
Monday, March 16, 2015

True Man, vs PURE MAN~


Thus, the full faith, and belief of CHRIST IN MAN
The impossible, is thus made possible.
One can not arrive in this place due to tamper, forgery nor fraud.
One has thus, fully employed oneself, as to assert the self, towards a god, who is but a Lord of the Fly's culminate, as remittance from past purge, the dark filth, which clings to the substance of dark matter, the tar of the universal tied, the reason for final destruction, aside from the purge of eras.
The substance is thick. It is the black magic(k) that hideous stink, death sub numerated, a negative charge. It hides form the Holy Spirit, as exposure to the Holy Spirit destroys it, instantly. In all it's defiance, and thick black sin of void, it does not purely thus truly exist, and relies on the pretext, of the machine, made up rules, for this very reason, thus the only substance to survive. Uber Gott works in such a way, as to not capitalize, but utilize all things, the Holy Spirit goes easy on this "existence" as the delicacy of ineptitude can only handle fleeting visits to such a place. The contrast alone, destroys all evil, yet thus, all those partially living be no more as well. It is in the pure, and authentic expression of UBER GOTT, that true mercy be known.

True Man, must be only True to himself, as to assert a self. PURE MAN, or MAN MADE PURE (origin connected to outcome), denies the self, thus recognizes the Pure True self as the active Principle of Purity in/into Motion. It is thus that this be the force, which keeps the machine operational, before the time of the next purge, when this pure force reaches an all time low IE density or mass prompted (as light/frequency bend current "reality"). Further, when the number cast to the lot, as when PURE MAN, can not exist, no longer function, as a PURE ONE, with the spherical constructs of Principle Spheres. The EPL Spheres, thus, represent geographical zones, in repeat, IE the fullness, the number, of density, to purge also the energy transfer. The full yield is success or THE PURE GAME. Those who create destruction, in active work, to bring about change, are thus taking on the perceived active role of creator or operator, not unlike a dictator. These are still working within the confines of the machine, and thus only set those laws of the beast, dharma, karma, into play IE "I did it to teach him a lesson" One would have had to have reached the pinnacle of superiority, which be to have achieve PURITY prior. Principles would have to become a way of life, throughout a lifetime, in order to achieve this higher mind state. One would not think in terms of "empty space" as occupiable thus ruleable "the game is given away, on the pretext that one aggresses into and onto the substance of nothing, with full force, thus to render nothing, no yield, the total absence of Holy force. The one killed for being occupied by the Holy Spirit, grows in the Holy Spirit, the force can not be harness, and becomes transient, as the operator of such methods becomes vacant to his very post. There is no law, no chaos nor order involved, he Spirit is Holy, and thus can only be understood by the most Holy source, which can not be known nor seen, for one would have to truly have the mind of the originator, thus to see oneself as such, would disqualify him, as fraud, or blasphemous to/towards the Holy Spirit. The Punishment, is to non-exist, as many will go into the void of vacuum in this day.
When I finally noticed, that impurity was the ruling force, only later to confirm that sacrifice of purity was indeed rewarded, I had no other universal guide, but life events/shifts/changes, to pull to. In this, mentalism worked against me, in that "like attracts like" EPL OR "as above so below" said Immutable Universal law. These two statements seem the same, but vary, in that polarity is not referenced, nor magnetism, with the prior. Like implies WILL, that is, "Become what you are" be the final statement. The later refers states "do what though wilt", in this, your acts, become you future self. Do it, make it, become it. This involves the sacrifice or death of purity within, or the death of the prior self, which was already dead IE based on anti-principle.

 Many say they want to follow Principle, but truly will to follow Anti-Principle. That is, to have spirit, only implies that a force fills one with figure. In this, one could easily make the statement "I feel good, so it is right". If one does not educate oneself on the the check list PRINCIPLES, one, as a body suit, simply has no guide. Purity alone, not congruent with material body expression. The major lie, is that you feel correct, on some level, yet know deep down you are wrong, yet all signs point to benefit through actions, your deeds of connectedness, have thus created currency, flow through, thus you deem the perpetuation worthy, therefor good.

 Purity will sting, as alcohol to a cut. As the removal of a growth from a healthy body, still be separation, division. In this, one who takes on the phrase "Do what though wilt", will see no consequence, not even through death, or the dying process. Thus deeming the training, what this is, all that "matters" in the sense that matter, is a school, a cancer. The ultimate reality, that the world is dying, due to ideal, and not Principle as rule thus "To live" is to die, continually, and thus to sacrifice others, at the rate of a "life of luxury", one clearly sees, the most devoid of Principle or the least in Principles understanding, thus active employment, appears, all illusion, to be successful.

 This is the lesson in life. I however believe that to learn this, and live! Makes one a master, for the world, universe, has been revealed as vacuum outside Pure reality. Thus, those who fail the test, return. The whole thing, is more than capable of being destroyed, and yet still exists, as a training center, in that the immutable laws, of agitation, have not ceased, the separation, or isolation field goes on uninterrupted, in that there is nothing contained within the training center, that apposes itself, in that self destruction is the main goal, of this "self", a unit separate from The All.

 It is in this discovery, that a Man is thus pulled out, in some fashion, relative to his like attracting process, that culminate into self expression. He will, at first deny this, as the process of rejection of him, for first mentally going against, or abusing the process (hive rules, laws). The laws are meant to be rejected, even abused, yet in these cycles, one is marked. The deeper one goes, in the rejection of immutable law, the disbelief set into motion, the more powerful the resonance or containment of the person be known. This "law" can be summoned, turned up, used on an isolated space/time. The wormholes, those same intersections, found in the original construct, before the purge, of spherical time desolation/reset, connect the moment of discovery, not unlike brain mapping, in fact the same. I believe, that if one were to take a "true subject", that is, the very expression of these laws, as a man filled of total earthly law, one would see, represent, in brain splicing (as has been shown), that this man as sphere, was but a map to the "greater" machine.

This Universe, had to be create, as to have never been, yet be eternal. Thus set within a conductive shell, a vacuum, which negates it's effect, or ripple/resonance, as to effect, outside phenomenon. The bombs, the black magick, the craft, are all ways, the "need to know" rebellion, are being lead by entities, who indeed are Man, in gestate, who are so tied to the machine, that they will be gone, as the vacuum will be now more. This will occur when a great space, or chamber, IE Universe, on into multiverse, releases this "contaminated nothing" into a greater volume of nothing IE vortex to purge.

 The only way through, is to become better, to become something. To become/be a part of a perceived moment, however warrants, nothing but deeds, to further crux one in space/time spherical phenomenon "here", which is nowhere. To resist this, one sets off the deep learning system, resist and attract that which the perceiver resists. To be indifferent, take one to an entirely different channel, of learning, or law, thus the universal teachings now center on the local sphere, the body. To aggress means to display a superior direct of current, when the current is set into motion, the laws prior writ, such as the law of sacrifice, a life for more life, come into play. It seems the entire unit, is based around the now harm laws, that exist outside the machine, thus within true Pleroma. We are earning trust based on Purity of intent. When we are no longer capable of survival within the machine, our souls are thus weighed. To understand this, one must see it as fact, as in looking through the machine, as a pure being, and seeing the flow of Holy Spirit, as the culmination of pure force, as to build a Pure Self, where there be none. Thus the only current, which is capable of transcending all dimensional space/time and events is the Holy Spirit. In my estimation, one must thus, become a part of the Holy Spirit, by thus taking on the Pure acts of Principles into motion, as training, maturing into the Purity Principle, which is the ultimate of source/force, as it does not work with/to the laws but invalidates the laws/universal/"immutable" laws.~

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