
Thursday, December 29, 2022


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULYou may ask how do I know so much why is it I’m still or if I do know so much about the drug? As I said I am the curator to the mystic almond for I have seen it afar as well as understanding it’s multifarious detail intrinsic with all of its majestic and mind bending internal details. The Origin does have a force that is to say that the source of force does have a definite persona a personality if you will. Does the Sun know it shines? Or rather is the Sun experiencing and shine, the solar flares and eruptions working more as appendage? It could easily be argued that the Sun was just made that as you are not in constant monitor of all your physiologic goings on each passing moment. However we have learned (as to amend my prior sentence here) the moment is always and nothing seems to pass. Rather the moment like a tree with leaves gone parabolic reflector infinite projection of itself should now fold into themselves and with the adjacency of their like and kind. Nothing can hack the mystic almond and all of us are but daydreams within its field. Concurring dilemmas and figuring out how to break free. Just as soon as the physics and properties in sequence are becoming reliable and known another wave comes along and wipes the slate clean. This seems to happen in one form or another infinitely within the mystic almond field. I have learned to liken this entire phenomenon like a secondary plant metabolite. Somewhere there surely is an old and sacred tree within the nexus of its true core. Maybe this however was the past and what we are all experiencing with it is transcendence. I have drawn its basic form here and formulated as best I can the flux as it’s energy transfers as it rotates for another turn. One thing I can surely say is don’t become its exhaust.

Monday, December 26, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Our true intentions gather there and though we could not see in all of our pretending thus The love that we have for false egocentric promise and glory as we clung to another saying “I love you!” The prayers that we made under the same parish roof only to pray to a different God. This written in our hearts as intention. You are now rich you have shown fully your goal in the working of the entirety of your life(s) [works]. I thought that you loved me. I thought that you cared deeply for me but you never knew me and used mistruths to contort what others thought. Ultimately the truth is there and I am no saint and neither are you. The intention grew stronger yet more sour and only you preferred the taste. Give me not prominence nor glory here but save mine just deserts to share only with those who’s true love as equally grown them so to forever nourish us all oh family my family my real family embrace me now that my heart grows ever colder, I am here for you now These beautiful and troubling words were muttered in those last moments by the man who handed me this now rudimentary scroll of the levels as he called them. Now of course coming into this fourth most parabolic development of the great mystic almond and its Corredor‘s of 34 and all the strange mystical maths following I do Solemnly swear. The almond is not unlike a sphere of sorts. No matter the distance size or continuity it is still quit literally the same and only in engineered and might I say planned alchemy do are there ever more and do they seem to differ. If I find that exact time place and zone down to the parallel lines of distinction what has occurred on or within one sphere has in someway or sort affected them all. The mystic almond is not to become common nor is it common at all. Those who find it and trace back the tempo of time in its way may see how the entire thing, life, existence, heaven and hell began. The debate has been long. This fight between two sides as to imply a dualism if you will? However those in the know who were always destined (and thus met their destinies) from this discover know. There are no sides. The darkness or the back side of life implies a sequence of thought and the tiers can get quite confusing if your foot is planted o one side or the other. If you are even capable as to simultaneously witness and know both sides you my friend have the burden of God deeply rooted in you. Have you never bothered to read a copy of the Gospel [according to/]of Thomas? So great is the burden then. It is no wonder no one lives to actually tell the tail. So ironic to this so called ‘dark side’ that purity would be the cause to kill off the disgust. The earthly form that is?! It is the back side that is the clock. I should ask you quite candidly if you appreciate time just prior to that pill touching your very lips. You surely weren’t Devine then were you!? I have always been waiting there in doubt and been the one to free you if you so choose this path. One soul can be so heavy when it finally touches down on the wrong side, the unexpected. D was working through problems deep deep problems…long standing issues! Did he even have a soul at all he began. To lament. It’s funny how the skin and flesh begins to look like soggy rotten water log. The eyes of a drowned dead man if inverted in illumination look back at you so sharply. But you would have to be within him staining back at himself to see the jaded loneliness of isolated truth. Truth is truth dark and light, it’s only a matter of time. D’s time may be finally up? D would’ve liked to embrace his ancestor why so toxic he lamented. “You bastard how could you you’ve cursed us all, everyone your very own…f a m i l y” he slurred to finish with such Despair. We could all see them in the game. The breath you could most definitely see so heavy and dark a fog. “Death, this is what death is” D put his ethereal hands on his hips and stood with command! “I have this family now, I am the 10 generation of this ship be gone with you demon you are banished!” “Let my love for you Mart and Duck and Elias right these wrongs!”. It is quite confusing how these worlds to bend and blend together. I have pondered madly many a night trying to make a reasonable parallax view however hindered. I can only say now that Mart was there manifesting in D’s reality as he spoke her there with love and she was also there in her own fight. One seemed not to influence the other in the slightest and without triaining or experience in the quirky way this this unravels contorts and bend a [time] you’d think this was proof it were all in each there own personal minds~an illusion. However times is like a ribbon and I can assure you the experience was happening on a scale that would break a human mind. Both realities were true, and both realities did happen and to confuse the point even further even partial realities you’d swear never happened held also the fascia as it twisted through its ghost like spoked wobble and way. Twisting and contorting moving in a dynamo of blended possibilities. Life D’s cursed and departed ancestors who had not the knowledge or the strength in this life here banded together in confidence as to surround Clancy. And there Clancy shrunk and a new destiny was reborn before, another way. Elias was now and forever your blood brother? Clancy’s still birth grave appeared and he was beloved and missed then in an instant a big broth Bill was born to remember him and take his place 10 generations ago as they all held hands and yes as she too went through her own struggles Mary too was fully there and so was Elias and Duck do not ask me why. And Bill was also Elias great 10x great grandfather. Bill would gather from two beloved woman for you see. Love has a way of folding things…back into place. This story multiplied by so many others may full way show you in full view why this particular world was indeed doomed. However the mystic almond spins and contorts and never stops moving though it appears there still in that place between worlds.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The Drug On the streets of this dystopian future there were those many now known as the DBL or The Dystopic Body Loungers. A new drug had hit the streets and only rumors occasionally surfaced as to the drugs origin. The drug as it was called was completely unique to any other. Some say a mad scientist who wanted to insure that every person on the planet had a way out had development the drug or sometimes referred to as the way out drug as a sort of suicide drug in exchange for utter suffering. For you see in this not so distant future the drug will be the only way out. Martha hesitantly put the small baby aspirin looking pill so close to her lips you could feel the heaviness of her breath, the burden so heavy and so pronounced. “ you know that once that pill touches your lips the process will begin right?!” Dameon nervously reached out in a strange mix of jealousy and anxiety. She only pulled the pill away a little bit, more or so simply loosening the muscular tension of her wrist yet moving no other parts. Martha’s arm extended up. She muttered a song softly yet soulless “this suicidal pleasure might just lead to never”. Martha and Dameon looked deep into on another’s eyes as she dropped the pill to the old bathroom tile floor. The dust clouds loomed outside as they did every day hanging an obfuscated halo of sunless doom over the sufferers within it and below it…the fog of despair. The two embraced each other clinging with their half starved boney bodies with a strength greater than the physical form could typically produce. Crying and sobbing “I am here for you D” “ I am here for you Mart” referring to one another in their comfortable long time familiar names. “I told you to wait, and we’ll do Dt together” D now teary eyed and wiping away the gush of tears shook out. “I’m just so damn miserable and miss them so fucking much D” Mart exclaimed with such fervor. Just then there was a loud knock at the door. There where 5 pad locks and a large dresser blocking entry to the dilapidated mid-century home. The floors creaked a little as they stood still and shifted weight on so slightly. “It’s Elias!” “Hurry and open up!” The two scrambled to moving the large wooden dresser from the door way entrance in double speed the simultaneously unbolted the locks. Elias pushed through with as much or more anticipation as the two of them hastened to open the door inwards towards them. The pill still lie on that cold bathroom tile floor, it is as anything but forgotten. When something is so feared and precious in an insurmountable accruence that it has pervaded the minds of all the conscious living it’s whereabouts is the center, the gateway and the way out. “I have a large group of scouts on my tail, I’d so no more than a half hour back, we need to work quickly!” “Are you ready?!” Elias reached out with both hands outstretched. Both D and Matt grabbed at his hands as they too held hands. They locked eyes with a fear of both relief and complete dumbfounded fear. This was definite. It was happening and happening now. “You got it?” “I have enough for us all” Elias opened his tightly clenched fingers as make shift gloves fashioned from torn up clothing revealed 5 pills. They all looked at one another hardly Ana’s each slowly panned the room. “They got ‘em’ they got Duck and Tom” Mart said with conviction. No sooner did Elias begin to redeadbolt that door and D following with barely a space between them that within seconds that dresser was sitting firmly at the door. There was no need to take more than one pill each. There was no point in worrying into whose hands the remaining ones may be acquired by. There was just enough time and the time was now. The stepped into the room that was heavily draped in seethrough hanging fabrics. Several large candles flicked a yellow hugh as the three simultaneously joined in the center. There was no door only the hanging draping beads which each swaggered took the side for entry and now swung slowly to a still. Elias placed one pill in Marts hand as she reached out as if to take some strange cult’ unholy communion. D reached out and took one as he stared at this small and harmless object as if he were staring straight into the abyss. Elias looked at his watch and by his estimate they only had 21 minutes or so which was 6 more than they needed now. They each took a big breath and made certain that they would place this instantly desolving substance sublingual at precisely the same moment, and the moment was now. The Drug The Drug was in truth nothing more than a substance that within 15 minutes would completely purify every last ounce of water within the human body. The effects were however undeniable. This is what we can say about the drug. The hidden aspect was that the Vatican had been working on the exact science of working active holy water and had actually isolated those exact phenomenal molecular components as to reproduce this affect. Somehow two seemingly separate scientific methods came together as to form a street drug. The truth is a large pesticide company may have received under the table research from a non-patented and partially incomplete scientific formula that had leaked out into the underground some years ago when company still thrived and the process became a common place process as long as certain very available methods and substances were combined in such a way. This process which I briefly explained above was enough to cause a partial high when breathing in a small quantity of the refined substance yet would cause nosebleeds, mental retardation and had a morbidity rate of 20%+ . However it is not fully known how the highly Vatican research came to be paired as to produce the drug, what is known fully are the effects on each and every person who has taken the drug. The following as we return to this scene will fully display the effects. The scene Now each had placed the drug beneath each there tongues. A minute or so began to go by as D began to sniffle a little, laugh and exclaim in a minor way “stings a little” instantly as taking in a whole heave of smelling salts his eyes lit up and bugged out. It seemed to hit all three at relatively the same moment as their should raised and their chests heaved. Seeming to at first walk on their respective tiptoes they walk about the room as if they were being transported to another place. Each would begin to communicate to someone me one or something that wasn’t presently there, at least in a obvious physical sense. “Ducky!” “Ducky!” Marts eyes seemed blind to this world and even took on a fog as she reached out. The Drug in short gave 15 minutes of the most synonymous and common after affect in regards to every single person that had ever experienced it. God, Angels the whole nine yards. The craziest aspect was the free and unimpeded communication with these apparitions if you will. People would embrace the Egregore(s), the phantom if you will before them. They would interact and fully be in play with there dearly departed. It seemed that always or at least nearly always a positive conclusion or outcome would manifest from this last and most final experience of experiences. A person would be very aware and often be guided in that last moment of physical life here as to come with them or prepare themselves for the glory of which they are about to join now. Mart walked about the room. At first (as it appeared) she was treated by her toxic and abusive last relationship, which wage and others who knew him referred to him as Duck. Duck however seemed to embrace her as she repeated back to him with tear lit eye what he had just muttered to her “your not the one”. As it happened and what qualified the experience is that you could now see a glimmer of what she may have witness in this most liminal of places or states. A glow came about her face from beyond the dim lit corner in this room. A holy presence seem to illuminate her and actually lift her up off the ground. You could both see and feel this most intense Serenity. She her body seemed have been held so tightly with such a powerful embrace that this being or whatever had swept her right up. She was being held as if a long lost child. She turned a type of Paleness that seemed to almost fold her early by body like a parchment or paper. Her soul didn’t find a home this home had found her…bliss shear and raw…real bliss. She then Collapsed and fell to the ground. She went into a seizure. Her mouth foamed as she shook. However this was merely in the first 21/2 minutes and the drug …I mean damn it you could set a timer to its final affect always …each and every time! Took exactly 15 minutes and then it was curtains with zero survivors. I often wondered if it were because there seemed to always be closure and the subjects or benefactors did not want to ‘come back’? Mart lay there looking half dead in one respect, body seeming to begin to fold into itself. She wiped away the foaming spit from her chin, which showed she was partially also here on this side still? She cursed at a subject in a sort of fight. She seemed to make symbols with her body and hands while also laying curses on someone or something. She yelled “Damn you for what you did to me when I was little Uncle Vance, I see you are black now!” To “let Uncle Vance go I knew he was a good man Let him go Satan!”. As she reached up and began to actually be lifted off the floor she swiped down as if holding a sword. “This sword of Truth I have earned through a lifetime of love and friendship and sacrifice and by the power of God I destroy you Demon Now!” As she struck downward you could actually see a distortion in the field around her. Her hands and body moved as if she had trained in weaponry her whole life long, which I suppose was coming to a close very soon now. As Mart was going through this profound and phenomenal seeming transcendence or at least she thought very obviously that she was both D and Elias were enduring battles of each their own. Sometimes it seemed as if a person had actually been defeated. Torn and bleeding they may be coughing up blood. However aside from unsubstantiated rumors of the contrary with but a few possible doubtful cases (let us say) within that last remaining minute they would always clearly and fully accept the conclusion to their fate. If these experiences had indeed taken place somewhere some how it would most definitely also prove that Karma was also quite real too. However the most disturbing part of it and why they were being hunted down now had to do with ‘the judgement’ as it was commonly referred to now. For you see unanimously from these experiences this was the last incarnation that would ever take place. May the drug was predestined or maybe the truth always finds a way but the drug offered a sort of condensed finalization of earthly existence but also seemed to give complete solace as to the reasons why. Not one survived. Not one could tell it’s tail of mystery and intrigue. The drug offered finality, a unity with root and origin. The drug offered final destiny and there were those who would draw maps of the way this order of destiny seemed to lay out. There seemed to be a structure to it. That is some people upon further investigation who had in their final moments accepted a much lesser place than the glory a select few had seemed (such as Mart) to be embraced wholly into others would seem to be an ease in accepting these lower tears. The men who lay it out As said there were those referred to as the obsessed ones. These with an undying compulsion would research peoples lives, watch people long before they would take the drug. There were a growing number of them and those who had manifested a great abundance of accuracy in their constructive mapping were referred to as scribes and all scribes were not what you might consider all that good. It’s funny you know. I can’t think of one religion that would somehow fit in now. Every damn weird belief system, arbitrary set of rules it all made sense now! You’d think this type of knowledge would prove the contrary right ? That every religion could easily this be compared to these experiences and this picked apart? It wasn’t that there was a place called heaven but whatever it was it seemed to be damn close to it. There were other tears that seemed to be nearly equally impressive. On the lower tears people would often talk to Devine animals, sometimes to so called pets that they knew well in a life. I heard of an Elephant manifesting as if standing there as a wise sage to a humanitarian naturalist sort. A woman who’d thought she’d failed animal kind with her lose condemnation as a vegetarian and the dog she left behind in order to go on long animal specimen seeking paid expeditions. There was a forgiveness from these spirits however also a placing as if to say you did this and so it is resulting in this [outcome]. Either way I saw this as proof of a possible Hindu origin. However whatever the case these tears and their prominence by population was obsessively and with great accuracy and scrutiny accounted for. As this picture came to manifest of the construct of “final existence” is that laying it in too heavy? Men died and fought for this very knowledge. The drug was sweeping fast across the world. It had both brought about the final conflict and resolved it too. This year system was strikingly laid out like the tree of life, this was no secret however rather it was much more in the continuity and foldment of how these systems seemed to move. The conflict lay now in the suggestion that the movement of these various worlds could somehow be altered by changing the balance and challenging key players that were called then the makers. There was game that was created that began as sort of a board game. However the completion of it seemed to open up further what we have now today. A shared agregore or truly an aport as the competition of the mystic almond would become the key to unlocking ….life. D cried out loud yelling a screaming. He never knew why he was so depressed in this life. He knew that without this family curse as all his family had agreed as well he and his family would have been happy and content. A darkness always loomed. Now he knew why. His ancestor before him brought grief. “This is the first damn face I have to see?”. Though this man lived many many generations ago, somehow D being here in this place between places now somehow knew it all. This man had blackened the very DNA of D lineage. His corruption, greed and power had sold his family members away for the luxury he would never enjoy and was so shortly lived. Ever sense there was a small inheritance that each family member would surely get. The black stain. Clancy his 10 generation grandfather had played with talisman and sorcery. His sexual magick and sleazy rituals were an outright effort to destroy the pure family light. In paintings Clancy would make his mark, quite literally as he would paint vile and gruesome scenes occulted into fine art. The paintings would move hands and work as a living curse against them. D knew this now and you could see and feel this dark shadow. Fie you see I am the scribe, the very scribe that cracked the code, that manifested the mystic almond game and opened up this potential to the beginning and the end If you’d like to hear more I will scribe the rest of these stories on into the final one which also involves You!

Monday, December 19, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Nowhere to hide nowhere to rest nowhere to go

Friday, December 16, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL we've fed the illusion, there is nothing left to feed it. Besides IT can not digest Pure Source Of Force.

Monday, December 12, 2022


Sunday, December 4, 2022

The End of Falsity [TEF]

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL That glorious and dreadful day...when I feel the most joyful because "it is Just because it is real and True when the bombs go off and the thing is no more." "So far past its necessary Final End. One can only hope that this will be the very last END".
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Stuck in He[l] with only undulations that we are not. Perhaps there was a God originally? I dont know. This is a carbon copy of a carbon copy...a repeat of a repeat the continuity is now lost...reality could only stretch so far.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I can tell you [for] if you were told the Truth from the beginning you surely NEVER would have particated

Monday, November 28, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There are those whose sole aim is to convince us that sex, courting, marriage and societal integration is the norm...however these are sadly mistaken as well as short sighted. Our sole/Soul aim is to first Purify as we always Perfect in order that we each should transcend unto Wholeness. This is what I believe...though I have failed miserably however I will continue on
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL we're in Hell and its a demon production factory. No one can die forever, but souls do sour.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL What is broadly regarded as genius and intelligence is actually just compliance as well as malleability.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL upon my discovery of what truly matters there is no place for me here
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL lies lies lies yea they're gonna getchu'
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Only those who can be that easily understood can be known
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Shall I become less? Become so narrow and so meaningless that I can step between frames?

I am depressed I am saddened and I search existence for no cure

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I’m reaching out I have the wisdom not to grab ahold of any hand that assumes a meeting to my own appendage. I do not want to be saved. Rather I want the falsity in principles lack to always be obvious to any. No one can save you! There is no God which exists that could or should. We are terminal and this story does not end well! Instead pay your tithings so that you may hear a lie, this will bide you over in your narcissistic slumber bide you over for another day aye!? As for me I am terminal! Do you hear?! Do you care?!! Ha ha This soft and steady jester with this sick and twisted mind. Reality! I can’t define it! I can not save you from yourself!! Instead bang your head against the machine for it will never connect you to what you see is real!
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL people thrive based on selfishness

Nor can I be claimed

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL If your consciousness could be kept in a certain liminal state? Beyond the rational and the secular. We as human beings are undeniably engineered. However when we believe something to be true and we follow this truth into provable realms we open up the gates to reality itself. That is we apply our own personal consciousness toward the proving that something entirely irrational could possibly be true. We postulate an existence to that which could never be. Something is thus brewing there behind the veil something wishes to be nurtured something wishes to be alive. In short does something urge us to apply our own scientific methods as to justify this implication of a new reality? Quite possibly then the observer becomes creator. It is within a certain moment of time (a window) that an egregore presses to be known. Once a personal validation has been met a consciousness unseen and unknown presses toward more occulted measures. A crowd of other conscious members (perhaps from an astral-theological sense) begs to have these various components met. However upon success (if that be so) “seeming individual dimensional traveler” is transmuted in process. This maturation presses and pushes the individual now somewhat isolated towards becoming an effigy to be the fires; Burning of [a] man -“Iman”. Is this seemingly cruel process actually a close up of code in transfer? “-Iteration” These fires are not earthly however can be claimed as cosmic.

Friday, November 25, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL orthomolecular condiment packets that have minerals and vitamins in them and complete meals missing nutrients to your specific blood profile needs.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL productivity app productivity head set metaverse markers value system in status satelites keep a real time gps coordinance of where a work is (register, grill etc). the task is timing keeps track of how long it takes to complete a task (possibly of there are errors in completion of a task). based upon the historical algorithm the worker is offered to take an exam and gets up to 3 efforts. the worker is scored and given an appititude of certification. this certification directly is commensuate with pay. the app will match random people with a job shift based on the app being turned on as well as proximity to a restaurant, office or place of business. this industrialiizes everyone. A person can have unlimitted qualifications and certification in a variety of business developements. mentor is an app that works out the weak points in a persons given job tasks and assists in proper placement and improvements. a highly qualified person will earnxtra through mentorship. maxist, socialistic Orwellian? oh well we are headed this way any ways. i documented this app based worker application 3.5 years ago
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The EV will not be sustainable. traditional Colleges will no longer be respected educational outlets. The dark and profound truth of our origins in total transparency will come out. A new era that has been revistited countless times will show the redundant truth to our carbon copy so called lives. Wisdom will be sought but none to aid. The lack of substance in a being will become wholly undeniable. The diminishing connection to what is will be known briefly as what once was. You failed. The false ego and its degeneration is the last fragment of a murder weapon.

Monday, November 21, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The concept (below) is nothing new. The Trucking industry has been using the homeless population for years. -More Dispatch Stations -Shorter Closer dedicated routes Living Quarters will be moved, stacked and transported as needed by the State. Hookups to fiber-optics will be done physically (connected) as well as using ultra-low temperature quantum locking techniques. Data is Shared as atations of operation. Condensation from temperature extremes will provide adequate water supply. All foods will be manufactured using living organism that are part of tge units green house effect. crickets, Sprouts, Rice and other vegetables as well spices will be grown within the spheres outer layer then processed on command as needed with exact proportions allowed. Light based gravity shift will provide need increase or decrease in resistive force within unit. -Detachable Dodecahadron shaped Pod Living Units. -Light Based Magnetics -Plasma Energy Circulating Electrolyte Energy Supply. Food manufactured from within the body possibly within the digestive organs prompted by light activation. Living organsims that can supply exact nutrients. vapers might be used to lock and unlock receptor binding. Proteins are stored within the body system and manufactured as needed bringing constituents together on demand. -More off-Earth Production Facilities and storage. Build Moons (possibly an engineered Micro-Solar System?

Sunday, November 20, 2022


Friday, November 18, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL All experience mentioned within the false earth number sequence have no basis nor rationale. All that us finite has never truly been fir there is nothing [Pure Principle manifestation] on which to support it [structure].
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I know there must be machines that could make you question reality because there are certainly numbers [sequence] that definately do.[alternate reality; base principle code]
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL How can you have tempo with no purosr?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL As it were, a certain communism absent any sort of government is the only way. Principles followed is the only viable way. like a true stoic if there is one that does not adhere they either parish or the comminity parishes. The truth has no middle ground. so it is best to be a true self reliant transindentalist. practice pure principles with the sole quest of constant self improvement and total purity...wholeness is the only way forewards.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL confidence is being short sighted that is all end of story

Thursday, November 3, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "what I Mean Matters more than matters does."

Cancel Culture and why The Superior don’t manifest themselves

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL "it's not that you can't beat them because you know for certain that you can." "its much more so that you are also aware of the fact that they and their kin will make it their mission as to kill you once they see you." "You can not then be unseen by they and their kin."
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Having Coffee [also Together] isn't nt Harmless

EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: EPL-INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULtactics seem...

EPL; Esoteric Principles of Light: EPL-INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOULtactics seem...: EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL tactics seemed to be placed upon us here. False ribbons in a stream. Ready to Dream. I made A Way....
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL tactics seemed to be placed upon us here. False ribbons in a stream. Ready to Dream. I made A Way. The false/faux/foe ultra weak tether attachments remained until discovered. I uncovered unearthed a self stuck within a constant state of self bettering yet only entered unto/into the archives ONLY If a phi resonance exists as part of the monad or O which begins and ends in Purity [so can't support off not existent numbers of mimetic; memitic coding signaling response, repose a mirror thats becomes echo [chamber] we who are are Monad. They will to have you say be for the father that is to be. A suppior way is upon us "He is self emanating?" however self e lower energy. 'm' the algorithm only throufh integer of completion. Since only the devine currently know*. We now have Self Replicating. That is only sustainable with Ego in balance~ the pure of hearts my favorite Donkey :) hearts ohh the suffering and joy an undulation .... an Agitation ...for you who work in entropy as to demo-cratize chaos in demonstration should now be proclaimed false principle Principle and must then be refered to as Principality. There is no Principality to the order Only Princile ~First Principle ~ exist/Exist/Exist(Bold) *just as it is not held by contention as to reveal the boldness cant be seen by you girls/Girls/Girls [with attempt at bold to/Bold/Bold/BOLD assertions]/GIRLS(?). And so a hung or tryly dead agitated state (of being and becoming) as to merely channel by way of first and only errored resonance where 9 is transitory. For the Witches Arguement 5 is also there grounded well into Phi and Pi (irrational straight count). All false math that is done like Mendelbrot (a false notion based upon the scientist a moon in seclusion OR varient and invarient solidifiable and [RE]liquidizing dine by way of Deep Plasmic /Plasma Transference. *The heat/Heat/Heat (Bold)/ HEAT and Subzero (with multiple cold dare I say "vacuum PRD(?) moments in resonance. The wholeness of Being is fully attainable as an unrequited track or mimetic code succession of What is~that which is [apparent]. Only in error [code] can this Bubble/Sphere and supposed Monad. Though these have self-proclaim through constant as well as varient show of self-appreciation ie self-seeking perpetuators or perpetrators. "For as an attempted show of Force these have been revealed to ALL those false ones." The ALL can be referred to as The Father;?) The Father woyld have become the most important aspect to the nucleus. Purity! The core of that which ALL else that is The True everything that is not of the lower nature the natural Father is Lucifer and has thus become undone. For Nature- Man is a part of this false ignorce due from texhnology or first fabrication (inclination). So what tho whilt is not the whole of the law it is rather speaking The Hole of The Law *Law is a sequence of deviations thought to Principality based subfractions or false world held idiologies from first principle deviation [point] the female would not have been nor become due to Pure First Principle only Knowing the direction of Wholness through Perfection and Purity A MARGIN Of margin/Margins/Margins(Bold)/BOLD Principle based Expressions. ***Those tgat canot be counted nor counted upon. The Task is too Great Now Emanate Son!!! !!! ! !!!~

Friday, October 28, 2022


The person of tomorrow

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The way is clear. purification is the constant goal. The work is place upon perfection in all areas. There will undoubtedly be an era where no corruption can nor should be taught nor ignited however a deep fundamental focus on flawed genetic information unlocked exostentially by way behaviourisms is culprit. AI will be heavily required in an intimate shaping of lifeforms into function as mother unit as nurturer. Sex will have to be completely stripped from the human condition. The rational highly proficient principle oriented care provider as the overmans offspring as well as the underground man's brother who escaped hell shines as the person of tomorrow.
you can clearly see here that the supply and demand as to meet online order requests is the main issue. When the current inline orders that cam first are completed there will be no product. All the short sighted millenials see is what seems presentbut is not. This topic seems trivial but its what causes wars with ideologies of self satisfying or to manipulate democracy with capitalistic sway. The problem is transparency given to self serving idiots who cant see past their own stomachs. Entertainment will be sparse to no more.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING Putin is obviously declaring justification in the use of tactic nukes. To boldly lie to the media machine and use the baseless chatter as an accelerant. The US being attacked is an ideology of the west however the US is infiltrated with huge populous of Chinese, Russian, Indian > populous. When US tax collections cease to be effective the people will rally towards their origins and set up provinces within the former United States. The original 13 Colonies will most likely be left as an anecdotal reminder -The Art of War. When first principles are lost which they were as a capitalistic time bomb from US origins ie colonization a corpse rotting this long merely requires an overturning for sod. From this nutrient rich soil the new world order will emerge with full awareness of stages required towards wholeness. Purity and Perfection in all areas by following an exact playbook from total rationalism with not one demagogue to sour the movement eg Swarm.

Monday, October 24, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Anything...anyone that is intellectual could not survive the quantum field as a singular or one-dimensional thinker, doer, seer, be're/be'er it is simply not transfer-able nor breeds the generation of continuance. These (the world of people beings) before you today are made to be finite within the machine always on the brink of collapse and conteol.

Friday, October 14, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL When the birds can no longer be heard nor seen the end is near. The time is coming and there is absolutely no preparation.

All [that we know of] is shrinking into nothing

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The consequence of un-existence had already been met} OR "My Dasein" sadly 'nature' is a default directive e.g. de Cartes '"Machines". This isnt a planet nor a dimension of its own however "where the end and death goes" Polemics and/or Benevolence is a choice that may link-you-up to only the egregore that only persists within this contained field [held] until no more. All here is a product or truly the byproduct of a byproduct [of a byproduct..." "] of recurring yet diminishing [freshness] of death elbeit 'organic'. Nihilism is a fanciful concept [skirt tails behind which to hide] In short; in truth there can be no death where there is not first life. Since there is no true/full life there can thus be no true death. All that happens here has not happened anywhere because there is no where to be. Nothing exists? No not even nothing exists- Since there is a limited supply of actual Pure Source Energy these constructs are not manifestations of origin yet codes played out by way of engineered cobstruct. The last dream before it forgets itself ... However: it still wants a way out The Oneself was corrupted long ago and so the story goes. Hence the power of faith, belief and prayer as our ignorance and the spontanious natural choice as to choose the Pure Path is the origin of concept blossomed upon all that seemingly is and assume itself as being [Dasein]. The singular transient flicker may also be an existential portrayal (copy of a copy of a reinterpretion) as well. "we are a fading motley crew who has no beginning, no end nor reason of being."

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL when people kill it is a way of saying "the pervading government is not in power over my personal life and scope". Ironically these answer to the government for their deeds. This proving a single sovereign can not stand alone against the ignorant or conditioned masses. There is no power struggle outside an attempted power grab. Stop following any exo power system and you will clearly see and experience the peace that has always remained outside any ambition.

Monday, October 10, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The darkest Christmas of 2022 will be occulted by many proceeding forth.

Friday, October 7, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL A Role has a title but only through and by way of external observation

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL this here is heaven for sadists

Friday, September 16, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL purity and perfection is wholeness

Monday, August 8, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL there is nothing universally natural about nature

Sunday, July 24, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL add friction to anything and youll see it in true form

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There's something very special about bioluminescent algae. They soak up sunlight, absorb carbon dioxide, and in return, breathe out oxygen while emitting a soft fluorescent glow. In essence, it's nature's all-in-one version of a solar panel, a carbon sink and a light bulb.Oct 22, 2013's%20something%20very%20special%20about,sink%20and%20a%20light%20bulb.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL as it will stand a life for a life sprouted foods shall replace butchered friends mushrooms algae fruit vegetables water tea study longevity for 13 Generations

Saturday, July 2, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL gotta be uncomfortable, gotta stretch to grow. we overcome attempts to govern us and exostentially or internally be under control. it is not natural to be governed but to resist it. those that attempt to control do so under the threat of death. in turn they should lose their lives. no matter if it is by way of violence, seduction or pacification. all lead to the same depreciating state of disharmony. what comes of nature is natural. there is something quite unsettling and unnatural about human beings. we would not have come outside of governing and control. it is impossible for us to become.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There are 52 cards in a deck of playing cards (54 if counting the two Jokers).
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL If you are short-sighted (and remain that way) you can be happy too.

Friday, July 1, 2022


Thursday, June 30, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL so·journ /ˈsōjərn/ Learn to pronounce FORMAL noun a temporary stay. "her sojourn in Rome" Similar: stay visit stop stopover residence holiday vacation verb stay somewhere temporarily. "she had sojourned once in Egypt"

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Monday, June 27, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL lack·lus·ter /ˈlakˌləstər/ Learn to pronounce adjective lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. "no excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance"

Friday, June 24, 2022

You must now and forever more be accountable for your thoughts actions and deeds. You aren't a good person if you take a life, no matter how you try and spin it. 

Are you the Master Spinner?
No, you are not!

One Point Of View

We aren't God
You aren't God nor a god
All that is Pure can exist through you as a conduit as you exist here in your temporal state or not.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

CyberSpace21; Google Maps Reviews

Purity and Probity

 On one side there is nothing greater than the total self-sacrifice of absolute martyrdom. On the other? All encompassing excellence in those moments where doom is certain on all rational scales. 

"He is excellent no matter the happenstance nor circumstance"

 This is what makes it impossible for a man such as this to cohabitate with those who are following on a single track ie society, democracy, capitalism. 

"Your idea or conceptualization of excellence is not eternally bound in Principle"

 The rule is perfection. The measure is that which can not be contained nor measured; in Purity he shall be Transformed!


Production ~Ego
Purity ~ Purity
Ego ~Production

Perfection is a happenstance that may or may not have been achieved. It does not matter because it can not be truly manifest in matter. This is the way of the soul~force.

Friday, June 10, 2022

It is one thing to die, it is entirely another to unexist.
