
Sunday, April 27, 2014

The quasi quantum transient anti principles


There are two, vagabond and transient spirits, that mimic those masters, these two mean to haunt the true traveling principles, even no less even the Men who encapsulate and embody the true space/time travelers, the masters,  repairers, called Temperance and Care, namely Albert Pike and Martin Heidegger . Those Witches, those mimics, those serving such a lesser cause, a two dimensional and incorrect view of the all, those cheapened whores, who are now so obvious, to the righteous. Their names are gregariousness and amorousness. They are the flighty seductress's, who have no home, they are those who "pride" themselves on false knowledge and doctrine, language, geography, and all things Dewey, and of course they like the finer things in life, never to gain fullness, for it is their plight... liars, thieves and whores...for they be the same, by way of degree. They seem to excel in today's scholastic climate, leading one to speculate, if their very rulers fashioned them for such a task? Wisdom is a word, they can not comprehend, virtue is a word, that shouldn't have an "e". These are the opposite of Temperance and Care, these are the sluts who take men's fortunes, these are the laws that bind men of our day. Be on guard, my brother's, their cousins, they keep close, for they are kissing cousins, and do evil by way of degree, for they have and will be burned again. Sin is there very business, Gregariousness and amorousness never learn. This Wisdom is what you have as a  tool, all good men of our day, to help you guard against the evil, that is false purity and false humility. I write these principles for you, the meek, the outcast, the lost, the rejected. These are the pillars of a fallen society, speech without utility, with no common intellectual exchange, no respect of the true thought or word. Their tools are seduction, false tears, body language and self appreciation of the beast...modern Psychology is their Father' invention.

Stellar Mass
Founder EPL

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