
Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Great Work: The Great Deception ; how far can you see?

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Juxtapose This is my religion and my truth. It has been known to me for years. I stopped observing myself because I saw the energies of people, times, places and events ie The Bullshit slip into dark murky abyss. The goal here (as I’ve known for many years now) is consciousness. This must sit at the crest of the dilating YOU upon realization of The Soul Advancement. Can YOU say this?: “I fight the falsity and darkness head on. I willfully look past and through the veil of illusion. There is more…much more going on here than anyone (or anything for that matter) could ever be comfortable with. I choose The Pure Truth!” Say I describe an object or identity to you. I show you an abstract of how it relates with other tangible identities. Your mind blends and fabricates a design that works on a transient scale within the construct of the mind. Pulling familiarities and principles from either aphorisms or hazy relocation [past lives?]. We finish the rest of a story or allegory based on the perpetual condition of The Self in transition [to becoming ourselves]. As we solidify the this Self we are left with either Principles (that largely take on their own meaning; aside from religion) OR Void where: “the Sociopathic Malignant Narcissist is a transitory void of the human condition. It is a parasite who’s mission in non-uniform conjunction (with other malevolent personalities) is to make one [a person] engaged in the completion of a Singular Soul Force appear as a despot, pariah or outlander. As this dark void of ignorance [seen here as knowledge of the physics present at the time] absorbs [not withstanding times, places and events >] into The Aether of nothingness and in nothingness it [ignorance and blackness; Dark Matter?] it shall remain.” There is a beyond literal war with what is thought of or regarded as the tangible with juxtaposition of that which we know to be true but cannot readily see. In other words: upon realization of what manifests from the internal thought, actions and deeds that come from Pure Reason OR Perfection through The True Purification all the world and therefore physics before you now are left to a false contention. You begin to see quite vivid and clearly what should be (syllogistically) becoming next. The only way (in this case) that any outcome could be seen thus as non-sequitur (an out of place arrivement/juxtapose) would be the contrasting anti-principle reality that people, times, places, events eg a Life [here/now] are merely fabricated and imposto of the divine outcome manifest from the Principle practice of Purity and Perfection in culminate. “I AM!”: Comes under heavy scrutiny by “I am nothing”. The void that mimetic thieves willfully and consciously choose when ignorantly placing themselves above you and choosing the carnal, corporeal, temporal repeat of flat-time [Nietzsche]. Also referred to as [Brahmic] The Great Wheel. This The True Shepard Shepards not the flock but the course of action beyond ideal [conditions] ie that which is right/good for the one is the way for the many. I write years ago the postulation of losing once cherished assume spiritual leaders to folklore of antiquity. The entire point was a sifting where: (A) you will either choose The Pure Truth in tradition to becoming more [than this] OR (B) You willfully build [masonic] false bridges to the past in hanging onto the comforts of the falsity in ‘who you know’ to be true OR The False Truth of what is presented then before you. Ultimately you this will culminate into an undeniable superiority of migration as a splitting of the two sides is now quite evident and no longer obfuscate and covertly hidden behind the clandestine walls; a fabric of False Time. On ME Existentially I am seen eventually as a spiritualism Rogue Beast Warrior but in the world within I constantly battle dark shadow realms of incomplete thoughts into action and deed and instead work quite specifically on Principle Outcome. In short Self Perfection that is achieve through arcane fires of Purification lead by the light of True Reason/ratio/degree. In the reality of Monad and the persistence of always becoming [more/greater]. While other men have been bought I see plainly and clearly through the Monad as a spectacle of reason and ultimate Truth. In short I chose the uncomfortable reality and realize myself as The Shepard [Of The Pure Truth]. Though I am not your Teacher. Lessons delivered but stolen out from antiquity and obnubilating people and the events of the truth. The Great Work is also seen first and foremost as The Great Deception.

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