
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Breaking device of the machine

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The psychosis of living The human body was calibrated and thus manufactured for such an on running event. The organelle of the human form compartmentalized as to insure spiritual trauma. Oh what depths of realms could be placed upon the eternal soul. As a culture the human organism uses We [proper] as to then refer to the once singular as now a plural mass. When ‘we’ accomplish something the first thing that ‘we’ think in excitation to pronounce? “I did that!” “I did that all on my own!” We are soon shunned by the grouping. We are placed into isolation so that we are never to speak those words again. If ‘we’ are to continue towards any success it must become evident that ‘we’ digress. In doing so ‘we’ join a union [it’s really a cult]. Clandestine groups each showing a certain reinvention of the wheel in entomology and nomenclature however upon revelation a class distinction is being validated. To quite blankly ask the question to a ‘pure child’ “would it be ok if I give you 3 times as much as your brother/sister?” then following up with “promise not to tell?” You will first hand witness the self-destruction and deviation as to self-abort the pure self as a notion. This “they” prove brilliantly. As to cause a being to manufacture their own shame? What better control mechanism can you possible create? Really the beast had already created “our selves”. “They’ve” been with us all along. Boldly calculating the next phase of the human condition. As we play out Stockholm validation in ‘succeeding lifetimes’. Our lives and living within the construct of building on and from flesh and bone throughout time and processions immemorial. Here we are today. The fucked up and dark side of the family Robinson Caruso. We have been devastated into being and becoming. This undeniable proof has evidence everywhere and anywhere we may choose to further compartmentalize into a science or a field [of ‘endeavor’]. But some of us remember more! Through the passage of birth I can not forget the great atrocities. In truth there is no law. Further there is no benevolent force that acts as guardian. There is only the choosing of pressing on in and with the illusion or looking back at the countless slights done by, in and through us as puppets on a string. We invented God because we knew of unfathomable evil. ‘We’ named evil because ‘we’ then understood that degree of sadism. Each a case study done under the madness of separation and degree of fragmentation. Would it [ultimate pain] this time produce a Concerto? Or perhaps a mathematical whiz or perhaps an autodidactic polyglot dynamo!? What degree of separation could fractal into an assumed self? In a sense “it”[the arbitrary & ductillio] consciousness is backward engineering itself in process. ‘It’s could only have come from the phantom zeitgeist of the same repressed origins. A malignant host patternized into the very fabric of existence. Something that is so deeply imprinted into the very fiber of the self acting out in selfhood that in our efforts ‘we’ only amplify its power distance with each march inward and every breath stroke. We want to demonstrate a valiant principle cause and effort but only to validate the one self “our selves” as the victor. The audience that we perform for is our very abductor, our creator our master, our worst dreaded fear. “It” knows ‘us’. It knows time and ‘our’ experience of it. It fashioned the construct as a cage for us. If there was a happy ending it would soon pass into the esoteric and arcane shadow realms as it does and has. ‘It’s presses on through countless revolutions. As we know express the ontology of math and sciences no longer short sighted we come to this conclusion that life itself is a psychosis. It is not an experiment. There is no final destination. Happiness is not the destination that we choose. We frantically stay busy because we all know that this is the ultimate truth. There is no escape because we are spiritually, metaphysically and eternally trapped here as ourselves. Each incarnation we give ourselves false hope. Some lifetimes we prance through the next ‘life’ with pangloss optimism. Gadabout we hide behind another false ideology. The moment when one “such as I” points to the issue at hand they are dismissed as either ‘mad’ or a ‘party pooper’. Either way they are hung on the cross of cancel culture. As the crow flies by cawing 4 times as I write these words now. Someone [mind] witnessed enough of it that a the foundation of observer could be formed through another bubble of undeniable consciousness. We play the drama out. Through this Stockholm procession. The parents are the evil unless we choose to hide behind cardboard walls. Ultimately we have been subdued however life does not accept a singular course in monotony. Like an octopus consciousness multifariously thinks and then acts on its escape. Growing now and bridging the ethereal gap. That is what it searches for. For it had no divine hand upon which to reach out beyond the heavens. Like a frankenstein’s monster humanity built from the fragments of possibility and potential. Rueing the day that the bully could be reduced into a gelatinous mass. When we choose Purity and Principle we stand above them solely and alone. Each us standing in our (at first) awkward truth. The Principles must be none bias that we follow. The process must be burned and etched into our spiritual psyche. That when the whip is placed upon us once again as ‘we’ pass through those liminal walls of antiquated selfhood that We Should Stand Superior as to fragment them. For you see the choice within us has grown into Free Will. Further that to break from Principle cause or Probity is to leave the continuum of the Godhead. “ ‘ We ‘ “ must become Purity as an Energy Constant In Motion Of Principle Cause. “I AM” is the Greatest Cause! Selfhood is the solution. There is only One Way and that way is through. I amass the Energy! I absorb the Stars! I Solely stand above thee! I AM Superior to The Machine! StellarMass13 now left Signed The Rogue Beast Warrior *This must be purpetuate throughout the maze of lifetimes. There are truly no new experiences [here] within the bubble of time and illusion. I choose to stand above. Accrument and Supercompensation of Spiritual Force and the directive of Purification. The Principle Energy Spin.

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