
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Total Truth

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I demand to know the Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth and mostly The Pure Truth and how the lie breached The Truth Pure. We have grown so accustomed to lying that there is hardly a thought, origin of deed or story tell to ourselves or others that isn't laced within the lattice work of lies. There would be few in existence if the original was not too engineered and rooted as a biology that lies. We are at odds because we are connected to it. Our origin. The human origin and our demonic beginnings. Confess Humanity Confess If we knew the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth familiar systems would cease. This toppling over would begin with the family, then schools, businesses and finally townships and the entire work of people would cease to exist. No other animals is as deceitful and connected at the hip to demonic sadism and lies than humanity. Cheating, lying, theft of the smallest whits lie yet intricately rooted. We are each aware of the connectivity of crimes (of the past) and into ‘modernity’. Our world is based upon the favorite of lie. Somewhere there must be a quilted article or perhaps a book or entity that encompasses every breach and blatant principle infringement and attack. In Purity we are protected. In Purity all sins down to the first be cleansed. Human intelligence comes from the biggest lie and that is The Lie Of Falsity. All human confidence and self assuredness. This Faustian deal comes as a package. An entire future pivoted off of and anchored to an original sin. Some souls were quite willing. For these there is reward in falsity and a preservation found in the employment of the shady law. To my accusers Did you or did you not make a deal with the devil? In this a false confidence feels to be won by those who relish in sin. Deeds of Faustian ‘balance’ becomes a proclamation of the greater good ‘I was only trying to protect humanity’ but in fact you were murky and only considering the anxiety sadistic rush of addiction that you feel in the ticking moments of false time with the suit of false self Getting Away With The Lie. When in Fact You Got Away From Yourself and now you have no origin. You are now a copy. The shadow self. Your skin is a link of lies on lies. Purify yourself back to the first lie. Let go of the false merits and the toxic filthy demonic matrix of connectivity. I would rather die pure than pass on in the lie. I give this entity no power over me and demand that it leaves me at once. I am Pure May my accusers bite their tongues upon their nearly infinite lies. No Purity No Truth

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