
Friday, November 20, 2015

"This, Synthetic Dream" ~ All Articles, by Stellar Mass 13, that 13th Son~


 Perhaps I am far to honest? 6', a solid 200lbs, and well certified at that. I have mastered my craft, in fact, quite long ago, until it was, and is, far outside that corporeal reach. I will go on, I will achieve, because I have, because, I already have. This, a proclamation, a charge, against those who feed on my light, When I am near, they relish, bask in my light. They, like cows, I suppose (but truly not), only enjoy the present, and do not place any effort there. I see businesses develop, people become happy, growth, upon my arrival. I watch as they, each one, use the light, in a dastardly fashion. When, indeed, will they learn, to be more like the One, to mimic not the outcome, but to emulate those three stages. Do they enjoy, chasing their tails, collectively?

  We could continue absent of Money, today, continue all jobs, improve all means IE Technology (which has always been, mind you). We, could simply mediate, NOW Knowing (Gnosis), that mediation, in constant support of this growth of the field, can only be done, in trust union.

 And so, the Mason's are thus needed, yet to realize, you are One. No secret order does actually exist, only that esoteric step, which should be NOW common, to build for one another, to wish and will growth, and to meld this collective mind, into that transcending union, we are those God's, of yor, and antiquity, who have slipped into a synthetic dream.~ 

My amendment, to the cause.


 Breaking through the fabric, of Time/Space-Space/Time IE The moment~

 These tiny, unassuming notions, a projection?

 It is in fact, amazing, that what we esteem as not real, is being fabricated, by our collective effort. At what point, can we thus, call "illusion". This, the excepted mind, must thus, play itself out, through out era. The curse is a blessing, so to elevate all Men, and beings, existent, within this shared pleroma. There was moments, divided, unnaturally, when spheres of one, could be worlds.

My amendment, to the cause.

I thus realize now, that Pi, and it's representation (that old snake, eating it's own tail), is the statement, of Phi (1.618) X 2 plus yield). This yield our currency. Therefor, Pi, be that point, an expression, to go on. 3.14. And Phi, equals the margin of that Yield (represented as two hemispheres, prior to energy transfer, to that 3rd point "a pyramid".

 In other words, if the elite, only keep the two dimensional world spinning, we, as a collective, can never truly hope, to go anywhere. Most are selfish, self absorbed, and return this way. Man, undeveloped, is but a demon. He does not care, for he does not know (gnosis), how to thus place care, a principle, of the highest order.

 I look at the trees, and realize, as I stare up at the I (J) street park, bisected, but truly in 4 parts, a square, that the illusion would be known, if not for this perspective, "Sise", a model, being that projected illusion. Small Principles of Light, like zeitgebers, IGF's, there to build, to repair, this projections. So many levels, so many dimensional absolutes, but, and yet, an absolute, being but a partial mimetic completion.

A third must be suggested, a third must be done by way of ritual, that last third, a variable, based on a strong or weak suggestion, by the observer'(S). This, a completion rate, or pattern, carried forth, by way of algorithm.

 Thus true currency (TC), and so Capitalism, is based on this acquisition, a currency standard. The yield, is thus what all people, here today fight for, in theory. These, mind you, are not principle card holders, but, yet, however, those who lust for the item. A higher mind allows this, but is not aware, it is being kept at bay, by way of deception, constant seduction. The thrill, the passion, the ever spinning angst, those, who have such lower moral fiber, ride on the coat tails of the Pure. The pure must, as a collective rise up, take their collective Kingship, and I have shown you, extensively, how this is to be done. A spin, EMOTION, Energy in Motion. The intent, the connection, a connectivity, invited, relished, supported.


An endless, ball of yarn, a tale?


It is tough, having a 15 minute limit (as in PUBLIB status). I went back, and added, extensively, to my last post, and in the last moment, all was lost. I expected a back up, however, one did not echo back, appropriately.

 With this, EPL is strangely in support of transhumanism, taking a highly efficacious and esoteric approach, towards all matters. All matters, which do not, however, only concern matter.

 How do we communicate, who no longer have the need, but to meet cyborgs of the lowest order, whom do not share in this off grid dialectic, and exchange with no lip movement, or rather "a flapping", needed.

 I live on the streets of East Sacramento (ESA). I sleep under the star filled night sky. I look up to the heavens, and the chill hits me deep, penetrating into the bone by 1:30am. A Woman, a deceiver, put me here. I was not signing a committal nor admission of guilt, towards my maleness, a shame? I was signing a trust order, between two divisions, and the latter, the fourth addition, actually, failed, as she always does, on false proclamation, a contingency.

 Most say I am a solder, a vet. I have people near to argue, 'I must be!". I live my life with personal order, which extends as a code. This code, translated, is in fact EPL. I, as we all do, needed to decode myself, and the invisible sheath, an illusion, before I could continue. We fight, as Principality. Seeming, at first, to be individuals, then, to later learn, or rather "assert", that upon full mimetic development (FMD), that we must serve a higher order. These, our God's.

 A force comes to us, we are thus tested. Many feel, they have reached, a final arriveement. It comes at a certain age, in a certain and distinct moment, a time. Time being, but a number, a degree, in this spin cycle.

 EM Forces tether us, just as the stars, a lock. This, placing the aspiring integer, to a family, now having a name. It is true, they,  those spiders, have caused an outbreak, and epidemic. of peoples. A competition ensues, to own that space, within that sphere, a moment.

 These, the many, now faces, etched, on the floors, in that fabric of time (look down, see for "yourself").

 The halls of Amanti, are, those very halls of thought (Thoth), the mind. I often under estimate, the knowledge shared. For you see, intellect, as intelligence, is earned, as a collective. This means, that some work harder. Those who are gifted, are the cursed, so know (Gnosis), that a charge must be made, towards those, who ride on our trails. We are the One's, who work tirelessly, at first, inspired, now realizing, "have we unraveled an endless ball of yarn:.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

The apparent usefullness of social virtu(e); By Barry Dean Masteller ["Bo"]


 We now fully see, it is disclosed, that "Mimetic Behavioralism", rules the day, our current time. Nietzche states this fact, of unfact. That is that we are indeed within a time repeat. Projections, on a micro-scale, IE These "Principles of Light", add up to an assumed item, of and on display.

 I stand in a bread line, awoken from a Siberian Hell, a Winter, not unlike Fyodor Dostoevsky, but in West Sacramento? The scope be the very "Sise" model. Mimetics, bound on completing the program. Assumed and so relatively tiny Principles, adding up to that reprojection, of an assumed item, on display.

 I speak to an androgynous Philosopher, in front of me, as the line bisects, I spout out the irrationalism of the line not following the outer rim, of a circular line (that old serpent, eating it's own tail). We speak, partially in social paralysis, yet the spheres here, as everywhere, make perfect sense. I have my own religion, partially taught, partially realized, and partially already known, this a priori. The Machine, I beat, by introducing, and firmly Knowing (Gnosis), "this" to be true.

EPL is the most complete religion in ever in create. by for now~

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Newest Unexplained: Mysteries Undercover about Aliens - Best UFO Sightin...


 I mean, like...I don't have much more to say. I am not killing myself, or depressed...I have however reached FINAL CONCLUSION.

 That which I have offered to the field, and field's expansion, has...for better/worse, intertwined and...become and integral part of this machine.

 It's mundane, not special, not unique. The transfer of energy, the rate at which this spherical flow and shift (The Law of Currency), takes place, is all that seems modifiable, in the least. Basically


I mean after all, should I? Is there some cosmic guilt trip, a piety...that I should thus be blamed for all your pain and suffering?

 People are worthless, justifiable only to a self, who is thus self termed, by their very pain. A saltatory negative feed back loop, deeming itself as separate of apart, in some way? I don't buy it, I don't buy you thus buy me?

Good bye

Plane Crashes Into Apartment Building In Akron, Ohio