
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Choice

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL GOD is something else, can not fathom Most people serve lesser forces that they call God. I am inclined to believe that a character refered to as Jesus Christ was in fact a Masonic invention. Quite possibly as to over shadow, erase & eclipse a tribe of a pure race of pure peoples. Whether these are hyperboreans of Thrace I can not tell you. There has undoubtedly been a temporary hold on a world coming apart. A world which has been chaotically engineered as a grounds for division and chaos. This workd upon which remnants of non cohesive forces have been genetically infused. A world or labyrinth also engineered as to excite an ultimate choosing. Where our potentials may lie within a genetic code and the paramount choice lies before the operator (you and I). Ultimately and undoubtedly standing as a force entwined on one side or the other. Democracy is not required within a uniformed alliance of the same in like. Variances do not exist in commin principle cause. There are not infinite ways. As tge road narrows there was ever one way, one choice. The choice is Purity or Impurity. Knowledge here is just the physics of finite carnal mechanization; a machine remade fir the soul purpose of this task. The Elohim losely referring to 'the gods' were a tribe of peoples. There is non reason that if the 'gods' were of multitude so would there be any product or offspring of these 'gods'. A figure had been written of throughout antiquity. Perhaps there was only one more manifest as a reminder to the loss of perhaps not choosing a pure teacher and leader? Murdering and rejecting this type or kind? In the ignorance of worldy temporal finite gain. Yet in the dissection of teachings the figure Jesus refers to this Kingdom within and that purity must be found within. Either you are or you are not. Either you have or you have not. As far as deeds go? From the first step it is an all out war, a set-up, a 'booby trap'.

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