
Monday, August 4, 2014



With all that I have laid out, with all the craft, religions, self interests, beliefs of ancient, science and the occult, there is only confusion left, at days end. Civilizations, tribes, gone, never to be known again. Jesus become essential, within the mind, heart and soul of THE ALL. He, the only beacon to focus on, with a multitude of Lord's, god's, King's, Queen's and goddess's. There is no higher, because of who he was, and what he represented. It was, and is, the most logical, the most profound, and yet the simplest and straight foreword, route to God.
 Man, Jesus, God...a transition, so that we do not have to carry the burden? A final yield, to those who have been selected, as a god themselves, who have been given the power, for they see THE ALL, and can not forget.
 Jesus is, in a selfish sort of human way, pertaining to the individual, to do your best, and be your best, always, to never give up Faith, Love, Hope, Temperance, Care..these are the 5 that replace the others. When you have truly abandon these 5 (1 + 4) we truly would have not reason to go on, nor a hunger for continuance.
 We all see it now, we all have inclination that the truth is being blocked, however we, are unsure of the facts of why. At times, it seems to console and protect us, this ignorance. Other times, it seems the concealment is a totalitarian control, one that be produced for mere acquisition of our energy, time and resources, this breads contempt and anger.

 There is a world, a layer, in which we all live, currently, that had not been revealed prior. There is selfishness in every heart, greed, and ignorance. Perpetuating most people, if not all, is the need to procreate, a lust filled will, that is not removed, and has become more concreted to the person in question, than ever before. A force bot, open to being able to be inhabited..playing semi-ignorant to deeds done, by those own hands. We have a hard time excepting this false and synthetic reality, that we too, must except a tainted religion, making docile men, and having killed those who apposed the Christian agenda.
 Jesus Christ is not the reason for this, but the skewed perspective of those who carry out violence, as they have in their hearts and always have. To deny this perfect model, is what we should all be, at the highest and most esoteric level, is to deceive oneself, and thus be lost. Jesus reveals the truth, even simply existing only in ideal. We have a model, by which to base the self, and the frequency be set, therefor the actions by which we continue our space/time experience, reveals a deeper part of the self, and connects us to the TRUE ALL (TA), that part of the all, deep at the core, and on the out rims, there as the highest quality, like the best of curd, and the seed of the continue, one must be willing, capable, able and prepared.

 Further, if not for our own perception, create of hormone (protein based) feelings and phenomenon, we would be the all robots, or perhaps peace makers and lovers, of the left brain, happy, without disorder, and working together, to a common purpose and goal, with no perception of division, nor personal struggle, to cloud our view.

Barry Masteller

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