
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Seed of Cain, Heaven and Hell~


So, what about those, who have sacrificed others lives, without remorse? What of those who have laughed at morals and virtue, only using these as a tool to dig themselves into your life, only to cause havoc? Well, I would think that the Holy Spirit would be there, then gone, upon the intellectual arrivement, by the pure one(s). That is, Man is the Mind, and the motion is the Holy Spirit. When Man, Pure Man, calls out, with all of himself, he must be the one, to place into action, this mechanism to restore order. This is precisely why womb-man can seem to survive absent the Holy Spirit, because she festers under the false light. "She", seems to react toward auditory prompts. Man is thus the Light, draw to the light, as in the intellect, of that higher mind. Therefor one could esteem that it is in the cracks of frequency "she" hides, and thus the light must brake though the frequency.
 Only in the vacuum can light speed be increased, hence the symbol of the cross as a channel way, of direction, and the four columns of all divine initiated thought/action, hence the four corners in "magic".
 You must bring your grievance to this place, seeing that time battle is the cost, or value. In that, those who take you time away, are assaulting you. Not unlike any animal who takes on a defensive posture, those who are at the same time in peace, and equally in wrath, become great. It's just, how Purity based the origin be? If someone abuses the law, to cause harm, then should not the law as well as that self proclaimed "individual" be thus absent the Holy Spirit? That is to say, there must be a "time", in time theft, when a persistent and delusional person, must have time removed from them, that is the life preserving effect of the Holy Spirit.

 In magic, it is thought there are many sources, but this can not be so. There are thus, far less ancient and original forces, culminate, from the illusion, but once the illusion is unveiled, those original principles "mandates" must apply. That is, All Principle/light, when allowed to move in it's order, within a pure solution, move to the EPL directive. The return is always found between the last and first step, that final yield or return from Ego to Purity in Truth, which determines whether the current of force be sufficient. The issue then arises, that those using false force, that force culminate absent the Holy Sprit, are always in frenzy of lust for more, and call this Love, as a highest principle. Those can justify anything to benefit themselves, and thus are in the company of the majority. So we essentially have an isolated and contained field of Holy Spirit absent force, which drives on that point before the ego offering, as to avoid the ego all together, but to have noticed that the sacrifice spins the Pentacle or Pentagram in circled, The goal is, for these malevolent beings, be to recruit more force with divine spark, the fallen.
 So essentially the better you aspire to be, the more focus you place on Principles, as set forth by EPL, and long before that, EPL tapping into the Holy source of force, the more under attack the aspiring Pure will be under, and there are mimics of this who capitalize on the appearance of Purity, the highest breach. There are thus those who live in direct theft and opposition to the Holy Spirit, which is a limitless and "un-contend-able" force, unlike the forgery. The power is in the conviction, and the number, or mass, involvement and openness with the Holy Spirit, will help support this force as a structure. This sis why Principles are essential, around the clock Holy Spirit connectivity, and why the Merkabah is the representation of this mass focused action.

 So the question be, when will we know EPL is working? The answer, when the Merkabah become an undeniable fact. Many changes will take place, and the return to the order which was always meant to be. In short the vacuum needs to become the solution. If light moves faster, within the vacuum, then the vacuum is our original state. Thus frequency will drop off within the vacuum, However what caused movement, as we know it, is that the vacuum draws through vacuum less space IE Phi Swirl. We do not know what would happen, when the vacuum becomes 61.8% present, but that it will become the very solution. Matter will cease as we know it. Light will no longer be bent, thus time will cease. There will be no longer contrast, so in essence, Heaven would be found in a vacuum based environment, hence "The Pleroma". There can not be considered a constant, because there is no longer a flow or movement occurring based on pressure release, all live and existence would take place within the vacuum. For the carbon form this means death, however the instant transformation, which takes place, be unknown, and this is precisely where the faith factor comes into play.

0 Purity
1 Faith
1 Love

The solution awaits the majority perspective, that is; is Love to the left or the right?

Holy Spirit + Love = Son of God (Purity)

Love, faith and hope = Purity Less intellect which is Knowledge/intelligence, absent the Holy Spirit
"Do what though wilt" "Love is the whole of the law". Passion, Pleasure, thus truth outside the vacuum, hence gravity, and EM grid containment IE environment.

It seems that "environment" more so "community" is the downfall. It is the contention of EPL to say, state of mind, determines the outer world, or outcome. It is of the Principle less, those of Anti-Principle, to say change the outer, or the physical and you thus change the solution and thus the Person. In other word, control and bring every mind state down to the Holy Spirit free level. This is after all what society does, which is force the physical world to destroy purity, and thus keep sacrifices of Son's as the fuel to the fire.~

 It is not unlike jumping into a pond, which is unknown, dark. The mind must become the force, and so the source, and then with culmination,the environment. This is why there are "parts" of the Holy Machine, which have gone unused, unnoticed, and at times not even "there", due to this major dimensional shift. Once the force is chosen, those who go against principles will be the unlucky, instead of the other way around, as it is today, or yesterday:

Go against passion, or what is thought of as Love. Be in opposition to blind faith, based on hope of self attainment IE more stuff! Thus cause the greedy to experience a loss of pleasure, thus entitlement, and you are going against those current universal "immutable" or truly merely "sustained" law, "Do what though wilt" (Principle becomes enemy, or a threat self serving in pleasure). Those who thus are absent Purity and think they feel Love, are experiencing Lust, the anti. Lust for your offspring to be ahead of other's offspring, thus passion, thus competition=Got, or Gain (acquisition) thus to proclaim oneself GOD, GOTT or CAIN.~

Current immutable universal laws are truly a statement that magnetism is greater than light, or frequency and location.

For in the extreme, frequency exists absent of Light, and Light exists absent of frequency as these two prime forces, one, light being the source, cancel each other out, waves. So in essence, frequency takes from light, isolated, bent in zones, and mimics it, the sound. Purity is thus Light. God only then needed to radiate to communicate, slowed light to a crawl, outside vacuum, thus this "place" be a suspended containment field of this antithesis.

The free zone
"We can only name something a Principle, when "it" be in direct contrast to it's opposing force. When opposition no longer exists, vacuum, magnetism no longer exists, polar opposites."

Playing with Principle, creating "nature"
It seems, from all appearances, that the "agenda" be making great effort, towards replicating the Atomic world, particles, on a macro scale, architects recreating, dilating, principles into exploitable mass, by way of the observers relative size, within the isolated grid or zone.

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