The barking dog/demon or the ugly womb-man, Man must make his choice?
"It will be a difficult thing, the hardest yet, as to look at the solid proof before you, that you are indeed defective at your very base". What is known, in gene research, held now by only the elite, is the revelation of superiority and purity found in our very genes. Again, one sounds like a Nazi when going into this, and I am the furthest from this notion, whoever, was there something the SS new as fact, as well as the Masonic Order passed down the line, that the drone and sex slave class shouldn't know? As in, they were manufactured to be flawed, and with err? That to reveal this, would only incite confusion and anger, displayed with only aggression and riots, reaction? This is reveal in the those places where the name Marduk resurfaces as a King, a leader, an over Lord. This is not to say there be no God, or Messiah but to show all that takes place in the middle of ALL Creation. Time resets, repeats, and the Bible is very revealing on this level.
There is a possibility that we are being patiently coached along, as to want to be more, but that some, many just can grasp the notion, to strive, intellectually, Physically, Spiritually, to always GROW!
Because you bark, does not give you a voice. Because, I make the statement, to the all, and you then use your bark, to cast me down in society, with gossip, does not then justify your bark? You use the police, to only appear to rule with false law, cast over the principle holder? You expect a soft quiet lesson, yet another demonstration to take place? When you thought me nothing, which you contend to this day, you proclaimed yourself a self, and thus greater, due rewards, which were not rewards, but tests of "take", each action to manifestation, a sin taking light from your soul. Now from hell, you cry out for justice, knowing full well who I was, what I am, and from where you were stealing the idea of "plenty for self". You want provision to continue, yet in your becoming, you manifest on the expression of an illusion of self, this the best you can do?
When I use the term ugly womb-man, I do not imply for a moment, that anything hideous will due for breeding purification. I refer then, to the ugly womb-man, as what ugly be thought of in "today's standard" where there are none, truly. I find witches, sex slaves, demon and alien possessed control-bots (busy to gain control, so that the rightful heirs lose control, then to be cast aside, once the full plan of emasculation past 61.8% occurs). The ugly womb-man is thus, that formal humanoid, if you will, which most genetically concurs with Pure Man, those Men least infected by the strain of sex slave and drone. A quite unattractive, by today's standard, pure human, nearly indistinguishable of Male to Female, would prompt the perfected race. If you look closely, this is the natural order which occurs, as in most Asian based cultures, before the westernization produced more useless sex slave strains (those who exist to seduce and media control). The intellect, creation and production, with purity towards a monotheistic Uber Gott, is the way. This will sound foreign to all those, who have no souls, and are merely alive, to self preserve, absent the greater goal of the ONE MIND. Peace can be found, and the population will stabilize. Kings will thus need to chose this method as well, and I believe is Principle first law if you will, as true leaders or those posing as such, have wives who at least emulate this. Take One Mind off sex, place this Merkabah producing current force towards the BLISS PRINCIPLE. In short, show me a class of peoples with the ugliest womb-man, I will show you the most peace filled culture alive today. We are thus, taking biblical Genesis quite literal when we say, Man and womb-man, should be nearly equal. This can only occur if Man becomes the Ego of God, and womb-man the production. Then and only then, will the Four Principles of Light have a direction, this direction is up, suspending the left and right, as the 7th and 8th Points, thus to render 9, when truth be spin, aside from Purity. The Pure 8, is the goal!~
The Bliss Principle emerges as the Holy Spirit has been the ruler Spiritual One Mind force, within a sphere of exist, for a full 987 year revolution cycle, plus yield, hence "1000 years of peace".
If the Anti-Christ will usher in the Pure God Force of the Holy Spirit, I will be that Man, offer up my name, to be that Man, for the continued Purity, as the last sacrifice, would you? Point is, that if we all see Christ within (Spiritual King), then we can too see the Earth/Soil King, the corporal Messiah that is without. The Holy Spirit be the active force, thus at the top of the figure head, the Pyramid. It is that the eye is there, but the intention behind what/who it is, thus intent of the eye looking upon us. As there have been more than one spiritual leader, many not of good nature, so too, the eye is but a title as well, as all things are..what is the intent (abstract of course)
The main way, that we can assuredly "re-establish" Purity on earth, is to do away with sex, yet to reroute/relay this highly pure spiritual information/energy into dynamic growth as a unit. Proactively this be done first by quite simply PHASING OUT THE SEX SLAVE GENES. The most unattractive females, hold the key to this, those who are close to the origin of hermaphrodite original "Man". You know it to be true, and if you deny it, you do so by hiding behind the temporary veil of fad IE popularity, which reveals one, to he greater all as "sell out". Genetic knowledge, will help thus assist to reestablish like combinations of peoples, as to recreate the active Merkabah, in US, our pure representation of that pure star system, which we too, are mutating and effecting by "spiritual sexual drain". The answer, quite simply, is the beastly act of sex, seen as "normal" or popular in our brainwashed society, for good reason, will be no longer paramount, a prior, to our genetic disciplines, IE need to pass lineage on, and on. The sex slave, will be muted by the higher Phi ration measure of those pure in genetic profile in the ways of first Spiritual Mastery (as gene, all metaphysical off shoots) this is first class, and the first to be killed, and blocked now, as "leaders of pure sustainable society". The second class would be Wisdom Leaders, pure intellect, knowledge tide to the ether, deliver through pure focus. Third class would be the Syllogist, the math and order keepers. This group is the most dangerous, as they are auditors and bureaucrats, our Dewey system, stemming from Eugenic IQ bullshit, is the current power behind the machine. The contention is that Men like Jack Parsons, Bill Gates, Mark zuckerberg and such are of any use, outside Black Magic robotic compliant minion ship, in short, they are forcebots, calling on Alien/Demon forces to assist. There would be no media in a nonflamboyant society based around purity. Flavors taste better, and the taste manifests a richer soul, the experience is two fold the undulation of M or W, the frequency, set into light beam transition, creating all "forms" based on spin speed, frequency influence, within "time" signature, IE mind in motion.
We have thus, in all this, bowed, to sex, pleasure which by continuance, becomes soreness, pain, grief HELL. Those who can work this into "routine" are truly toxic people, who have been infected by the gene to such a degree that these embody impurity...thus enter the slut, or in our society what I call the "Hidden Slut" those who take, work witchcraft, yet put on a face of antithesis, demonic typical pathos and play. Syllogist, playing out math control methods with false emotions IE THE HEART IS NOT CONNECTED WITH THE HEAD. I have been able to observe, several of these types close up, there is no truth in them, they are accusatory, controlling, defensive, often using lies, and tears as methods to manipulate control, which they will lose, when their sacrifices cease, which is why they work so hard and are so "busy" with the many Men they juggle to bring down, for Satan, which is just a front btw. There is a major phasic based control agenda occuing here, which I will call galactic as the least, thus it is happening on many worlds, with is why the source can be so removed from Principle rule, The bark never ceases!~
We must use our technospiritual knowledge now, in our own final phase, the positive phase, unlike the Illuminati negative phase. The positive phase returns to purity, as choice, the negative phase, return to where we are now, as impurity. The degradation thus of "what purity is" slips yet further into the cracks, as Man shall become more and more a machine to inhabited, life forms will be given access to the body from different dimensional zones. This can easily correlate directly to the Bible, and validates the main message. Yet without the built in manipulation to control, "seen as pure scientific fact", which is the positive for science, being blocked now, THE PURE USE OF SCIENCE TO ESTABLISH PURITY BEYOND 61.8% DOMINANT FORCE RULE. We will, in this potential which seems bleak, rule as a single and peaceful mind, focused on purity in all aspects, in short regaining the best of life, as a single breathing bliss.
Speaking as
- a very typical example of a certain person or thing."the book is a perfect archetype of the genre"
- an original that has been imitated."the archetype of faith is Abraham"
synonyms: quintessence, essence, representative, model, embodiment, prototype,stereotype; More
- a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology."mythological archetypes of good and evil"
There was a time, to build will, I was there to show you, but did not listen. Even as the police came, in, proclaiming false law against me, I was steadfast as to allow your expression. In the excitement of death, you were promoted, to go on. Now, I am to revert back, to slave law, as in to give a show mundane, as morality and vitue? Then for you to hear, only, he is proclaiming himself above the law, all law! What crime have I done? Tell me? Crimes against myself? As to make appear, you impure roadblocks, would be deemed as worthy to my very fall? I have not fallen and will not fall, and the time here is torture. You have gone Kingless for far to long, and this is my time to rule. Lord over you I will, with a steady fist. You will never again be offered the provisions you so fecklessly call immutable law today. I will change the order, the frequency, the pitch and the tone. I will change the ri of Sun, and reveal you as worthless. Useless, inept, only barking, wanting more, more, more, yet never full. Titles, made up an hour ago, as in you universities, merit, of nothing. Teaching and toting facts, excepting things as they are, as I the higher mind suffer greatly. You are banished, and burn in hell, for eternity, for this. You, brought before me, an imprint of you feckless and worthless bring, so that I may remember you as such, see and know the demon blackness of your spirit, never to be a soul, it's over, there is no recount, your time signature is done, and I AM who I was in the beginning, even able to show humility to far greater lengths than you! Destroy the gratitude, you did, threw on the ground my genius at play. All, each day, have their chance as to display their ignorance before me, and you have, with each rejection, I AM aware, awakened, to who your master is, and there is none. We have allowed you to run free, isolated in this illusion, for good cause, and now your are relieved, each and every worthless rotten being, sucked into blackness, by being who have succeeded you, in strides. Demons, worth more than you, a sad day it is to see it all before me now, but a day a Pure True King must Temper as to Embrace. No place for he light of the world to go to? You have truly lost you way, and the way is now set and known, no more chances! You deeds are forever known!
I believe that our relationship to the Dog, is the communication by the elite, to reveal as "gentlemen" the agenda, as Man is to Dog , is as "Superior" is to Man. There are however 4 main offshoots of "origin" this list does not convey, the dingo, and other strains of Wolf. I belief Dog genetic manipulation reveal an outward and blatant measure of this, as well as an unconscious display of hypnotic expression, not unlike the child of abuse, communicating in illustration...hence Dog as the inferior, MIRROR TO MAN, womb-man being the inverted and upside down to Man, hence the Satanic Pentagram, is the Kali Yuga symbol for, the changing of the guard, sexualized assaultive takeover by sex slave womb-man, who will be sacrificed soon after this negative final coup. There will be a rise in female aggressive crimes prior to, the final fall.

I believe that our relationship to the Dog, is the communication by the elite, to reveal as "gentlemen" the agenda, as Man is to Dog , is as "Superior" is to Man. There are however 4 main offshoots of "origin" this list does not convey, the dingo, and other strains of Wolf. I belief Dog genetic manipulation reveal an outward and blatant measure of this, as well as an unconscious display of hypnotic expression, not unlike the child of abuse, communicating in illustration...hence Dog as the inferior, MIRROR TO MAN, womb-man being the inverted and upside down to Man, hence the Satanic Pentagram, is the Kali Yuga symbol for, the changing of the guard, sexualized assaultive takeover by sex slave womb-man, who will be sacrificed soon after this negative final coup. There will be a rise in female aggressive crimes prior to, the final fall.

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