
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The modern day witch that society breeds

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The backward(/word) S energy pathway makes effort as to manipulate energy from the left and makes further effort as to spill deeds out as pure virtue to the right. Beginning in the left hand path and ending the ritual as a right hand deed. She is backward so is her deed. Beginning subtle and revealing herself with a serpents tonge to the right hand path initiate. Gossiping, suppressing, backstabbing, depreciating in order to gain favor or worse. This isn't done only by presupposing but recreating a blasfemous scenario on an assumed or presupposed stage to sway others (fellow peers, influencers, members of society, the police...). The world is full of these unworthy ones now. The deeds have gained reverse energy. Proclaimed as nature however seducing to unnatural harmony and balance. Gadabout. This is an isolated example of an antiprinciple ritual that the left hand path practitioner often doesn't know that she will be required to finish the antiprinciple deeds through succession. She has fully entered. She will emerge from out the other side as false. This was for too long seen as an worldly initiates carnally wise victory. However the energy doesnt come from there. She alone falsely proclaims Purity in virtue based deed. She can not see that she is truly against Purity and The Pure Source. She proclaimed however that she has revealed a criminal. Revealing herself again for there is only Principle and principle's breach there is bo law. What she also does not see in her quest for male dominance and power is that she has made this processionary passage in corporeal physical wisdom and sacrificed purity within herself for assumed prominence or monetary gain. She has become herself by way of crucifying others. Specifically one that showed her mercy that she repeatedly and knowingly backstabbed. She brought him to the alter to be sacrificed in her place. She will undoubtedly split so that she can appear somewhat purely virtuous~virtuously pure which is of course a grand lie. You must be aware and bring her deeds to the Pure Ones. Only when you have practiced purity yourself and sacrificed much worldly knowledge and gain will you see the evil rot.

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