Most, of higher intellect, feel a great injustice, a chaos, which often suggests agnostic or a even an entirely Godless view, that is, that it be ridiculous to entertain the thought of a mistake, creating and create of another mistake, as a master version of self, or a self. The divisions be known. A watchful committee, a force, aware and in view of all you do, that is either against or with the cause. Why else would there be such definite differences, in the governing of individuals, as a whole, to only meet the same person, as I have speculated prior to, in another town, with another name. The sequence of repeat become mundane, even boring, to the true observer, or the observer of truth.
I have reached this pinnacle, only to return daily. Because I was not pushed to angst, and found solace in the development of yet another sphere of principle, you thought you knew me, you thought the metal or idea, ideal really, by which your unworthy hands and mind, prepared to touch me, with your fathom stick, could see or reach my end? I am endless, with infinite and endless potentials and possibilities, my optimism is the very degree radius control mechanism, which illuminates what you go off tipsy with and call a sunny day. When you suspect my power, you challenge me, only to be met, with bad luck or grief, by my design, to which I rather chose peace.
Why not total wealth and prosperity for this one, who claims to be in direct linkage, less lineage of THE ALL, and it's intellect. I could not dream a selfish thought, nor think my way to finding a worthless carbon based item, of any real value. I do not assert control, nor respect for your Jewish Plato machine, only to lock in a trade control for who and what has a value, when Kabbalah magic has been misused, with no initiator to call foul.
I have watched women, be aware of, and viewed with, a far different version of justice, than myself, my first awareness, that I was to be seen by and judged on, other scripts, to which I could not see, not have access to view. If you do watch, quite carefully, you will be able to, as I, witness the justice, or injustice, and it"s applicable order. You will be astonished, upon revelation, when the years do pass, and you begin to notice the division, and that different committees of those who ascended the divisions staircase, follow far different methods and modes, systems of right and wrong...that which serves the order, and thus the cause.
A witch, by withes origin, will gain a far different lesson, from the same coded text, based entirely on force energy, and thus perspective, as compared, in direct contrast, to the druid. It then becomes a measure, as in frequency and color, the full spectrum of THE ALL, which may create not further division within the same diversionary field, but an awareness that there be good in all, and thus bad, yet by perfect measure, as to create a body, a linkage, a fiber to the universe and multiverse beyond, as in XXXXXXXX, is this not the Mason's mark, the compass and the square?
I am not sorry for shining, for being more beautiful, more aware and awake, to know thyself, though you had put this on me, from the start. I take the lessor mans roll, not allowed to function in my own family, and society at large, because my shine would scare the neighbors. Better to put on a false face, that of the lesser man, a lost man, as my own mother gave me the cloak, and my earth father his shoes.
My Father, thus, is Truth, the perpetuation of this longing for purity, for the original origin to THE ALL, because I know, and thus, known the very fractals of how the tree began, at least in your mechanical sphere.
Far different rules, to rule them all. Each phrase, motion, action, and deed recorded by a set of elders, sitting upon an onion layer, in space/time. The earth suit was ridiculous for me, I was polluted, entirely by your experiments, and thus and not to blame, for your ruin. Ubermensh? To create a Frankenstein, who at first, would cause a quake of a destructive magnitude, in his dreams, and to wake up with this knowledge. To be spoken to by those thinking they had the right to now control each action, thought and deed, with synthetic ignorance, to think so small, so you think the giant within me, is not angry, and does not pinpoint his wrath?
Religions, coded, layered, with untruth, to only "shit test" a true truth seeker, so many games, and most create with unworthy minds, on unworthy boards, realms of geography, by which you suggest existence, and I am to brand it, by witnessing such?
All spheres, and more so twisting and bending fields of energy, sharing, in timed fashion, thus to slow time down, and speed it up, when ever the two are at play. Dilation be but the illusion, the test to see if you still except size at all, as part of any true reality.
Place your forearm before you, look to the tip of your middle finger, now look to the ground, perhaps 3.3 feet before you, you may now know something of what a space/time plank be? As to look up, and see but a small bright and shiny sphere in space, only to move closer and see another side to this massive lion, who waits not for a friend, nor for a meal, but to see how ones own imagination, may value the self. This is knowledge, and can not be faked. It is how things were seen, for the long, and thus things, will go back to TRUE PERSPECTIVE (TP). It is in the re-educating of this truth, that one feel stupid, or incorrect, so who did these lessors ever sit side by side with the god's, now this is an entirely different story, and points to a community of evil, as to box in energy, only to create a static force, the volcano will blow, with Scientology and it's madness and a form of justice, and not control? The polarities do switch, and the epic space/time has committed full rotation, and is not full with principle, so another space time repeat? Destruction is truly a restructuring, making the matter at hand, the matter at hand...that does one take animated and charged particles from life/death and assert it's point, to one of earned existence, when the Nietzschean space/time repeat suggests a far less accurate and maddening effort, of a machine, and it's spherical cogs, as being motion filled, and to often times, least this is the universe of idiots, to which I have been exposed.
The spheres and the division..the true power of the Vatican and the catholic church
The four divisions, as seen in the CIA logos or symbol. Remember that deception will bring nothing but a call out from higher force energies, which is closer to truth, than the former. The center and rear holds the secret to the sphere which surrounds the emblem. add 2 more points, then add the outer electrical force phenomenon, which all in this realm, are subject to. There are 18 true points on this emblem, making 6+6+6, remember there are two points unseen.
Here a demonstration of the HAARP CROSS, that is, from the front the point that extends out towards the observer, and thus away from, can not be distinguished, yet must be imagined, from this angle it be revealed. Just as the CIA logos (above this), the extension of the invisible or unseen, can create a perfect electro magnetic sphere, when charged and spun. There is an instant synthetic pleroma within, not unlike a star, who's life seems to have passed, but now has grown, and dissolved into the all, at a much greater mass, and increased awareness through photon expansion. Left, after the event, is the event horizon, where STELLAR MASS resides.
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