
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Some of the biggest obstacles, regarding homelessness~


Take away the right (to heir) a Man's property, and right to work, then what have you, as a Nation, under God?

 As you know, I have the qualifications, and personality to boot, to land a J.O.B.,I find that most homeless people are stronger, smarter, and better at surviving, the everyday grind, than any Lawyer or Doctor I ever trained, this also should include software sales and execs.

 Personalities, stories, religious complexity (that many walk with). It becomes apparent, that these just "don't fit in", to our current socioeconomic excepted status. These people are tough, good actors, and learn to adapt, where ever they may be found.

 In the Sierra Nevada foothills, they pan for Gold, sell and grow pot, and enjoy speaking and thinking fast, a connectivity.

 In those small tidal areas, they act more like transient beings. They often go un-noticed, these could be taken for eccentric?

 In the City, staying clean. Doing laundry, but not finding a place to crash out, seems to be paramount, to the cause, of surviving another day. I meet legendary people each day, who obviously emulate greater Men, and in some cases, Women.

 In smaller areas privacy is respected, as in private showers, and more autonomy. In the City, this is hard to find. Most of the time, you will see some homeless freakshow, as in putting on a good show, take piss, whilst in that grand expanded union, for all to see, and view.

I see the hallow end of that gun facing afro-Americans each day/Blacks. I have followed this agenda, and been near it, since early Childhood, one of the things my Mom did right (exposing me to more of life's true rawness).

 I see great people using what little they have, what little they are given, and making sweet wine, love and music with "it".

 I realized I need to have an answer to homelessness, but the term itself is out of context.

There seem to be three basic classification of the so called homeless, a status, not a title.

These are:
-Those addicts who can not cease "using". I see that self moralization (a self proclaimed title, be all that separate the homeless addicts from the elite one's.
Those who are disabled, and not given enough funds IE disability or other, to pay rent, eat food and live a life abundant. My buddy Bob, a character in the Stellar Mass saga, decided he could only either have a place to live or eat food of choosing and buy cigarettes, Bob is a chain smoking mutant LOL.

 The third category, the one on the rise, is of no surprise, at least to me. Those males who have been hit with back child support, and rendered dead in the water, useless to society. Often times, very good hearted people, who still give their last dime to anyone in need. This category is on the swift rise.

 And so...the first step is defining these, as quite separate issues, and creating three main cures for them.

 Users need be be offered an Anabolic approach, and also offered Jobs, and housing based on a strict protocol of daily and sometime multiple blood testing. This is where the full disclosure, that being of our true technology, needs to be demanded with a firm fist. A personal should be able to log in, with a hand print , signature, and be able to do this test online, through a government data base.

 The other offering, available, yet not disclosed, would be Gnome modification. I know this sounds scary, but this is where efficacy plays strongly. We need to be able to rid the body, of unwanted hosts, repeats of addictive chromosomal material, that make it damn near impossible, for people of this category to shine. I see Nanoid technology playing strongly with this, in the future, for those who do not undergo a perfecting of their original Gnomic Coding, prior to birth, this I am all for. We are already super Men and Women, and I believe we are fixing something, that was altered with great machination in the first. 

The disability issue is a no brainier. Give those with disabilities a more socialized approach to housing, where it would and could never in question whether a personal has a place to live...RIDICULOUS!!!

The third is of dire importance, and especially to me. This issue cost me a life, a home, an income, and most of all cost my kids any offerings I could make, towards any life contributions. It's not just crazy Women, though my X-spouse is quite insane, I assure you, it is a matter of legislation. How can someone be given a loaded gun., and with no trial, be taken at word, until it becomes final world, I was guilty before proven Innocent, and this is the fundamental problem with America and it's Elite Jesuit Law, which must once and for all fall into the  abyss for ever more. 


*In short, 0 was written on the declaration my X-spouse turned into the Monterey County Court System, for time spent with my Children LIE, Contributions over 5 years 0 LIE, Money and housing given to my two fine Son's0 LIE. 

 I was, further, to show such machination, and conspiracy (this woman is sick, sick, sick), a restraining order was filed, at the same time, the same month in fact, which claimed all sorts of preposterous claims. I had a lawyer look at this document, and they laughed, asking me how this could possible ever be received as factual. Claims, it contained, that were not tethered to one another, often fragmented, as she is, and taken far out of sequence, not even a  relevant time line, was offered,  nor requested. I am victim, for being strong, healthy and shining, NO SOCIETY SHOULD HAVE SUCH MACHINATION, PLACE WITHIN THEIR LEGAL CODE...yet there it is, in the constant form of favoritism, then ea false equalization, two halves of an un-holy principality

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