
Monday, March 23, 2015

The suspension of energy~


Not at all in the mood for writing, but I need to put this thought down:

It is often thought that engineers understand the order that seems to naturally take place, when constructing the machine which further impresses the Phi order of it's like. The perfectly constructed Phi machine, will create the sufficient current, the EM fields will merely suspend and dictate the order, as everything, as in space ship, and what power it, comes into divine order. We have but to look as the fermion which comprise us, as well as those Natural, un altered planetary bodies and positions, if this can indeed be observed?

The perfect sphere, with those perfected layers of energy conduction and flow, followed my specific size patterns, can created any sustainable energy production, storage as well as flow, by simply applying those immutable laws, towards the spherical positions, in relation, as to always recreate that related smaller and greater representation, as in fermion, as in the zodiac. This constant EM pulse and "sharing" or "energy transfer" should follow those principles which were offered and perfected in the construction of early pyramids. The more we view that outer representation, of how our own bodies work (calcium/magnesium/copper/sodium/potassium) the more we see that technology be only a representation of what we consider "organic". It's all just spinning spheres, at varied and related size differentials, using carbon as the solid form. ~

Why have a reactor? The more spin that is involved, the more spheres, Spheres can be made of pure light cancelled out by frequency transfer "routes". The computer grid is the biggest farce, as it gives a 2 dimension idea or construct to the merkabah in motion. The Illuminati has the same device or plan, in that the current plan, last phase, is to create a total automated interface, IE technology separate from spiritual force. The motion of planetary positioning is already a sufficient source to draw from. By placing spheres of related size, shape, consistent with the light or energy transfer to the greater sphere....but this is already happening, is what current means, currency, the flow from pro to anti. Exactly what is occurring on an ultra small relative scale, dictates the scale size, as well as materials used. In other words, avoiding the barbaric machine elements, as to copy completely the fermion size, rate transfer, and replication and containment (outer sphere) we can tap into the already "spinning" and energy producing we are in between the stars and the molecule in Phi size relation. This is already taking place, so technology be the very device used, as well as current schooling methods. We are using barbaric and mundane materials, as the rule for planned obsolescence, as we are made of the same discard able material, capitalism, all ism's in fact, are that greater representation of our recognition that we have been manufactured to die/decay.

It would seem that a cooling unit, once this power house were turned on would be the main, however that is precisely why the ocean exists. We live on a sustainable cog within a machine, which provides constant and consistent energy production and it is already working. Technology, is that foot hold, to slow, leach and buffer from the Merkabah itself. We are then faced, with the reality, that the laws are but principles, and the principles, when in breach, can only continue by way of that employment of anti principles...and around me go, back to the same explanation, same conversation. Why has this not worked? The beings which are suppose to work the machine, the reason thought is within/without "us" is to work the machine. The ignorant have taken over, and the spiritual King has been abdicated. Leaving only the lies, and confusion left, to a Kingless World. Man is now in his most vulnerable position, for he no longer has the keys to his own home or vehicle to move it. You have, given the key, literally, over to an alien/demon ruling source, that can only be sustained now, with further living sacrifice, of soul force, or energy. The numbers demand a specific sacrifice, just as the working Merkabah demands a constant flow of Purity, as source power. The artificial Merkabah has been erected, HAARP, Moon, Satellites, False that the sacrifices are now expected, and has become the ruling mind, or Anti-mind.

 I don't care if you understand this, or not. I don't care what you think. I am only expressing this, so that my soul can clearly express the undeniable fact that I wrote it, and placed the answer before you. Saving billions of mostly demonic and flawed broken forms, who will simply unexist, when balance be restored is futile and a complete self sabotaging waste of time and effort. Those who should know, and can know, will know and thus use the mental mind focus, as in the EPL construct, as the global system of Mind in Motion, Merkabah control. The organization of such efforts is up to you, and the acknowledgement of My creation and efforts is entirely necessary as a part of the conductive properties, of origin as current flows. Talking will do nothing, continuing to work and add to the problem will do nothing. These grids, spheres, need to be set up as massive, mind in motion, specific frequency and light structures of the imagination in order to get the Merkabah up and function again. There will be a massive shift, as the order will return. People outside the original order will die by the many, side walk and streets will be torn and twisted to nothing. and the simple pure life mechanism will instantly offer the only solution, let the machine work, as the spiritual sphere, or lose yourself and the dying crux to it, giving it all over the corporeal side of decay. In short, the cycle of death and rebirth will just end, the natural order of the un tampered with machine, will settle back into motion, this however can not instantly bring peace or eternal life, to the Son's born of Eve, unto sin...the sex.~

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