
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Know thyself


 To be pure Man, or pure Woman, isn't enough, one must attain the purity, that is free of that curse, on our forefather's and...Mother's past. The Moon holds many secrets, many dark secrets indeed. I have said it before, that in those dark hours, when Man be drunk, from his own ego, he is at a disadvantage, such is the entrance, to the very gates of Hell. If one doesn't travel through these "Angles" these corridors of life, in life, they will be in the disadvantage, body less, searching, trying to recount the reasons for their plight.
 The fact of Woman, is a dark one, She will drag you down into her misery, and attack your purity, because it is something she can not attain. Yet, through life times, we learn to ascend. The broken blood, flows through these veins, at such a rate, that the many angles of manipulation, are a set up, to the sadness these spirits wish to drag you into, and under. Thus do not rape, do not steal the sex, do not give cause to Woman, in her seduction she will teach things, that are only of the serpent, not relevant in the hard core aspects of pure and true godly Love. It is to show mercy, to thyself, in this aspect, I assure you, it will be all you have. The world, a stage of illusion, not a stage where you are the star, if purity becomes you, then you always were, above, looking down from those celestial places, filling spaces, in time.
 If you are careful, to also show yourself, a universe a multiverse, an eternity, an infinity, purity in compassion, you will think of the impact on self, and see, it is your mind that is under attack always. Learn to use the weapons, learn to fight spiritually, not excepting the falsehoods, of personality, there simply isn't, all appear then, as transparent lies, mimics, repeats, of what has been told to you, on many levels, in many ways~

You duty? As the Mason's preach to convince, in the unholy doctrine, is that this place, of carbon sand castles, can be Holy, if you place Love, into the illusion. I do not Love you illusion. We are gypsies, vagabonds on a road, all alone. To show an evasion to this, a deviation, is to thus lie to the one you suppose to Love. They say love fades, but purity, when owned, embraced, does not, can not. No Woman can thus remain pure, nor does she seek it, not like those rare souls, which truly crave nothing. I do not know, if on rare instance, this can occur, but I would be inclined to say, it has never happened, and is the root to these mad experiments. Purity is the most prized spiritual form, for all things grow of it. The Holy Spirit is the culmination of this force. So many ancient teachings, try to corrupt the meaning. The attempt at a pure form of evil, has been the goal, so to breach it, and thus show that purity itself can be breached. I am within a sinners body, I have thought and done things of awful sins, even been sentenced to Hell for my actions, taken through darkness, trickery and trials, memories of Witches killing me to devour it, yet still it remains, as a gift, yet seeming as a curse to those of you who will never possess it. Enemies will say they saw me sin, witnessed me do an unspeakable act, yet here I am, totally involved and swept up into it...because the first sins were done to me, the coaching the prodding. You did not see my dreams, nor hear the voices, now known, as scientific fact, in these last days, where the evil foreboding, has lost it all. Desperation I see, as they pull back, and attack at the same time.
 I have seen Angels in the Many, taking many forms, I have seen demons, seeming as people in the peoples army. People are not just people, but bodies, suits, that are willed and bound to a nature, a source of who they are. Purity must be destroyed, willingly by the pure, and the final corruption, is to take away pure thoughts form. I may seem impure to you, a breed that is strangely a equal combination, yet, purity is so powerful that to have it in origin, fight for it, and commit yourself to it. Relearning the teachings, that were once Principles as Communities cause. Blocked from the memory, an amnesia of it, you are not to blame. You must thus travel through these caverns, in life, before the crux to it is gone. You must be denied by everyone, shown to be useless, to this world and it's false personalities.
 You children I can sadly say, will not be pure, neither your siblings, nor you parents. They are the many who will to drag you down, in misery, they will reach for you, in the name of Love. Aye the truth is a complex thing, that would come quite natural, absent the many distractions .You are always under attack sometime blatant, sometimes subtle, and it is our job to trace through the steps of your mind. Know thyself!

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