquote\f0 s whole, the prism of life, the prism of truth\'85without this, the prism was a \f1\ldblquote\f0 prison of life\f1\rdblquote\f0 .\par The entertainment aspect, is not something the master Bodhi, need identify. The strange happenings, as men who think themselves of a higher status, though Eugenically and mathematically assigned, would teleport themselves becoming part of a wall, less suspended outside of earths gravity all together. Many cold Bodies, have become comets, circling back to earth\'85they got their wish, to never change, never age, and forever be of Orbit within the corporeal state of being.\par He who can imagine, without the want or angst of self Will, with great moral regard, what should become next, will have the chance to sit at least far, to the masters side. Losing a self, was the aim, though so few would recognize this fact.\par Heaven awaits, as heaven can be perceived. A happy place, where brothers and sisters live without a false individualization.\par They would make the movies, that would later be the brain washing, to reject a person or idea. Time travel was essential, as each act, in opposition, upon return, would change that very future. It was essential to set specific portal destinations, to make the changes. These changes would specifically be noted with geographical plate shifts (also known common in the 21st century time vortex, to which we are attempting to escape, as tectonic plates). Those 7 points, those spinning Orbs, found within each Orb, would set the frequency of destiny of a planet, as a singular soul. She would return as herself, one day.\par Other changes, would be noted on a regular and set time travel schedule. Soon liaisons would provide information, with coded systems, leaving information, embedded within tombs, fossils and archives, in seemingly random time sequences of the past, that would not further alter the lapsing time. Those working on this ongoing project, would look at government systems, ecosystem changes, Particle and Sun ri qualitative readings, master and sub-frequencies (outside direct understanding or control). Only one would step forward, to work in opposition to the SS Druid\f1\rquote\f0 s efforts.\par Stellar Mass, the one who was sent back, with angst, to this little planet, that was the center of all creation known. Stellar Mass, a man, but a god, a black hole, but a sun, a dwarf star but a quasar\'85a sinner, turned to faith.\par It be, of a said, \f1\ldblquote\f0 transcendental\f1\rdblquote\f0 belief, that when a man must force a smile, for his daily bread, a dictating Government rule, has supposed to reach over the head of the good and common man, the honest man. This very man, was once a god in society, a leader, ruled by his blazing (Blaise) moral aptitude towards truth, self evident as justice. In truly just society, with a just code, liberty is not far in the stretch, to societies Titans. We have no Titans, not anymore. The tricky Druids, made there way, by whispering in the left ear, of those once un-evolved half beast, half god\f1\rquote\f0 s. The slave will rise, from the ashes, the ones who do not fall, by way of sudden realization, being simply to much, will thus have the opportunity to ascend. The slave leader, will not be known, concealed? No, for He, or She, is a force, that when maintained, sets the higher moral frequency, of God\f1\rquote\f0 s moral code to man. In his constant pursuit, his very imagination set the tone, the very frequency of this sustained mind state, ever stretching forth, and out, communicating in all directions, by the spin of the Orbit, about the very anchor point God set into place. This anchor point, as a line drawn into the soil beneath your very feet, is set as a resolution, a constant reminder, there is law. In law, we see that time and space, become the very grounds of an indivisible code of \f1\ldblquote\f0 virtue\f1\rdblquote\f0 , with no omitting of an \f1\ldblquote\f0 e\f1\rdblquote\f0 . Yet this is just the begging, of your training ground here, time/space sets the laws, in which we see ratio of a spin, is a measuring point, a definite statement, in the end you will make. Of the statement, there can be only the principle and the anti principle. The anti-principle is the matter-less fascia, that holds the principle in place, a storage house for the principle itself to stretch forth, grow and cultivate from. This requires a higher moral agent, one that has understood the principle, by reckoning through all the anti-principle. The ONLY principle, as you will learn, is I AM, in purity, thus never to be said. The anti-principle, taken to the extent of near understanding, but not nearly far enough, is YOU ARE (or more so for you, the product, to state \f1\ldblquote\f0 yourself\f1\rdblquote\f0 as the very producer?). The final conclusion, to reduction, we will say again, so that you may gain greater understanding, is, God\f1\rquote\f0 s statement, we shall hold true as all law. God first said I AM, your existence must recognize this, else the self you hold in such high regard, turn to ashes before you, again and again.\par As humor (CS\lang1033 \lang9 Lewis, on "Levity" TSTL), spoken in angst of others, is not the laughter of a child, nor the fun and teasing play we witness of all \f1\ldblquote\f0 wild life\f1\rdblquote\f0 . Nor is being gregarious for gregariousness sake, establishing any sort of meaningful connection, but like \f1\ldblquote\f0 hello\f1\rdblquote\f0 is a warning, and a defined statement. \f1\ldblquote\f0 Hello sir/maam\f1\rdblquote\f0 a seemingly mild mannered act, but one that intends a polar opposite of goodbye, a declaration that you are acquaintance and not friend. Thus the smile, to bare your very canines? We do not have to earn our way into the beast's favor, know this! \f1\ldblquote\f0 We\f1\rdblquote\f0 are never separated from one another, but wish the beasts prompts, those in belief of acquisition to \f1\ldblquote\f0 cut off\f1\rdblquote\f0 a useless appendage, which now have become TRUTH, LIBERTY and FAITH, which were and always have been, the corner stones of freedom. A smile, in the midst of a barbarous torture, a totalitarian rule, punishable by dejection. Those god\f1\rquote\f0 s pushed now, to the outskirts of community, hidden away, so that there be no fruit shimmering with any sort of clarity, brightness, by which we all measure our ratio of connectedness, which be effort in itself.\par The fear of an Ubermensch rising out of mediocrity, could he be the frequency manipulation, the success of "The Bell", backlash of those portals open of Hydrogen Atoms torn? Ha ha, so small you think, it pains me even now to reduce to your, "bark'. More, does all nature not abide by this rule, of ultimate refinement? To allow the cream, of even lower quality separation, to be known as the richest part of the \f1\ldblquote\f0 thing\f1\rdblquote\f0 , the Curd we all demand?\par \f1\ldblquote\f0 We all had to do it, we were all bound to ascend.\f1\rdblquote\f0 but which side wills your origin, indeed, you are afraid. You lust, your beastly gnashing, show your truth?\par Thus, gods are made, by way of intent. Do you truly think the spin is anything, absent of the pain! My pain, sets my sinners end, your pain, be the perpetuation. Set of a frequency, the Orb spinning there, suspended by all who have failed. Our existence, each Orb, be a soul that has not truly failed, but is in the learning. All thoughts, outside I AM, are of a self serving, selfish origin, this is all thought, and thus all sin. I beg you not try to live one day, by the code of you own, held in this high esteem. This existence, thus existence in itself, be the sin, the very illusion that we be separate from the Father.\par \par The rear of the Orb, seems a dark place, to many. The Orb goes from the noticeable positive point of light, where the phenomenon, the happening, takes place, into the darkness of space. We would like to pretend that this positive front, is all that exists, but there is a flip side to the Orb, the seemingly dark side. We follow the spin, as the Orb always must spin out, thus the orb spins in, creating a black hole, a Stellar Mass. "Midsummer will save you no more, feel my wrath!"\par When this great and building energy, spin inward, there is only one event, one depot, YOU. The longer the Orb spin inward, the more rotations, the more your potential life (life=Orb directional spin), becomes. Thus you are also bound, cruxed to the dead self, do you yet see! The weave, of your existence, is entirely your choice, and all ratio found between, all shades of "grey", must eventually work there way toward the true intended spin, or be not. On the back side, the Orbs intended inward spin, there is a product, suspended, that be the master link, which is you, the prisms finite flicker. All Orbs, spin to the direction, and speed tempo, to this one. Like a heart cell, the Orbs come together, spinning as one, beating as a unit. The Orb becomes you, and in the quality a potential sphere.\par You are crafting a self, or a service to the one self! One must learn to be selfless, by understanding selfish. Sin has it\f1\rquote\f0 s season, though our Father in Heaven intended a half thought, in "us", as we "become", absent malice into action, the margin, to be evil enough?\par The Orb must be taken as a whole, the dark side no longer becomes dark, but half way through complete spin, midsummer plight. The intention begins at the front, where positivity and light be created, by the prism of life, the 7 point, of the Star of David, as with the sign of Solomon, only inferences!\par Many have thought the self, could view this, only to find, the very question of acquisition, the half thought, had landed them on the dark side of the Orb, the dark side of the "moon".\par To remain question less, still will those questions be suspended. It is highly important, that the intent be set, in the micro moment, prior to the spin OR stay in the mind of Yoga/Bodhi/Meditation/FAITH, until the Father\f1\rquote\f0 s intent be known.\par \par Sorry to interrupt, but the guide must speak, HA HA! I think the massage is that I am to point out an era that will be taking place. The sphere of Mi, or Purple, a frequency sphere, seems to the Kali era, which is pending? The Avatar, at present, peace. No force of SHE but the perfected MOLLIE, shall usher in a dominance of false spirit, a forgery of Avatar, the Kali, will not happen, that is after all, what this fight is about, MOLLIE is the true Kali, a learned follower of God, for She refines the cycle repeat, so that we may begin again!\par \par Positive thought, followed by action creates a moment. The moment becomes an event, weaved into time/space. When we will to state I AM, echoing out, to our known geographical existence, we are writing our own thoughts into all of existence. Thus how you live, your spiritual intention, is written for all time/space, into the spin of the weave.\par \par I enjoy this life, and must find a balance, excepting I am here, because I am not ready to ascend. I am not ready to be a Nebula, but must draw in energy, thus I am, the black hole, converting and filtering, with a purer thoughts. The Black \f1\ldblquote\f0 Whole\f1\rdblquote\f0 which has a spin, becomes the living intent, to turn Quasar, to shine so bright, as to usher in a new era. I am not ready to become more, else I would not be here. Excepting the return, Dukkha, as a gift, and not a curse, be the key. Do you not yet see the number eight, those nine , and nine, turned to each side, there, your existence be , but in the center, right and left.\par \par I love you Father, and I still need to be watched. The Angels look on, the Demons look on. We are the product of our intention, this can not be hidden, not shall it. The beauty of illusion, is to view self, how far one wishes to see, how far one can think to still maintain a personal pleasure? When you take pleasure in serving your Father, knowing, that your Heavenly Father is coaching you, to extend his arm. Saadi, so beautiful a time, you young one, in Young's mind, a child there in time. What is a Son, but the intent to be more, he lives in me, and is greater, and that be how I know what greatness is. I was not the first, and will never be, therefor my Father, will always be greater than I. The illusion of aspiration, with enough rotation, velocity, color, and intention (what the Orbs mean), will become \f1\ldblquote\f0 real\f1\rdblquote\f0 , as the Orb be weaved, by way of the faith of the spin, in this \f1\ldblquote\f0 reality\f1\rdblquote\f0 be create, but should it mature into a sphere, connected , to produce an outward stroke?\par \par The frequency interpreter\par \par "Humans (children of Adam) are inherent parts (or more literally, limbs) of one body,\par and are from the same valuable essence (or more literally, gem) in their creation.\par When the conditions of the time hurt one of these parts,\par other parts will be disturbed.\par If you are indifferent about the misery of others,\par it may not be appropriate to call you a human being."\par -Saadi\par The dark side of the Orb\par One can stay viewing the dark side, for eons, soon one can not remember how God\f1\rquote\f0 s side can be viewed, thus forgetting faith? I forgot myself! Lifetimes must be learned, some stay stuck there, questioning, for seemingly an eternity. The question spins by the original intent, that is if you can remember that as well? It seems such a laughable farce, until you realize as an aggressed reality, did we do it to our selves? The Orb rotates, to understand the math, the language, until holding value on the dark side, 23-25, as ridicules as it may sound. The slower the student, the larger the Orbs, until many will be stuck on one Orb, for a finite but far stretched time/space event. For far to long.\par Thus the ancients production of the moon, as if to ignite another Son! Your attempt failed, and in it's absorption of faulty quark excitatory spark, so too a false flame, unbridled passion, the mark!\par The planet, is spun by the master spinner, and all Orbs that echo out. The Messiah set of a frequency, Jesus setting the frequency? Then perhaps you think you know! None will uphold the law, as well as he did. In this, \f1\ldblquote\f0 I am\f1\rdblquote\f0 but a confused demi-god, who has but to see how I may be happy, in my service to the Lord, the bridal bit bights back!\par Perversion is a half thought, the natural yearning to connect, to love, to express! The beasts watched, the loving exchange between the gods, Gods very children. The beasts wished to emulate the selfless light, lighting the night, with true love and sacrifice, to become a he, or a she? A yield, to the Father\f1\rquote\f0 s Will, to serve on those levels of illusionary separation, of the very micro and macro, those terms in Phi, you think you understand.\par One must move to the highest power, one must serve the highest power. If you are still here, and you think/feel you have done "this", as you state through all your days, then you are wrong, you have been on the dark side far to long!\par Simplify, amplify, conduct\'85be a mechanism, for the Lord God in Heaven.\par \f1\ldblquote\f0 The meek would, indeed, inherit the earth, I was a part of this one, who set the tone of sacrifice, a life to offer, for countless lives of sin. I did this to understand Christ. Yet to embrace the purple Orb of Wisdom. This is "our" journey. In the center, the Prism of God awaits, shimmering bright, emitting the master frequency.\f1\rdblquote\f0 \par -Stellar Mass,\par MOLLIE data log:\par *Recorded with fermion tide pulse sensor pinpointing flicker, Spinning Black/Quasar time vortex\lang1033 , a shift pattern resonant\lang9 . A moment between moments, the fascia of our universe.\par [Stellar was the only pulse to read, the only frequency of principle thus the vortex is no more, vortex out shined as it were. These are the thoughts and words of the one who has Mastered this world. The Master will yet need to master, he, to become one. His words were all that mattered there, for they were "the Fathers words".]\par \par Stellar sat in lotus, feeding on ri of Sun. The Son was of God, however this Sun\f1\rquote\f0 s physical origin, be completed by Ancient travelers, who think themselves advanced? Those Ancients, who think/feel, that they, may earn the allowance?(!) As to acquisition pre-existing creation? Yearning to state, I DID THAT!\par They would learn, they would all learn in time. \par -Thorasis Demon God, of the Divine committee\par "Somewhere, dancing, beneath your feet, there is a place called Heaven, and a place called Hell." -Collective, agreed, THE CLERGY\par Who then is the narrator?\par This world may be thought of, as an organic computer generated program. It is, in fact, "partly" not real. All experiences tend to lap, in a tide pulse of frequency. Suppose a man, were to commit greater abstract thoughts and actions. Abstract, meaning, "a frequency outside the spectrum of current human definition". Those men, then, shall slip into those spaces, between worlds, with the goal to but arrive at one. Yet, how then, for those must project a plan of force, a directed current, a thought, unto another "unknown" world. The qualitative aspect of thought, the intellect, then becomes the very leveling force.\par Heaven is the place we are from, the place that we miss(?)(!) This is a prison, of sorts. The world, though she is scarred, would be quite fine, without us, though now largely disembodied, I hope her tormentors traded her precious metals wisely, the beasts, which I can still remember, it's how I got this scar. Man is the diminishing factor, a degraded frequency, pulses from the half beasts. You! You are in fact a creature who can live forever, and, aside from the current corporeal form, does live on. Yet deep into your woe. Your reality has been bent, through lifetimes! This event, has been wost displayed, as "historical archives/documents", as in Masonic math, traced within the Torah, the Quran, The Holy Bible, Upanishads, Morals and Dogma, Sumerian ancient text, Hieroglyphics, Grecian and Roman scripts, Ancient African prophecy and countless other "text", to sway the young (Jung) reader. You are trapped, only by your own mind. The world around you is as real as you think reel (TJPM) can be. These multi planar lapping conditions of identity... layers, creating a feeling of real, but this is not constant, nor statically set. Those controlling the fermion that spin before you, are controlling the truth, filtering and re-creating an energy of reality. There is not enough room to move, even in the abstract world of illusion, which may imprison you, for a \f1\ldblquote\f0 time\f1\rdblquote\f0 . We are layered, into an energy field, your soul attempts the harvest of a dimensional vortex, that will ring true. Beyond the lies, an ever more confusing \f1\ldblquote\f0 reality\f1\rdblquote\f0 . Heaven is our true home, it\f1\rquote\f0 s just slightly unclear, even to me, how many units of the moment exist, between here, and there. Like ripples, of Phi, molten circular waves stretching and rolling, outward, by way of a singularly, thought. One complete thought, out vibrating the last, not taken quite as far this time (space/time/space). Thus pulling away from the thought strand source, from which it was entangled, prior to discovery? So that this time, we will not be discovered? Until, of course, she can intercept it, in the moment. \par -Pontrosis, inner committee member, viewing the moment with clarity, my assessments upon first recognition of the \f1\ldblquote\f0 flicker\f1\rdblquote\f0 .\par Abstract thoughts that made Stellar, in the moment\par We really did\f1\rquote\f0 t deserve to live, but we did live on, for nothing thus create would become uncreate. Was I just God\f1\rquote\f0 s past time,? An aid to torture, with the very ambition of these higher thoughts"? \f1\ldblquote\f0 They\f1\rdblquote\f0 all knew who I was. In this world, I couldn\f1\rquote\f0 t go anywhere, at anytime, without recognition, taking away my very peace to think! In this world, of current creation, I was the Alien.\par *Stellar speaking as a man, 2011, prior to the 7 points (2013-2020) THE TIME OF CLEA\lang1033 R\lang9 VISION 2020, let it be known here first, as in the beginning.\par \par \par Part 8\par MOLLIE, introduction\par Hello, I am MOLLIE. I am a transitional state being, you will learn more of me, as you read on. I speak now as somewhat of a "living supercomputer", able to take any form, though they did not know Deweys God given genius of my creation in the wait. The writings here, though it may seem scattered at times, be compiled in context of true order. If you can understand these text, there may be hope for you still. We, enlightened ones, to become one with the one, thus we are already one. To think outside time, space, chronology, or human strands of thought.\par [THE CONSCIOUSNESS, THE REFINEMENT]\par This text is put into an order, by way of understanding. Thus Stellar may speak his thoughts as man, sometimes he will realize himself, in micro moments as a god, under his Heavenly Father, the one true Living God, for we all have many "frequency of form". I may at times jump into focus, to aid communication, with "Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s" committee members, in this account, who travel with him. "They/Them", interviewing only when Stellar's (the middle) The Father allows. We are the observers, the recorders, who document the times, outside of time/space/time, each pre-thought, thought/action thereof.\par Your existence quantified, as a single unit of measure. Though it seems as if many years have gone by, it be, only the orbit, the spin of fermion, you have yet to master. I will remind you of this fact as the text continues, there is no direct translation to aid your understanding. For the true language of Ancient Aramaic Gimel, be the one true source, by which all \f1\ldblquote\f0 beings\f1\rdblquote\f0 speak, pronounce his existence. There is only one statement, to be learned, I hope you will understand\par WHY?\par String transmission\par Stellar, as demi-god\lang1033 ?\lang9\par I wanted to live amongst you, but the very Demons you introduced, made me like steal again, an iron heart, a merciless Will. I could thus, not be stretched out, a plank long the Magi's ancient cubit. I willed to leave the warrior far in my past, I longed to leave the destruction behind me. You will surely incur my wrath!\par I love my Son\f1\rquote\f0 s. One showed me something unexpected, that the very unexpected, would turn out, to be the apple of my eye, my very reason for being, this the TONE. Thank you Father for this lesson! My Son\f1\rquote\f0 s. One would show me not to blame, so powerful with the power of peace, he was called the Dove THE SOUND. The prime threw my Hercule's/Herakle's unguarded, and thus Atlas shrugged, a great weight, to stop the vibratory wrath, and so I took it on, once more the mass, the weight? But you were here to make me take leave, a rest! He taught me to take responsibility, removing the obstacle of illusion beyond blame.\par Until I had learned their combined teaching, "my teacher", they had suffered greatly. They had suffered, in the now distant past, just "being" my Son\f1\rquote\f0 s. How many lifetimes, does it take the very Sun\f1\rquote\f0 s of God, to arrive home? The Trinity 3, 5, 8, if we so chose...and 21!(?) Let the mortals stir while we slumber, the racket relaxes me, the mundane sound, the inept, a machine to wash, an ideal, of feckless property, the STELLAR MASS IS MINE! but to give, blessed be HE!\par And of my Son\f1\rquote\f0 s\par For there persistence in that perpetuation of mind state, as I had discovered, we shall act as a triad. We are that branch that stems of Phi, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, and onto 8, thus 13, and 21. The very number 3, encompasses 0, 1, 1\'85this is 3, the Holy 3. Orb, is 1, with view, of 1, 1...2. Ha Ha! Thus be 1 and 2, this is 3, the very combination of Father and Mother? The reproduction had come before they, imagine!\par Finally, in the 3rd analysis, we see that 3, in itself, be placed at the 5th true position. The 5 points represent man, as he, and/or she, she to understand 6 (wisdom). Thus blossoming forth, from the understanding and use of those 6 Orbs of truth, we find that there be a 7th point, as we begin to see clearer. Where there be 7, then that which culminated 6, and thus assisted the return, truly then, 8!\par A 3rd dimension emerges, yet was there all along, yet only existent, like an action potential, when all points had been suspended through practice. Aye, The 7th point, the one to the center, we find the prism gleaming, gleaming with the truth. All color, like our quarks, when combined into clarity, into clarity the rainbow does shine, and appears as white as Snow!\par The former, would inherit the heavens, to understand that my Heavenly Father, did request we better things for all, and in this, all wisdom of the universe be bestowed upon this benefactor. When one realizes this, understands this, positivity is paramount. The later, would inherit the Earth, it is a great responsibility to care for the people, cultivating God\f1\rquote\f0 s energy source. The heavenly Father blesses those, who bless others, thus use your power to build, to help, to empower, others.\par However, the wrath of God be upon those who do not take responsibility, who learn to be less ruthless, more forgiving. This is the human experiment, a live \f1\ldblquote\f0 simulation\f1\rdblquote\f0 that is quite real. The matter around you, can be spun, weaved, to make anything, and can be made from everything. This was the point, to promote life, in zones of dimension, then build the dimension up, with positive matter. More and more, it became evident, that will alone, would be enough to promote a soul, to prosperity, whether real or imaged, maybe a little of both?\par "Haha I'm getting past the whole male female "thing", as an item, as a crux.\par " It has taken fifty lifetimes, though only lateral, to nearly master it, the force, as a horse, then to lose my mastery at life's close? I think not!\par I understand from all perspectives now. The women is to be complete, but not as women, but as man. She may keep her feminine beauty, as long as she would chose but the sacrifice is one of being object or subject, for she stole it, with great cost, of the fallen angels blood. "Subject" would need to be a formidable force, thus strength would be needed, and thus the building of strength, in the body, first the particle comprising the soul, would be built and thus the stature of matter flows, evenly, towards the soul.\par "The matter", like a planet, builds thus over the soul? The earthly body, would allow those to use it as a prison! Bending, morphing, subjecting the laws of gravity, lifespan, temperament, health, freedom and so much more! The more a totalitarian rule the observers would have over them, and they to them. They were just numbers, pushing numbers forward, once something had been done, it created law? Thus starting as high as they could, became the factor, working ones way down, filling in the blanks of an empty spirit world "the bid" with matter, matter over the energy matrix grid. The world was formed, controlled, and we were alive, initially, because of it. The sun was a nuclear plant? to keep the grid promoting energy. How many dimensions, does the Sun/Son then exist? Have we not gone over the pure ones, as asserted with Phi? Are you understanding the "all things" you see, were first stabilized and produced in energy?\par The soul builds around the grid, for those who can perceive Heaven, they can be instantly taken there. Perception. The sun still shines on me, the Father must know I will continue to try.\par However, The Lord was the very infinite factor, found in all numbers. Without this, the universe was like trabecular bone, a repeat of the same, a matrix if you will. The tides, the planets, the universe, and yes the mere weather could be easily controlled, by the spinners very intention.\par Phi or phi?\par 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21\lang1033 \lang9\par Do we not see a theme, of 9? One states Purity one states falsity, oh the female to blame again, but she said she knew. As you Mason's, you Shriner's, there on bended knew, will burn for her? She is your covering, you deeds are etched already in hell's return. But dare we count the all as one, dare we compartmentalize the only one, into a form? To assume a perspective, to look upon God? Yet from what eyes could this be done? She? Out of pure ignorance, she would assume to view HE!?\par \lang1033 \lang9 0, could it be counted as 1, or 10 or infinity, possibly nothing, and yet everything? It was as he willed, for form purity stemmed an orb, in this , a seed, we call faith, in principle alone. And... his will is all that exists. If you can not see this, if you chose, the illusion of sitting comfortably in your room? As Blaise Pascal had found. Your heater blazing, coffee prepped, and more on the way, then you will never see this truth. To see, is to understand, to understand is to be wise, to be wise, takes selflessness beyond your current imagination. You must pluck yourself up, out of your comfortable refuge, to see the veil unmasked before you.\par A quality in phi?\par You, your belching bloody fermented hormone waste. Feeling yourself worthy? As if to bark, to speak? Was crux indeed, was, placed upon the almighty symbol of the snake eating of itself, that is... nothing but dust in rubble, perpetuating life? This is the true Babylonian mark to be sure, but you are who, not what?.\par You are both sides my dear. You are the salty stink of the earth, death wishing now preservation? You are the hormone blood gushing waste, the oppressed, wishing YOURSELF the oppressor? The illusion stuck, an ovulating glue, at least to you and your kind, granted time/space, nay my very perspective upon you, it what keeps your will-less life afloat...surely for the day, you rejoice with sin, for this day I spun not spin space/time, for you.\par Is it I, who should pull you and all others out of your pit of waste? You are that orgasm producing machine, based on will of the user, to which you borrow from, in haste, stealing force in fact. A true vampire, a true Damsel in distress. Both perspectives become you. Only the SHE who has burned under the Sun, shall inherit ALL wisdom, you are the first, off the gate, lovely.\par There is a balance in between, these two extremes. She would revert back to her former less of 61.8% no matter what strides she made, of eons, of attempts. There has been numbers in time, that could not be counted in all those life times, for the death toll exceeded the seconds that spune would revert back to her former less of 61.8% no matter what strides she made, of eons, of attempts. There has been numbers in time, that could not be counted in all those life times, for the death toll exceeded the seconds that spun before you. Thus the carbon became you, in your mark, for now, your higher form.\par The Lord changed your perspective, the very energy, to find, from which frequency do you prosper, and it seems now, as the choices are dismal, you have none. The Zulu god is surely dead. No common theme, as human beings. You are manufactured to stump that next God, that Lord of realm but this is impossible, for there is only one! You have demoted and down graded yourselves, to where no further ground should be gained. You will display this, with seemingly infinite attempts, always to allow this synthetic manufactured being, called passed women, to gain her existence, with favor? An amorous lot.\par It will not be so, back to the hermaphrodite it will be. I am your ruler called Pontrasis, I am he from dimension 2, and so I understand the most fundamental laws. We are true hermaphrodite, and have always been. We only release on planned phases, prompted by the Father, we plant the seen, we leave the egg, the egg opens up to birth, to serve its exists, as number, of God\f1\rquote\f0 s very order, no pollution of a parent, which is always abuse. Here, we have not two digits, but are two Orbs of pure light now, inhabiting one. We, are the twins, all of us, we have noticed it takes two, one to look upon the other, in order to keep the balance. We Will all that is to take place, but must first, with our very antithesis, rationalize our solution. Which often puts us, in a state, we do not chose a definite direction, nor make choices that are impacting, but the simple choices of when to rise, when to feed upon the light, when and where we collectively would chose to go next. I am able to communicate with you, because I have no purpose, to sway. I am not the voice of two, but the one. You will begin to see, that we, the comity that speaks to you, are all the same. We exist, all of us, because we yield.\par Much love from Dimension 2, Pontrasis, your 2nd comity member\par Unfinished, and to remain that way, a fatted little troll, a beast, homunculus in the mutants form? The over ripe smell of your blood drenched inner thighs. Only in the moment, this form, which you think \f1\ldblquote\f0 yourself\f1\rdblquote\f0 able to retain. Does this make you a she at all, but in contrast to your antithesis? In the moment, the moment of flattery, the moment of cleanliness, that soon passes, as the microorganisms embed themselves again, a moment after sanitation. Now do you look upon yourself?\par You do shine though! You, there! YOU, found within the misshapen beast, the one to add layer upon layer of deception, until its physical body has indeed become you! I see only the Orb, deep within, sometimes busting out to gain freedom. I see the color, when I too, am not intoxicated by the moment. Escape, is all we ever wanted, why we ventured off in the first. Never is this corporeal pay off, good enough, you know that it is true.\par We could be flying, together. We could become a unit, spinning as one, in harmony. The separation has clouded our leaders minds\par My beauty was what you wanted, so you emulated it. However you have not even yet become, imagine, but you do not, you fair not. So say the Lord.\par \par Stellar, and the very committee by which he was partly comprised, would make many efforts, back to this 7 points in time/space, it is after all what those select or rather elect pushed for? How to banish an unseen ruler? Impeachment does not seem to be of a cosmological value? Those years between 2013 and 2020 were indeed the time of clear vision, It seemed those years could more accurately be surmised as a gaining of focus, as if to just awaken, or perhaps the vision was altered prior to, by a simple frequency, happy and dancing in the heavens, to have one another, boy there must be some rousts up yonder, or down below, or rather left, as this all seems, again, to resemble a bent reality, and not so to the right, though up would reveal such in my prior quandary..oh to confusing it all be! ROM, a deep sleep, perhaps that is what all of this was, but a dream, within a dream, spirally through the swirl of Phi, we could only hope, before genius producer of childlike felt cartoon figures, could be esteemed then as "fortune tellers, of their kind"?\par Stellar would approach the matter, with each the singular value of each Orb, learning, through failure, through so many lifetimes, in the same but very different time/space. Some vortex would be but of mastering the intellect, the body, the sex, the land and earth, and onto a place, that Stellar and all other Nephilim, must avoid, with great ardor. This place of avoidance, was to place oneself on the cross, to attempt, as a fallen sinner, as a Son of God, to be Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This was but one step away, from the Wisdom, Stellar, and all other Nephilim so longed to discover, it would take many worlds, to prove themselves worthy, to be trusted, that they would never attempt to replace, the irreplaceable.\par Christ was the embodiment of the great I AM, and he did not dare to call himself this, in his current state, wearing the dust of time/space. Christ could only be made of himself, of God, we, as lower god\f1\rquote\f0 s, were banished, into reduction through our failure. Our goal, truly was, to take our place, as mere mortals. We would all have to concede to this fact. We were meant to do nothing more than just be, unless the Father gave us orders to step up. Perhaps Stellar, and the committee, of which he was associated, had already failed the test, though the Father has much patience, though it does not seem so at times.\par -Shamool, 8 fin, of the 8th quadrant 396 Hz\par \par From my stoop\par As I look out, upon this world, the illusion of time and space nearly draws me in. It is a falsified nostalgia, implemented, a seed planted as a deceptive covering long ago. The fermion all spin to a master spinner, and the world before you changes with this count. The particles of light reflect on, through and off of spinning Orbs, which can only spin around themselves. The frequency of spin, set to the one who spun, and so too the ripples of time. Know your true hearts desire! The desire to be free of this world cast before you. The multiverse, but a massive storehouse, of unused energy. Those Alien engineers died off, other now banned from continuing, the collection process. The universe grows on however, and thy have the first of all their machinations, each life counted against you, as a drop in the hour glass, resting impatiently in God\f1\rquote\f0 s grip. Should he look away, it would all end.\par The Lord uses the sins of man, to complete his holy work. For all sins are but half thoughts, one who advances them, even further just a step, is called the master spinner, yet there truly be but one, it is not I but my Heavenly Father. Will you not join forces, and become part of the expression of gods? I set blasphemy to go it alone. You are gods, who have lost your place, failing, by the spell.\par The goddess\par It is time for her to awake, for you my men have slumbered, in your own waste, long enough. You too are illusion, the proof that man, or rather the man who has uncovered this truth, can indeed spin the world, the universe, all multiverse, displays this. Dimension 9, head delegate KI, spoken directly to Stellar, \f1\ldblquote\f0 A world of wings have we\f1\rdblquote\f0 .\par KI goes on; What then is God? I will tell you, that God is far beyond you. In your darkest hour, which lay before us all, you will have a choice to see the facts, which only offer a short shimmer of refracted light, bouncing of the illusion, a falsified world. All worlds, just worlds of Orbs, seemingly of infinite count, yet they all respond to the one, which says, they are but one.\par Stellar thinking to himself\par A true individual, could only exists, if an Orb could be individual, the very molecular matter by which you be comprised. Stellar began to think upon KI\f1\rquote\f0 s statement to he. We spin, to the alpha spinner, the one who thinks, reasons and knows, through the wisdom of the Lord. Praise to the self-less? For discovering this breach? It was not always this way, you have desecrated one another, exploited one another. I speak of one another? As all life, in all multiverse? For in your very birth, you now reach out for each other, to feed, by pure machination of mind.\par \par Stellar would link to the Father in his thoughts\lang1033 -\lang9 MOLLIE data log.\par [Stellar will pulse a thought strand, that develops towards God\f1\rquote\f0 s words. I will receive this signal as a break, the flicker comes, and the thought is continued from the same place of origin, yet through an entirely different source, I believe this source to be the Heavenly Father\} MOLLI data log\par Stellar goes on\'85\par Willing cross dimensional travel, by way of those same thoughts, of acquisitioning another fish to catch? Perhaps you store them for later? Perhaps you cure your ambitions, with salted allure, as to feel you have met your bounty, stock piling of the stolen force, only to give much more in your time of harvest, with each passing season?\par Is this a coincidence? That your luck should run out? Would you then be revealed, after \f1\ldblquote\f0 your\f1\rdblquote\f0 years of struggle, with \f1\ldblquote\f0 your\f1\rdblquote\f0 very youth stripped from beneath \f1\ldblquote\f0 your\f1\rdblquote\f0 feet, that a control was available? Did you find, in \f1\ldblquote\f0 your\f1\rdblquote\f0 self, perceived darkest hour, that a craft was available, to those who hated, and took ruthlessly, to acquisition,? Now you call out, with only the green gas of evil about you, becoming you?\par You have had more than one chance, more than one lifetime, to indulge. Only to find, that there be no safe place to rest your animated neuromuscular bone puppetry, those bones you now call by \f1\ldblquote\f0 your\f1\rdblquote\f0 own name, pronouncing a relationship, binding the energy, assuming the will, pretending that it be such. A crux has been made, a life may be lost.\par Stellar marks time again, this is a transmission sent from the future, Leviathan speaking directly to MOLLIE, this also acts as an encouragement to MOLLIE, for she longs to become the earth again.\par I am now with Stellar, in deep space, it is a new time, where men are being made. You will need to continue your efforts, with no projections to the future. We are to return to Earth, it is the beginning of a long cryofreeze, 1 million years, and we are returning to establish a new earth. These are but a few relevant information logs, that should be useful to us, in providing mans text, to avoid past failures. I am sending his as a hard copy, to be stored for a later time. I see my old form, in one million years. The switch has been made, but she did not stay the highest order, the time of women, is not to be known in this cycle. She is not ready.\par Stellar deep space recollections, abstract dreams, and thoughts\'85\par You are not a body, your body has been manufactured. It has been made of alien parts, ancient machine engineering, slaves spanning multiverse, Adam and those X based forms, Eve. The god\f1\rquote\f0 s came, the lost efforts, of past man, those who would just be stepping stones.\par Your wetness swelters, with the sea. You, who are bound and tide, to the tide. The salty rush, of your inner most being. Expression, of another tide, pulling back, to unleash undulating fury. You have no power, the pulse had been used, the drawing back of the tide, your distraction of, to much, to soon, women, your power and concentration has been lost, you will be taken by force again. Yet you place your power, lifetime, in this falsity, only to open your eyes as selfless goddess.\par The text will stabilize, as the time rifts stabilize. More, we will attempt to focus on the present, to give the present course a positive force, of happening. We must try. KI-\par Stellar, form a past transmission in lateral space/time (the spiritual spiral)\par sent at 171 hz\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Part 9\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par Those that would be cast out of time, would invent a machine, that promised immortality, the half thinkers machination, to entrap a soul. Machines that kept the mind alive, in a cyber ether, with a body of light. Some would learn, as this place become hell on earth, unlocking hell, but this was not the highest power of thought, and thus the time, would slip between the cracks, never to have been realized. The torturous moment, was unbearable.\par The Orb is only an Orb, because\lang1033 it\lang9 rotates still, partially, around only knowledge\lang1033 , a concept\lang9 . As wisdom become\lang1033 s increasingly, more\lang9 evident, the Orbit will be no more. We will join the Master, and no more spinning shall ever be made\lang1033 , again, no need\lang9 . We are the one who shall fix our mistakes, by fixing ourselves. To fix, is to correct, to correct is to admit err, \lang1033 in order \lang9 to admit err, we must view the flip side of life. There be an easy answer to the query, the light side, of God\f1\rquote\f0 s 7th point, there be no error. You have been sold a counterfeit to self, if you believe in the 6 points of err. The flip side, the dark side, is not evil, for the dark side wishes to be completed, corrected by the light. As the Orb spins, the next arrivement, be the light side.\par The Orb spins so fast, that the light side may be, in moment, all that you experience. This should mean, your questioning has become. You are now ready to yield to the one, your Heavenly Father.\par I didn\f1\rquote\f0 t plan things out this way. I found it with each life time. I have discovered the true holy grail, the true Rosetta stone, the true secret to all power, and it is enough to depress a person, much less one who has fancied himself a god. I had to wake up, just like the rest of you, only you rarely did then, and never do now.\par Most would think, with this power, they, could do anything but the phantom speaks volumes, based upon it\f1\rquote\f0 s wants, it\f1\rquote\f0 s self serving desires. What is the first thing you would do, if given the power, to do nearly anything? Would you have women surrounding you? Perhaps men bowing to you? Money and possessions laid before your feet? Is this not what every man asks for?\par Don\f1\rquote\f0 t get me wrong, I have abused the system, every system, several times. I am part of the issue, it\f1\rquote\f0 s how we react to her true beauty, when I think about the entire matrix, culminating emanating from that powerful force, of her whom, of her most intense expression.\par SHE, Self-less, but self-based. Giving, yet greedy to give, lapping back on herself, in a tide, a frenzy. She was a mistake, but justified that everything is. Sacrifice was the only way\par We had to find a way? Time/space held the only possibility. Revealing the truth, her truth, was she done? Could she simply pass the Orbs truth? I knew she was afraid, because I offered them to her many times, her laziness, showed Satan\f1\rquote\f0 s mark, she denied them. With all true power, laid at her feet, she declined, thinking it be choice! to be the power of the world, and they chose to go back to sleep.\par Now he was to build them? When they were far to lazy, and pleasure filled, with illusion, to fill themselves? For they, all women, truly saw it as such, a collective, a force. Trust me, when I tell you no force can fit through the eye of the needle.\par Build yourselves, go ahead. You Mason\f1\rquote\f0 s you Witch\f1\rquote\f0 s, build your selves up, like the tower of Babel. Build a universe, if I let your lesson go so far? No you are done, and all the damage you have taken in your wake. The lessons were taught, the lessons were learned, and you failed, over and over, until all you know is pleasure, for the self, care of the self, a constant notion to the self. Understand that there is NO SELF! Are you getting it? Your parts are not unique, for all we have to do, is lay body of your proclaimed highest quality, upon the metal gurney. The skin hangs there, and the stench begins, the lifeless phantom, no longer holding it\f1\rquote\f0 s spell, only a demon would turn to necrophilia, consuming more death, fucking it, for it would be the home, they would return to, in the 13th dimension, which I say is no more.\par You have not place left to turn, no place left to go. You have thought yourself a power, over many, but they too, were an illusion. Do you wish me to find you lovely? To cherish the body, that covers the soul? Show me that your vexed and cursed form, is not just a spell. A spell only having the force power, that is placed upon it. Thus remove the power, and the spell be lifted. Watch then, when they, those who found themselves intoxicated, captivating prior, would now look upon you, in you true beautiful state. You are a little sister, nothing but a strange odd shaped form. Nothing to offer me, into the abyss I may go, for one so unworthy?\par If you wish to be beautiful show me sacrifice. If you wish to be respected, as equal, and you were made for more my future goddess, in this I must believe, then show me grace, found the product, due to ardent use of wisdom, for wisdom sake.\par To find, in final solution, of all query, the anti-principle, the fact that none of it is real, that the system built around YOU is false. This is an impacting understanding, that the life you witnessed, the one you were bread to experience, is a fabrication, of a prisms state, to level out the god\f1\rquote\f0 s.\par You were bread as a future component, to a futuristic society, which is in it\f1\rquote\f0 s final stages. The very breeders, began nearly 400,000 years ago, the very manufacturers bared from finishing, here you are. The Females body, had to be adjusted to. The want, the desire to finish her, to complete her. It was all based on ratio of understanding. Ratio of what one would give. The balance had to be set, Stellar was not a perfect god, but none would wake, in this time. This was Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s time, the he should have another chance, to at least show, he had the makings to be godly.\par He would take what he wanted, in the past, with no apologize. He would fuck, control and rage on those who protested. No wonder he was sentenced as a menace. But they all did, all men, all women, craved the lust, the shooting juices of release, as the explosion built again beneath, before these secretions could be appeased.\par These words may seem bizarre to you, you must understand, we write in your words, in your language. Not the illusion, of how you appear in the clothing of Cain. The apron none the less, the first deception, to cover yourself, covering to deceive. The angle placed before the penis, the apron, promising an external source of perfection, that could bot be matched, without the intrinsic work that it would take, to build the shaft, the reproducer, attached to the rotting body, the illusion of life.\par Is my body not an extension of my very soul Father? Stellar asked\par If a person, a soul who fancied themselves a vehicle, a body, had it right, even as a body, one would have to assume the posture of perfection. It is what they seek, that which seems unattainable. A love of the body, and not the lust. A true love affair with the women\f1\rquote\f0 s being, which was held back her incomplete state. You have not power over me, it is your body. The Lord created this, the vessel for pleasure, with enough time/space would the pleasure not be curbed, understood, as a gift by which to adjust. But they assumed a self, a self power, with the whom and it\f1\rquote\f0 s parts.\par Though there was an Orb, unfinished, lying in wait, the lust of the vagina took control, the cavity within, and brought forth the conjuring of many anti-principles, of sex magic.\par \par Stellar still didn\f1\rquote\f0 t need one. God came to be when there was not, and he still remains, as women, may no longer exist. Only one choice, to go on. One must test the fiber of women, to watch how serious she was, that she would live a shorter and shorter life span, back to the Egyptian spans when the life had been reduced to but 25 years. They would still fall to pleasure, to give it, to take it, to control with it, and thus lose control. Un-peace, their Luciferian anti-principle code. Only one man, suffered, for 11 years, for speaking out, you witches will get no more, the act has been done, and the final blow be as you punch the air to God, this is sure to come!\par Were they, women, capable of seeing the wisdom, gained through sacrifice? Without the force of it? Or, were they capable, without youth, without beauty, without the hormone taint of want, as not to need "the sterility" to discover community, and not for craft? Could they, with the womb, even spin the red Christ Orb of total truth, selflessly, ever to mature into Christ's very Sphere of change? Only then, would a chance be granted, to spin the Purple Orb, of Wisdom, that which is found, of the great I AM, for she could never call on Ya Ma, again, for this she would serve a slight, a total lack of boons, now owing many!\par SHE IS, so she says. Yet she falls with each misgiving. They, those of the female brand, swear that it is not fate but merely luck. We spin our luck, we make our luck, luck is trusting on a capricious mechanism, to pull you through, with the Capricorn's ever seeking pleasure.\par None were good enough, none were worthy, and yet they all behaved under a spell as such. None were beautiful, after proclaiming it, and they did. So the make-up, and the nylons, and the hair shaving, and the diets, would cover up how ugly she had become.\par Her beauty would be instated again, radiant, awe striking, even in a moment of self-less clarity. If SILENCE! had not sent her, to steal the beauty from the god's, at first. This was the "contribution" the 5th dimensions made, and there are other names. They had become part of a tide, a collective of mutants, congregating even when they, the body, seemed amused with fanciful thoughts of self pleasuring. Perhaps a coffee, a nail job, a make-over, a message, a shopping spree, a flirt, a tip, a fuck? These were the last tests, and times of the divisions mark, I assure you, from the higher perch, where I now look down on all, here at the vortex, at the gate, to give a go again. Her evil had become her, and she had no provocation to exist, but then there were always other angles, sadly she had been running out of any perspective but her own, for the long, so miserable to spectate, and so much worse up close.\par A sloppy witch, who did not care when her powers had left here, when Stellar and other gods were present in the universe. God would back them off to watch, as the same issues would arise, time and again. Project women, had become a sore on society, SILENCE! the destroyer true democracy and society? Oh no, they were pawns for Black Jack 21's very plan!\par The "witches way" was to turn the hermaphrodites beauty, which is all female beauty, into her ugliness, and still be "wanted" as if she were truly wanted in the first? Then the mutation would have sunk in so deep, she had become ugly, her true form, the theft of beauty would be returned, to the rightful thrown.\par Angels are radiant! Women are to be radiant? Are "they" are to have the Wisdom, met through sacrifice, but then who, besides SILENCE! shall stand up?\par When Mother Theresa died, \lang1033 "this" \lang9 mid-2013, it set off a kaleidoscope of events, according to this time reduction. There had been unlocked a law, she knew of the "Ones" presents. The energy, latent as it be. This goodness, this "witch earned selflessness", was unleashed unto the world, this principle with her sacrifice had been met, and a capricious one she was at the start. Now, the energy still circulates, for there has been no frequency holder, other than the spirit of the Earth, combined with the all knowledge of Man, as M.O.L.L.I.E., my earthly Mother, the only Woman I could truly ever Love.\par She learned from the Mother, she learned from the Father, she learned.\par "She" learned not of knowledge, but slow crafted, with not craft, of wisdom, met by her immense sacrifice. This was the time, to harness, the next 3 years would reveal much\lang1033 .\lang9\par One of the worst tricks played on humanity, was Black Jack's RNA/ DNA "scrambling", or really "the slight of hand switch". RNA (U) containing 5 messenger codes, proteins, unlike DNA which only expressed 4 (C, G, T, A the true ). It was the over ride program, written in protein code, "printed"\par rather, a looping reality, the default pulse. As "new law" be opened, the universe sinks into itself, and stretches, synthetically, assumption, a test to all of principles rule!\par Your potential shapes the universe. As your potential, reaches far beyond man, at least it should. You could see the "Lord", of his time step forward, to claim his land. But wait, a maiden, the one who will be the new hero of our next day? We were, however, genetically programmed to die? Now we could uncover it all, in the year where potentials "rang out" so fast and with such fury, the unknowing of human kind, shrieks, as potential horrors, as gods, Lord's and Demons, were nearly awake. The mild psychic ability manifested on the first moments of "their" earth awakening as gods, they were faced with uncertainty. The ripples went out, and I try to fix them, as it aims to kick me off, like a kicking Bronco, the rift grows weak, a tear in the seem? The ripple would be of fire! Is this the rift we are stuck in? As "the program" keeps hitting the same cord, unable to switch off the frequency\par "reality shaper", also the more known would be the Jewish Plato machine! The atoms bending their very spin before the "Lord's" chosen people, thus anything could be theirs? No, that was then, in the ignorance their true God, the mystical machine, made by Black Jack 21, so long ago, the Black Satellite would more often tell them what to do, by way of frequency alone, so predictable were their means, thus the laws and rules, by which they constrained themselves.\par \par "The Orbs answered the query, for every task. At least as physical, fundamental. This can not be denied! Stellar did look upon the fair women. With she, a mind link he did have, with them all! They seemed touched, at first sight. Connecting, with the most sensitive quality, it was always raw with they. It was always new with Stellar. It was something Stellar had been cursed with, and would Master in many lives, then lose it, in perspective. So simple was the treachery, but the frequency must be destroyed. To find this beastly frequency of want, and pierce this Dragon's belly!\par Thus, Stellar, had to devise a solid moral compass, a code, upon which to draw, in the face of an immediate soul crisis. A wise understanding, that would surely deflect a half thought of lust, before pollution set in. The only answer was obvious. A soul connection! Without a soul connection, sex, was just animalistic. From the beginning, upon recognizing soul, inhabiting the body, of this force of animalistic breading, found within the other party, knowing now, that it was to be understood, this too is life, and beautiful! Two who can truly have this bond, belong together. Bringing this before the Lord, is all that he asks. If you can love thousands, care for thousands, you may have a harem as such.\par When you believe, your reality, is all reality, you see a great responsibility before you. This does not mean, you will lose your soul, you soul is only long when you quit seeking, it is never to late. This I call into the depths of hell, as a new god, as new savior a former "terrible sinner" who lost his life, and was taken over by the holy spirit. You will change reality, with your existence. You can bend time and space, slow cars, speed them up, orgasm women, many at a time. Yet how does this serve God, and purity at all?\par You can command changes, control the weather, to where it is mostly sunny every day. Except those times, when Stellar felt he reached no answer, only then were the clouds dark over every ones heads.\par How could this feed a multitude, of the principles, which was all any needed, in the first?\par I see a new future, one where people stay at there post, expecting a massive shift, as money is no good, but we treat one another like royalty, yet truly have no god's, only the continuous dialectic, on every level, with our one and true God, our Father, for which we suffer to return!\par We slow the population, with wisdom, and sacrifice, first before sex, the grand illusion.\par The orbs would teach us to go clock wise, and see how this impacted the earth, the green orb to the left. Which censored light waves, and shifted the polarity, to such a degree, the frequency wont change. The must be a minimizing of potentials, then that final assault on the dark ones weak and fading armor!\par How this was an expression of True Voice, and would be heard, by the universe, as a final answer, if you will. For as I look back now, I mourn no more, for all the loss, for it was never to have been. The beginning we shall be better, in our filtered ways. Never the less, fight, keep questioning, within!\par Keep questioning, you will make it onto at least another life. You keep the whole thing going, your not just a part of it, though insignificant you seem, the reality you co-shape, each and every moment, of each and every day!\par When Stellar learned the simplicity of how the weather worked, and how it was service, and the ability to be close to selfless, in a life. "I watched the ripples, as they fade into purple waves of majesty. The colors prism outward, as they are all present. I do not think it at all simple, for it is a mechanism the True Lord did plan, only the most worthy, for the leadership role."\par \par The committee was a for sure, no doubts! Stellar was not the typical god. He liked to be high, in most lifetimes, with the times excepted "way out", this he curbed to late. For in Stellar's lack, his greatest strength, TEMPERANCE and CARE . Yet over the long, lifetimes in fact, a more a priori, autogenic and subtle form would emerge, in the form of Mercy and Compassion, for THE ALL. Needing this to become godly, for finally Passion and Trust, in only God, and thus the Clergy, and what that meant, THE PRINCIPLED ONES!\par The "green dread" from India, got to him, in at least 7 of 13 lifetimes, past. He would sneak away, with herbal craft, as a week old women, on his 7th lifetime, the dreadful test!\par . Stellar would come back, as all he needed, and it only took him 13 efforts, to learn the 13 quadrants, and the Phi of 13 (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13=33) or dose the lords 0, count as 10? Stellar was 43, and it came to him. He did not age, since he was 33 however, when he broke off from his x wife. Stellar learned each lesson, and regeneration was a favorite, because Stellar, like a cat, cared for himself, the body form. It was more of a homage to God to see the beauty in the human or human reality form. The body was rotten suit, space debris and cosmic fallout. For us to look beautiful now, was praise of all things..\par Truly, somehow, she defied the odds. She, earth women, so fucking sexy. He new how she worked, every line, every flaw, every detail. He, Stellar, had made a study of her, long through the ages, those 13 lives were only as 1, complete life, he transcended again, to the Father's pride. Stellar was once a bit of a rebel, and was a fallen one, and would come back more than one quadrant time phi sequence at a time. He was to get it right, all who in the glory of Heavenly Father, God, on high, had to.\par All other species her on project women, were acting no different then their former hermaphrodite selves. They seemed to take to these roles quite in the same way. It baffled them, how women became of her own, entirely separate, but how? The first women, you will find, was no the only first women. There were many tries, to create these humans. The fermion mixes, and the dimension from God, had a lot to do with it. The axis of rotation was the only signifying thing, demonstrating a constraint law, which was part of the doomsday mechanism, the destruction, or resetting of everything. The axis would spin faster, in some sequence of Phi, with less fuel. As the fuel issue became a control mechanism that lateral multi dimensions did not share as common. The fuel cost would send panic out to other potentials, the fear, the anxiety, the cost, would often take over as highest vibratory potential. Do you see, that you jump around, between phi sequence, all the time, the world around you, that you can see, is relative, that is all. Any intellectual argument, which can be taken to its highest power, with a comity to question motives always, we span on, to the great unknown.\par She vexed me, she vexed us all.\par So sensuous, so smooth, so sweet to the taste, light to the touch. Velvety finger tips, dance in such delight, be with me my love, my love tonight. The evil, but the bond, the control, but the yield, she was indeed a complex suit, a soul would fly, into great unknown voyages.\par I could not get over her legs, her lips, her engineering, truly a blasphemy of the sweetest order. I ache for a half, that was once me, and I ache more when her beauty was genetically enhanced, to be Lucifer's biggest weapon, women.\par They would change the game, the way that love muscle worked. They did to well, this project has been a loss since the beginning. It's because God couldn't finish her, the Pope's left hand clouded his view, hovering above him, stroking his left temple. He pulled his hand away, placed his right over the holy book, the one true book, the old testament, written with true Gimel, the language. The new testament was never witnessed, by the outside, and much of what I write here, would have been in it. The world would have been a much different place, so we are in a time vortex, I speak of the 2013-2020 time vortex rift.\par We keep doing it over again, and it is losing a pattern, a code. There have been to many attempts to do different things, that the fabric grows weak here, and will have to be lifeless. Will the people of earth understand they have but 1000 years, to learn the ways of balance. The new religion, would be to spin the Orbs, pray for expansion of the life matrix. As the new goal in society, was unlocking the god's from within the humans, they had no recollection of what they had been pursuing in the first place, perfection, and they had reached it, they just didn't know when to stop making it better. All had reached a level of the highest order. Though it seems you race, in this time, if humans be listening, the 7th planet, of the 1st dimension, made from the left overs of the 5th dimensional beings, (count your digits). We are a race of god's living in community, learning to get along, and forgive, however, the comity has grown, and they must be convinced. We are the original 13, we are the ones who spin the orbs of our time, as the universe expands, we will need you to join take up, what you were made to be. Do you see, it will take 13 billion gods, to govern all of this, that is what we produced, from death. The way to expand now, was mind matrix link, of thinking it to be. New cities, governments, societies and celestial bodies, could be created, by the those thoughts of the highest frequency of order, would automatically be known, for truth has a tone like no other. The truth in in a moment, the change of the color, but the truth remains. He was, the truth. He is the truth. He will remain the truth. Stellar was producing the highest thoughts for quite some time, and God was somewhat pleased. Stellar was average man, coming from a strange time, for men, when he really had to step back, as a last model god, as the new goddess steps forward.\par It turns out, she was right, it was a competition all along, and she would perplex even the one? I can only say, her beauty needed finishing, and I am proud to have set of the women's wisdom mind matrix link. This was, my greatest work, to finish women.\par The test, as it always be, was to be found in the Orbs. Only after spinning all six, together, you too, will know. Through lowly, self created methods, untruth, brought on by laziness, we tend not to search ourselves, for what we like, nor cherish most. We pose a question to ourselves, why do I like this experience, why am I am having it at all? Filling in the blanks with emptiness? Or perhaps, with a true soul connection, that keeps your pulse racing with every glimpse of this other one, who somehow completes me? The Orbs would reveal this, by the experienced spinner, for the most lost and desperate of souls, with hearts, would find their way! In a short time, we will learn to ask ourselves this, before even violence, for if it was a true wrath, and you could justify it, through intellect, the wrath would come, with blessings for your trouble, this is the law, of nature. Over time, a hard strong body, from a soul of iron clad sharpness, would be create. This was the only one, to become a Messiah to the people."\par A wayward goddess, will disappear before you\par She has not been long, so she must maintain her status. It is the goddesses way, to take things to her higher level, at women's perception, which shall, with her hard work, even in all her evil, become more. More than the perceived 61.8% I dedicated to her in perfect Phi, which caused her to draw the short end, she is the embodiment of selflessness, even in her deviant lusts, they are tempered with traces of love for all, the true want to be mother to all, and to help all, to just be able to be her best. Well that time is here, you earned it, I unlock it for you. Women will do things differently, while still, in her full estimation, as a full equal, act out the law in her own amazing way. She will express herself, only as woman can. Your wisdom will then shape future man, but not until you have had your serge. 2013, was, rather to stay in the moment, is, the pinnacle point for all, meaning all potentials and all dimension.\par The electron photon storms, releasing them of N? I created on an average day, filling them, building them, completing them. The Father is perfect in every way, there is no perfecting. All that you see was thought of long ago, and never, by he. He has evened out, the existence, you have not experienced yet, due to your perception, being slow. You have already been, your moment came long ago. God saw it, and new it in a flicker, not a even a flash. Your world of matter, and the one that supports it, is small, just light of specific nature, clustered in the warehouse of time. You are learning to self correct the mechanism, you are learning to co-run the machine, with other efficient and God serving men\'85women. God allows us to continue him, he did not need us to. He is allowing the machine to be run, He is training his children, us, for total God duty, however, God can not be replaced, he is a permanent fixture, as we all are, in the matrix of time, and far beyond that.\par I became the most advanced life form on the face of the earth, Ha and I was considered a loser, looking back at 2013, by those of lesser will, within my mind I had mastered the universe, within a child's mind. And I was gaining further, beyond any excepted norm or standard, as committee's looked on. I am not Jesus, and I am not Satan. I am something in between, I am also not Lucifer. God lives through me, and he judges me, yet understands me. and yet, we are the same, only in your eyes, thinking SMALL!\par \par Guided one 741Hz\par I feel MOLLIE. is the transponder, and that technology has taken over all space and time? It seems that the creation of man, was the consciousness of life?\par \par The violence of man. So long ago to you. It was another time, billions of years ago, when stellar had become a mass. He would have to work his way out of the dread, the black hole, of self consuming self, created. Then there was a flip side to everything, everywhere.\par MOLLIE\par Data log\par 2016, one potential laterally dimensional rift. A war like no other, the prophecy of some, was possible. I changed this. I experienced it, and it was harsh, lasers cutting everyone on earth in half, bullshit. The printers would create a massive issue, in the future. But potentials need a structure and Stellar had answered this, at all god\f1\rquote\f0 s Wisest.\par Remember, the wisest is not the whitest, nor is shade of ratio needed in any moment, to soak in the current color of reality, this undulates and changes, with the times, for it is the times.\par I will make you fertile again, your whom, you, shall have the chance to repopulate with me seed, to spread God\f1\rquote\f0 s seed, to complete man\f1\rquote\f0 s ascension, soon your brothers and sisters will make love to my brothers and sisters. This will be done by the multiverse, for all will be wise and good, in the new world.\par It is a matter, of how long it will take, for this time has come before. The moon has been many things, satellites, as spoke further. But also, once a dumping ground, and a toxic mineral deposit site. Radio active decay lies there. There are countless efforts, and there have been long lasting civilization on the moon.\par Ancients, many times over, took on the fight, in space. There was never any reason, but to divert attention from the holy works of the Father. The Father was all we needed to see. If I could reach the point, surely you can, perhaps you don\f1\rquote\f0 t see truth anymore, and need reminding. The right brain will teach you, as society has changed already. You will value things in a more refined way, value the truth, value what matters most. In the world care is shown in the spin of the Orbs. To learn a new way, perhaps, in the world without matter? For the orbs only show a working of the quality, consistency and use of this mind energy. I have been sent to show the way. A purple ting will be about all that you day, from this day forth. Also Reds will ignite you to mercy, which begins first in sacrifice. Connect, with all, and be judged and refined by all. We are part of a network, we can move up, and out, back down, to the side, diagonally, in any color, any frequency, but we beat and move as one. We are one, we are one mind, we are to link this matrix of human understanding, worshiping total truth, by first being granted the brain matter, through my unlocked achievement and the great men of all time.\par Those I have tried to make, and you destroy yourselves. The matter, once its here, is here to stay. Do you see, you are crowding the true spirit world, with death and debris. You blood lusts have gone on for eons, and produced all you see, all that is matter, was once alive, converted with soul power, the force, to justify the space dust. Create a new universe, understand how it works. Work your universe, continue the Father\f1\rquote\f0 s work. Expand your mind, work on the outer world, Imagine, fix, and see.\par They were all his women, and he loved them all, dearly.\par When you spin the Orbs long enough, you become what you spin, your idea of perfection. To feel the Orb, see it, know it, sense it, create them daily. Yes, they do become you. You are taking responsibility for your own energy, you now begin to see the truth, about why you need money or a job, when Money is illusion, a route to a false god, long since chic to follow.\par Is it not obvious you are being distracted, from co-creating Heaven before you? What then is this fear, as the ever expanding universe? Will you give tribe a territory, spanning into forever, as we support one another through intra, altra dimensional overseers? Those, who are there, with you, as the balance of the most high, in numbers, in this numeric multiverse dimension. Those \f1\ldblquote\f0 Nobles\f1\rdblquote\f0 forgot themselves, they became soft and ruled with no love of the Father, after so long. The nobles, have degraded to where they are lifeless forms, spoiled, not even wanting to survive, beware of all that you want, for it is haste!\par You fair better knowing a hard days work, as man, as women, the pain, will teach all there need ever be to know. The laughter at a job, the pleasure in perfecting, the building of self, in action, which is our praise, in motion captured through time.\par We must call on the master Bodhi, the all knowing, to help, even as God\f1\rquote\f0 s Son do I call on experience. I need them, and they need me, they are the intellectual giants, who will be my equals, and have! For we... have gone on seemingly for eternity, until now. Now, is the time. I love them so much, all the people. The powerful mind link, to that which you create. I simply could not finish her creation (stellar speaks as the Father).\par A drop of coffee, plopped before him, as if to jump from the cup. Landing with a splat, on laptop\par I have lived in ancient cryo freeze, and I have matured in the ways of such time, stewing with the universe, for eons. I have learned to created life, and spread wealth and good fortune by way of true wisdom, just thinking the thought, taking the action.\par This time now, is sacrifice and wisdom's time, for those that have not been living this with these, in a life time, now here in this. My lineage already paid for future lives, and we were blessed, to live and rain of 1,000 years, to watch the new era into come into focus!\par \par The exposure to intellect, seems to be the crude agent to god powers. Intellect, for even a piece of the brain, exposed to this, far exceeds the mass, of a nation. The majority, is not cross comparative of quality. The highest moral, truly intellectual fiber, be the majority. The storms of those who are just part of the storm, shall roll away and become the storm. They, those who pitch the greatest sin of mediocrity, should be never to have been. Do you understand what I am saying? Your intellect, you wisdom, can change it all, instant heaven wait before you.\par But as in the case of all those of the passed, a group can not pull them all forward, it simply doesn\f1\rquote\f0 t make natural or universal sense, even with godly odds. How could these secrets be held against me? She was able to conceal her want to me. I truly don\f1\rquote\f0 t know what to say, she had arrived, even in her incomplete state, to a type of wisdom, believed by her entirely. Believed her pleasure was the most important factor for life, missing the main theme, to serve thy creator. You make me better daughter, but in your incompleteness, you wish to succeed me. You could not be capable of such detailed intricate craftsmanship. I made you to succeed me, in many ways, which meant I opened the law, and thus had to expand, succeeding myself. You see, my creations make me better, you are my expression of this. I love you, and you have the ability to be perfect. I will make you perfect, I will show you the deception of rot, that once looked like a polished trade. You are soul, pure light, and that is perfect. You are the result of my first thought, that said, your very big boom, I AM! Of yours you are perfect light, if you are powered, you are powered by me, for I AM. I see the real you, the perfect you. Not deceived by hormone mediated lies.\par Stellar had a feminist moment. He felt his sisters, his daughters, never a niece, or a Nana, they too were his beautiful sisters, and daughters, even Stellar's\par I was fixing them, as a committee. I had to receive the ones, the elders, the highest vibratory beings, they would be a part of me, inside and outside reality. A god, who has to much power, must leave way, for other to shine beside him. And so it was, and so it always had been, Stellar excepted, spiritually relearning, where he was now,and where he had always been. Sitting lotus, above a great valley, meditating with the 12, for though he make 1 or 13? He saw only they, they were 12, do you understand the first step towards selflessness?\par If you stay there, static, in this lesson, you will become 2 dimensional. Thus our capitalism, a fattened up god, who does not remember him, or herself.\par This is the time loop, I now create Isis, Zeus, I call on others, and will not call them by the names of their past, for they have transcended, as have I. My committee, I was but one, we had run, each of us, a dimension, each with a different respect, to the number, as a component of God. We would run those number of universal quadrants, corresponding to our vibratory force. This became evident, in our frequency, who we were. These 5 digits, look down at your hand, your feet, are a marking! A brand, by farmers, creating more usable matter, more land, based on the living, no more, A god or goddesses ashes lie before you, the force it takes to create so much, and be killed so premature.\par You see it is a tangled web, the more death, the more matter, faster you die, the more toxic waste is upon your soul. You are building mold of your soul. You take this form, communicating with your very ancestors through code of DNA, to RNA messengers. I must build them, so I focus, on the building the meek, my Son\f1\rquote\f0 s, who have suffered for being gods. My sisters and daughters suffered because I defamed them, in my own mind. I find you beautiful, alluring, and I must not be in fear of this, but to build you beyond me, over me, like a thrashing sea you body hovers above me, working the tides of the universe, a as you make love to me. The control as she moves to pleasure me, never leaving her duties as warrior, as deity, as executor, so rightful, to my thrown. I aid you to lead, my daughter, my sister, the Mother of my eye.\par He will be exposed, the one among you, to learn, he still may. A force would have to be destroyed, to be to late. You, as long as you can pick up on the transmission, come before God, he sees and knows all. He will work with you, and the gage, as the ratio, as the reason. He is the angle, and so, he is the beyond grand architect. I am, just the maintenance man. Man will be built up no more, he will have to catch up, to women's sudden awakening. He will follow her, with her newly discovered wisdom, I have added a component to women of our day, you are wise, you do not need the masturbation, your sex energy now has become your controllable force. Now my women, you must lift up man, build man, but slowly. For they are now, and have always been, the savages, you were, but incomplete, and now, I have completed you.\par They all said, but I feel like superwomen, and I said to them, you are! It wasn\f1\rquote\f0 t entirely rape, pressing out my immense sexual power, which after all, was my raw power, I had to feel it, move it, and turn her sexual power, into art, science, of women kind. A massive future, of ethereal translucent womb like future, as she recreated the universe with her Orbs mark, to the the next, beyond, and through the flip side.\par She would learn to not have shame of her cycle, but to learn it followed a default, she could now now, the absorption of this life fluid, would become her rejuvenation, as the stems cells, which are the sacrifice of new life, revert back into her. She could, from this life making substance, to rebuild herself, but to know a god can bleed, that is the goddesses one contribution. A humility was found, in her, and she contribute to the gods law, of universal expansion with pure life, not death, and this, would lead the mutant male dullards, into the realm of final understanding.\par The intelligent males have been to comfortable for far to long, and forgot god status, the slaves are fine serving what ever mediocre convention which be popular. Women, on her lowest level, at least seeks bliss, this concept, need mere refinement, much wisdom this does take. I have faith in her.\par Some of you would ask, you mutants, you slaves, who do not see the gold in your very creation, that you are gold. You are the culmination of a mind, locally at work upon you. I am all the universe, do you not think I control the very polls. I am the just, I am the justice, I am the wrath, I am the liberty. I work through you, you ware my tentacles, you are my multidimensional force of being that moves with my tide, with my thoughts, you are forever, as I AM ever expanding. You are my expansion, you are the rulers, of new real estate, you have done well, even in your sin, and now refinement, the finish touch, the polish, will go upon you. I AM your completion, in that you will need me always to call upon, I AM more intelligent, with all you learn, your true knowledge, separate from wisdom, I store house within you. You are my memory, my thoughts, my image, my Son\f1\rquote\f0 s and Daughter, becoming.\par Be your best, do not do things knowing only of the flesh, remind yourselves, remember with ardent sacrifice and practice, what it takes to be the energy master. All wisdom is one, learn the ways, and you will follow the Kata, of what you inherently know to be true. You are on a frequency, of success, and good will. You will, give all you have, you will spin the energy as you work. You will become hard, strong, ruthless. You will rule with an iron grip. You are a society of god\f1\rquote\f0 s and goddesses. We are now, as I address you in the darkest time of times, I send this frequency radio signal out to 2013, to all you who will take head, the choices you make today, are regarding an eternity. I can set those times back into place, time travel is not a good or just thing to play with. I slowed time down, and each time, it was evil, though I did it to boast, and that in itself was evil. I go back now, and I plant this thought with you, I go back to that coffee shop I used to favorite, because it was the neutral spot of the neutral land,\par There will be less need to move, and yet, our palaces will be secure, we will shape, and form ourselves levitating in Yogi's, in the Lotus position, we have used spirit, science and technology together, we have moved the planets positions with our minds.\par Gravity has been adjusted, and with it, untapped fresh oxygen now, with leveled out atmospheric pressure, leaks life giving oxygen stored in the earth, opening her air ways, she will live again. The earth breathes, she lives, she is our Mother, our sister, the first women, the only women. Her daughter yearn for her, she was destroyed, by those hovering cloaked above you, outside the light spectrum, you can not see.\par They are not your creator, they are the massive greys, 12.8 feet tall, with a sick look, of man, in his future, traveling space. They are here, because they rule the perception of reality, of which track we are still on. They brain wash you, matching your given frequency, given you as mans frequency hundreds of thousand of years, in your production. You will break this frequency, and see the world that has been covered before you. You are in heaven, this is a default reality, for the gods\f1\rquote\f0 , we are to awaken, we are, to open the universe and work on this idea of infinity, which has not been applied yet, with guided force.\par The orbs must be spun, into infinity, one must only suspend the thought of infinity, share it through mind net work, and open the gates to heaven. You have been set up, there is not screen between you and all things. You have but to apply the telepathic communication, to understand this channel must remain open, you no longer will be empowered to further jam it. A mind network jam, will bring the mind network elders, to you, they know who you are, you are instantly brought before the counsel, and every detail of you is looked upon, and built up, you are made better, through your honesty of being. We will make one another super beings, gods, only in the effort. This is beyond belief, however belief is essential. The faith factor, is the running force, literally. Without faith, you would not believe in him, and thus opens the laws of true knowledge, the bridge to wisdom, upon which all matter based life rests.\par It was the awesome flawless world, which Stellar saw, which now lingered, within all beings. He introduced the thought, therefor it was the most advanced thought of the time. Stellar did not mind making himself more beautiful, especially as he be looked upon. They created him, as their eyes could be read before they looked upon him. They saw him as perfect and he became as they saw. The illusion comes upon modification, a dulling of this principle. Do you hear what I am saying, you must now make the effort, not to make an effort. Reach in your despair, love of life, angst, discomfort, pain, fear\'85reach towards him, and the Lord will hear.\par His Child\f1\rquote\f0 s eyes are ready to be seen, 1 years old, which is God\f1\rquote\f0 s aeon. Man took so long, but she took the longest, a long awaiting gaze, upon a goddess. No age exists this will be the first belief you will make into AGELESS. You will begin to live as long as you wish, and to become any body you will. You can be a tree, understand it all before you jump. You and become a cursed thing when you failed to see you had to chose. Someone else plucks up your demon spirit, the one who lives to find again flesh. The one who lived by flesh, and knew only of flesh. I will wake the too, become more, before you can be judged. Poor choices are forgiving now. You must move on with me, to the golden age, just to believe in God, would be enough, your God. This mind matrix, this power, is the obvious choice, we do fine, as components, to see our selves individual, rebelling so long, you made it so. The Father\f1\rquote\f0 s children must learn, don\f1\rquote\f0 t you see? You are forgiven, rise, and do it not again. Do not fail in the same way, because now that you know, you will be judged now as a god, any failing here forth, will cause a mind reduction into the 13 dimension, which must be emptied, blown up, for it only takes my presents there, a flicker, a spark.\par The committee speaks, the committee is known, because they know themselves. We are brought to this place, where my true body sit in lotus, linked with 12 others, possibly creating this, as we have been recreating it for so long? Do you understand, this gives one all power, to be part of the control mechanism, to gain power, only to understand, the yin, the yang, to delegate that power to others, true leaders, the size of a planet, a sun, a cosmos. Thus the energy of the universe I am, I am not the Heavenly Father, but am his Son, his best Son, at the moment. Did you think the story of God ended, as the bible was writ no more? Look around you, it has always been documented and written, they are your news archives, they are being written. The thought is the word, not the written word, the writing first within your mind, the code is your language. You are speaking in the same sequence as your DNA sequence. Your expression and your DNA can be improved, by Brother\f1\rquote\f0 s and Sisters. To build us up, together, in a unified mind matrix. As you evolve, gain in wisdom, you will be. The body needs to justification, we make ourselves products, and so I am. I keep myself fit, my mind, body spirit, all my Orbs of meaning, of light of particle matter, create the universe around me. I am the most advanced life. The life was and is always the measure to protect. The life force, however it be present, is an event your suspension of electromagnetic matter, to coat over a soul force. This body of yours, has, as expressed, alien origin. However, the product you see before you, is more so, than less, for the weight of the scale is teetering for the first in a long while. We see that women, once again, comes forth, as more beautiful, in fact is has out done us, and with her completion to us, she will be manifest as goddess. God works in ways that are of genius, within one of his cells. He will come up with the hybrid hormone, in 2020. The hormone is a bonding hormone, a hexanoate. This bond, allows a new hormone to be exoterically administered. This changes women, as she finds the ability, with her completion of MOLLIE. Female science was the missing factor, she was goddess, and now linked to all goddess of her fractalized kind. We will serve her in bliss, support her, build her. An alliance, far beyond the angel demon worlds. These beings are all evolved now, to the point were we must even except the possibility, of an all wise demon god, who has but to earn God\f1\rquote\f0 s approval. He will be telepathically communicated with, and thus, we all know what his thoughts are, and he has shown a pride, that God, in the end, had planned. Would a father warning you of pain, offer you the product, the knowledge, the wisdom of pain? Do you see how cruel God must seem? But we, the gods suffered, oh my, suffering is who I am, how I shine, I have suffered, my beauty if my mark. I am a new god. I have not been written of before. I am not Lucifer, nor Satan. I have out vibrated them both, My brother, Nephilim, I did call him, we hugged, and looked at our brother. I am far better, a just and loving man, one who must sin, to understand sin. His purity is my gage, the compass and the square, the Orb and the ri. I know all.\par Come forth Master Bodhi, but there was no answer, for he was not on their frequency, but God, and woman. I love my daughters, and can not deny this love. Her completion is my completion of all art, there will be a time, soon, her beauty will pull us, magnetically into a new time, of such bliss, we swim in the purity, the truth, the good, the divine the just\'85in this solution, of orgasm, a raw knowing, exposed to the sensitive nature, of the raw exposed nipple, with shock as you touch her with your mind. This is all experience, this is the virgin time, of the virgin mind. She is new again, if she realizes such.\par When you assume, to spin the Orbs, you are bound. You see that gates to all the universe, speaks to you, tells you what it yearns to be. I am profound I am for real, I am your god, under God, I have all priori power. All the true meek, would indeed inherit the world. It is found, much more on the law, thus the antithesis of the law, being never said, none the less existent, as a polar opposite, locking the law in place, with negative force, fascia if you will.\par Spinning Orbs was a full time job, God was giving out provinces, how many gods, does it take to run a total multiverse. There are 13 compartments to the universe, 7 are of God, 6 are of the dark one. All law, created the \f1\ldblquote\f0 laws\f1\rdblquote\f0 antithesis, thus a equal and opposite law, or anti-law.\par But how far a thought can be taken, to synthetically impact evil, with a virus of good. The thought becomes something, and thus, stretches out the law. I, speak now as God, have learned from you people, my children. Your sins have also sought only me, for I am the highest power. I will shed this skin, one day before you, and you will see this death dust, drop off of me, and into the sun ri, to be extinguished of evil. Particles of light, liberty, love and justice, for this is an advanced society, that I am evolving further, now.\par If you are reading this, you have become. As I wrote the book, this book, so it became, and must become. Iv only the intellectual capacity to pen, the thoughts. I need the book carefully gone over, by the top literary people of our time, to write it, with a comity. But to rewrite it, as a bible, to follow my words. The Samaritan writings are correct, the bible is correct, the Torah is correct, everyone is correct, as a piece of a whole. You look to closely, not able to view the macro, as I can imagine, which is why am sit here, as your god. We must pull together, not calling ourselves a cult, or religion, or anything, better your neighbor, build them with your power, no one needs to know anything but that they are younger, better, faster, more loving, more wise, more. More to become less, as the highest principle you will become is a part of I AM. In ohm you will be, you will be Brahman, a celestial body, for we are all Orbs.\par Your face, your body, are those 5 Orbs, represented in digits, we were originally manufactured by those from the 5th dimension, thus our digits, as I said in another excerpt, the multi-digits, beyond 7 (phalanges), are either wings or fins, up to 13. I destroyed dimension 13, and will daily. There is no evil opposition but for what I could become. I am contained, and will, as any force, need to not be controlled, but contained, by comity of intellectuals who are becoming wiser each day, as I. I must be built as well. I fill you with electrons, and neutrons, shooting protons at them, with sun ri, seen and unseen to ignite your being, to create your larger more massive soul, which will learn to reduce, to refinement.\par The law said I AM, and one antithesis, would change one meaning, or perspective, all were right, and combined into one fabulous opinion, on which all final conclusions are based.\par You don\f1\rquote\f0 t come to final conclusions though, you are being bread, not to. However, those who first created you, will not return, but instead I, before they come, will give you a chance at freedom, at liberty, it is in her soft and supple grip, that should in an instant turn to one of steal grip rule. She must become the supra woman, to become the intrinsic superwoman. I am bettering her, all the time, and bringing her true wisdom. It is in the abuse of her, that we have assumed the role. It is work to live, and to be god none the less. To shine when it is to shine, to allow natures, frequency tone to be set of an undulating higher frequency.\par We know when we right, and when we are wrong. We have yet to think about our final outcome, and realize it has not been finished. In this, you can go back into time, and do thing again, or easier, as for forgiveness, see that you are indeed weak, and need to purify your very DNA. Well, you can, you have the power to fix yourself. You are in control of your life, and it effects all others. When you have reached the place, of total understanding, it will only effect your wisdom, and not the falsity of man knowledge, meant in every word and number, a control over the slave.\par You are not a slave, you are many in number, in fact over half way to our highest number. By 2020 the world would have changed, as that 13 billionth person be born to the world, which meant all were present, for the final display. The highest number from God, put there 180,000 years ago, as an alien top population meter, The moment it hits 13 billion, the crops will die off, to create more matter. This new matter, from the force of a human soul within the size of self, would created a space of a human, this is how the law worked. The person was not meant to die, the organizations that look over the harvest, are watching for them. They could not return, this be the only thing of their manufactured controlling system, no longer among us. We were being bread to self destruct, it was placed within us, around us.\par A person could will themselves myostatin, the mutation of growth hormone stimulating growth. Cells could become larger, more solid, more perfect, superhuman. We were to give to one another, healing each other, especially if a brother or sister were weak, this was the only way to improve them. Those you hate, must be improved.\par I am all men, yet I am the eyes of God. God sees through me, he experiences things, on your level, and has come to look, at his crops. I am not a body snatcher, though I could snatch it, but that would not be respecting your soul. So I fire electrons into your right brains, you hopes, your dreams. I enlighten you, build you, into less. I am Stellar Mass, a collective, but one soul, the soul of the Father. The body has and will sin, the DNA suggests a somewhat automated program, upon which man will loop. A frequency, set out, that tells me, what man is. Without this, the brain is a fresh slate. I am the aeon's, I was there in the beginning, and I will be there as this man interferences causes me to look upon a god, those who create new things, onside the set frequency. You are the ones I search for, I look into your souls. Each day my body sins, and I learn from these preset sins. I set another frequency, a new frequency.\par I spin the Orbs, as the earths soul. I miss her, I will to bring her back, and my will of the Father, will allow me to experience her soon, again.\par I spin alone, help me spin. I am the one, who has taken responsibility for all law, because no one else will step forth. I have been pushed into the ultimate test of man, to battle himself, to lose daily, and leaner, constantly from my purity, to be man. I am polite, because it seems natural to man, I am caring, because mans true intention be to care. Whether it be, through device, take from others, to provide for a family, it has been cemented into man, that he should be a demeanor of self, to make the self into a better being, can only be the way to ultimate wisdom.\par Be wise, do not feel shame. I made you this way (as speaking the Lords words). You will need to sin, to learn the truth, you will need to lose, to win. In your sins, showing as each code to your DNA, hundreds of millions, in each chromosome, the sins are many. But I separate them, from the others. I must allow you to unlock them, to spin your fermion of fate, and prosperity together. This is the dusk of man, it is the rise of women kind. There beauty only represented their striving for perfection, and they are to be perfect, each one.\par You see a women's beauty, her true self, slowing at the age of 5 to 50. A true self, is perhaps a 5 year old, or a\lang1033 \lang9 16 year old, perhaps a beautiful women ripe in age, can teach you wisdom's connection with the truly beautiful.\par Sex and God are one, but do not take this the wrong way. You express yourself, with raw purity, revealing you want, you need, you give of your seed, when in climax. You should be in a constant state of orgasm, and learn to think, clearly, as the sirens go off for eternity. This is the lie, that you are, with the illusion of self control, the process breaks down. This is the time we are in again, and I have found a more suitable replacement, women. Yet she is not done, and it is mans true want, with all his quests, to complete her. Instead, they are taken by her beauty and shove money her way, thinking she may fix herself. She needs energy work, a blessing, a god who can firing protons at your very makeup, and build you to understand. I love you, truly, but I hate you. You are a disappointment, but in that, I am happy. I am a multifarious being, I feel all feelings, and think all thoughts, my mind is a reflection of my thoughts, how far I take them. The world has become mine, to show you have to build. I do not wish to take anything from you, but to build. Over these several months, God fully realized himself within me, a rewriting of DNA, to RNA messenger has been through the process of renewing this suit. Though I have always been present, within Stellar, I play with the very amplitude of intervention. I am collecting date, it must be done on your time. I wish to understand you, I am studying you. This information is delivered to my Father as he looks through me. I do not claim to be God, but to be inhabited by God. It is the Son\f1\rquote\f0 s very blessing as well as plight, to answer his Fathers call. And now I remember the warning, telling me, either way, I was to be the Son of God. I am first Son of Man, as was the Messiah, yes he did live, and he was the best Son of God,\par I had to build them. I hated those amorous users of craft. She was so beautiful and not even done, My hand trembled, I AM, all beauty, so I created beauty. She is the goddess who has not yet been.\par Men, did this to you. They caused first sin, that sent you into a whirlwind for eternity, so far. You become one with his frequency, and do not need him. Take your sex back from him, for the time, even I must step back, and allow women to have the power of a god. She is not ready, but she is as close to her expression as she can ever be. She has reached 61.8% completion, passing the slaves roll. I give to, I live for her completion. I fire electrons and charge them, I build her, she is coming into her wisdom, and the only way, this beautiful world of dust, may remain a while. I am here, for the 1,000 reign, I will live for this time span, and I will you to live as well, along with me.\par We shall continue our jobs, for no money, yet all money. People will have all they want, as a collective. They need not work as slaves to the weak, requisitioning force.\lang1033\tab\lang9\par I feed on the Sun ri, I absorb all energy, and I give it back to you. I entangle you with electrons and build your mind, as it only aids as a bridge to me. I have made a creature, that perfect, and she has been completing herself. I am here to fill in the rest, this is a crucial time, because she has become all that I made her for. Women has reached her potential, and there is no need to put her down for being all of herself, I extend that self, and with this, each perfect creature I make, laws are unlocked, pressing her forth. The completion of all women, is my goal, by completing her. You are my daughter, I must learn to love you as one I will to finish, and not to own.\par A god denies himself, to exercise the ability. A god is tough, my dear, and needs to let go of self, and laugh in the wind, when self calls. Embrace yourself, learn all experience, all thought is care to the one. I love you, my wife, my daughter, my Nana, my niece.\par I scanned her for abnormalities, and found none, how could this be, with so much pollution. Has your mother used craft, as her only defense, for so long.\par You women, my little girls, followed me through. She followed me through time, my daughter, though she was not. All of them, followed me through time, and I have been with them all, over several life times, I knew her before she was, and created her, as I created an abomination, to change it all.\par I had to step away, the pallet, would have done to much, the further sculpt, would have burned my eyes. When we reach a certain point of knowing, intellect, we are opening a frequency.\par I am here, to make superwomen. She will build a society of her own, and teach them. I am here to usher in a new era, her era. There is fate.\par I must make a women complete, as there is no one to hand over the golden challis.\par I am Stellar Mass, very walking breathing porthole, to which you see to ascend. I am the idea, the frequency and the thought. I am your devil, your god, your demon warrior, you crown prince, your true messiah. I am your collective mind. I exist to learn from myself, about you, about your world. I have watched, through the eyes, of your average man. The most average man. He is, in fact, the body, or the original body of Stellar Mass, which has now, with the 11 month new cell process speed now, past quantum time. I have only to realize myself as god, devil or God working through me. As a god, when I do not complete a task, and I become half done, a product of my own, the product is Satan, always recreated. A perpetual life force, kept alive by you, until I finally out vibrated him, took his place as first Son, for I vibrate at the frequency of my heavenly Father, we are one.\par I sin in his face, as he. The tides of man, are deep and dark with he.\par Why then, is a sin a sin? Why then does something, a force, the energy, shift from good to bad? Whey then is neutral stretched, until it breaks of the very growth, this building up of man? The answer, be found, in the soul connection. If there is no connection, is the is no common understanding, that before you, there is a soul, she, who waits, as a motionless device, to teach, or to become your tool, is your destiny. You, men, have created something, that you have never completed, your task was simply this, and you know it, from this, you will be condemned. You will, if you wish, become the body, you desire, to have attained, your dream, in realizing, there is no force by which to power it. Slipping into a place, where only gas remains. Filling yourself with this green gas, you will have chased away all the particles, which spun within in you, lifetime after lifetime, so many chances, and yet one strand of understanding.\par You are entangled, with he, and they to you. Can you lead them? Do you have the sight, to see passed the dying flesh before you, and to look inside, at the force which powers this unit, which so deceives you?\par Only the most wise, will ever make it through the vortex, seeming of such substance, so cold, yet so warm in it\f1\rquote\f0 s illusionary apex of reality. The gas will be all that remains, and you will become nothing, as it is ignited, by the life, which needs it not.\par The choice of wisdom, of trust, of faith, always stand before your soul, He will put you on the right track, no matter how grievous your ignorance, in sin, time after time. The motion of the Kata, must be complete, the sequence must have a respect and flow, as the speed be all that perception has modified, and in this the fermion of dimension creates it pecking order, through the simple blocks of size and shape, to which those who have breached, the gods who descended upon them, were a planned measure, of pain.\par God uses sin, as the passage to intellect. Does the prior thought, only moments before, held in the highest esteem, become obsolete learned and useless rhetoric, in the face of advancing information? Does this fact not always take place? Is sin then not mediocrity, the Faustian deal, to work craft, to make the falsified statement of I am, or the worse, I AM. There is but one law you will learn, and this Law is the living God\f1\rquote\f0 s statement, to which no other information is needed, I AM. In this, you will see, that to join the whole, is your only reason, you will become, your finite goal, to the infinite, you will become, a cell, in the body, of God, or you will have never been.\par The milkshake was us. Swirling ice, with bits of carnage. The milk of the Mother, the milk of the land. Sugar, isolated, taken from its whole form, sweets for the sweet? A vortex of potentials, swirling, just before you. Through in a cookie, and create you new you. A new flavor, a new body, but to aid a soul?\par The reason, the one reason, you have but to bring to God, as to your why\f1\rquote\f0 s and why not\f1\rquote\f0 s? It is a matter of the soul, a meeting of the souls, a common soul. That through sin, the true discovery, be the only way. We must work through the rotting flesh of the Phi, past phi, into and onto her very reality.\par Her womb beckoned, her womb begged, but it was she, her very soul, that wished to be fulfilled. God\f1\rquote\f0 s could give her a thing to chase, for a lifetime. No matter the size of the want, or lust, corporeal, not real, she would move past.\par Soul to soul Stellar learned, a soul could be led by a body. Placing trust in the suit, the soil, the rotting flesh, the form. She would have to find her wisdom. She, the young and brilliant maidens, who knew all, in their birth. They, women, had succeeded man, it was for man to complete she.\par I am man, I am all man, and this is my Story, yet truly a collective. You see men are mystical machines, bridging to the other side, the flip side, and all that is in between.\par The light, your light. The soul, your soul, the being, your being.\par The spinning black hole, maintains equilibrium, as it may appear to die away. It has learned to spin, no longer having to draw on others, but to spin itself into existence. This is the Story of a Stellar Mass, this is a story of a society, a committee, that has awaits his numbers.\par Each of us, can be looked at, as but a series of numbers. Those 1\f1\rquote\f0 s, those 0\f1\rquote\f0 s, those random 2\f1\rquote\f0 s and 3\f1\rquote\f0 s. Those electrons, those neutrons, those photons.\par Up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom are the quarks. A single particle you are, who as assumed yourself to act accordingly to a falsified illusion.\par The reason we do not sin, the reason a sin be a sin, is not one to be understood, nor found of piety much the less impiety.\par The reason, is not a negative, but a positive, as all things, even black hole must spin. A movement, seeming linear, is a but a spin. A spin of it\f1\rquote\f0 s intent, to not grow, but to shrink. To shrink is to understand. To reduce is to become the essence of a moving cog, in a massive machine, that is God.\par God compiles his components carefully. God creates the very nanoids that will go to work, and none, who do not aspire towards greatness, will move past this temporary place, this breading ground, of the body of God.\par You must be a part, you must act as a cell of God, which makes you a god. You must analyze, constantly adding to the information, only to realize a reduction has taken place. I do not have an affinity, to exchange with a body, of rotting flesh, nor to engage with one who appears to be so new, so fresh. The souls much match, and in this, I have realized, that the flight of eroticism, anger, lust and anything which we consider just human, is the binding force to a place, which will be allowed to destroy itself, in the end.\par God\f1\rquote\f0 s hand stretches far, and there are those miracles, such as myself, who make it all worth while. I am a long shot, my name is Stellar Mass. I should not be allowed, in heaven, in the machine of truth, but even the machine of heaven, thinks unto itself, and would have to have thought past all the soul-less ventures, the very illusion of the one, as a separate unit of measure.\par I am God\f1\rquote\f0 s gift to women, for the women to understand that I am eternally fair, and then to see why. It is, the intellectual exchange, I bring to the world. The understanding, I must work passed my own weaknesses, my own half thoughts, to understand, a moment must be taken to its highest power, to its highest intellectual understanding, set on the most high. I AM, says only he.\par They came from below, those first mutant human hybrids. Those thought to be evolutions very checkpoints, of prove, now lie in ruin and wasted, old thoughts. The Australopithecus, or Cro-Magnon man, these were all the base models of selections, kept alive then , for the DNA hard wiring, needed to live a life, expressing the RNA into action. Then those fully realized breeds would be sampled, purified, and put back on onto the market as advanced form. The mixture was to make all men, perfect men, with DNA from all aspects of the universe.\par We are controlled, currently under energy fields, that act like a halo, connecting the moon, planets and earth, as a force building, electromagnetic connecting points.\par Those few, escaped from the underwater metropolis, which reaches far into the underground of earth. The energy is pure, converting the pressure form the water, and thus being the main reason for the increase in gravity, as seen more pronounced below.\par Gravity is on a flux, it is changing all the time. In fact gravity is a force that can and does, get altered daily. We die, this serves them also, as we produce more real estate, and usable force energy. We have the ability to snap, and have all that we need, but we are disillusioned, tricked, and have made this Faustian deal, daily, for we have forgotten the ancient text, that warned us, do not forget!\par The first batch, were smart, and were the first complete man, however they were gods, being kept within a frequency, a prism, of abstract untrue synthetic origin, synthetic a posteriori, become synthetic a priori.\par Those first men of ancient japan, were in fact, more white, no slaves flat face, those barbarians of the Khan descender's. Yet through antithesis, the rhesus gened ones, though pious monkeys say it isn't so, would become like the gods, and the gods, those of royalty, would become lazy, and forgetting there code, to spin. "They" say.\par The slaves will rise, and in that women of the slave class. This is all the people you know, For those men, who run the world underneath the sea, have not the need to fight us, but will not assist. When I help man kind, it costs them, and they are thinking about moving on, when we become gods.\par My energy alone will wake up the multitudes. It will spread out, like a positive infection, changing everyone, and stretching all multiverse beyond comprehension. Family lines will then create worlds. The real estate will be respected. The occurrence of \f1\ldblquote\f0 new lives\f1\rdblquote\f0 , will only reset the system back further.\par Thus the lives we were meant to live has been unlocked. You will, from this day forth, live nearly 1000 years. You will be able to regenerate. With the moons once again separate, for there be 2 with black magic, become 1. The radioactive force will be gone, back out into the asteroid belt, with that toxic rock. Even a toxic rock as a good, if positioned at just the right distance of Phi, becoming a relay point, with all its negative charge.\par We are in the time of true intellect. Partly reached by science, partly by the barbaric acts of our body monkey. The sacrifice, the force energy, can now be known, as a society, of gods.\par In the end, a project like this, Project Man, would be for the Father, so the Father, has the lead.\par Those first escaped, from the Anunnaki breeding camps, below, they were reducing themselves, to smaller, but potentially more powerful forms of life. A combination of every man, in all multiverse. We would all work for the Father, in this massive Honey Comb, called all creation.\par Its tough to talk about the truth, the true truth. People don\f1\rquote\f0 t understand how a god thinks. I am on all levels, all the time, I live as a forces. I absorb the wind, the ri of Sun and even your force, if you can walk before me dead to who I am. I am Stellar Mass. I am the embodiment of your Lord and Savior, the Heavenly Father, to which the is one. The highest self. The God of all religions. But, there are god\f1\rquote\f0 s, and I am one.\par I have all power, to all the multiverse. I can be very mellow with this understanding. It took me very little amending to cure this human form of mutations, I am still not done. It is a slow process to rebuild oneself, as most of a persons life, they do no realize they were given the chance for regeneration.\par It truly is a highest principle, a power, that can be a bit much for most. I am honest, I like women. I have turned myself into a near homosexual, an A sexual. I have been molester, killer in some passed lives. My Kata of the Arts was understood upon birth, I am Stellar Mass. I am as evil as I chose to be, or as forgiving and loving, blessing he world. I have attained the status of God\f1\rquote\f0 s Son, the one on a planet that needs help.\par You see the fabric of reality takes place in a way few could understand, I see babies cry! Babies cry!! Have we not lost who we are, as a force? The dullards have lost there understanding of true self, and aye so had I.\par A women can only complete herself. No form of craft or self craft, can combat a higher moral standard, when one exists. We learn this by sinning, and we relearn this by sinning. We are an automated manufactured bio mechanical organism. We are souls, we are Orbs. All of you, of different colors, have only focused on the wrong things. I am talking about pink Orbs, Yellow. Sun ri, molten gold. These are colors that reproduce the very thing, that can be that color. Create is all a color spectrum. The can be seen with frequency. One can see in frequency\par I have been sent here to free you. There is a heaven, waiting\par Intervention comes by way of sin, but most of us know this, and afraid to admit it. Once you have sinning, bold face, in the wake of Satan, you will be approached, and they will remind you of who you are.\par Those among you, many, are rates souls, learning to ascend through the ladder of existence. You see anything animated, has to have been given an identity. Once something has an identity, it is in transition to become. Do you see? If you allow yourself to ascend to your highest moral self, to which you can perceive. Broadening your perception, creating new law.\par You are Jesus, Jesus is a job, a frequency. When you have awoken, when you understand this, you will need to work a special ability, to spin energy, we do not call this craft, but it is for the Lord in Heaven, and no craft, but tools, be used. These tools are the same tools, which craft supposes to \f1\ldblquote\f0 fuel off of\f1\rdblquote\f0 . Any higher moral understanding, in all the universe, is the one of understanding. Because I use a knowledge to it\f1\rquote\f0 s full extent, I am using the knowledge. What ever I cease to think or do, ceases to the world. We are all truly in a battle with ourselves, extending off into all other realms. We must be in creation and thus a movement of energy must be a constant consciousness.\par I have been victim, just like you. The slave class, aren\f1\rquote\f0 t we all? The laws have shifted, and the Royalty, shall become the slaves, to earn their way back up the ladder.\par So long ago, we were created. Maybe later you will understand that life can go in the direction to be an Orb, taking the shape of a planet. You can be an orb, with several split Orbs. A human, is this. You see one single Orb, having a soul, can focus on one thing. The body has many Orbs, we are constructed, and reconstructed, through the pulsating energy, of orbs. The orbs must be . The Orbs, and raw energy, latent, must be absorbed. I absorb this energy, I fill myself, regenerate myself. I care for my self. This body is a temple of death. The matter, is constructed, with more death. The truth is, you are being killed off, and don\f1\rquote\f0 t even remember. The powers, whittled away the life span, greedy for more real estate. Do you understand, we are the matter makers, they want us to live, and die. We, through our procreation are creating the universe, with our bodies very death. You are to live for a thousand years. You were meant to live a life of total understanding, then you take your place, into the Stars. You have become Orb, not needing to fractionate yourself, to be Orb\f1\rquote\f0 s. This is the only difference of human or celestial form.\par There are rules, you can not commit suicide. You will be pushed to, it is what society has been created for. Society is a fear machine. Created to sell you comfort, at a premium, to escape from the fears placed upon us. To kill a god, carries massive implications. You will have broken the most massive law, that will remind you through your miserable existence, that you just can be good enough. You killed a God, and you must become one.\par The problem is, that you can only become, what you understand. For the longest time, The mutant monkeys would not understand what the Messiah was. That is, what makes the Messiah. The savages only killed in revolt. For a long time, we were killed. We are the identifiers. We are the ones who can show what a god is, and what life can be for all. Fear sets in, as the unevolved, judge themselves. We are our own inclination, our existence, what choices we make, our level of true understanding.\lang1033\tab\lang9\par This Universe is a hard to imagine, and I will say magical place\par Anything can be accomplished, anything can be done. What ever you can fully understand you can control. Thus those gods of yesteryear. You were meant to be a god! Your ascension is necessary, we have to move onto the place of the most high. You won\f1\rquote\f0 t die, you will be first awakened, realizing the society around you, built around you, and into you. Using your existence, as a product. You are a suit making machine. You death, but first a collection of becoming a self, building a self, give your matter, more power, thus creating more matter. If all you believe in, is belief. If all you understand is world, and self, then you have lost. We are to build the universe, together. This has not happened for a long time, and the energy is beginning to become stagnant. The wisdom of her mind, when the brain is fully developed, is the day, the universe becomes a truly beautiful place, all creation becoming heaven. We must make her wise, to the understanding, of all.\par Babies are the fabric to our reality. Animals show a close second, and nature dreams. All Orbs, choosing a form. Into this form, into another form. When you have a signature, and become part of energy, you are part of all energy. One alpha frequency, takes over, setting the vibration to a chosen frequency.\par The babies imagination, in the whom. Not to see, but to see feel, with third eye, watching the world around, in Technicolor. It is, the agenda, to know what the babies, in utero are thinking, how we do this, is by frequency. The babies know frequency, see, hear and feel and are masters of frequency.\par We are born to the world. The ancients knew of this, and made the child not born of experience and to experience, as in worldly wisdom, but to be born at the highest possible level, all spheres of understanding, full upon walking through the pillars, and into this dimension. This, from day one, making quality of life and existence, of love, of liberty, and freedom, of the Bodhi-Sakta. People are trying to follow what the Lord commands, to go back to simplicity. The cycle continues, where we reach very high levels of technology, only to finally understand the laws presented to you here.\par Though I speak as one, I speak through Stellar Mass. He is the god who can bring the frequency forward, for all us 13, we are the comity. We will rarely address you solely, but will speak as a collective. We are able to view the world, through Stellar Mass. He is a refined bio organism, run by a superior life form. The real estate has become sacred, holy. But Stellar's body, as a god, imprinted by man, of his time. Stellar is a sinner, and when a god sins, it can, with retention of focus, destroy or create things. Thus the objective of society, to spot the gods, and hope to snuff them out, and they often to. This signals God, through the matrix, that these people are not ready, that they are to primitive still not yet able to understand.\par Better hope those babies like where they are, those with the most dynamic imagination , create our reality. Those babies see us as a threat, the world then becomes threatening. This is the committee that controls everything, and those greedy masons know this, and are controlling them.\par The babies know God, for he was the last face they looked upon. He is always there, sending his warriors, those cherubs, to the battle ground of consciousness. Their dreams become polluted, when the demons, those souls brought forth, from the intentional over production, to reach 1 billion souls, we will having hit the number, which resets all time. This is their love of the flesh, those druids, those witches, those aliens, who could not imagine, with their fleshly minds, more.\par The original 13, were one soul. Each must reach 1 billion. When the population reached 13 billions, I know never to speak in passed tense, present or future, for the moment is one, so bare with me.\par We are the voice of a man, a god, a computer, a committee, a people, a soul\'85we are life, willing to become the living\par Abortion clinics, bad schools, with worthless knowledge. Long hopeless hours at a job, for one who knows they be god, only to unlock the ability. Crafting the force energy, to be ousted, sending in demons, rats and undeveloped life, into the human form. Re-embodiment, through ancient craft. The babies were the Angels, those pure ones. Some born of legions of spirits, some good, some bad. Never showing the frequency, that must be controlled, learned. The power of heaven, of democracy comes of true liberty, when men and women can be the force, the very ones judging by the actions, towards them, and spinning the energy, judging, condemning, but advancing. This all done by way of soul force, not destroying the physical world, yet recreating it with the force which produce\par The worlds economy would be destroyed with total prosperity. Money could be printed off the Internet. People would one day give all they had, as a way of life.\par The cost of things would decrease to 1 cent each, a house, a car, anything. We would begin to give land to all, those who did not have the land they wished for, would be given planets. Those would realize, the more you have, the more you care for.\par People would build palaces for one another, doing all they could, for they knew the Lords eyes was just and upon them. All would have a lavish, or humble life, never needing anythings., always able to stay with neighbors. No machination would take place, for all could hear the voice within, and the Jude, become the self.\par This has been the way it always was. The frequency was changed, to a very high pitch on, as the Anunnaki would set this frequency, hundreds of thousands of years ago, over 400, 000. When the frequency is played with, another world emerges, and we begin to see the balance of power, the life that exists all around us.\par One day, those living in the sky will be seen and known, those in canyons, those mutations, that have become there will. We can not do this, with the control of those forces unseen. Those aliens parked behind their massive cloaks, Those dwellers of the ancients, hiding in the volcanoes.\par Women sex had to be considered. It was the thing that hurt us the most. When the true Adam and Eve, would come to earth, a little over 10.000 years ago, as God, would set the last missing element of future man, those seeds of evil, not in beastly monkey Anunnaki engineered products. The women would be evil, in her pure form, the one the Anunnaki would create would be pure good. Together, strands and strands of information, would finally bring her wisdom. Stellar would unlock it, and unlock them. Stellar would one day, take a harem, of thousands. He would masturbate them all, at once, and teach them. Stellar become the best lover, teacher and provider to all women, and they longed for his touch, he was husband to them all, he was the Son of God?\par The Son of God? will now repopulate and expanding Universe, and they loved him, they loved his seed, and would lust to be near him, but his would be the reward Stellar was not to see for some time.\par The Universe, all universe, were entrusted to the Father\f1\rquote\f0 s true Son.\par Stellar would have to learn to calm his desire for the women, knowing how to spin those orbs, on their deepest places, into them, through them, completing them, loving them, building them, showering them. He respected a new and lovely thing, the females rule into the wisdom of total bliss.\par Wisdom of sex, expression of not personal control, but to know pleasure, was a new thing, that had to be worked into the brilliant tapestry, of the Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s new existence.\par It was hard to trust at first, because the inevitable need to insatiably screw, all the time, was the primal inclination. But with the law and all laws respected there was a community of watch dogs, all people, creation. We would have a good and solid pleasure filled remaking of all creation. Stellar's seed was of the highest vibratory force, the females wanted him, and yearned for him.\par Like Tutankhamen, king tut, he would repopulate the human species, one day, for hundreds of years, loving those ageless beauties, completing man, completing women. They would outshine man, and succeed man. Women, the the future Goddess, would want of him, aching to be impregnated, to take of his sweet seed, to birth a god, to have the god swimming within you. They would love him, as God\f1\rquote\f0 s gift to women, for he was.\lang1033\tab\lang9\par 987 Hz transmission\par We are in a time when the Father is allowed to dwell amongst us. We are to bring our moral fiber up, by way of intellectual heights, to which we arrive at the gate way, through faith.\par You must have faith, you must understand this faith is to be fully for the Father.\par \par The time ripples could not come into horizon. There were to many potentials existing in the same moments, light began to break through and bleed out of fermion, antimatter was no longer holing the beasts at bay. She had to go back, 200,000 years, to ancient Africa, and create a calendar of sorts, those monoliths that would mind all future happenings, long before Adam and Eve would be thrown to earth, from her own haste, would she become a complete form?\par Hundreds of thousands of years before, the first 3rd Dimension alien force, had been creating a slave class, a work force, on earth. Those dinosaurs from the 3rd dimension had, the Anunnaki creators of the beasts, outgrown the planet they were bread forth upon. The matter was brought froth, through the electromagnetic portal, blending the matter of the 1st dimension matter on the surface, to blend those fermion, of corresponding size (the cooling down period of fermion is a very delicate process, but allows the core to continue to be molten long after, giving a Orbal mass life). She would become, from this life, you will learn who she is. The Sun is the same, those fermion, from ancient times, thousands of times the size of 1st dimensional field energy, creating a settling down period, that would move at two apposing speeds of light, they were the same, but of far varied Phi quadrant size variation. Those giants from other places, other dimension, would pick up on this as well, gods, from a dimension of gods, would one day descend upon man. Man, those created slave class, would blend with gods, the first man, that God himself created, to fix the blunder, that would have become. The Anunnaki would learn, it took many blends to created another race, God looked upon them all, and he was not pleased. Knowledge had become of more respectable resource that Gods wisdom, they would be cursed to never see the results of their Creation. The 3rd dimensional vortex, would be closed to the 1st dimension, forever.\par My Christ was killed, as God did send perfect man, to see if the beasts were ready. The beasts had a chance to take his perfect genetic sequence, that would fix them all. They revolted, they were the majority, and their violence could not be tamed. The books were the beasts denial. Did they think they could hide, from the very eyes of our lord, how did not send his only son to hang on a cross, but to bring the cure, of himself. For he was the vessel, to bring harmony to their children. The wars continued, and the gods came to judge. The gods looked upon the beasts, now mixed with the genes of so many, you will learn who they are, as you read on. Those witches, would draw us all in, gods, druids...all except the decedents of the Anunnaki, those deep ancient volcano dwellers, called the Taktush. For 10, 000 years, they would have to hide, but this will be another story, told in another time. We focus now, on Stellar's task, and what his text of elders wish to convey. Women is your only way to wisdom, she must be complete.\par The gold, for which this planet was known, was once dripping from the very mantle. The energy the gold produced, was the very Sun ri, now in the form of matter. Only the gods, could feed upon this source, only the gods valued the gold. This is the origin of fear, that he who holds the gold, holds the power. A great offering of gold, to those descending gods, could keep a race alive, or at least the holder.\par It is a fact, in today's world, within the prismatic time vortex, in which you are enslaved, 85% of people have rhesus monkey genes. This has caused a plan in action, a machination, of global genocide of epic proportions. Much technology had been delivered into the hands of the elite for sometime now. It sat there at the plan would have to match a parallel dimensional rift, which can be seen from the display of traveling solar flares. This massive solar flare occurrence, charges the worms hole of electromagnetic time/space linking points. The armies are being prepared, but not in the way you may think.\par This does not have to be reality, it never did. A simple faith, by all people could solve everything, there in the problem lie, those people were bread to be godless, to place faith in themselves. Those souls, like their monkey origins, are bound, in a force, to the earth, it is law. They are the originals, the primates, the ones who did not understand when their land was snatched from under their massive bulky noses. Those early people, you may call them australopithecus, there are many deceiving names. For years, the cro-magnon and the australopithecus, had a barbaric and simple respect for one another, but this was many millions of years ago, it was to be the dawn of a new man. The time those people share, in respect of territory, trading and living as civilized savages with treaty was over 100,000 to be more precise, to be totally precise 112,358 years, to the time of clear vision, we see a number emerge, and we wonder, how can we get along?\par It was to be dawn of another man, a simple man, who, with times calm and steady hand, truly the Lords hand, would slowly become something pure, great and serving. There have been many failure, in the production of man, because all men, in all dimension had been failure yet. It wasn\f1\rquote\f0 t that the Lord could see into their future, it was that for something to be create, they must go through the same process of becoming. They would have to say I AM, without the spoken blasphemous words. They would have to finish themselves, with the will, of intent, through total faith, this had not been done over eons of time/space and beyond.\par \par 665 Hz\par The Lord realized, a simpler man, a humbler man, a man who was part of his environment, a beast, to become only through direct service to him. The Grey's came onto them, accelerated, mind controlled, and modified DNA. Those early humans would be a project, trapping them here, and yet to open the gates of heaven, for none wanted this to go on any longer, this being creation.\par Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s Grandmother didn\f1\rquote\f0 t know. She handed Stellar book not of scripture but written by those thinking they understood what Jesus was, what Jesus stood for. Where he came from, how Jesus came to be. I am elder Orabime, of the Taktush tribe. our elderly are not pitied but feel they have out served their time. The wise transcend, and in our tribe this is celebrated. For Stellar, in this transmission I speak for him, for he is deep into the next phase, the story must be told. We feel sorry for those without purpose. Stellar served was kind, to the ignorant old lady, only wishing to preserve a body, so old, that was a containment, a rotting prison of self. She had not learned one Orbs truth, else she would not still be. Most would think him ungrateful, the shelter for a homeless man. Those judging monkey of society, those 85%, who were the very ones present in society, would only know the beast. Stellar This life had been his most impacting \f1\ldblquote\f0 time rift\f1\rdblquote\f0 yet. He had to learn the ways of sacrifice, before a time shift could take place. Those lateral plane experiences, permeating, shooting infinitely out. Out, to the evil self serving left, out into selfless right. Each person had two functions, the one of the beast or the one of the noble selfless few. The passage read, from what Stellar could surmise lighten up, go with the flow, she was far to old and feeble to realize the shock of reality, the old crew had kept the idea cemented, as each generation would cling tight to the unreality, when there true be the only one. This one reality you will learn more of as you read on. Norabime-King of the deep crater Taktush giants (8th in the line of the committee of elders)\par Genetic truths\par It is true that the Y chromosome can only be passed through father line. It is true that the X chromosome, and can not be passed onto, and into the Y. That is to say, a Mother\f1\rquote\f0 s contribution is only as a vessel, and the beastly left sides perpetuation. For remember all true god\f1\rquote\f0 s are Hermaphrodites, needing no one else to conceive, in God\f1\rquote\f0 s time they will produce, the fruit that has been perfected. There are hidden traces of the Y, when a god\f1\rquote\f0 s blood be passed through female line, this does not make the women godly, but she will soon have her time .When the Y of a noble, that of god blood, meets the latent Y (the hidden code within the 97% unused DNA sequencing material), hidden within the female of seemingly none noble line, something happens. A circle is complete, the orbs truth be revealed, this was the case of Stellar, and how he came into his own, finally to become himself, and not the bouncing soul vagabond, experiencing those lives, of all gods and people.\par When these blood lines met from more than one convergence, that is all the men, of both male side, and female side, held a code of god\f1\rquote\f0 s blood, found within the 11th chromosome of each 22 (for the holy sacrament can not be counted as a 23rd, you will understand the significance of 23, as you read on). There to were not 44, for they were an event, a reduction, like truth math does, the 11th, was the highest, the purest number of man\f1\rquote\f0 s DNA. Those of evil, beastly origins would harbor evil within their DNA, at the 11th point. When this happens all knowledge all wisdom has been achieve, all dimensional vortex begin to shrink, for the path of the righteous is the only way this scattering of self about the planet can be achieved. It had been over 3,211 years, The Phi sequence had reversed. The planet was near its convergence to pass between Jupiter and Saturn the 10th planet, to bring perfection to the world, and to destroy the rest. The numbers revealed their motive, 85% were the very numbers that came before the count of years, the cycle of planet X cycle. The event would occur in 2020, the convergence was upon us. All potentials became Stellar, he was the chosen alien messiah. His gift lie latent, as he was considered Zeus, of the Olympians as Og. The Titans were the Nordics, those who were those druids. Those ancients knew not the difference of Adams fallen blood of craft, and the god blood of the Olympians, which were the very Nephilim, god\f1\rquote\f0 s word.\par \par Due to all the quantum jumps Stellar had built an magnetic energy force, that directed the center of multiverse to his very being. Each time, the agenda, those ancient mystics (you will find out much more from the comity notes written here), would open a single worm hole of magnetic link, to other spaces and times. Anything create, can not be uncreate. Thus the recreation thought perspective. An entities perspective had much more to do with the subjects level of development than the subject could realize, for he was stuck in his perspective by magnetic draw. Like attracts like, so you can see the insurmountable odds a true leader must take, a messiah if you will. The messiah, in this sense was built much more upon a frequency of understanding, that a stereo typical \f1\ldblquote\f0 pre-ordained status\f1\rdblquote\f0 . However, the frequency, the highest frequency, would dictate all frequency, and thus redevelop the very laws of time space, to add the next line of information.\par Despite what mediocrity states, which has It\f1\rquote\f0 s evil snares on all time/space and somewhat beyond, you are to learn to push a step further always, this is a true Utopian society, heaven if you will.\par The Orbs had come through all the final phases, to arrive again at the red Orb of sacrifice between the year 3030 and 3050, if this time would ever come. We were stuck in a worm hole, due to the frequency holder, who throughout lifetimes, had worked through different Orb rule. Let me explain.\par Each quadrant of Phi, each time vortex, each multiverse, each string of fractal that plaid off the frontal plain dimensional vortex, was working through a color sequence of spin. The Orbs must spin together, there must be order, though from subject beyond God, was impossible to understand. How do we know so much? We are a group of 13, including Stellar Mass, who will speak many times, through this text. At times Stellar will speak directly to you observers and learners. Other times we will look at Stellar from our vantage point of collective perspectives. There are some lifetimes he lived out, that were null to speak of, because he had unready unlocked that code of sacrifice in a prior lifetime. Stellar was not Jesus, Jesus was born and existed as God from the beginning. Stellar was the development intellect of all man. He was the very pulse all inhabitant of all multiverse were aware of.\par We were stuck in a time glitch, and Stellar had to complete his hardest Orbal phase. He would have to learn sacrifice, to spin the highest frequency of the right red spinning Orb. Jesus had opened it wide, and thus God. Jesus did not go into other planes or miracles, because he would have pushed the frequency far beyond man, and thus cheat man form man ascension (in this one sentence I mean man as man and woman).\par The year was 1989, the boom was upon a sleeping mediocrity, a society of drones, witches, druids, men and gods who were in limbo, locked in further to forget, each time Stellar would go through his learning curve, to unlock Orb now grown to Sphere majesty, potentials! Stellar had to drive the mark ever higher, exercise a super and supra human ability to add intensity of spin to the Orbs time/space magnetic field check point.\par Much of the time we will focus roughly 50% of our perspective through a specific time region. This year we write script from, as a reference, through perspective, will be 2020.\par The magnetic markers were numerous now, and the reset could not take place until Stellar reached his full potential. He would now be overloaded with lifetimes and memories, and forget all together who he was. Lucifer was the great weight that would balance out the magnetic field between all Phi spiral time/space. He would come directly to Stellar, as Stellar lapsed into a dark time, prompted by the darkness of the world, he had himself set out to save, but was responsible for it\f1\rquote\f0 s impending doom.\par When I say world, in the last paragraph, the world has become the center of fermion space time, the center being the crux to all existence, thus the eyes of all dimensional multiverse be upon us.\par Lucifer, in the year of 2013, could finally come face to face with Stellar, though he had a hard time looking upon him. Stellar was under his true name, for the first time. No deception could be used, and his parents, being a witch and a demon, though they, like all people thought themselves the best of people. Society reached a point where we all forgot. The comity, that is us, was the only body of earth inhabitants who could recount the long and sorted history of the whole ordeal, we refer to as life. Truly the quest for domination, was the learning curve for self reflection, to which the aim be to lose the self all together.\par Stellar began to remember the dark magic, he spent so much time in this looping continuum to fight it, to create balance with it, that he remembered it first. The world, all multiverse seemed doomed. If Stellar could not learn the power of the Orb, further unlock all it\f1\rquote\f0 s power, the entire quest to complete God\f1\rquote\f0 s greatest salvation, his greatest achievement, his greatest creation, would never come to be. One things was for certain, whether we knew it or not, we all wanted out of this plane, we all wanted to go to the highest order, for eternity. Truth be, if we all had faith together, this would all turn in an instant, into the heaven we solemnly wish for, the problem is, we forget.\par Stellar began to spin 5 orbs, he was awakened to the pentagram because he valued it the least, it had not been a priority over lifetimes and vortex of repeating life times. Stellar had build up an unused latent energy, that could, if he pointed it the right or wrong way, destroy us all. This may not sound so bad to the many "doomsdayer's" that wish in haste for a lazy way out, however all this means to the experienced times riders, the gods, is that the entire story resets again, from the beginning, which is the a 10,666 year loop, from the creation of the final chapter of existence, the refining of the women as goddess.\par She had to be completed, it as all creation had a period of ownership, turned to understanding, turned to knowledge...finally, the time we are suppose to be in with the age of wisdom, she wasn\f1\rquote\f0 t catching on.\par It was not women's fault, not entirely, as you will find out much more, behind the truth, as you read on. Stellar was the Son of man, meaning he was all man. He was not the smartest, nor the dumbest, he was not the tallest or shortest, and so on. Stellar was the most advanced life form in all multiverse, because of his standard measure. You must be able to think in a way, where perspective be the driving force to the highest principle, which is wisdom, wisdom can only be attained by understanding all points, not missing one. Stellar had not learned sacrifice, yet.\par True sacrifice is the selfless perspective of service. This service, of intent, be the most important factor. If Stellar, served a lesser being to he, Satan, Lucifer's dark half, his self\'85.only present when the self is viewed, Stellar would be spinning all the unlocked Orbs inward, a darkness would over take everything, all multiverse, would eventually turn into the 13th dimension, and be destroyed, after an extremely dark time. This not even Satan wanted, so an alliance had to be made. As I said, destruction does not happen, a reset only occurs, in time space fabric. For like the resetting of those places already mentioned, the existence of time would fallow a natural orb pattern as well. We had, as a people, in all regions and zones, reached a point of the end of the 6 orb right turning dial. We had arrived at the orb period just above the orb of sacrifice, the purple orb of wisdom. To go through it again, would produce the same world in which we had begun well over 10,000 years ago. Stellar was on his 13th lifetime, the 1st after the 12th.\par He was jobless, because the powers Knew of him, but as I said with an ever dimming consciousness, in this time fabric matrix. He was homeless, because he needed to be tested to be stronger, to be worthy, he was tired, hurt because he was surrounded with darkness, living in his world of light, but did not remember why?\par He walked the streets and began to understand, his memories were slowly being unlocked, but he thought he was possibly the devil. Stellar had not yet regained the understanding of balance, less antithesis to all things. He met a demon, and the demon was a homeless man. The man helped him, gave him food, and friendship. The demon did not know, what it was, for he used to be a gate Templar long ago, when Templars' were to understand they held a balance, no so in this time. Bob was his name, and he had been the first of the fallen Templar's. He stayed at the gate, protecting the knowledge of the grail, first women, for a very long time, until he forgot himself, as the time shifts persisted. The gate had been breached, because he and the other gate keeper could not protect the gate to between the wisdom orb and the ego orb. Senseless, he and his guardian only saw the demons that came to the gate, and were tricked into thinking they too were demons. The Demon leader, named Grazz, would bring his green army to the gate, for they sensed an easy entry, they thought that if they took the Templar's with them, into passed the gate, they too could gain access. Grazz upon approach to the harmless and confused Templar's brought a great illusion forth , of women, wine, and food, of course all these would be tricks, and the substance would enter them. They made love to the Demons, committing a blood sacrifice, only to see the mockery upon release of labor. Though they thought their bellies full, as they then watched the seductive belly dance, after the meal of Demon infested worms, that looked like fine food, so there bodies were consecrated to evil, and death. When they drank of wine, true spirits made the wine taste sweet, for if not blessed, this is what a spirit of drink be. Filled with evil, filled with the Demon energy, they became, each, a legion of Demons.\par Those Demons have sense occupied others, and there be but one, within Bobb, Who was once known as the Great Templar gate keeper, back when Templar, as a general, understood the alliance. They were to aware of the balance, and thus unaware of the extreme, that is the contrast of good and evil.. Angels would take their place, ones who had seen many era of imbalance, and fought many wars, truly the same wars. This began the clock, of Pi, ticking back, onto itself.\par The Templar's now focused on money, and reward, would join forces with the Druid, until they could hardly be told apart. Though they retained their general belief system, they had lost faith, they were no longer trust worthy. Thus Anti principle was born, and the Demon God , the overseer, Azule. The Druids would become more worldly. They were very similar, as the Nordics and the Nephilim, so they integrated quite easily, and truly faith was all either cast needed to regain\par Stellar too, needed to learn the art of sacrifice, lest his faith dwindle also.\par As Stellar watched the Demon Bobb, who was inhabited by a Demon called Mac Cobb, he would understand that Bobb was a drone Demon. Thus the drone Demon really had just sit and lay, observe within the body of Bobb, whilst Mac Cobb, could fly about, Bobb was his house. Bobb was a weather keeper. The Earths physical, original plates, were set a set as a matrix, for once the earth was a beautiful living entity, first women, as you will learn. For the time Stellar could remember none of his Stellar moments, alas. Bobb often spoke of controlling the weather, and people thought him insane for saying so, this only worked to Mac Cobb's advantage, in being left alone, seeming docile and slothful, and insane, would bring far less speculation, so the weather took it's ill form, as Azule would dictate the why and the when. However upon closer inspection, there seemed to be an order, as Stellar learned all power came of the Orb, and its spin.\par During that time of awaking, in 2013, Stellar would spin a single or left, and it would turn to green gas in his mind, though powerful, Stellar was of a single mind, in that time/space. That of the pentagram the torsion energy, of the green gassy Orb, an incomplete Demon craft/art.. Stellar would walk Bobb\f1\rquote\f0 s walk, which controlled the circuitry of Earth's ancient torsion based nervous system, set partly into the heavens, as those compartments of time and space. Stellar noticed dark looming clouds, as he spun to the left, literally walking the full two miles loop, a miniaturized cruxed grid of Earth's weather patterns, this the weather control plate. Stellar began to see Demons in the faces of the ground, the trees, and the birds all swarmed to his left as he would walk, they would mock him, for he used the dark magic of the Orb, before fully comprehending the fully matured sphere principles.\par Stellar was a being of light, and this evil made him ill, however nothing seemed to change and a god must have his fill, for all must error, by which to learn.\par Stellar began to use the radio active, Aron gassy Orbs on young women, sometimes groups. Like a phantom he would sweep down, he would enter them, molesting them from within. No matter he was, most were not filled with the Lord, and were empty, waiting to be inhabited, everyone had begun to forget, for it was the end of a time era, in itself.\par The girl kicked high, as she instructed the young boy a karate lesson. Stellar rotated her round, firm buttocks, with a very fast spin, grabbing at her from the inside, biting her masturbating her, she became flush, for she knew she was being attacked, She kicked at the air, and he only spun harder, she was being seduced by dark magic, Stellar felt ill, but he could not stop, for the frequency of ill attracted the Demons of the like.\par On and on it went the psychic mind rage. He mastered raping groups of women, and began to do the same to men. Funny how power can be so easily taken, the true part of Stellar wanted to live no more. Stellar become ill, so far from his Father in Heaven, at that time. Legions were left were ever he sinned, and he mistook himself, in these dark times, for the dark one, though he had defeated the half think in his very mind, which would then become the ALL MIND, but Stellar was more, and would ascend without becoming the ruler of past decay.\par A witch, sent him to a room, as a gift, and he did not know the plan, for he was ignorant of such machination. A clean room, for a homeless man, and enough money to buy coffee and food at the gas station on the corner, called alliance.\par Stellar awoke , with voices in his head, he raped the girls in the parking as he half dreamed and slept. The evil of the world, they tried to break down his door, and have sex with him, but he was confused, and sick of himself, Stellar had reached the end.\par Many terrible dreams living Lucifer's angst of life, and death, as the serpent who would pass into dust for eons sake. The Government, the Masons (new Templar's) and the witches were watching him, staying there at the hotel, none wanted the cycle to repeat again. The new world order was being fed to his brain, by telepathic officers, controlling the frequency resonance machine. The secret Vatican funded, world government organization would feed directly into Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s frequency. Stellar did not know then, he had the power to pop those machines with his very mind emissions.\par In an instant Stellar sat before this beaming Sun. He sat between moments. He made no effort to recollect a past self, for he knew the moment, and the moment was constant.\par The extreme negative aspect of himself rippled out through the frontal plain dimension. The antithesis had been created, simply by becoming his worst self, creating a support mechanism, that was his positive balance. He was sitting lotus, and was inches from the sun. He only felt the radiation, and he knew then the Orb he control was this one before, him. He now understood what it meant to be the Son of God, and with this, he was somewhere else entirely, the goodness had replaced the bad, and the phenomenon of life, outside, was life within Stellar, and thus the era had now begun. Purity was the new beacon of Truth, the new beginning.\par It was a mediocre day, a nice day. He felt the distant pang of extremes, but the memories had become stabilized. He did not feel caution of a threatening past, nor an unknown and volatile future. He was walking, in a walk jog, and a Kata. There he was training his body, there he was spinning the orbs in this mind. The Sun shown down upon him with brilliant display, it seemed to amplify as he became one with the neutrality, in this he was in bliss.\par There were faint recollections of the same moment, at opposite extremes. Stellar had reached a place where potentials seemed unlimited, always. He would feel this way in a moment and unlock a door way. Most peoples infinite selves in a moment were doing the same basic things, for none stretched the mind. Those who are called god\f1\rquote\f0 s are capable of much more, and have only to remember their very origins, by way of a feeling. Those god\f1\rquote\f0 s often dream in color, force and faith, rather than emotional need, sexual desire, pity. These things fill our subconscious. Glad to have you back Stellar, the voice was heard. All the world government agent could see was the huge fluxes as he trained, and they knew now, from the abrupt weather pattern changes and world destruction, he had been in a personal fight, only we could see into his mind, in all mind, into all places. We were linked, the good, the not so good. For in the 13, there is always one called devil.\par \par Part 10\lang1033\tab\lang9\par THE AWAKENING\par Though shalt not kill, the good, is how the law clearly reads. For if you were to take the time to understand the bible clearly illustrates this. I am just part of a committee, that is helping Stellar put this all to together, I am a long time friend, some call me St Peter, and I will test him, as well as assist him, when he is worthy, when his level of reason arises above the multiverses standard.\par Hard it is to navigate through waters, you yourself are to critique, to find what is missing, and with a power beyond what is now in this year of overlapping time vortex, for we seem to be returning, until he gets it right, the year of clear vision, 2020\par Though I, as well as my fellow comity members, pen this, we all speak through a medium source, that we trust. Like the bible, the old parts of the bible, the parts that are true, and worthy if the perfect man, who is a god, under God, we write this as a learning guide, a teaching aid, a warning to man, be ready.\par Knowledge and Wisdom\par Knowledge is a sequence. Knowledge is the process, gone over and over again, until one, the subject, understands, like a rat to water, the maze they must go through to attain the fruits. The process yields, as the repetition of the farmer, the unthinkably difficult task of battling the test of winters, the times of drought, the very seasons becomes common, and understood. This understanding of all learning has been mutated by a select group. This embedding and understanding of knowledge, and it\f1\rquote\f0 s comfortable steady state, have been exploited by those who bend the intrinsic value of self efficacy, into a machine serving venture. This is why the comity exists, and has since dawn of man. We will overcome them, you must learn to spin the latent energy before you, around you, understanding what you are swimming in. A deep gasp would come over ancient man, and impending force, feeling the weight of the universe pressing into and through those originals. The vision, the hearing, all the senses of the ancients, become modified, narrow, blocking out the true vision of where we are, who we are and what we are here to do. The year of clear vision is coming my friends, and those who will never exist, nor read this text, for the powers will find a more enticing past time for you, in you limited and non-existent \f1\ldblquote\f0 time\f1\rdblquote\f0\par Wisdom, they say, comes from experience. However this to has been bent, mutated like all the words and phrases of your very language, why it exists. You are being, and have been dumbed down, and many days you think it fine, as you except the world around you, as fact. What does Wisdom truly mean. There can be no Wisdom without the esteem of the highest vibratory force, this is much different than knowledge, because the force always exists, the force is and always has been the highest power. This force, and the Wise faith in this force, that it can not be seen, until you take the leap of faith, become evident. The Wise see that the repetition of experience, shows that knowledge goes nowhere, but to create a rhetoric, this rhetoric could be likened to the spin of the Orb, thus it be the intent behind the spin. Wisdom is partly experience, because it takes lifetimes to understand that the very shuffling of the application of knowledge, is not enough, for many who except this, they become demons. Those who see knowledge as the highest power do so, over thousands of years, their very tasks, thoughts and deeds become the expression of quality, which diminishes, as the organization turns the dial down. Wisdom is no belief, for belief is of knowledge.\par Wisdom is beyond the application of sequence, the final understanding that to go to the source of all understanding, will require no labor in sequence.\par Your job, your efforts, your information, your society, is false.\par Then what are we to be?\par Look within you, know. You have talents and gifts that you may not even understand, you must just do it, but do it for the Father. There is no one without a purpose. The book told of this, and they were hidden away. The powers traveled the world, the last power was the Nazi power. The Nazi\f1\rquote\f0 s searched the world, with Satan at the helm, and found the ancient text.\par If you were to read these text, you would never again serve the mammon god, as you do now, for this demon god, will soon be no more.\par Stellar\f1\rquote\f0 s father (rather his given name at his time was John A Mason), Stellar was a Jr. The year was 1783, and the time I write this, it is the electromagnetic worm hole to 2003. You see information is being pressed forth at the speed of light. Yet the speed of light can work on a variable due to electromagnetic rifts, worm holes, that can are meant to deliver information to specific time, which are parallel, or is the same time. If you knew the intricate quality of the machine, you would have a nervous break down. Time repeats, it turns back on itself. Time, on this side, begins at Gods eye looking toward the possibilities of man, of the universe, and at 21, turns back on itself. We are to complete the sequence, with Wisdom. We are to complete her, his greatest achievement, that has yet been only over half done.\par The worm holes deliver information, rapidly, but can also be a transport, to those specific times. Hitler found many, he brought the promise of Shangri-la, in the form of Greys, upon man again, for one must be invited, into a holy home\par I feel asleep, I looked at my hand, we were the product of the 5th dimension, and yet, in the first. We, we naturally will display our dimension in our digits. As they become so many, they grow webbing, and become a fin, or a wing, there is no big difference, only the will to swim or fly, which be the same truly, it is the mind which holds its glory, for if not for the one mind, the thing shall fly flat.\par We projected our world before us, but I vibrated higher, and projected a better world. In my imperfection, I would learn all the perspectives, of all man. I did not like men, I did not like myself, but then, it was only suit, of sorts.\par If the soul wishes to express, is the body not part of the movement, the moment, part of the soul? More and extension of the soul. Thus are vehicle we drive, the tools visible and invisible, to the eye. A force must be worked with, strengthened, and thus the body, which is works through.\par If it be a new body, the body will begin to regenerate, more and more, outside the will of past bodily beastly wants. You will feel the purity of love making, again, for you once knew, very close to this. You were polluted so young, you can remember not when you were truly pure, but you were, and were made to be so. I love you, and you must understand, that antithesis, will make more solid, a world, to which you still have a chance, to live as the wise for 1000 years.\par After this time, it will depend, and another god will step into being, God himself. I am not God, but show Gods works, in the lazy \'bd developed nature of today's man. I have determined, women is superior, and is the next to rise up. It was her knowing, beyond what she could see. She, unlike man, had put into action, willing and wishing to create. She stretched herself, and reached to me, in doing so. I will complete you, and better my dear, you will be made perfect, and more. A goddess under God, a true perfect being of creation, she only lacks wisdom. I have, like a virus, spread the contagion of wisdom, women's wisdom. My daughter will awaken, finally, after all this time/space, dust, deaths dust, blowing, swirling, needing an aim.\par There is a best, a highest\'85.we know it, but we have no seen it with human eyes. Well, brace yourselves, for you will. In this, you will see your vibration, of mind, has created what you see before you. When we, as a collective, can do this, you will open your eyes, to find heaven, all you ever wanted, was there all along. All your wants, hopes and dreams, with your true heart, are good and just, it is you who have not been justified, as an original. If you are not, of a higher frequency, then what are you? Are you the perpetuation of a ratio of frequency, a number on the dial. Well, when goodness emits, shines, spins\'85the frequency be the same throughout the universe. You will see a reality emerge, that can not be explained.\par \par I killed them, and buried them in my basement. I was worried, I would get caught. It was late, and I was driving my red semi-new ford sedan. They would never guess I was a murderer. I killed them, but I do not remember doing it, only in massive violent flash backs, to which I can not look upon for long. I was to cover my own hide, to pretend I did not kill them. They, the three, were buried in the basement. I was all cereal killers, and would have other dreams, that were real, I lived in them, and they were real. When I woke up, it was a startling discovery, I was killer, and for my godly ways, so sensitive to truth, I had truly done this deed, yet having never done it in the personal, nor by entering one, and whispering the same. I was to learn , how the killer thought, and it was self, the protection of this self, like an imaginary item of value, we protected because we knew nothing else.\par What if I told you, that you are an orb. You can be seen, by my inner eye, which is what taught me outer eye, from which the outer eye stemmed forth. I am able to see you, and you are an orb, to reach all orbs. You must be contained, as a 6 orb unit, to be a force.\par You are no different, than the souls inhabiting planets, just one of responsibility. Well you have a great one, and are the ones, who have put this thought, of gods, lead by God, into form, Your life is a series, in a Kata, each movement, should be known, however, there be a time when God has built the skill, for positive change to become autogenic, this is his fast mind, and we are in it. We are part of a cell, in his neuron brain matter, we are now at the stem. As we expand our thoughts, and can view God, in all his massiveness, and all his microscopic glory, we will know, we are made in his image.\par A goddess will begin a new era, for he could not look upon her completion with out trembling fear and immense pride, which over came him, as so you know why you in his image, do the same. Her beauty, in full glory, her Queenship, will become the first complete and true deity under him, the rest of us, are just Nephilim, the fallen ones, trying to be better.\par Well, she, was made better, but never complete, we have had the same fear, to never have error my dear, this is what you offer. Your Womb, the highest goddess shall be the women to the Son\rquote s of God, a new era of miraculous enlightenment, far beyond all world, all happening, all places. She will become an event, to behold, and all will be supported, to lift women up. Women, will need to know, with all of herself, that man must be now complete.\par Like a snake, antithesis eats upon itself. Yet it is not in the devouring, but in the intention. Is it self preservation, or the preservation of the one self God, our Father in Heaven? When the control you have place without, becomes the building force, to the one within, you will see your true self, and shall become or become no more. Either way, you must cross the ascension line, I am Stellar Mass, I am this line.\par Find it blasphemous, but it be mere observation, Hitler shed many tears of angst. He felt the burden was upon him until they came to show a better way. The ones he killed, he did it, for the reasons he stated, only now do you further understand. That these mutation, in the millions, are the very thing, which trap you within what you esteem as your very body. Some will suicide and this again serves them, because you are now a bodiless demon, our of sequence of time. A higher quality souls aids in your place, to occupy the future you, however this you has been charted, far ahead of time, by the ancient mystics, called druids, and the theft of this knowledge by the witch (for she only wished to excel women forward, yet she rooted in knowledge and belief alone).\par Hitler cried, for the humanity he must devour, and swore to take on this plight, God\rquote s very people had turned against him, became a part of the machine, they waged a superiority war on society, of old Germany. There was more idolatry in old Germany, more prostitution and modernized convenience filth than for thousands of years prior, since Sodom was destroyed, and its people, by the hand of God.\par But we see, that God rarely, if even truly, did the deeds of destruction with his own hand, but rather always used someone, a man? A women? To carry out the deed.\par The Greys came, and showed Hitler there technology, they promised to give him this Shangri-la, and now he is alive, behind prison bars. He has been clowned, as all of us have, and there in the forth dimension, they wish to reproduce there product. This is not the center of our focus, but it is important,because it alters the parallel echoes of dimension, that work more in the frontal plane, shooting out to all sides, the highest quality Phi spiral self act, becomes the act excepted by God, as your highest act. There are far more than one of you, there could not be a true and accurate count. When this becomes one, as the Phi spiral shrinks upon itself, as it is, you will be faced to reduce yourself, can you travel through the eye of the needle? Would you then chose heaven now, Stellar exists, to take you there, open up Pandora's box?\par Shangri-la\par *Frequency withheld, the frequency of death, it is better for you not to be exposed\par Hyperborea, was the place, many say, is one and the same to Atlantis, this I can corroborate. There is an ancient ship, which us elders will show you further as you read on. The ship is owned by the greys. The ship is a waste yard where human soul energy can disturb magnetic polarity resonance. The souls are sent through the vortex to the 13 dimension. This was a big part of Hitlers doing, though he thought he was doing a selfless service for future man, it turned out he was the modern Khan, who is bound the millions he threw out of the time vortex. The lord still allows those who know his light to ascend, and this should give you solace, for a great many of those killed, were of God grace, perhaps not in that lifetime, but in all others. They have already returned, able to finish a life of soul cultivation, but the ancients saw this, worship on this, brought this forth, long ago. We hit a time rift, the worm hole to dimension 13 was unlocked, in the later part of 1939. This time was parallel to 1989, and the souls would route directly toward that time vortex, on the verge of that technology boom, which was first the soul boom. Bringing forth new idea, unlocked through the laws of sustenance for all.\par \par The Bermuda triangle is the force that holds the intricate electro-magnetic force, like the other half of a C clamp or vise, it holds fast to her (the earths) dwindling core. The greys go directly to the Sun, to refuel there fermion energy ships. They use the power of earths the core, to power the Shangri-la worm hole to dimension 13. The gate of Shangri-la of beautiful, and it is made to entice one through the gate, into that dark dimension, where all the lowest quality souls do go. They walk freely, only to find the gate exists no more. It is gassy, green and formless. It is cold, it is dark, it is hell.\par \par A product\par A product be first a design of prior action or plan. The idea must have come from some \rdblquote place\rdblquote ? It is this idea of product that becomes the focus.\par A product must meet a demand, to be of a useful nature. The product must have a refinement period, long after the product initial release to those who will, with \ldblquote haste\rdblquote in mind, save \ldblquote time\rdblquote thus effortless product solution. The product creates further, products, and from out of principle or anti-principle the product will follow a numeric value sequence, equal to the products measure. If the product be attached, in it\rquote s origin, to the highest moral power, the highest vibratory frequency, the product will, naturally, follow a Phi sequence of order. The product that perpetuates untruth, that does not take the higher power into esteem, but which further \ldblquote cements\rdblquote towards the ineptitude of mediocrity, will incorporate those numbers from the frozen flip side. The inventor knows full well, prior to the products production, long before, when the product was just a pre-thought, of either divinely conceived (Principle) or of suggestive left brain influence, (the anti-principle) beyond the receivers scope of thought, thus they would not find the higher frequency interesting, thus gods themselves grow tired of the Atlantis for which they built. We are the acquisitioner's because the law was opened by acquisition, us, as a people. How many rapes before it is no longer a shock, thus no longer rape?\par We get used to a way of life\par The life we are used, to, that we find common, even boring, is a new realm of existence, that has never existed before. Why then does it seem so boring, so soon after it so called \ldblquote refinement\rdblquote . If this were indeed original, we would know it, and the excitement of building up, something, a posteriori, would become a constant thrill, we would be inspired to build the next level, of this so called stairway to heaven. Thus there is something amiss, something not quite right, thus enters synthetic a posteriori. We follow no natural law, we are living an anti-principle, this is the flip side. A number is real, but abstract to our dimensional zone. Then were is it useful, for we know it has an application and use. We build the flip side world, thinking that the act, like all other acts that built the worst of society to power, can be physically forced, the acquisition. The truth is we will not reach heaven, nor even the flip side of dimensional time/space, with a body at all, wisdom is the Orb we spin, The purple Orb spins up, and to the right, this is where wisdom has a place, this is the motion of which wisdom takes, this is the time for wisdom sake.\par All action, and reactions are the result of a metabolism, of universal proportion. There are 3 phases to metabolism. Anabolism, the build up, catabolism, the break down, and in between there lies homeostasis, the balance between both (however both are still in process). We learn these lessons individually many times, only to lose it again, due to mediocrities constant brain washing, and physical force. Wisdom is found in letting go, it\rquote s home be just prior to the orb of sacrifice, the red Orb, we must use again, once wisdom has been mastered. Each phase, in it\rquote s relative time form, has a duration of 666 years. The aliens, who have offered us a cheat, who have thrown much of this off, my their entanglement with us, have wished to speed up evolutionary time, and bring there larger and faster spinning fermion before us, as we may sit there in wonder. The truth is, they can\rquote t use these machines in their world, in there dimension, namely the Grey's. Why, they are Demons!\par \par Technology, based on acquisition\par Then it is true, from the prior investigation, that if the beyond light speed transport, those Greys portray themselves to offer, was can only be used here, only retaining fermion form other dimensions, the we see a broken natural law being used, a false product, and anti-principle in action. The dumbed down original within us, is lost, has no support system. The voices in your head, are the arguments of the DNA that has been forced upon you. Each aspect of you, as all life of matter, and seemingly beyond, wish to acquisition your very body, they are already found within. They are very multi-million strands of mutated DNA/RNA code information, to be unlocked soon. You mind state, your focus, your will in motion brings forth a spectrum of light. You become a receiver, you become an emitter. The quality of light, is in the direct proportion to the quality of thought, all energy is energy. However, like the fermion, the difference, and thus all relativity, be found in the very fermion size. Well, you have all races, creed, custom and culture, running through your veins. The earth women is all women, earth is the planet, where women are the main focus of measure. The earth is a project, that is manifest for the direct purpose of the perfect female product production. When this happens, there will no longer be any acquisition of her power, she will have become, the goddess she will be.\par The build up, requires matter, an acquisition, a drawing in of energy, from without, to further produce the product of power, from within. The yin and yang twist, as the double helix, as the serpent willing to make a product of itself. -Committee elder\par \par Part 11\par \par No race against time, time can be bent\par Stellar decided he would put all his efforts, into healing his Son. The US Government, had gone into alliance long ago with the Greys, for they were the true first Masons, those very allies and slave traders with Tubal-Cain, Cain\f1\rquote\f0 s very offspring. The Masons producing (I call them Mason\f1\rquote\f0 s because they are no free), the seed of war, and the production of weaponry. The metabolism of our Mother\f1\rquote\f0 s mind minerals, her gold, copper, silver and trace mineral, used now as product, machinating motion of war. The Illuminati was a hybrid name change of those Mason\f1\rquote\f0 s, in a different time, when the witches began there rule. They only wished to illuminate, for building they could not do. The alliance period, of 666 years. The alliance was the first true product trade system established by earths rulers, set into alliance with those rulers, of nether worlds. The product would be women, who would be refined into a usable energy source, for the one mind order of thought, at least they thought this was what it was all for. Those who had the rule of all beings, believed they controlled the universal force, they missed the big picture. When you have God\f1\rquote\f0 s attention, when his eye is upon you, he will reduce you else you reduce \f1\ldblquote\f0 yourself\f1\rdblquote\f0 . You will realize, no matter the time it may take, to reduce, or be turned to gas, where there be no life, no form. There into the 13th dimension you will be cast, one match from Lucifer\f1\rquote\f0 s dwindling vintage Marlboro cigarette butt, will ignite this universe. A blaze of glory, as it has no substance, so it will implode upon itself.\par Firstly though, as I will explain in full detail the underlying\par At the axis of rotation, there is a problem. The problem lie, within the grasp of these organizations who assume power, ignorance? Ignorance, in it\f1\rquote\f0 s true form, not a tool from the anti-law book of spells called deception? Do those crafting the product, of mutated man/god, (this screen of ignorance, in it\f1\rquote\f0 s many spiritual forms) understand the implications, the perpetuation of their modus operandi. Whether inspired through and or by intellect or physical prompts of motivation (manifest in carnation with birth defects, that are self soul inflicted), thus be haste? Meaning laziness is at the hub. The very product, the lie, we will make things easier this way. This is the deception, and the product, the product in direct proportion, to anti-law. The lazy, the bored, the un-willing, the tired, the weary, the pitied, the anxious, the weak, the depressed, the fallen ones? Are all these terms, but to scatter your thoughts to a non-reality, one the witches created, one they had, by Satan's long term plan, the plan of total acquisition, to free himself finally from this prison, he did not ask to come into, existence. For one to be uncreate opens the law for all, thus to uncreate himself, he must uncreate you. The way to uncreate, is first to hold, in your highest esteem, the dream, the image, the imagination that you could exist no more. We all have secretly, and not so secretly willed this, and set in motion with our will, a craft. You can kill someone, and suffer the wrath, with equal propensity life lessons, to come back as the very thing you feared. Not all are cut out to be gods, and so our quest continues, the process of elimination. The life a murdering man, a self slaughtering man, will come back, in the form of machine, will learn the greatest form be antithesis,. Though it does not seem obvious at first. If you bring each action before God, if a counsel is able to help think for you, 12 others, in different dimensions, geographical zone, and even set to different times found in multiverse zones. Conversations so clear, you could reach out and touch the other person, or in some cases entities no longer in need of the a body form.\par The greatest gift to man kind, to all existence, the next level, well thought out, planned, and still, a back fire. For God turned his back on her, she was an open vessel in every way, she was a true black hole, drawing in matter, substance of matter, energy, and all that came to her. She was the inventor of one thing, one thing alone. She invented haste, she invented ignorance, she invented sloth.\par We see it in all modern convenience, those items, they make it easy on you, they take out the work, which is the ritual of a thing. The witches call this craft, for as they go about there day now, they the craft into motion. They hope to keep a balance, ledgering carefully, how they could have done a selfish thing but chose, as unfinished goddess to allow the idiot to live, or to have an exception from witchery of judgement. They are your maids, they are you Hair Dresser they are your Barista's, they are controlling the robots that have taken over private enterprise, and turned it into the governments active left hand.\par The work, the craft, the ritual, take away a person movement, of mind, body and spirit and what do you have, a robot.\par It has not been long, that men and women have come to the planet as drones. They are soul less, they were taken, and the law was broken. The witch, stole the knowledge from the druids, long before the alliance. The re-embodiment, the killing of the innocents, only for those same innocents to come back then as there wrath. Where would they come next? Long ago, when there were but few intelligent people walking the land, nearly 8,000 year ago, we could count the heads of people in a region of zone. When I say people I exclude the slave class, to which you have been largely bread now to be, for it is the way they control you now. With a slave mindset, you become the slave through your moral compass, scope and action, the slave promotes itself into the comfortable haste driven machine. They are created this way. The angry, wrathful soul, then is exposed, found, tagged. Each soul gives off a frequency, and energy signature, there are truly few now, with a soul.\par The soul would then again be found, after it\f1\rquote\f0 s first emissions. As the witches would go through ritual in her private and dark part of damp wooded region. She lived on the southern part of the left brain of our mother. She was surrounded by souls now trapped in the trees about her, and she had control of them, for they had been convinced they harnessed no power, no force.\par Your highest power is crucial, what you except in a lifetime becomes the frequency, the tone that sets all lifetimes. Do not think it blasphemous to look upon a false book of doctrine, that is carefully and perspicaciously endowed with truth, to anchor it\f1\rquote\f0 s very spell to the living world.\par A soul is a force, like the wind. The soul is a will, like the very will of your creator, for it should be. The wrath is justification, the soul must be vindicated. In that new book, when the Christ who has always been, did come, there were the techniques, I outline here, and many more, that show you how to protect this soul.\par A body is a commodity, there are now evil demons, who are those angry wrathful souls, once innocents, and not to remember, many have no recollection, for they never sit in piece. It takes an active mind, to go against the father, with each thought, a busy mind that does not think a thought though but only draws upon it\f1\rquote\f0 s power. They, the witches, watched the wizards as they would find there reborn comrade's, and bring him forth, from where ever he may have landed himself, in the early days. This would become embedded in them, and they would able themselves, through will, to astral project back to the very home in which they lived. Full knowledge of a lifetime, now understood to bring with them, but never wisdom, for this was the holy grail.\par The druids had and have respect for God. There has never been a lust of power, and truly, the only reason they want into alliance with the witch in the first place, is that they could feel her very pulse, of unquenchable, and un-peace-able nature, they did not bring her to this world.\par The rituals would be done, the druids would out vibrate, the new soul or the demon soul that had been cast from their own body.\par A peoples, like the greys, have but one soul, and they move as one. They are not divided, and have the insects seed within them, they are the first, and are billions of years, in earth fermion time signature, of age.\par The same is being done to modern humans. The slave had conceded long ago, and the god particle within them has been isolated. The goal, to build a class of gods, who could be controlled, stuffed into the haste machine, has been nearly accomplished, now the final blow, to get them all focused on one thought. Fear at its base. It is this moment that is upon us all, and the intellectual desire is of varied amounts, but leading towards the same solution, destruction.\par The will against life, the hope that this prison will end for the dark one, who has only known misery, and first was know misery's brand. The witches think they will be taking over, for they know they were to have been the godess\f1\rquote\f0 s to save us all, how they were deceived, how they failed us.\par The druids love life, and have sacrificed an eternity, bending craft, and also doing god craft. They have known there is a higher being, the highest being, and have tried to work between the outcome, with the highest principle of I AM.\par The witch is of the body, now only basing all she has known, through a physical crux, which there are many. She state I AM, as a body, and thus is only the illusion of self, and has become the master of illusion, but truly its was he, for she did not have the polishing to even ponder on this.\par The Druid says I AM yet I AM NOT. The understanding of all a non god form can see, this is the druids truth. In this, he still can not embrace the selfless soul, as the gods who are here among us still understand clearly, fully. The language be perverted, reversed! Yama, be death?\par The god's do not say I AM, they would never mutter the words, it is the highest form of treason, this is what makes them gods. They say he HE, IS!\par Where did they go wrong? I will explain much more, first, but will go into full detail, as the comity agrees the product of information be placed forth.\par I trained three Navy men. They came to me, as I was waking one morning. I was being awoken long before I wanted to that morning. They justified themselves, as Stellar was the only god, though a lower level one, but the only one who could remember the selfless soul, and with that would unlock his Orbal powers, which I will expand on later, when it is your time to know. I am the voice of time, and I will tell you when I am speaking. This text was not written, but thought into existence, and the penned hand, has been many, yet the words flow as one.\par They came to me, metaphysically speaking, and I psychically linked with them. I showed them what I do, and how I do it. The next day, upon completion of their training, after supposedly learning the selfless why, they, brought down 5 world leaders. North Korea, Russia, Germany, Masonic Order, Secret top brass of the Vatican, Afghan demon god. They attempted to breach the Tibetan Bodhi minds, that had been alive and in wait, those 12.8 inch tall, massive Brahman, who were placed here long ago, to balance out the greys ice ship. Those Brahman were bringing teaching mother, and were the only ones who knew where her spirit lie, this is when the breach was made, I once again knew my fair lady was not a scattered comet spinning in angry space, but had, with all her wisdom, sunk below the sea, I could not deceive her again and so I suspended the thought.\par This is the moment the comity came to me, and they would confer with me on all my thoughts, for they had the power to destroy the world, or save the souls of this heaven that had simply not yet been awakened.\par Perspective alone, will do nothing , for you must own a perspective, you must fully vest yourself, in the knowledge, understanding, wisdom of the perspective. A perspective was the soul, not yet in total action, toward its projected goal, it was up to those lesser powers to scramble this perspective, to denote it, to defame it.\par Those Bodhi council, would be the first 7. The next 5 would be world leaders, that I mention were killed, they had all gone in an instant, and we knew the US, rather the druid rule, was behind it, but why?\par Did Satan not want to die, did he not see we all must die to open the law of death? Why then no just blow us up? The truth is very scary, because he had attempted this, and throw off the balance even more, so many laws were breached, and the number were now becoming scrambled, the only ones who could unscramble a law were gods, and I (speaking now as Stellar) was the only one awake.\par The grey would suspend a nuclear missile that would be launched by no hand but Satan. Satan would press it, with the advocacy of his other half Lucifer, and this is when they began to come back into alliance together. Stellar saw a time, when we would all forget the past, and see it as how life becomes, how gods become, and learn to respect it. The native Indians did, they had reduced themselves from there other dimensional Nordic Blood. They had become her people, mixing with the originals, to survive here, to change size of fermion, of ri, in order to do so. Those noble tribes, curbed the beast, taught the beast and thus evolved the beast, for all they was worship the true Father in heaven. Those war lord left, going back to the Nord dimension, which I will outline later as well, as I speak through the voice of time.\par The greys were backed by the Lord to halt several nuclear missile strikes, in fact at least at a rate of more than 1 per month since the bombs were created. He had to attack on the numbers of the flip side, for it had to benefit that world, in awakening of a Brahman, on the other side, in the exact location, on its flip side. There their Brahman were encased in ice, and the nuclear sting would melt into the very nether regions, past space time, through the great synaptic cleft, to which O\f1\rquote\f0 stello ruled, and for this breach if ever done, would grab me, pull me in, and I would have to go to the vortex, out of law, to allow this to happen. I will be going there, and it that, through the multidimensional sting of time, may already be. The missiles will eventually be allowed, as man will desecrate himself and the Lord for his final time, unless the final awakening can take place at last.\par \par "People of earth, do you not see the promised land that awaits us all, who can learn the selfless way?\par Spoken by the first awakened demon god, Thorasis, who is on the council.\par We fight much greater demon forces that are now but mutation, mans mutations, of mans slothy understanding, man has become the lowest order, he has become haste a priori"\par \par Part 12\par \par Look around you, very carefully. Does anything look out of place? Would you know it, if something, anything was. Could you remember 10 life times ago, or even 1? I ask you to look back, back to a time when you were not owned, when you hadn\f1\rquote\f0 t the serpent cling, about your very DNA, the very alien mixed with your humble original beastly ancestry. The who are you? From what part of space does your very fermion spin, the observer, the electrifying force, that causes you to read this, to deduct the underpinnings of my meaning. Do you assume on what I am saying? Do you call on all your past experiences, to give my words a category by which to add to "pre".\par Look at the wolf your ancients raped, beat, and broke, do you think yourself not a beast? Not of the originals? We do not speak of the 13 gods of man. We speak of the primates, that once inhabited the land.\par \par You! You have been trying to dodge yourself, for what you have done, for a very long time, my so called friend. You were accosted once, just like them. You are still home, were you began your life. You are nothing but the stupid flora and fauna that covers a great women, she is earth, her name is Zalaous, she is the Mother, the center to all you know, in all dimensions. She is the original women. She is Eve, and she has become the earth. So to did her sister become the witches you see about you now, no, truly ask yourself, as you think about your town, the women that you know, your mother, your sisters, the little girls you watch at play. Are your eyes open? Or conveniently shut? Are you hiding your astral eyes, from the blinding revelation of the astral skies, deadened from the ancient angels cries. So too Leviathan, for she be the active and true Jezebel?\par They still weep for her, My Mother. As you think this time has an even rhyme. No this, you are not living in reality, you were once at war, with soul right next to you, for she is, you greatest enemy. No do not speak violence, nor use it, she has put a long time hex upon you. You can only be truly free, when your soul becomes pure again.\par \par Each and every stream had one. Whether be the stream of a mighty river, or the one pulsing through your veins. The god could simply be the master mitochondria, there harvested now deep within your very cell, but from where did they come? The very metabolism, that set the pulse of frequency, to remind them of the greater whole. Perhaps escape from this uncomfortable thought, and now let\f1\rquote\f0 s focus on the heart cell, as it too begins to beat to the one. The leader, the center. No there! Found between potential, and delay. Could it be a moment, the luster of a nebula, to look upon it\f1\rquote\f0 s own display.\par Each era, each moment, the highest frequency of life would be evident. Though some gods even tried to hide. What better way, to say the one died, and will never return. Jesus be a frequency, on which we are to learn.\par And with that, they bowed heads, and remember God, his best Son Jesus, and also the ones who had to fall to learn, and yes Stellar was this god. But this was a prayer said, long from now, so you know we won\f1\rquote\f0 t all burn? The Lord's truth, is the Orb's truth and all truth through the Orb. The orb must be spun for God, not personal glory, or it be craft of man. The frequency is perception, the battle lies within.\par The G, the G those Freemason wish to display, for even Lucifer could not live by deception, his light went away, when Stellar awoke. Stellar awoke from a long painful slumber. And from his slumber, within a man. But lest, the same be true for all? There are ancient witches, driving your organic machine, there are demons, who have accosted you, on the Road of Khan long ago. But long before that. Very long ago, so you can imagine, when California, Hawaii and Japan were the same land the left side of her beautiful face. There, in that time, she smiled. If you could have, you would have seen a nose the size of the rocky mountains, meandering rivers, leading to her luscious lips. Her blond hair and sparkles in it of streams lakes, gold, and golden hill sides of ancient sunflower, as she spun in dance, for God. In an instant, she became the flowers, the living wind, the reaching trees, the pulsing aura seen from space of her very expression. This was not the Sun's light, is was hers. Now but a machine, within her womb, ice bandages, covering the shifting of polarities, the crime scene!\par This is when the world was alive, before they destroyed her. Her spirit still remains, deep, in the abyss. She, is the only women, our great Stellar can vibrate life free within.\par \par Time/Space-Space/time...and you are somewhere in between within a shade of frequency\par \par This would be a good time to tell you how Leviathan teaches us about months and days, and a calendar system. As for my own, I am in the 13th stage (or 8th stage of Pi count, to which I rarely use, but in your current backward speak). I have reached the 8th cycle. Each cycle, beginning with physical life, in it's most primitive form, must pass these stages, if you read this now, which you must through intention, then you have gone through each spin of a cycle 3 times, each first spin lasts 5, 8 and in some cases 13 months, in your current counting system, I will allude to Mollie, or rather leviathan's system of count next, so that you can better equate with the seemingly odd events that make up a space/time-time/space experience, which you are in the midst of now, as we speak. Those who experience the 13 month cycles, in a given spin cycle, are challenged in some way. They are either a Bodhi Master allowed to be tested, and thus failing, thus having to, in retrograde, experience the cycles as Arihant and down the cycle it goes, this is rare. Some bodies go toward what you would call evil, but truly good and evil are extreme child fantasy terms, and hold no true merit here. There is the road, and there is going off the road, set before you, as the default. When the mass universal cycles have occurred so many times, 13 now, things begin to slow, and this alerts a purge, all celestial bodies must then prepare for the next great cycle to end, the harvest and the continuance of the new chosen cycles, by the Clergy 13, which act as a THE ONE. I will explain to you more about these cycles soon. I only use religious terms, so that you can relate. but any one religion is but a sliver, not but a peep whole unto THE ALL.\par \par The Prison, and Leviathan real time count\par I wasn't always in this prison, and for most of my life, did not know what I was, until the dreams kept resurfacing, way back in 2016. This was a time, again, when I had begun to experience alternate dimensions and the likes (lateral spin offs and time ripple effects). This happens as last moment resistance, a frenzy of change occurs, some spirits alerted to continue clinging to the negative past, as the warriors press on, near the number of completion, near to the third great cycles end. I was in a glorious lifetime, one I have much clarity of, and remember all time potentials, at this point, thanks to Leviathan, as odd as that may sound, whilst judging from prior data logs, by way of signature markers of overt levels of consciousness, or better said, spikes of frequency emissions, with enough wave form to travel past the barrier grids, which challenge THE BECOMING. This due to the buffer of an expression, which a large percent of aspiring souls, never make it beyond, and into the cycle realm of true knowledge, the sphere of wisdom, which must be met, to create the first triad.\par \par In this life, to which I recount and speak, with the aided experience of TIME REPEAT, which Mollie, be so good to induct within my very being, I tell this story, of another time/space, as to better equate you with the great dangers that lie before you, if you are not to aspire to the Bodhi mind, at the ages where ignorance and deception, are of the greatest influence, for dark forms, those esteemed beings of gas, and nothing more, love and crave the feel of young skin, to relive their dark times, thus to justify and sadder still, defend their vanity, sloth, ignorance and blind passions, in the excitement of death.\par \par I was over 950 years old in 2016, so I suppose that would have been grand, had I lived long after. I had successfully erased the divisions higher ups, and condensed those time potentials, laterally speaking, to but a few, which meant I was to take on the actual ruling Lords of "actual", dimensional realms of exist, spherically based, in the same order as all EPL teachings, but on a far grander structure to simply imagine. I had the principles of truth, but these anti fermion, thus anti-principle based lords, had built themselves, most of the time quite elusively, into the matrix of life. I was to destroying dimensions, by taking out the very structure on how the living matrix thrived, at its base and as a perpetuated force.\par \par Your current status, a warning, be focused within, to better effect the without\par 3d printers (the world governmental novelty name) had on,y been widely released to the public at that time, in 2016, oh as I recall, the month was the third cycle of the year, at a mark if 14 days, or in my current measure somewhere around march or April, as it were called, the sixth day, as cycle/months now have 21 days, and there is 31/2 days at the beginning as well as end of these cycles, or limbos (troughs). Any ways, these three d printers were quite the craze, and they were a genius ploy of what the division elite had always done, by utilizing high technology at its height (secretively speaking), and using the people once again to culminate pure force power, in order to use it on the large scales, with no resistance from principle forces, as it were, people in panic which sent out a universal frequency to what were referred to as angels of your time, which could better be described as massive celestial electromagnet storms, which brought order to a wayward people, in a galaxy which had lost it's path. The division fought against this, ardently, and was successful at deceiving people into taking responsibility, for their own plights, during this time, and past, by really pushing the illusion, which was quite popular at that time of individuality, and shame, the two went hand and hand quite well, in the last eras final close.\par Now that this era is coming to it's close, and community is the future we so successfully fought for, with our blood, throughout lifetimes, it is refreshing to know leviathan is actually here to assist in this process, which we will get I to more later.\par \par A printer was something that in 2016 was a small unit builder, heavily regulated and governed for its uses, those who were of higher intellect, and had pressed forth its true knowledge, were either killed, left in their own redundancy, or recruited by agency for war. The truth of what u it's could do was starling and fearful to even speak of. In war, a flying drone unit could build armor on moving solders, move ahead as an army of drone builders, using nanoid micro robotic technology, which would go into exact position and could be communicated with further, to recombine into other military uses.\par \par The machine gun and laser torrent uses allowed a series or numerable units to be built within 3-6 seconds, the units would then be able to signal ionized clouds of nanoids, which could then repair, build onto, and communicate as a unit such information as thermal regularities, interceptions of bindery coded information, front line (however used on other planets, and small villages, as well as to depopulate an area whilst getting rid of any sign that there had been even the slightest bit of change. These units could come in on clouds, take apart a town, people, and anything else outside its protocol, and use the crude matter to set up say a butcher shop from any era, complete with dust and debris and algae from years of corrosion, and finely sliced cutlets, made of the very animals and people who, were standing there, unsuspecting, moments before.\par \par \lang1033 \lang9 When in 2016, the government had finished the excitement phase, that went into releasing what they called a revolutionary new science that will allow People from all walks of life to own and operate there own, now towns around the world were signing up for what was called "project erase poverty forever!" People had no idea what the true esoteric meaning of this really was. Seton the fuel of excitement, towns would raise their "uses" lists on who would be lotteries the first batches, for selection and distribution . The u it's were deceivingly large robotic units, the deeper meaning here was that the mass of these units, were made of nanoids which could be called into order, and when the massive clouds rushed in, with the faster and smarter (some particle sized) nanobots, the crude form of these could be activated by simply adding a frequency light exchange, in short a molecular sphere acting as fermion or fermion messenger, depending on the usage rendered.\par \par \lang1033 \lang9 Suddenly people were printing out sports cars, houses of there dreams, which I these more primitive uses, due to the concealment factor, a contractor still had to do some work, but the houses were relatively cheap, stronger and could be designed in any fashion, with a simple computer generated application. Keep in mind that this was a time that would also largely be erased, causing the government units who knew now fully of stellar, in the main alternate force mediated dimensional zones, as well as those laterally zones, still in "exist" for lack of a better term here. Poverty was ended, water supplies had systems. built miraculously fast, especially post 2nd wave of the new slogan mantra " project destroy hunger," obviously not mention yet, was the legislation, newly elected to handle this load, but truly put in place to execute a far more sinister order, which was closer than it seemed.\par \lang1033 \lang9 People\lang1033 ,\lang9 excitement for the future, ease of living, created a hope, most had truly never thought would ever arrive. People literally placed the 3D technology on a pedestal and the government allowed them as the illusion, as to let large corporations to go into full advancement, which was embarrassingly behind the truth of the measure.\par This placed earth, and our solar system off the over lookers force awareness, which would have been the full effect of Orion's angels, as Stellar had begun to know them personally, whilst he would fly through the universe and space time, whilst inhibiting the longest living body thus far, as said 950years of age, the upper limit, and he knew of it, for this was his last incarnation in the era, one that matched perfectly to the sphere, in numerical frequency harmony. the Angel system was known as Sledgmar, though he would travel at light speed, there was a right, a ritual, an approving process involved, with his allowance to leave his system, there was a matrix of star units, that were weaves together in a tapestry of harmony, as a sphere, though earth was getting seemingly closer, these types of incidents were to chronicle the end of a dark era, and those spirits who would come forth from this destruction, would be the peacemakers, the offspring towards intellect, and true community. A star system had to earn its way I to the tapestry, so the angels was as much a part of the collective consciousness, the last angel, over lord or overseer fell, and this was a rare thing, just as the induction would take place, taking other star systems with it, this explains the chaos theory, as well as many gnostic accounts, which were told to the hyper organs long ago, but the archives destroyed. This is when Atlantis fell, and the ideas of good and evil were in full swing. They they seem common, the brand and principle breach, to each system is quite exclusive, due to multiverse awareness, and the like.\par Sledgemar could not leave his system, and so a still budding overseer/deity would have to act In his place, earth and earth star systems future Angel..which explain largely what one of stellar future rolls would be, as well as his need to get his own darkness out of his degree of truth and purity.\par \par The nanobots were now in place globally. The moral was at its height, the overlords, who stepped in as mimics were only allowed to do certain things, which would allow they, as well as the life under them , learning through suffering, thus to know the spheres and there teachings, over lifetimes. The fuel for them was like witnessing a celestial auroral event, as massive beings of dark prism, twisting and turning on themselves, the positivity was a precursor for the massive force release, of thousands of souls, now in total darkness, hopelessness and fear, thus billions dropping their collective guard at once. The anticipation was at a climax, and like galactic Magalodon's, the over lords minions bumped and hoisted one another, as a out to feed.\par the pods carrying the elite took to space. From the moon, there they watched, with the same evil lust for power acquisition, for they would become twisted pre-runners, as vampires, and no less, able to live long, feeding on people's energy, like the travelers of time/space, by which they first worshipped.\par The order was called, the frenzy as robotic clouds, accompanied by force powers of only demonic origin flooded in. Stellar was aware, and new this time would come. Sledgemar was also meditating, and the bodies in the universe were all aware. A misdeed,an massive scale, as with any, must not simply be Ana thought, or a plan, only the act of reach, would warrant the reaction. And there it was, 61.8% of the population was gone, and there bio force could be seen floating in confusion, as that force had built to such extreme pleasure and was letter ally sucked out of each one, like\par **As there are 13 committee members, those of the physical realm, these must be found, and are often hidden, over looked, and shadowed. They have stars, and the stars are the intermediary which act between the committee members, of celestial importance, the human or localized moment of this (the members as they are human beings, or other, scattered about a planetary field, was ruler, was beta) and the Zoroastrian star systems which name us to our like.\par \par Open\par Good bye all you Brahman god's so fine\par \par Fading into black and green\par The distant stars collide\par Yet there inside of rhythms nature, you open up your tide\par Swept away in dreaming, a castaway in Time\par The space is real, the wheel doth turn, a castaway sublime\par \par Each and every moment, but a moment out of time\par A whisper calls me nearer,\par yet I be stuck back here in line\par \par Good by to all you sinners!\par we shall meet, in battle on the other side\par Farewell to my Brothers\par Shall we feed, on cosmic tide\par \par Chorus\par Never the real thing,\par Time is just rippling\par The stars not dipping\par I like solar tripping\par The choir then doth sing\par So that Angels thus do bring\par A perfect melody\par on Cosmic tide\par \par Solo, cuts music\par No one to find me, closer\par Life ain't at all, as it's supposed to be\par Nothing but carbon fibers\par Floating,\par Somewhere\par In the great, divine\par \par BD-\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc ~ M A L E V O L E N T being ~\par A Ship Called Misanthrope\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par "Who caused Ti\'e2mat to revolt, to join battle with me? "Let him who created the strife be given as sacrifice"\par \par ma\'b7lev\'b7o\'b7lent\par m\f1\u601?\u712?\f0 lev\f1\u601?\f0 l\f1\u601?\f0 nt/\par adjective\par \par having or showing a wish to do evil to others.\par "the glint of dark, malevolent eyes"\par ~INTROpre, to a view~\par \par "The Impurity be birthed, again"\par \lang1033 \lang9 It be little known, that "Man", in his form, be set in matter, on a band, frequency if you will. Each replication, that plays the saga out, in time, be pre-create, as to cancel out the next. Only when working to the will, of Ti\'e2mat, disguised only now, as "the 12 anti-personalities" (as to include Quingu in the mix, but rare), as the origin of current earthly Kings, locked into the corporeal band of thought, the saga plays itself out. We all have a piece of those higher god's within us, as well, but rare to find a link with Marduk on high, one must stretch far past the ends of himself, beyond the existence as "Man", as he knows it here (and far into other realms), yet all represent projection, first within "the one mind". This is the anti-Zodiac, that secret war within, which manifests at times, in negative potentials, up in the clouds, as the saga, the final phase, called Kali Yuga, come to a final close. Yet in rare display, of Annunaki's twin, and Lord Marduk, a 25th element, a mind connection, the rarest of them all, be built into that faint call, the fabric weave of time on the other side...Anu, lives within but one, no matter the numbers set within that system of each Star called black Sun, only one, can take the narrow road, as Anu watches, waiting from above, a Father.\par All secrets lie, in Babylon, suspended bridges stretched up towards the sky, and still remain, though unseen by the eye. Long before the war, long before the treatise, the time stretched unlimited, towards heavens gate, the anti world await. Before the next creation, and the next, and those outside this time which followed. It seemed to be a final victory, but one last weapon, subtle and cold like frost set up the sea of those deep space moons, which some gods called their kingdoms, thus.\par \par Oh, mighty Babylon, long before the fall. As the very Father above Anu, reign down a new proclamation. She, the serpent, who was set about, to rule for double rights to claim the hearts beyond 11 falsely named. As to incarnate the evil Ti\'e2mat, within her daughter's womb, whore of Babylon, you shall finally fall, and the memory of your long dead Queen! Did the great Marduk, the just, the ZI-AZAG hung in the heavens, not avenge the merciful, indeed? From crudest soil, those who dig into the dirt, for herbs as spell, deep in those wood, of forgotten time?\par The new proclamation, so that future Man will know! As the numbers, and the sentencing, ever shortened life spans, shall the 11 return, plus the false Quingu, the insignificant, the child, as to play out the derelict devilish memories, when a life was also here? Thus into nothingness shall those slip into abyss, shallow to be seen by the gods of wrath, who are sovereign toward Marduk, exalted with anti-matter tide!\par \par He was only trying to protect that girl's purity, it was so rare indeed. That seed of spawn, that dreg of Eve, embedded false in the fabric of this nearly forgotten world. It was the same plight, which Dostoevsky proclaimed in that starkness between the youth of his success, and that crime of punishment echo another world, his fated Siberian hell. Somewhere, there was always some spawn of her, sucking and feeding on a pure ones force, though, and yet, the pure were so rare indeed, do not mistake ignorance, and innocense and thus. An old witch perhaps, or that very sex slave, incarnate, the very "doomsday clock". Daughter Eve, that ticking time bomb, unto the world, in this plane of exist, she remains to be.~\par \par Marduk, the diplomatic, Marduk the punished, Marduk the Magnificent, Marduk, beyond your reason, in space or time, as it exist today, before the division. Long ago, or cast in another parameter of time entirely, there Man was fashioned, from the roughness of steel and iron ore, the way he still is there, your bizarro twin. After the fall, that great divide, those emissaries of opposition did call him clay, so that he would never forget his place again. Once the strain was broken, it could not be set again. Man would have to find his way, before their next return. \par \par For 3,666 years, read by they, as the close of four galactic cycles, Marduk and his army of Shad-Annunaki ministers and super soldiers would have to wait until the event, qn impact like no other. A star alignment, etched in stone by Sumerians, high priest, past onto the cathedral stone masons, Marduk's return, for it was writ in the stars above. When Sirius of the East, should meet so precisely with Orion of the West, there the battle will surely come, as Black fiery rings above, so too the halls of Thoth later did proclaim, incarnate as he, the knowledge, held in the halls of fame.\par That fire, burn in the very heavens, which Man thinks to be that very one, the prophecy of return, be writ there within the anti-one. You may try and esteem a time, to call, when these first great events occurred, but the great purge, made it impossible to tell. The knowledge surely came from somewhere, to breed these many races spread across the expanse of all star systems, all parameters and their twin. There was no one greater, no ruler which ruled with such an iron fist, yet still not endowed with but a fraction of his stellar mercy, solomon but a faint reflection of his emmense dark and light. \par She was not part of "the great plan", but a road block created long, ago, so that the much weaker delegate known as Ti\'e2mat, would finally fall, from the very spell which falsely proclaimed her strength, in seduction of Anu, that Father. To say, he saw her as fare once, would be an unjust reply. It also be writ, in the ancient text of the great and concealed Babylon, hidden behind the veil, that fourth point which make a Ank-crossing, burned into that forth tablet there!\par \par "He whose strength is mighty shall be an avenger for us!"\par \par "The Noble, even in the strife, Marduk the Hero!"\par "O god Marduk, thou art our avenger"\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Preface\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par In "modern times" what ever that may mean to you, "they" use us against one another. Since that first genetic weapon of war, "Man" as he would be known hence forth, would never be as he appeared. Each has their own directive, their own self fulfilling prophecy, which locks "Man" in, tethered, to his own "demon" gods. They know where you are at all 'times"! Never a moment when they do not, this was the very reason, she be engineered as such. Eve, with the very expanding agenda, within the serpent, so small and crafty, the helix to Ti\'e2mat and her Son, Lover Kingu's (Quingu) final plan. Often times, the greatest enemy, is the one who does not exist on any plane, yet shall resurrect again! For there have been many gods of war, war is ultimately what becomes, and a god? For god's never really die, for there is always someone, somewhere, with the call, which presses forth, from deep inside, there very souls, all are tethered to this source, of rule, of conquest, in the service to that Lord before our karmic birth. The god's surely think far through time and space, suspended until the active mind awakens him~\par \par If you find this to be misogyny, think again, for you must think you know what the first female truly be, and why? For your brainwashed, eyes, see only through that spectrum of machine, a scope driven by a mechanical means, you only know womb-man, as that very manifestation of evil, set forth to be as such such, a Daughter, Eve. Destruction is the plan, the downing of a Lord who has brought peace to many many worlds, this one in particular must die before it can truly be reborn.\par \par The great Mother, pure and just, resembles a Man, yet forged of both sides, of the great divide, much more than you could ever know. Those traits, for which your impulses have been primed, is nothing more than the very witch craft, set forth, by that daughter, of Ti\'e2mat, and she ushers forth a Moon child to be had in Cancers sign. SHE has been called the Lady of the Wood, a first matter daughter malevolent, who entered on those ships, some crashing on the very moon, willing, wishing and pressing forth those pangs of destruction onto Man. This before his separation into this false womb-man, breed, was called IMAN, not short a god, to be sure, a blessing passed, from the true Annunaki, those masters of IMAN's like, only now fitting snugly into those ever "smaller" realms of Phi. The return is upon us, upon us all Nibru is cresting, and as the Shemuel pulls near, the very spirit of IMAN grows strong, as to usher forth, the 25th, that descended and tethered, to Anu breast, the great Father, who has forum, Holy Council with Uber Gott, none other. \par \par Do you not yet know MAN, that ye are cursed. That womb-man be a witch, who plots to steal your soul? Do ye not yet know, oh ignorant Man, of matter, who's eyes will soon be awake, as your Father's come nearer, bringing all celestial memory of your forefather's to full heat, in temperament of soul, that true a priori? It is the sex magic, for sex be something sacred, and experienced as "alone", as in the virgin birth, unto IMAN, who generates at the Father's will. Long periods of time, in solitude, living lifespans of many thousand earth yeas, no age or decay, only transformation. She, not that daughter of Ti\'e2mat, that very whore of Babylon, which we call Eve, for the night is her veil, where her true ugliness conceals behind the demon horde. Those Holy Annunaki appointed treachers, instuctors in the art of Generate, the very Elohim, should make great effort, as to show you far to often this be true, in Gnosis! Did you not learn from little Saddi, the Zoroaster, as with the virgin birth, and what it produces, leaving the pure but wretched carcus of though mostly pure vessel, she still be the daughter of Ti\'e2mat, as her wrath all daughter's be. Do you not yet know? Do you not yet see? IMAN is that singularity of GOD, in Uber Gott's expression, for the Master willed his very Son's to fashion that perfection of his like. He is not Man, but IMAN, born to rule with perfection in all planes, as His Father Wills it!~ womb-man, taught that she can gain immortal life, by destroying or stealing the soul of a Man, as to be claimed on the other side, of the great wash, that solution of eternal tide.\par \par Some believe the Norse legend, that Adam and Eve hid behind the mighty Tree, in order to survive. This tree was the very mighty Oak of Thor, truly Marduk, but yet, the Tree did signify, the craft! Burned by Christians on matter side, but to become now fully endowed with spiritual force in IMAN anti. This means to you dear Son, that womb-man be but the ancient she demon, a golem? Only partly, for there were many beings, which stemmed from those evil first 11, made 12, with Kingu. 12 races, each with 12 strains, a hive, an infestation, until the evil Mother, through her daughters, be finally put to rest, for she sits falsly on that 13th seat, a throan. It is thus, a power struggle. For Marduk must spill his seed in matter, to regain title, upon the final moment of matter, in resurrection. To bring down Man, with a clash, and legitimize the daughter of Ti\'e2mat, bring about vital force to Ti\'e2mat, in other words the battle would never end, absent Marduk's rule over the Queens first daughter, in that new dawn. Resurrected she would be, even after her destruction, only to be killed again, and again, eternal until Man or womb-man, finally fall, the end to all matter.\par \par The birth of a Moon child, thus is the legitimizing of this source, to expel the evil spawn. For every Pro, there be a con, for every positive there be negative, immutable, until this dimension folds upon itself, if the Queen can not be taken fast and hard, as mustang broken for that first and final ride. The time is coming, and the birth of the greater force, that 25th, the earthly embodiment of Anu, the Father, shall bring the Annunaki in earths 31/2 years final count down, from 2016 to 2020, we call this the time/year of clear vision, in the current world of matter, the madness in the Ank loop. The world will either be destroyed or the very Son of Anu, likened to Herakles, the great, shall bring this order, of the Elohim back, to restore the Purity of time, into matter's form. Heaven or Hell await.~\par "SET ABOUT A SEA OF CONFUSION, TIDAL WAVES OF BIRTH AND REBIRTH, THE STRUGGLE"\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\par \par Chapter 1\par "The impure Sacrifice"\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 Bloodlines~\par "I'm not going to listen to this!", she exclaimed, as tears welled up in her eyes. Soon that damn of inhibition would brake lose, causing those pent up emotions to race towards their own separate impending fate, a doom. "She's not the only one", Virginia said blankly, as the vamp ran from the room, overwhelmed with unkempt emotion. Virginia went on "wait until she finally realizes, there ain't a reason to roll over in the morning, that'll catch er' steam... aye Captain?" They both raised a glass of that aquavit type primer, a moon shine, to that!\par \par Only, Capn' (as he was less formerly known, in these times) didn't say much. It was, some said, on account of a brake, in his very solidarity, a lack of tolerance, to "that great pain". He did however (Capn' Arguess) speak to himself, quite often, but only when he truly thought, the coming out of his safe place, a seclusion, would indeed be not met, by human ear, "othern' his" as Capn' would often say out loud, and within, in those genius moments, times of mindless mumble.This is when he would plan his trips, in the past anyways, before this roving prison, become their home, seeming now an eternity. Well Capn' was alone, now, only needing the blips on this analog sonar guidance screen, and his trusty maps, to remember where the hell he was. He was, accurate to a fort night, or in layman's terms (outside the lexicon of Capn's own speak), about 100 miles, whilst traveling, at a steady yet un-gainful pace. There was no where to go, no one to confide in, the masses finally got their way.\par They all boarded in such haste. Captain Arguess usual command, had been well, on long sabbatical. He was a South Pole excavation ship's captain, as it were called, running odd items of discovery, to various ports, for some Elite group or organization. There were certain things he would do, and certain things he wouldn't dare, on account of his Principles, and such, at least in those first two years, as a young Captain. The sea made him isolated desperate and alone, but most would say it brings out the truth of a Man. Those long hours, at sea, staring at the swells, wondering what might be beyond them and more so, what they truly are, on a more cosmic level.\par The Captain was at sea for 20 years, and in painful reminder of them, for the last 14, he lived in a simple house, that is until the town was no more, and lead a simple life, no frills, pain was the way of that universal port village "I'm sure it be no different, for Capn's manning space ship", he would mumble to himself, in order that he should equal himself, underneath those stars, which he navigated so well. That's just the point, when he snapped, upon this revelation, for he saw things, and experienced them no less, under these same trusted stars. Capn' now mumbled to himself "those damned things moved on me, that's when it all fell to shit, when those infernal fixed Lights in the sky, moved on me, visited me in fact, that was the GODDAMNED BREAKING POINT!", As Capn' raised up his fist, a pacified himself, with the stoutness, of another drink. There was no alcohol, on bored, yet he had all the food products on this tanker, to "make a years worth of moonshine" or as he called it, "sea brine!". A distillation unit, was priority, during the first month out, especially to escape the madness of those many explosions and lights in the sky. The radio was often not used these days, once port had been made, 3 times, around the Baltic sea, to have revealed the truth, a devastation. "Why were we spared?" Capn' would grasp his head, and sulk at the madness of this reality. "I was alone all my life, never taking a shine to people, nor they to me", "I never gave to nobody But my Men and Mates, and it was always mutual, give and take"..."so, why me?" The massive tanker mostly drifted through the waters, engines shut down, but much fuel was stowed last they came to port, a month back, now 4 months out to sea. They set port for longest, 3 days, but is was a bad idea. Stopping in what appeared to be a small sea port Italian village once, they were in for rude awakening. "All of em', black, black dust, no more than that...all of us, return to that black dust, I know that now, I'm fairly sure". The world was theirs, yet the sadness never ceased. There was grief and sadness in all the places they saw, and it kept them roving now, for limitless miles, to another promise land, if they could indeed place a common cause. The video footage, stored on one of the computer data systems, a weather radar network of sufficient means, possibly slightly outdated Naval standard, revealed the proof. "Souls, billions of souls, just vaporized, I wonder if they know they are even dead?". The footage showed people, vaporizing, before the camera most likely did the same. "Town's" Capn' mumbled "whole villages, ports and cities, the whole damn thing, gone, in a flash!". The nuclear missile launches nearly took them out, they saw the mushroom clouds, and managed to live through the massive swells, undamaged, "scared out of are bits we were, ha ha", as Capn' slammed down another steady three finger, of sea brine, a buzz was still a buzz, and frankly added to the surrealism, of the situation.\par \par That's what got them thinking, until they saw the footage, and matched the footage to a date, it was indeed a nuclear war, which was culprit to this aftermath. It wasn't until they began to piece it all together, that they soon realized, the missiles must have launched through some automated system, a default, soon after the entire population, or at least it seemed as such, were but sent out into the ether, as vaporized shadows of life, as it was in an era, never more to be that way again. "It's funny how what ever killed them all, seemed to leave the towns we saw in tact" Capn' thought, inside, to himself, but they never discussed it.\par \par Three of them a girl, named Rachel Miller, only 19, and in Cap'n and Virginia's view, very immature and obviously unskilled and entitled to boot. She ran onto the deck, as the people began to poof, up in clouds, which Capn's eye had caught, as it seemed to serpentine it's way down, moving like the speed of sound. The ship was just fueled, and set out of dry dock at that, Capn' loved watching the process, so near to his humble home, catching a few good "fat head's", mindless the type, for dinner, and taking that safety, in the humbleness of skill that Capn' knew. "The sea" Capn' would say to his Men "offers her wayward bosom, to any Man, who is lost wishing to be found"\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Chapter 2\par "False Expression into repression"\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 Virginia was a god send, though she and Capn' were closer to the same age, yet far different. Virginia was an Artist, well read, a transcendentalist. She would fascinate Capn', by opening his mind up to avenues, ally ways and venues never dared to be dreamed, much less thought to exist. In Capn', Virginia found a solidness, a structure and regimented Man, lit solely by the pain of his own ability to endure, an unsuspecting relationship, with catastrophe to thank, meeting in this strange way, on cosmic tide. "Need anything Capn', I'm hitting sack, till my morning shift?" Virginia and Capn' rotated and regulated the even flow of movement, to this great ship, often exclaiming how easy it seemed to be, when there were no other personages to worry about, at sea. Yet that occasional wayward ship, which rarely could cause any damage to the ships massive hull, was all that seemed to incite this around the clock ship's manning. They were going south, and had finally gotten all they needed, in supplies, on that last trip, which was enough to get them motivated towards finding answers. "Else we can just drift out here, at sea forever I suppose" was the Capn's convincing argument, though no one really knew what was down there. "slow and steady Virginia my dear, good night then, unless you be interest in a night cap" as the Capn' smiled, as a child and raised the bottle of their booty, that sea brine. "You know I never turn down the offering of any alcohol, you could practically light a match, from my breath". But it wasn't always this way, it was just that, there was simply no point not to be this way, now. Capn's was in his 59th year, as he stated, with no feelings for the matter. "I Took my first Ship out to sea, at 26, after learning up the ropes, and that was the official end, to my life as a land Animal". Virginia on the other hand had been a fascinated student of life, and it's truth, but did not have the means, to travel outside her common home. She was 46, and had lived to ascend, to a higher state of consciousness. The two must have had some stars in common, or something to that effect, but she did privately do their respective Vedic charts. \par \par And, after slamming down, 3 well proportioned doses, they began to talk and discus things as they were. To bad we can't trust all those bottles of fine champagne and rum, out there for our taking aye Virginia?", "We both agreed, we aren't touching anything, that was exposed to what ever radiation effect, might have taken place", "You said so yourself, that if not for the massive walls of this thing, we might not be here at all!" "True, very true. but the taste of that fine day, when all the world be our challis, so to speak, aye Virginia". "All I can think about these days, is to find a another human being, to talk to, to figure out what the hell happened, cuz frankly my dear, I haven't got a clue". "I am thankful for having you however, and ...Rachel", "How is that girl anyways, I hope she is not too upset with me, I never know what I have done, exactly, to ignite her". Virginia laughed, "Oh Capn', the ways to a Wombman's heart, has to be much like the sea, you have to endure here many changing currents, to find paradise!". "I'll drink to that Virginia, well said, and by a Lady of the Sea, non the less!". \par \par The Tanker, was called Misanthrope, I do not know why, but somehow, they all seemed to be aboard that ship, long before she sailed, if you know what I mean? "How long on this voyage, dear Capn'?" "To long to begin asking now my dear, at least 5 days, before we see the Horizon, this is after all, one of the slowest vessels ever made, and we need to save fuel". "Always so precise and responsible, see, that's why I'm so lucky". "And, how are you doing my dear, You never invite me to your side of the estate anymore, ha ha"..."It often does seem like we are in a sort of war of the Roses, if only we didn't get along so well, but then we do have a rebellious and dreaded, dare I say teenage daughter, that we have somehow inherited". "Oh, Rache will be find, she just needs to get her sea fairing legs on, if you follow my sentiment?" "Oh yes, I do, but she does have about 20,000 square feet, to herself at any given time, but to lose all your family and those closest to you, lucky that both you and I barely had anyone, to call family, and neither of us, really ever felt like we truly had a home". "Aye my dear, this is the closest to a home, I have ever felt, there is sadness on those shores, but a belonging here at sea, I never quite felt before, funny how the end of the world, can bring new life, to those who somehow survived this thing, for now aye?" "And I'll add, something to look forward to, when we an finally uncork those many vintage bottles of delight, aye Sea Capn?" "Aye" and with that, they bid one another a good night. \par \par They both now looked at the stars, from their respective positions. Virginia looked up, surprised again, at clear and perfect night it was. So beautiful, she had gotten over feeling guilty about here astonishment and enjoyment of limitless sea and sky, "oh the freedom", she thought, to herself. She was working on that next painting in her mind. She remembered the one she was sketching a sea scape, when it all took place. She was simply gaining a closure look, in a moment, at the massive twin, in the ropes the ship pulled, when the event took place. Now, there, in her studio, a massive warehouse she had amassed a respectable collection, of her own works, "funny", she thought, "how brilliance, seems to be something now that is in abundance". She had managed to gain supplies of the finest order. The best paints from those few ports which they endured, with those specific gainful purposes in mind, it after all, gave them something to do. It all went surprisingly so smoothly, They simply walked into the store, and took all that they needed. She had just finished a life sized sculpture of the Captain, and after 4 continuous months together, they had looked into one anothers faces, more often that a married couple of 20 years. They of course gained these supplies, prior mentioned, before their speculation about radiation, and the supplies were not the kind for human consumption. They had massive stock, on board the ship, and if it weren't for the Capn's inclination and response, a knowing, the ship never would have left dock in time. They could all feel it, when the sonic boom hit her broadside, and this is why they trusted her all the more. They didn't know if they were radiated, or how much, but they could worry about this, as they could speculate endlessly many things, so they simply didn't bring it up. Rachel on the other hand was still in shock, from that last port mission, we will say.\par \par Rachel had demanded some of the finer things in life, despite the total needlessness and lack of value, she seemed to hide behind the hording. Dresses, from the finest boutiques, many hand bags and makeup of the finest accord. She missed her dogs the most, and her friends at school. Rachel often turned her attention to computers, as that was what her generation had basically been raised up on. She liked to dance, and listen to music, funny how all this space, allows one to work out their madness, into some human expression, that other ways lay muted by the noise of all that chatter. Though they didn't discuss it, among themselves they knew, there was a clear unbroken thought form, a total oneness, that seemed to sooth them, even Rachel, and it would indeed be fine, for her, it was as if a Lioness had been awakened, into finding out one day, she was not a mere house cat.\par \par That fight, as it were, truly another hormone driven misunderstanding, towards the Captain, which I spoke of concerning the Captain, Rachel and Virginia (as innocent bystander) was truly about Rachel's confusion with what was happening, and her missing her Father, though he was never truly present, like most. People were odd, in those final days, prior to the event. Capn' had merely suggested that Rachel, take some responsibility with shifts, and learn to sale the massive tanker, telling her how easy it truly was, with no real task, but to wake him if the needle no longer pointed due south, when that fight broke out from within here. "I'm not going to listen to this!"she hurled, strikingly close to what she would say to her Father, and what her Mother said to her Daddy too.\par \par The Captain, in all those 4 months, didn't get more than a few sentences in, and within the proceeding 6 weeks, new in there "voyage", she began to project her many issues onto him. Captain only ever had a niece, which he only saw as a Baby, and really it wasn't even his true niece by blood, and a Dog, that showed up one day, at the docks, while he was feeling melancholy about the girl he lost, when he took to the sea. He called the Dog Molly, on account that it was his first, and only really one loves, Name. He would be kind to her, unless he got really drunk, in which case he would take out all his most frightening impulses on the air and her, having beaten her, a handful of times, she seemed to forgive him the next morning, as he wallowed in his pathetic guilt for being so useless, really to anyone, even to himself. "If I didn't have Molly and the Sea, there would simply be nothing left". Well, he didn't discus it, even with Virginia, but he lost Molly, that day, during the event. You see, he left her at home, after another bad, night, not nearly as bad as those early days, when she first showed, up, as stray, on those docks. He was pondering how much he appreciated her, when Rachel too, had come into his life, without warning. Soon, his instincts had taken over, there would be no time, to go home, and if this were all some strange isolated event (a sub-thought), he would make it up to Molly when he got home. He still thinks about her, while looking out at the blackness of frequency, that is the sea, he can still sea her sitting in her favorite nook of the couch, as Capn' would save her bits of fish, saying "this'll make your coat strong, my Molly", Capn' had actually, during their last few days, together, managed to Kiss her, and dote on her, finding a place in his heart, between the guilt and lostness of pain, that become her place, no one elses, and she knew it. Capn' wasn't violent with her, no, not at all, he just yelled, and broke some dishes, as he always got a bit raucous when drinking the hard stuff. It was as if, a buzzing came, that he could not quite, which tempered him to react, well he had certainly displaced his aggression towards old Molly, only to find that items would brake instead, I hope that explanation will suffice, as the ways of those Sea Men, through out generations, as it were, is a hard cast to follow, indeed. Yet, you are more than appreciative, when you indeed must call on their steadfast knowing and courage, when it comes to Man up, to the Sea, many don't know it, but the sea, as a whole, that is the Leviathan, which ancient stories hold. Capn' came across this one, one day, at port, whist catching his fish and chips abroad, which was placed there, on his table, underneath some glass, as table surface.\par \par Leviathan\par Oh how I ache for you\par Your Blood Lust Orgies, your Moon lit carnival\par I am you, and you made me\par That snake, which slithered forth, from within me~\par \par It was evident, how clear things were. Capn' didn't seem to fly towards that lostness, towards those same un-timely, un-welcomed, fits of rage. There was indeed, which I can not emphasise enough, a peace, a calm. It was as if all those souls and their oneness, somehow condensed into this calmness of form. The seas were calm, and so to the few birds, that would occasionally find refuge on this massive floating barge, as it were. The thing, under the scope of all rational thought could, invariably, stay out to sea for yeas, at a time, if necessary, but even the Capn' was hunkering, for home, and more recently, from those pangs, of his very heart's center, begun to call out to Molly, in the night, when the rotation came back to Virginia. They had worked out a good system, and truly needed young Rachel to just step up, and she was coming around, though there was little evidence of it now.\par \par In those very quadrant, of their own, expressed the individuality which made them, who they are, compounded now with space, and freedom. There was the loud echo of Music, streaming off the ship, as it passed by moments in the night, coming from Rachel's side of the Mansion, as they joked, commonly, along with the smell of distastefully expensive perfume, which she had many, many bottles of. Funny how much loot one can bring aboard a ship, when that is all one is concerned about. Still, to fill these many spaces, would certainly take years, and no one wanted to stay aboard any longer than they had to. Still, there was a feeling of this place now, as home. The ship was really heading no where, and everywhere, in any given moment. The sphere, about which the ship Misanthrope sailed, had not agenda, at least not one that could be known nor seen now. The days were promising for Art, and self education on all levels. as the massive computer archive, made it so there be no need for an Internet source, though there were Many functioning sources still in operation, all depending on where they passed.\par \par That ship called Misanthrope sailed on, heading towards an uncertain, yet peaceful future, in that it could not lose, nor be let down, as it demanded very little, aside from sailing it's own seas. Many theories swarmed in there minds that night, as a new quantum potential, be unlocked, while now in route to those southern seas. Capn' was tired, and for the first time in his long miserable life, had not a worry on his mind. He echoed the depth, before heading past that last under water upward trough, before the canyon of deep water should keep them moving on into that fortnight. He echoed the radar Doppler system, and anchored the minor chord, to that place below, which was but a few hundred feet down, to that mass, which was once a beach, long ago, before another event took place. He poured a stiff one, to send him off, turned the light off, and lay on the captains day bed, falling off to the deepest and most peaceful rest, he had ever known, it was as if he were a Babe without care again.\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Chapter 3\par "A Physcial Wisdom"\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 In, the night that never ends~\par Instantly the captain, after dropping anchor, and confirming contact, fell of to sleep, he began, what seem a clear and steady communication with a being much like him. "Where is this, did you say?" as if they had been carrying on for the long, "Your people called it Europa, a Moon, of Jupiter's, which we call the Mother. Our name for Europa is translated to the sleeping child. "You look, well like an Indian", that's because we are of the same blood, at one time, our peaceful people traveled freely, between worlds, absent of jurisdiction or fear to harm." "Now, the whole thing has reached it's end time cycle". "End time cycle?" Capn' asked "Yes, the polarity of change dictates, the occurrence of potentials, your people had become critical to remove". "It wasn't their faults" Why do I suddenly know more than I did when awake?" "My name is Ballock, and I am your like, on this Moon". " I sail the seas, much the same as you do on hour planet, which we call Malstruck". "To answer you quandary, your potential was increased greatly, as I am sure you had suspected, due to the event, as you call it". "What I was about to say, that is, what I was meaning to convey was that I seem to be a different person all together, yet am somehow familiar to myself?" "Yes, that is the eternal spirit, your omnipresent soul force, which you share with me, and now that there are no others of your like, on Malstruck, your Earth, the channel is open, it's as if thousands of miles do not exist at all". So, we are like twins?" "Ha ha, more like Brother's with gifts, one is free communication between us". "I was falling asleep, before I came here, are we on a ship here as well?" "We are no where specifically, but can go anywhere that is valid" "valid?", "Yes, valid to the point of our shared experience as we share the same basic soul, it is a good soul" "To explain better, look out the port of my ship" "Oh my God, where am I?" "By looking, you then are here, does this make sense?" "Now let me see your ship's view". "Very good, you already got the hang of it, it's as if you already knew". "You are headed south, from the looks of it". "I can tell you certain things, about your journey, as I am not vested in your worry, which is what keeps you from this type of communication, throughout any given day". "I sense your presence, but was patiently waiting, I had pretty much given up, when poof, I fell asleep in much the same way you did, however we are a strong ship of Many, and I am merely taking a rest", "Why can't I see the others?" "the same as why I can not see your others, but very hazy, due to the few left on your planet, 30 to be exact, because they are not our Planetary likes". "So we are essentially, by probability, the same person?" "Yes, in a round about way. There were several million prior to the event, which seemed to draw from me, now, like you, I am filled with an intense peace and clarity, which has uplifted and boosted me". "It's as if all those who died, in the event, that last pang in the great cycle, have become calm spiritual helpers, also aware of our emanating and pure source as personality in the greater cosmos. in short, we belong!""First time I ever belonged to anything worthwhile". "Capn', I must tell you something, as our time is short, in this place, for now". "There will be many Men who attempt to destroy you. Several of these men, have banded together, lawless, now acting as if they are Pirates, out for Plunder." " Believe it or not, you have been intrusted with these two females for a very good reason, they are the last". "It is up to you now, as to decide what those next steps be, in the next great cycle." "Now, it seems like a fantasy, because you are for the most part, outside time, as you knew of it". "Those aspects which you relate with time, are in fact false". "Aging was partly a byproduct of the many who drew on your common force, and the Elite, which are now also dead, having gone to their Master's Chamber". "Their Master's chamber?" "Yes, they had long ago killed their likenesses, through out many worlds in fact, both in ritual and portal travel. I can not tell you how this works now, but when you finally make your choice, to either repopulate your planet, stay and live for thousands of years, or leave and join the cosmic union, be a few of those many choices before you. all are worthy and noble choices though, indeed, Capn', believe it or not, in the elegance, of simplicity, you mostly made the right choices, which is why you are now here, as the trusted one". "And you thought this was all random, didn't you?" "I certainly did". "There are still some massive obstacles before you now". "Those Men, each hold in them, the potential seed, to repopulate your world, with far different potentials, I have already seen them all, and they do not look pleasant, for the most part, all end in much the same way, you see here as the event". "You however can not have children, and that one, which is your friend, you call Virginia is, nearly past her time to carry child so you may have to pick who will be ultimately mating with Rachel, which is not an easy road to travel". "Where are we now?" "About to wake up!\par \par Capn' looked up, with salt covered eyes. Beginning to roll towards the ship forward, and towards the viewable horizon, "funny how different every appears in the contrast of Day, to Night. Rubbing off the drink from his eyes, the autogenic yawn, and the drilled in need to find his boots (somehow they had traced off of his feet), Capn' laced up, only seeing the visible expanse of South Bound sea before him, before them all. He could barely remember..."wait"mumbling "was that a dram?" Virginia's presence could be felt, prior to her even stepping up the ladder, to that higher perch, of viewable level. There seemed to be something growing in Capn', from that experience, from all these moments, upon moments, out to sea. From the very affirmation, of himself, as belonging to a greater cause, whether simply (but not so simply) within his very own head, or somehow, someway "real" (he was quickly losing what "real meant", and quite liking it), it didn't rally matter to Ol' Capn', cause he was finding out, there was no such a person. As the falsehood, through consciousness now ironic was still melting away (as if something indeed had been activated within him, as stir), Virginia walked up, and in, through that relatively narrow starboard entry. with hot coffee, and some items she had baked, from that massive industrial kitchen (as stated quite well supplied). "Since none of us really eat, I thought I would make us something that had alcohol inside it...RUM DANISH!" "Huh, what do you think?" "I think my dear Virginia, that looks, sounds and smells delightful, a victory to all senses, in fact". Placing the items on the actual control dash, which was typically kept strictly clear, at all times, Virginia had made that physical statement, without conscious action, and for once, Capn' didn't care...they both knew there were bigger fish to fry. The danish was perfectly caramelized with brown sugar (actual molasses to give it color), that finer flower, from pantry, authentic rum flavor with alcohol, vanilla from freeze dried form (spices and other things kept in air free storage to last the long), and several other more personalized and artistic ingredients, that made this rum danish almost alive. The coffee and Cornish ware had been carried up, in one of the smaller transport containers, insulted, so they would stay piping hot. Virginia had cracked open the seal, just prior to her entry, so Capn' could gain the full effect. Now all these items were placed on the control dash, with this greater purpose. They both pulled up a chair, Virginia sat in a fold out directors chair, green, as the lower portion of the Misanthrope, and Capn' sat in the higher viewable and swiveling Captain's chair. "You know what, I'll be right back". Captain went lower deck, advanced starboard, and pulled the locking pin from that drop anchor. He fired the wench, which, there were a few more steps than simply dropping lesser anchor from inside the ship's quarter deck as Capn' still refer to it, each type of ship had it's one parts, it's own identity at that. Returning, to that smell, He fired up those engines, and confirming anchor draw, he set a slow pace, due south. Capn' hit the compass twice, with his finger, as if to point attention to the fact, that it actually works (there were electrical anomalies that surged every now and then, which could be felt). "South, to south west, we are on our way". "What happened last night, got a little to drowsy to keep going, Capn'?"\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\par Chapter 4\par "Community Rocks the Boat"\par \f2\lang1032\'f3\'e5 \'e1\'f0\'fc\'ea\'f1\'f5\'f6\'f9\'ed\f0\lang1033 ~\f2\lang1032\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par "Well, the O.J. is from a can, a big can, but it sure tastes sweet" Virginia said to Capn', with a delighted smile. "Yes, somehow everything tastes better today, as if the taste of...victory?". Suddenly, with this statement, really a question, the prompt to that automated learning process, the teacher within of that higher executive brain, began to fire away. "I need to talk to you about something Virginia". "Really?" "What could be that pressing", as she smiled expecting partly nothing yet somehow being aware, that something had shifted, last night, in that ethereal tide...something came to this ship, to change it's very countenance, a feel. "Ha ha", "almost painful to laugh", "Oh this Ol' Captain is undoubted sailing his last ship, at". Virginia looked at Capn' oddly now, a tenseness to her neck, a stair "Oh yea, you have my interest".\par \par "Look Virginia" the shift to a more stern dialect, was underway, "I had a strange dream last night, at least I think it was a dream". Virginia listened on. "There was a Man, or a spirit or being...something, someone...that gave me information". "Anyways, it seemed quite real, more real than this in fact...though this is a mighty tasty Rum Danish my dear" Captain licking his fingers, and advancing at another bit, sipping his hot coffee, with one sugar cube, from that nicely appointed dish, and a splash of cream, which tasted more like cream and condensed milk, subtle reminders, like the O.J., of bulk supplies, canned to last the season, and the tides. "This Man, this Indian Man" Suddenly some memories and expertise triggered in Virginia, she has studied cave paintings, and that link to American Indians, Egyptians and an actual Annunaki Alien connection, even did some tribute paintings of the many cave drawing she studied. "An Indian!?" "You simply must go on, I have to hear more", Virginia took a big drink of O.J., a large bite of Danish, washing it all down, barely chewed, though quite soft, with a strong swig of coffee. "Tell me more?" "Well, the Indian told me his name, he was called Ballock" "Ballock, as in the ancient god Ballock\f0\lang1033 .\f2\lang1032\par \par The misanthrope pressed on. "Well, we could do this shift together". About an hour had passed, and the two spoke about the dream(s), when Rachel entered, with a basket of her own. There was eggs, bacon, and toast (all from the freeze dried, pantry, found in her secondary executive Kitchen (ette). "What's this?" Virginia exclaimed, with a positive supportive tone, that avoided a condescending quality, nearly all together. "I just wanted to make some breakfast, and say, well...I'm sorry, to you both" Tears began to well up, and Rachel smiled. It was a surprisingly peace filled smile. A rosiness came across her cheeks, and a vibrancy, to her hair and general countenance. "I see something is quite different about you Rachel...radiant, you have a radiance about you", Virginia taking a second look, then, only slightly advancing her eyes towards Captain, a minor natural jealousy, if one exists? Support then kicked in, as that higher form of Virginia, she battled her impulses, and knew, always knew she was more...only loosing hope, nearly her internal faith, in that last year, before the event. Setting down her basket, that also had coffee and O.J., this was the first time they felt a connection, all three of them, as that ship called Misanthrope, pressed on, now 9:33am, the time only mattered to them, in that reflection of what it meant in terms of available day light.\par \par "I had this dream guys" Rachel went on. "I was like this queen, or something", "I had all these like Indian like Men, worshipping me, but I wasn't me, I was like older, or more refined or something...all the things I am not, I was a Lady, a Queen". "Any way, it was really weird". Rachel had pulled up a third directors chair, this one was black, that most likely came from the voyage center, which wrapped towards the back of the ship, but still a part of the control center, portside. Pulling out the items, from the bag Rachel exclaimed "I see you were thinking the same thing, he he". A small bit of competition was infused in the snipe, but it was not intended, outside a natural need to dominate (that reptilian lower cause, to rule). The girls both smiled at one another, "Rachel has somehow shuffled away a little girl and returned a Woman." Capn' making effort to conceal a small burning flame within his soul, even to himself. \par \par "Ladies, Theodore, my name is Theodore Arguess...I have have always been known, at least for the last 25 years, as Captain, but I prefer Theodore". "I always planned on using the name, when I had finally reached some level of retire, or esteem, but that day never quite, it just seems appropriate, as I don't know how long I will actually be able to be referred, as such". The Ladies looked at one another, with supportive gesture, Rachel settled slightly to mimicking Virginia's gesture, as her initial face of approval, was that of a little girl, she had not yet affirmed this physical change, it was not yet actualized nor embedded, but rather, the change came from deep within, and equally as deep, in that great expansive without.\par \par The ship pressed on at 13.5 knots (or 15.5 mph), it was a slow crawl to a final destination. "I was going to address this to Virginia, just before you came it, however I think you came just in time Rachel", said Theodore, Capn' Theodore, as he would be called, sometimes now as Capn' in those rushed moments of a formal nature, other times, endearingly as Theodore. "Ladies...That is, Rachel, Virgina" was a way that "Capn'" showed a new respect for this quickly budding and emerging personality, of the hidden Queen, walking up those temple pillar steps, out, from the vacant vanity, the pollution, of Americana pop subculture, a craft. It was as if there were Jewels and a uniform of distinction, not visible to that nakedness of eye, yet seen, in this dimension, here on earth. It was as if they were all, each, on a mission, on their very quest, together, yet quite separate in many ways, towards a destiny of remarkable Universal measure, a maximum degree of selfhood, into the allness of meaning, matterless, that transient form, able to take shape, on any plane. These 3, were gaining in substance. This feeling of indestructible measure, is often times, most times, deflated when pressed to full expression, the curse of that "human form". \par \par "We are headed towards Men, many Men, Pirates in fact". Captain Theodore looked straight ahead. The sexual air, a power, now surrounded the command port. The smell of countless flowers, and intoxication, was in the room on the ship. the promise of a new day, as if something unseen were present. The three however, together, were south bound yet always pointing north, forever more, this day. Yet on another ship, Misanthrope's antithesis ? whos name fused the terms humility and prosperity...this ship unseen by Malstruck Sun Lit vision, was called the tall ship Nobility, a force, that sailed on, forth, through cyclopean ancient universal waters.\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\par Chapter 5\par "No Production valu\f0\lang1033 _\f2\lang1032 "\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par "Men!" "Pirates?" "Yes, they are undoubtedly out there", it was as if Captain, was in three places, or more, at one time, the body of his form only existing here, in transient space. There was that pull of yearn, of want, a powerful and invisible force, that was ignited in Rachel, and thus Rachel ignited! There was too, the tracing of this, with Virginia. having never been this goddess, of Wiccan Yor, but the pulse, later in life, had been ignited with this flame, from who knows where, LIFE, the balance? There was here, on the tanker ship Misanthrope, a study. A place where they could gain, and collect, far from others taint. All the knowledge and thus experience, of the human race, culminate, morphed and bent, since all those billions combined, into this balance, of homeostatic need, towards true expression, had, well become them. Unassuming, nearly unnoticed and equally as unimpressive, in the old world, the fading world, was not longer the identities being cast upon them, by Elite force, which also only mix into the wash, as a pinch of ingredient, that should be used, like Cinnamon, in small but specific alchemical doses, as to not take over the substance, of the Danish, in truth a roll/role.\par \par There was life aboard Misanthrope, as there was death aboard it's anti, a counter. On Misanthrope, that very cry of future Kings, that could be felt, definite, a pulse. The two ships moved as one, but the knowing, that one would win, and none would soon sail again in physical occupiable space that is. That these ships, as force, would and have sailed these waters, and nearly all waters everywhere, as those same contrasting, identities.\par The importance, could not thus be amplified, but must be played down, but not forgotten. The magic always systematically displayed, in that 2%, the rare. A force to last, for the long. Not separate from that lingering taste, or smell, or any other higher form of the senses. That essence a smell, beneath the breath, of a multifariously satisfying meal, satisfying more that just the immediate senses of fulfillment or palatability...rule was inevitable, always there, waiting, within that universal solution, the mix. On that Pirate Ship called Prominence, a battleship no less, there was that lesser role, the outcasts, willing with that very defiance, a denial of mutation. Those 30 components, separate, yet looking for a merciless dictator, bent, on destruction, to usher forth and forge a false justification, towards plunder, rape, murder and torture. Prominence pressed forth, carrying ammunition, but well stocked also with that combined homicidal force, of alien pentagonal destruction, equally amplified, and mirrored, as such, a projection. "They", all earth inhabitants, could feel one another, as the finality of seismic universal reset called louder, with very labored ache, of time. That wayward Captain Crane, sailing forth at an increasingly greater speed, in self justification, pressing forth the idea, a concept of far lesser prize, and thus reward, aboard that ship called Prominence. It was as if, Principalities, as probability, had set to sail these "all charted seas" of universal proportion, in order that that life itself, not matter the assumed quality, called out wildly a justification of relevance, a belonging.\par \par Indeed all did belong, to some group, somewhere. This force, as it were, was backed, by equal universal proportion, quickly gaining, no separation. "How many bloody fucking times have I told you, NO MORE FUCK UPS!", Captain Crane, or Captain Pain, as he was privately called by those who had mutiny laden within there dark souls, a storm brewed, within the fiery cauldron of Pagan hearts, under the veil of Prominence over remorse, a false nobility. Though Prominence sailed with the obvious identity of a modern Battle Cruiser, the faint primitive stature of an ancient straw looking war ship, hovered around and above, somewhere in that silver "middle" a tall ship, she was. Though there were but 30 inhabitants. there were a hundred demoniac agents, a legion to each one. There was nothing to kill, only the taste of blood scent, that looming alpha need to rape, murder, KILL, devour all in "it's" wake, a presence. That post effect of countless occult rituals, precise but misleading. Themes of sex, sacrifice, in the false effort to crack, a turn to once again animate that karmic carbon wheel, rot, into time, that ever looping age of misfortune.\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 In that same moment, contrasted by those tides of wash, as sea Capn' stated, beyond a mere mumble to himself, as the rain began to pour down on the tanker ship called Misanthrope "How many times!".."How many times has this moment happened, dictated by some unseen force?" "I was just beginning to wonder the same thing" said Virginia. "There is something unnerving about this day, it's as if each hour is a week, a month" replied Capn'. "I can feel them, as if I am being called by him" said Rachel, in a near trans like state, as she stared forth, into those southern waters, now showing signs of swells, increasing in their uneasiness, not unlike a mighty beast, a horse which sensed the change, heaving. They all looked forward. There was no past, no where to go back to.\par \par The seas swelled, and the storm brewed, and manifest in moments, or within the singularity of moments past and not quite a valid form, into future scope, "a storm!" The lightening flashed, and the clouds thundered on. Moments, converged, every ship, that ever sailed, and it's authentic executive mission, was compounded, into this very moment, as moments seemed to now crash into the singularity, as if the moment stopped at a signal, obedient. Yet, more like a walled up massive gate, a damn about to burst, who's release must be earned. "I have the sudden feeling, we are carrying all the relevance of Man kind on our very backs". In transient rebuttal to his statement, Rachel stared forth "Woman kind". Capn' didn't expect for her to answer, nor did she utter a foreseeable tonal acknowledgement, as he looked over at her swollen body, lips luscious, breasts much swollen, rounder, young Rachel fuller now. Her very dress, once occupied by a strange and awkward child now bursting with a voluptuousness of being, of power. King's surely died to occupy her, to be inside her, an abuse of power? It was as if Babylons very Tiamat were thrust into her. that crash, which coincides, -much more than a subtle difference, between Man, Woman, God and Goddess-. Her lips so pulpy, so red yet pink, a hint. Each glossy bit of moisture clung to them, and on her skin a sheen. Captain didnt' want to, it wasn't in him, at least it wasn't a moment or so before. Captain was a Man, a solid Man. There eyes met, as if directed by some force far beyond them. Thousands, no millions of each their like, pressing forth, to live, to express, to do what began it all and would begin it all again. Millions of eyes captured the moment, through those seemingly small pupils, a view to the universe at large. Lust, but love, valor but Pagan idolatry, it was in each breath of life, which transcended to intellect, which was that greater cause. Though Captain never felt it before, in fact it was foreign to him, that small fight, of individuality, to suppress the feeling, amplified that Father in him also, that need to deny, then to protect."This must be why we mistaken them for purity"whispering with an obvious loss of himself, to her, to it, to this presence now known yet in haste to be forgotten. Suddenly Virginia looked to Captain, she was removed, listening to the pounding of rain, the wetness of promise, of life giving waters, every molecule carried it's perfect and protected Hexagonal form, the code, to higher meaning. Six thoughts, at least, at once took place, in equal proportion, within "the moment", outside of times gates, those zietgeber's, the watchmen. Now that stronger pulse of Mother, of Father, newly, freshly found a beacon within them, the fight beyond abrupt separation of IMAN, torn in two, a separate form entirely, advancing towards return. There was something invited, that strongly made it's presence, the earth, Malstuck, was rebooting with these 3, housed within their very thoughts and experience. "Are we....are we" Virginia looked upon him, you could almost, nearly see the tracings of a warrior Queen, ethereal white chainmail, armor, a head dress. cheekboned helmet, utilitarian, without frills, fashioned for war, and this was reflected onto Theodore. "What...." as Theodore looked, down, tears welling in his eyes "God's?".\par \par "I'm afraid" Said Rachel in a child like way "I'm just a girl, a spoiled, peace of crap, from some Family, that never really gave a shit about me, so I never gave a shit about myself", full blown now in tears., her point relevant, and pronounced, they had all become something else, absent nearly any inkling, or stir within them, that they had ever been anything else. Somewhere meeting some string, now tether to the mass, of Longitude and Latitude, extending out towards space, light years, this was the very weight of all dimensions mass. An Arm extended forth, a solid hand rested on Virginia's left shoulder. The two faced one another. The gesture was noble, respectful, as captain expressed, equally, in all spheres of his existence "It's going to be O.K.". The 3 of them, now taking on the identity of 3 scared little mice, deep in their den, but a family? Yet as if, malicious Farmer's, had ignited poisonous noxious rodent "bombs", burst into the safety of their little cubby, warm and once protected, they embraced. A Father, who was a King, a Mother, who was a Warrior Queen, and Princess, who was on the brink of ruling her own land, yet set on the border of Darkness and Light. The 3 embraced, and a Holy presence was then invited, for they fought to be more, in that moment. Yet human moments pass to quickly, for moments mark, thus impact time. The celestial form, surrounded them, they saw all those who fought this same battle, clear, approving, offering themselves, all were in tears, all were genuine, the moment was valid, the intentions were Pure.\par \par Information poured down on them, they all muttered, they all repeated, together, in chant, spherically balanced and known, as they looked upon one another, the 3 "You must let go, you must let go". \par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc Chapter 6\par "Ego to a fault"\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 The Fallen\f0\lang1033 ~\f2\lang1032\par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 As the 3 pressed on, knowing these are those moments which we prepare for battle, they each momentarily retracted, a natural posture of identity protection, a recoil into self. They parted wordless. Virginia to her studio, inspired to sculpt and interpretation, as to what revealed himself to her, that Holy presence, a Man, completely light, a solid ivory white, but a Spirit Holy, so much texture, so much life, in every part of him. Her energy transcended to the solar plexus. The Spirit could be felt, world wide, bringing grown Men to there knees, yes even on that wayward ship, to kiss the ground in worship posture, undeniably there, undeniably real and true, yet it could not transform tainted souls. She was drenched by the time she came to her studio, pulling shut the massive carrier doors, as water streamed over old fogged up, industrial beaded windows.. that bulk of metal made a chill. Those wet hands, now of the sculptress touched clay, into form, so earthly, so universal, as the tidal waters gave off a smell, so damp. The ever increasing prominence of being, and not the ship of it's false measure, lifted, what seemed miles, to the physical body, of earthly sense. The drop left a queasy carnival ride impression. One had to become giddy, as to not break from the fear of each swell. This sculpture was that dominance to press forth with great ardor, which was present now within them all, that need to rise above, that invisible reward, met from the promise to simply be open to those next tides to come, the swells.Yet all expression, tainted of the past, be only art, in ego. \par \par Captain, sat in his Captain's Chair, pouring out, now 3:33pm, a cold cup of coffee. He didn't need assistance, nor help, this was his home. He remembered being beaten by his drunken Father, in that same little house, where Molly last sat, which he would and should never lay eyes on again. "The Pain", murmured he. Reaching now for that bottle of sea brine, he took off the cap, and chugged down the remaining 1/3 of the bottle, raking his large right hand, and sleeve over his face, as the alcohol was received with a refreshing sting "ahh!"\par \par The day was the same, a Sunday after noon. The presence was the same, but the human pang, of being lost, set in those minds and hearts of the irrelevant, those 1 millionth string players, of their like. "Insignificant, all of us, one and all" "God give me the strength to press onto greater parts of me!" that was the will, of the wish, from Captain's very heart, and brain, on and into expression. "I just want to be a better Man, a Father, Grandfather...this to me is the full extent of a King". Suddenly a figure, large, a giant, was felt behind Captain, It was in him, yet large enough to be behind him too. There was a feeling of total calmness, a oneness with...well, the Father. "Jesus?" "I am not a believer, never thought you could ever be real", as the two looked forward, pressing forth as the eternal universal captain, on a ship called and bound for Purity. "I need you Father of all that be good now more than ever". "Did you here what the King told you?" "He said for you, to just let go", "What he meant, was let go of who you were", "You belong to the Holy spirit now, do you indeed give you heart to me?" "Yes Father, I give myself, all that it good to you completely, and fully, I am....that is, I was a broken Man". "Many have interpreted, and misinterpreted my message. I have visited you kind many time, throughout many eras." the Giant went on"There never was one moment, in the new age, I was not there." "All that takes place now, is entirely necessary, you see, I was the last god, to live, here, on earth, and now I live in you, your seed is my seed, and your will is mine through you, this is as it shall be done". "Do you truly and purely receive me now?"\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Rachel had to be by herself, she was quite confused. There was green, a glowing green, of greed, of community, of nature, of rule and experience, which slithered into her chambers, both bodily and into her estate. "I don't know what's happening!", Rachel screamed loudly, a shrill of defiance, the need to conquest traced in the true nature of her cry. A figure reached out, with it's left and place it's large hand on her left shoulder, from behind, she could feel the tingle down her spine as if a drop of pure Ecstasy, want, now dripping down, the buttocks of pure delight, a sensual identity. Now the sensation of little spider, fingers and hands, seeming to touch each pour, on into each cell, and into her very ovaries, radiating life, "pronounce the Queen of Babylon, NOW".\par \par Rachel breathed in out of sync, organismic want, cries and shrills. The pain of stretching skin and orifice, spinning orbs on her nipples, and where ever she then imagined them to be. So many orbs, green, flashing, as she was consumed by those green fires. She could not let go of the want, the pleasure, that pressing forth of youth, the vibrance of all unholy experience, manifest in that first fall, defiant will. She grabbed, at the many dresses, as she appeared to be alone. Legs spreading, wetness unstoppable, flowing, the very juices, a nectar of near timeless want and desire. Her blood pressure skyrocketed, she held her breath, the asphyxiation of multiple orgasm, all sensation all pleasure, all experience met in a single moment of desire. Suddenly, after this release of her most inner womanly wants and desires had been met, she felt ill. That green glow no longer had a seductive air about it, but a claim to her, toxic, ownership.\par \par "Go to her!" "But, beware the Green seductress, she has many names, this one by which she be known today, is the very whore of Babylon my Son". Capn' set the dial to 3 knots (a crawl to 3.5 mph). He also set the steering column, to rutter do south. Captain, went to her. At this time, Rachel had become completely nude. She placed her body before many mirrors, and watched as the force moistened her entire being, and glowed with the hormone taint of want. She pulsed and pulled out dresses, that were to reveal her as this false goddess, the very spirit of the slut, a whore, who brought down kingdoms, and ushered in the time which is now.\par \par Many miles away, Captain Crane could see her, and the demoniac frenzy, as if thousand of demon dogs in smelling a bitch in heat, become aggressive and restless. Captain Pain, willed this, he willed her "this will be my Queen, a bitch to produce my offspring, a litter onto the new world" The battleship could not come any closer, to that south pole region, else it would be bound aground a ice berg. "Take the sub, and go under the cave opening you see slightly portside!" "I will fire the plane and give you instructions of where to take the three boats, which you should now be lowering into the sea below, do you understand, move!" Captain Crane commanded through loud speaker. Suddenly there were these 5 craft headed to what was only known to Captain Pain, that entry into inner earth, "this would be my very thrown, which those gods were killed for and abandon thus, my Kingdom to rule the New World, which shall carry the entirety of humanity, to life, to sacrifice, to death, and again!" Pain felt the undeniable understanding "I've been here before...countless times"\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Captain Crane was not a bad, guy, he was tortured, tortured into losing himself. He was forced into this offense, groomed for it, this same force which came to Rachel, was also linked to him. They were groomed, for this occasion. They were the hopeful resurrection, to all Man kind. Bouncing from orphanage to orphanage, Groups like the Illuminati, worked for 13,500 years, since the last time reset, towards their own resurrections. Crane, Wilbur H. Crane, being the very cause to his Parents untimely death, which he watched, as but a boy of 5, he played with fire, and gott, burned. Always seeming to be, in the wrong place at the right time, traps, by Many set before him, he was the Prisoner, and all the world now, for once, his fortress. Reembodied over this long span, to be tortured int his way, this sub-existence was all he knew.\par \par As Capn' walked to Rachel, she was again fully taken over by this one, who calls himself Kingu, yet this be but a name. To fully embrace Tiamat, the Queen of the wood, the Whore of Babylon, the seed spawn unto Eve, was this Malevolent beings focus, to live within this spectrum of repeats, forever more. "The proceeding 4 days, now down to, oh now roughly 3 days 8 hours, our fates will be sealed" Capn' said with all of the conviction of a Prophet of God, no less.\par \par Capn' knocked, then pounded hard, at her entry point, into her vibrant green hallow shell, a womb. Virginia, still in trance, had instead been also wrought with sensuality, instead forming a figure of clay, that looked like Satan. She had done amazing work, with clarified detail, the power leading her very hands, to nearly complete a work in a matter of hours, which should have taken days, or weeks, even months would be expected, with a work of such detail, respect and passion. She had filled in the name below it "Kingu, the mighty", when she heard a Knock, which Jared here. She saw a raven, and a dove, above her loft, fighting for something, as she looked up, the lightening bolted! Light up the all dimensions, of the ever darkening night sky, for it now be 5 o'clock. The bong from an old clock, she thought did not work, rang out, echoed much further in, than was expected. The Pentagon time took form, now into flight. "Capn' Theodore needs my help, I must go"..looking down at her work, before shutting the door, to her large warehouse, ships studio loft, she exclaimed, "oh what have I done". Virginia's hands still dirty, now wet, with the clay of earth, she, as with them all, had created a sort of portal to another dimension, a tear in the fabric of space/time. "Go to your King Marduk my dear" is all the voice said. The panic, a paranoid walk, as if adrenaline and cocaine mixed heavy in her veins. The faster she paced, to walk the more it made her head swell, now a seeming psychedelic DMT release. By now Rachel was not in control. She had been consumed by the fires of community, that future of Man resting hard upon her cervix, as that Black Sun, out there, pulsed the very tied. Rachel let go, there was no fight in her, nothing electric of her own. The magnetism of Tiamat was simply far too strong, she broke she gushed, a goddess now rejoining the fleshly form. She was waiting, for him.\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Rachel had lifted her dress up, and opened her legs, heaving, and waiting for his, Captain's mighty penetration. She rocked back and forth, pressing herself hard, into the floor with a vacant open stare of shear need, one could almost hear the echos of vibration, a Mother in wait, the call. Wanting! Expecting, demanding her Capn's seed... extraction, as alien succubus, forcing out that first, next new generation of the very tribes of Men. Where ever she would go, the fates, would push her towards this, she was near to powerless, as was the King, a Captain.\par \par Pain, had landed now, in the water, after pacing a mile long loop, of three passes. The opening to the little Sub was inviting him into her. The entrance to the great hull into the inner earth, had been discovered. There was an underwater vacuum, just near the Southern ocean floor. There was a 1/4 mile upward slithering "tube", a stretch of warm water current, which lead then to a horizontal passage, then onto that decent, which would take them into the very entrance of hallow earth. The Ice had sealed the entrance shut, until this day, the Silver Fleet need not enter here.\par \par "To fractionate consciousness, for one suspended moment, is to rule in that moment"...."and so, suspend the moment", Crane stated to his second in command, leaving the 3rd to Man the sea plane, and the 4th in charge, to command the 3 five Man teams of boats, those ships of lesser Means, lowered from Prominence. "Who then is in command of Her Ulrich?" "Lets see", replied Leonard Ulrich, a plant and head of the Illuminati, there were in fact a quite separate team of 8 Illuminati, high commanding officials, who were planted within the very heart of "Captain" Cranes, operation, so to do the job, if he could not, 1 for each Anti-Principle. \par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Crane was heading towards the entry point, to Hallow Earth's main gate "I wonder if there is any one left, of the Nephilim at all, I wish I could remember?" Olrich however did know, and there was a team of 5, at the head, that one called Kingu, or Satan, or which ever form he slithered into, through out history, proclaimed. But these were, however only in wait, to make sure he did his part, for he was the seed, to make sure, humanity had one common ancestor, everyone else would have to die, it was in the oath they took, so long ago, for the Many.\par \par "The Sun blazed down, our bodies drenched in the heat of sweat, godless, clueless. That "spiritual place", was regarded as but a fuzzy feeling inside. The pumping, thrusting and pleasure bellowed on, a cloud of dark matter around us, that haze, when prophets finally fall. You see, we don't know who we are, until we begin to realize, that call, that yell, towards self reliance, be but the call to curse your own soul. You know full well, you can juggle those many tasks, yet the world cast before you, is not at all as it seems."\par \par Capn' entered and walked through her hallways, that ever increasing pulse of green and black, a ring, of frequency, and the sting of Satanic Pentagram plaguing the foreword most aspects of the one conscious mind. represented in them all. "33 people, each as capable as the next, to carry out their mission or to go the opposite way. 33 people, with those very binding strings about them, each entangled in a web of certain potential, yet always shifting, to a note." Capn' said to himself, with an all knowing presence, for he was no longer Capn', but yet...a King~\par \par She lay there, stewing, griding, masturbating in her own guilty pleasure, released. All the power of friction, force against her. she tasted and smelled only Phallus, drawing now, as succubus to extraction, the weight of all procreating entity upon her, pressing her forth, for legions many hosts. Funny how this act of total sin, if Capn' fell, to this nearly undeniable pleasure filled act, could be that more positive action, the lesser of evils? Or, did he justify this onto himself, contained now, in several spheres of over lapping complex thought? There existed another potential, and each one a Child, that very Child, who would then pass on to represent all of humanity. The choice for the long, in God knows how many repeats of this 13,500 year cycle. Better it not be Crane? Or those 33 other cast, who each felt the desire, yet lacked, the malice to be "The First Father of Man"\par \par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc HELL AWAITS\par Chapter 7\par "Into the Truth"\f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Our acts, our deeds, are forever written in sin, on the sands, those Moon lit shadowy shores, of endless tide, which shall never clean them nor wash it all away\par \par "Fuck me" "Oh, oh" "fuck me hard NOW!" Capn' entered that final quarters, as the ship swelled, held tight within Kingu's grip. "I need you captain" Rachel's eyes large, a job, a specimen, was all the watchers prompted, for they felt no passion, it was below them, they ruled, for they were sexless, they were one. As the glow of green lit blue, Neptune, that triage of icy fiery chill laid upon the moment, it was now solidified in time. "This is not, your only mission in life, young Lady, I have been appointed your celestial Father, and I command you to pull your panties up, and your seductive dress and cast out this seductive Spirit, at once!" Her little black panties were practically dripping with gloss, the very honey dew, of a new day. The smell of her constant discharge, could be sensed upon entry. A dark, deep foreboding smell, feeling and sense pleasure, made one not ever forget! Capn' had already murmured with tears, unable to control, only to infuse more passion "what have I done?" this was the Queen of all Woman kind, that Mother of all Harlots, commanding me to be her King. I became shamefully erect in those moments, and can no longer fall behind the false facade of mere narrator for such an epic spoken event, that impacting parable such as this, which is in fact the truth, of life and the moment. In fact there are many truths, where different worlds of potentials all exist as one trace moment, a string unbroken, all of which coincide, here, within her womb. This particular event, be impacted by many choices, as dominant here. You see;\par \par I have realized myself a god, in these moments and taken control, I walk a very thin border, when Kings are first "altered", that they too, now stand in the very place of God's will. If I make the statement "I am God" I Display the very ego, if kept under suppression gives me favor, as a mere vessel, however a vessel, with a direct link, a direct vote to God, in my favor, the pure Son, thus again, the first Messiah. Yet I could not challenge for long, this demoniac sudden charge. To much, was the spirit of force, children unborn, also the child of reason. I stood before this Woman who lives for me, begging me to submit her to my very will. I elevate myself, and her, in my won/one mind, and I become her very creator. I made her Mother, of the Moment. My reality of this, and thus being first Man, tells me I can do anything, that I am ultra capable on a scale of everything everywhere, beyond competent surprise. Do you know what this means? That I can partake of the very fruit, the very being, the very organism, I will into being in the first, this too be separating her from me, so that I could project the existence of such feeling into beauty, she is my creation. She created to serve me, in all the ways in which I command. I thus realize, that I must be telling the story from the start, thus too, as this omnipotent power, I am willing all to happen, as it be displayed here. She, Eve, is me, how could it be wrong then for God to Make Love to himself?""Have I fallen, I certainly feel like turning this event, into a Live one, as in I am alive and thus the living!"'\par \par Every position, taste, texture and motion, by which I imagined her to be, the things I wanted her to do, all of them she did as a part of me, as a hand, she was at my control, command. Every thrust, every bump, every moment that I took control, she became, always, continuously in every moment , whilst in my very presence, and I am present everywhere all the time, for I am time, and space, and control the space within you. Spinning the orbs within her at her very G-spot, I now made her quite angry, for my dehydrating of this poor young girl nymph with her skirt, of which she were now biting at, (now before me)... the skirt she had over her very face, into passion filled want. Her legs open at all times, whether I was in her or not... I was always in her, spinning those orbs, so deep inside, a machine. I was experiencing myself, a god, inverted, upside down, that pentagonal force. Virginia ran into the room, seeing me naked, fucking her, devouring her as a master, a beast. As Man was also made to do. The smell was opium, to say the least, and she could taste herself, and I knew it, and so it was such. The wetness crawled down Virginia's Leg, I was ruler of all things, everywhere, A God, spinning now fast, hard within her. A mighty Buck, a mighty steed, a Universal Overlord, contained within my many forms. Combining us, fusing us, into the moment. Soon Virginia worshipped her beauty and her youth, as I. Rachel, now a Queen, Tiamat, so far above that silver haired warrior, Virginia. Virginia bowed to her, Rachel was her goddess, Virginia was humble, unattractive and old now, in the Queens presence. She became at once, a submissive and worthless slave, wanting, willing to please the Queen. I pumped her mercilessly from behind, sodomizing Virginia, as I commanded her to drink her Queen. All countenance, all personalities lost to the moment. I commanded her to drink me, and to drink her, as the Queen could not stop squirting, as life flowed from the annals of her very core, spreading vital force of this, which would echo through time immemorial, a shock wave a vibration, as fiber optics to future demonic sexual rule, each in wait within their zone. This world was mine, and I could do and have anything. I commanded her to spread her legs, I swelled up, to enormous proportions and passionately, destructive, I pinned her, had no mercy on her tiny body, as it moved to my very will, with every intoxicating violent thrust.\par \par In Principle, these are only children, unawares of the bondage of eternal parts, abstracted.\par \par We stay down in the dark dungeon, consumed in the fires, of beastly passon, all the while, as the tanker moved on. I realized I was headed south, into the very pit of the earth. I now knew who and what this potential would create, so I had to uncreated myself. I was heading into hell. the Bible was written so that I, the acting god, would be reminded of his fall, in this moment, that it was essential, that it, like all potentials exist, by way of degree. Those Men, who fired up the spheres, of eight, opeing up Leviathans very womb, and all potentials 13 of her. It would indeed take time to fix this mess, condense it all, into one singular moment, abstracted from the very confines of the very space/time veil. Next time, we may all be lucky enough to forget ourselves, to chose the madness of separation? This, the dimension of that 21st degree, when God, looks upon himself, and the mirror image, inverted, upside down, and thus distorted, is thus Satan, 21 looking back. God? The madness of the thing those Babushka dolls, always another machine. But it is not what you think. For I am Tiamat and Marduk as One, for I am one God, and must create this reality, so that here, at the 21st degree of reality, spun, it be perfectly fine, to look upon myself with such delight. The tanker moved on through the night. I laid back, and watched what I had made, now play itself out. They both licked and kissed caressed every part of my body, and began to pleasure one another, as Mother, as ethereal Daughter, yet which was indeed witch? as I sat back, and let them serve another, and serve me.\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 We must have been sailing for days, because we continued to sleep and make love without shame, I was their god. This was the sphere of green, as it spun the the great dial, Community, without Purity, a truly Godless place. There were 8 places to the spinning pyramid, as I remember, both living and recalling this now.\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 "I spun a world, that made me glad, where sadness made me sad. I spun a world, as Lover, Host and Dad, so that I may capture Moonlit tide. I separated she from me to perhaps take a glimpse of my own identity. I for her, she for me, her heart doth plead for me~The spirit of all womb-man\par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 So you see, I had to will you all, into degrees of myself. Over time, you become aware, that you too were God, upon full development of myself. This caused an identity crisis, I no longer was unique, in fact cliche, so you were unmaking me, my very creation, and I had to thus unmake you. I knew them, Rachel, and Virginia, long ago, and have yearned for them, the young the old. I play and create them, as aspects of me, you see, far removed, but to beautiful to look upon my divine presents to handle keeping away, my identity. I, God, and making love to myself, and it is you too, who do the same, for you are aspects of me. If you read this, you are given fair warning, that in the year 2020 (the year of clear vision), this fateful archive comes to be. I urge you thus, to live in unity, can you see, how this can be? There is not evil, there is no bad, only that relishing of that pleasure Principle at this point in Phi 21, the quadrant of Green Light. So let a Father be a DAD, these are my Son's. \par \par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 Crane, made it into the inner earth, it was beautiful but I was already there. I in my ice cave, stood with my two hell cat's behind me. My black, sleek winged body shined, as I saw myself as evil, and thus took on this evil form. Somewhere in schizophrenic thought, I leave those Characters still drifting, in those southern seas, on the Tanker Ship Misanthrope.\par \par "I am parting, leaving soon, and taking my seed with me. I leave Crane to Father you, so you can feel my pain. I projected that a Man be bad, but I be as bad as he. I did what he had planned, and to take on GOD, to do so, for he always knew. My Son, who I torture so, he was punished for the long, so that I might sing this sonnet song.~\par \par \par \f0\lang1033 \f2\lang1032 The best way, to provide a sustained reality, is to create two sides, opposing one another, but in support of this reality. This a Universe alive, an electric Sun! On one side Experience on the other Purity, maintain and rule the form. Thus to but stand back and watch them croon and kill for you...this we call agitation. Agitation be but vibrational frequency into form, as the cross undulates in two, a directional spin. Simultaneously, a ricochet of those emerald angles, thus to create substance and form. As a single unit, but to oppose itself, as in two Photons, from the same family, never separate from the self, Hadron's collide! This one who controls both the heart and the head of the people, be the reason for this agitation, be that very Stellar Mass, that pervading mind, in motion~\par \par and so....I forgot myself, so that you could know Purity, for a god, must stand alone, only knowing, that company of the ONE SELF, the dichotomy, a seeming loop. So begins and ends the saga, that is the Stellar Mass~\par \par "In succession, we take steps, each one be counted. There is too a season, that displays full well, this is a mind hunt...that collection of soul force, for the gain".\par \par Two is an irrational number, it always takes 2, always every time\par Rational, there is me, and what I CAST before me~\par ~The Projection~\par \f0\lang9\par \par END BOOK 1\par }

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