
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Stellar Mass 13 "Into the Lonely Night, because"


 I may change my mind, later, but I think I will call this piece "Bartering for ignorance" (let's see how it fits?".


 I lay back last night (less than a week before Thanksgiving). One begins to take on the spirit of homelessness, as a force, fed to "U.S./us".However truth be stranger than fiction. A week ago, I looked up at the Sacramento night sky, and saw one of the strangest things. Could have been lights coming from another layer of cloud cover, only there were no clouds, only a seeming slight haze. I saw a long bent but linear and fixed object (meaning it did not change shape, as light does, as it traveled across the night sky, towards the city, from ESAC. I actually got up from a y claimed corner on North B Street, leaving my pack behind for a moment, just to take a gander (inside joke, tell you later). I saw that same transient, but yet slightly obscure image, remain the same. I was able to validate a certain speed and direction al pattern, but more saw, that it was an item or object. So strange it traveled 3/4 the distance, from my right to left, then, disappeared from view.

 Well today, I woke up, thinking Sundays must suck around here. Now, I am convince, not one day here, in this part of Sac anyhow, dulls in miraculous instant delivery. Admittedly I have not gone full force on the spiritual warfare I have done in a global since, however the slight bit, I seem to be doing, intensifies and already power packed system. Christians, some from the far left, some from the far right, some , somewhere in between, have the strong hold here, there is momentum.

 Today, I woke up from my corner. Blessed I am, many would say cursed, always the most beautiful females flock to me. Some times they say it's my looks (when those are tools bestowed, a health). Some say I am an Angel. Others are attracted to an inner peace, a calm, but this follows me, as a mark, a strike, a great chance, to use a power, Men, like Solomon possessed. Well, mine is greater.

 Many claim to be "of this mind", uncommon, though we speak. I am, that is, I live with this, wherever I may roam.

 A chance, to bless those who otherwise are doomed. To elevate one, means to elevate the mind of Human Female Kind, all around. Once that energy swirls, within the time, an E.M. Event, within this Pleroma, the entire margine shifts.

 So you see why the four divisions, do not want this mind to ascend. Easier ti be, to allow all females, to stew, in their own chosen pleasure. Hook-ups after hook-ups, looking for love, yet to never find principle, the only standard, they leave Church early, in order to appease the beast, a constant angst, a pain. I am endowed with a power that I truly rarely use, and not in it's full spectrum to be sure. It is not a power, to be squandered away, by way of trivial means, sex.

I walked silently, quiet for a "big city", to the park, off 10th&I. What to eat. It's early, 6am to early, but...strange that I am refreshed. I am seriously behind on sleep, but the fresh air, makes it possible, to renew, again. I type with serious noise, in this small lit room, 4 rows, of 4 computers, stuffed into a local. Location is everything, within the sphere. Principality wars, work, in this way. So many strange events, to pull me out of my comfort zone, they really did a job on me (as in Job 1:25, as I pick up the empty rolling paper container this A.M., set atop the PUBLIB bathroom toilet paper fixture "JOB 11/4).

JOB 1:25
1 Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
2 "Dominion and awe belong to God; he establishes order in the heights of heaven.
3 Can his forces be numbered? Upon whom does his light not rise?
4 How then can a man be righteous before God? How can one born of woman be pure?
5 If even the moon is not bright and the stars are not pure in his eyes,
6 how much less man, who is but a maggot-- a son of man, who is only a worm!"
So, I ate two lunches, and had to hold off, on the third. There is no shortage of food here, to be sure. I see a weird thing taking place. Those who do not live in a trapped want, of acquisition, those who are, well content, seem to be paid off, in this capitalistic craft, a nation, Babalon. Some elevate, some allow a depression to occur. Let go of that moment, for but a moment, and the card house doesn't just fall, those blow at it with all their might, then to lay claim, pointing that finger at you?

I admit, it's to good here. I can eat the best food, free, fresh, all day long, and sleep when and pretty much where ever the hell I like? I this America? I almost can't complain. It's just that, this is not what I had planned for a life, not up to my standards. If I choose to give, at a ever higher scale, who can seriously get in my way, of this "higher quest"?

 So you see, this is why EPL, be all the more essential. I realized, "they can't see you", those God's, who sit upon that Mount, up there, way on high. The Colors are the language, beyond words, and worlds.You see, EPL is a language of the heart. One must feel, to resonate, truly...and one must always, mean what they say. Here, it is more the way it be said, and not so much "what is said".

 This tether transcends the illusion of time and space. Places you in direct communication, with those God's, those Father's and recently those Mothers. Love, Connection, Community? That is what Sacramento, a sacrament unto the Lord doth' mean.


 I know the ancient art, of filling one, a vessel with pure emotion, energy in motion, a light, a sound, a viabration. The main proof be, they do not have to be aware of me, for the effects to work. I prayed then for prosperity, in 2013, and I was brought to the Money Mind. I have told the story, and do not enjoy it one bit, but it reminds me, this is for real, and for 3 years, carried this reality with me, elevating the world, in constant mediation, at times.

 The way to divinity is the way of the mind, the one mind calls for me. There are many spheres, but truly one, then none. A Nihilistic mention? Oh, did I mention, that the robotic assertion, that sex can be fullfilled, with simply transhumanistic "parts", is a lie. There will need to be a fusion, of this spiritual aparatus, to be sure. This is why brain mapping is an integral aspect of AI, as well as all it's aspects. So I ask you, if it will be done, then it has been done, so what are we?

 Step outside of time, an illusion, see a moment, spin. Elevate this moment, forever the frequency exist. The dial can be turned, at will, up, down, but truly, right and left, a backward notion? To be sure.

 Think outside dimension, into another realm. There you are, you have arrived. Fulfilling not your lust, an assertion, but fulfill your duty thus. Why work so hard to retain a mind, only to lose it. Now you see the pain of the snake eating of it's tail, what captialism truly costs. Mediate upon this notion, spin it

Allow, at first a pre-thought to occur. That sexuality, at full ignition, but not to penetrate towards full thought. Now, disolve it, own it, give it away as offering, see that it, as all energy, is pure, in it's essense, then what have you been? Perhaps a machine which has exchange the Pure Source towards a down grade, to a far lesser effort, a cause, just because you can?

 Be the purifier, take that harder path. Become annointed towards the true struggle, with no deviation. You will see then the sinners tried. For the Pleroma thus be ruled, by that higher mind...SPIN, WITH, INTENT~

Esoteric Principles of Light
Color, Light, Spin....Motion, as energy in Motion...A sound...The Frequency of Light, A Spiritual Theem IE The Pyramid emerges thus.

Stellar Mass

Today I:
Got a facial, with Purified Water by a beautiful Lady
Today I dined on fresh, hot good food, some handed out, on the streets, near C Street
Today I made friends, and found out where to get more resources.
Today I packed my REI (Free mind you) back pack up with good food, and snacks, enough to last a day or more. Word~


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