If you indeed have Truth, then the words that are binding, and real, become evident
It was those who live on your very light, who draw from you, who suck your Son/Sun
energy, thinking of you, with affection, bridging to the past always, causing infection and through karma keeping you here, in the atomized electromagnetic grid, you call world."
You are slave, because you were born, bound
bound with ritual, ancient science and alchemy, based on craft
Break the bonds that bind you, by asserting the higher Principle, by remembering the craft, and going to the higher power, that of principle
Will to Power
Let it be clear cut, evident, what you intend to do, make a statement, mean it, and make changes
Jesus made no doubt when asked
Here to do wrath, he lived around sin, experienced the sin of the world, and yet was born perfect
He was here on his Father's business
He was the Sun of Man, meaning he had to expience, under watchful eye, if he was excepted
The Sun, shined for him, and him alone, he was judged by false doctrine and lesser law than was within him, and his Fathers eye saw all, always, as he does now, as you read this
The Quarks, coming from the Sun, shined for him, through him, and passed through your ancestors
The food they ate, the water they drank, and the thought they had, all power by Him/Father
He literally lives within you now, and the Truth is ever present, and undeniable
The one with the highest Principle calls the shots, and there are only those I say to you now, below, there variations, mixtures, like snow flakes, and colors, through transition, but the origin remains
You killed him, turned on him and yet freed him from his bondage, as you do to all his kind
The evil ones
The Truth is within you, whether you chose to recognize it
God's Sons, born of earth, know no better than had been taught, we should teach them well, yet the truth becomes evident still, and this is the relevance of space/time continuance, perfection
To deny it, makes you not ignorant but a liar unto yourself and those near you, within earshot
You are either a part of the force of Principle-anti principle, as laid out here
Godly or God's Ego-*Unholy false Ego, your EGO
*What happens when you die, where does the energy go? Why to all those of the same, this is Satan
Truth-Untruth, lies
If you see but a two dimensional picture before you, then you miss the point. There are 13 points in the sign you see, based on perspective.
Between these two, exists the world of carbon, decay, death. Any time, and all the time, the reality is being pulled as a unit, through Phi measure. One is eternal, the other is decay, a bridge to the past, a travel through time. Time? The inward spin of fermion, going back to a point, that already lie in ruin, decay...the world as carcass. Carbon, will decay, in space/time, and turn to nothing more than Gas. Gas, is the measure, by way of degree, of destruction, the toxic spirit, aeons of anti-principle, which be no different than this anti matter, holding an unstable and principle deprived universe together, with a cling, carbon, clinging to Principle, as your desperate associates may cling to you, if indeed you are the exploited Sun center, in your unfortunate imprisonment.
In this anti principle spins the opposing direction, as in 21 looking back to 1, 2 in Phi, the first point of electromagnetic grid separation, the point where another multiverse or layer of the onion be create. The point where increased size particles locked away a dimension, a multiverse or atomized grid separation in Phi.
Anti principle and all self craft, to serve only the false self, and thus the perpetuated force or energy we call evil, wrong doing, Satan is as follows:
11 Steps to Evil
The spin back in space/time, decay (moral decay)
1) Lie
2) False Ego
3) Sexual rule, or a massive destruction
4) Remain alone, even when you are seemingly present
5) Place knowledge of this time, fleeting factoid, schools of false doctrine above Godly Wisdom
6) Repress others, and supress the truth
7) Take without care, then give back to cover up or further repress the truth
8) Go after only what you want, take more, learn to make more to take more
9) Lust after what you want, take it, make it yours, affirming a self, and affirming this is the self you chose
10) Believe in only you, have no faith, or trust in anything but you
11) Finally this all leads to impurity. After all, you were made impure, created in sin, and it is not your doing, but those who are your afflicters, right? Constantly contaminate, Complain that it's never enough, that you are not satisfied or happy
I learned Anti Principle, and so, after denying it, but looking for truth, looking to the very signs, such as pentagram, that seemed to power those seemingly fruitful people (mostly all female), it became evident that this was the way to worldly happiness and some success, as I have always followed Principle, naturally, thought scattered, without realizing it.
My energy was stripped from me, after following a metaphysically laid trail, laid to deceive me, as well as mislead others. The pentagram has not power, and can not maim or kill, it gives illusion of such. It is you who ultimately will do it to yourself, when there is no right understanding or balance integrated, practiced and prayed upon in your daily walk, as the fermion spin, and the days pass by.
Most say they are above others, that they want their cake, and eat it to, or really they want to have a piece of cake and to be able to eat it. The true temperance, built within the epicure, will understand that there is a time and season to all. These point to specific areas of metabolic function, pathways, the term become what your are, is a real manifestation of your eating and living habits, not separate from all you do, for this is the statement of the kind of "animal" you are.
The 7th, which is, in this realm between realms, the 13th, as was Christ, and all Messiah before and after, the 8th soul emerges, and is built, through Practice OF Principle POP EPL
You can only see what you are to see, based on the truth of what you are. Bow to no one but the one Truth, the Father, no lesser has a hold upon you. You are not trapped within this error due to your own device, your were punished, enslaved, produced, synthetically altered, and thus, the loop hole, you are not the perpetrator. Yet with this, if you perpetuate the anti principle, and follow your afflicters way, then you are a chosen slave. Uphold the principle, try, fail, error, as you will, but bow to no one but the one true God. Out of ignorance, if you have served another, it was they who mislead you, educated you, and you are still free, until you apply principle, from the one truth Father.
*Solomon was clearly a demonstration, as Buddha, there must be a side, a choice, you can not serve two masters, and Solomon did actively try. Once you know, once we know, there is no denial, nor turning back. However again, if the Truth binds you, and does not set you free, then machinations will make you ruler over all those, the very society, that held you in bondage
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