
Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Call~


The Principle effect, a notion to set motion OCEAN~
Homosexuality, in attempt to create a personalized socialist, libertarian system of personal government, deceives itself, in the notion. The act/mimic becomes a ritual, onto capitalism, worship of the discard/recycle which is, seen in the scope of degree, SACRIFICE, and the scape goat, called falsified sphere of transfer. Again, where does the energy go? Do you think it is energy, which be used, discarded, to burn an electronic lamp. The struggle between polarity, must thus have a dominant vibration, brought forth by first immutable law, the first breach, mentalism, above Purity, as Holy Spirit forging the course/force/source/flow through. To place significance on the act, as to evade the aftermath, of such an event. That is, in place of female reproductive worship, one becomes the female, the Kali trick, the eunuch's  see self as illusion, only to be filled up, by the unholy forces, of pure geometric entry points, that is, to recreate the idea, mimic to a structure, which is to hide the hideousness of the origin, the original act...Man lies with Man, when asserting womb-man as anything separate. Only by way of degree, altered expression, as if to change the pitch, the harmonic vibration of a soul, held captive within the prison of false form. To be specific; Forced to take on the Source of Kali Yuga. I do not believe, however, that sins/errors, when used through process IE discovery, are binding to the soul in any way, as long as ones will becomes the will of the Father as Holy Spirit inhabited, the sin was then thus, "done against you", for you were ignorant, a child (despite age) and did not know. The intellect, is thus a curse, as well as a blessing, for it must travel the full spectrum, through the full degrees of that intellectual tether, to fully understand...the folly of the force, as source...and to thus, leave no other avenues~

Thus morals mean nothing, but to justify the what, why, when, where...thus killing can thus be justified. The pollution of a Holy Spiritless sphere, is that degree, be held for the active agents which are called the elite, those who have seen and experienced the Purity of Truth, and place their WILL, towards the active destruction, of Purity, to occupy any form. Bestiality be no different, and in fact is one and the same, for to embrace and mean to harness the power of the beast/body suit, places the form filled absent Holy force, at a lower, but "virtu" filled dimensional opposition to Purity as Truth.~

It is only in the revelation of this knowledge, by which all Men, must serve a master, and thus proclaim affiliation.

First Cause~
The abducted child, that is you and I, who becomes abductor, has altered the past, as much as his present and future. Those who come to the Holy Spirit, are thus forgiven for their sins. Those who call out to another master, are thus held responsible of calling out to first be victimized, and therefor were not victim, but initiate. Thus a seemingly "same scenario", of a life, as story, is truly the story that is told to the victims heart, and from where the heart stems. We thus see, very bad people gaining immeasurably, to agonize and antagonize a victim response, and thus, the forced notion, to call out to the master of Money, success, prize.

The material dematerializes, and the heart be all that's left. The pulse of the heart, when the body be gone, the call to a master, the joining of energy onto a force, this happens each moment, like into like, form into form, of spherical make. When sphere is gone, only force remains, this is the real world, that never ceases, the degrees of extreme, of left and right, when direction be no more, then, only the substance of the form remain~

Fill the sphere with the Holy Spirit, and those buildings, governments, city's held for the long, placing impurity as Ruler, these will no longer have a picture reference, memory, or identity within the construct of the Purity occupied form. In short, each Man, will yell into the doom of night, for his master, the call~

Service, all is ritual, number, the symbol, sign~
 It is the idea, the thought, the notion, of government, thus a governing system to take the place of the Holy Spirits always clear and divine directive, it has never been different, this is the only unalterable law, which is not law, but Principle, will predates all law, fashioned to control a people, and to make people. Sacrifice again, be the essential component. The first thing said, "You are not perfect", or "Yea, but don't you want to have fun?". Do you know Perfection? What would this be, in human form? To be controllable, to be equipped, as slave with everything you desire, that is perfection, to the rotten human soul. The Holy Spirit is Perfection, and thus brings forth perfection. Fun? How do you know what fun is? Is fun not bliss, in fun's higher form? Is Bliss not the feeling which comes about, the recognition that all is provided for, thus all Principles are active, and in motion, effortlessly rendering yield. Move one finger, and they will find it a breach to their law, if that finger not be moved to bring more power to the hierarchy, as to serve a Lord, a manager, a boss, a cause.

Take any foundational statement, which there must be in all action all thoughts into action, and see it thus, as a Principle or Anti-Principle, which be a degree in a sphere of repeat. See then that bliss of this world always be 180 degrees, as Eve was from Adam, rhetoric be all that illusion does serve

So we see the revelation, of degree, as Title. To serve an area in the sphere, as to spin it, and fill it with intent. This, these have had a strangle hold on, for far to long. The order has not yet begun, the Holy Spirit shares, nothing with the unholy, here, there are not degree, nor do they exist outside the matrix, the prison, of geometric illusion.~

Thus the greater Governing system, can only express the greater systems which govern the "individual". The individual be bent, to serve thus the system. When the Principle of One, be greater than that of the system, the system must follow it's own corrupt "immutable pattern of law" and mentalize into the superiors vibratory polarity, as the serpent plays wise, and spins to survive, becomes the product of environment. Thus when lack, is filled with True Pure substance, it is found to be in breach, an empty shell, therefor there is nothing immutable but

Immutable laws, are thus destructible. Vibration, is just the application of knowledge, that is...that is to say, the acceptance, of currency can be deemed "Universal Harmony" or harmony, with Sin~

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