
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

EPL; VANdose update


'Simulation wasn't created for us'


McConnell foils GOP as well as $2,000 stimulus


Governor Gavin newsom confirms new strain of coronavirus in California. Also that California is reporting the highest covid numbers in the US currently.


Where did the road go?; mystery and magic of place by Nathan Isaac


Where XRP went wrong


Sky News Media; Biden calls Harris 'President Elect'


Dahboo77; Stimulus Checks

Learning about Personal Finance
Running Multiple Business Outlets
Selling Products and Finding Distribution 
Venues Connect

Prepping for a Year of ROKbodhi321~123 Training Protocol 

Walking as a Body~Mind~Spirit tool to Soul Growth

Fasting as an affirmation of Will 

Training as a measure upon measure in Ability in Force


Pushing my Body Will Spirit to Forced Soul Principle EGO in Expression 

Filming it all
Full time All The Time

Protein Amino Acid Instant Processing 
Sip, Sip, Sip
Step, Step, Step
Do, Do, Do!!!
The Body 

The or Theos/God
Body or Culmination of work

The Body in Building 
Cell by cell 

I AM Enough

Say it

Occult Lectures



For The New Year I have ordered 2 Go Pro style action cams. 

 My cell phone will no longer store images or anything else, so my YouTube Channels have to take a back seat for a few days.

 I had to become rundown, middle-aged, homeless and disrespected by the entire world before I could know/Gnosis. 

 Prior I stepped with trepidation. As I put others before me. I was unable to give much. Has this left me empty. I can now say that I will be putting 100% of my energies into the self. I was run down. I was depleted. 

The fundamental belief that a community of people a society should be placed above the individual has 100% been refuted by myself. This is not up for debate as I have sacrificed years on worthless people that are very toxic assumed individuals.

 This may sound like simple wordage but I have found that principles cannot be taught. Sure the road can be better pointed out from an existential sense. However one has to have found this road on their own prior to to ever want to investigate. These words just sound like words to those who are just minor Seekers. 

 My time my life my focus my energy is now going into the self-sustenance of survival and thriving. 

 I felt the sense of guilt always and was and have been plagued by this guilt since I was but a little child. The false guys of a democracy are a democratic system is a setup to the strong and the able. It is truly a will of powers and now I will come into power, my own personal power. Sadly many will be left behind and many that you know. 

 From a thermodynamic sense which is what we must assume ourselves as in a massing and a balance toward equilibrium and then a crewmate must be this undulating cycle. No deviation can take place. I have spiritually emotionally and energetically uplifted those as a son Center and today this Sun Center is my own energy it is not forgiving I do not Marty myself to raise those who deem themselves as victims or repressed. You are on your own today and forever more.

 The sleeping giant has awoke. This Sun shines for himself. 

 Those are the far left proclaim equal treatment crying and whining that they are not getting it. When they do appeal to that greater mass that understands because he has stood under principle he will take his time out and if you are not amassing yourself towards fullness, which will cost you more than it will assist you in gain. I will know whether or not you are being true if you too succumb to the struggle. One cannot struggle for the sake of struggle. However to believe that a Utopia is always waiting hopefully around the bend over the horizon where perfect pure beings are able to sovereignty and collectively hone a balance. 

 The black magic came from this. However the ability to use this becomes subject to your struggle. No one not a one can look into you except for the One and know this struggle. This is of a hermetic display. I am the Golden Dawn, I am the rising of a son. I am not separate from the One.

 Today in your discontentedness and yourself entitlement you will not see. You think that you are this one. This is not your Paloma, the energy that you seem to culminate and resonate from you have no principle foundation nor do you practice it. 

 Most if not all believe in arbitrary dogma and rules of law. Empty religions. Worn out practices and self-hood in belief system where there is no self therefore there is no true belief. 

 I've walked the hard Road and each time I thought I ended with nothing I lost a little more. 

 The one knows this depletion. This depletion is death. And I have died more than once in this physical plane. May the next be Transcendence and a passing over. 

 I have no friends here I have no family and this is by choice. Backstabbers and robbers, horse, thieves and liars.

 Those who esteem themselves is good need to be esteemed as such these are the wicked who lie and wait eventually they will give way to gossip. 

 So hate me, refute me, cast your Stones against me. Spread your lies. 

Then from your Democratic stance and a little monetary bolstering show your true far-right colors; that you are in power, that you are the one. Now see these many steps I've taken and when I took them you had not taken one. 

 I learned the cycles of 3.3. 

I walked in Bodie with no want in my heart and no desire The emptiness the coldness of rejection. I was communicate with by Nature and embraced by the one. The Sun shines for me and me alone and All sons beyond that. You're not a part but you are a part from the one. 


Bitboy; Bitcoins biggest day


Mcconnell Speaks on Senate $2,000 Stimulus


CRISPR in context




Arbitrary laws are meant to govern. And in the governance a falsity looms.

Alone he stands as perfect. While in the presence of his many enemies he shall be diminished greatly. 

From this you will know if he has tried to give rather than be.

His entire existence is based around being and not giving. 

For he is equilibrium and he is (represents) the balance

It is quite simple and clear young one those around you only then rebellion will to take.

Do not be fooled they have seen who you are from the beginning. They have cursed you and done craft against you.

Here you have no friends or Allies, no family to draw upon, rather they draw upon you. 

You can see them scuff and laugh as they still believe that the exploitation of a Death note is more valuable than you. 

Placed on the front of every US dollar it's a curse against you and it's use.

None could surely understand, and even if there is but a few they remain stuck in the conjecture of philosophy, going back to idle measures time and time again.

Remember now that these are your enemies.

As self-actualization leads to Equalibrium or Completion.

Phi in Harmony and resonance of this Truth

It only takes one to shatter the falsity of a universal illusion.
I have seen now that none will stand with me.
As they too would have to take on the lonely path, that refutes all that we are shown here.

Perfect Energy Systems challenge the faulty wobble of imbalance. the beauty is we only have to recognize the Fibonacci Phi, the golden mean.

Few have Mastered the Self.
For their breeds not a society from this but a Principle  understanding, of the stark importance, of a Community of One.

More than once possibly a death and rebirth must occur in a single lifetime that that very clearly demonstrates the One and the All Mind the Oneself.
This is the only religion and the only way and the reason and the season of existence on all plans, without abstruction.

for the few:
You are the Sun that they bask from.
Know thyself and all thy actions and thy deeds.
And not in false piety, but in the constant action and affirmation of becoming One with the All Mind.

Infinitum Secretiore
Do not follow bastardized religions, dogma and philosophy. as these will only intend from their false origins, to lead you astray.

No one will stand with you in your affirmation.
Your children and false religion will turn on you. Because the way of perfection challenges the legitimacy of their quasi existence
The more you kick and scream to be complete as a viable Force, the more you challenge and refute governance that directly opposes this.
It doesn't matter if it's Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Communist and on. True Balance cannot be achieved by way of existential rule.Your mother, your sister, your teacher, your father, your fellows and everyone you know is at odds with this.
If they are not given this liberty then you shall not either. Collectively they stand against you drawing lots and casting stones. Society wants what it wants into consumption of itself.
You will stand Al be in this quest. No external societal achievement places mastery over this. Those who pose and pretend to stand next to you are in fact thwarting your ability to achieve this. it must be done alone. it must be done in balance. body must meet a form of Phi perfection and in its continuance all actions and deeds must revolve and resonate Phi.
The statement becomes 'if I cannot be perfect then I will do everything in the power of society and Country to keep you from being perfect'. However those who have always been perfect and we're born of perfection are the most hated by those who are errors and need governance constant.
The numbers are limited and finite scarce invaluable. people of the day are like Fiat money hold no intrinsic value. they must then show their value in an external arbitrary way, in the further collection of their kind the expired debt carrying Fiat note.

YOU are the Comm-Unity
This Utopia is Perfection in The ALL
No more idol pursuits nor idiologies

The road is clear
Self Generate
Self Perfect
Know Thyself

You are the only Star here that burns inside and stands above, the quickening.

Know that all teachings of this world are false and the universe in which it seems to sit.
You are not a martyr to an external falsified cause, if you are indeed one of the few.
You will not be reflected upon nor be remembered with any respect.

Rather stories will be gossiped upon and passed along. Stories that show your failure to and of a society. However soon that society as they all do shall parish.

The entire reason or demonstrative degree be based upon the sifting out of the many for the One.
The one is not self-profected in competition for all the dark powers that surround him will work in opposition of his Divine manifestation.

He will feel excluded, chastised, rejected. The Universe in conflict without, will see him as a threat to its existence. for he alone stands perfect and perfected as all the universe without stands incomplete awaiting ruin. It is as if demonic entities surround him everywhere he goes. When he realizes that self-perfection and self-actualization can begin the process as to align him with the One True Self; he will no longer be branded, but avoided. Confusion and reverence for they (the many errors) do not understand, and shall not.
For in the final he has not come to save anyone  In fact he stands alone with the all, and so in everything and of everything that is. He did not come here seeking earthly accolades. he did not and would not choose this place. He is the one sifted out among the many. he is enough, he represents the true Kingdom the Universe as One intro perfection.

For the lack and understanding he must be hung on a cross. He must be rejected. Not one will stand by him. He will always enter this place alone. The place of holy sanctum is only reserved for him alone. To stand near him you will only feel his curse.

However in his heart he carries the kingdom, despite the corruption of external forces that have corrupted his body suit. His only resolve is to purge this and to purge this he must.

Josh Hawley opposing electoral college forcing vote


Live Pelosi Stimulus


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Allen Watts 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'


Max Keiser Report #1638


SEC complaint effect on banking with ripple


Steve mnuchin says stimulus checks can go out as early as tonight


federal unemployment update


Meet Kevin Stimulus Update


More recent

Meet Kevin; McConnell Speaks on Stimulus


Brian w/Clear Value Tax; Stimulus Update


2021 Stellarmass13} Multifarious Passive Businesses (8-10) as Goal for incoming year (concepts)


Young Elon Musk 1999


Monday, December 28, 2020

The Grand Design~

 My Hate, I feel nothing while in you presence. Though you dance like prey. I suppose myself as a thermodynamic system. Therefore I spin and draw and grow. 
 There's a part of me that you can't see, that is pure density. Black Hole Sun within my Sol. Prisms Rock inferred let's go! A part that's hidden that is whole. This Core must absorb energy in order to move on, a Sponge.
 I am the Dusk and I am the Dawn. Amassing numbers, partialities, figures and signs. I'm an integral part of The Grand Design. Equilibrium occurs just past 8. Concealed in the dark of night, I am your Fate. A Snake that feeds ON time, in Spite. Seduction displays it's worth in might. Might I take a bite!


Words to live by?

People will pay for entertainment while they starve.

People will pay for the appearance of Presige as they become secretly homeless. 

The feeling of belonging fuels the engineers mind. 

Forgiveness must be afforded

Principles are imposed by those who follow none

Control of Inequality is Power

Teachers teach what they intrinsically hate, and so teaching is a Faustian deal from inception

The artist makes a mockery of the comedy 

The blind man smells the stench of what we are all becoming and so he searches only for consolment 

Those who tempt death live to see how temporary a life is in deed

The woman is an electron excited with the challenge of negative potential 

Positivity bleeds off entropy 

Equalibrium is the goal that can never be achieved 

Parasitic hording leads to wealth no matter intelligence level 

Intelligence is only useful information collected for predetermined later use;  towards a specific outcome or goal imagined

God is the level of guilt that you feel

Feelings are misinterpreted; phenomenon of receptor docking 

Humans are Bio-Organic/energetic machines that are evading the inevitable full-time awareness of their own doom 

Society is made-up, and family (life) replays this corrupted drama; Capitalistism of sum sort

Characters are paid to take themselves seriously
Luxery is burning prosperity


Logan Alec supposed $600 stimulus check Rush this week


Meet Kevin Update Stimulus


The Living Form; I have a place

 As people worldwide come out of this fog of ignorance. There are obvious clouds of smoke where separatism of energy presides. A monotheistic thought process is merely that. Many organisms from insects to reptiles would not comply with a belief system of primates and human mammals. There is a distinction between self-identification IE the higher mind and an existential Force without that assists by way of emotional connectivity. A third and transient state of being that could be called the ALL Mind is inevitable. Here on this highway junction there is commonality for all. 
 From assumed metaphysics and what that means(?) in tally ergo energy. The Ether is the truth that's left when the smoke of false fires of Soul Force have cleared. The forever substance. 
 Only Principles shall remain infinite for the living, no matter in what form that energy source may be.

Stellar Mass 13

Logan Alec Stimulus Update


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Occult Lectures


man identified as Christmas Day bomber


9:53pm Pacific; holding (hodling) steady

Clear Value; Second Stimulus


Sumerian civilization just got weirder


Rules to live by?

#1} Super parasitic equals hyperinflation:
One systems total enthalpy or market cap;
Designs the comfort of adjacency and then hemorrhages by penetrating the amassing yet still in a weakened state. There were no clear boundaries and there were no resources upon which to build them.

Lesson: it is better not to struggle? OR one falls victim to a chosen or assumed forced geography?

#2} Entropy no longer agitates energy production through chaos and control. The middle classing created comfort creatures and made it so, and so....

 There is ripe fruit which has fallen outside of the thermodynamic system. The occupants within cannot see. However the ever-increasing wealthy scavengers pay themselves to notice.

Why is assumed balance and stability so mundane and boring(?); what is heaven? OR Do you make IT so?

#3} The crystal house held at absolute zero has a cost of entry. The cost of entry was; how you answered the first question that you were ever posed. There is no backtracking. 

Recognition that equilibrium can never be achieved. Lacking the desire to ever reach or create equilibrium, the salesman has his tools.

Energy is dinner (Time)


Bitcoin with Michael Saylor: master class in economic calculation


Trump signs bill


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Keiser Report 'Boxing Day'


Coast to Coast AM; we need AI to survive


Dahboo77: Outages after suspicious events in Nashville


Trump doubles down


This(!) EPL~

Color, Light, Spin...
Principles in Motion~

Korean artificial sun k star sets new world record

Korean Artificial Sun – KSTAR Fusion Reactor – Sets New World Record



The Hill; deep schism in GOP


Logan Alec; "over 12 million lose unemployment benefits today"


Politico; Trump rails at Justice department as stimulus relief looms


Turkish Fertilizer Producer claims finds six billion/$6B in Gold


RT: digital currencies challenge payment networks


Big shout out and thanks to viewers/Truth Seekers of Esoteric Principles of

Tribute video to EPL viewers like You!

The Hill: 'Millions to lose jobless benefits'


Friday, December 25, 2020

Drive: Pacific Grove CA Christmas 🎄 2020 ⛄


Pelosi plans Monday vote on $2,000 stimulus


Merry Christmas 🎄 don't choke on your dead animals

The ever RT: monetarily corrupted Max Keiser

Witness report in Nashville explosion


Dahboo77; Antarctica shaking


RT: Who's spying on you?

The Druids and Witches battle it out on this here plane of quasi-existence

pt 2 "why follow authority?"



VANdose Studio Cleaning


Pt 1 why do I need to learn this?


killing or sacrifice


No transparency


America dystopia


Taco run


Something I've learned

Monday, December 21, 2020

Will Elon Musk buy into Bitcoin? "IPGrow"


Mount Kilauea erupts in Hawaii


The Bill; Baaaad bill


Sat 26 Dec11th of Tevet, 5781

Bill EPLimath:

Note 5593 pages
55 (11th number in Phi also redundant)
93 (nine being the geometrical resonance of the carnal world, three being the carryover of energy and the fundamental number for carryover). 
9+3= 12
22 catch 22. It's Witchcraft number binding. 

Also 5781 is the current Jewish year (2020-21) 5782 is next... (22) this is a catch 22 binding spell.

11 is the number of death
9 and 3 is really conveying 7, 2 and 3 =
2/4th place in Phi 
3/5 pentagonal Witchcraft  binding number

The occulted 9
[However the top true number is 7]

Erich Fromm "Happy Normal People"


Real Vision Finance


 The US peoples will be pressed and pushed back into a tribe... however they (Heinz 57 White Europeans) were not a Tribe from origin. 

 The next War will ignite over land commodity rates in space. However the biggest and closest outcome will be the acquisition here on Earth IE America 
 The death of the US dollar making the world hate USD.  In other words USD use/inflation globally is going to go through the roof; per us tariffs sanctions restrictions to cover localized inflation. The US dollars fungibility has reached zero. The world doesn't require USD Loans. US has no export value= War (take oil by force?....No land is all we got!= War) 


Should Tesla move to Bitcoin?


Annoying but informative


Meet Kevin; when will Stimulus arrive?


Logan Alec; Stimulus


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Milibit Conversation Chart

here's what's in the new 900 billion dollar stimulus package


CoinBureau; Bitcoin Predictions


Live Bitboy Projections; What Altcoins will make you Rich!?


Live Press Conference; Stimulus


Senator Bernie Sanders


Economic PolicySenate majority leader announces approximately $900 billion deal on emergency relief package


Live: Brian w/ Clear Value


Meet Kevin Stimulus 12/20


Final Vote on Covid Bill


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Clear Value Stimulus Status 12/20


Lawmakers Resolve Fed Dispute as They Race to Close Stimulus DealTop senators appeared to strike an agreement on the central bank’s lending powers as they struggled to clear away the last sticking points in the $900 billion compromise plan.


Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

Anunnaki Sumarian Oath


Elon Musk on Aliens


Coast to Coast AM: Watchers Aliens and Hallucinations


Origins of The Ancient Zodiac


The Dogon Tribe


Story of The Aztecs


We are the 👽 Aliens

 You know what? I don't write these epilogues four views or popularity. Quite on the contrary. I know that it doesn't meld well like; being an analgesically happy YouTube host. I write these words into the field. As a mark on truth. Very few people are making the most obvious and blatant statements (about reality) because they are afraid to. I was cut off from their little power source a long time ago. Because personal power is borrowed power. I was shown this, in the most riveting way!

 It may not even be the case, that someday,  someone will find this digitized script of one man's view (and interpretation) of what's really going on. I don't know, but what I do know is that it is important, much more important "to State it", in any way. This, than to parade around like a politician, and create disinformation from shock and awe. Those people are bought, and they know it. 

 Well there was a time when I tried to be bought. When I was just as broken down as most people don't know that they even are, yet. However I write this (to write this) into the field, as I stated. Into the substance of what surrounds us. The same vices, same fears, the same feelings, thoughts and desires ...take place in all men. Those who seem to have an extra competitive edge are given the information and the way. Many ignorantly think that once they just start the ball rolling they can turn that ball to roll another way. Sadly this can never take place. The control over everything, and everyone, and every situation is not guesswork, it is more precise than any future quantum computer system could ever be or know Also far more esoteric and occulted. 

I know one thing I've been carrying a massive weight on my back and I know it isn't coming from me.

To believe in what I say and trust me, you already do it's quite simple, because you know it within yourself.

Let me ask you; did you ever get a feeling about a person?

That is, a feeling about who that person really is, and the goings on within that person's bodily form? Surrounding and connecting to that person with an agenda? 

 You either got a warm fuzzy feeling or the dark pervading coldness, or maybe the feeling was so strong that it pulled your energy out? Maybe you were filled with a light? Lots of people but what's in them varies largely by degree. 

 For good or ill it is undeniably so!

 The mechanical world in large part doesn't even exist. This world of carbon building blocks, radians, vectors and scholars and lever systems. Up down right left. Male and female. Sagittal, frontal and transverse. There is much more to dimensional existence. And far more planes than motion. 
One might say there is a gray area where intellect, intelligence and emotion... ethereally, alchemically, and electromagnetically coalesce. 

It is in this gassy plane, this place of ethereal substance. A metaphysical phenomenological multi-dimensional existence takes place. Bound by constants like absolute zero that we would love to hide from. The immense radiation and heat from a thousand suns. Reality is not at all represented here. This is mouse Utopia Stockholm hell. 

 There is an undeniable alien force that is always present, though useen....rampant.

 There is a vast difference between the body identity and the self identity that is a spirit force. 

 Some are assisted while others have burdensome and heavy loads placed upon their backs. 

 There is a definite agenda and obviously a structural timeline that certain impacts and events must take place. Anyone who threatens to disrupt this must be muted. 
They will travel through time, they will make a pact, they will use others bodily forms to seduce and derail. They will keep people on the back burner with drugs and fear. 

Religion doesn't answer any of this it only shows a very long historical timeline that this has been so. This has been going on for far too long. 

 Take a good look around you, really see who is in your circle. I mean it who's in the other room? Who is parked nearby? What feeling do you get from them? 

 Each "person" carries with them the potential to be inhabited by a force that they would and others would misinterpret as one genuine identity. However this is not so. 

 Just as Bitcoin seems to be the hero of the day, you better believe it is being regulated and controlled, with each and every passing hour. 

There's absolutely nothing that is out of their control. This is why people tend to overvalue control because they truly know and their always awkward state of being and becoming that they are in control of nothing. 
Those sadist, narcissist, borderline personalities seem to struggle with this reality most. And this makes them perfect hosts for anything that will take away their insecurity and instantly gratify. 

 I sacrificed my life years ago now to fight this with my mind my being my body and my soul. Each time I felt like I was making progress I was set back. I can guarantee you one thing is that spiritual warfare is very real. Your emotions your intellect and your intentions as well as your imaginations can be used as very powerful weapons in this medium. 

 I have written about this prior. In fact there are very few items of interest I have not written about over this span of 8 years. 

 I believe that dinosaurs were extincted due to a towing, and terraforming that intensionally took place, by combining one or more masses of planetary crude "land". 

 I think that this happened much more recently than we have assumed (in reference to highly energetic and catastrophic Earth movements). These days with a false confidence in assume (but highly limited) empirical understanding. We are essentially in the place that we were always in, where we think that our current understanding and technology is somehow in a relative advanced state; as compared with the goings on throughout all multiverse. We are merely unpackaging one little bit at a time. 

 However we are the aliens or at least the byproduct of. 

 One need look no further than the high incompatibility. However the flourishing of compatibility, networking and unitizing that seems to take place with but a few who seem to very well understand their place and their purpose. What this purpose is does not seem benevolent. The architects, the engineers, the destroyers and the political fixers. There are the writers and the taskers. Each seem to be uploaded with an assisted and carrying out by forces unseen. Those who are in large part the dictators in mass that shape and reshape history and historical events. 


Meet Kevin: Fed Reserve


Jobless claims rise


Bitboy: The Great Reset pt4


Fox News: Biden family business


Dahboo77: Russia Russia Russia!??


Alec Logan Stimulus update

Litecoin outperforming Bitcoin


Federal Reserve bogs down talks on stimulus

Officials Stunned by Pentagon


Keiser Report #1634


Meet Kevin 12/19 latest AM


Brian Clear Value 12/19


RT Max Keiser 12/19


Bitcoin Bad News: Mnuchin Evil final leaving Bitcoin spite.


"The Thing": The Clock being Cleaned; Cult of Personality

A foul thing, an unjust thing, an aiding and abetting thing.

Bad people are encouraged to talk like valley girls, and hide behind devoid talents.

 I'm not excited about being in America, or being an American. 
 I personally don't care for people internationally. This sentiment is honest and it's isolated me and made me broke. Better than being a sell out, which I have also been.
 That's the infection that America, the west has spread across the globe. Capitalism and it's life and brain altering slime; what if i surreptitiously Hodl oneore than my neighbor, family member? 

 America is shit and americans are shitty.

A falsified bill of achievement and grandeur. 

 People in the US have an entitlement and an expectancy for praise 'I did that!'

 Even making haste as to franchise and take credit for such esoteric and antisocietal concepts. Each thinks themselves an Artist and a ploymath pure form expression. The once respected bounds in Philosophy have been mimicked and plagiarized (also Sociology and Economy). Copy paste and prosper. Entirely dismissive towards what and who "got them all to this point". Yes arrogant, rebellious but also indignant and disrespectful. 

"The gossiping hens have picked the thing clean."

 I have nothing but utter hatred to each and any, I see through them all, they are a scourge, a virus to any true concept of freedom nd liberty (which are actually half thought middle ground themes of principle). 

 People such as myself have no where to go, no where to be. There isn't anything to fix, the very substance of the thing is entirely doomed from it's first breath. 

 The millennials are nothing but repacked baby-boomers with yet an extra chip upon their shoulders. 

 Americans make haste, like seagulls on a garbage can, as to exploit, consume and leave any carcuss of antiquity picked clean.

 Though it has been a life here lived in poverty and in hell, it is nice to see America revealed, bare and transparent to the world, and to first hand witness "the clock being cleaned". 

 Fuck you America I can't wait to see the whole thing unravel on you and your annoying people. Im sure there are wise Bill Cooper (esq) style Militias that have invested in Bitcoin?!

And yes I've wanted to leave for quite some time, but I'm too poor. My ex spouse, a borderline, was fortitude with democratic bolstering,. Which allowed my son to be acquisitioned by the system (CPS, Regional Programs and Big Pharma). 
 Unemployment is used as a real to ensnared Californians to stay. They gave millions unemployment and to now demand it back.

 I paid $6,000 towards child support that I never owed in the first place, lies on lies on lies. The case was opened up after the guilty liar destroyed my life with a 100k claim that stuck. Leaving me homeless, destroying a lucrative career and leaving me fat and old. Well CPS opened up their own case, doubled the amount and turned me into an endentured slave. 

 This isn't even the root what what Draconian depths of idioligy this country and state 
 suffers from. 

 Communication between people everywhere is smoke and mirrors. People communicate in hidden dialectics as to say the opposite of what they are thinking and plotting. 

America, backhanded and dirty, and the rotten fruit that falls from this cursed tree. 
Oh, I've got a few bucks in crypto, that they'll want to tax and acquisition.

Will I get out, will my sons get away? 
The 8 ball says ______ ________ ______



Politico on Congress


Crypto News Alerts


Logan Alec Stimulus


Friday, December 18, 2020

Alien Scientist Live; Antigravitics


Meet Kevin Stimulus PM


Views by Country

December 18, 2020 - 06:15 PM ESTHouse passes two-day stopgap bill to avoid shutdown


Urgent plea to prevent auction of $1.6B Bitcoin seized from Silk Road hacker


Scoop: Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings


US weapons hack breach


Meet Kevin 12/18 late afternoon stimulus


Invisible 'arches of chaos' span the solar system


Logan Alec Update

8 min ago McConnell looking at two-day stopgap to keep government open


GOP senator blocks bill to provide $1,200 stimulus checks


Altcoin Buzz; CRO Visa Card


Deadly brain-eating amoeba spreading across US via interconnected freshwater systems


Logan Alec mid-day Stimulus 12/18


Brian w/Clear Value; Stimulus News


Dahboo77; Pence to confirm Biden, then leave the country


Bitboy on VLX


[Delayed; waiting] Live: Meet Kevin scheduled for 2:00pm; breifing on Nancy Pelosi Stimulus Bill Update. Join Meet Kevin Chat for up to date info from Kevin prior.




Heavy snowfall in Japan leaves hundreds stranded


Bitcoin 2020 different than 2017


7.4 Trillion Black rock on BTC


Bitboy Great Reset


Logan Alec Stimulus


Meet Kevin Stimulus Update 12/18


DavinciJ recommends looking at a couple coins?

I am not a financial advisor 

Watch his video DYOR 
Listen for disclaimer

"DJ say":
Under $25M Market Cap Alta
LYXE $1M Market Cap  on Kucoin
*MDA $10M Market Cap  

DJ15 Coin $1M Market Cap

EPL; parabolic leads to hyperbolic non-euclidean original offset of cohesion OR 1:00 PM/AM

The great reset on one side; left hand path
The singularity to the right.

 Thermodynamic seeming constant derived from inconsistencies borrowing from a seeming dualism. The third state of cotangency. Equilibrium. Entropy or energy from the offset agitation. Enthalpy the total energy refracted and bled off into redundant adjacent systems. Held within a solution only kept an equilibrium by Purge and cleaving off. -The Sacrifices

 Take two spheres. These spheres are what has become. They are each the same? One actually came along a minute fraction prior to and after the other. These seem to be eachother. They are so closely entwined, that these pass into one another creating a bond and a repulsion appearing nearly as one, nearly as ring. These are the parabolic ways, leading into the hyperbolic and on to the non-euclidean optics of distance and time, the held partial state reality that you think that you see, and experience in " 'real time' " and also 'x', the crossing over. 

Both variant and invariant

 Two separate and yet seeming simple number systems emerge. One to the left, crossing, where numbers seem rational. Such as; 1, 2, 3. This seems simple enough? However in it's ejection, in haste it has forgotten or not come at all (other than it's affiliation to the first) O. 
 "O" represents Sphere. However in Left's retracing, it looks back in a conundrum, an identity jam as it reflects back on zero or 0.

 Well the problem bring, is that there is no zero/0. Not in concept or in theory. The current Fiat money system proves this in it's inequity. 
 More to the point what is thought of as theory, Bitcoin, which is largely based on Fibonacci proves that Phi is the sustaining and only true number system. Wd see this in the Fibonacci charting, we see this with its total units in/of supply which is 21 million.

 There are 21 million BTC ever (mined, ever create). 

 Of these two spheres one is but a misrepresentation of the first. We see this in the dualism in math and Philosophy. 

Gauss sequence; 101 on the way up, 101 on the way down. However like the statement 4:13 or 5:12 [the number system to the left, here is total cycle count, to your right is the sequence at play]. The number borrows or truly culminates into a full cycle count IE the procession or process and the time/unit.

Here the Sacred Geometrical codes derive back to 9 (which is 4 and 5 [4:5 the incomplete cycle of borrow]). The 3rd flipping of 6, from the first 3 main principle (statement; O, 1, 1 is 3 but it is also 2 [argument of left & right]).

3, 6, 9 
69 yin and yang (coming together 8; 7th number of Phi in accruence)

There is only a held necessary Evil here because of pluroma or environmental solution. 

4 or dualistic 8 or '88' [four main Principles]
Because of rotation or procession there is 6 or truly 8. However the 8 here is left incomplete, 7 gives directive. "Do you spin out or in?"

Left Brain,
Right Brain,
The concepts of good and evil, a division based on usury or of sacrificing oneself for the good of all? But this dynamic was manufactured once. And the correction is not so much the backwards engineered method but the process and steps within _____(what) solution?

6 (maximal cycles): 21 maximal processes 
Phi [13]
O sphere, 1, 1 varient and invariant (left/right)
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 invariant 
34 [10:7], 55, 89, 144 [144 first true redundant #] (derivatives) varient

Borrowing takes place (contangent)

Zero/0 being fictional?

Where as Left hand math 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 invariant varient
6 conditional
7 directive 
8 coincidental
9 redundant 
[Approaches 13, contains 5 and 9: resets to 1:00]


 In Philosophy we see the same occur in 'I think therefor I am' a right path notion. To the left 'the end justifies the means' 

 Since Phi does not begin with zero/0 and zero does not exist, which is proven with each fall of civilization; children placing their trust in the illusion of none or minimal accruence 'I want it and I want it now' the lessons that Phi offers are not understood, by most if not all. 

 Phi begins with O/sphere. If it did not, it would not be so. Each successive count or number represents the prior/last in validation of the first "O".

 This makes number theory quite simple in fact, in point of fact. 

 Going back to the spheres discussed prior; the center of wobble or balance is offset by it's combined interaction [26 degrees]. While a seeming cotangency is taking place, a generation of life, an Agitation or repulsion is manifesting a state. This stage rellies upon this seeming offset center of mass and distribution. From this an echo of replication. A transient borrowing of energy, a Dualistic battle of validation and control, a schizophrenic bifurcation of identity crises. A madness in individualism brought on by a codependency. 
 However it does not need to be this way, because an Equalibrium should come shortly after [this]. The reflective aspects of movement or rotation, where ather phantom principles also emerge, the beauty and simplicity, as to fill in the gaps. We have.thus the emergence if this Sacrid Geometrical structure, however the spheres are perfectly offset in comprehensible size and thus mass/density to one another (truly the original or origin. I believe Monad comes from this design? Represented as the free standing "A" however more like a year drop, as there is no static state. It, we, exist or are being held in a stretched out theoretical held existence that is both a prison and a gift of release. 

 This is all fine and we'll. However I believe there has either been a great synthetic machinations done here or a grand mistake? This, because the outcome or event is entirely reliant upon the environmental substance, a gas solution that this cohesion be taking place. It has more to do with how the process/project began. 

 We are all working on the same problem at hand. Some are coming from a Mathematical perspective while others come from a Philosophical theory/filter. Science is that bridge in between, the middle place.

  The midpoint is 13, where two pyramidical structures show the convexity as well as concavity of this over lapping. This is displayed with the left pointing hypotenuse and the right triangle. There is however an offset (in-equalateral), they are not the same perceivable measure or perfect replication of one another of distance in/and time/Time.

 There is however a compromise and there has to be, where the measure of total scalable distance of the entire original unit (looking at parallel lines) as 13. 

 There is a cleaving and borrowing however total synthesis can not take place within the gas solution provided here in reference to cohesion. 

 I think that the final or bear final state of steady state true existent balance can theoretically (what I've seen/witness or been exposed to) with hydrogen (offset by a helium event). I am neither a philosopher, a mathematician or scientist. Just weird oddball who thinks too much and works too little. But I ask you, what indeed is a unit of work/measure?

No Nobel prizes for this uneducated idiot!


 The events most likely to place at or below absolute zero. Where hydrogen behaves much differently. I believe this false notion IE this world was brought about through hydrolysis or nuclear fission or fusion.

 One thing is for sure steady state cannot be achieved without constant maintenance in sacrifice and cleaving.

"It's not that they think you're stupid; point in fact is that they don't want you to realize that you are smart/unit"

Thursday, December 17, 2020

2017 Max Keiser Debates Peter Schiff

China to dominate space

China will soon dominate space - entrepreneur tells RT's Keiser Report

The Menace; the false ones living off your light? or showing you the uncomfortable way?

"There is a threatening power I have, they  know I see through them, so they attack me for to the sins of who I was in my becoming. Pointing the finger, 'that's the real you, shame on you!'."

Most if you live under an umbrella. An umbrella of ignorance and comfort. You are totally removed from the goings on dimensionally and all around you. You seem to fall right in, like robots on a track, something I was never comfortable accepting, though I tried many times. 

Some of the most lost people would tell me I'm a lost soul. There is a game of switcheroo afoot, where lives destined to be lived are sabotaged and switched. I am one of those people, who is kept alive in to watch my story, my life, my being and my fate blatantly be rewritten and mocked before me. 

I never felt lost, I just always saw this world and it's people as such. 

 My dreams and intentions and drive were directed, and I had the courage to face more than one dark menacing force. But they never leave you, and you know that you are marked. As you watch terrible people with twisted agendas play out there directive before the world stage. 

 It's all been a troubling illusion, a prison within a holographic world intent on erasing one that is real. 

My entire life, each time I began to grow some normalsy and comfort I was and am attacked. I tested this theory by doing and thinking nothing. It seemed to work for much of my life.
 There is a high pitched ring directly acting in my head, on my brain. This frequency intensifies when I engage in any deep penetrating thought. 
 I cancelled out just to rest. Just to get some sort of recouperation. 
 I wasn't, am not working for or towards that agenda which seems to be covertly and now at center stage played out. 
 I tried to rationalize what was taking place. If I used such techniques that would limit the ultra high pitched ringing in my brain, I would be physically assultwd or put down or confronted/affronted at the most awkward moments.
 There was always an attack on me sexually. Impulses and thoughts that were foreign masquerading as my own.
 When I began to delve deeper over the years I fully realized that these were not my thoughts not my impulses. I had been hijacked or at least strongly swayed to be diswayed. 
 There is an entity, a force that has never left me alone, and has cursed my very existence from before birth, gloating over it. 
 Further bringing people and situation to me in an unnatural way. I used the odd surrealistic patterns to prove to myself that I wasn't sick and I wasn't crazy. 
 I knew at once the testher and familiar curses that your own earth bound parents could crux onto you. 

 Many years and so much reading. Strange events, and long stagnant times where I was being leached of all my energy. 

 There is a plan that many don't assist with by simply existing. I do not approve of what has happened to me or my children and the dark terrible lost people or demons within them blocking my path in discovery.

 I was blocked from a life, from a purpose. It is not fantasy or made up, it is for real. And as I come ever closer to the end here, because I know I don't have much time left I am left with more than gan a sense of injustice but a knowing that everything is flipped upside down, it is backwards and wrong. 

 However I made an impact most will never be aware of. A place where science has not perhaps refined quite yet The ability to look as closely at the comps within each of us, as depth we seem to put into looking at the cosmos . 

Maybe I won't graduate up here

In conclusion, change shift. I did a lot of bad things, that could be dismissed or shufted; to another isolated aspect of personality. 

 I realized that it's not so much that I hate people as; I hate weighing out the perceived and often falsified balance in degrees of commonality. I know for a fact that I have failed at this connection in past lives. 

 Works gives a common collaboration, however the interest in the work must also be common. Seems obvious but it is not in cases of purposeful disruption, as to alter a person's sync with time, space and events that shape them. Shaping to them as to allow a cohesive hegemony with time placement; 'I was in the right place at the right time' [as ns my work brought me here.].

*Forces that act as disruptors. The 'thing' or force that makes 'bad actors' take the blame for maligned deeds. Forces that can act through people, are not discussed nearly enough. This is the truth of demons, angels and 👽 aliens, 
Evidence Supporting a Planet 9

Meet Kevin Stimulus late update


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates tearful moment


Putin says collaboration between UK’s AstraZeneca and makers of Russian Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine ‘good for whole world’

Economic PolicyWhite House aides talked Trump out of last-minute demand for stimulus checks as big as $2,000

Bitboy jacked on Ethereum 12/17 to the 🌚


Winklevoss Twins interviewed by Raoul Pal (12/16)


Michael Saylor makes another prediction


Taking to the Skies; Bitcoin Social (Out-) Classmanship 2021-2034

 In the not so distant future, there will be another string added to the already highly stressed consumer "twang", within the economic debtor system. 

 There will be a time coming up, in the next 2+ years, where the dreams of owning one Bitcoin (worth one to two million dollars or more) will become a reality. However since the dollar will effectually be non-existent, there will be nothing to weigh (further depreciation) the value of Bitcoin or any other altcoin against. 

 It will thus have to provide it's own common value globally by supply and demand.

 This is the ultimate plan a total segregation to shut out those who cannot afford entrance. 

 Since there will be countless new billionaires that want everything when they want it, this will negatively affect all those that stand under the trickle down of this behavior.

 Imagine hundreds of thousands of Elon Musk's, Jeff Bezos' and Mark Zuckerberg's throwing their Satoshis around like Digital-Toilet-Paper. This is exactly what will take place very soon, as today 12-17-2020 a single Bitcoin is priced well above $22,000.
What about $1.5 million dollars, or $8 million?

 There was a window if you could see and most have missed entirely as poverty has reached its worst stage yet. The effects of yet to be seen coming in 2021. 

 And most respects Bitcoin itself is the Antichrist. 

 I disagree with the fact that Bitcoin will only be used as a store of value. If it is it will not be able to retain its value. This is why large institutions and banks are buying it up and droves. Picture satoshis and mBIT being used to buy household goods, groceries and the like. This is merely a reboot a reshuffling.

 Do you realize when this method is used that the surmounting rapid valuation of Bitcoin by the ultra wealthy when scaled against the purchase of groceries the groceries will actually be free. 

 This compared to someone who is buying Bitcoin to survive, like in Asia and Africa and South America and soon in the United States of America and other places; the spending of satoshi's end mBIT from occupational payment will actually lose its value by the time of purchase. The poor will be poorer than ever before. This is how third world nations are created.

 Yet no one talks about it and nobody is really doing the math. 

 Bitcoin is not currently available for everyone most people can't buy food or diapers.

 Also they don't have the leisure Time to spend learning about how it works.

Trust me when I say this is all part of the reboot this is all part of the plan that is now being called The Reset or The Great Reset. 

 As the US dollar is today Bitcoin will be despised by the many tomorrow, and bleak Draconian tomorrow it shall be.

 It won't be wheelbarrows filled with dollars, but an ever depreciating and leveling of the Bitcoin micro Bitcoin and Satoshi, weighed against the purchase of goods.
Goods purchased by common everyday consumers who have no dreams of unhealthy competition, they just want to live their life in peace. However there is always this class of peoples that have a strange idea that they are superior to the common people's. This is why war is inevitable and this is why it's coming to your town very soon!

 As a result some will decline Capitalism altogether. Breaking-off and forming all sorts of interesting Socialistic Community Systems. Some will revert back into dogma. However the prevalent draw and seduction that ready-made international goods can provide; the need for  entertainment will make this Bitcoin induced depreciation a reality.

 Only The talented, poor and desperate will perform IE the lower classmen. Trafficking, sex slavery, slaves, an indentured servant may be called something different in the future to come. Which any system boasting of great wealth will produce, and they all fall over time. Current America (US, USA, United States of America) along with Atlantis, Rome, El Dorado and for a time China itself, fell into this socioeconomic sociological nightmare.
And not just in theory, I'm speaking an unfathomable extremes!

 Currently, there will be a time that an exchange will be open (swapping ledger systems), for a brief moment, that will allow a retention of the trade value for goods (now Bitcoin to USD), however this time will soon disappear. This will kill Bitcoin and when that happens Bitcoin will be looking like the current Fiat, laughable.

 However now, during and after this most excruciating future that we are now living in the wealthy will have taken up all precious metals and commodities and a new Superior monetary system will emerge. When the grandchildren of the poor awaken to a world much worse than Thomas Jefferson anticipated. The New America, a collaborative effort of libertarian artistic and scientific endeavor, and it will have a new name. 

 Those who have always stood on the intelligent and dystopic side, bordering on misanthropic xenophobic Outlook of reality will be hit the hardest. These will pin an issue for the proletariat once more. 

  Wealth from cryptocurrency specifically Bitcoin will be seen mostly by those who've invested early on. For a very brief time (as stated) the exchange rate between Bitcoin and the US dollar will seem like a fantasy fairy tale, be many living today that were early investors. 

 There will also be another group of a more cosmopolitan and progressive class. Like San Francisco unicorns on steroids. Places like Dubai, and dare I say newly formed space stations as well as small planetary bodies (the moon, which I believe has been a recreation room) owned by corporations, will become a decadent and lavish upper class societal venture, which has graced the universe with its narcissism in cycles past. The true future of corporate socialism. When Democrats (who eternally demonstrate unappeased) enjoy the smell of their own flatulence in full bloom.

 Soon a lifespan of 25 to 35 years for the lower classmen will be common. And quite opposite to this, lifetimes of 200 to 250 years will be enjoyed by the Ultra-rich and Elite,  within the solution of their choosing.


Kitco News; Dollar to lose 99% of its perceived value


Dahboo77; Panic about soaring food prices


Watch a swarm of drones fly through heavy forested area


Storm dumps more than 4O" in Northeast America

Keiser Report #1633; 'Potemkin'


His rule in the south is associated with the "Potemkin village", a ruse involving the construction of painted façades to mimic real villages, full of happy, well-fed people, for visiting officials to see. Potemkin was known for his love of women, gambling and material wealth. He oversaw the construction of many historically significant buildings, including the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.

10 yr old asks Putin; 'why certain Country's don't like Russia?'


Crow777; latest 12/16


Meet Kevin Update Stimulus [mid 12/17]


Transition Live Updates: Stimulus Deal Appears Within Reach, but Final Product Could Limit Biden in the Future


Scientists think they've detected radio emissions from an alien world

Scientists think they've detected radio emissions from an alien world

Congress works on Covid-19 relief deal as shutdown deadline looms


Possible shutdown: It’s growing increasingly likely that Congress won't be able to get the long-awaited plan through both chambers by Friday night when a government shutdown looms

Youtube DavinciJ15 (Future Billionare): Man urges others to purchase just $1 of Bitcoin 7 years ago on Youtube


The Hill; Update on Stimulus


Glimmers of progress in stimulus negotiations as Trump's election sideshow drags on


RT: Snake Beauty Massage


Be Warned

You did research. 
You made an investment that you believe in.
Now let it do its thing, for good or ill.

 Whales with high tech equipment are pumping and dumping hundreds of thousands, tens of millions. 

 If you have it to lose then continue on.

My recommendation is to stop looking at that screen and HODL for a week before looking again. 

My .3 cents


Humanity in wake

 The time will come when you're pharmacological altered perceptions of the world catch up with (you in) the real world. 

The real world? 

 Intrusive intelligent design steps into this (real world), rather bombards without asking. 

 Not unlike a massive bowel movement of toxic waste.

 The algorithms of mostly latent nothingness, which was perfectly fine prior to the interjection with Grand design, returns back into base normalcy. 

 Too much too soon.
 You were after all quite excited about your role as creator, but what created you and why? 

 Sprung from death and maintained by the consumption of death. Humanity the s the child of death, undeniable. 

Those who prosper above all others, capitalize and plagiarize this.

 Attracted to life only to consume it. 

Those held at a hum, by way of their own DNA in shackles, dream of a more excited existence. 

 Those who are excited, excite like a tumor, causing growth where there should only be a balance.

 Those who seem like heroes, opening big projects and borrowing sacred geometrical designs for their own application, hurry this along. 

 The populace of people pumps and grows and dies away into secession, because it never asked to live. 

 As a collective humanity speaks its voice, yet none want to admit that they played a part.

 The vote is always who will die first for the good of the many; however the few have their own prerogative in pushing this notion forth. 

 In the end if you step back far enough away you will see it too. The occulted rituals out in plainview. The sacrifices, the compromise, the false Duty toward preserving the goal. 

 None really want to take the time to ponder on the goal. We pay politicians handsomely to speak this voice for us, the voice of executioner. 

 Justifiably you do this every moment of your torture cursed existence.

 ...But take leave and be gadabout and  capricious... and in the end you too can say you were of a superior brand of human quality.  
 This can only be stated by those who have thus voted for inequity, on a semi-grand scale. 

'oh he was mentally deranged, so he's better off now locked away or put to rest.'-The Wee Little People

 You are the demons, though mostly working by proxy.

 Each missstep as action acts a vote against humanity. If you wish to live, to continue on the greatest fear is the competition from those like yourself. 

 There is no winner in the macro-view. 

The cell, the algae, or microbes, or germs, or viruse are prosperous when there are adequate resources. A flaming up and a shrinking back.

 All will in death will be entered into this storehouse tomb, of this latent inverted energy.

Oh but you are an angel; Who sins by night and purges by day, in solace and penance of pay.-altruisms return/net

 Perhaps a spawn in a little capsule will bring this disease to the next unsuspecting bodily form? 


Philosophy: Perception, Realism and Phenomenalism

HODL your Bitcoin, cold months ahead 

Fox/Hilton: US establishment 'no intention to build trust in democracy'


RT Assange' 2011 leaks; phone call 'warned US'


Bitboy; IMF Plan (post Bretton Woods)


Meet Kevin; Stimulus


Kremlin says 'not behind poisoning of Navalny'

Putin claims opposition figure Alexey Navalny working with American intelligence, says Kremlin not behind his alleged poisoning

Putin talks to press


Pfizer vaccine allergic reaction in 10 minutes


Logan Alec Stimulus News Update


Crypto News Alerts


The Hill kisses Black Stones butt


The end of the ‘virgin wars’? Streamers & viewers weigh in after Twitch announces ‘SIMP’ BAN


Trump; "belligerent Chinese fisherman will kiss the ocean's bottom"


Putin Press Conference


RT; Putin believes Trump isn't quiting Politics


Putin holds annual conference


SUN: Halo CME erupts; wages world answers email concerns (lasco c3)


Stimulus news

Jim Cramer on Stimulus

Rand Paul; "in many ways election was stolen"


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

This cryptocurrency also has units and Satoshi is the smallest Bitcoin unit. As you can guess, it was named after the creator of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Today, one Bitcoin is equivalent to 100 million Satoshis.Sep 22, 2020

Meet Kevin Update Stimulus (may be Xmas Eve)


BTC; just Broke another record 22k!!!!!

Logan Alec Stimulus Update


Nation's decimate Liberty under the guise of Covid


No Bill quite yet, but here's the latest below


 I know what your thinking, because I'm thinking the same thing. However look at the positives, such as:

-Stimulus Checks for $600-$700 are already within the proposed Bill
-Extended Unemploent benefits are also within the Bill at current.

 This meaning, when the bill passes, at least these two key items are supposedly promissory, at least for now. 

 The omnibus and several other key points are still up in the air, such as liability protections etc however in the real world at least we have this to potentially look forward to.


Can Bitcoin Hit $100,000?


Meet Kevin: Fed says 'coming crash'


Dahboo77: 'show your papers'

vaccine rollout

Bitcoin smashing past $21,300 pBTC

Meet Kevin latest on Stimulus


Latest on Stimulus (moments ago)


South Korea may go under Covid lockdown


MSNBC: Bernie Sanders Take on Proposed Bill


BTC ETH Whale; holds $1B IN


Dahboo77: Yellowstone earthquakes reactivates


Bloomberg Live: Stimulus Watch


WHO experts, travel to Wuhan (investigate origins of Covid?).


LIVE Meet Kevin Stream: Federal Reserve Press Conference


Logan Alec Update on Stimulus video


XRP and UMA outperform BTC in Bull Rally (also ZIL, tHETA and LUNA and Litecoin)

Coin Bureau on UMA

Yearn, BAT, Zcash and Dash IOTA all worth looking at as Bull run reveals what people are watching. 

Also Sushiswap, Tron and Voyager

BTC: The war between the rich and poor; make no mistake

Do not be fooled there is a huge shift in this radical support line with BTC. 

The rich are watching the candlesticks they are also watching the news. 

As FUD and desperation set in and the poor begin to sell the rich will only play the level. The game is afoot to walk those people out at the bottom so that the rich can become arbitrators a new class of nobility controlling those satoshis that will soon become the penny and then the dollar. 

 Government digital monies will have a rude awakening at least in Europe and the US where they will simply be used as stable coins. 

Due from data of the past there should be a price correction down to 19,700.

However it is not the dabbling poor that are watching minute by minute now but the rich who do not need to sell. 

Because of this large portions are placed toward hodling well a large amount is predicting profits. 

You have now entered the greed arena of BTC.

Strange that those milestones would be set upon 21 million, 21 trillion..... And here 21,000.

Phi has become undeniably the signature.

The grand exploitation and the basement of purity and perfection forever divided this day and into a very finite future indeed.

Right now there is a manipulation taking place with Bitcoin.

 None of the previous dialectic in past chart readings shows any accuracy.

 For it is the rich who are now watching the impulses of the poor. There is no need for them to sell except when they notice a chart fud reaction. 

This is a war a line of scrimmage between the rich and the poor occurring on a global stage and many most are completely unaware of how this directly impacts their future.


Update Stimulus via Logan Alec

His link for video update already posted 3 hrs ago

EU arbitration on big tech


Meet Kevin: Stimulus Update and Breakdown


Logan Alec Update

via Logan Alec moments ago

Where Did The Road Go: Book review, 'Why Evil Matters'-Alex Tsakiris


Evil works as a filtration to eternal life of peace and harmony. 

The deeds done here to our body's and towards the body of others is weighed without prejudice but the reality of what a person really is, inside. 

Dead and deed 

In the now unseen realms
Misleading those who hold the middle balance is the pivot point between heaven and hell as a decision. In the final it may hidge upon the redemption and ultimate sacrifice of One.


 Absorption is darkness

Refraction and emission of light energy is giving, trust.

Evil is the knowing of this [that no one and nothing can be trusted] . 

 If this were not heavily manipulated by dark spiritual forces it could be proven as truth. 

 However when we are infiltrated apon, whether it can be found through coercion to sign/sin against the self this no longer can be found to be Truth. 

The abstraction is the goal. Which is what the benevolence of light had to step back from this line.

 There is a war in heaven that will ultimately and awe strikingly undeniably as close to Demons and Angels as can be. 

 In the breach of this Alliance, which is rapidly taking place in precise dividends.

1 mi of sin here is 1 in closer to the war there.

Here will become there.

The distance matters

As the false persona of a human bodysuit washes and fades away the sub personality will become the only personality.

Become what and who you are.
