Those greater Spheres, are only the collective magnitude of like particles, making up continually larger, and yet smaller spheres. Between the Sphere, a vacuum, where dimensional portals create the very bend and spin, only appearing to separate these perceived "compartments of containment/separation". It would be pointless to get lost in the minute aspects, which are only highlighted, so to throw off the simplicity of life, the spherical spin of continuance. Protons, neutrons, electrons, Positrons, collect and become the order. That greater sphere, which holds the very geographical location of the moment, past, present and future. Time travel is based on these event horizons, separated by light, which reveals those various stages of Spherical placement as phenomenon. Those seemingly massive color coded Spheres, designated zones, hallways, that seem mystical, until we see the striking similarity, "It's all just a repeating matrix, the "geography" is thus known".
Always the same damn misleadings, the same deceptions
revealing the simplicity of it's all, spiritual math in motion
The more a body/planet contains the spherical form, and thus elements within the place of it's fixed geography, the more significant a place it has, in that greater macro moment. However, when it all stops moving, when the agitation and thus spin be no more, those bodies, which appear so massive, solid and significant in space and time, vaporize, as if those collection of particles, no matter how large or small in relativity, lose the very form. We may pick another name, for the end product, of mid production, on an ever larger scale absent the term Photon, but the larger function, repeats, there be no higher math, no infinite count, nor higher order. We are living in a machine, each particle willing a thinking mind, a one mind, to place focus on true freedom from the order of chaos.
A sad and sorry thank you, to those who are out masters. For we live on a misshapen composite of dead worlds, which were never part of any long standing era. As we search beneath the rock, as to reveal our selves, Man's own past, Man only digs up the remnants of those asteroids, from past EM grid synthetic atmosphere, which truly should remind Man, us, of our own inept ability to protect ourselves, from the Beings which shuffle about, as those architects, dealing in reformed carbon death. It becomes quite apparent of those true laws, which govern the "universe" are mere guides and jurisdictions, set sanctions of grid zones, those fields which we can not pass, within coming apart, ourselves.~
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