
Sunday, August 3, 2014

EPL The Son of God, an Esoteric view


First Council of Nicaea

EPL Stance

EPL being a self proclaimed Christian based supplement to all religions must have a mission statement then, about Jesus Christ?
EPL holds firm such:

The Division was once three, the Druids, the Magi and the god's. Each of these, representing both phases, over the long (14 billion years of space time repeats); 1) Intellectual degree of understanding 2) Reincarnation Evolution (being tested by demonic/incomplete force energies and ascending despite) 3) Becoming creator, knowing now the tree/fractals of knowledge, and that this ability and consciousness lives in THE ALL.

The fourth division caused a stir, and was meant to. Another order of law, which had not been formerly known, became. She was validated, and it was, and still is, to some extent, not known why. She became, and thus, created a fourth division. Synthetic a priori, is the truth of a woman, as the Zulu of old, will attest. Witchcraft, was born, as she was forced to think, as she was forced to experience great pain, in the name of ignorant tyrants, whom are men. The ugly ones would watch, as those with beauty, era after era would be pushed towards the hardness of sex, and numbness of ever a true bond with man. She was dynamic, new, and was the very check force, to put man into question, within and through himself. The great disturbance would effect the dissolvement of THE ALL. 

The four divisions had conflicts, and sorcery destroyed peace, how could there be peace, when men would go back to the same abusive behavior, as they still do, running scared and insane with the smallest bit of self perceived power. Those who have experienced this great crossing of barrier, in the name of pain, know and harness all the power of sacrifice, and it's sphere, which be first. Each of the down trodden are representation of this, and thus the four divisions. A transfer of power, meant war. 

A deal must be made. A ruler, of Zoroaster proportion, would be willed, by all, as a treatise like no other, would be agreed. Christ was both willed, wanted, and expected, this from a different view. Christ Jesus was and is a quantum event, where this perspective is as relevant as the popular Christian perspective, as well as Catholics and Jews alike, however, cruxed to truth, closer, or further by way of degree. The power reveals the truth, that true expression of the higher intellect, shall be the more correct, above the others, which are correct in their own right. 


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