
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Not enough for God; The beast with heat

In quiet vigilance we bear this cross and carry it upon our backs alone...the penalty for knowing. Metanoia and then Rhapsody into self indulgent expression. I believe that religion today (and over the span of the past 3,500 + years) is a rehashed version of events designed to prompt psychological outcome (engineered for control; to retard or buffer/cap). The meat of what took place but a dumbed down version of any truth. I for one have never been able to take seriously one day of this existence here. I would like to say that this profound knowing has alleviated over the hard passage of time but it has not. This is not to say that a Pure Divine Figure did not exist at one time or a tribe of (peoples). However to state "thats not us". More so that any notion of God is long dead and the incompleteness of this (algorithm) has been built into a now ancient system that wills to squeeze these juices out from us. That we should (in our complete partiality) reach out to meet the so called divine for IT in simulation. I’ve formulated my own theories and have used the guiding light of personal experience to know. I’ve seen a pyramid manifest before me from the clouds where I could make out the blocks that constructed it. As the sun shown through the very top of it as an eye. I knew of its synthetic quality. I knew that it was using me to bring upon/out this Metanoia rhapsody in response. I imagined an inverted pentagram as a wall before a blind man and stopped him in his tracks not once but twice. The second time I suspended it for several seconds that that I should know in proof what had been done. Was it on my behalf? Something else working there is the equity of real time (instantaneous)? Does this prove the power or my personal power of imagination and belief in self based (ideology)? There are only question left when we reach out. The art of sexual excitement displays the twisted cult of clandestine Thelemic dark ancient mysteries. The pattern makers that scry which we can not see. We were made not to see. However what we do see is more about us than them. Ultimate good and evil GOD The All knowing from the arcane mystery schools where matriculation may have been done under the auspices of ‘holy orgies’. "The blasphemous and profane" only seen as self limitation of rights. What we right ourselves to do. That becomes evident. The ‘Artist’ getting of on “it’s” own self-perceived “talent”. This isn’t good enough for me. That my existence should take place here as this 'manifestation’. Yet still those (capitalizing) try eagerly and with many opulent payments to further alter and crack the codes of our reality. Some …many released under the declaration of Science as to not undergo the same chastisement. Different rules for different people. Slaves to a cause that remains elusive. Covert 'watchers' that have also used their corrupt deviant ‘powers’ outside of code…but who’s to know how these twisted entities think and lie? I only experience the ramifications under knowing how they caused all my wrongs and all the damage done to me. But like my enemies here still they thrive. They want you to turn towards the limitation of that symbol, that limited and limiting sigil as they promote and power it's use from the other side. The only way assistance should be offered here it seems. Using Purity as a lure. Perhaps nothing is Pure in existence which is why to exercise it removes you from all growth, prosperity and evolution especially from spiritual growth (ironically). However those narcissists who think that they are pure and having gone through their own si called/claimed Metanoia (when they clearly have not and are not capable of such a selfless feet) are granted a form of false providence themselves. In short they percieve themselves to flourish and somehow they do in all their falsity. I want out! The audacity as to place within us such rate limiting factors. Then to have built mechanism as to ostrisize and reduce any who have truly reached out into the divine. Perhaps …more than speculation that it, God, Purity The Great Divine was starved away quite long ago now? I carry it on as my own Monad. Not Principles of impure but knowing that my task and the attack upon me is quite real. As we worship the sex cult in eating those who traveled through this passage. As occulted groups done on the fresh version of this we call them profane and they call us hypocrites. The choice to stop consuming on all levels then becomes not a trivial notion but a code in play. Yet technology awaits there with its plastics and caches of light prompted medicines. For even the calorie is a medicine to control and regulate the beast with heat. The world, reality and the dimensions in which we live now is of the collective mind. If we live within the mind of God surely he died in God’s own Art of (Knowing) Self-Expression.

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