
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Aerial up, aerial down (Antonio's famous phrase I borrow)~


EPLimath, in Man

If I were to take a random number of people, I would find, what studies show, yet do not look deeper. That if we enter the number, we become something else, when exposed to the number. That is, isolate, within a dimensional sphere, of compartmentalization, separated from the greater sphere, the greater number..."we become".  When one is left, thus vacant, one becomes whatever the default projects upon him/HER, to become. Forcebots~

The numbers always be the same. Take 100 of the most docile Men, give them a task, and the personalities emerge from within him. "I don't know where it came from, I just felt like I had to do it, become it". This is the percent, these are the numbers of Man, 666. He is stuck in the middle, an empty vessel, awaiting prompt. Blood be nothing more than spiritual oil, proteins, in expression, as it flow, with intent, by way of prompt.

It has been thus, the goal of many "Regimes" to escalate the Power Principle, which is to say, that Anti-Principle, pre-exist in Man. But this is not natural, so the sacrifices pass the numbers, those number Jesus stated, as the number of Man, which come, and go, in a moment, do not change, for the sphere has not change, that is, dilated in relative size, to the number of Man/Men. Therefor a drone, is Man.

This proves a containment field, based on behavior, reaction, placement of order, from where do the directives come? We thus create titles for our ignorance, to most, the term God, is just a proclamation, "I do not understand, and will not due to choice/fear, but must say God, as to discount the fear of evil from within, for I can not stand the thought of it" more day, you just want to live for one more day. Do you see the tally, of the days?

The life within you, is transient, until the HOLY SPIRIT be always present. Those who do not believe, have never stretched themselves across space time, but postulate/disprove exist, yet to exist another day? Stephen Hawking, is thus a vacant MAN, and in times past, a peoples would not turn to one, who has been stripped of full experience, do to this breach, a aid to the hive mind. Docile Man, filled with the UNHOLY presence. If so genius, show us the equation now to world peace? Yet you discount the existence of the Holy Spirit, and fully state in doing, that the Holy Spirit does not live in you~

The grid is active, and has been, and is in NEXT PHASE. There are two opposing forces, then there is a force which, when present, instantly brings all Principle in Purity, no matter how stark, always a correction, another dimension, the ruling factor~

So for the long, we have turned to idols, the Title is such, when Purity, and the Spirit of Purity, is all you ever needed to know. That extra Man, brought forth of lust, that 101st Man, was the dichotomy to the first, that whispering, weak agent, who like THE BEAM TO FREQUENCY, the Holy Principle shrunk, as syllogism be proclaimed "the knowledge". Where in fact, we find now, that 180 is all he can ever say, or state. This only arises when crux, geographical center, is not at the center, and thus to make the sphere the center to the greater sphere. all goes into a wobble thus, an orbit, contrary, absent of a self IE Polarity.

"You go on one side, I go on the other" thus to create the pull, left and right, good and evil. THEY DO NOT WANT THE SUSPENDED MOMENT TO END! And thus keep a constant flow, of blood, the numbers, it is a numbers game. The numbers game is to continue the illusion, that number goes beyond 21, or 1 and 2, the undulation, the vibration, of peace in harmony, the true PURE, suspended moment.

60 x 6 =360, always an abstraction, from the degree
60 x 3 =180, 606060, to keep the wobble, the polarity "fight" in spin

The angle, the degree, is one of perspective
perspective the idea of separateness, alone, but affiliation/community Man is told to seek
Blended, into community, Man becomes, what ever hardware be missing (Mason's, building, prompted, willing), Forcebot (absent Holy Spirit)

To serve the greater good, is not thus good. People suffer, die, are taken, tortured, enslaved, abducted, controlled, and we have evidence, clearly of our torturers, for the simple facts
-Since as far back as we can look, into antiquity of true history, what ever that be, they were there
-Great suffering has been here, for the long
-If they were saviors, instantly, with their so called superior technology, they would indeed save

A great lie, is spreading, The desperation, to turn to Unholy forces, for such relief, when these are the cause. Aerial up, aerial down

I no longer can view "space" as factual. I see a vacuum/dark matter, continued. The size factor tends to impress Man, because of his ignorance to the greater Mind, the dilation, still in awe of his human suit bodily exhibits, only seen as expression IE The erection, the Poop, the fart (if you laugh then you should, because the primal view is one of singularity...the black hole). To further isolate one from true phenomenon of "being", an isolated and contained "suspended" portion of the all, absent a through way, of moment into flow (where does the energy go?). Thus space, produced, and maintained, as singularity, separate from total culminated source/force, impure dynamics of being/an event (event horizon). These do not occur in true open space, but in isolated and contained conditions.

What I am trying to say, is that this convex/concave aspect, to interpretation, thus projection of thoughts through such "bent field", one can not trust what one "sees" through the convex nature of ones own vision, and the projection/interpretation/mirror of such.

We are projecting our own realities, and prompted fully to do so. We are supporting, as a unit, separate, filtered, from all tools, the all, in support of a falsity

-That all is space
-That all space is vacant vacuum IE no atmosphere (mundane charge in my mind), this should be determined
-Distance is thus contained fields of these same projections. mirrors, reflections of isolated events, cast and projected through specific vacuum EM stream fields, brilliantly acting multifariously, multiple perspective of tasks.

There seems to be a Purity Logic Entity, a force that works through all containment fields, the Master Mason, if you will.

What is called Peace and Life, leaves only the presence of dichotomy, Terror, Death. In this so called center create, we term reality, or again, center/crux. The moment, when fully viewed, with the mind that is, leaves the reality of a machine, which produces, or rather, reproduces, with force, the full moment, experience. Each of us, working as a projection, to this experience, as staged components. We can only blame another, based on his avoidance to take on the Holy Spirit as source IE to actively aid in the riding of purity.

The purity factor, is thus, something that is being willed by the machine. A production of pure essence/energy, to fuel further capitalization. There is thus, a Dimensional Star Wars taking place, in the true moment, to brake a the first breach, to this moment created, the ever  consuming machine...THIS IS THE CONTAINMENT OF THOSE WHO FIRST USHERED FORTH DARK MATTER, FROM DARKNESS, WHICH EVER CONSUMES, AND GROWS, IN THE ABSENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, PERPETUATED IGNORANCE TO "WHAT THAT IS", WHICH CAN NOT AND SHOULD NOT, THUS BE EXPLAINED, BUT KNOWN AS FATHER TO PURITY, PURITY OF THE FATHER. 

The unholy spirit
Dark Matter, is the goal, to all those things to the left, of the decimal point, meaning to consume all number, recreate the event. Man in his ignorance must do this, of his own will~

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