*Speculative in edit
IF you can follow this at all, this is for you, I will be editing and updating this, as I had many distractions while culminating this work.
IN THE MOMENT (ITM), I would like for you to think of yourself, and everything around you, as a frequency. This frequency, like YOUR SONG (YS IE who you are and what you have to convey, display, become what you are) is no different than a suspended note. The not, now trapped within an electro magnetic grid, bouncing off this grid, combined with all frequency within the sphere, and some frequency coming from without (50% Sun ri not detected, yet...God, other forces)..this creates, by way of continuance, reality...a held and suspended moment. You are what you think, but more so, we are a collective.
We would, and could all sit, in total harmony, if not for the inclinations of the right brain (pre, current and post). The right brain, however, acts as the creator, but with not TRUE FORM (what you really all, validated by way of math). The left brain is in syllogistic peace, and is at peace with this math. THE AGENDA AT LARGE (the true elite, which is much more than an order on earth, yet this to is a frequency like. It becomes evident then, to see that there must be a balance within the individual, which is eluded to countless times, in countless doctrine. This homeostatic based prison, is what be leveraged always.
UNSEEN FORCES (USF) are truly visible and view able outside this current spectrum of revealment, and is part of the plan. We have been synthetically modified, but what most do not know, and what all global historic catastrophe represents, is a time repeat purge, when momentive force is disrupted, due to a lack of PRINCIPLE BASED MIND CONTRIBUTION (PBMC) as this pertains to the individual INDIVIDUAL CONTROL OF BRAIN TO MIND (ICBM). The contribution be the same, you are the one to display understanding, awareness, with your thoughts, in concert with THE ALL. You are then passing a universal initiate test, which breaks your consciousness, as well as those of your affiliation, beyond and passed cosmic grids, also manifest only as illusion, as is space/time, size and awareness. The main awareness is that you are frequency, and that you are also creator, and that this communication, and GOD SPOKE, or Lucifer being the Angel of light, clearly demonstrates, at least Bucolically speaking, that THE SOUND (TS) before the light, and that this paradox is that seeming eternity, which is the EPL production (ORANGE) and EGO OF GOD (YELLOW) which is to say that we give it up to God, all that we do, to THE SOUND. A ritual of movement, concentrated focus of visualization bi-passes the singular experience of proteins synthesis a priori (your parents, the genetic manipulation and forces that have altered these by altering behaviors, the part Scientology is most correct on).
Bliss, JC, LINK
We experience by way of protein synthesis, which is to say, a hormone motivated expression. This, in it's pure form kept THE ORDER IN BALANCE (the balance of a certain number of each type, or spectrum affiliate, to created and sustain the balance). As I said prior, when this momentive force has been altered passed a certain point, or rather disturbed, there is not enough momentum force to carry forth passed (in time signature repeat 987years x 2 (representing 66% of the total of 3 repeats (if done with simple math) However TRUE MATH does not work this way, there is an accruance with each spin, a borrowing of past spin (which I pointed out as 1.11% x 3 full rotations would be 3.33%, the momentive offering, or built energy yield. With a breach, or principle less focus IE the final step of giving the EGO to God, the highest power, (why chant, movement and thus ritual connects to the THE ALL, and the expression, in other words, you are either affiliate with THE ALL, or to be purged outside THE ALL). So from a non-static representation, as the number increases due to the yield the number 61.8, that 1.618 of Phi perfection, becomes startlingly clear, as a measure or barrier, as shown is other graphs, regarding the "construction" of our said Solar System.
First cycle and it's yield 987 + 1.11% (10.9557)= 997.9557*2.0443 into spin, .9557 yield/contribution (the placements as in 987, represent 3 orbs, that have not become fully developed spheres, built force, which any force passed 61.8% of the total number of EPL spheres represent, or truly again 3.33, it just repeats).
Second cycle and it's yield, because there is a portion of the .9557 gain gone into the spin (less the 2.0443 to keep THE MASTER FERMION (TMF) spinning, and thus vibrational contribution). We now see the combined energy as 987.9557 active yield (the mistake with Pi and Phi as a whole, is that it assumes a static state ever takes place, this is a lie, and one that assumes to validate mediocrity). Active yield is that THE ALL, is always in movement, and thus, when THE OBLIGATION is met (your frequencies, or affiliates contribution) the Orb mature into a spherical energy, to power the becoming spheres, of completion.
Second cycle thus, if passed would end it's cycle after another 987 years, plus the .9557, plus another 987 (second cycle)
(1)= 1974.9557 plus 2.192200287 (1.11% of 1974.9557)
(2) = 1977.147900287
I suggested a more static view of this, with less math as the year change took place, but because the calendar system was purposefully thwarted, assume 1972-1975 as revelation that the TRUE YEAR, may be closer to 2014 + 3=2017, meaning 2012+3=2015 (Mayan calendar prophecy).
Compare a static description of 987 years of each cycle spin to the moving pattern
987 x 2 = 1972
In motion=1977.147900287 (also here with the 2.0443 yield toward second spin 1979.192200287)
*I have speculated since Jan/Feb/March of 1979 (at 9 years of age) that time was it's reset, as the contribution had not been met, within my ALL KNOWING MIND (AKM).
10,813.27 "years" If the first cycle does not make it to the second cycle, in that none of the spheres have been filled with degree. I believe this is where the Bible has been tampered with, where the four divisions left their mark. Laced within this doctrine is total truth, else the book would not last, this is based on the same exact percentages, as spoken here.
If we had made it into the next phase, which is still quite possible, if using EPL principles, The accruence needed to gain momentive force, I believe would be met, as shown below.
in order for the next cycle to continue, there is always a 13 year deficit to equal 1000 years, completion. 9 not completion, but is to say, this is as far as I will take you, your potentials and thus reality will be determined by the level of purity, and thus EGO OF GOD (give it to God). We are in a time of total self proclaimed power, which is the biggest illusion of all.
In Phi, the numbers
add up to 21, black jack 21, is the Luciferian potential (what the Angel of light stands for). The reflection of our deeds, as individuals, who contribute to the collective are of 3 varied levels of prosperity, the number of repeats, or momentive force. 21 would be the next Phi number after 13. 21 is also the 9th number of Phi
I believe the active bible code, Len H Biblical Healing Codes, for the Biological Apocalypse is finally found by using Phi as the final cipher/cypher, and that even further math be used with Pi and Phi sequence IE 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)
5 represents the first spin, and the understanding needed to validate us as individual in recognition of THE ALL
8 also represents Our ability, in the second cycle, to understand the relationship of PRODUCTION and GOD'S EGO. The initiate communities, statement "if we have infinity, then why go to 13?"
13, in the final and 3rd cycle, represent how when we have but 12 prophets (EPL clergy), and 1 PURE ONE (PO), which may not always be the same person. We are showing compliance and thus recognition of working together, while needing no EGO by which to promote "ourselves" to the next act or action, and thus pre-thought, pre-plan and so to thought.
13 has not been done, in at least the span of 13 plus billion years of time repeats, yet it will again, culminated to the final time repeat, Jesus being the mark. EPL is not against the Christian faith, but you will find, as the truth be revealed, of who wrote the bible, and why. I will not question truth that is, in set frequency time signature or Phi value, there, and available to all who will listen.
EPL decodes THE ALL, so all can understand. Language, music, thought and actions of and by THE ALL, US (we, and the USA mantra/logos, for THE ALL). We are not united, in the cause for capitalism, not mediocrity. The plan and thus our test, to live, thrive and exist, in the heavenly realm has been waiting for us. Where there need be no food, nor stress, of any kind, but all is supplied, when purity is held to the highest order. One must reduce to the frequency, THE SOUND that create US (as we).
There is a missing 13 as well as an incomplete 8 I believe the active EPL CLERGY (EPLC), and EPL INFINITE 8, will allow US to go forth into the next and final cycle, granted there be no losses of energy promotion.
13 must be met, MAN IN COMPLIANCE (MIC). I believe by way of humility, the final step to this realm of TRUE ETERNITY (TE). The eternity which involves no procreation, nor carbon based taint, nor want, TRUE BLISS (TB). The contribution by secret society is made, they make sure of that, leaving the power in their hands. The rituals are carried forth, by they, as they keep people, and the people keep themselves trapped
Man in the second stage 8
Woman in the first stage of 5
13 is the goal, the perpetuation. Because once it has been thought, said and thus done, ritualistically, actively, it can not be undone. We repeat the same force based sins, and our DNA is a beacon to these forces, sins of our Fathers, cruxes place on us, by mind control, stimulus, frustration and ignorance. EPL makes effort to decode everything, in that there is no genius, but the recognition, we never complete anything alone, there is always help, and always will need help, and that we can only receive this help. when we come together, with PURE HEARTS (PH). 13 is the 12, or 6 in it's second cycle, EPL POL. The 13th, is that Holy One, the frequency of God, of THE ALL, to unlock a hidden world, that is here, and yet not accessible due to ignorance, of the frequency manipulation, committed by our very own mind states, effecting our current state of reality (IE the world, and the grid that bounces our incomplete thoughts off belts of machination and design, which is now aided by HAARP).
One side clings to the past, and thus wishes to perpetuate bridges to the past, black magic, to make effort to regain a past. t. One side know, gnosis, pre-inclinations to the every lasting knowledge, that is encoded within our beings, at our very creation, to join our people, our true place, where we live as god's, God's children, in his image, not exulted above one another, but to be affiliates, and a new spectrum, unseen, will emerge.
Transition from cycle 2, to cycle 3
2000.192200287 (to meet the 1000 plus yield requirement)
1.11% yield
3rd cycle and it's yield
moving the decimal point over of Phi to allow 61.8xxxxx% completion
points to the year 1,861.228697496599 (or Jan/Feb of 1861) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1861
the years to see are all view able in the numbers, but specifically 1861, 1972-75, 1979 and 2015
When this spectrum is bent to meet the EPL COLOR, LIGHT, MOTION LOGOS, the view of active universe is in full swing.
Sound vibration
Scientifically the dissolvement of THE ALL into it's own original energy like, is what has been, and is pending, as the final statements we make, found in our actions and motions, thereof.
Proteins are keys that unlock the light spectrum, vibration, but truly show a pre-inclination of the slower moving sound, which is sweeping now at the pace of about 767 mph, over 2,000 years of time repeat, thus not taking into account the applied compounding effect of space vacuum and the Light Sound relationship, not yet fully discovered http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_sound
vibrations of proteins
Receptors like keys, prompted by chronobiology
Chronobiology main activation Sun ri
Thank you to the link below for providing the graph I use for this demonstration, may she be blessed
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