
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Notes, to madness, which be our only salvation?


The crow, raven, wishes to tell me something. I am still trying to develop the spiritual binary code. In short, that which combines left and right binary information systems. The messages come, when I am least engaged, and I find these moments, to be other dimensional thus. That is, the will of a world of death, in contrast to the living time line.

 There seems to be an ongoing dialog, information, conveyed always. The wind itself, thought by myself to be nothing but witch craft, perpetuate in motion, conveys language as well, this will become an obvious notion, only when it is to late, for most.

There is an algorithm in the pauses, a binary code, which has been broken. Our government knows, and has developed, much of the outlandish "ideas" of which I speak, however on the acquisitionable side, or view, from "their reality". There are thus, natural laws, which are daily being kept from mass discovery. The mind must be as a sponge, not to knowledge, nor truth in/of knowledge, but purity through intent, there be no other way~

 A world be construct, structured upon a void of Purity, as in 'modern day" electricity, and all the false light touches. There seems to be a vacuum created from the electricity, which is but EM signal response, agitation brought about by a conductive wire placed between two polarities, in opposition. It seems the eye, which we call "providence" be no different. We are, in effect, stuck, dimensionally speaking. The dimensions, I have explained follow Phi pattern, and the rift (the point between dimension 13 and 21 are the exo of Phi, looking inward). I find that womb-man, then must be fashioned from the rift/the result. Thus the result be the outward manifestation, of DNA, in replicate, yet not in expression of the divine origin, from which Man stems. We are in effect, a part of the 4th dimension and the 3rd, the decimal be all that separate this world. 3 on the right, 4 on the left, thus 7 drawn to the center, as apex, or the eye, or...the conductive piece.

 The dimensions are essential, it is but the capitalization which has gone adrift. There are those, who work without rest, to gain the freedom to be interdimensional travelers. These dark ones, are however bound to EM pulse time signatures, as in 3:33am. This, the time, when the Light Waves be blunted, shortened most by low pulse frequencies.

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