
Friday, November 20, 2015

My amendment, to the cause.


 Breaking through the fabric, of Time/Space-Space/Time IE The moment~

 These tiny, unassuming notions, a projection?

 It is in fact, amazing, that what we esteem as not real, is being fabricated, by our collective effort. At what point, can we thus, call "illusion". This, the excepted mind, must thus, play itself out, through out era. The curse is a blessing, so to elevate all Men, and beings, existent, within this shared pleroma. There was moments, divided, unnaturally, when spheres of one, could be worlds.

My amendment, to the cause.

I thus realize now, that Pi, and it's representation (that old snake, eating it's own tail), is the statement, of Phi (1.618) X 2 plus yield). This yield our currency. Therefor, Pi, be that point, an expression, to go on. 3.14. And Phi, equals the margin of that Yield (represented as two hemispheres, prior to energy transfer, to that 3rd point "a pyramid".

 In other words, if the elite, only keep the two dimensional world spinning, we, as a collective, can never truly hope, to go anywhere. Most are selfish, self absorbed, and return this way. Man, undeveloped, is but a demon. He does not care, for he does not know (gnosis), how to thus place care, a principle, of the highest order.

 I look at the trees, and realize, as I stare up at the I (J) street park, bisected, but truly in 4 parts, a square, that the illusion would be known, if not for this perspective, "Sise", a model, being that projected illusion. Small Principles of Light, like zeitgebers, IGF's, there to build, to repair, this projections. So many levels, so many dimensional absolutes, but, and yet, an absolute, being but a partial mimetic completion.

A third must be suggested, a third must be done by way of ritual, that last third, a variable, based on a strong or weak suggestion, by the observer'(S). This, a completion rate, or pattern, carried forth, by way of algorithm.

 Thus true currency (TC), and so Capitalism, is based on this acquisition, a currency standard. The yield, is thus what all people, here today fight for, in theory. These, mind you, are not principle card holders, but, yet, however, those who lust for the item. A higher mind allows this, but is not aware, it is being kept at bay, by way of deception, constant seduction. The thrill, the passion, the ever spinning angst, those, who have such lower moral fiber, ride on the coat tails of the Pure. The pure must, as a collective rise up, take their collective Kingship, and I have shown you, extensively, how this is to be done. A spin, EMOTION, Energy in Motion. The intent, the connection, a connectivity, invited, relished, supported.


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