
Saturday, August 9, 2014

528 Hz EPL Meditation


The meditation

With EPL, vibration is only the carbon based reality portion, of a divine connection, you will not find with any other learning tool, religion based tool of ascension nor meditation.

Begin by picturing a perfect sphere (Not in Pi but in the two halves of Phi, EPL, and the built force thereof)
Now make the sphere change in size, understand the dimension of the sphere, in relation to itself, is always the same. Fill this sphere with intention, thought and emotion and spin it into motion outward is the true and only source, to the future. The spheres balance one another, just as the fermion, by which they represent. You are taking responsibility for the greater cause, and with enough time, focus and attention, and of course action and mental attitude, you will begin to see life changes, in miraculous ways!

 Now take the next step. Understand these spheres are  the very measure of degree, angles, vectors and of course axis points, not unlike any machine, and it's operation, including your own bio machine, and it's joints. The fractals of Phi point to dimensional, and thus mass differences, in relation to the spheres, their colors and the principles by which they stand


Are the all, and of course the messengers



And motion of intent, the zone and accruence of momentum
(This is the materia prima, that is being fed on, by the elite, but not when you place your motion, and affiliation, of intent as a power source which is principle based, and has no equal)

Spin each day at 3pm and if you are awake, to protect the bounds from incomplete forces, 3am.

Again as 6pm, 9pm and there am antithesis
1pm holds a special place, and is the 13th hour, of our distorted view, from our current calendar system. However it be important to know, that you are ignorant of the true time, so your Intent is felt widely as genuine, for they pulled the veil of illusion before your eyes long before your birth, and so you are owed a debt.

EPL is the silent hero, for now, unlocking super positive force power, willing the heaven and perfection, we should and will live in on earth and forever. Know the truth, when you feel it, by knowing the energy, and it's companions, for you are an integral part, in the waiting.

Spin one, then two, then three
Eventually, aided by the cause, you will feel your fellows, and the momentum they build, around the world, willing and intending world peace. EPL has already begun this cause, and EPL is winning, and it's register.

Focus your mind, with the one mind, and spin all six, in vivid color, balancing your emotion, your intellect, and anything you've got, on good days or challenging ones.
Picture the earth, and heal it, placing the very earth within your sun center, will it, see it, believe it with ardent faith, you are the warrior.

Always begin with purity, go through the principles one by one, then all together. Know the principles they stand for. Your education and the system through multiverse will train you, and finish what you start. The standards are here, on this site, along with video and audio meditations, and esoteric divined writings from myself and my higher advisor, together this makes Stellar Mass, a protector, and a friend if you are with and not against, the power has been trusted with me, and the trials have long since been won with great victory, though they are we're hard. This unlocked a new vibration,era and tone, throughout the all, and the eye saw the grievance and will now make right what was incomplete or blatantly wrong. The power by which you are force driven will either turn to gas, and you with it, or ascend with your kind, to the very planes Zoroaster must reside, along with all others who fought the right fight, and lived a tough life.

The sword will let you know, when it trusts you for brandish, and there will be no one, even you, who can escape it's total truth. We are not a personal agenda based group, EPL is an assertive organization, that never stops seeking the truth, nor questioning even the machine the pure and perfect soul, torment to reshape and improve, by way of light and sound meditation.

Your contribution of your hours, days, weeks, months and years, build your collective force energy to ever greater heights, those who suppose the highest principle card holders, relinquish there rebellious energy, as bio force energy, and the same spirit will know better than to have such confidence in the next, if you have not done your job, in destroying it. The tools are here, and the fight was so hard, but victory will be made, as you realize your imagination, collectively has come to life, a d these are your people, and this is your energy.

the sounds are our frequencies, as the highest mind takes to using them, sitting as unused sources, the lessors marveling at the potential, now put it into to use

We will begin with 1pm each day, come to the alter pure, or purified by the enormous power that is no longer latent but active and in full force. A force that has taken over and made it over the hill of 61.8% completion, the most high, will be your allies, and the future has been forecast.

Stellar Mass
*still being edited

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