
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

So you see, why WE are the terrorist's, to the Elite?


In the end, you'll forgive everybody, it is inevitable. Most, however, run off the fuel of discontent, the jaded sucking in of vital life force, from others. It is, after all, how the system was made? You either thus, live within the confines of the system, and are thus beast, or you live outside the system, and proclaim a higher personal governing principle, some would, at surface say, a higher moral standard? It can often times be confusing, as to what this means. We are inundated with false information, told things about people that further test our souls. We have to use the eyes of the soul, to see through and into the person, break beyond the false surface (always the same in this world) if we are to know the truth. Some seem evil, out to kill you, but on closer inspection, they were lead to believe, that they were doing the right thing, but did not have the eyes to see. It is thus, imperative, that aspiring souls, towards purification as a means, always, realize their God given ability, to see with celestial eyes.
 This statement defines us, makes us who we are. The idea of a Hemingway hero, a John Wayne prototype, is nothing more than a display, that Man be better suited, to except his role, as Man, as in the beast. A Man, of only Manly means, a "Pure Man" who is not pure, as much as he has, excepted himself as a Man. It becomes quite agitating for those who only see themselves as "the suit", as to endure the presence of a being, inhabiting the same basic "meat suit", to thus push this away, and believe, no, HAVE FAITH, in something entirely invisible to " a Man's earthly eyes".
 This again, why the Merkabah, must have someone, who is focused to such an extent, that they fear nothing. More so, that to take up Holy arms, to be denied the suit, sets one free to be themselves, free from this prison. When the tally comes in, and the information of truth be count, we see that the craft manipulation, be nothing more that a strong pulse of preservation? Preserve what? If you have discover, Aleister Crowley! That there is a hidden world, that this world is more real than any other. Further that there is a fight between good and evil, truly that which is Pure and Impure, then you have seen the fight, be nothing more than a rebellion towards to advancement and abdicating your rightful Throne. In this, I find it ironic that Aleister Crowley would state that Jesus, Adonai, had stepped off the Throne, and that Aleister Crowley would sit there, on high, in his place? We all have our own Thrones, so to speak, and these are the very seats we fashion in a life time. As the Body is a Temple, the Soul is the Thrown.

We are thus, placed with a paradox, of sorts. For if we knew, full well, that the world we can not see, is the real world, that there is no separation, there would be far more numbers, in natural flow, going towards good. It perplexes (last words of Aleister Crowley "I'm perplexed"), thus. That we should have gone through all of this, as to display "what we would do, when good and evil do not exist". So to further the notion, by using one of my favorite (yet lost) Philosopher's , Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche as example. Specifically his works titled "Beyond good and evil", that leave rhetoric to this fact. One thinks the answer must be quite complex, if the methods used to extract the "simple truth" are seemingly so? In my utter failure in this life, I have found the answer to be quite the opposite. A reduction will be required, on any account. It makes sound business, if you have not soul, to thus, franchise on the souls of others? For the many pass through those halls of Amanti, traded as commodity while enter the other side, in repeat. Of course there would be strong objection in the rekindling of Merkabah producing thought in Pure form, an entire world system will crumble in the awakening. So you see, why WE are the terrorist's, to the Elite?~

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